Downloaded from Brill.Com10/01/2021 09:39:10AM Via Free Access 326 Index
Index Index 325 Index Aaruul, see Qrut Ammianus Marcellinus 99-100, 129 Abū Hāmid 114 On Hun 99-100 Acorns, as Korean food 283 Amu Darya 9, 28, 34 Afghan language 73 Amur-Ussuri 171 Afghanistan 1, 7, 9, 28, 34, 40, 73, 75, 90, 175- Animal-style art, spread of 80 176, 177, 179, 204, 206-219 Animal life, overview 21-29 Bread 207-208 Animals, domestication 63, 65 Dairy products 215 Effects of domestication 63 Drinks 216 History of domestication in Eurasia 63 Festivals 207 Self-taming 65 First agriculture 75 Anise 104 Flavorings 215-216 An Lushan 安祿山 Rebellion 105 Food influences 219 Apples 18, 32, 57, 60, 61, 94, 112, 148, 174, 181, Food words 215 205, 236, 238 Fowl 215 Apricots 32, 57, 94, 106, 125, 174, 205, 235- Kebabs 214-215 236, 238 Markets 218 Aqsakal 126 Meat stewed with fruit 212-213 Aquaculture 95 Pasta 208 Aral Sea 9, 18, 27-29, 35 Rice 209 Arabian spices 137 Sweets 216 Arabs 88, 104 Types of pilau 209-210 Conquest of western Central Asia 88, Weddings 217-218 104 Agriculture, advance of, spread into Central Araq (‘araq) 51, 198. See also Arkhi Asia 53-55, 74-75 Area of Central Asian nations 31 Ai Khanum 90 Aristotle 123 Al-Bīrūnī (973-1048), 48, 116, 122 Arkhi 51, 153-154, 285. See also Araq Al-Khwārizmī 116 Armenian language 72 Alcohol 3, 199 Arseniev, V. K. 175 Alcoholic drinks 191, 258-261, 284 On Tungus 175 Korean 284 Ash 193 Mongolian 258-261 Ashak 208 Ale 57, 151 Āthār va Aḥyā’ 144 Millet ale 151 Avars (Rouran 柔然 ) 44-5 Rice ale (terracina, “rice wine”) 151 Avicenna, see Ibn Sīnā Alexander the Great 90, 116-117 Azerbaijan food 250-254 Alfalfa 42, 57, 88, 98 Food proverbs 252 Allsen, Thomas 22, 143 Spices and flavorings 251 Almaty 32, 60 Sweets 253-254 Almonds 57, 106, 125, 148, 238, 265 Azeri, language 251 In Ibn Sīnā’s Canon 125 Wild species, in Mongolia 265 Babur 161 Altai Mountains 7, 8, 12, 59, 71 Bactria 90-91 Altaic languages 70 Bagel 184-185 © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden,Paul D.
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