An _Actor, A Linguist Almost Octogenarian By BARBARA WRONSKI The sparkling eyes and warm wit of actor and linguist Baren­ baum defy his 79 years. Don't call ENGLISH JE NISH '1."EEl

;, / 2-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976 ROBERTSON nothing about Judaism. Carlson Rep!:~t~:~Ao~t!!~~!aritan believes thal much of the money for TREE SERVICE 'Operation Birthday Cake' Is the missionary effort comes from . COMPLETE TREE CARE community in Israel were presented _"6pparently No Party For Christians who are guilty over the INCLUDING with a facsimile of a 13th century . Holocaust and are "suckered" into CUSTOM SPRAYING Samaritan Pentateuch by - the • By Dnld Friedman which aims its message at young believing that they can help the 399-7870 Hebrew University of Jerusalem, NEW YORK (JTA): A Jews. has announced it plans a Jews through converting them. But Presbyterian minister with close ties major campaign aimed al Bicenten­ Carlson said he has always preach­ lo the Jewish community warned n i a I crowds in New York, ed that neither conversion nor that Christian missionaries have Philadelphia and Washington. assimilation works. NEW ENGLAND launched a major effort to convert Evidence for this was seen in mid­ Carlson. who calls himself a BJ Jews this summer. The Rev. Paul R, town Manhattan where the group Zionist. said that one of the VISITS ISRAEL Carlson, pastor of the Glen Morris was flooding the streets with problems for the Jewish community Presbyterian Church of Ozone lca0els. is that the ve ry evangelical l&I Park, Queens, told the Jewish The minister-journalist, who is Christians who seek to convert Jews Homos- groups: Con®atl0115, lmt11111ions, Telegraphic Agency that the effort, working on a doctoral dissertation arc also the most pro-Israel. He Organizatlou, Communities, Oubs, Profewonals known as "Operation Birthday on and teaches a noted 1ha1 up 10 the Six-Day War, Cake." is more of a threat to the course on the Holocaust at his Jewish organizati o ns sought to :Z.AUIUlt 9-North Shore Jewish Community Center, Jaly Jewish community than was the ,hurch. said that - from his work only with libera l Christians, led by Mr, Harvey Kirstein nationwide "Key '73" program experience with Hebrew Christians but it is those liberals who have A ■ p ■ t 6-Jewish Community Center in 4-Septealler three years ago. Carlson, a jour­ - they are either self-hating Jews been anti-Israel during the Six-Day Enosbury, Vermont, led by Mr, R, Lieberman, nalist and author of a book, 0 or Jews whose Judaism ended with War and later the Yorn Kippur , Aupst 9-Aapst 29-Congregation Beth El, led by and Mrs, Lawrence Kushner Christian! 0 Jrw! which explains their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. He said War. Carlson said liberal Christians A ■plt 11-A■plt 25-Ciub Beth Shalom, North Woodstock, Judaism lo Christians, said the Jews who are aware of their cannot come lo terms with the par­ led by Mr, Frank E, Herman, operation involves all the mis­ religious heritage do not convert. ticularism of Israel. He said that in A ■plt 14-A■plt 29-Community of Bingham, led by Dr, sionary organizations. He said this Carlson said he experienced this Germany ii was liberal clergymen Stephen A, Moser, includes ones such as the old Jewish self-haired recently when he who joined the Nazis while the . A■-- •~-lier 19-Hebrew Association in Ct., led by American Board of Mission to the wa s a s ked lo speak on the ,onservatives opposed Hitler. Mr, Jerry Duizend. Jews which seeks lo convert Jews Holocaust al a conference on Explaining this, Carlson said a A111111t 21-Auptt JO-Holography No. I and No. 2 (2 return outright and the so-called Hebrew "God. the Jew and You," at the noted Christian scholar recently dates) Christians who espouse the "fraud" First Chris tian and Missionary said that in the eyes of the church August 22-Aupst 27-J rd International Congress of Jewish lhal Christianity is the true Alliance Church in Manhattan. He the only good Jew was a dead one Lawyers a nd Jurists · Judaism . said the Hebrew Christians at the or a converted one. He said the . Sept. '-Sept. 19-"Beth Am" Friends Villit to Israel led by "Operation Birthday Cake" calls conference allacked Judaism, dis­ liberals have opted for killing Jews Rabbi Jacob Greenfield ' for massive street corner missionary torted Jewish history, and made while the conservatives have sought Sept. ~ - 22-Western Mass. and Connecticut Valley drives in every major city in the numcrou anti.Semitic references. to convert them. Carlson said that Tour, led by Eunice and Mel Lcpow country. Carlson said. He reported He fo und himself defending he has no ready answer fo r the ~- 12-Sept. 16-Sccond international Conference on that in Philadelphia, 70 Bible Judais m al the conference. Carlson Jewish community lo meet the mis­ ·Quality Assurance in Developing Industries students recently completed a noted that many of these Hebrew sionary effort. He said that both the Sept. 12-Sept. 17-JOth Congress of the International Fiscal church and synagogue in the United Assoc. course in street corner preaching. Christians claim that they come Sept, 12-Sept. 17-Sccond International Congress of Eye Carlson said one of the Hebrew from Orthodox homes whose States were going through a crisis of Kesearch • Christian groups, Jews for Jesus, parents threw them out, a statement faith and ii was necessary to bring Sept. 14-Sept. 20-6th European Congress on Electron he says he cannot believe. He said everybody back to their own Microscopy Magazine Explores he thinks they claim to have been religion and have the various faiths Sept. ls.Sept. 29-Autumn Trip to Jerusalem, led by Mr. Orthodox as a means of pleasing work in brotherhood with each , Michael Pickholtz Jewish Womanhood Christians, and most of them know ot her. Sept. 19-0ct. 10-"Torah" Brotherhood Tour, led by Rabbi NEW YORK (JTA): Lilith . E. Borowitz Maga,ine, a new quarterly Sept. 22-0ct. 6-0rthodox Rosh Hashonah Tour of Israel­ Obituaries Newport • dedicated lo "exploring the world Setlt. 27-0ct. ll-Brith Kodesh Center, led by Mr. Jack of the Jewish woman" has publish­ JOSEPH LUBITZ I le was a member of the E. L. Manheimer . ·cd its first issue here. The magazine, Funeral services were held in Freeman Lodge of Pawtucket, of Oct. S.Oct. 21-9th Congress of the Prophetic Word the only inde.pendenl Jewish Israel on Thursday, July 8, for the Palestine S hrine a nd of Oct. 12-0ct. 26-Temple Emeth of South Brookline Trip to women's magazine in North Joseph Lubit, who died there July Congregation Sons of Jacob. Israel America. · is named for Adam's 6. He was the father of Mrs. Irvi ng Born in Kiev, Russia, February October 13-0ctoller 17-Third Israel International Cham- legendary first companion and co­ Steinfeld of 44 Massasoit Drive, 21. 1902. he was a son of the late pionship Regatta , . equal. originally " the embodiment Warwick . Mr. ancJ Mrs. Morris Bigunetz. Oct. 17-0ct. 25-28th Annual Congress of International of independent womanhood ." MELVIN SEGAL Besides his wife, he is survived by Federation of Thermalism and Climatism Lilith is a nonprofit venture started a daughter. Mrs. Murray Friedman Oct. 19-No,. 2-Newton Visits. Israel and Rome, led by Funeral services were held Fri­ hy a group of Jewish women jour­ or Providence; two sons, Paul E. Mayor Theodore Ma!!_ll_,. , __ _ __ e.lay, July 9. at Sugarman Memorial nalists headquartered at 500 East 63 Bigney of Pawtucket and Arnold Octoller21-0ctNer JI-North Shore Jewish Federation, led Chapel for Melvin Segal, 49, of 510 Street. II is sold by subscription al Bigney of Cranston; two sisters. by Mr. Bob Brest Child St reet. Warren, who died in $6 a year and on selected Clara Brody and Sadie Kaplan, Oct. UOci. 30-First World Jewish Film and Television Miriam Hospital afte r being newsstands. The executive editor is holh of Providence, and eight Festival stricken at his home. He was the Susan Weidman Schneider, grandchildren. Oct. 25-No,. l-Hadassah, led by Mrs. Bea Garber hushand of Elaine (Engleman) Oct. ZS.No,. IS-22nd Men's and Women's Chess Olympiad originally from Winnipeg. Lilith's goal, its editors state, "is Sega l. Burial was in Lincoln Park MILDRED HERSTOFF No,_ber i-No,emw 22-Fairwood Group, led 'by Rev. Cemetery . Victor Abram 10 foster discussion of Jewish Funeral services were held Tues­ Mr. No,ealler 6-No,emw II-International Conference on women's issues and put them on the Segal was a sel f- employed Jay. July 13. al the Hoffman Gastrointestinal Cancer agenda of the Jewish community." furniture salesman. Chapel j n Newport for Mildred Noffaller 7-No•ealler 17-Maine Pilgrimage Tour, led by _ The magazine intends to serve as an Born in Providence, September (Chervinsky) Herstoff, 58, of 151 Mrs. Betty Teschner "ongoing forum" for exploring 12. 1926. he was the son of Irving Kay St reel. Newport, who died July · No•-'er 7-No,ealler 17-Annual Fall Tour, led by Mr. S. Jewish women's concerns, connicts, Segal of Pawtucket and the late 11 al Roger Williams Hospital after Heller Rose (Sondler) Segal. experiences and history, and plans He was a a brief illness. She was the wife of No,ealler 16-No•ealler 21-World Union of' Progressive resident of Providence until moving Mill on W. Herstoff. Burial was in Judaism lo devote special issues to the 10 Warren a month ago. Mr, Segal Beth Olam Cemetery in Noffaller 22-No.el■ller 27-World Council Meeting-United Jewish family, the Holocaust, and served with the Navy during World M idcJlelown. Synagogue of America Israeli women, Among the articles War II. Dec:e■lller 13-Dec:e■lller 20--Fourth World Congress of in the 48-page first issue- are: An Mrs. Hersloff was a member of Besides his wife and father, sur­ Enc;nd Architects - interview in which Betty Friedan, Touro Synagogue and its ladies vivors are three sons, Bruce Segal, 18-Dec:e■lller 27-Educational Leadership Tour to founder of the National Organiza­ auxiliary. She had just recently been M ichacl Segal and Peter Segal, all ' the Holyland, led by Mr. M, Lepow tion for Women, calls upon Jewish rewgnitecJ as the first life member , Dec:e■lller 20-Dec:e■lller 23-lnternational Conference on of Warren; a daughter, Pamela women tb slop raising money for or the Newport Hadassah. i Pedestrian Safety . • Segal of Warren; and a brother, Jewish organizations which dis­ She was born in New Bedford, . Dec:e■lller 20-Deal■ller 27-First International Conference Edward Segal of Pawtucket. Massachusells, a daughter of the •on Cycling criminate against them or exclude Dece.._ 26-Jaaary 5-Greater Boston Family Mission, led them from membership and BENJAMIN BIGNEY late Jacob a nd Eva (Cohen) Cher­ by Mr. Sid Heljcr decision-making; an analysis of Funeral services were held at vinsky. She had been a resident of "The Lilith Question," discussing Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel on Newport since 1941. ·- ·-~::~~~;jt.,=e:::f=f how and why the story of Lilith, the Thursday, July 8, for Benjamin Besides her husband, she is sur­ first independent woman, was Bigney, 74, who died in the Miriam vived by two sons. Dr. James K. For 11N1re Information, contact your El Al travel agent or: changed to make her demonic; an Hospital after- an extended illness. I lcrstoff or Providence and New­ article by a psychiatric social The founder and president of rort. and Or. Robert D. Hersloff of El Al ISRAEL AIRLINES Mountain Valley. California; a worker on the toll on lower-class U.niled Plastics Inc. of Providence, brother. Dr. Paul Chervinsky of 607 BOYLSTON STREET Jewish women and men of the Mr. ·Bigney was the husband of Etta New Bedford. Massachusells; a . BOSTON Tel.: 617-267-922!) American Jewish drive for success;. (Slutsky) Bigney. Burial was in Lin­ sister. Mrs. Albert Shuster of South and a scholarly piece by Blu coln Park Cemetery, •s•a■ LAMlfllfllf ■ t. Dartmouth. Massachusetts; and Greenberg on how halacha can and lh: lived at 48 Sinclair Avenue, THIS LiSTle,IG IS A SERVICE OF THE , Cranston, for 10 years. Prior to I" o grandchildren, ISRAEL GOVERNMENT TOURIST OFFICE must be changed so that the Jewish lhal, he was a resident of EASTERN REGION womap is equal in privileges and BESSIE SCOLIARD ohligalions. Providence for 46 years. Sugarman Memorial Chapel held runcral services on Tuesday, July l.l. for Bessie Scoliard. 