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Copyright © by Kaitlyn Williams and Maria Emeka Table of contents


THE GLORIOUS NIGERIAN JOLLOF Red Jollof Season spicy The Nigerian awesome Nigerian Party

SENEGAL JOLLOF Senegalese Ceebu-Jen Senegalese rice and meat Senegalese Veg

THE GAMBIA JOLLOF Gambian Beef & Chicken The Gambian Chebu Chen

SIERRA LEONE JOLLOF Sierra Leone Salone Sierra Leone Vegetable Sierra Leone vegetable

TOGO JOLLOF Togo Jollof Tomato-Free Paprika Togolese Chicken Togolese spicy Seafood

CAMEROON JOLLOF RICE Cameroonian Vegetable Cameroon mix

LIBERIAN JOLLOF RICE Liberian Chicken Liberian Ham The Hirshon Liberian Liberian broth

THE DELICIOUS JOLLOF Ordinary Ghana Ghana Chicken Ghana Beef Ghana Spicy Fast Ghana Ghanaian Cauliflower Ghana Coconut Ghana mix

MALI JOLLOF RICE Lamb Jollof Rice Malian chicken Occasional Malian Malian



Over the years in Africa, I learned that there's a huge Jollof war. Each country including Ghana and thinks her Jollof rice bests the others. Many of us are aware of this War and will have loved to taste each country's Jollof and cast a vote. However, an opportunity is here.

As a tourist and in my years of traveling, I've come to understand that there is always one thing the diverse people from the universe want and this time, Jollof rice is the thing. Who doesn't want a good meal?

For every good meal all over the world, there is a source, for every good Jollof Rice in the world, there is Africa where Jollof reigns and the rest of the world where Jollof is needed. So many people crave the renowned Jollof Rice, the majority has been unable to have a taste or prepare the majestic one-pot meal or prepare one close to perfection. Now is the time to do away with your worries and be glad because I and my diligent African associate have taken the time to get all this together and for every one of you, and everyone will get it right and sweet.

If you have been looking for how to prepare Jollof, if you have been craving Jollof, if you have been wondering what Jollof Rice is and what it tastes like if you need proper lessons and skills to resume your Jollof wonder pot if you are looking for an amazing meal for a friend, a relative or a loved one, if you would love to try out new meals, then look no more because you'll find everything here.

The Benefits of this book in worth can't be rivaled. But it's also worthy to understand that everyone who will possess this book will have unlimited access to more than 30 different Jollof Rice delicacies from different countries in Africa and a very amazing skillset limited to few people in the whole world. This is Africa in a book. A rare opportunity and one that people in Africa don't have. This book will present a chance to try, enjoy and perfect the skills of one of the most important dishes in the African continent. During my time in Africa, I learned something from a popular saying in Nigeria it reads thus," the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" and technically, it's true. For when a man eats a delicious meal, he remains happy and a happy man will do anything for the woman in his life. (This is an African secret and it works like magic).

Why should you delay? No reason at all. Start your adventure today, enjoy the culture and learn a new art, be happy for yourself and treat yourself, friends and family to an amazing meal.

The Glorious Nigerian Jollof

Nigerian Jollof is a very rich and iconic meal to the Nigerian people. It's incredibly tasty and stands as the most incredible one-pot meal to the West Africans. It is a versatile dish with so many preparation methods attached to the Nigerian way but it is usually made from scratch using major ingredients like Rice, fresh Tomatoes, peppers, Tomato paste, curry, Onions, Salt, and other spices. Nigeria has been involved in all the Jollof war with serious claims to the Nigerian Jollof is the best in the world. In all honesty, the Nigerian Jollof is unique with a great taste that will leave your appetite unsatisfied and voracious all day long. They have succeeded in decorating Jollof rice and making it a compulsory meal at all celebrations. This is, in fact, a milestone for the Nigerian people. Nigerian Jollof is not complete without introducing the "PARTY JOLLOF" this type of Jollof stands tall in the Nigerian Jollof family and takes the lead when "delicious" is the watchword. It usually tastes the same in almost all Nigerian parties and if I didn't know better, I'll say the same hand prepares all-party Jollof but the distinction is embedded in the method of preparation and ingredients used. We'll get to see all that in this amazing book. It's a meal everyone should try out. It's always worth it. Nigeria says there's no Jollof without the Nigerian Jollof. That is up to you all to support or dismiss claim after you have a go at the Nigerian Jollof. We took out time to scout and test these methods from the different unique parts of the country. Enjoy the Nigerian Jollof(s).

Red Jollof Beef/Chicken/Turkey

Ingredients Meat/fish/chicken 1 teaspoon of Curry powder 1 teaspoon of dried thyme 1 teaspoon of rosemary spice 2 onions (sliced) 3 Bay leaves 2 Tins of Tomatoes Some Fresh tomatoes (blended) Salt to taste Some habanero pepper (blended) and dried pepper 2 Nutmegs 3 cups of rice 1 ginger 5 cloves of garlic 4 Maggi seasoning cube

Preparations 1. Marinate meat with curry, thyme, rosemary, salt, 2 cubes of Maggi seasoning cube, blended pepper, onions, ginger, and garlic. 2. Boil meat for 5 minutes until tender. 3. Remove meat and keep stock (broth/bouillon gotten from the simmered/boiled meat) aside. Fry meat (optional). 4. Now Parboil rice. (Put rice in a pot, add 3 cups of water, and allow to boil. Sieve the water and keep the rice aside for later use). Use the same oil from frying meat to fry onion; Fry tomatoes puree and blended pepper together (if you didn't fry the meat, then use fresh oil to fry). 5. Fry till its sour taste is gone. 6. Then add 2 seasoning Maggi cubes, a little salt, half teaspoon of thyme, bay leaves, nutmeg, one teaspoon of rosemary spice, one teaspoon of curry and fry together for at least 4 minutes. 7. You can now add meat stock (water from the boiled beat and 2 cups of water). 8. Allow to boil, add kitchen glory (any seasoning) and allow boiling for two more minutes. Now add rice. 9. Set the heat to moderate and allow to cook till done.

10. When it's done, place fried meat on it. And boom, you have your Nigerian Jollof.

Season spicy Jollof

Ingredients Canola oil or any type of vegetable oil or Butter Chicken Fresh tomatoes (blended) Tomato paste Tatashe (cayenne pepper) 3 bulbs of onion A handful of Habenero pepper (blended) 3 Maggi cubes Bay leaves Black pepper (a special kind of spice) Curry powder Thyme White pepper Garlic or onion powder (blend the garlic) Ginger 4 cups of rice Chicken stock Salt

Preparations 1. Marinate and boil the chicken with curry, Thyme, salt, 2 cubes of Maggi seasoning cube, blended pepper, onions, ginger, and garlic. When it's tender and done, separate the chicken from the stock. Fry the chicken if you'll prefer. 2. Parboil the rice, wash and set aside as always. 3. Put a pot on the cooker and then add the canola oil and butter. Allow it to heat and then add onion and allow frying for some minutes. Now Pour the tomato paste, and let it fry with the onion but stir always so it doesn't get burnt. (For 7 to 9 minutes). 4. Then add the blended tomatoes (already blended with the habanero pepper) and fry together for 3 to 5 minutes then add your spices (2 Maggi seasoning cubes, Thyme, curry, black pepper, Fry and stir for 12 to 18 minutes (not too high heat). 5. You can now add the chicken stock and stir. Now taste to see if it needs salts, if it does, add to your taste then low the heat and add the already parboiled rice and stir so it doesn't stick or burn (let the water in the pot cover the rice a little). 6. Leave for 30 minutes on medium heat. If in 30 minutes and it's not done, leave for another 10 minutes. But if by that time the water is dried and it's not done yet, add a little water and watch it till it’s done. 7. When it's done, low the heat and allow for 10 minutes. Serve and add chicken.

