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10-7-1967 Kabul Times (October 7, 1967, vol. 6, no. 159) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 7, 1967, vol. 6, no. 159)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1609.

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... ..:: : • 1 r ' ~ ~jChalfont, IStays In Brussels, !' n'-""'· "On'" S'~R" E·~ 1\.T.' IIJ .r'~r' I l~ ~!'£ 'i'I'li'.&" '" ~, ' • , ""}~Rt!SSELsP!lCt 5, '(npA) "':"'BrI- January 1963 ~ - ~ • taln's chief CommOn Market neeo The EEC -ministerial councJl will tiator Lord ChaItont look up resl- debate BrltulOS' application.,.for'Ule • . den~ 'In, Bru~s WedneS;day tor flrst time at Its ....~0'1 October 23 '''oli ,I~e", steady Intormatlon West Germarly iYesterday said It Chalfont w11l represent Brflsm In eaw applications tor Common Mar· the for'hcomlng talks on its mem kel membershIp by Britain and other ,, Wrshlp application In the European couhlCles \Common Market PrlceAf,3 The British delegation ilas rented The foreign mInistry in Bonn three storles ot a Brussels office made the point in a statement aimed building as permanent headquarters al countedn" recent press repot1S Chalfont recently c;xpressed the According to some of these reports, lJape that the negotiations on Bri· Bonn considered the merglhg of taints membership can get underway ~xLsting European communities' In November However, observers In ,hould be compleled first Brussels are not as oJ:)tlmistlc in 'rhe f9relgn miniatry statement dev~lopmerU poorer nallons, had faUen short of view at France's obvious reluctanc~ !iaid in part "the of I Its targels ' the European commumties into an french PresIdent Charles de Gaul "But we can'l Just pack up 81)d Ie vetoed Bntaln s membershIp in economIC uRlon, the membership of qUIt," the UN omclal laid He ur­ .:ireat Britain, lrelanal Norway BJ1d ged the General Assembly to pro­ Denmark and the fusion of the tl!!'e" claim a seccnd development decade existing communities mto one, cover­ -at once OECD To Study 109 the whole economic lleld are the lhree prlonty ta.ks facing the Etiro­ As De SCynes spoke, IndIa was Econ. Develolpment ueon commurtlties They are inde­ warmng unless terms of trade 1m­ pendent and should therelore be QP­ ,- pr6v~, the developlrlg countncs proaclled sImultaneously" . would sOOn be borrOWIng money , Policies Of US Observers in Bonn nw -the atate­ SImply to repay old debts ment as aimed prlm.r1ly at gl\llne The modest alms 01 the develop­ WASHINGTON. Oct 5 (DPA) British Premier Harold Wilson room PARIS, Oct 5, (Reut~)-The ment decade were further away than -Representabves of the Orga, to move m his efforts to convince leftwmg f~deratlon and com­ when It was launched, S K Wank­ ntSatlOn for EconomIC Coopera­ the CUrTent Labotl\' Porly canter munj~t groups m theJ French hede told the economic committee tIOn and Development (OECD) cnce in Scarborougb of the Wisdom National AsSembly tabled a cen­ KUALA LUl'dp;UR. Oct 5, And Ceylon s N J lanse report­ WIll meet In Washington from of Britain's EEC approach sure motion agamst Georges (AFP),i;;,.Ceylon'S ~r1me Mints­ ed, "an unprecedented trade eapll October 9 to II to study the BUl at the same time obsen-.ers ter PildIey Senaflayake l\lTlv­ Million Arabs Counted Pompldou's Ilovenunent for Its In Ihe past year whicb had dropped eConomIC development poitcies thought the statement showed a ecent economIc and .-oclal p0­ esl 'w.r.-Wednesday on a f1ve_ , Its extemaI reserves to a precanou­ and programme of t1le Umted conCIliating tone towards the French In OCcupied Areas , ' licies slay qll.l~lal visit to- MalaysIa , sly low level States position JERUSALEM, Oct 4, (Reu,ter) The mobon, which I. due to Dutilill his staY hUe Senana­ " , MOsCOW, Oct. 7 (oPA>-The A specIal workmg party of It is now more than ever apparent -About one mlilton Arabs,( lil­ be debated next Tuesday, at­ Yt':ke I will have tRUal WIth Ma­ PARIS, Ocl 5 (OPA)-Lesotho, SovIet Unw" .and Jordan have de­ The UN under-secretary saId the the OECD WIll meet at the US that EEC problems will occupy an cludmg 340,000 refugees of the the former Brlllsh protectorate kno­ tacked the cabmet's whole eco­ Jay!!Lan Pnme MInISter Tunku NEW HOSPITAL pasl year had not been good eco­ State Department, where the Important place in the Bundestag 1949 Palestme war. noW live a nonllC policy, blamIng It for' Ab(lul Rahman on. closer rela­ , clared thaI Isra';l must wJthdraw wn.a • Basutoland, has become lbe her troops from Arab ~ITltOrics nomIcally for the developIng :wor­ Commerce Department's Eco­ 'orelgn affairs debate on Oct 13 In areas occupIed by Israel In recent mcrease In the cost ot tions between Ceylon and Ma­ )22lid member of the UN Educa­ wIIl/oul delay to the poslhons they ld The VIetnam war hat! affected nomIC Development AdrnInlstra­ the mldeast war last Jubj, tional, Scientific and Cultural Ore It'tlOg and pubhc services ra~, laYSia, eSPeCIally In the trade anll OPENED IN OCCUpleO before June fIVe, "Tass" tbe UnIted States attitude on for­ tlon US representatIve to according to fIgures published anlsal,on (UNESCO) It was annou- IncludIng transwrt fares .and economic f,elds e,gn ald. he saId The MIddle East the working party WIll be host reporlcd ThurSday tiere yesteyday nced here I gas and electnclty conflict and other world lenSlOns for the meetmg SHEBERGHAN The Invaded Arab staces most be Aqaba A census was conducted last (Contd on page 4) Thp workmg party was eslab month 10 the west bank of Jor­ SAIGON, Oct 5. (Reuter)- $HEBERGHAN, Oct 7, (Bakbtar) compensated for the material da...... e Conlinued from pege (2) Iished In 1962 to study area de­ dan 10 the Gaza StrIp and nor­ AntI-government buddhist A neW 25-bed new hospital was caused 10 them and the rcsl'Juhons The port already employs 500 Indonesians UpSet velopment po!Jcles of the mem thern Smal and 10 the SyrIan ,Afghan-Polish monks were asked yesterday opened 'l.