97, a S'UGARMAN MEMORIAL , c ·HAPELS resident member of the Jewish ilomc for lhe Aged, who died July 12 in Miriam Hospital. She was the _. ,;"' ) !i•••'' "icJ,m or Frank Scoliard. Burial ~-- HOME OF TRADITIONAL 331-8094 '"" in Lincoln Park Cemetery. /( '·· 458 HOPE STREET Born January 7, 1879, in Russia JEWISH SERVICES Cor. Hope & Doyle Ave. Mrs. Scoliard was the daughter of PROVIDENCE the late Mr. and Mrs. Shimon Fish. l FoR OvER S1nv'YEARs Snc lived in Providence more than Ii (l5 vcars. 467-7750 She was a member of the ·1924 ELMWOOD AVE . Providence Fraternal Association. Survivors include two daughters, WARWICK l:lhel Scoliard and Hannah LEWIS J. BOSLER, R.E. IN FLORIDA Scoliard. hoth of Providence; two (305) 861 :9066 · gr'and~hildrcn .;t nd two grcat- _ grandchihlrcn. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976-3 Nominations Open · SUBSCRIBE TO the Herald, 11nd ·receive it in the mail every for Smolar :Award week . For information, caJI the Herald at 72 - NEW YORK (JTA) : Nominations for· the 1976 Smolar Award for excellence in ·North · JOE ANDRE'S I American Jewish journalism arc . ORCHESTRA. •-, I ·---~ '1 . now peing accepted, it was -an­ , ~sic for that Yery speclol affair nounced by Lavy M. Becker of W..._s ler ■ ihv.. s . " Montreal, chairman of the award u1~_~1_,914!1._~~-n!~ · . ~ committee. Awards will be · . 116W■ 1■ 1111 AH. 274-7177 11 presented to journalists for press coverage in eight categories that BARRY WALSH AFTER4 P.M. cover news, editorial and feature 401-272-0050 materials. Applicants may enter the competition in only one category in any given year. The Award, es­ WALSH & SONS CONSTRUCTION tablished in 1972 by the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare BUILDING . • REMODELING • PAINTING Funds (CJF), recognizes PIESIDENTIAL CONfUENCE: Norman Japlinzer, - ancl pul,lic affairs CARPET • LINOLEUM • CERAMIC TILE achievements by outstanding North director of WUCW radio, was -tly Invited by l'reoldent Ferd to a - WALLPAPERING American journalists whose work cont.,ence at lt,e White Hovte In Woshi11111ten . The two DN pictvred In tt.. appears in English-language We Service Alf oi New England Oval Office of lt,e White Heu ... newspapers substantially involved - less Than Anyone Else - in the coverage of Jewish communal FREE ESTIMATES . 6 GREATON DRIVE affairs and issues in the United Brown's Stand Wavers PROVIDENCE 02906 States and Canada. Created as a tribute to Bori s Smolar, edi"tor-in­ ch ief emeritus of the Jewish In Cross-Examination NEW LOOK FOR YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Telegraphic Agency, and a dis­ WASHINGTON . (JTA): Gen. Brown replied, "It may be, but not tinguished author and columnist, George S. Brown, chairman of the disproportionate to their effort." JACK'S FABRICS this annual award is the highest Joint Chiefs of Staff, said recently He stressed under questioning that honor bestowed upon individuals in he still thinks Jews have an undue there was nothing improper in FOR the North American -Jewish jour­ innuence on Congress. However, Jewish lobbying efforts and, after CUSTOM DRAPES nalism field. This year's awards will Gen. Brown, who was testifying further being pressed by Sen. Nunn, be announced at the CJF's 45th before the Senate Armed Services he said. "I don't think there's undue SllPCOVERS General Assembly in Philadelphia, Committee on President Ford's influence." The Jewish War WINDOW SHADES Nov. 9-14. nomination of him for another two­ Veterans have writlen President IEDSPREADS The eight categories making up year term as head of the Joint Ford expressing tpcir opposition to UPHOLSTERING this year's competition and for Chiefs of Staff, later backed away Gen. Brown's renomination. which awards, as merited, will be from the word "undue" and said Meanwhile. Rep. Bella Abzug made are: three in the area of innuence in supprt of Israel was (D.-NY) stated, "We should not CALL "News" coverage for local, national proper. Gen . Brown ·s remarks reward bigotry a second time" and 725-2160 and overseas reportage respectively; ca me when Sen . Robert Taft, Jr., called on President Ford to two fo r "Editorial" excellence - (R.-Ohio) asked him about his withdraw the nomination of Gen, 725 DEXTER ST. either a single editorial or a series, statement at a Duke University law Brown for a second term as chair. inclusive of cartoons, and for an seminar on October 10 of last year, man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She CENTRAL FALLS o ut standing regular column in which he said that Israel had too cited "inappropriate and unaccep­ HOURS: 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 devoted lo news analysis and com­ much innuence on Congress and table anti-Jewish remarks" made by mentary; and in the "Features" Jews "own , you know, the banks in Gen. Brown during the Senate area, separate awards recognizing a this country. the newspapers." Armed Services Commillee hear­ series of articles on a special theme, Gen . Brown later publicly ing. MOUNT a single article (inclusive of inter­ apologized for the remarks on Nevertheless, the committee ap­ views, personality sketches, film, Ford's orders. In replying to Sen. proved Gen. Brown's nomination book reviews), and a regular Taft, Gen. Brown said he was by a vote of 13-2. The negative SINAI MONUMENT COMPANY column whose focus is. the local wrong in asserting that .Jews owned votes were cast by Sen. Robert Taft, Mitchell of the Mt. Sinai Monument community scene. This year's com­ the banks and the newspapers. Jr.. (R.-Ohio) and Sen. Thomas J. Company designed approximately 90% petition covers material published However. under questioning from McIntyre (D.-NH). In a letter to between June I, 1975, and May 31, Taft, he said, "I felt that the Jewish President Ford, Mrs. Abzug said, of the monuments placed in the I976, with the deadline for entries community in the U.S. had an un­ " We may forgive erroneous Lincoln Park Cemetery and Temple Beth Sept. I , 1976. Nominations can be due innuence on the Congress of remarks made once, but we should El Cemetery in the past 30 years. made by newspapers and journalists the U.S." He said he still feels this not reward bigotry a second time." of the American Jewish press, as way "but I feel it is not unusual. She said a careful reading of Gen. Call Mitchell for guidance in selecting well as organizations and interested There are other speciaJ interest Brown's testimony "shows that he an appropriate Jewish monument or groups that have innuence or seek did not actually change his position individuals. A person can be for obtaining a comparative quotation nominated and-or enter the com­ to achieve influence on the but only found it politically petition in only one of the eight Congress of the U.S," expedient to express himself more for a monument you have been quoted categories. The committee soon after went carefully." Despite the controversy, elsewhere ... call 331-3337 In announcing the opening of the into closed session, but Sen. Sam the Senate confirmed Gen. Brown '76 Smolar Award competition, Nunn (D.-Ga.) later emerged and on July I. 57-34. Becker commented that "the grow­ said he was disturbed by Gen. ing stature and service record being Brown's answers. He asked Gen. More Heart Ills MOUNT SINAI achieved by the North American Brown if he believes that Jews exert Jewish press is a vital fact affecting "undue innuence" and the general From Overeating replied, "I feel the influence of us all. As informed individuals, MEMPHIS: Jews suffer from Jewish people was only one of many MEMORIAL CHAPEL better able to shape meaningful heart attacks and cardiovascular lobbying activities." Sen. Nunn responses for ourselves and diseases to a greater extent than any repeated his question and Gen. programs for our communities, we other element of the population Brown replied, "The Senator is Where the dignity of appreciate the extent to which a because of their physical inactivity better able to answer it than I. I and over-eating, according to Dr. capacity for decision-making and would say that I think that Jewish community-building is due to an Hillel Ruskin, head of the a funeral need not innuence in the interest of Israel ... department of physical education at alert and dynamic press." Judging is absolutely proportionaJ to the ef­ the Hebrew University. is by the Smolar Award Committee, fort they put in - they work hard be , measured by a body of distinguished represen­ at it .... I have never implied Jewish disregard of physical ac­ tatives qf the Jewish and general anything sinister, wrong or illegal." tivity such as organized athletics, its cost. press, arts and letters, the field of When Sen. Nunn asked him if which first began 3,000 years ago as public relations, community Jewish innuence was dispropor­ revulsion against the Greek idea of leadership and the CJ F board of tionate to their numbers, Gen physical beauty and bodily perfcc-· directors. tion, has made large numbers of We do our best American and lsn1eli Jews physical­ Quadruple Wedding Held for Family Of Conve~fs ly unlit, Ruskin told the board of to have all our prices . TULSA, Okla. - Rabbi Arthur others followed. directors of the Memphis Jewish Kahn performed a quadruple Mr. and Mrs. Caruthers and their Community Center. substantially less than marriage at B'nai Emuhan two youngest children left for Israel Ruskin, who has given the same Synagogue in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for May 26 and within the nc~t year, . message to Jewish Community. our competition for eight _members of an entire family the four sons and their families have Centers in more than 50 com­ who have recently converted to the jqined them and ·son Vince, who is munities in his role as a speciaJ con- . equivalent service Jewish faith and arc going to already there. The family will settle sultan! on health and physical emigrate to Israel to begin a new in Haifa, Israel's third largest" city. education to the NationaJ Jewish and merchandise life. "We want to help out in a.time They will spend some time in an Welfare Board, declared that since when they really need help," said , a training center for im- physical fitness can add to the· W. L. Caruthers, a cement maker in migrants, to learn Hebrew and lifespan, "it is a mitzva or obliga­ suburban Owasso, who has led his · adjust to Israeli life. tion for Jews who regard life so Complete funerals available from $395. five sons, a· daughter, four · Asked why the family moved highly." He pointed out that ''some For further information and prices, you are invited to visit or daughters-in-law and seven grand- to a foreign country where they do · of the greatest Jewish thinkers · telephone us. We welcome comparison of our modern facilities sons to their adopted country. One ·not speak the language and where . emphasized the importance of •the . and prices. son is already in Israel. Four of the the danger of violence is always body as we.II as the mind," among sons.and their wives were rctnarried present, Mr. Caruthers said "We them Maimonides. All services directed by Mitchell ... as did his Father and in the Jewish ceremony. want to be there when the Messiah Citing a report that the average Uncle... and Grandfather ... since the 1870's. The entire family has been study- • comes and we want to rebuild the · •Japanese at 50 is phy$ically more FOR THE FINEST TRIBUTE AND RESPECT ing the Hebrew Bible since 1954 but Temple." He said he realizes active than the average Israeli in his 20s, Ruskin called for more FOR YOUR LOVED ONE IN ACCORDANCE it was not until several years ago, political turmoil may cruj>t in Israel WITii PROPER RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE ... when they met . Rabbi Kahn, that at any time, and expects it to. "Ac­ physical activity by American Jews thcy began planning formal conver- · cording to the Bible, before the as a means of relieving tension in a · Mount Sinai Memorial Cnapel" sion to Judaism. About a year ago, Messiah comes there will be a war highly competitive society and as a 825 Hope St. at corner of ·Foorth St. in Providence the cider Caruthers, his wife, and and all the. nations will be gathered way of strengthening Jewish family 3_31-3337 Jn F[orida ,Call (305) 856-3983 P. Can, "their son Vince converted. The there." , , , ties. __ ,

'J 1 1 I It I\~ I> t I I ~ I I 1.,.1 ,..J_j.._,,_.;,1 _•..,.•••b• ·-~;,,l°,.~9'_,...,., ___ ...... _ fllt._._ • ..._.. _ _ _ U ..• ... A.• 1' ···•• .. •-• •·· r

I ' Role of the Jew • Ill Politics By DR. JAY N. FISHBEIN This 1974 law placed a limit of utors. As it is impractical to seek . . -..i;n~-;~- . The nation's longest and cos­ S 1,000 on the amount any one, out the individual small donor, . . r...... ~'T-w -. -~ --' _..... tliest series of primaries have fi­ person could contribute to the in­ groups with expertise in soliciting nally come to a close. These thir­ dividual politician. Despite the fact funds on a large scale became nec­ caaa~;·•·:;)~.~~...... ,.,-..,,•-·---=-~~-~-~-~-~-~~ -:...... ' ..... ty-one elections failed to give ei­ that Jews constitute only two and essary ...... _a,;...... ____...... _..._.... : ...._ :_...... _ ...... ther Republican candidate enough a half percent of the population Organizations with nation-wide 1 delegates to ensure nomination. they were among the most liberal memberships were eagerly solic­ ·, ~-='-c-.n:--~-.,__,_.. w_iiliii;.--, __ __,,,_.... _, ______...... ,.,., ...... During these critical pre-con­ contributon. ited. For decades Jews have been vention weeks the search for un­ Despite -this S 1,000 limit, the organized to raise money for char­ committed delegates continues candidate or bis family arc per­ itable, religious and communal ~_,.'"::J:;:t 11.!:!i.t:t!"~-i.M!!•. - ~'!'II- , with feverish intensity . mitted to spend unlimited sums. purposes. They have been the ad­ . _._,~!'-!!!JN!!.~"'!'Y.--' .-:--:--_.,...__,. In this mad, last minute This ·handicaps the candidate with­ miration of the church which scramble, commitments were un­ out penonal resources who can be points with envy to the generosity FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976 doubtedly made that the candi­ forced out, yet may be more de­ of the Jew in supporting his syna­ dates arc unaware of, but were serving. Reminiscent of the Ro­ gogue or providing for the support utilized by subordinates for man Senate where scats could be of needy brethren. This role ex­ expediency's sake and to raise the purchased by the wealthy and tends far back over the centuries, Letter large sums the election will require. which eventually contributed to when communities throughout the Out of the jungle the following the fall of the Roman Empire. Diaspora voluntarily raised sums facts emerged. The candidate must It has been estimated that about for the support of co-religionists from Johannesburg possess unlimited financial backing 90% of Senator Jackson's early in the Holy Land, or to purchase contributions came from Jews. the freedom of Jews held in cap­ By JACOB NEUSNER as well as charisma. The day or . of the population. Senator Frank Church's campaign tivity. Yct arc these the same fews the big financial donor is past. As They are isolated from the oth­ was given a substantial boost by It precipitated the bitter anger who comprise what we should call a result of the Watergate dis­ er, and much larger components Jewish contributions, which of the Arab who realizes that Is­ "the organized Jewish commu­ closures, new, rigid, campaign fi- of the white minority. Old fashion­ amounted to about half of the to­ rael would have succumbed long nity?" The . students whom I met nance laws were enacted which ed anti-SeQJitism nourishes. SA BC tal. Since the elimination of the ago but for these financial trans­ perceive the community as staid, have a major impact on the role television wanted to delete the epi­ "fat cats" it became necessary to fusions. They feel frustrated that cautious, MIi-satisfied, as indeed I sode on genocide from "The Jews will henceforth play in poli­ tics. fall back on the Sl.000 contrib- depitc the OPEC oil wealth, aid to did. But arc the others not Jews World at War" series of Jeremy Palestinian refugees has been too? Did they not come out of the Isaacs. It televises anti-Semitic more vocal than financial. It also same families, the same tradition preachers, who quote from the aroused the anti-Semite who pro­ of prophecy and law'! In South Af­ Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Your tests vociferously the now or mon­ rica I learned that the issues of Jewish community officials com­ ey out or the country to Israel. Judaism arc to be drawn starkly pare their work to that of mem­ Money's To the wealthy Jew who made and in all their simplicity. South bers or the Judenrat. Letters sent substantial contributions to his fa­ Africa is a land of simple truths. to high government officials wjthin Worth vorite ca ndidate in the past, it was Good is good, evil is evil. days reach the liands of anti-Semi­ a status symbol. possibly coinci­ In my last lecture, in Johannes­ tic leaders · discussed therein. ·ly Sylvia Porter dental with the hope that the poli ­ burg, the day before neft, I spoke Meetings with officers or the bu­ tician would be well disposed to­ about the indivisibility of freedom, reau of state security on organized wa rds Israel. However. to some the slavery of the master. the anti-Semitic movements in the Vacadoa Colleps Writers Conference" from Aug. 2 Gentiles it carried sini ster con­ degradation of the superior race. country arc known to those same As millions or younger 10 14 . Kurt Vonnegut. Jr. is leading notations. There are the ubi­ To be heard, I said this with as movements. At least twenty-five Americans across the land throw 1hc conference. also to be attended quitous General George Browns much tact as I could muster. But hundred Nazis and other anti• off the burdens or the '76 school by other established novelists, and Father Coughlins who spew it slipped out that I thought au­ Semites are known to Jewish year, countless numbers of their dramatists, editors, magazine forth their venom that the Jew thentic Judaism is expressed by agencies. parents arc making plans for school writers and poets. The session will controls Congress, th e news the prisoners and the exiles, the 10 begin. last 100 minutes each, cost $225, The white population is utterly media, the banks, the cinema and Jewish whites who gave their lives A new phenomenon is sweeping and include discussions of samples television. to alleviate the condition of the uninformed about Judaism. An the nation and it is fast becoming an of yo ur writing in private SABC official told a Jewish com­ The public natura ll y reels that blacks (only the blacks can change " in" thing ror adults to couple the conferences with attending authors such individuals because of their that condition, by rejecting it), the munity officer that the reason annual summer holiday with an of your choice. SABC will not televise programs high position must be well in­ businessmen and lawycn and in­ intellectually refreshing course or You will share meals with the formed . We had the Bilbos and dustrialists who concretely and in dealing with the Jews is that there two al college. conference's leaders. Hofstra will is no reason. "Jews arc not really Rankins who bequeathed a legacy practical ways do what they Its name may be "vacation provide two-week accommodations part of South Africa and arc of hatred. The United Nations can-and it is a great deal-to es­ college" or '"alumni college" or on campus for S80, charge extra for aliens (arter three or four gener­ created with great expectations tablish for the blacks the chance some similarly revealing title - but cafeteria meals. In addition, the un­ has fallen captive to the oil pro­ ol a life of human dignity. ations!) anyhow." And no one is under each program, a university or iversity will offer a scholanhip for interested. ducing countries. When this re­ A critic said, "But many of the college offers both old graduates 1977. to be chosen from a registrant sponsible body designated people to whom you refer arc not Serious and sane Jewish leaden and new students the chance to mix for summer 1976. Hofstra is 25 as Racism it forfeited its prestige observant Jews and have nothing expressed to me their recurrent <-ducation, run and games. miles cast of New York City and and power and defeated the pur­ to do with the Jewish community. nightmare: seeing 120,000 South Swimming? Tennis? Golr? minutes away from Atlantic Ocean pose for which it was brought into How can they express 'authentic African Jews in transit camps in Drama? Dance programs? Music? beaches. existence. Judaism'?" "Twenty yean ago," I the State of Israel, coming only Nightly dining out? Yes, it docs As a third example, Bates College When the public reads that a replied, ''I would have agreed with with a suitcase of clothing, be­ sound like and ideal vacation at a in Lewiston, Mc .. is offering a one,. Hyman Goldberg contributed a you.'.' cause of white, not black action. posh resort - but this summer, it week study-vacation program in Ju­ hundred thousand to a campaign, But then life seemed more For their part, Jews live in small just as easily may be counes on ly. with courses open both to the spotlight focuses on a single subtle and complicated than it enclaves, primarily among other campus plus a relaxing holiday_ children and adults. Families will Jew . When Jewish agencies such as does now, than it does here or at Jews. What's more, many colleges invite live in dormitories and cat in the the Jewish National Fund, the home. you to bring the family by school Commons area. Jewish Federation or the American • • • providing child care facilities, And Brigham Young University Jewish Congress solicit con­ .Jn my undentanding Judaism Professor Neusner is author of special children's programs," or a is offering a family-oriented tributions. it indicates general always ·&as taught that what God There We Sat Down (KtavJ;· combination of both. "Education Weck" at its Provo, Jewish paricipation which arouses wants of the human creature is -American Judaism: Adventure in What's more, the non­ Utah. campus as well as at a family the anti-Semite, who is on constant love of fellow human creat­ Modernity ( Prentice-Hal/J; From ures-to do justice, love mercy, competitive counes often arc led by camp with optional classes 18 miles alert for "Zionist conspiracies." Politics to Piety: The Emergence Inasmuch as numerous Christian walk humbly with God ..