The Nigerian awesome PARTY JOLLOF

Ingredients 3 cups of rice Chicken/beef/ fish Two tins of tomato puree 4 big sized tomatoes 4 fresh red peppers 2 bonnet peppers Ground pepper Vegetable oil Salt 3 medium-sized onions 3 seasoning cubes One teaspoonful of Thyme One teaspoonful of Curry Bay leaves

Mini Preparations 1. Wash and slice the onions properly. 2. Wash the chicken/fish/beef thoroughly and cut it into medium-sized pieces, then boil it for a few minutes with some sliced onions, curry powder, Thyme and one or two seasoning cubes. Once it's tender, remove the mixture from the stock and set both aside. 3. Now prepare fresh tomato stew. (You can prepare your fresh tomato stew with following steps: a. Rinse your tomatoes, peppers, and onions properly. Cut them into smaller pieces, and blend using an electronic blender and keep aside it’s done. b. Parboil your rice. Pour the rice into a pot containing water, and let to boil for 10-15 minutes then sieve the water. Main Preparation 1. Pour the vegetable oil into a medium-sized pot and heat up for 45 seconds. Add sliced onions, a pinch of salt and fry until the onion begins to turn golden. 2. Add tomato paste, curry powder, bay leaves and thyme and stir-fry for two minutes. Add the blended tomato stew and Stir properly and allow the mixture to cook for a few minutes. 3. Now add the chicken/fish/beef stock you've set aside earlier. Stir the mixture with a spoon and allow it to boil for few minutes. 4. Now add 2 seasoning cubes and stir together for a minute then pour in the parboiled rice to this mixture. Now add the remaining curry powder, thyme, pepper, and salt to the stew and don't stir vigorously. 5. If the water level of the stew is small, add a little water and cover the pot and allow the rice to cook for at least twenty minutes. (Cooking with medium heat is highly recommended during this process). 6. Occasionally taste for salt and pepper, and check for water. It will become wet and soft if the water is remaining by the time the rice is ready, just Lower the heat and let dry. 7. Now you can turn off the heat and serve.

Nigerian Party Jollof 2

Ingredients 4 cups of rice or more 1kg beef/chicken/fish (beef will serve the purpose here) 4-5 large Fresh tomatoes (blended) Fresh peppers (also blend with the tomatoes) 1 tablespoon of Curry powder 1 teaspoon of thyme 1 teaspoon of nutmeg powder 2-3 seasoning cubes 3 large onions (slice and keep ready) Vegetable oil One ginger finger (blend) 4 cloves of garlic (blend) Salt to taste

Preparations 1. Put at least 1 or 2 cups of water in a pot and put on the cooker with normal heat, wash the beef thoroughly and put in the pot, add a little blended ginger and garlic, a little salt, 1 seasoning cube and allow boiling and becoming a bit tender. 2. Remove the beef from the broth/bouillon/stock and set aside. You can fry the beef if you wish. 3. Now parboil the rice in a different and bigger pot, when it starts boiling, allow it to boil for 4 to 5 minutes then sieve the rice and wash it thoroughly then set aside too. 4. Put back the pot on the cooker and let the droplets of water dry off. If you fried the beef, you should use the oil gotten from frying the beef. 5. Put the oil (about 250ml into the pot and allow it to heat for at least 45 seconds. 6. Now add your sliced onions and allow to cook until it turns lucid or translucent then add the tomato sauce and allow to cook for 30 minutes. 7. Now remove half of the sauce cooking and set aside then add the beef stock/broth/bouillon to the remaining in the pot, add the remaining blended ginger and garlic, a teaspoon of Curry and thyme, a little salt to taste, add 750ml of water allow to cook for a minute or two then add the 2vseasoning cubes then stir and cover then allow to boil. 8. Once it's boiling, add the rice, and cover the pot and allow to cook for a few minutes then add the tomato sauce you removed earlier (this helps to make sure the rice doesn't get burnt) stir once and cover the pot for the rice to get done. If the water in the pot is already dried and rice is not ready yet, then add just a bit more to help it get soggy. 9. Once it's dried, lower the heat and let to cook for a few minutes more than bring down and serve with the beef.

Senegal Jollof rice

The war of Jollof rice between African countries has not only made the world realize how delicious the African Jollof can be but also created an avenue for deep researches to be made concerning the amazing art. And from what we found, it's widely believed that Jollof rice originally originated from Senegal although it was an accidental creation by "Penda Mbaye" a cook based near the Senegal River delta and Portuguese trading posts, after a shortage of barley, forced her to use rice for cooking which today is a celebrated food in Africa. Senegal can be said to have one the most delicious Jollof rice in Africa and we'll guide you through the processes.

Senegalese Ceebu-Jen JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients For (African sauce) or Obe ata 5 chopped tomatoes 3 red capsicums (Chopped) 6 small red chili’s (Chopped) 100 ml cooking oil Little salt 1 bulb of onion Maggi cube (optional) or any other seasoning cube Nicely chopped 3 spring onions Nicely chopped 1 celery stalk 1 handful fresh African mint (commonly found in South Africa) chopped 3 wild onions (Nicely chopped)

Ingredients for Fish and rice A cup of water 2.2 lbs. firm fish such as marlin, cut into nice large pieces 44 lbs. chili flakes mixed with 1 tablespoon of salt 2½ tablespoon of cooking oil 2 cups of already parboiled rice 1red capsicum and 1green capsicum (chopped) 2 fresh tomatoes (nicely chopped) 2 celery stalks with leaves (Well chopped) Salt to taste 3 carrots

Preparations 1. To first make the obe-ata (African sauce), blend tomato in a food blender then transfer to a bowl. 2. Blend the capsicum and chili and transfer it to a different bowl. 3. Heat the oil in a large saucepan or pot on medium heat; add the spices (onion, shallot, spring onion, celery, African mint, Maggi (seasoning cube) and a little salt and cook but stir very well, until the onions are lucid. 4. Now add the blended tomato and the capsicum-chili paste and cook for 10 minutes and with that, the sauce is ready. 5. To make the fish/meat and rice, sprinkle the fish/meat with the chili spice and salt and set aside. 6. Heat the oil in a large pot on medium heat, add the carrot, capsicum, tomato and celery, and little salt to taste, and cook for 10 minutes or until softened a little. 7. Add the fish/meat, water, rice and Obe ata (African sauce) then gently mix and allow to boil. Cover with the lid, reduce the heat and simmer for 45 minutes or until the rice and vegetables are cooked and ready to be eaten. Note that: It's traditional to cook with red palm oil but if you have health or environmental concerns, you can use any cooking oil.

Senegalese rice and meat CEEBU-YAP (RICE AND MEAT)

Ingredients 2 Tablespoons of Tomato concentrate 3 Cups of rice 1½ Tablespoons Tamarind paste 1Medium Scotch Bonnet pepper (more if you like). 2onions 2 Maggi cubes 2 tomatoes medium size 10 fresh okras 1pound of fresh beef/lamb/goat 2 bay leaves ½ tablespoon of Curry powder 1Teaspoon of Thyme (dried) Cabbage 1 fresh zucchini 3 Cloves of mashed garlic, 3 tablespoons of cooking oil 1 tablespoon of dried shrimp 2 large carrots (chopped)

Preparations 1. Start by boiling the meat, after washing/cleaning it with salt to disinfect and kill the germs, boil for about 10 to 20 minutes then remove it from the water and place the meat in the oven, cover with foil, on 325F for 35 to 40 minutes. 2. Use fresh fish don't boil it and leave the bones. The fish should be tough and hold up well to frying. 3. Grind 1 Maggi cube, 2 cloves garlic, and a half bunch of parsley together then Stuff the fish with this mixture and fry (or oven bake) on high heat then Set the fish aside to be later added to the pot on of rice. 4. Heat the oil and just enough to coat the bottom of the pot. Make sure to use a large pot that has a fitting lid. 5. Rinse the rice until the water is clear. Put fresh water in the bowl with the rice. 6. Wash and prepare your vegetables. Put them in the bowl with the rice and water. 7. Chop the onion, green pepper, and garlic. 8. Cut the top off of the tomatoes. Do away with the tops. Squeeze the paste out of the tomatoes into the pot of hot oil. 9. Now add the onions, garlic, peppers, bay leaves, and scotch bonnet pepper to the oil. Make sure it's high heat and cook until the onions are lucid, then add additional salt to taste. 10. Add the carrots, grounded shrimp, and Maggi cubes, cook for about 10 more minutes on medium-high heat. 11. Now add the tomato concentrate and the tamarind paste. Add the dried thyme and curry powder too. Stir everything together on medium-high heat. 12. Pour the water off of the rice and add the rice to the pot. Stir it well so that the rice is coated with the liquid/sauce in the pot. If you don't like much chili or for your health's sake, remove the scotch bonnet pepper and set it aside now. 13. Add 2 cups of the seasoned water that was gotten from boiling the meat. Add the meat at this point and stir. The rice should be ready now. 14. Boil the veggies in a different pot for about 5 minutes, drain the vegetables and put them in the pot with the rice. Place a layer of foil over the pot, to cook the rice with steam. Put the lid on. 15. Let it steam/cook for 20 t6 25 minutes on very low heat. Turn off the heat and let it sit for another 15 minutes and you bring down. 16. Serve with fresh lime wedges if you wish.