·hursday here by DeputY of the UN General Assembly on ber countries out of Aqaba s populalton of plateau by Prime Minlaw N~ Cao Public Wnlsler Dr Abdul Raliman Jerusalem must be comph~d With To date It has studIed 1eglon­ 12 GOO The populatIon WIll nse The fIgures relatmg to the (Ccmtd. frf1tb _ II Ky to end t~lr ,ill d~ protest Over Rice Sh'o.rtage Haklmi at once Rich Nations Urged To Help at'" development In France BrJ­ to 45000 when the new town IS number of refugees are subst­ The present vol~ Of At,han­ vigIl outsIde the Ilovernment Jo%jan GO\"eroor Mohammad The So\lehJordanian communique taln the Federal Repubhc of fInIshed And It IS through ex­ antIallY lower than those, on Polish trade I. a~Ul.. nilillon palace "In the leheral mterests Sbarlf saId lbat .t wps a plea.ure aD King Hussem's VISit to Moscow Germany and the Scandlnavlan plOitation of nch depOSIts of the rolls of the UnIted Nations 1 be prospects for ~I~, it __ of the nation" to see a new step takeh under the on October 2-5 stressed that "In face Poor Countries In Education CDuntlles potash 10 the Dead Sea that Rehef snd Works Agency to be vetv tavourallIt ~n uktd dlrection of His Majesty the KIng of the aggressIon JO the MIddle East, The vice p.resldent-elect made WILLIAMSBURG, VlrgmIa, step JD to the breach to help poo­ Among the questIons to be ex Aqaba looks for prosperIty (UNRWA) In what specUlc lillP ot Intlum hIS appeal to mIlitant Buddhist to improve the lives ot the people unlly and soiJdanly of all Arab co I Oct 7, (Reuter) -The world's rer couotnes reach thelC educa­ amtned at the conference Ire All transport to and from the Polish assistance WM I required, tbe 'QU~h ot the province- nutries on the baSIS of anti-Impen­ leader Tfl Quang only ncher natIOns mlllht have to tIOn targets, UNESCO DlCector­ -Should Jobs be moved to port overland IS by lorry, but minIster named le,lber and .cIau hours a1t1!r a 27-year-old nun The new hospital in the centre of ahsm anti antl-colonlahsm acqulI'es Gennans have been called 10 to Tej{Jr~91?J'!lans General Rene Maheu Sald here wHere the people are, or people IIldusltles. He abo I!!ICI AfshaDlltan had burned herself to death 10 Jozjan province, the governor $, Pashtany To a particular Importance" to where the Jobs can be crea study a project for a 134-kllomet­ is Interetten in ex)lOrtln. """,-pro­ would he.p preserve health of all Jerdan expressed gratilude for Ibe last "ught llie Mekong Delta city of Can Tories For Staying Maheu saId It was an "mdlsput­ ted? re raIl hnk from the sItes This De Gaulle Appeals celled leather to Poland Tho tbe people In tbe province Open Brarreh In 'Japan . Soviet Union s aId to the Arab -Can regIonal growth centre would reduce transport costs A"!"'d about 11Ie ptoopccts Of tIR He .ald case of tuber

• \


. \ •


The committee set up by the MJnIstry of PobUc Health to rtudy problems of nationallB­ inK mediciDe mlght do weD to pay a visit to some of the countries which have already a , nationalised public health system iD order W get first-hand iDtormatlon about the way the system operates While we cannot deny the need and the urgp.ucy of puUIur the medleal scrvlces ou a new footlDlC so that both rich and poor people may benc8t from thfs aemce The coollOuation of \sraeh aggr equally we feel that such a chanp requlrell lof' $3;400 m ov~ a , tbree:-year eSS'On ID the Middle East has fur­ thorough study on how this mlght be done p.riolMBiIDk r &-esldent GeOQlec lher detenolated the s,'uallon AI without undesirable repercussions D Woods expressed conflden~ Ihough dunag Its emergency sessiOn that"... ) meetihg,could be called lasl June Ihe General Assembly shortly.. to I pm down J the exact laUed to adopl Ihe resolution cal­ Afghamstan. It IS iDterestiDg to note, aI amouoW>of the> 1:0.& .replenIllb­ ready has a seml-nationaUsed publle heaUh A rougb conce~o~ of tbe seismographic station. ling for lhe wllhdrawal of the Isra ment.< and quotas fbI'> contUbu­ ell forces from Arab terntory as a system ExalWnatlons at oiJlclal cliuIi:s are"flee tiona fIrst step towards solVIng the prob­ for.ifl~. and only nominal fees arc charced lem of Ihe Middle EaSI II Is our IIsation Every ho~p·tal has arrancements l:bll JMF 80yernw. from Tan­ ~. •oUetili t~ most ,Strilfu\g ure For- Schizophrenia; smcere hope that dUring the current whereby patleuts can be cared for free of Ulill\\TAI.!iOll- of tile develollin8 mcetmg of the assembly enougb re charge <:!1)o1l1tries~..4I!fu:ulties WIth tal\lng On lialance BS the Bank-IMF Otw, J)1 Every 100 Has It ason and Justice wdl prevail to find The complete natlOnaltsation of the publlt PI:\l:l!S JoJ: pnmar.Y? products governor Irom Burma concluded a Just settlement to fbls cnucal pro blem health system will affect private praclftlouers 'D.\lt:lllS- the. _P'!51 two years,' lD RIO the world's leading tin One ~the mosl """'ling fields anclal offiCials seem to have pla­ genetectslS and pSYChlSlflSls 10 IbIS SimIlarly Ibe paper refers 10 the and pharmacISts. -\t present doctors working iD h,e slUd. "the dlsastrpus Jail In 10 medll:i6rJb.i.tYfl' ~ search for country recenlly estabiisbed Ibe reqUC~ ced tbe" feet 'squarely on the poss,blelJ; problem of Vietnam In Southeast varIous hospItals and InstItul;Jqns by ti.lf:,JllilC«t of Sisal Tan­ a cure {or schiZ American SchIzophrenia Foundahon ml'lIIea1 threshold of a new era In which ASIa AI hough some natlOns directly zaruA's 1I1come by nearly $56'.m, opbrerua, 8 seVtre emohonal Illness for the purpose of speedmg up blO the Pubbc Health MinlstrJ are allowed to run W.u,lnw'such guarantees, tbe CoDl!ll1 oJ Me­ a new sense of colle~bve res­ m\lolved In the VIetnamese conflIct ll,lI. 8JZIl1unt nearly three tlJlles which affects an estimated one oul chemical research an (be attempt to their prIvate cliDlCS Th." works as an ,lneeD,­ dlciDe may decline iD pOPu1ln1ty amouc bleh ponslblhty WIll be bom 10 the arc nol members of the UnHed Na the loan which the Umted King­ of everl" I00 persons find a curo tlve for doctors and for students W enter the sch061 gndaates The commlttee should con­ f.eld of trade and payments t.ons and lherefore It IS difficult for dom had mtended to give but R~eal't:hers looking for some OWl medical wnter Larwence medical profession Under the natlonallsatlon SIder whether tbe governmeut should Jiecalme was not able to do so-an am Ihe world orgslOstahon 10 play an drug as the magIC key reJecl Ihe Galton, said recently In the New scheme It IS Imperative that the iDterest Ilf wheUl~ effectIve role In solVIng the problem tbe sole Importer of medlciDe or Freudian Iheory thaI schIZOphrenIa "iQrk Times that these schlzoche physicians be taken Into consideration In Bri­ I Jf JS yet expected rhat It may work pbl\l'D1acles sbould be allowed to operate private.. h.. a psjlcho16g1Cal bOSl>-.thal II mists as proponents of the body tain, where the natlonahaed plibllt healtll sys_ Iy and be reimbursed for the medicine they Is an env.tDllmen.lal,.personahl¥ dIS­ towards a Just settlement of that gr chemistry theory bave been called a\le problem tem has beell operating successfully for quite dispense lorder and shows Itself when an In are apl1rnlsllc that they WIll come adeqli\lle !!Usonallly collapses un up WItlt an answer Th~y note Commc:nt)ng on the same iSsue dC'r sorne stress Space flight IS today almost a Galton sSld lhal 11 look 2S years [llt!aqr Islom of Herat In its eduor Ptrt. oJ.