On Stalin's Team
© Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical means without prior written permission of the publisher. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION When Stalin wanted to temporize in dealing with foreigners, he sometimes indicated that the problem would be getting it past his Polit- buro. This was taken as a fiction, since the diplomats assumed, correctly, that the final decision was his. But that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a Polit buro that he consulted or a team of colleagues he worked with. That team—about a dozen persons at any given time, all men—came into ex- istence in the 1920s, fought the Opposition teams headed by Lev Trotsky and Grigory Zinoviev after Lenin’s death, and stayed together, remark- ably, for three decades, showing a phoenixlike capacity to survive team- threatening situations like the Great Purges, the paranoia of Stalin’s last years, and the perils of the post- Stalin transition. Thirty years is a long time to stay together in politics, even in a less lethal political climate than that of the Soviet Union under Stalin. The team finally disbanded in 1957, when one member (Nikita Khrushchev) made himself the new top boss and got rid of the rest of them. I’ve used the term “team” (in Russian, komanda) for the leadership group around Stalin. At least one other scholar has also used this term, but alternatives are available. You could call it a “gang” (shaika) if you wanted to claim that its activities—ruling the country—had an illegiti- mate quality that made them essentially criminal rather than govern- mental.
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