1. Where was the first shot of the Civil War fired? Fort Sumter

2. Name the eleven states that left the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina,Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Virginia, Florida 3. Who was the first and only president of the Confederate States of America? Jefferson Davis

4. What states were in the Eastern Theater of War? Virginia was eastern theatre Western theatre- every battle outside of Virginia 5. What was the first true battle of the Civil War where spectators came to watch in Virginia? Bull Run

Give three facts about the North’s new hero, U.S. Grant. 6. loved to smoe cigars and problem with alcohol 7. failed at everything except military 8 hired an assistant to help keep him away from the bottle sight of blood made him gag


9. The first major Union victory in the Western Theater was in Tennessee at the Battle of ______.Shiloh 10. Shiloh is a Hebrew word that means of peace

Name General Lee’s right and left arm of his army that each commanded half of his army? Jeb Stewart was his eyes 11. Right Arm – - 12. Left Arm - Longstreet Give three facts about Stonewall Jackson’s life. 13. West Point Grad


14. Was a professor at VMI when the war started known for his religious beliefs, calm and battlefield genius. 15. never ate food he liked becasue he thought it was a sin, ate lemons on the battlefield 16.-18. After Lee’s great victory at Second Bull Run, he decided to invade the North. Give three reasons why he needed to invade. 1, England and France may join thier side with one more win 2. They could get much needed supplies 3. Many men from may join their army 19. Two Northern soldiers found Special Order 191 behind a tree. What Special Order 191? Lee's Battle Plan 20. What was the bloodiest single day in American History? Antietam Why was the important? 21. -it stopped Lee's invasion of the north 22. -B/C the Union(north)army did not lose, President Lincoln was able to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. 23. -B/C Lee did not win the battle on norther soil, England and France decided to wait on joining the south's side What three things did the Emancipation Proclamation do? 24. it stated that all slaves in the confederate states were free unless... 25. those states in the Confedereacy rejoined the union by January 1, 1863 26. it did not free any slaves in the border states(Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and Deleware

1863 27. What happened to General Stonewall Jackson that changed the war?

28. The Battle of ______Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle in American History!

29. General Lee decided to invade the North and fight one battle on Northern soil to end the war once and for all. Why did the actually start on July 1st, 1863? It started by accident over shoes Gen AP Hill sent men into town looking for shoes, and the north and south met 30. On the last day of Gettysburg, General Lee sent 15,000 men across more than a mile of open ground to try and break the Northern center. It ended in defeat. What was the name of this famous charge? Pickett's Charge 31. What was the Battle of Gettysburg? --bloodiest battle in U. S. History 50,00 casualties, --Pickett's Charge --it failed and the north finally defeated Lee's army


Civil War in Georgia 32. What was the bloodiest battle in Georgia history? Battle of Ckickamauga 33. Who won the battle of Chickamauga?

the south won but did not capture Chattanooga as planned

34. What was Andersonville? a prisoner of war camp for Union soldieers located in Georgia

35. How many Union soldiers died at Andersonville? 13,000

1864-65 36. After capturing the rail center of the south, Atlanta, what did Sherman do to the city? (pg. 273) set the city on fire/ Burning of Atlanta

37. Where did Sherman’s March to the Sea start and end? started in Atlanta and ended in Savannah

38. What did Sherman’s army destroy in Georgia on his march to the sea? all military targets and any civilian economic system the supported the Confederacy including homes, businesses, farms, etc 39. What did General Sherman give Abraham Lincoln as a Christmas present in 1864? 25,00 bales of cotton and the city of Savannah that was captured

40. Where did Lee surrender to Grant to end the war? Appomattox Court House in Virginia