-everyday life The most recent moon probes frnm the. SUSpiCion that the- key to laJ refers 10 remarks by Abdul Ra --- kllomete~ diabetes might lIe In the pancreas hman Pazhwak Afghan represents Space mUSl:.UMS arE; being Op!!- landed onlY 5 from to actual IselatlOn of the keY-InS exbi~ltlbJlS 3, 1 \Ie at the Unllcd Nations who ser nell, of space P:Ostage the target and Venus launch­ uhn sttonps Itte organISed and cliildr- ed by the RUSSIans. landed on ved as PreSident of the Assembly Sch1ZOpbr~n1a With loss of con last year that the most ImpOrlant en play sl!~eemen 10 the stte~ts the myste.1'lOUS planet lellS than Today s l ~&." t~r ID the 16 10 30 year. age g(OlIP, alt­ Assembly The paper says thai now The edUorial saId that all the 'l'h\> I",... --1"'" ~ Q :A ,pe.!" era ib'the T.he sc.entific biJrvest of tliese hough tbe mental coll1lpse can also NIshat. II congralulated the corp<>' 10 t ~~~ tb- Urno to ~ lheans iit the blfil powers can co.vered unexpected phenome-, Therc!ore food proo\ldion varieS Dep~n 01 easlefll proVlDce self defealmg for her, allow ber to make (or ...... c who gradpally succumbs 10 tegrated, popular educational apathy, Indifference, wIthdrawal and Qf) NaDPrhar, lD 0lle- of lis ed.tor­ This ban could Dot wellken Ha Systelns ., eclloM and then retype--the who­ ,aLs ...y. tbat from the facl a Dew no, slgmf'CBotly but would hurl le automatu:aJly confuslOD Any pIan for educatIOnal IJII­ varillly of wheal seed called Lanna­ Amencan Interests 10 a Dumber of On food output, Dr Robert V provement the report suggests, robo ha. YIelded good results ID ways AYres' of Resources for the Fu Some of the current researchen must •seek to Improve a wliole OXperlmeots cc)lIducled ID the pro­ CommeollDg on thc Mlpdle £""t ture Inc says, "It IS overwhel Auch as Dr Doaald senes of rel..bonshIPs-mcludlrig Oken dlleclOr of research al tI.c ViOQCS, there 15 hope that neXl year slIualton tbe Chtc \HI those Wlthm the educatlonalliY1r lllmgly probal>ie. that between les nOW an~ the year 2,000 conven­ US 'National Instilute of Mental 111.0 Ibree western provinces of the tern, between Its vanous 'levels Health, IOd.cate schlZOphrema may cOQnlry-Nangarbar Kul1111' and and mternal working 'parts, and tional' agnculture Will continue to account for the vast bulk be caused by more than one fac' r Laghman-w'll merease the.r crop between the educational sYstem perhaps. an mter.. acllon of emohon oUlpul cODSlderably and thus con­ and Its envl1'Onment " of world fo,od productIon .. (SUNDAY TIMES) al d13lurbangl and "\"ologlcal faclors. nbute towards IncreasID8 In the Inv.slip-lors al Tulane UnlVer nahons produchon of wheat my hayo PIlXlllced some ev.d"""e Technoio/{icul fol'ecaste1'l!l ao The newspaper says that farmers Iha~ a diso(llt:fr of the body's sys who are purchasmg Ihe Dew seed not try to predICt what the wOrld lem may ~ Involved results will be like so ll1ucb as what It tbis year expecl the needed ID produeUoD Qf anllbodies agam.1 could be bite ;I'hey" attempt tq ferl as wen since ferl.llser IS lhe patienl s bram Dr Roberl G DQ1\I Imporled from abroad suffici­ work out technically feaSible oJ!, Healh one of Ihe Tulaae research tlOns whl~h can servl! aa a btlsls enl quanlllJes of II are available loam, fbund 10' years agg, that a mys The paper calls upon the people of lenons subslance fnund \11 schiZoph­ for c\1olce III mdustrx. In mllite,_ these three prOViaces 10 make elfec ry strattl8Y and m gOy'l1'llP,lent ren,cs could prQ confirm Ihla theory a major eCOIlOIDlC problem of their SUB8CRWTlON UT118 contflbutor puts It country SolDO In~lgalOn 1D(lIcale thai Yearly Te.;):lnologlcal ~orecastln¥ grew up In'rAinetica In the flttles, and abnormah: amounts of amine (toe Sanat of Ghazm 10 a recent edi Half Yearly of a group of highly jlOtenl body 10rlal lauds Ihe deemon of the Ome Quarler}y IS stIl!'largely an American pte­ serve .', AJnerj~ maustrY spend~ I chem.c:aI&-f1lay be a clue 10 sch- Id Tellhle Company of Kabul 10 FOREIGN $50 In!lfioh;:fo $100 million a yean lzophrema Olbers are sllidYlIIg the purchase ODe hundred looms mac :\~ lba~ Vearly on It P9sslbiilty an,adtenal d••llIrt; hln.. from abroad The pal?"'" says There 18 nothing a.....e- Dilly 'CaUlO' /he,'dlIcUe. 11'.01- thaI tbi.o InIliative by a private flfln meijtJ:wl~'a -cornpoun4 rcIaI-


. \ •


The committee set up by the MJnIstry of PobUc Health to rtudy problems of nationallB­ inK mediciDe mlght do weD to pay a visit to some of the countries which have already a , nationalised public health system iD order W get first-hand iDtormatlon about the way the system operates While we cannot deny the need and the urgp.ucy of puUIur the medleal scrvlces ou a new footlDlC so that both rich and poor people may benc8t from thfs aemce The coollOuation of \sraeh aggr equally we feel that such a chanp requlrell lof' $3;400 m ov~ a , tbree:-year eSS'On ID the Middle East has fur­ thorough study on how this mlght be done p.riolMBiIDk r &-esldent GeOQlec lher detenolated the s,'uallon AI without undesirable repercussions D Woods expressed conflden~ Ihough dunag Its emergency sessiOn that"... ) meetihg,could be called lasl June Ihe General Assembly shortly.. to I pm down J the exact laUed to adopl Ihe resolution cal­ Afghamstan. It IS iDterestiDg to note, aI amouoW>of the> 1:0.& .replenIllb­ ready has a seml-nationaUsed publle heaUh A rougb conce~o~ of tbe seismographic station. ling for lhe wllhdrawal of the Isra ment.