• Jewish some of America's leading intellec­ away. of Pharisaic Judaism ( Prentice­ tuals. te!)chcrs,.authors, etc. Other programs that have great political organizations, many with people, who to do justice go to Hal/J and other books. J unsavory reputations, have func­ prison or into · exile; who to love · To tpp it all, you get excellent appeal are at the University of (To be continued next week) tioned for years, distributing racial mercy spend · their lives and for­ value for your dollars. At American Oregon. at Eugene, Ore., Harvard hate propaganda and soliciting tunes for others, who have the hu­ University in Washington, D. C., University al Cambridge, Mass., funds. Jewish organizations need mility to see the creator in the Israel - S. African Trade for instance, the seven-day, seven­ and Stamford University,_ Palo not feel self-conscious or (ace of the creature even when the night sessions cost $125 per adult Alto, Calif. apologetic, (ace is coveted . with black skin, Is ·Increasing Favorably and child over 15, and $15 for These are merely illustrations, for The Jew has always been ul­ but no yellow -star is affixed to the TEL AVIV: Israel's trade with children 3 to 15. For this, you get an · vacation-alumni college programs trascnsitive as to what the Gentiles tattered garmcnt~such· people·tes­ South Africa has jumped from $20 air-conditioned room, double -oc­ arc springing up from coast to think and stri~es hard to win their tify that Judaism end-, even million•in 1972 to $73 million last cupan~')'. and hall bath in a univer­ coast. And you can join in without friendship through interfaith triumphantly, in·-·this place and year - and · it looks as .if this sity dormitory, linen service, use of being an alumni in most cases. · organizations. Jews have a heritage time. progress will continue. While this .· ali-the school's recreation facilities, In addition, you can enjoy cam­ of which they can be justly proud. I came .to .Johannesburg full of country's imports from South a welcoming party, a week-long pus living - invigorating, inexpen­ Aside from the great gin of the lcnowledge of the history of the course and field trips, many sive, physically and intellectually Torah.they made countless con­ Africa have trebled in the last four tributions for the betterment of country; the complexity of its years, its exports have quadrupled. <-entered on bicentennial celebra­ rewarding - even at colleges that tion sites. You and your family may don't have · vacation programs.' humanity that no . other race has problems, · determined . not to say In 1975 imports amounted to $38 equaled. They consider it demean­ anything wliicii.. might embarrass million, and exports to some $35 cal in the budget-oriented universi­ Many schools will rent dormitory ty cafeterias to minimize your food spa<-.: by the night ranging from $3 ing to be demanding and aggressive my hosts or suggest a judgment on ·· million. • us are other minorities, but humility matters other than Jewish con­ bills. · , . to $8 per person. Others have Israel's major sales to the and subservience are delinitcly un­ cerns. But ,.hen I got there, I .(In contrast to American Univer­ workshops and conferences open to Republic arc chemical concentrates; called for. found that Jewish_concerns arc hu­ sity's program, most college plans the pulilic. machinery, textiles, processed food, It is high time for the Jew to man concerns,' that the verities of , will •include pre-paid dining If you are intrigued by this stand up and be counted. The Jew tires and manufactured metal Judaism apply in an uncompli­ facilities.) concept of a vacation at college, who is not for Isreal is against goods. Items imported into this cated way in Ibis most complex For an additional $15 per person, lirst decide in what area you'd himselr. Anti-Semites charge that it society. . ' country from South Africa arc perfo.rming arts students at prefer to spend your holiday weeks. indicates disloyalty to this country, mostly raw and •t!mi-proce11ed American University also will Then write the director of ad­ which is patently absurd. Israel is Yet there is not only Judaism to materials; . iron and steel prodl!cta considu, there alto is the Jewish receive tickets lo Kennedy Center mis.~ons at the various schools in not only the single democracy in the account for about 50% of total im­ as well as lo the Wolf Trap perfor­ that region, inquiring what each Middle East. but the only ally the group. · What of them and their ports. Othet items include sugar, country? mances - a sellout attraction for offers. Lovejoy's College Guide is a United States cari depend upon. tobacco, wool, coffee beans, this summer's visitors lo· the good reference for college: · tistings. The area is of vital importance to •The Jews are a weak and unim­ aabeato~ wood and .skins. portant aroup, about one half of nation's capitol. · You can get u copy at most public this country, even if Israel had ne.ver existed. · one percent .of· the population · of )1raeli 1ooda praently account An another example, Hofstra libraries. The infamous "Protocols of the the Repu&lic, not much more ihan for only 50% otfhe Republic's total University on Long lsl11nd, N.Y ., is COPYRIGKT 1976 FIELD two percent of the white minority imports. offering a two weeks "Summer ENTERPRISES,lNC. Continued' ~n Page 12

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THE RHODE ISLANI;> HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 161 1976-5 MISSILE CAJWUS PARIS: France will build 10 fut 'I,l'Jotices j missile-carrying boats for Libya 'GODSPELL' . similar to those sold to Israel a few years ago and known as "the Cher­ .. Godspell" will be presented by bourg vessels." The Libyan vesseb Pawtucket Community Players July will be armed wiih French made , 23 through August I at the Flora S. sea-to-sea-missiles and anti-aircraft Curtis Boathouse at Slater Park, gims. · Pawtucket. Reserve tickets early at 722-9637 or 723-0592. · RESERVE EARLY FOR ~ Htdtt,~N/,H & YOM KI SINGLE ADULT CLUB NOVICK $ · MASS. 02054 The S\llgle Adult Club of the A Rustic Modem Resort With oll Spom & focilmos, fobulous Sociol "'°9roms, Tonific Jewish Community Center invites En,.,.oi.,,,.,,, & Ooncing, Codctall Porties, Tennis, Golf, lloslcetboll, Ping Pong, single women 35 and over to a Volleyboll, Guest Sightseoing-Cope Cod, 'Olde & New Boston, wington, Concord, Newport, R.I , Wo show you oH New England, Special Diets - Dietory Lows. "Women Only" rap session at the Coll Collect R.,.....,tions only 617-376-M56-, - - lound Trip Sen,ice center on Thursday evening, July 22, at 7:30 p.m. 3 Mys 2 nlt9o 4 _;. 3 .nlieo WMicly ,._ $45.00 DIii. $64.00 DIii. $125.00 OW. VEGETARIANS Includes 3 mool, o doy. s_.i ...,_ -,;,;·c-,., Sdtoiils;-Orvonizal(ont On Thursday evening, July 22, at · 51 w111,'1oat1, &. ..._.. - 8:00 p,m., a gathering of vegetarians and friends al the Jewish Community Center will par­ ..,._ CIIUl11 fflAII ..., IAUIIAI ticipate in a discussion with FREE -IC!IKAIWI" Michael Marc us. who recently com­ • Rental Equipment .,,,.;l•bl• pleted a carefully controlled and fill-l'UII--AU YUi observed 20-day fast. Mr. Marcus will discuss fasting and the " hygienic system" of eating often • THE "NICEST' SUMERTIMES ARE AT HOMOWACK • associated with fasting. '-rfec:t family vac:atlan; Call - for broc;huN and ratul TIii .... EallrtllalNII • llall ~ • S.,.., D1y ea■, Refreshments will be served. • Dietary Gourmet Cuisine • Separate Teen Program. RI BALWON RACE Irv & Florence Bllcksteln, Your Super--Hoatal The second annual Great Rhode CAU TOU FREE: I I 11 [~ "/ ' Island Balloon Race will be held on I I I . ' ., • I 800-431-2212 July 16, 17 and 18, at the North N.Y.C.Dltlla:TWIM, 212-279-7290 Central State Airport in Lincoln. SPRING GLEN, N.Y, 12413 / 914-e47-4800 According to the race promoters, Rod Harris and Oliver Kesldnen, they_ expect some 40 hot-air balloons lo be entered in the three­ Stevensville day event. Two Balloon Federation of America-sanctioned events are The Summer Place for family fun! scheduled as well as one "fun" , event. There will be other flying and' DOCTOI la NUISI; Martin J. Luftnon, _, .,f Mr. ancl Mn. lenjamln Luft­ Call (800)431-1114 Toll Free allied activities. mon .,f laat ,..,...,,_, 9NN1ua...i ,...., the Unl¥enlty .,f Ondnnotl In addition, Miss Rhode Island ...... _...... of Medici,- en J- 13, ,-Mne an M.D...... ancl the Cincin­ .. ... ,_,.._ Balloon Queen will be selected on Celleee ___ nati Su,.ical 5eclety Awanl ,_ e.....,_ In the field .,f 111..-,y. Ha -.iv­ .,.._,__ ... _._TVMNIINMIM- Friday, July 16. Among other ed t.. bachalor .,f arts ...... In 1972.,...., ....., u.w..lty. -----lttie-cted. acthH6" Se_,._.. awards, she will have a flight in the Dr. •tarts two ,...,. .,, ...... In Wlna-W-. "Hare Balloon" during the "Hare wtt- ...w...cy and Hound" event. North Conillna, thia -th. ... will -tlnw hia - In -. ,_ and MID-WEEK PACKAGES th..at au..-,y at the Ma.«huwtta lye and lar ,..,._,. In ...""' In ----Sun .- Fri. thru Sept. 2. Any 4 days, LADD SCHOOL OUTING 1971. 3 nights from $95 to Sl 14 per The Warwick Lodge of Elks has Hla wife, Ginny, the da.,.t,tar al Mr. ancl Mn. lclwln Haoaua al Oncin­ penon, double occup111cy . Full American Pl-,, private bath. again this year invited the residents natl, Ohle,.....,,.., her_.., .,f ~ clae,_ In pwna,•J nv"""9 '-n of Ladd School to attend their an­ the Unlvanlty .,f Onclnnotl, 9""'uatlntl with hanan • a ....,,,i.., .,f Slt,mo nual Rocky Point Outing for the Theta Tau Hanarary Sadety. Sha la a ...... ,._ .,f Pt.I leta Kappa "'"­ Seclety with a bachelor .,f ~ ..,_ In nv"""9 ,...., the u.w..lty .,f S!.!.~!ll!rllle Handicapped on Thursday, August Alu 19141292-8000 19 . Oncinnotl In 1972. o,,...,.1oca11r _ _. DlnMrY LAIWS Volunteers are needed and every Mn. Luftmon will be pul...... -y clinical nvna epaciallat with Forsyth o,... 1..,trlee Welcoae. You, ...... TM.,.._.,.... AF,._.., ... F..al..._ volunteer means another resident laapin,tary "-lataa In Wlna-Salarn, North CoNllna. can altend the outing. If you are interested in spending a Archa1al1gical Fi...t I ■ Syria May 11 liltlkel Text NEW EXCITING Engraved whole day with a retarded child or LONDON: Keen interest has pecially to talk to l;he two Italia_n adult, please contact Margaret A. been , expressed by Jewish biblical archaeologists. He was emphatic LUCITE/CANVAS BAGS* Richardson, P.O. Box 9, North scholars in Britian following the about the importance of their find Kingstown 02852, or call her at 294- discovery in Syria of 15,000 ancient for historical research. 