Senegalese Veg JOLLOF

Ingredients 2 pound Fresh fish 2 cups of Vegetable oil 6 cups of Water 2 medium-sized fresh tomatoes (chopped) 1 medium tomato paste 2 large Onions (diced) Carrots (chopped) 2 stock cubes or seasoning cubes 1tbsp curry powder 1 teaspoon thyme 1 small Cabbage (chopped) 1 Medium Bell Pepper (Optional) 2 Bay leaves (chopped) 3 cups of rice 2 Maggi cubes

Preparations 1. Wash Clean and cut fish in halves. 2. Blend Onions with Fresh Tomatoes and Bell Pepper together. 3. Fry the fish in the vegetable oil until both sides are golden brown. 4. Remove fish and add half of blended/chopped onions with tomato and tomato paste to the hot oil and fry until brown. 5. Pour 1 cup of water and stir until dark brown and allow to cook for a few minutes. 6. Add 5 cups of water and let to boil, then include cabbage, carrots, bay leaves and leave for 3 minutes. 7. Then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. 8. Remove the vegetables and add the rice and the remaining blended onions add seasonings (2 stock cubes, 1tablespoon curry powder, and 1 teaspoon thyme) for taste if needed and stir for a minute. 9. Reduce heat and cover the pot. Simmer for 10 minutes or until rice is cooked then add vegetables and allow for 2 minutes and serve.

Senegal Thieboudienne

Ingredients For the fish and rice: A handful of parsley or a full cup 2 cloves of garlic 1 Scotch bonnet pepper 1 tablespoon of shrimp 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon salt to taste 3 pound of any white fish of your choice and cut into halves 2 cups of rice (jasmine preferably) and soak 1 sweet potato (chopped) 1 eggplant 3 habanero peppers for the sauce 4 carrots (chopped) 1 head of cabbage (chopped) 2 peppers (bell preferably) 1 cup of vegetable oil 1 cup tomato paste 2 large onions (diced) Already sliced 3 cloves of garlic 2 habanero peppers or scotch bonnet pepper 3 tablespoon of shrimp 1 teaspoon of black pepper And Salt to taste

Preparations 1. First, we marinate the fish. Get a food processor, blend or grind the parsley, garlic, scotch bonnet or habanero pepper, black pepper and salt into a rough paste. 2. Drill two holes into the fish and fill them with the parsley mix. 3. Broil or fry the fish until it is golden brown on each side then set aside for the sauce. How to prepare the rice 1. Blend or grind the scotch bonnet peppers and garlic into a rough paste. 2. Cook the sliced onions in the oil, on medium heat until it's lucid 3. Then add the tomato paste, and stir for 5 minutes. Next, add in the ground garlic and scotch bonnet and stir for another 3 minutes 4. Put in, black pepper, and 8 cups of water. At this point, taste the sauce for salt, and add to your satisfaction. 5. Put the tough vegetable first into the sauce and cook until soft then add in the sweet potatoes, cook until soft and remove then set aside, next to the carrots, cook until soft and remove too. Continue this process with all the vegetables until they are all cooked. 6. Keep the cooked vegetables aside and then add in the fish and cook in the sauce for 4 minutes. 7. Next, drain the rice that has been cooking and pour it into the sauce. The sauce should just be enough to cover the rice. Cover the pot and cook on low-medium heat for 20 minutes. You may try to seal the cover of the pot with foil to prevent steam from evaporating. 8. At the 15th minute mark, check that the rice has absorbed the moist and is soft. Cover and cook for another 5 minutes if it needs more time. If the water has dried and the rice is still not tender, add in half a cup of water, cover and allow to cook but watch closely and takedown when it's soft to taste. 9. Serve hot with the fish and veggies.

The Gambia Jollof

The Gambia is small in size (10,000 sq. km) but it's a diverse multi- cultural society with many ethnic groups and where most people are as a result multi-lingual. Indeed it is not uncommon to find people being able to speak 3 to 4 local languages.

Amongst many, there's still one very important art they share with other African countries and it is the great art of cooking the African Jollof rice. Let's look at the amazing recipes of the Good Gambian people.

Gambian Beef & Chicken JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients For 4 cups of rice (Double the ingredients should be used) ½ pound of beef ½ pound of chicken 4 fresh tomatoes fresh 1 large bitter tomato (eggplant/garden egg) Vinegar ½ pound of small cabbage 3-4 cloves of garlic (ground) 3 onion bulbs 2-3 dry bay leaves Salt 4 fresh peppers ¼ pound of pumpkin Maggi seasoning or other seasonings Black pepper

Preparations 1. Wash and cut the beef and chicken into medium portions. Mix and season with black pepper, salt, vinegar and pounded garlic. Leave to settle for 30 minutes before cooking. (The meat will absorb the nutrients and kill the germs). 2. Prepare vegetables by slicing into portions carefully. 3. Peel, wash and slice the onions onto a different plate. 4. Wash and slice or pound the tomatoes. 5. Fry chicken in a pan of hot vegetable oil until golden brown all over then remove and put aside. 6. Fry the beef and leave in the cooking pot. 7. Fry the onions until brown, put fresh tomatoes, cook, & stir occasionally until it is soft and moist 8. Add tomato paste and pounded peppers, cook gently for 15 minutes 9. Add half cup of water mixed with jumbo Cubes, Allow it to boil rapidly then place the prepared vegetables, bay leaves, fried chicken, and salt to the pot of meat. 10. Cook for approximately 20 minutes. 11. Bring out the vegetables and chicken when cooked and place in the oven on low heat. Leave the beef in the pot and cook for a further 20 minutes until soft. 12. Place the washed rice to the pot, add sliced peppers and allow to boil properly. 13. Reduce the heat, cook for 25 minutes until most of the liquid is absorbed and the rice is well cooked. 14. Your Jollof rice is ready. Serve the Jollof Rice on a large platter, place vegetables and meats on the side.

The Gambian Chebu Chen Special fresh fish Jollof rice

Ingredients 4 cups of rice (for more rice quantity, double the ingredients) 2 or as many fresh fish as required 2 cups/tins of vegetable oil 2-3medium fresh tomatoes in Water (5 to 7cups) 2 small cabbages 3 onion bulbs 1 tin tomato paste or 4 tablespoons of tomato paste 3 carrots 2 bay leaves 4 cups of rice Salt to taste Pepper

Preparations 1. Wash the fish and cut them in halves. 2. Fry the fish in the vegetable oil and make sure both sides are brown. 3. Remove the fishes add onions, fresh tomato, and tomato paste to the hot oil and fry until brown too. 4. Pour water and allow boiling, then adding cabbage, carrots, bay leaf, adding seasonings, reducing the heat and simmering for at least 20 minutes. 5. Remove the vegetables and add the rice while continuously stirring. 6. Reduce heat and cover the pot. Simmer for 10 more minutes, then bring down and dish your Jollof rice. 7. It's ready to be served.

Sierra Leone Jollof

Sierra Leone is a fine country in , on the Atlantic Ocean. It’s known for the white-sand beaches lining the Freetown Peninsula. They are quite gifted in the art of the famous Jollof rice. Although with a distinct method, it is one food that's mostly prepared when there's a celebration and that in fact makes it a unique choice. Sierra Leone prepares Jollof with a different sauce also called a stew.

Sierra Leone Salone JOLLOF

Ingredients Chicken or beef Plenty onions (slice them all) Vegetable oil Tomato paste Salt Maggi Green and red peppers (blend pepper and get it ready) Rice Water

Preparation 1. Wash meats, put into a pot, add a little salt, Maggi and onions, and steam for 15 minutes on normal heat. 2. fry meats until it turns golden brown (must be golden brown) 3. put all the meat together while the pot is still cooking, then add already sliced onions(plenty), already blended pepper, 2 cubes of Maggi, salt and tomato paste into the pot. Cover the pot and allow to cook for some time 4. Then add water and allow it to marinate until water is dried up just enough for the oil, sauce, and meat to be visible. 5. Low the heat, allow to simmer for 3 minutes then bring down and set aside. 6. Now start with the rice by washing and making sure it's neat. 7. Pour rice into a pot of hot oil, add already sliced onions, tomato paste, salt, and already blended pepper to rice in hot oil. 8. Allow for 3 minutes and add water (one-half cup for each cup of rice) to allow cooking until it's absorbed and rice is soft and ready to be eaten (use a fork to check this). 9. Add cabbage or any other vegetable and stir then allow for 3 minutes and turn the heat to the lowest. Allow for another 3 minutes and bring down 10. Serve Jollof rice in a plate and sauce in another or by the side.