< and quotas fbI'> contUbu­ ell forces from Arab terntory as a system ExalWnatlons at oiJlclal cliuIi:s are"flee tiona fIrst step towards solVIng the prob­ for.ifl~. and only nominal fees arc charced lem of Ihe Middle EaSI II Is our IIsation Every ho~p·tal has arrancements l:bll JMF 80yernw. from Tan­ ~. •oUetili t~ most ,Strilfu\g ure For- Schizophrenia; smcere hope that dUring the current whereby patleuts can be cared for free of Ulill\\TAI.!iOll- of tile develollin8 mcetmg of the assembly enougb re charge <:!1)o1l1tries~..4I!fu:ulties WIth tal\lng On lialance BS the Bank-IMF Otw, J)1 Every 100 Has It ason and Justice wdl prevail to find The complete natlOnaltsation of the publlt PI:\l:l!S JoJ: pnmar.Y? products governor Irom Burma concluded a Just settlement to fbls cnucal pro blem health system will affect private praclftlouers 'D.\lt:lllS- the. _P'!51 two years,' lD RIO the world's leading tin One ~the mosl """'ling fields anclal offiCials seem to have pla­ genetectslS and pSYChlSlflSls 10 IbIS SimIlarly Ibe paper refers 10 the and pharmacISts. -\t present doctors working iD h,e slUd. "the dlsastrpus Jail In 10 medll:i6rJb.i.tYfl' ~ search for country recenlly estabiisbed Ibe reqUC~ ced tbe" feet 'squarely on the poss,blelJ; problem of Vietnam In Southeast varIous hospItals and InstItul;Jqns by ti.lf:,JllilC«t of Sisal Tan­ a cure {or schiZ American SchIzophrenia Foundahon ml'lIIea1 threshold of a new era In which ASIa AI hough some natlOns directly zaruA's 1I1come by nearly $56'.m, opbrerua, 8 seVtre emohonal Illness for the purpose of speedmg up blO the Pubbc Health MinlstrJ are allowed to run W.u,lnw'such guarantees, tbe CoDl!ll1 oJ Me­ a new sense of colle~bve res­ m\lolved In the VIetnamese conflIct ll,lI. 8JZIl1unt nearly three tlJlles which affects an estimated one oul chemical research an (be attempt to their prIvate cliDlCS Th." works as an ,lneeD,­ dlciDe may decline iD pOPu1ln1ty amouc bleh ponslblhty WIll be bom 10 the arc nol members of the UnHed Na the loan which the Umted King­ of everl" I00 persons find a curo tlve for doctors and for students W enter the sch061 gndaates The commlttee should con­ f.eld of trade and payments t.ons and lherefore It IS difficult for dom had mtended to give but R~eal't:hers looking for some OWl medical wnter Larwence medical profession Under the natlonallsatlon SIder whether tbe governmeut should Jiecalme was not able to do so-an am Ihe world orgslOstahon 10 play an drug as the magIC key reJecl Ihe Galton, said recently In the New scheme It IS Imperative that the iDterest Ilf wheUl~ effectIve role In solVIng the problem tbe sole Importer of medlciDe or Freudian Iheory thaI schIZOphrenIa "iQrk Times that these schlzoche physicians be taken Into consideration In Bri­ I Jf JS yet expected rhat It may work pbl\l'D1acles sbould be allowed to operate private.. h.. a psjlcho16g1Cal bOSl>-.thal II mists as proponents of the body tain, where the natlonahaed plibllt healtll sys_ Iy and be reimbursed for the medicine they Is an env.tDllmen.lal,.personahl¥ dIS­ towards a Just settlement of that gr chemistry theory bave been called a\le problem tem has beell operating successfully for quite dispense lorder and shows Itself when an In are apl1rnlsllc that they WIll come adeqli\lle !!Usonallly collapses un up WItlt an answer Th~y note Commc:nt)ng on the same iSsue dC'r sorne stress Space flight IS today almost a Galton sSld lhal 11 look 2S years [llt!aqr Islom of Herat In its eduor Ptrt. oJ.-everyday life The most recent moon probes frnm the. SUSpiCion that the- key to laJ refers 10 remarks by Abdul Ra --- kllomete~ diabetes might lIe In the pancreas hman Pazhwak Afghan represents Space mUSl:.UMS arE; being Op!!- landed onlY 5 from to actual IselatlOn of the keY-InS exbi~ltlbJlS 3, 1 \Ie at the Unllcd Nations who ser nell, of space P:Ostage the target and Venus launch­ uhn sttonps Itte organISed and cliildr- ed by the RUSSIans. landed on ved as PreSident of the Assembly Sch1ZOpbr~n1a With loss of con last year that the most ImpOrlant en play sl!~eemen 10 the stte~ts the myste.1'lOUS planet lellS than Today s l ~&." t~r ID the 16 10 30 year. age g(OlIP, alt­ Assembly The paper says thai now The edUorial saId that all the 'l'h\> I",... --1"'" ~ Q :A ,pe.!" era ib'the T.he sc.entific biJrvest of tliese hough tbe mental coll1lpse can also NIshat. II congralulated the corp<>' 10 t ~~~ tb- Urno to ~ lheans iit the blfil powers can co.vered unexpected phenome-, Therc!ore food proo\ldion varieS Dep~n 01 easlefll proVlDce self defealmg for her, allow ber to make (or ...... c who gradpally succumbs 10 tegrated, popular educational apathy, Indifference, wIthdrawal and Qf) NaDPrhar, lD 0lle- of lis ed.tor­ This ban could Dot wellken Ha Systelns ., eclloM and then retype--the who­ ,aLs ...y. tbat from the facl a Dew no, slgmf'CBotly but would hurl le automatu:aJly confuslOD Any pIan for educatIOnal IJII­ varillly of wheal seed called Lanna­ Amencan Interests 10 a Dumber of On food output, Dr Robert V provement the report suggests, robo ha. YIelded good results ID ways AYres' of Resources for the Fu Some of the current researchen must •seek to Improve a wliole OXperlmeots cc)lIducled ID the pro­ CommeollDg on thc Mlpdle £""t ture Inc says, "It IS overwhel Auch as Dr Doaald senes of rel..bonshIPs-mcludlrig Oken dlleclOr of research al tI.c ViOQCS, there 15 hope that neXl year slIualton tbe Chtc \HI those Wlthm the educatlonalliY1r lllmgly probal>ie. that between les nOW an~ the year 2,000 conven­ US 'National Instilute of Mental 111.0 Ibree western provinces of the tern, between Its vanous 'levels Health, IOd.cate schlZOphrema may cOQnlry-Nangarbar Kul1111' and and mternal working 'parts, and tional' agnculture Will continue to account for the vast bulk be caused by more than one fac' r Laghman-w'll merease the.r crop between the educational sYstem perhaps. an mter.. acllon of emohon oUlpul cODSlderably and thus con­ and Its envl1'Onment " of world fo,od productIon .. (SUNDAY TIMES) al d13lurbangl and "\"ologlcal faclors. nbute towards IncreasID8 In the Inv.slip-lors al Tulane UnlVer nahons produchon of wheat my hayo PIlXlllced some ev.d"""e Technoio/{icul fol'ecaste1'l!l ao The newspaper says that farmers Iha~ a diso(llt:fr of the body's sys who are purchasmg Ihe Dew seed not try to predICt what the wOrld lem may ~ Involved results will be like so ll1ucb as what It tbis year expecl the needed ID produeUoD Qf anllbodies agam.1 could be bite ;I'hey" attempt tq ferl as wen since ferl.llser IS lhe patienl s bram Dr Roberl G DQ1\I Imporled