JULY 16, 1976 Former Actor

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JULY 16, 1976 Former Actor R . I . JE~I SH HI STORICAL ASSOC . 13 0 SSSSIONS ST . PROVIDS"'CE , RI 0 2 906 An _Actor, A Linguist Almost Octogenarian By BARBARA WRONSKI The sparkling eyes and warm wit of actor and linguist Israel Baren­ baum defy his 79 years. Don't call ENGLISH JE NISH '1."EEl<L Y 1N R I. A'-10 SOUTHEAST MASS. him a former actor. "An actor without work, maybe - but not a VOLUME LIX, NUMBER 20 F~IDA Y, JULY 16, 1976 former actor. An actor is an actor," he is quick to explain adding, "He knows nothing else." And he will explain it precisely - in Russian, Israel Charges Uganda Threats Are German. French, Heorew, Yiddish o r English. Take your pick. "My biggest regret is that I Attempt To Influence UN Council studied Yiddish theatre. I could be an excellent Hebrew actor in Israel. NEW YORK: Israel charged in His reference was to a statement government, at the opening session Instead, I ani a poor Yiddish actor the United Nations Security Coun­ made by Uganda President ldi of the debates, of having connived in Providence," he muses. There is cil this week that Uganda was Amin in a broadcast that "big with the hijackers who com­ no such thing as Yiddish theatre in "applying the threat of blackmail to mouths talking on the behalf of the mandeered the Air France jetliner Providence. Yiddish is frowned foreign nationals" on its soil in an Israelis, such as the British, will pay over Greece and diverted it to very heavily." It has been estimated upon as not being a real tongue, he attempt to innucnce current Coun­ Entcbbe. explains. cil debates on the Israeli commando that there are some 500 Britons in Mr. Herzog addressed himself to Uganda. Every successful actor has a raid to free hijacked hostages. anyone who might doubt this special foscination for the stage. Chaim Herzog, the Israeli This was the second time in three charge, saying "If there was no con­ This is true of Mr. Barcnbaum, who delegate, claimed, "For the first days that Mr. Herzog spoke to · nivance, where arc the other has loved theatre since he was a ISRAEL BARENBAUM time in history a direct attempt is rebut African, Communi st and terrorists? What has happened to chil<j and upon the discovery that in from France or Holland. He also being made by threats of blackmail other critics of Israel's July 3 com­ the two or three survivors of the he had u good voice to match that spent two years with the Jewish of the most ominous character to mando raid which freed more than rescue operation at the Entcbbe air­ interest. But his actual entry into Family & Children's Service as an influence the proceedings in this I 00 hostages held by pro­ port? Why have they not been ap­ theatre takes an unusual bent. "The interpreter. , Council." Palestinian hijackers at Uganda's prehended and produced in accor­ truth is the best, isn't it? I was Hi s son, who is now a full Fil• Yersien &.rps I• Entebbe airport. dance with the Hague Convention studying medicine in Estonia. One professor at Middlebury College in Mr. Herzog accused the Uganda of 1970'!" night I went to a performance starr­ Vermont, is head of the French Wake Of Israeli RescN .ing stage artist Esther Zcvkina, and Department there as well as the HOLLYWOOD: In the im­ Mrs. Bloch's Body Seen In A Forest I fell in love with her. I had to school's' /drama coach. Of his three mediate wake of the Israeli rescue hecome an actor. She wanted it." grandchildren Mr. Barcnbaum operation at Entebce Airport in NAIROBI : A recent Ugandan Israeli raid and that this was the Mr. Barenbaum and his wife, the says. "I have to watch out for the Uganda. Hollywood was conceiv­ radio broadcast this wee k quoted reason the diplomat had been former Esther Zevkina, who died youngest one. He's like the rest of ing a mm version of the episode. Presiden t ldi Amin to have expelled from the country. Mrs. Bloch, 75, of both British live and a half years ago, were born the family." Asked ifhe thought the A movie entitled "Rescue at reiterated the claim that Mrs. Dora and ' Israeli nationality, had been in the same town of Bialystok, grandson would want to go into Entcbee."' to be directed by Bloch had been returned 10· the taken to a Kampala hospital before originally in Russia. " It was Russia. theatre. he retorted, "I hope not." George Roy Hill of "The Sting," Entebbe airport from the hospital the Israeli raid because she had Then some military official draws a "'Engli