4561 , ext. 296 for an application. clay tablets with inscriptions closer The excavators found a bilingual POPULATION SYMPOSIUM to the text of the Bible than any vocabulary of about 1,000 words at Dr. Sidney Goldstein, professor others previously discovered. the site. It contained both Sumerian of sociology and director of the The tablets, which are some 4,000 logograms and Elbaic syllabic Population Studies & Training years old, were discovered among writing. They were able to decipher Center at Brown University, will the ruins of the ancient city of Ebia a number of names on the tablets, participate in a set of meetings in at Tel Mardikh, 30 miles south of including "ls-Ra-Hu" (Israel), "lb­ the USSR sponsored by the Inter­ Aleppo. Dr. Paolo Matthiae and Rum" (Eber, the tribal name of the national Geographical Union. At Dr. Giovanni Pettinato, two Italian Hebrew people); "Ab-Ra-Mu" the invitation of the IGU's commis­ archaeologists of Rome U niveraity, (Abraham); "E-Sa-Um" (Esau); sion on population geography, made the discovery. "Da-'U-Dum" (David); "Sa-'U­ Professor Goldstein will chair a ses­ Their find represents the first Lum" (Saul) and "Mi-Ka-Ilu" sion of Metropolitan Populations at written intimation that a west (Michael). a symposium on Population at Semitic civilization existed at Ebia, Macroscale to be held in Minsk, which flourished 4,000 years ago. The archeologists also found July 21-26. Dr. David Noel Freedman, of the references to the cities of Hazor, ' At this same symposium, University of Chicago, a leading Megiddo and Gaza, as well as to Professor Goldstein will also expert in this field, flew to Rome cs- "Urusalima" (Jerusalem). present a research paper on "The DOG SHOW Fertility of Migrants to Urban The Providence County Kennei obedience. Places in Thailand." At the Inter­ Club is holding a dog show at Vic­ An added feature this year will be · national Geographical Congress in tory Field, Route I 14, Barrington, a demonstration of trained guard Moscow, which will follow the sym­ on July 24. Dogs from all over the dogs and police work. It is an all ASSOCIATED, 1t s-St., Pawt. 726-0031 posium, Dr. Goldstein has been in­ country will be judged in breed and day event. Lunch and snacks will be vited to chair the session on ...... yalew, .wy, -· ...... a.-, Wadr, mt, ...... will go through their aces in available. "Population Geography." FOLK GROUP The fourth season of the Rehoboth Music Festival will open Walt Disney World its summer series with a return per­ Airfare/7 nights hatel/car with formance by "Common Ground," dltpartmt!III stores Providence Siore - Main .floor IGornel St. Enlroncel unlimited mileage. · $ 2 5 5 a quartet featuring country and 751-3100 or t40!1 331-8700 eat. 462 Children under 12-$104 bluegrass music. They will perform on Sunday, July 18, in Goff MONTREAL WEEKEND 2 for 1 IA AMA SPECIAL Memorial Hall, Rehoboth Village, lncludH airfare/2 nl9hh Incl. Air /5 Nitn Paradise laland 2 Nitn at 8:15 p.m. le Chateau Champlain a Bahama Out Ialand Man , man extras. Walt Disney World Mingled with the music they play Hotel/alghtMei119 t~n. PARADISE' ISLAND, . NASSAU are explanations and stories about LAS VEGAS Wffl[EN' , . Air /7 Nights Hotel/ specific songs and tunes including $~45 p.p, Air /3 nitH hotel/tranafera/pp full Car in Orlando-unlimited mlleate banjo and fiddle tunes, traditional TORONTO WEEKEND breakfast. _ and contemporary ballads, rounds MANY &x1aAs s302 PP and other songs from a variety of Includes alrfare/2 n)thts ChelMa sources. A variety of instruments lnn/5lthtMel119 tour, . CALIFORNIA.TOUR $ffl· ·. are represented which include · Air /3 Nltn San 2 ise -Is and, Nassau p.p. incl. Fianchco, ·,tltes banjo, fiddle, guitar, mandolin, $127 Callf Coast Tour/2 nltes Dllneyland ln­ Air /7 Nights/Hotel/ double-bass, concertina, recorder, dudlnt admlstlon/trandws & lunap Full lreakfatts, $ whistle, harmonica, hammered handl"'9. . Many, Many Extras. 3 14 dulcimer and a srab-bq of folk · 1151 YOUI ounn I • I I --~- - - r- ~ .._ _.._ --- l

All YOU lOOIIN6 FOi l :J0th·.Graders Offered ' 'SOJI' 10 TAIE OVEI , YOUI IUSINESS? : ·, New One-Year Program l•i,_...... ~ NEW YORK: . American ·high 1 State of Israel. .. ..,._.•,nll,!llo·...... ,.N_ schqol students will be eligible for a : The General Studies program, ,._ ...... , ,.. , taught in English, follows the ,_.,,...... new one-year program for 10th ...... ,_ ...... ,,.w. graders at · the English-language required tenth grade curriculum of ...... ,._ ...... ,. high school of Sde Boker. Accor­ the American public high school ~ - ding . to Dr. Yaacov Gal-Or, Direc­ system · and. is approved by ....c...... ,,-., educators in this country and in - tor of Youth in the United -•n TO L I. JllllSI 1BA11 States and Canada, the new Canada. Upon their return at the IOIWl,"...... ,St...... u ..., program has been developed by the end of the school year, students will American Section of the World be admitted with full credit to their Zionist Organization's Department regular grades. provided they have of Education and Culture and the completed their courses satisfactori­ Youth Aliyah Department of the ly. WZO in cooperation with the The Judaic program includes LES PETITS FOURS MlllEI _APl'OINTED: Georg ■ · Ministry of Education of the State study of the Hebrew language and ,iAT1•a11u1 ~AIU.IENNE Miller has been appointed a -,lo, of Israel. The program will begin literature, Bible, Jewish History, vie■ preoident of Th■ New England with the 1976-77 school year. Jewish Values and Contemporary C:flOtaaANTa • •1110CHU Financial Group ii - announc■cl The at Sde Boker, Israel. The student's proficiency 898 ft-I aT. ~IIOYIDINCI, l't. I. 02908 -ttr by Henry Kai•, pr■lld.nt overlooking Israel's "Grand permitting, Hebrew will be ., th■ firm. Canyon, .. the Wadi of Zin, is the progressively introduced as the T&L JIPI0II For th■ pent eight y,oan, Mr. fulfillment of Mr. David Ben­ language of instruction in these - ... A.N •••,M> ...... -•N auNDAY ...... TO ...... Miller has been vie■ president and Gurion's fondest dreams- cultiva­ courses. Those who wish to remain C:LOIID MONDAY manager _, the U,. Department of tion o f the Negev wilderness and f"o r the 11th grade may do so. The lh1 Feitelb■rg Insurance Agency in creatio n of a un ique intellectual, 11th and 12th grade subjects are Fall River, Mauachu111ts; and, educational a nd cultural center for a lso taught in English but foll ow although leaving th■ agency, will the Jewish people. T he Midrasha · the Israeli curriculum . still retain his mark1ling contains. among other faci lities, an T he A merican a nd Canadian relationship wilh th•m. Israeli hi gh school. a School of En­ :,, tudcnts join in extra-curricul ar ac­ Mr. Miller is a qualifying member vironmental Studies. A Teachers' tivities with the Israeli students. of lhe Million Dollar Insurance College and Bcn-Gurion's Archives These include: Art (ceram ics, paint­ Round Table, a licensed member of and Library. ing. scu lpture), music (private the Nalional Association of Security Attached 10 the c hool are lesson s have lo be paid for Dealen, and incoming area vice ,cience a .. d language laboratories ,eparatcly). creative writing, folk pr■ sidenl of the Jewish Federalion and a television ,1udy center. The <.lance, c hess club. iudo. of Rhode Island. dining room a n<.J kitchen a rc st rictly arc hcological digs, study or Mr. Miller live1 in Barrington with ko,hcr. with provision for Bedouin life. Arabic. et c. Field trips his wife, the former Geraldine vegetari ans. There is a synagogue an<.J lung excursions arc inclu ded in Dolinsl

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976-9 Tolk, Tears Mixed With Joy July I were called off. Newspapers . When in doubt, you need look no are carrying huge ads saluting the further for the perfect gift. The army and government. Many of Herald subscription is always ap­ In Wake Of Rescue Operation these ads were placed by groups preciated for birthdays or holidays. that until last week had been Call the Herald at 724-0200. JERUSALEM (JTA): Defense Netanya and Bat Yam, thelr respec­ demanding new elections and a Minisfer Shimon Peres said yester­ tive homes. The third civilian change of the regime. day lhal he was opposed to capital casualty, Pasco Cohen, 45, of PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR punishment for terrorists and was Hadera, died of his wounds at a National solidarity, in fact, seems with limousine proud that Israel is the only country hospiial in Nairobi, Kenya. (His to have reached a point equalled seeks clients for trips, shopping, etc. in the Middle East where death remains were returned to Israel for only in times of,war. In the past two Write /or details penalties are not carried out. But burial Wednesday). days, individuals and groups·. have donated millions of Pounds to the P.O. Box 86, Justice Minister Haim Zadok said Mr. Cohen, his wife and their two soldiers welfare fund. Workers who Exeter, R.I . 02822 he was not automatically against children, Zipora, six, and Jacob, 12, have been demanding more pay for capital punishment provided it were _!mong the Israeli hostages on. fewer hours are willingly donating helped in the fight against terrorism the hijacked Air France jct. During one or mQre days of their vacation and was not. simply a spontaneous the rescue operation, Cohen for the benefit of Israeli soldiers. emotional response. became separated from his children. THtATR!: 4- . -~ Former Premier , Peres, who made his remarks When he stood. up to look for them R. t. Mo!unuck Beach, R. I. The Nugenh are bursting out - who knows probably belier than during a radio interview, rejected a he was hit in the back by a sniper's Phone (401) 789-3051 all over. Fint it was a brand any other Israeli the anguish of proposal by leader bullet and fatally wounded. The rest new baby bay (in March), decision-making in a time of crisis, Menachem Beigin lo establish of his family was unharmed. NOW ON ST AGEi Now they have three new paid a personal tribute to her special counter-terrorist squads to A military funeral was held on thru Jul1...2s cocker spaniel puppies - two successor, Premier Yitzhak Rabin ballle terrorists wherever they Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem for Lt. Col. male, one female - born who made the decision last weekend might be. Israel's defense forces in Jonathan Nethanyahu, the l\!.«!JJ.!j tr., early in June. Five weeks old, lo rescue the hostages in Uganda. their prese nt organization are American-born Israeli soldier killed buff color, AKC registered. She sent him a wreath or red roses perfectly capable of handling terror, while leading lhe rescue assault par­ Show quality. For sale to nice and a message or congratulations Peres sa id . ty. Burial services were delayed one TMS..fri. l:Jt P.M.; Set. 6 & , P.M. people. on t~e successful operation. S.. 7 PJI.; We4 . .... 2 P.M. The issue of the death penally for day to await the arrival of his - & rt.o. Onion A

-----,.------· ---'·· - - ---~------.....------~ ------""""-=·· -- -- - ~------··- i

MISS HOFFMAN ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoffman of Bay City, Michigan, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia E. Hoffman, of San Rafael, ·California, to Randall G . Feld, D.V.M., also of San Rafael. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Feld o f 23 Leslie Road, Warwick. Mi ss Hoffman attended Michigan State University. Dr. Feld is a graduate of Pilgrim High School and Michigan State Univer­ sity School of Veterinary Medicine. The couple plans an August 15 wed­ ding.