from abroad suffici­ work out technically feaSible oJ!, Healh one of Ihe Tulaae research tlOns whl~h can servl! aa a btlsls enl quanlllJes of II are available loam, fbund 10' years agg, that a mys The paper calls upon the people of lenons subslance fnund \11 schiZoph­ for c\1olce III mdustrx. In mllite,_ these three prOViaces 10 make elfec ry strattl8Y and m gOy'l1'llP,lent ren,cs could prQ confirm Ihla theory a major eCOIlOIDlC problem of their SUB8CRWTlON UT118 contflbutor puts It country SolDO In~lgalOn 1D(lIcale thai Yearly Te.;):lnologlcal ~orecastln¥ grew up In'rAinetica In the flttles, and abnormah: amounts of amine (toe Sanat of Ghazm 10 a recent edi Half Yearly of a group of highly jlOtenl body 10rlal lauds Ihe deemon of the Ome Quarler}y IS stIl!'largely an American pte­ serve .', AJnerj~ maustrY spend~ I chem.c:aI&-f1lay be a clue 10 sch- Id Tellhle Company of Kabul 10 FOREIGN $50 In!lfioh;:fo $100 million a yean lzophrema Olbers are sllidYlIIg the purchase ODe hundred looms mac :\~ lba~ Vearly on It P9sslbiilty an,adtenal d••llIrt; hln.. from abroad The pal?"'" says There 18 nothing a.....e- Dilly 'CaUlO' /he,'dlIcUe. 11'.01- thaI tbi.o InIliative by a private flfln meijtJ:wl~'a -cornpoun4 rcIaI-

-")'1 ,I ~ I l~ 1~}' \ "\0, J,::l.. ". . , ( . 1 f ," ~"'.,lJ<., ~ ~ 1/.1" .,l ." I"'I;~.-:')""~ V\ ,, , , ,~\ .... ~) ," ·\t\,~' ~ t'f j'I'~ ~ ~i I' I " _ \;' ,,\ ,/" r'· -.I, ~ ,rl~\ • ~." ~, • '-I. , . lo;,. I ;: ~ : I .,~ ,(v•., tl~l .., J .ll, , II; tit I 1 ., , ' ,_" .", t. ,ff.... , (. I r r 1'(I~ :,... ",.\),1 1\. ti 1)1" •

• }.~ Ji,l"~ '". 't', \, J I,{~,\",,\ ,~": I' : ...... ;...... ;~~_~~ ...."""'..~....~...."""".,._~"!"4~',·,;;KAB;.;;,;;I1L;..",13~tJNl)~.~:~!!Ii:A~yF.:,.~'C!lO'l'O~_~,~B~pt~.~;'8"::_,~,1~9!J1i!!_~'(~M1ZAN~,~_'~1_5,~1_346_~S.~H_.)_~""" ~.,...... _ ..PrI_ea_.,..,_3 -, ,, , E&.;;~~tk,~~~i5ti~ti~~f';~tttl'~:::"":l:tT~~Y;~C::"'~~':'s:.: :~~.!1:~ '2.Q~X~, ,.~'.Pt'acll ±!...E'\t~~~ :Creait"Loan' , 'UN'm> NAnu"" "" .... ,••• "'Woo,," ""'"',.'" ,', ,: J ,.,' '• .' .. ' I, "'I~ t· , "1 ill,',ii,r."· ,.OcL S'(B.ili~h-:IAf.~- uter}--UN Secretary General U to stop bombing its territory con· 01'1 tankera too large to pass thr- " "'" j"l'~e.,limlr Thant said again yesterday, he was tlnjled bl. con1IIct ",I,th po~t:.~ .h>~ Sit 11 011 'F" , '.,A.. L· 'I' r, "'k anlstiln:"'JlIly;\lion tnt- "convlDced" that N6rtb: .vletna", admlJiiatralioD on \h.s ough the Suez canal, a e :' O'~. ,Ag',.', '.' ,Iv;e,stdc' ernational tlllr"rankecl fourth amoo, would talk peace U the" United The administration has . repeate- Company chief said Ian week. .... ~ , 'the S2 'P.a#!icipat,ln, countries in' States slopped bombiog tbat coun- dly souabt arid.falled to oblain for. With these ships gotng round ., " the e~JK;sition; ldore than two mil- t mal assurance. of rodprocity {rom the Cape of Good Hope, the 1m- , 1(' •• lion people Ybited the paVillon. ry. HanoI. poitance ot the canal as an oil Th,e Afcban ro~:~=t~workon the reItor- Mob\lmmad Baa Sayami, advisor But, ID answer to reporlers' que- artery wolJld gradually dhn1nfsh, 'L ....._--... - Ii f b'stori al m UJDeDts In tocomm.~"whothe ,Afgban generlil chambers of stions, be dtsagreed with indian Thant was also asked about pro- David Barran, chairman of the got!a&fl!r, wi_:-.J. ....a on 0 , c on went 'to Turkey with Shell Transport and Trading yeU:. .etedU 10Iul fw arrtadtureAfghanistalL He ,.·!s,/presently the :.whibition at ,L_ invitation of Defence Minister Sardar Swaran 8"'l'S towards a solution Of the Mid- Company and a mano"ing direc- " at~k Mlri~1Y ;~ KABUL, Oct. 1, (Bakhtar).~Intor­ L ",' "'"ae~~eJl'"''':..~.' ••" " .,.''''l'.t1;!1''.~~Jf and e4l1dplaent Inclilll. working with the. of .. ..'" Singb's eOlltenljon 'Ftlday that a bo- die East crisis. He said it would be· D tch- Sh II culmre .. IR_ al&..:....tedIO~ daII7 plaab' Information and culture. .. Tunusb gove~ent, said the ell- mbing bldt would produce the ceo- como clearer nellt week whether tltt tor' of the Royal u e gr- mation and Culture MInIster Abdn! • Be viSited ilmces of the Mchan, ; ...... u Las Y De ,,"""rted position lilsted for a mOll,th. II h tfltti Se rI C II Id meet to co oup said. Tourist Bnreau, Betat Neudari and the' and other JirrlmdWraJ.IIII...I....• f" ear nJnarA e_.... u.'-anlsian featured dried and sation of a os ea. cu ty ounc wou - He told the Council of British Raoul Benawa returned to Kabul Fri­ ry. , aJ'proximately I $500,000 wonh of ...... Thant, also hIDted that be had not nsider a resolutioo to deal with the I Eq day after three days 'n Berat inspecting press department. "- These negotiations are Ute consumers goods and, machfnery fresh fruit, carpets, karakul, sheep- Ientirely su.pended his oWn Vietnam problem. Manufacturers of Petro e""l - historical monuments and visiting the Benawa iDsttucted the information result ot frequent visits pald by to Afghanistan. All 'effona are skin jsckets and semt precious atoo- peacemaking tOlUatlves. ulpment that Middle East lev- ministry's branches there. Be was ac­ and culture depjrtment to try to open Danlib Amb.....dor Mr. frOderik de betng made to increase COIIlJrter- es Backuse talks have been golDg emments had learned it was pra- companied by Dr S. Mostamandi, direc­ a calligraphy coarse to be taught by Jonquires to Iran and Afghania- cial exchanges betweell the two The expoSllton, be said, waa held He satd some weeks ago that be for seversl days, looking towards ctically impossible to maintaIn e tan and the last visit of Afghan countries. in tbe 460,000 sq. m. culture park had called off his efforta because the roco/lvenin, of the council total oil embargo andhhlld found tor of the antiqultle. department, A.S. the famous contemporary lIerat ea11i. b~ Aseli. director of the photography de­ grapher MoblUDlDlld' AlI. , Ambassador ,Dr. Yousuf to the It is also hoped Utat Denmatk of Izmir. the United States would not Most delegates are anxious to the embargo hurt t em nlore FRG and Denmark to Copenha- will participate at tbe Interna- At end of the fafr, represena- wbat he considered to be the first avoid another round of accrlJnon.. than theIr potential customers. partment and A.K. t'ahim, director of the • , gen ' tlonal Exhibition which will be ltves of TurkIsh Mlnfstries of Int- prlonty: n bomblnc balL DUB and unproductive debate. Barran sa,d petrol