Sierra Leone Vegetable Jollof rice

Ingredients 1 kilogram of beef (cut into pieces seasoned with salt and two stock cubes and cooked till it’s tender and smooth) 2 big brown onions (slice1, blend the other with the chili and fresh tomatoes) 1/4 cabbage 2 big fresh tomatoes 75g tomato paste 4 medium-sized carrots 7 spring onions 1 green capsicum and 1 red capsicum 1 tablespoon dried thyme 1 tablespoon of curry powder 1 cup of vegetable oil 5 beef stock cubes 1 habanero pepper 4 cups rice and 4 cups water (one for each cup) 1 Saucepan

Preparations The first process is the stew: 1. Add vegetable oil in the saucepan, add brown beef, then add 2 tablespoon tomato paste and fry for 5 minutes. 2. Add half of the already sliced onions and chopped spring onions then cook for 5 other minutes. 3. Now add half of the blended tomatoes, onions and chili cook for extra 10 minutes on medium heat, then add chopped capsicum and cook for another 5 minutes. 4. And with that, the stew is done. 5. Bring it down nicely and keep safe.

Now for the rice:

1. Scoop any excess oil from the stew into the saucepan and use it to fry the rest of the sliced onions and carrots for at least 3 minutes. 2. Then add the rest of the tomato, onions, chili, blended tomato paste, thyme, curry powder, and stock cubes and fry for about 5 minutes. 3. Wash and add the rice, then add 4 cups of water and little salt to taste. Use a sheet of foil over the pot and cover or just cover the pot. 4. Turn the heat down to the low setting and let it cook for 14minutes. 5. Now add the cabbage, stir to mix, cover and cook for 5 minutes or till the water is completely absorbed (check with a fork). 6. And boom there you have your mouth watering Jollof Rice and Beef Stew. 7. Serve and enjoy.

Sierra Leone vegetable JOLLOF WITH CHICKEN

Ingredients Steamed chicken Seasoning (VEGETA) Jumbo Maggi Salt Blended green onion and green and red pepper Green onion (sliced) Vegetable oil Tomato paste (2 big things) Cabbage

Preparations 1. Get a saucepan, pour the vegetable oil allow it to get hot, then pour in the steamed chicken and fry till it turns golden brown remove and keep aside. 2. Now put in the sliced green onion and pepper in the same oil and stir for about 4 minutes then add the blended onion and pepper and stir. 3. Add the jumbo Maggi and little salt and stir (taste and be sure it's ok). 4. Put the tomato paste in the stew and stir together for 2 minutes. 5. Then add the chicken, stir for about 2 minutes. Then low the heat and extract the stew into another pot but leave the oil in the saucepan. 6. Was your rice and drain ( preferable)? 7. Increase the heat, add the sliced cabbage, stir and add the rice and stir everything together. 8. Now add the water gotten the steamed chicken and stir (make sure not to add too much water) for 3 minutes. 9. Now add another tomato paste and stir, add foil so the steam doesn’t escape from the pot. 10. Stir together. Rice should be ready now. 11. Low the heat and allow simmering for some time then bringing down and serving with stew.

Togo Jollof

Togo, which is officially known as the Togolese Republic is one of the smallest countries in West Africa and has the same border with Benin (east), Ghana (west), Burkina Faso (north) and Gulf of Guinea (south). Lomé is its capital and French its language (official). Togo has a population of about 8 million and covers about 57 thousand km. Togo is known as one of the narrowest countries with a width that is less than 115km.


Ingredients 5 cups of rice Onion (chopped) Tomato (chopped) Pepper (chopped) Seasoning Salt to taste Tomato Paste Water Vegetable oil

Ingredients: Togolese salad Carrot Sweet corn (medium size) Mayonnaise Macaroni Baked beans Vinegar Cabbage Salad cream Cucumber White onions Green peas Tomatoes Lettuce

Preparation 1. Blend or chop the Tomatoes, onion, and pepper to your desired size. 2. Place a cooking pot on the cooker and add about a quarter of the vegetable oil 3. When you notice the vegetable oil has heated, add the chopped or blended tomatoes, onions, pepper and stir for about 2 minutes, then add the seasoning, salt, and tomato paste and stir until it gets fried. 4. Add about 3 cups of water and allow it to boil. 5. When it has boiled, Wash the rice and add into the pot and cook for about 30 minutes 6. And subsequently, add water little by little to avoid the rice sticking together.

Preparation: Togolese salad 1. Chop the cucumber, onion, and tomatoes and keep separately 2. Boil the macaroni and green peas separately, 3. Shred the cabbage, grate the carrot, chop the lettuce and put them aside. 4. Put all the boiled, grated, sliced, chopped, and shredded ingredients into a sizeable bowl and pour a small amount of vinegar to sterilize. You can afford to risk food poisoning since this will be eaten raw. 5. Mix a good quantity of mayonnaise and salad cream 6. Pour it into the bowl and mix them, then add the green pea, macaroni, sweet corn, baked beans and mix them until they are even. 7. You can refrigerate or serve immediately with the rice.

Tomato-Free Paprika JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients 2 cups of cooked white rice (gluten-free) 2 tablespoons of Sunflower Seeds Oil 1 tablespoon of garlic powder or a clove of garlic 1 tablespoon of Afri-cube or any MSG-Free bouillon powder 2 tablespoons of Paprika Powder

Preparation 1. Place a pot on medium heat and add the sunflower oil 2. Pour the rice into the pot, add garlic, bouillon cube, paprika, 3. Stir and mix the ingredients well until they are even. 4. Cover and allow to cook for about 4 minutes 5. Remove and serve Tip: You can serve with Meat, chicken, etc.

Togolese Chicken JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients 2 tablespoons of ginger (freshly grated) 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil 1 clove of garlic (freshly crushed) Cayenne pepper (4 pinches) Half tablespoon of black pepper (Ground or crushed) 12 pieces of chicken (6 thighs and6 legs) ¼ tablespoon ground sea salt

Preparations 1. Create a seasoning marinade by mixing the ginger, garlic, 2 tablespoons of the sunflower oil, pepper, and salt. 2. Pour the 12 pieces of chicken in a large bowl, add the marinade and mix until the chicken is completely covered all over. 3. Cover the chicken, put in a refrigerator and allow to marinate for at about 1 hour 20 minutes. 4. After Marinating and ready to cook, heat a barbecue grill to medium/high. 5. Place the chicken on the heat and grill. Regularly turn the chicken to be grilled evenly. 6. Cook the chicken for about 30 to 35 minutes until chicken pieces look golden.

Togolese spicy JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients 4 cups of chicken stock (Grinded) 2 Cups of par-boiled rice (long-grain) 1 tablespoon of butter or margarine ½ tablespoon of curry powder 2 sizable tomato (sliced or chopped) 2 tablespoons of tomato paste 1 clove of garlic (crushed or ground) 1 medium onion (diced) 1 large red capsicum, (diced) 1tablespoon of sunflower oil Fresh thyme (3 stems) ½ tablespoon of sea salt 2 fresh bay leaves 3 pinches of cayenne pepper 3 pinches of black pepper

Preparations 1. Place a big pot on a cooker and add the butter and oil until it melts. 2. Mix pepper, onion, cayenne, curry powder, tomato, garlic, capsicum, and salt to taste. 3. Pour the spices/vegetables in the pot and stir together with the hot oil/butter. 4. Reduce the heat of the cooker to low and add tomato paste, then stir and fry for 30 seconds. 5. Add the rice and stir until even. 6. Pour the chicken stock, bay leaf and fresh thyme, then stir until they are all mixed and even. 7. Continue to stir the pot as you bring the stock up to the pot 8. Reduce the heat to low and stir to make sure the rice is not sticking to the pot. Cover the lid. 9. Cook on low heat with the lid of the pot on for about 10 minutes. 10. Turn off the heat/cooker and leave the lid on, then allow the remaining heat to cook for 10 minutes. 11. Keep the lid on until you are ready to serve.