SON BORN Dr. and Mrs. Philip Lavin of 112 Heritage Road East, Williamsville. New York, announce the birth of a son, Andrew Jason, on June 28. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Saunders of ProYidence. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lavin of Rochester, New York .

FIRST CHILD Rabbi and Mrs. Geoffrey Bol­ nick of Great Lakes. Ill inois. an­ nounce the birth of their first child. a , o n. Jo,hua hanoch. on June 11. Mr>. Bo lnick is the former Annelle Muff, o f Providence. NOVICH-WEINTRAUB Ma1ernal gra ndparen ts are Dr. Miss Reba Lee Weintraub of Baltimo re. Maryland, daughter of Mr. and a nd Mrs. Sa ul Muffs of Providence. Ir . Henry Weintraub of 11 Kenmore Street, Cranston, was married at Malernal great grandfathers arc Temple Eman u-EI on July 11 lo Barry Frank Novich of Rockville, Mr. Charles Muffs of East Maryland. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Novich of64 North Pearson Providence and Mr. MllJt Hurwitz Drive. Warwick . of New Haven. Connecticut. Miss Weintraub was given in marriage by her parents. Rabbi Joel H. Paternal grandparents are Mr. Zaiman and Cantor Iva n E. Perlman officiated at the 6:30 p.m. ceremony. and Mrs. Lawrence Bolnick of A reception fo ll owed at the temple. GA TEMAN-SPENCER Beachwood, Ohio. Paternal great Mrs. Michael Waldman, sister of the bridegroom, served as matron of Miss Elizabeth Eleanor Spencer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. honor. Other attendants were Miss Jill Wollens and Miss Fredi Saffer. Spencer of 20 Ninth Street, was married at Congregation Mishkon Tliloh Samuel Botnick and Mr. Harry Mr. Aaron Weintraub. brother of the bride. served as best man. l:Jshcrs on Sunday, June 11, to Gerald Allan Gatcman. He is the son of Mr. and Dick of Cleveland, Ohio. included Michael Waldman, Alan Lappin. Harold Harrison and Alen Mrs. Jacob Gatcman of 88 Furnace Brook Parkway in Quincy, Beerman. Massachusetts. Rabbi Emmanuel Lazar officiated. A reception followed at NATENSHON HAVE SON Following a wedding trip to Puerto Rico and St. Thomas, the couple will the Providence Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Natcnshon reside in Silver Springs, Maryland. The bride was given in marriage by her parents. Serving as honor atten­ of 43 I West Oakdale, Chicago, dants for the bride were her cousin, Miss Sylvia Aron, and Miss Linda Illinois. announce the birth of a Goodman. son. Adam Lawrence, on June 21. The-bridegroom's brother, Paul Gatcman, was best ma n. Ushers includ­ Mrs. N alenshon is the former ed Henry J. Spencer and Philip S. Spencer, brothers of the bride; Sumner Abigail Horvitz of Providence. Levine, Richard Finn, William Pappas and Gerald Druckman. The baby"s paternal grandmother The couple arc spending their wedding trip in Vancouver and British is Mrs. Adolph Natenshon of Columbia, Canada. Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Milton Horvitz of 35 Sargent /\venue. Jewish Camp Directory Available Through JWB NEW YORK: An 89-page Direc­ tory of Jewish Resident Summer Camps, the only complete national listing of summer camps under Jewish communal auspices, has been issued by The Jewish Welfare Board as a service to Jewish Federations, Jewish Community Centers, camps, potential campers, parents. and prospective camp counselors. The directory lists I 59 camps which have been organized in two categories: I) Resident Camps un­ . der the auspices of Jewish Com­ munity Centers, Jewish community agencies or affiiated with JWB, and 2) resident camps sponsored by or under the auspices of other Jewish organizations. Each entry in the directory iden­ tifies the name of the camp, loca­ tion of camp site and distance from the city office, what age groups the camp serves, whether the camp ,is co-ed or limited to one sex, the capacity of the camp, the length of the camping season and number of periods, rates of the camp, registra­ tion requirements for campers, requirements for general counselors SHARP-SHUSTER and dietary practices. Sandra Riva Shuster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Shuster of 123 The Directory of Jewish . Radcliffe Avenue.was married on July 4 to Sidney Eli Sharp, son of Mr. Resident Summer Camps is- and .M_rs·. Norman Sharp of Laverock, Pennsylvania. Rabbi Jacob Handler available from JWB Publications .officiate~at ii~ 6 p.m. candle light ceremony at Temple Beth David - ENGAGED: Mn. !Aster Robinson of the Four Seasons East In East P_rovidence Services, 15 E. 26th Street, New 'Ansh~ ·K-p )!(IO;iwhere the reception was also held. · announce• the engagement of her daughter;· Deloble, of _Rlverdal,, New York, N.Y. IOOIO. Th~-l~rille: l!i'ven in marriage by her father, carried a cascade bouquet of York, to Harvey Siegel, also ot Riverdale. She I• also the daughter of the l~t• BICENTENNIAL MINUTE white ;r

i2~THE RHODE ISLANDllERAL.b, .FRiPAv', jui,y 16, 1976 plications. Duckat declined long­ range predictions bi4 said that if Israel Trees, Via RI, Planted In NY -Employment -looks Bleak there was no qramatic improvement NEW YORK: It was still 1974 - having the Eisenhower Mall and in the American economy soon, it .when Jerusalem's Mayor Teddy 1he Dewey Promenade, to say was safe to predict that professional Kollek received a suggestion from nothing of the Marine Flagpole, the l,n Professional Fi.el.ds career prospecls for middle-class his press secretary, Sidney J. Wireless Operators Memorial and youth, particularly Jews, would re­ F rigand, that perhaps Israel would the Emma Lazarus Tablet. His op­ By BEN GALLOB dieticians with a BA or Bachelor of main grim. PvtO like to send trees to America on posilion was overruled, however, in Science degree arc being placed, Kagan said there may be a fun­ behalf of the people of his city. The favor of a site adjoining Castle Clin­ (Continued from Last Week) despite severe competition. BA damental change in the capacity of c ustomary procedure is for lorr National Monument - which NEW YOltK (JTA): Prospects holden with certification in medical the American economy to provide Americans to plant trees in Israel, began as a fort, saw the 1850 debute for professional careers for Jewish technology, involving four years of rewarding work for professionals but this time, the trees were planted of Jenny Lind, served as a port of college students are poor and likeiy study, also can. get placement. So and that m11jor - and painful - here. It took two years, however, to entry for immigrants and finally to remain so for some time tiut can physical and occupational changes in outlook may be required cut through the red tape. became an aquarium. there are a few bright spots in a therapists with a four-year BS plus among Amencan Jews to respond For example, where should they The crucial question still remain­ generally dismal picture, in th~ view accrediatfon. Dr. Alan Grovemen, effectively. He predicted that in the be plantcd7 Central Park or River­ ed. Whal trees? Cedars of Lebanon of three Jewish career experts here. supervising counselor in the B'nai 1980s the situation for white collar side Park were suggested by the seemed a likely choice, since they For example, while Dr. Walter Br'rith office, said many Jewish professionals would be very com­ Parks Department, or even had been used for the First and Duckat, director of the guidance students are swtiching into petitive while persons with technical Brooklyn. A park official insisted Second Temple. but they did not division of Federation Employment business-related fields, including ac­ skills would be in short supply. that Ballcry Park was too crowded have the stamina for Manhattan. and. Guidance Service, said public counting, business adminiJtration Oak. nelllc. pine or fig were school teaching "is currently not and ·personnel work. Kagan said , uggested by one expert, since they recommended for . Jewish youth," there are jobs based on a ll grow in Israel. but warning was he added that openings continued mathematics training, including Role of the Jew received from the senior plant to develop to some degree in openings in some fields of engineer­ pathologist al the New York teaching learning-disabled children ing, accounting, architecture and • Bo lanical Garden that, although and in vocational co.urses. In the acturial work. Duckat said there Ill Politics !hey might make ii in Florida, !hey latter field, he added, an applicant even was a shortage of accountants (Continued from page 4) Chmiclnicki was hctman of a Ukra­ wou ld never make it in New York. might have to wait some time for an in New York State. Kagan said op­ Elders or Zion" which claimed that nian village which had been given In lhc meantime. lhe United appointment: Elias Kagan, portunities for the few professional his father for life-long service to the Slates Department of Argriculture executive director of the New York fields in which there still were jobs Jews plot to dominate the world, appeared toward the end or the last Polish crown. He was subjected to 4uashcd what they thought to be B'nai Career Counseling Service of­ were better outside the larger cities century. Although irrcfotably harrassmcnl by a neighboring 1he entire project by insisting that fice, said there arc and will be and that, in response, growing proven in 1921 to be a vicious Polish nobleman who had his infant imporled !recs be quarantined for a public school jobs for persons number of Jewish graduates are fo rgery. 1hesc arc still being cir­ son nogged to death . He ned to the minimum 1wo-year period. qualified to teach industrial arts becoming more mobile, williing to culat~-d by rabid Jew haters. Crimea and persuaded the Cossacks Necessity bei ng the mother of and business courses. He said per­ leave their cities of birth and educa­ Thos.: who reel man has escalated to join him . invention. someone finally had a sons qualified for early childhood tion to look for jobs elsewhere. brutality 10 a new high through the The Polish army was routed, hrainstorm. Ameri can trees that teaching, particularly in day care On the critical issue of whether innuence or cinema or television are which in turn caused an insurrec­ llourish in Israel wo uld be purchas­ centers, could count on openings if the current gloomy outlook in the unaware of the cynicism and sadism tion of the oppressed serfs. The ed and payed fo r in Jerusalem - President Ford's veto of funds for professional fields was transient or of European nobility during the Polish gentry were hunted down !hen planted in New York. The blue government-supported centers is likely to endure, the three ellperts Middle Ages who subjected wealthy along with Jews and Catholic Alias cedar was selected, the reversed. He suggested that in the hedged. Duckat noted that some Jews lo torture, stripped entire priests. Every manor house was Jerusalem Foundati o n se nt the 1980s there may be a general shor­ personnel experts have urged young communities or their possessions looted and reduced to ashes. Priests were hung before their own altars, check. and a Rhode Island nursery iage of public school teachers people to re-direct their career and expelled them o n root, deprived ,hipped the !recs. because so few are being trained expectations. He said the vocational or rood and water, along with a Jew and swine. The Ukranian Cossacks were members Fifteen young Atlas cedars were now. fields were not crowded and The neighboring ruler would ad­ · or the Orthodox Greek Church and presented Thursday by Mayor Declaring that there arc job mit them and when he felt they had generally required a smaller Polish nobles and Catholic