sh is the only language I will be made by Universal Studios on July 3 a few hours before the choked on some food. The British pencil line o n a map and it is never formally studied - and so, it has been announced. Israeli raid. despite a connicting government has rejected the Ugan­ Poland." It later fell into the hands the accent," he commented, poin­ The studio announcement read: report by a Ugandan arriving here da account that states Mrs. Bloch of the Bolsheviks until the Germans ting out that he, like the renowned ""The project was in development that he had seen what he presumed had been returned to the airport won control and, later, again Paul Muni who happened to be moments after t.lie news was learn­ to be the hijack victim's half burned > ' before the raid, saying there was lit­ Russia. Of his wife he says, "She horn in his same home town, never ed of the incredible rescue by the body in a forest near Kampala, the tle doubt that she was dead. was a n artist. ,I am just an _ attempted portraying an American brilliant and daring Israeli com­ Uganda capital. The Uganda traveler who claim­ amateur:· He currently lives on the on the American stage. mandos:· General Amin told government ed to have seen Mrs. Bl och's body Providence East Side in what he ""Germa n is a big, heavy There has been no an­ officials and foreign diplomats that asked to remai n unidentified when calls hi s "bachelor apartment." la nguage. but it has rules. There are nouncement of casting decisions, he had provided his own car for no rules in Engli sh. It is the only induding the choice of an actor to giving his account to the Nairobi The Barenbaums spent seven Mrs. Bloch a nd had arranged for newspaper, Daily Nation. He said years in Riga, Latvia, acting in Rus­ language where you can read for a portray the role of President ldi her to be admitted to the hospital page and a half about a character y\mm. he saw the body on July 5 while sian, German and French. After room that he himself used. He said with a group of Uganda soldiers. and sti ll not know if it's a man or a that, they spent 30 years in France 29TH WZ C'ONGRF.SS again that he had attempted to help He said it lay near the bodies of woman. At last you read that the where Mr. Barenbaum was the only LONDON: The 29th World free the hostages during the week person is wearing a pink blouse and three radar operators who had been licensed Yiddish actor. They im- . Zionist Congress will take place in that they were held at Entebbe, but killed after the raiders you say, 'thank God, men don't Israeli migrated to the United . States 22 Jerusalem on January 17, 1977. It that " nobody has thanked me for managed to swoop into the airport wear pink blouses: If you were years ago, doing Jewish television will be almost five years to the day what I did." undetected. and radio and acting on the Yiddish born here, you can't imagine the difficulty for someone who wasn't." since the last Congress W!§ held, The report said the Uganda Peter- Chandley, the second stage in New York City for three although traditionally the Mr. Barenbaum explained that president asserted that the second secretary of the British High Com­ years. At this time, the younger of gatherings take ·place every four secretary of the British High Com­ mission in Kampala, visited Mrs. one of the lirst English words he their two sons, Simon, was teaching years. The delay is partly attributed learned was 'daughter,' because it mission in Kampala had expressed Bloch in the hospital on July 4, French at Brown University and the to the death of Pinhas Sapir, the almost a full day after the Israeli has familiar European derivitives. pleasure over the death of Uganda couple moved to Providence. Mr. former chairman. soldiers and hijackers during the raid. Barenbaum speaks briefly and "'Then I used 'laughter' (which he sorrowfully of his older son, killed pronounced 'lawter') and my son in the Auschwitz concentration said, 'no, you can't say that.' Where camp. a re the rules?" As his full time employment, Mr. Asked to comment on a recent Barenbaum had taken up bookeep­ Knesset claim that Israelis do not irig and held office jobs with Trifari, speak proper Hebrew, Mr. Baren­ Krussma n & Fishel, Inc. on a tru:ee­ baum returned to his thesis that year contract and, later, with Royal pronunciation is one of the biggest Electric, now ITT, until his obstacles to overcome when· lear­ retirement. "I didn't retire.
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