Seafood Jollof rice OVEN-BAKED

Ingredients 4 bulbs of onions 2 cups of rice 2- 4 pieces of green peppers 2 tablespoons of tomato paste 7 pieces of tomatoes 3 tablespoon of vegetable oil 1/2 tablespoon saffron (optional) 1/2 tablespoon smoked paprika (optional) 1 tablespoon of thyme powder 1/2 tablespoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon of Curry Powder Cherry tomatoes (optional) 7 Tiger prawns (cooked) 10 mussels (cooked) 20 clams (cooked) Seafood topping: One half-cooked lobster 1/2 tablespoon of Salt

Preparations 1. Place a pot on medium heat, add vegetable oil, and 2 diced onions and fry until it turns golden. 2. Add the tomato paste and fry for about 5 minutes. 3. Grind or blend the green peppers, 2 onions, and tomatoes and add to the mixture. 4. Pour the garlic, spices, stock and cook for 30 minutes, stirring regularly. 5. Pour in the rice and stir for a few seconds and then transfer the contents into a baking tray. 6. Cover the baking tray with a foil to be airtight. 7. Put the rice in an oven and bake for about 25 to 30 minutes on medium heat. 8. Put the seafood in the rice at the last 10 minutes, since it is cooked already. 9. You can now serve.

Cameroon Jollof Rice

As a country in Africa, Cameroon is located just between the Central and Western Regions of Africa. Officially known as the Republic of Cameroon, the country is surrounded by at least 6 other African countries including Nigeria.

Not much is known about this country and Jollof rice, but being one of the only 10 countries to prepare the famous Jollof rice, fact shows it's one their most celebrated dishes and they prepare this dish differently from the most country but it's believed that they prepare one of the best Jollof in Africa which has been tested and trusted and confirmed to be true.

Let's see about Cameroon and Jollof.

Cameroonian Vegetable JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients 3 cups of parboiled rice also known as (Crispy rice to avoid sticky rice) Large 5 tomatoes (blend into a thick liquid) 1 cup/tin of tomato paste 1 large onion 7 cloves of garlic (chopped) 1 1/2inch ginger root (peel and slice) 2 celery stalk 1 chopped cilantro (optional) 1 green onion (sliced) 1 sprig of basil (sliced) 1 teaspoon of white pepper (optional) 1 cup cooking/vegetable oil 3 seasoning cubes (or any other) 1/2 lb. beef cut into bits Salt to taste 1/2 habanero pepper 3 sliced carrots A handful of green beans 1 large green pepper sliced) 1 teaspoon curry powder and dried thyme (optional)

Preparations 1. Put together the garlic, basil, celery, ginger, parsley, and habanero pepper in a blender. Add half a cup of water and blend into a thick liquid. 2. Put the beef in a saucepan, add 2 cups of water, add a pinch of salt, a little of sliced onions and 1 tablespoon of the just blended spices turn on the heat and let it cook for 10 minutes, then remove beef from the sauce and set sauce aside for later. 3. Now Cut the beef into bits and Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the chopped beef and add at least half a teaspoon of the blended thick liquid spice but Mix well and keep it to be used later. 4. Pour three cups of water into a different pot then add 1 teaspoon of salt, curry powder, and thyme if in use and allow to boil. 5. Now wash the rice and add to the boiling water and let it cook on medium heat until the water is dried. Let the rice rest for 5 minutes at least then brush with a fork. 6. In a big pot (enough to contain the rice) pour in a quarter of the oil and allow to heat up for about 4 minutes on high heat then add in the seasoned beef and Let the meat stay some time to color brown (that should be at least 3 minutes on each side) now remove meat from the oil and set aside again. 7. Put in the rest of the oil and let it cook for about 4 minutes put the sliced onions and let them cook for 3 minutes until lucid. 8. Add in the thick liquid tomatoes and let it cook but stir at intervals until it starts sticking to the bottom of the pot. 10 minutes should do this. 9. Add the tomato sauce and stir at intervals for about 10 minutes. They are ready when the tomato sauce separates from the oil and no longer tastes acrid but smooth. 10. Add the blended spice mix and mix perfectly and let it saute for about 2 minutes. 11. Put in the beef stock and seasoning stock cubes (Maggi) and allow simmering for at least 5 minutes. 12. Now add the green onions and stir for about a minute then add the sliced carrots, green beans, and green pepper and mix perfectly. 13. Add in already boiled rice and beef. Mix everything perfectly on low heat until well absorbed. Careful not to break the rice after that, turn off the heat and allow to cool for a minute or two. Ready to serve.

Cameroon mix JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients 4 cups of long or short grain parboiled rice (crispy rice to avoid sticky rice) 1 tin of tomato paste 1 big onion 3 cloves garlic 2 gingers 1 tablespoon smoked chili powder (paprika is found) 1 bell pepper (optional) 1 kilogram of chicken 3 Bay leaves 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper 1 scotch bonnet pepper 3 cups of vegetable oil 2 cups of chicken stock cube Carrot and green pea mix 2 cups at least Salt to taste Thyme Curry Parsley Note: Blend the tomatoes, ginger, garlic, Scotch bonnet pepper, and parsley and keep ready.

Preparations 1. Cut to size then wash and season chicken with ginger, garlic, salt, curry and thyme in a nice saucepan over normal heat. 2. Allow to steam for 10 minutes, remove and the seasoned water and keep aside. 3. Pour oil in a different pot, put in onions and let it fry for at least 2 minutes, then add in the mixed blend of tomatoes, parsley, garlic, ginger, and scotch bonnet pepper then Sprinkle some salt and allow the tomatoes to cook for 10 to 12 minutes but stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the pot. 4. Wash rice in warm water, rinse twice and Pour into the pot containing the tomatoes and then add in chicken stock (seasoning water), paprika powder, bay leaves cover and leave to cook for 15 to 18 minutes. 5. Add and stir the carrots, peas, bell peppers and a seasoning stock cube. 6. Cover and allow to cook for 5minutes. 7. Check to see if the water has all been absorbed if not, allow for another 5 minutes then low the heat and allow for 4 minutes and there you have your Cameroon Jollof. 8. You can eat with peppered chicken or grilled fish. 9. Enjoy with some fried or grilled chicken.

Liberian Jollof rice

Liberia is officially called the "Republic of Liberia. It's a country located on the coast of the West African coast. It's bordered by Sierra Leone to its northwest, Guinea to its north, Ivory Coast to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the southwest. The country covers a total area of 111,369 square kilometers (43,000 sq. mi) and has quite a population number of around 4,900,000. English is its official l language, but the people do speak over 20 indigenous languages. Each one representing the numerous ethnic groups that make up more than 94% of the population. Monrovia is the country's largest and capital city. Today's Liberia started as a settlement of the American Colonization Society (ACS), who believed that black people would have better chances at freedom and prosperity in the African continent than in the United States of America. On July 26, 1847, the country was declared independent but the U.S. Failed to recognize Liberia's independence until February 5, 1862, during the American Civil War. Liberian constitution and flag were designed like those of the U.S. A. On January 3, 1848, Joseph Jenkins Roberts, a Rich free-born African American from Virginia who settled in Liberia was elected as the country's first president after the people declared independence. Today we'll prepare some of the most famous Liberian Jollof rice. NO SPECIFIC NAMES WAS ATTACHED TO SOME JOLLOFS BUT WITH EACH DISTINCTIVE FLAVOR, WE'LL LEAVE YOU TO NAME AND MAKE THEM SPECIAL TO YOU PERSONALLY.

Liberian Chicken Jollof rice

Ingredients 1 pound ground chicken 1 large sweet onion cut into cubes 1 large yellow onion cut into cubes 1 large Chicken Breast cut into cubes 1 pound cube steak or stew beef 1 pound of smoked turkey wings 3 pounds of fried small Chicken wings 3 pounds of steamed shrimp (optional) put and stir this in after rice is done if it'll be in use. 1 cup of bell peppers sliced 1 or half bag of frozen mixed vegetables Salt and pepper to taste 1 can of tomato paste 3 Chicken seasoning cubes 4 cups of rice Hot pepper to taste

Preparations 1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper to taste over medium heat and let it stand for about five minutes. 2. Bring the Chicken in a frying pan with one half cup hot oil. Then put the chicken in a large pot. 3. In the same frying pan, put Onion, one-half pound cubed salt, Ham or Beef. 4. Fry these lightly and add to the Chicken. Combine one small can of mixed vegetables (drained), one small can of tomato paste, three Chicken seasoning cubes, salt and Pepper to taste. Cook for ten minutes. 5. Add 4 cups of rice, stir well, and cook slowly over medium heat for 35 to 45 minutes. 6. Bring down when rice is soft. 7. Variations could include Shrimp or spare ribs. Variations of vegetables could include string beans and stewed tomatoes. 8. Three types of meat are often used for this method.