rationina In programmes In Radio Afghanistan. Dur­ Instructions were also .' ~.j:V Denmark has already sent an held In Kabul next J ashen to ~nor and Culture and the munict- The question of authorismg tbe westem Europe ~olloW1Dg the ing his trip Benawa had talks with I Benawa to Dr. MoStafuandi IlJi"resto1'lilg mark the 50th year of the Afghan pal corporatIOn of Izmu ranked tho But yesterday be said be was secretary-general to appoint a spe- MIddle East and Nigeriall wsrs Herat Governor Mohammad Sediq about ~ I and preserving various' hIstorical sites Independence. pavilions according to their organ- "still In some sort of coouet WJ1h cial representat,ve to go to the area had been prevented not by gov- the possibility of providing neW' pre' ~'L In the city. Above, 'Benawa (fOurtb War Delatyed USSR ISstion and decoralJon. all sld.s" and tbal smce the Oene- IS one of tbe ISSUes wblch may be emment action but by oil com' AI,bm.lltan's boolh waa r--~ raJ Assembly opened on Septem· bId paDles, whIch chartered extra mlses lor the Hernt information and from left) Inspects printing presses...... -::u taken up If t e counCl oes meet satlon of all bOllilltiea. ber 19 he bad been m touch "with tankers and released 0,1 held ID Growth 8-10 Years, BAKHTAR HIGH Sayami said Twu51a, Yuaoslavl8, some sides" storage. IUOTO Winds Up ~arran HOME, NEWS IN BRIEF Bulgana, Hungary and Austna bave saId the tankers' long Baibakov Says :OUNCIL MEETS shown mterest in purchasmg Afghan Asked if he were engaged m pea- Talks Possible route round the Cape of Good Deliberations KALAl NAU, Oct 7, (Bakhtar) from Improved breeds. Distribu­ commodIties cernaking Initlallves. be side step- Hope was addmg about iivepence -200 m blgh the Darzak pass tIOn IS aImed at helpmg the KABUL, Oct. 8 (Bakhtar}--The Sayami expressed bis apprecla- ped the quesllon by .aymg. "It de>- 0 ElF t' halfpenny sterling a gallon to TOK YO Ocl 7 (AFP}--Tbe In­ whIch blocks the road between poultry Industry in the valley. MOSCOW, Oct. 8, (TaIB) -The High Counc,l of the Bakhtar news tron to TurkISh officials for the,r pends wbat you mean by mft,al- n qua 00 In9 tbe cost of 011. ternatIOnal UOion of offiCIal Travel J awand and Kades woleswalis m war agaInst Nazi Germllny "baa de­ agency yesterday mot under Ibe cbal­ cooperatton 10 organisin, the AI- IVes:' He added "The Suez Canal OrgantsalJons (lUOTO}, now hold­ Badghls WIll be dynamIted and KABUL, Oct. 7, (Bakhtar).­ layed the de""lopment of Soviet rmansb,p of Deputy Inform~llon gban exhlbltton aod for the covers- Than!'s retterallon of hi. belief looks hke being closed fur many Ing Its 20th general assembly In leveled The fIrst blast went off Tqe French new ambassador to economy for elllbt to len yeara. and Cultu", MmISter Mohammad ge wh,cb the press gave tbe Afghan Ibat HanOI would go to the confero- UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 8 months yet and a big question Tokyo yesterday wound up Its var­ Thursday tbe court of Kabul Andre Negre "But for the war, the Soviet Unlon NaJlrn Ana and reVlewed the ageD­ paVIlion. nee table shorly after an uncond,- (DPA}--Dlrect negollalmns bet\¥- mark hangs over resumption of IOUS workmg sesSions on aU phas­ arrIved here Thursday. would blUe been already approach­ cy'S operanons and looked inlo Its ~n Israel and the Arab states Ilf" N,genan operatIOns." es of tOUrism, such as promotIon The ambassador Was received in& the United Slatea lovel In the finanCial affairs in pnnclple the best way to sol'" and development of mlernallOnsl MAZARE SHARIF, Oct 7, at the aIrport by Wahid Abdul- development of toduatQ' 'lind agri­ The meet108 was satisf1C~d Wltb the tbe Middle Ensl dIspute, Yugoslav tOUrism (Bak.htr}--Three centres to facl- cultural production and the volume way the orgamsatlon was fun'Ction· foreign minister Marko Ntkezic The general assembly goes Into htate the sale of chemical terti­ of national Income", Nikolai Balba­ 109 and praised Ihe services of Its cessation ,Of Bombing Wonlt lold the Unlled Nallons General t\SSAM MOB INJURES a plenary sessIOn begmnmg next hser were opened m Mazare Sha­ kov chauman of the state planntnll personnel Assembly Thursday FIVE POLICEMEN co";"'lttee of the USSR, says in hta Monday when It WIll diSCUSS reports nf Tbursday Bakbtar PresIdent Abdul Hamtd Bring Peace: US OHicials But he stressed tbat nea:otiatIons article "50 year. of lOCialist COI16­ I from vaTlOUS regIonal fourtst orga­ Mubarez presenled a statemenl of would bave to take place on an eq­ CALCUTrA/ Oct. 8, (APP).­ truction". tht> fint one in a volume nisatIOn In Europe. the Middle East BOST, Oct 7, (Bakhtar)­ last year's expenditures to tbe mo­ uaJ baSIS Five police were mjured Satur· The poultry programme of the of' the big Soviet Encyclopaedia, etmg and descnbed the Bsency's WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. (Reuter). If one party wblcb bad taken t~r­ and Ncar East and the Amenca's US omeiala iald yeatenlay that day when a VIolent mob of ab­ Helmand Valley Authonty In Tbe USSR-1917-198'l. plans to expand its d.omClU~ and fItory of the others by force mSIS- It Will alsd'" dISCUSS reports submI­ they Iroew notbintr to aubatantiate out 500 people attacked a police The ain, of the eillbth Ih....year cO'~rage C i foreign news and to mod· tted by the technIcal commiSSions on the last s,x morlths has dIstribu­ ted on direct negoUatlonSt UN su­ statIOn in the Assam state 011 ted to the people of He1mand anrl eccl.Omlc development plan of the ermse Its DeWs gathering and tran­ Indla'a eattentlon that a boml>lna' research, promotion, faCilitation and hall over North Vietnam would load pport of such a demand would mean town of Dlbjurgarh. Kandahar 7000 cblckens and 500 uSSR (1966-1970) Is to speed lUI the smitling facllties. approval of mlgbl makes nght. development The plenary sesslon to a cessation of IItrbtlng and peace The tncident started with a roosters and has sold 65,000 eggs growth of agricultlJral and conawner Mubarez said that last year the The Yugoslav {orelgo mmist.r st­ closes on Wednesday, October II. goods production wblle matntalnlnll ul1ts. protest march by the crowd over The most Important subject for Roosters and chIckens are all agency took pracncal steps in stml­ ressed hiS country had never ques­ a hl,b pace of technic&l ProllfUll In the governntent's inabtllty