priests Kollck to Mayor Abraham Beamc openings for podiatrists, chiroprac­ investment of time and funds for accumul ated sufficient worldly goods, repeated the process. In were regarded as "infidels" as well in a ceremony at Ballcry Park. The tors and veterinarians, Duckat said training but, he added, for many as oppressive tyrants. newly planted Atlas cedars, is called there also arc openings in England Jews were hunted down young Jews and especially their like animals by incited street mobs The Cossacks had been utilized the "Jerusalem Grove." During the medically-related fields. American parents, such a shift in job goals and when they took rcr11gc in syn­ by the Polish government as both ceremony, to which more than 300 Dictic Association certified and expectations had traumatic im- agogues. were burned alive, and the farmer and warrior. Their com­ guests were invited, Kollek survivors driven from the country. munities were formed to protect the· presented Bcamc with a medal Jews were slaughtered in the country against the Tatars who struck for the occasion. Beamc, in Aliti~Semitism Is Still · High thousands by the Crusaders as they were constantly raidi ng from the return, gave Kollck a pewter vessel. passed through Europe on their neighboring steppes. They scr,ved A 14-man honor guard from West German Study Shows way to the Holy Land to recover the 1hc same runct,on as the Israeli Israel's Navy marched at the BONN, (JTA) - There is still sepulcher of another Jew. The Nahal who wear the badge of sword ceremony site after the trees were ticularly advantangcous business and scythe. The Nahal seulcmcnts strong anti-Semitism in West Ger­ exalted churchmen of the Spanish planted. deal with a Jewish businessman and Inquisition, who would not shed arc also posted on frontiers, as many, a university study has shown. that he wanted advice on how to blood. burned Jews al the stake in protection against infiltrating Arab The mass communication handle it. Just over 14 percent ad­ order to save their souls. terrorists. Although Polish kings originally department of the Sociological vised not • to have any business Because Jews were not permitted The Poles were no match for welcomed the Jew who introduc.:d Institute at Cologne University has dealings at all with the Jew; 38. 7 to own land and were severely these Cossacks. inured to war and the textile industry and trade into publicized the study, headed by percent thought he ought to do the restri~ted lo the occupations they hardship. whose aim was the exter­ an agricultural economy, this state Prof. Alphons Silbermann, which deal but keep a close eye on the could engage in, and because they mination or the Polish nobility who of euphoria was of short duration, a finds that between I 5 agd ZO partner. Only 35.9 percent thought were literate in an age when only made life unbearable and the mere mailer o r decades. Jews were percent of West Germans still have there was no difference between a churchmen could read or write, the propagation of the Greek Orthodox soon faced with progroms on one marked anti-Semitic prejudices. Jew and any other busine11man. rulers utilized their services as tax faith . Jews were slain by the hun­ hand and , along with the serf, sub­ Among a further 30 percent, there is The older those questioned were, collectors and census takers of dreds of thousands. The tortures jected lo confiscatory taxation. As a latent anti-Semitism, the study says. the more marked their anti­ peasants and live stock, which did they were subjected to and the result of this endless oppression, Silbermann puts much of the hl~e Semitism was (47 percent of the nol endear them to the im­ atrocities commilled, exceeded even peasant revolts Oared. for this on an "information deficit" abovc-55-year-olds). Those tending poverished serfs. This census was those or the Spanish Inquisition. Captured rebels were usually dis­ in the German population. His opi­ most strongly towards it on a comparable lo the Doomsday Book Bet ween 300,000 and 600,000 were posed of by tying their feet to the nion researchers were told in reply vocational breakdown were farmers of the Norman conquerers of horribly slaughtered with about 700 tail or a horse, which the Cossack to the question how many Jews live (47 percent). Those with the least England in the eleventh century. Jewish communities completely rode furiously around the village in Germany, for example, an The Sunday sermons of the priest wiped out and their dwellings razed square with the head of the Pole prejudice were white-collar salaries bouncing from the cobble stones average of 400,000. In reality their staff(23 percent). Of the farmers, 52 who preached hatred of the Jew as to the ground. number in West Germany is just "Christ killers" helped stoki: the History repeats itself and those until reduced to a pulp. The Jew, in­ percent still believe that persecution that fail to take heed arc bound to timidated by years of oppression under 27,000, with another 5000 in of the Jews is punishment for the fires. . Few arc aware of the extent of see these progroms repeated. Jews from all sides, realized the futility of Communist East Germany. About crucifixion of Christ. Silbermann revolt. hesitated to join, which the Polish ruthlessness and the allained positions of power and 20 percent of those questioned said only enlightenment and history in0uence in Germany. However, peasant resented. He walked a believed that Jews had particular teaching which did not end with torments suffered by the Jews in precarious tightrope between noble that forsaken land. During the war, the contributions and sacrifices they influence in the theater, in televi­ Bismarck could eliminate the anti­ and serf. and in fear of both. In all Poland with its numerous exter­ made for the glory of the Reich sion, the cinema and in literature, Se mi tis m . But so far the the dark and bloody pages of mination camps became a huge counted for lilllc when the Nazis · while 17 .8 percent took the view education.al institutions in Ger­ history no other race has been sub­ charnel house. Not only were the came to power. that Jews arc too influential in many had not made any worthwhile Jews lived in Muslim countries jected to such relentless and pitiless politics. A particularly clear indica­ Jews in the Warsaw ghetto starved, persecution. contribution to this. He recalled brutalized and slaughtered, but the not only for centuries, but for tion of what Silbermarin called · that an anti-Semitic climate had millenia. Honored by the Caliph, What takes place in Washington 'traditional and inherent handful that managed to escape and is important to all of us, but what once before been created through lose themselves among the popula­ for their valuable contributions, prejudices" were the answers to the· literature, from the theater stage they were always regarded as transpires in the Mid die East is of following question: the in~ewees tion were relentlessly hunted down particular significance to the Jew. and by caricatures. He criticized a and betrayed. second class citizens. Crowded into were asked to imagine a friend 'had modern drama about real estate miserable, stinking mellahs, sub­ Unfortunately, so many of us fail to The Polish underground received realize that the ruturc of the Jew is told ti)cm of the !)ossibility of a par- speculation in Frankfurt, "Der jected to constant abuse, they lived arms from the allies by air drops, in daily fear of their lives. inextricably linked with that of Muell, Die Stadt und Dcr.Tod,"'by part of which was promised to the Five hundred years earlier, Jews Israel. We must not remain Rainer Fassbinder, as "swimming Warsa,w ghetto figh\ers, but never allained even greater power in apathetic until a real and lasting Miss Israel Is on the _ same wave again." delivered. To the utter amazement Catholic Spain, where many peace is obtained and survival Meanwhile, it was reported by the of the Poles as well as the Germans, married into the nobility and even assured. The United Nations has Miss Universe West German Embassy in London it took five weeks of bitter fighting royalty boasted Jewish blood. been a cruel disappointment. that a growing number of Jews who Israel is sadly aware of its com­ NEW YORK: Miss Israel, a 22- to overcome the resistance and Eventually they were faced with the fled Nazi Germany to Britain arc awesome choice of conversion or plete isolation. Countries with US yeaf-old destroy the ghetto, which was final­ asking for their German citizenship ly leveleo by aerial bombardment, emigration. Those that converted bases have already declared that student, has won the 1976 Miss again. The Embassy spoke of a artillery, tanks and Dame thro-:vcrs. were called "New Christians." planes would no longer be per­ Universe crown. The contest in "relatively new trend" which had Before long they were accused of in­ milled to refuel in the event of Hong Kong was televised live over Occasionally a German sheltered been in progress for about two and protect¢ Jews at the risk of fidelity to the faith. Even when the another Arab-Israeli war. A viable CBS television. The new Miss years and "surprised" the their lives, hut such instances were "converso" confessed under torture Israel is the best hope Jews can have Universe is Rina Messinger, a authorities. The Embllll)' said it exceedingly rare among the Poles. and escaped burning at ti.le stake, he of security. emerged broken physically and veteran of Israel's Women's Army could give no figul'C!I on the number As the .ghetto _was being No matter what contributions or financially - deprived of his entire Corp who is studying o( pec>P,lc involvccJ. U, added that systematically destroyed, some Jews services rendered to the countries fortune which was forfeited to the they reside in, they remain an aerodynamics. The brownhaired the citizenship applicants ,usually managed to escape through the insec11re minority. Living for so beauty said she wants to design air- did not ,.._tie in Geqniany but sewers and tried to join the par­ state. No one dared associate with planes. _ stayed in -Britain. This contradi£ted tisans in the forests only to be him for fear of suffering the same many centuries in the Middle East During the contest, Mi.ss fate. - in Damascus, in Bagdad, in a rei;ent report in the man­ ruthlessly murdered or betrayed to Alexandria, they were imprisoned Messinger was asked what country the Nazis. · .Synagogues in Spain and Por­ circulation Daily Mirror in London \ugal to this day are required to be without cause, cruelly abused and she would like to visit and replied, which spoke of an "exodus" of rich During the middle of the unostenl'atious and are often un­ strip~d of everything they possess­ "I would like to gQ to_an Arab families back to Germany. Preas seventeenth century, the Jews in identified buildings, in out-of-thc­ ed before Jewish agencies were per­ country. But I can't, so I would like reports here havJ sugeated that by Poland were practically annihilated. way places or concealed behind mitted to evacuate them. Amcncan to go to Africa." Mi11 Me11ingcr taking German citizensl!ip ba~k but This catastrophe was called the high fence., where the chanting Jews feel safe and se<:ure but, listed h..- ,ho,b!>,~;u ~11~-~ng living in Britain , t_hc "aPl'lici'Dts thir~ 1-furbari,, p r ,t~e ,t~ir~ ~est~uc­ would .not annoy, their Christian should Israel fall, that security and 'glider flyin1. could save ·tua. tion of the Temple. 8ogaan 'neighbors. ', . " could 'well' be iri' jeopardy. \ / I