Liberian Ham Jollof rice

Ingredients 1 (chicken) 1 pound sewing beef 1 smoked ham 2 large onions 1 tomato paste can 1 bottle of cooking oil 1 kg of frozen mixed vegetables 3 cups of rice Salt and black pepper Cabbage

Preparations 1. Cut up chicken into smaller chunks, beef, and ham. 2. Season chicken with salt and black pepper. 3. You can Flour and fry chicken and beef or just fry the chicken and or beef. 4. Into the heavy pot with deep bottom, pour one cup of oil (use oil in which chicken and beef have been fried). Fry sliced onions and 1 sliced Liberian/hot pepper (optional). 5. To this, add meat, ham, and tomato paste and stir very well. If chicken is tough, it may be added at this time. 6. Add in a little more than the quantity of water required to cook the rice. Season with salt and black pepper. 7. Cover and bring to boil and cook over low heat for 10 more minutes. 8. Add chicken (should be tender by now), add mixed vegetables and rice. As soon as the mixture starts to boil; turn and reduce heat to lowest and cook until rice is done. 9. Using a spoon raise from the bottom and sides often to prevent the rice from sticking. Note: Rice should not be soggy. Cabbage wedges may be used instead of mixed vegetables (if desired). Add cabbage when the flame has been reduced to the Lowest.

The Hirshon Liberian JOLLOF RICE

Ingredients ¾ cup palm oil or peanut oil 1 pound shrimp (shell and devein) ½ pound chicken breast, (cut into chunks and cook separated) ¼ pound ham and cut into small chunks ¼ pound bacon, minced. 1 sweet onion (chop it) 3 cloves of garlic, (chop it) ½ cup bell peppers (different colors like green, red, yellow and purple would suffice) chop nicely. 1 pound of frozen mixed vegetables (peas, corn, and beans would suffice!) 2 habanero peppers, seeded and nicely chopped. 1 teaspoon of freshly chopped nice ginger 2 fresh tomatoes (sliced) 12 ounces tomato paste 2 cups of homemade chicken stock (the broth from seasoning chicken) 1tablespoon crushed Seasoning cube 5 sprigs of fresh thyme 3 bay leaves 1 tablespoon of smoked sweet paprika 3 cups short-grain already cooked white rice, Minced parsley for garnish

Preparations 1. Blend together the fresh tomatoes, tomatoes paste, hot peppers, garlic, onions and ginger to a paste in the food processor or blender. 2. Heat the paste in a large pot until bubble balls start coming up – this is to heat out the water so the paste thickens and concentrates the flavors (When it's done, keep aside). 3. Fry bacon in a medium saucepan until it becomes slightly crispy, and then remove bacon and reserve. 4. Pour ¼ cup of oil into the medium saucepan containing the bacon, fry shrimp, the chicken and ham on medium-high heat until it becomes brown, and then remove them all from the pan. 5. Now In the same saucepan, add the rest of the oil and fry the tomato paste over medium-high heat, add the bell peppers and mixed vegetables and reduce the heat to medium. 6. Now allow to cool for at least 6 minutes; then add stock or water while stirring, seasoning cubes, bay leaves, paprika, and thyme. Then add the meat, reserved bacon and shrimp to the mixture. Cover and cook for 20 minutes on low heat. 7. Lift the meat and shrimp from the sauce with a slotted spoon then pour the prepared rice into the sauce while stirring, allow on medium heat for 6 minutes (that should be enough time to dry the water and make everything come together). 8. Serve on a plate with the meat and shrimp on top then garnish with minced parsley by the side.

Liberian broth JOLLOF rice

Ingredients 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 pound chicken, shrimp, and fish 3-4 cups of water or stock (broth from seasoning chicken) 1 cup of green beans 1 cup of shredded cabbage a teaspoon of Salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon of thyme 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper or fresh chilies 1/2 cup green pepper (chopped) 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger 2 onion bulb, finely chopped 5 garlic cloves 2 cups long-grain rice 1 can tomato paste 1 pint of tomatoes, diced 3 carrots (slice them) You can also add any or all of the listed vegetables: eggplant, squash, and mushrooms

Preparations 1. On your heater or gas, place a pan with a long handle on it and add a half cup of vegetable oil allow it to get hot enough for a fry then add the already seasoned chicken, meat or fish and fry. 2. Now Remove from heat and set put in a larger pot then add 2-3 cups stock or water to chicken and cook on medium heat for 21 minutes. 3. As that's going on, fry the onion, green or red pepper until soft that should be like in 4-5 min; add garlic and fry for 2 more minutes. 4. Pour and stir rice into the onions and peppers, then add tomato paste, stir and make sure it coats the rice enough to give it a reddish color. 5. Now add chopped tomatoes and let them cook for several minutes. 6. Now Pour this mixture over the chicken and add carrots, green beans, cabbage and other spices of available. 7. You can now Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes which should be enough time to bring it to perfection. 8. Bring down if the water is dried and rice is tender, if not, add stock enough to make the rice tender, and don’t stir when adding the extra stock. When it's tender and dried, bring down from the heat. 9. Serve on a platter, garnish with sliced hard-boiled egg and serve.

The Delicious Ghana Jollof

Ghana, which officially is the Republic of Ghana, is a country located along the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean in the sub- region of West Africa. Spanning a land mass of 238,535 km2 (92,099 sq mi), Ghana is bordered by Côte d'Ivoire in the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo in the east and the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean in the south. Ghana actually means "Warrior King" but in the Soninke language. The first permanent state in the territory of present-day Ghana goes back in time to the 11th century. Many kingdoms and empires emerged over the centuries but the most powerful was the Kingdom of Ashanti which started right in the 15th century. Ghana's present borders came to existence in the 1900s as the British Gold Coast. Ghana became an independent country of the United Kingdom on the 6th of March in 1957. Ghana has a population of approximately 30 million which over time spans a variety of ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. Ghana's diverse geography and ecology system range from coastal savannahs all the way to tropical rain forests. Ghana has also involved in the hot Jollof wars between other African countries and has been seriously having a tough fight with particularly Nigeria as to who should he be crowned king of Jollof. Today we present you a very rare opportunity to have a taste of all of Ghana's favorite Jollof and choose a king to your kingdom. It's going to be a great one. First Ghana Jollof coming up will be the "ORDINARY GHANA JOLLOF"

Ordinary Ghana JOLLOF

Ingredients 2 onions large and yellow (chop roughly) Half cup vegetable oil and two tablespoons, divided. 14 ounce of fresh tomatoes. (Chopped) 6 ounce of tomato paste equivalent to 1 can 1 habanero pepper 2 teaspoonful of curry powder 1 teaspoonful of garlic powder 1 teaspoonful of ground ginger Half teaspoon of mixed dried herbs 3 chicken stock cubes (crush them) 3 cups long-grain rice 1 cup of frozen mixed vegetable 2 - 3 cups of water Salt

Preparation 1. Add onions and the 2 tablespoons of oil to a blender and blend until smooth then transfer to a medium bowl. 2. Now add the diced tomatoes, tomato paste, and habanero pepper to the blender, and blend until smooth. Then Transfer to a separate bowl. 3. Heat the remaining (80 ml) of oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. 4. As the oil begins to sparkle, add the onion puree (the one you blended) and cook until the water has cooked out and the puree is starting to brown, this should take about 11 minutes. 5. Now pour in and stir the tomato puree and then add the curry powder, garlic powder, ginger, dried herbs, and crushed stock cubes. 6. Allow to Cook for 25-30 minutes, make sure to stir occasionally until the stew has reduced by half and is deep red in color. 7. Now comfortably add the rice, mixed vegetables, and water and a little salt. 8. Allow to boil, then reduce the heat to low and cover the pot with foil and a lid (or just the lid). 9. Simmer for another 30 minutes, until the rice is cooked through and the water is absorbed. If there's a need to still cook, add a little water enough to cook the rice but not enough to not be absorbed before the rice is cooked. 10. Serve and enjoy.