to diSCUSSion at the plenary session IS gthening its staff and began to tra­ tioned Isrse!'s equahly WIth other tbe branche. of heavy Induatry, to Government c1r~lea were hJllb17 solve the food ensls the problem of changmg the status nsmIt news throush telety~ 10 81X Morse Lectures counlrles. The march was started froID \ make tIllier use~ the _, eeop.o­ sceptical or a caielorlcal statemmtl of IUOTO to an mter-government­ France-.pulls Out provinces Others are seriell bY YugoslaVIa had also advocated the place where 200 students 'e mic' wtential of the country for au­ by India" Defence MinlIter 8ardar are al organisatIon and an official sp­ phone and radio. respect for the prInCipal of free ac­ hunger-s1lIiik,ng In protest Ili­ round satiafactlOl1 of the SovIet pe0­ Swaran SIngh tIlat HaIloI would LBJ On Saving i cess to mternational watefWays. rf~ eclahzed agency of the UnIted Na­ Of Algerian Base ple'. material and culIural roqulle­ "respond favourably" If the UB. atnst the acute shortage of WASHINOTON, Oct 8 (Reuter) But thIS quesnon could only be tions At present IUOTO IS an ad­ menla, the artiCle say.. itopped bomb~ unconditiOll&lq. and wheat In some areas of tbe vIsory organ of UN, bemg reprc­ PARfS, Oct 7 (DPA}--France "The Soviet economy baa made PAPAN,DREOU Sln,b told Ibe thtited Nations -'Senator W,ayne Morse advised solved in the overall political pIC­ state Pr~;~J~~' seotend only by offiCial tounst or­ plans to pull j>UI of ,ts navy and lo­ tremendous proereaa- But thJa doea General AlRmb1)' tha, India'. 0011­ \to start saving ture on "the way to II IICnerai solu· The crowd apparently turned gans not dIrectly by the governme­ gIStICS base of Mers el Kebir In fldenoe waa baaed Oft ta1ItI with the ;Jiiin' U.S' tro­ tion of the Middle East conflict VIOlent after seeing some of the not mean that asu and the RELEASED mil:-, ,~.Pt"', ~ong!;tome nts of member nations so that lts AJgena by February, resignwg her Soviet peepl. are fully aalided with uvarioul parties concerned.... opsl (. the "sba· The unsolved refup qlleStion. students weak because of their deCJSI0nS do nol have any bmdmg right to USe the inslallations until tbe .ute of things and that there ATHENS, Oct. 8, (Reuter).- U S. omclall iald they bad bSrd me l-llu'ppOrt of Greece and ter­ N Ikez", .added, msde it intposslble fast. power 1972 as laId down m the Ev,"n agr­ prob~ Greece'a army baeked gavemment frequent llmIlar ....-uODI !roIII min.liilt' aid 10 ArgentIna and Pe>- for the Arab stales and bra.1 to The police have SIDce banned are no diftlculties 01' lIDmlved ru . eement on AlgerIan mdependen~ lem. to tile Soviet Unlon. la.t nllht freed forD1ft PremI.... Indian srokeimen In the ~ but make peace all demonstrations UN Effectiveness AccordIng to offiCial SOurces n~- "SoViet economic growth was George papandreou,~.der of the knew of noth~ to aulgeat thaI N_ The Oreson democrat gave these gollahons on- Ihe advandd WIth- bandicappeci tn the Past by tho I.., Union of the Centre P ,wbo had Delhi bad obulned recent lnforma- as three fIelds where the admintstr­ drawal are currently under way. In 3l11'iculluro and tho slow develop­ been under bouse llnce the ,lion from Hanoi that North Vietnam ation could economise If President Questioned W,'b the foldmg-up of unclear ment of Induatry produclq COIl."_r milItan' coup last AFIl. 'WaI w;\~ to _ti_ Johnson want.d Congress to appro­ testlOg operatIOns at the French 1I00da. . An arlnouneement by the mtnlPr The omciala aa1d they did not ve a tax Increase. LSD Damage To Chromosomes 7 UNITED NATIONS. Oct (Re­ Sahara atom and rock~1 test sites "It was only In the last decade that of public order said that th. govern.- consider the Indian statement a rea­ "Fl,I'St," he said In a Senate spc· uter)-- Deputy Pnme Mlntster Kl­ of Reggane and Colomb-Be<:har the SoVIet state waa able to stjIrt menl bad lifted aU restrictions OIl panse to a opoecb by U B cbIeI ech "be can bnng borne four dlV1­ Reported In Medical Study rtl Nldhl Bista of Nepal declared last summer. Mers el Keblr, whIch NOTICE extenSIve bouslng construction, and the mevemenlJ of the fonnor pre- del"llate Arthur Goldberg In the UN SIO~S from Europe that are scrvlDl thaI the Untled NatIOns was opera- had over the past few years served .Under the!'rovisJoDS of articles 38 and 40 of the Coil­ IOas. production of refrlgerato.... mler and eilIbt other former depu- on September 21. no useful purpose other than to oal NEW YORK, Oct. 8, (Reuter).­ Cbromosome. tlny rods in the nu· tlOg as a less effective and less 8IID1e The balluc!ifatory dru, LSD can cleus of every cell. carry the pnettc malOly as a supply base for the stitution aU mcIivic\uals and entities are ob1llecl pay television. sets etc.. ties ot the PartY Goldbe.-lI alked North Vietnam or up tax money" uOlversal orgamsal1on because of sites. lost much of Its former Impor. to All nnprecedented cut In the AIter a few days of detelttlOl1 tn .ts frlen," to say prec\aely wbal If U.S domestlc programmes In fragment and rearrange chromo&O­ Information which determtnes what their taxes at specific times. genctl~ the 'dehberate" exclusion ot lance fer France price of Shah Pasand vegetable an Alben bospltal be bad been plac- would bappen If the U.S atopped the ctltes could be sacnflco- USSR Urged To Presen Wor~'s ~ .1U 8 papel presented 10 the con­ IJropenaity to dewlop leukemia." Weather Forecast' of such reduced usefulness best-known largest seller of heme applia­ whtcb he claims, would protect It "77 Confer.nce" of developi01l co- lem of developlDg countnes-gell- Viet Resolution To UN terence the two aclentuu 8UI1'lIDArla­ In addition, they iald that con· HaIr of the crew, SOme 7,000 men, nces offers you an from 'possible ,Iloodinll and earth untnes met here Saturday to a1igo mg fair returns for primary pazar, of LUJe says the of SpecIal Importance to their COn- It would also try fmd a way to of the democratic majo-. regions will be overcast. Yester· ELECTRIC MEAT GRINDER lecta. Invotvlllll LSI> and anUbloUCi LSD AcccrdlOg 10 reports reachiog tunnel should be drI""n through a tmenl. deal with the problem of uncontro- nty m the United SIa- _tell of day Karezmlr had 1 mm rain. used to treat patients In the Gnal "Perbap. the dallller here from Algiers the Algenan go· This attraotive and easy to use machine e;m also layer of