Ghana Chicken Jollof

Ingredients 2 lbs. chicken Vegetable oil 4 cups of rice 15 large fresh tomatoes 4 large onion (chopped) 3 cloves garlic 3 cloves of ginger 5 medium-sized fresh pepper 2 sachet tomatoes paste or 2 cans 10 medium-size carrots (wash and slice) 10 medium-size green pea (wash and slice) 2 bulb green peppers (wash and slice) 4 seasoning cubes Salt to taste Chicken seasoning

Preparation 1. Wash thoroughly the tomatoes, pepper, garlic, ginger, and onions and put in a blender and blend till it's all smooth. 2. Then put in a pot and cook till the water dries off 3. Prepare your chicken by washing with warm and salty water, put in a pot, add salt and 2 seasoning cubes, blend some onion, ginger, garlic, and pepper and add to the chicken then add the chicken seasoning and stir very well then cook for about 10 minutes on normal heat. 4. When the steamed chicken is ready, drain the stock and allow it to cool. 5. Deep fry chicken till its golden brown. 6. Slice the remaining onion and set aside. 7. Put a dry medium pot on the fire, pour in the vegetable oil and pour in your sliced onion, allow to cook for a minute. 8. now pour in your tomatoes paste and stir for 4min while it's cooking 9. Pour in the cooked blended tomatoes and stir for about 5minutes. 10. Add the chicken stock to the stew stir and allow it to cool for at least 5minutes. 11. Now add the mixed vegetable and stir (carrot, green pea, green pepper). 12. Now Wash and put rice in a clean pot add water and cook for at least 8 minutes. Drain water from the rice. 13. Add the rice little by little to the stew while stirring then reduce the heat to below. 14. cover the pot and allow the rice to steam and get cooked 15. Once the water is drained and rice is tender, bring down and let to cool. 16. Your Ghana chicken Jollof rice is ready.

Ghana Beef JOLLOF

Ingredients 6 large washed tomatoes 450g of beef chopped into chunks 30ml vegetable oil 2 medium-sized onions, peeled and nicely chopped 5 garlic cloves, peeled and grated 1 fresh ginger finger, peeled and grated 1 red and 1 green chili, washed and finely chopped 2 green peppers, washed and chopped 2 carrots, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon curry powder 2 tablespoon tomato puree 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, finely chopped 4 cups of white rice, washed 5 cups vegetable stock

Preparations 1. Blend the tomatoes until smooth then set aside. 2. Wash the beef, season and pre-cook then Fry in the oil until it turns golden brown. Remove and set aside. 3. In the same pan, gently fry the onion, garlic, ginger, and chilies until it becomes soft and translucent. 4. Now turn up the heat and add the peppers and carrots. Cook until the vegetables are all soft that should take about 5 to 6 minutes. 5. Add the tomato puree, thyme, curry powder, and blended tomato to the mixture. Stir and allow it to boil. 6. Add the rice and beef then stir well and let for a few minutes. 7. Time to pour in the vegetable stock and stir then cover the pot and turn down the heat to medium. 8. Do allow for 15 minutes it's enough time for rice and beef to be cooked. Keep a steady check on it, add little water if necessary and allow water to be absorbed. 9. The rice should be soft and well cooked. 10. Serve and enjoy.

Ghana Spicy JOLLOF TWO

Ingredients 4 cups of rice 8 chicken thighs cut into pieces 2 large tomatoes fresh 3 tablespoon of vegetable or sunflower oil 2 large onions 3 tomato paste sachet or tin 3 scotch bonnet peppers 4 cloves garlic Spice seasoning of your choice 3 Seasoning cubes Salt to taste Curry powder and Thyme

Preparations 1. Wash and cut the chicken into chunk bits 2. Cut half the onions, garlic, scotch bonnet peppers and ginger 3. Blend and season the blending ingredients with spices of your choice and add salt to taste 4. Now add the blended ingredients to the chicken pieces in a pot and cook for 10 to 15 minutes on normal heat. 5. Drain the chicken, keep the stock aside and fry the chicken but keep aside too. 6. In a separate pot add tomato puree and chopped onions and fry for 5 to 7 minutes in vegetable oil while stirring throughout. 7. Now add the blended tomatoes and another half of the onions to the pot and continue to cook for a further 15 minutes 8. Add the stock to the blended tomatoes, tomato puree and diced onion mixture. Now add the Curry, Thyme and 2 seasoning cubes. 9. Continue to cook for another 15 minutes stirring regularly 10. Add the fried chicken pieces to the Jollof mixture 11. Add the rice to the Jollof mixture, cover tightly and reduce to low heat so the rice can steam cook. 12. Broiler chicken takes more time to cook properly so adjust the heat when necessary. 13. Adding the rice to the Jollof mixture is very tactical. Adjustments should be made to add a little more water (mixed with spices and perhaps a little salted) if the rice is too much) 14. Once the rice is soft and the water is absorbed then low the heat and allow to cook for another 5 minutes until it starts burning a little. 15. Serve and enjoy.

Fast Ghana Jollof with fish

Ingredients 2 cups of water 3 medium-sized fishes, (wash cut into pieces, season and steam for 5 minutes then remove the stock and fry the fish if you prefer fried fish) 2 cans stewed tomatoes 1 teaspoon of salt Half teaspoon black pepper 3 cups of smoked ham 2 cups of uncooked rice 1 large onion, sliced 2 cups of cabbage, (shred them) ¹⁄ pound of fresh green beans, quartered and stems removed ¹⁄ teaspoon ground cinnamon and ¹⁄ teaspoon cayenne pepper

Preparations 1. Pour little water and the stock into a large pot, place on high heat 2. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper then cover and allow to boil 3. Reduce the heat and cook for 30 minutes. 4. Add the ham but keep stirring then add rice, onion, cabbage, green beans, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper. 5. Allow to boil and reduce heat to low. 6. Cover and cook until is rice is soft - about 20 to 25 minutes. Then add fish and cook for another 10 minutes 7. Be sure the water is absorbed and rice soft 8. Serve and Enjoy.

Ghanaian Cauliflower curd or rice

Ingredients 1 medium cauliflower grated into a microwaveable bowl mixed with a little of nicely chopped coriander stalks, 1 bunch of fresh coriander stalks neatly chopped and added to cauliflower rice and leaves roughly chopped for garnish for the sauce. 6 large chopped tomatoes 1 large white onion (chopped) 200 gram of tomato paste 4 tablespoon red palm oil 1 teaspoon of Salt 150gram if pre-cooked crayfish 150gram okro 1/2 red pepper chopped into tiny bits All the spices (your choice) 200ml fish stock 1 scotch bonnet chili (chopped) Half teaspoon of cumin powder 1/2 nutmeg finely crushed 3 garlic cloves (ground) 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder 1 teaspoon chili powder (Cauliflower is alternate rice, not rice itself but can stand in for rice, it's actually very nice)

Preparations 1. Wash and pre-cook the cauliflower rice. 2. Heat a pot over medium heat and add all the Palm Oil, don't let it burn. Once it's hot enough, add the onion and enjoy the Color transformation from red to light gold. 3. When the onion is soft add all the spices and stir. 4. Then add the tomato paste, stir and add the can chopped tomatoes and stir 5. Pour in the 200ml of the fish stock and you'll have a wet mixture. only use 200ml (If you were cooking direct rice you would use more than 200ml because the rice would absorb the stock, but not so when using cauliflower, and do not bother about the loss of flavor, we'll fix that part) 6. Now leave this mixture to cook and reduce, halfway through, add the red peppers and okra and then reduce further until you get a wet thick paste - this process will concentrate and set the flavor. 7. Now is the time to taste add a little salt 8. If you are satisfied, add the pre-cooked cauliflower rice, stir and add crayfish 9. From here, it's about mixing everything together and heating it for a few more minutes then bring down and let it for at least 4 minutes 10. Dish meal into a nice place garnish with the roughly chopped coriander leaves and enjoy.

Ghana Coconut Jollof

Ingredients 2 pounds of chuck beef, cut into chunks 2 tablespoon of paprika 2 can of diced tomatoes 1 can tomato sauce 1/half cup olive oil 10 ounce of green beans 2 tablespoon of hot pepper crushed or cayenne pepper 1 large onion (sliced) Half cup of coconut aminos 2 teaspoon of crushed ginger 2 heads of cauliflower blended and made to rice or 10 cups of cauliflower rice 1 tablespoon ground curry 1 tablespoon of garlic powder 2 tablespoon of olive oil 1 cup of water to thin sauce a little Salt to taste.

Preparations 1. Add the beef to a medium pot filled with water and add 2 teaspoons of salt. Cover and allow to boil on medium heat. Cook for 30 minutes or until rice is tender 2. Drain the beef, keep the stock aside and fry the beef 3. Now put a half cup of oil in a deep pan, add onions and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Add peppers and allow to cook for an additional 2 minutes. 4. Put and stir the tomato paste, cook for 1 minute. 5. Now add all the tomatoes, beef, aminos, remaining seasonings, and ginger and allow to cook for 45 minutes on medium to low heat. Check for salt and know if it'll be needed to add a little more. 6. Add the green beans, cook for another 15 minutes. 7. Add in cauliflower and mix well then Cook for an additional 10 minutes. 8. Rice should be soft by now. 9. Now take down the pot of rice from the gas or any heat and allow to cool 10. Serve and enjoy a healthier version of the African Dish. 11. This traditional African Ghanaian Jollof rice, spiced with curry tomatoes and cooked with vegetables, for the perfect main dish.

Ghana mix Jollof

Ingredients 1 big yellow onions, dice it 4 Tablespoon of vegetable oil 1 can fire-roasted diced tomato 2 Tablespoon of tomato paste 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and cut half Half teaspoon curry powder 1 tablespoon freshly minced ginger 1 tablespoon ground ginger Half tablespoon dried thyme 2 cups long-grain rice (wash) Half cup of frozen vegetables (we used peas and carrots) 3 cups chicken stock 2 bay leaves 1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

Preparation 1. Put the onion and 2 Tablespoon oil to a blender and blend until smooth. Turn into a separate bowl and keep aside. 2. Now add and blend the diced tomatoes, tomato paste, and jalapeño and blend until smooth then also transfer to a separate medium bowl. 3. In a pot or the bowl of your rice cooker, add the remaining 2 Tablespoon oil over medium-high heat. Add the onion paste then cook until the water has evaporated out about that should take about 10 minutes. 4. Now put in the tomato paste and spices then Cook for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring occasionally until the liquid has reduced by half and very red in color. 5. Finally, add the rice, stock, frozen vegetables and bay leaves then place in a rice cooker to cook till tender then reduce to low heat and allow to cook for at least 20 minutes. That should be enough time for the water to be absorbed 6. When it's done, serve and garnish with cilantro.

Mali Jollof rice

Mali, which is officially known as the Republic of Mali is the 8th largest country in Africa. Its border on the northern part extends into the center of the Sahara Desert and the southern area is where most of the people live. Bamako is its capital and French its official language. Mali has a population of about 19.1 million and covers about 1,240 thousand square Kilometers. Mali’s economy focuses majorly on mining and agriculture. Their reputable natural resource comprises salt and gold (the 3rd major gold producer in Africa).

Lamb Jollof Rice The lamb

Ingredients 3 large tomatoes balls ¼ cup of peanut oil 2 garlic cloves (slice them) 1 pound of lamb or goat meat and cut into small chunks A little salt A little pepper to taste 3 tablespoon of tomato paste 1 large chopped onions and 1 large sliced onion 1 chili pepper or 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper Choice of vegetables

Preparation 1. Peel the tomatoes by putting them into boiling water for at least 2 minutes then into cold water immediately. 2. Remove the outer skin, and crush well with a fork. Now add together with tomato paste and keep aside. 3. Nudge onion slices with a tablespoon of oil, then heat in the oven or on inside a pot on fire for 3 minutes or until brown (be careful so they don't burn). 4. Grind, or use blender or food processor to blend the heated onions and chili or cayenne to paste. Keep aside too. 5. In a deep pot with a long handle and over medium heat, fry chopped onion in the oil until it turns the color changes to golden. 6. Now add the garlic, then the meat, stirring frequently until chunks of meat is brown on all sides. Reduce the heat to simmer and stir in the tomato sauce. 7. Now put the onion/chili paste, add little salt and pepper and just about a cup of water. When it gets to this point, add your vegetables. Sit well and allow to cook over low heat for about 45 minutes, or until meat is cooked to want. 8. Mix with rice and allow to heat for at least 5 minutes over low heat then serve.

Malian chicken Jollof rice

Ingredients 3 pound of chicken or chicken thighs and cut into chunks 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil 1 large chopped onions 10 pieces of chopped fresh tomatoes 3 Tablespoon of tomato paste Minced 2 garlic cloves Little salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper and same for cayenne pepper ½ teaspoon of red pepper flakes 2 cups chicken soup (you can get this by pre-cooking the chicken and keeping the stock) 1 cup uncooked Basmati (a long and slender type of rice. Any long grain can do) rice, rinsed and drained 3 large carrots cut into little pieces 2 green peppers, (remove the seed from within and dice) 2 teaspoon of thyme leaves (fresh ones preferably)

Preparation 1. Heat the vegetable oil in a large pan. 2. Fry quickly the onion over medium-low heat until softened, about 3-5 minutes. 3. Add garlic and fry for at least a minute. 4. Add chopped fresh tomatoes and tomato paste. Cook over medium-low heat for 5 minutes. 5. Put little salt, black, cayenne and red pepper flakes. 6. Bring to a boil 7. Add chicken pieces (skin side down) and let cook uncovered for 15 minutes. 8. Turn chicken pieces over and continue to simmer for at least another 15 minutes. 9. Add chicken soup (chicken stock), rice, carrots, green pepper, and Thyme and allow to cook until boil then lower the heat 10. Cover and simmer for about 20 to 30 minutes, add more chicken stock if necessary until rice is tender and chicken is cooked to satisfaction. 11. Allow to cool a little then serve.

Occasional Malian Beef Jollof Rice

Ingredients 2 lbs. of beef Salt to taste ground white pepper to taste Vegetable oil 1Litre stock or water plus 3 ground stock cubes 3 large chopped onions 5 cloves garlic(peel and chop) 3 chillis ( chopped) 4 blended large fresh tomatoes. 3 tablespoon of tomato paste 250 g each of your choice of vegetables, e.g. green peas, pumpkin, carrots, mushrooms, and capsicums/bell peppers 4 cups of rice Spices Lettuce, parsley or cilantro and boiled eggs to be used as an edible Decoration

Preparations 1. Cook on low heat until meat begins to soften, then remove from heat. 2. Now drain excess oil from fry pan but leave enough oil to fry onions, garlic, and chili until golden. 3. Add the tomatoes and the tomato paste, half of the combined vegetables and 250 ml of stock from the meat mixture. Stir well, adjust seasoning and cook on low heat for 6minutes. 4. Add the vegetable sauce to the meat mixture in the saucepan and cook gently. Finally, stir in the uncooked long-grain rice. 5. Adjust the seasoning again to perfection, cover and cook slowly on low heat for about 15 minutes. 6. Put the vegetables on top of the rice and continue to cook until the rice absorbs all the stock, softens and cooks, and the meat is tender. 7. It might be necessary to sprinkle additional stock or water mix to help the rice cook. If so use small amounts at a time of approximately 250 ml of slightly salted water. 8. Serve hot, garnished with chopped lettuce, cilantro or parsley, and hard-boiled eggs.


Ingredients 2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil 1 chopped medium onion 3 cloves of chopped garlic -1 thinly sliced habanero pepper 2 mashed ginger finger 1 cup of uncooked basmati rice 1 1/2 cups chicken stock or meat Stock 1 tin of crushed tomatoes 1 teaspoon of seasoned salt and Curry powder. 1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika 2 fresh bay leaves Parsley

Preparations 1. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a big pan. Add onions to the pot and cook until it is soft cooking roughly for 5 minutes. 2. Now add in the chopped garlic, ginger and chili and cook for about 1 minute but be sure not to burn the garlic. 3. Now add the rice and stir to put together with other ingredients that allow the rice to cook in pot 3 to 4 minutes. 4. Next add chicken or beef stock, crushed tomatoes, seasoned salt, smoked paprika, curry powder, thyme, bay leaf and strives to high together then bring to a boil. 5. Once it begins to boil, reduce heat to low and cover pot with a lid. Continue cooking rice for about 25 to 30 minutes or until all liquids evaporate and rice becomes tender. Remove bay leaf. 6. Turn off heat and allow the rice to rest for 10 minutes with the lid on. Once the rice is completely tender, make sure all ingredients are stirred together. Top with parsley, carrot, and bay leaves for garnish and serve.

Conclusion This book is a collection of our expert findings on Jollof Rice from all over Africa with Nigeria and Ghana inclusive. This book was written to give you the best and refresh your taste bud with the best dish from Africa.

Of course, I wouldn't have achieved this feat without the assistance of my very good friend and Associate from Africa whom by profession is a chef in one of the most renowned firms in Ghana. This she achieved by traveling around Africa to learn and gather the required skill set for the amazing profession she currently enjoys. In her capacity, she agreed to travel with me to other parts of Africa by myself witness the different foods, way of life, to have a taste, learn how to cook, get recipes and other needed materials from the best for this Jollof Rice project.