blue clay (Fland.... cla,y) T_nty-throe of the 36 Alncan lied Ule af synthellCi and beller ae- tes senate, yesterday cal- otlllle. of terminal dilea.aea ""eb a,enta lie. tn polcntial chr0­ TIle warmest region of the QDDD' vernment has no Intenhon of gra­ whicb extend. across the width of delegallons expected for the conio- cess into developed countries for led on the SovIet Union to pre. try was Bust with a high of 33 vege~bles, fi'u.l~,p(ltatoes Tbeir !t'8tll Indicated, thay pJd; mosome dama.e to the pmetes nllng any other nallon the nght to grind dried and IIsh. the channeL reu::e were present when the two-day sernt-manufacturoTashkent declaration on es. tr. west of AISlers, an Arall eeon- to IIC t aoy 16ng-t rm Improvement, se to peace, ,t would seem to me of cbromolOme breakale and rear­ TOKYO, Oct 8, (DPAL-Ja- Kandahar 3lC llC tabhshment of peaceful relations ladles, and miXed) has been postponed from 6 to 13 IIAlter the earth tremon at 88 F 52 F omy rrnn,sters' meel!ng due to have Dr. Lim Ia,d to be appropnate for that nation ranllemer,l> tallied by drula tn COID­ panese Prune MmlSter Eisaku between Pakistan and India in Arette, In the P7nm.... last AUtrUtt begun in tbe caplul was PD:'fpooed. But he was bear14'ned by ~ews vi t t a form mon use by an eucoUally nnrmal 20 C 5 C October. All entry fo~~~teaeh 1\1. Love at the Sato will lesve on his lI\!COnd Ghaznl January 1966, reginoal home mi· 12, It I. undeniable that my p1,an The 77 confereoce '-'-- its ".Dame that Untted Naltons consu!tanoDII to put Its con CIon m 0 ­ popu14t1on, particularly lttdlvlduala 68F 4lF represented aafDQ' for tIlture -.- ed al resolutIOn and presen\ It for goodwJ11 trip to Southeast Asl. nlster Kazl'Faizullah said Thur­ . ,"" "t<:m!nssy by s:pJl'i.lOetlJber,JJ.. _lor from 77 countries attondinJ tho WIth developed countnes sugcsl considerat'on to the Security before or dUrin, the roproductl... &host 25C lle ~ and OceanIa Sunday morntllll sday be po~ :~ber ~Z users," aeoloalSt add:!ed. f,rst UNCI'AD conference In Oen- theIr attitude was imprOVIng, be period. 11F 52F The draw'Will at the,club Council PI Dunng hiS 15 day tour be wll1 He told the West Pakistan as­ andr~ JnteJua~rial eva m 1964. , satd. ::---:--"'::------_ VISIt IndoneSIa, Australia, New sembly Ind,ans had also taken courts in Karte,Seh Club, ; "'1~" - '- Zealand, the Philipptnes and 2,800 head ot cattle across the NEW JORDANJAN co~:~ly w)lIto~e:; South Vietnam. I AT THE 1 border in the period. • , Kabul Universitf~·S~Af. ~33fl00 ~ttt' GOVT. FORMED' :e4-:"-:: Johnson Under Pressure To Half Bombing His departure comes only a The Tashkent declaration pro­ , we. ' th . f yi 1",1-- onlY Friday in a speecb at the week after be retumed to Tok­ VIded, ampng other thinga tor AMMAN,' Oct. 8, (AFP).-'-' SHINGTON OctJo~n8 (Reu. s,dent 'S on .e po'nt 0 e ...... White House that he is tully aw- yo from his ll.-day swing thr­ dISCUSSIons between the two par­ frOm Italof for 240 lengths Of' angle each' In Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Co- WAUS PreSid' t IS to heavy milItary preasure to tn- are of the disquiet m Ute coun- ough Squtheast I\5la, which took ~ ,,,~--,:,,_,, new Jordanian government was ~ I~ tIes on the question of illegal im­ I _ " mmerce and lnd!!sfry MinlS\er Lee ter).-.. en than ever vade North Vietnam. try generally over his V,etnam forme.l Ias'~ night with former I!~parcjl h,m to Bqnna, MaJayala, Singa­ migrants, and on clalJl18 of sei­ Swee Auu IS to support under greaterIPtressurethbombing of Two war critics, Senators Tr- policies and the rlsmg crittcislri pore, Thailand· and Laos. ABIANA CINEMA zure of property. IOf.,I~ng! 450 adiusfoble S'" ~,~~iS~~,: -Wo~ld~s PriDle Mlnist"r Bahjat Talhunl ,- before to ha e ustonhav~ Monon and Vance Hartke, mQsllI"; as preDuer, it was officially an· deveinplnl countries all over the North VIetnam tn a bid for p<'ace warned over the past two at home and abroad The Prime Mlnf$:r, intOIlDed At 2,5,7:30 and 9:30 P.D>. Ena· _.-._._...... world In IICtting better Ptices and . ti '" sour~es said, Is loo~ forward /11m. ,ex,perienced ". nounced. . lishcornedy eadila"Jt36"·. ;j" , ,:',' access for their goods, bu! Cllpec\8 negotla ODS. s ay days that an tnvaslon above the He' acknowledged lhat It was to a frank exchange of opinions THERE WAS A CROOKED MAN , EXBIBmON . r'" ,~ ·r-..··':r'L" 'aidin'e'" -.' , The annotlnCl'ment saId be support from them. Bu\ authomtative 1~ t demUitansed zone was being unpopular for a' president to ask, , , ' would also be mInister Qf foreign :.r-ce w'th AsIan and Oceanic leaders Starrln, Norman Wisdom ( the", Is po rt!ason to leve: Prepared In ord.... to take pres- as he has been doing SO tar CONTEMPORARY YUGOSLA. - , latlDll t Co~redS on the AsIan situation with par. PARK CINEMA VIA GBAPJlICS ~ ~ ·:i~te~t~ ~~"~t'"y~i~,thWr', affairs and defence. Sbortly before departing for AIg- he is contelllP any gre sure off the U.S. marinCll lIOuth of unsuccessfully for to ! '. _' l lers, Malaysia i. to- loin 76' other obaJige In maUlp'. th ' ••Iy ticular stress on Vietnam and At 2:30, 5:30. a and)O pm '~Fir1t on !.be Allanite rim in Lalln Am~II~" The new tlovernment waa fDr­ :H I.n tile ManJclpaI Ball K&InIL develo"'ng countri...... ~ a COo .....4_- P~ is tor more atea' It,_ZODe. approve more taxO&, partt~'U_ ChIDa French poemaseaP!' llIm. YIRC Oft lbo I'aCUic Pint 'Round lhe Wolld med only a short ,.,blIe alter At 10-1% a.iiL anjI J.4 p.m. 'PMJ;Ch~~j~gI~~~':\ Il]mon~".front to placer',,--1letote the ...... ,.... p_"_',~ __u....~ Oftplied mill- ~t·.....~.I-r H·-ke said: "At tbfa for a war. ItIt His two·week trfp, they wei, LE MASQUE DE ~'ER Admission free bids tothe Premier Saad Jume resifl1ed. He ... bad been premier since the Au­ UNCTAD conr-ilce In Dolbi DOllt tarily on North letnam, the moment, only the president can "If I were collpemed only w would reach a climax wben the Invadln~ ..- 0 said• prevent us from .... North my own popularity, It would not prime mlnlster visits Saigon Oc­ ,.' gust 2 reahuffle and was also de­ February. 80__ I uld t .. fence mmlster. He banded bl. Dr. Urn said the AJSlen confer- Opponenta assert that far from Vietnam."- be the way wo olD anout I. tober 21-22 to confer with South .. res,gnation to Kmg Hussetn. ence, wblcb opens 'n thr

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