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976-13 Among Jew~, Democrats Are International Convention To Preferred ·Over Republicans Curb· Hiiacking: Kissinger BOSTON: American Jews Sen. Jackson's withdrawal an- lion, if the elections were held to­ B:,J-,IIPelakoff diplomatic sources believe the U. S. overwhelmingly prefer the nouncement. day, who would you vote for'? Jews WASHINGTON (JTA): will veto any resolution condcm­ Demo'l:ratic Party to the The study, "Voters, Primaries pjcked Jackson by 64 percent; 17 Secretary of State Henry A . ni ng Israel for its action. A Republicans and overwhelmingly · and Parties," tabulated voter _· percent were' for Ford and three Kissinger has reiterated the urgency spokesman for the French Embassy support Sen. Henry M. Jackson of preferences according to religious - percent for Wallace. Ford was for an international convention to here told the Jewish Telegraphic Washington over President Ford or affiliation in only two areas - favored, however, by the largest curb aerial hijacking in light of the Agency that his government had Gov. George C. Wallace of "voters behavior" and choice of number of Catholics (33%) and hijacking of the Air France jct by not reached a decision on its posi­ Alabama in the 1976 Presidential candidate. In the first category, Proleslanls (30%). Twenty-six Palestinian terrorists. Responding tion and was in consultation with race, according to a recently only three percent of Jewish votcn percent of Catholics preferred lo questions after addressing the _the U. S. However, lhc spokesman published study by the Institute of favored the Republican Party Jackson and 21 •percent Wallace. Council on Foreign Relations and said; ··You cannot focus on the Politics of the John F. Kennedy against nine percent of Roman Jackson al!__d Wallace were tied the Mid-America" Committee at the Israeli operation but what happen­ School of Government at Harvard Catholic voters and 17 percent of among Protestants, each favored by Palmer House in Chicago, ed before ii. Much depends on how Univer.sily. . Protestants. Thirty percent of the 24 percent of the votcn. The study, Kissinger noted that "The President the question will be asked in the The study was conducted prior to Jewish votcn were ''ticket splitters" was made before the 1976 Prcsiden­ has expressed the great gratification debate." c om pa rcd to 36 percent of tial primaries began and was just of the American people at the Spokesman at the embassies of Soviet Boolcs Catholics and 34 percent of released. II did not contain any in­ rescue of lhc hostages." However, Yugoslavia and India, Third World Prolcstanls. Among Jews and dicalion of voter .attitudes toward the Secretary said, "It is very dif­ stales that support the Palestinians, Spew 'Nazism' Proleslanls, 11 percent were un- Jimmy Carter, Morris Udall and . licuh to establish a general rule in a conformed lo the official silence of decided. Twelve percent of the others seeking the Democratic situation like this. Clearly, the at­ their governments on the Israeli NEW YORK (JTA): 'Zionl.rt Catholic voters were in the undecid- Presidential nomination -or ~n. tack on an airport is an un­ rescue operation. The Yugoslavian FolsdtOOyeshiva students in were reported every year thereafter 51%. Management was quick lo munity in lhe U.S. by fsracl \._ Jcws any appeal. until 1973 · when Scan-Data eked trim schedules, drop marginal lines and therefore makes 'lheir com-·. In his interviews with the 212 Rabbi Bernard Goldenberg, of out a 3¢ a ·share profit. In the last and push th rough price increases. patabiliiy more difficult; He Israeli high school history' teachers, Torah Umesorah, , the national I wo years, a 4¢ a share profit has Demand is now bu_ilding and ear­ .expressed the hope that the study about 10 · percent of the total society for Hebrew day schools, been achieved. But thiqgs went nings arc rebounding. Full-year net "will sensitize teachers; curriculum number in the cotJntry, Surkis crit,icized the decision noting that downhill in March 1976 quarter - should come in at a minimum figure planners and others lo the nced.fqr found that only ·two leachcn had some 200 and Hebrew day earnings ·before tax credits fell to or SI .80 a share. concerted improvement .in th.is taken a course on American Jewry schools in New York State will S 13,000 (less than · I¢ per share) Gulf & Western h·as ·8 major crucial area of education.'! In his in univcrsily. studies. Further, 'he "feel this linancial blow." from $50,000 the previous year, opernting groups - manufacturing,_ study. which included an examina­ found that more than 30 percent of The court said it was clear that despite a J3% rise in sales. paper and building products, leisure tion -of textbooks and teaching his sample were pessimistic about the aid lo secular functions of "sec­ ' As of March 31, 1976, current time. automotive parts, consumer materials. and interviews with 212 the future of lhc Americarr Jewish tarian schools is in. fact aid to the liabilities exceeded current assets pmducls, agricultural and · food teachers in high schools in various community. "Assimilation, inter­ sectarian enterprise as a whole and and cash and equivalents amounted' products, na\ural resources· and regions of Israel, Surkis found that marriage, diminishing religious results in the direct advancement of 10 $160,000. While the high lin·ancial services. Last year 10% of most high . schools teach about prac·1icc and inadequate Jewish religion." - technology area may be operating income was contributed American Jewry in only one course education were t!\c most frequently glamorous, it is costly and highly by the leasure-lime group headed on ··Jewish History in the Modern GVATI NAMED expressed concern," he reported. competitive. Scan-Data op- Paramount Pictures. Film rentals Era," in which only a minimal JERUSALEM: Former Minister makes Most teachers reported that in 1ica I character recognition soared lo an all-lime high and amount of time is devoted lo U.S. preparing lesson plans, they relied of Agriculture Haim Gvati, a kib­ equipment in competition with further improvement has been Jewish history. mainly on lhc information con­ butz movement leader of the Labor major computer manufacturcrcs, to scored in the 9 months ended April. Analyzing lhc lc~lbook materials tained in textbooks. Further, few Parly"s Mapai wing, has been nam­ ·say nothing of smaller companies in Record . earnings of about $4.20 usC!l, Surkis found specific deficien­ ed chairman of a new public council indicaicd that they read American . (adjusted for the 5-for-4 split) per cies. These included: key concerns established by the Cabinet to the lield. My suggestion to you is to publi'calions or books on the' advise share are looked for in the year to of America.n Jews, including the government on effective means gel a new broker. h islory or sociology of American end this month. The 15¢ quarterly American pluralism, the per­ of cracking down on tax evaders BUSINESSMAN'S . Jewry. In their analysis of topics dividend rate has been maintained vasiveness· of the general culture, and more efficient tax collection , RISK PORTFOLIO covered in their classes that dea"1 Q- WOIIW yoa ane • :,1111r opl­ aher each of the 2 stock dividends arid c11urch-slalc separation are with American Jewish history, most methods. -The Treasury's proposal this year. · to set up the council was approved lUOII of die,...._ NYSE ltocu inadequately discussed; some texts !cachets reported an emphasis on ,-c11ae11 ror ca,1ta1 1976, WS ANGELES TIMES relate the history of American Jewish immigration ~o,~e ,U.S. al a recent Cabinet meeting, .·. ....,.doli, t, j I •t j ' r / ~ 'I 1' / . ' ' r '14-THE RHOD~ ISL,\~ID 0 HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976- brought into the ongoing process of thinkiog and planning tQ_ deal with 'Very Strange To Stand On Prime-T-ask Of .- Zioni·sm: • our inter-related pr-oblcms," he sa'id. Former Foreign Minister , addressing the The Soil Of A Free Country' Aliyab,· o~r _E_ducation? -· dialogue, did not take direct issue MOSCOW: Granted permission member of the Academy of with Hertzberg's views on the to emigrate to Israel after a better Sciences, are still being barred from JERUSALEM .(JTA): An­ diaspora," he said. He added that primacy of . But than four year wait, Vitali Rubin, departure. Amcr'ican Jewish leader recently . " At this moment, the prime task of he chided diaspora Jewry which, he Soviet dissident and specialist in an­ Mr. Rubin and his wife, Inessa, a placed Jewish· education for · the · Zionism in. the diaspora is to mount said, for the first time in history · cient Chinese philosophy, said, "It teacher of German, received no young_. above aliya as "the prime a rescue operation so every Jewish "was not giving that of which Israel will be very strange to stand on the explanation for the sudden decision task of Zionism in · the diaspora." child receives some kind of Jewish needs most - aliya." Eban rejected soil of a free country - I never to let them leave. The couple was llitbbi Arthur Hertzberg, president education, ·soine direct experience the idea that Israel's social im- have." • told lo leave within two weeks, and of the American. Jewish Congress, of Israel early in his life so that he is perfections discouraged large-scale Since Aleksando LunlS, a officials have cut through much of . also said that American ·Jews . see challengea with the possibility of Jewish immigration. He said those malhcmalician who was allowed to the red tape in order to speed their Israel. not as .a place to move to but opting himself for aliya." imperfections e•xisted because not leave last February, Mr. Rubin is departure. Declaring that he was a Zionist rather as a way of keeping their own enough Jews came to Israel. "You the most prominent Jewish activist He speculated that the authorities because he 1s a citizen of the Jewish ~ishness .al_ive in the •diaspora. cannot create our~ weaknesses by lo receive an exit visa. Others, considered him an increased liabili­ nation, "not because I may carry an HeFtzberg spo,e al' the opening ses­ your calculated absence and then including Aleksandr Learner and ty since he joined eight other dis­ Israeli passport," Hertzberg said sion · of the annual AJCongrcss­ invoke those weaknesses as a reason Viklor Brailovsky, both sidents three weeks ago in a group that it was wrong to say that the spoasored. A merican-lsraeli for not coming lo correct them," mathematicians, and Vcnyamin lo monitor Soviet compliance with battle of American Jewry ·for sup­ dialogue here. "The centrality of Eban said: Levich, a physical chemist who is a the Helsinki declaration's provision Israel. as unde'rstood in the free port of Israel must be commanded on human rights. ,!liaspoca. does not mean that Jc:ws from Jerusalem. "I do not mean to -Anti-Semitic Party Plans Mr. Rubin's reasons for leaving 5ee ·themselves as building into the deny either the sovereignty or are a blend of religious identity and Jewish State. It means, on the con­ preeminence of Israel's political _Action In British Elections political compunction. Al 52 years leadership but the leadership of the trary, that the labors for the State ByMa■ rices.-et.. lion lo the streets of Germany, so of age, he is one of Moscow's are the prime preservative of the rest of the Jewish world must be will the National Front take the im­ LONDON (JTA): The anti­ sharpest critics of the Soviet Union. m igranl quest ion away from Semitic. racist National Front Party In 1971 , while he was a senior Rabbi Wurzburger Attacks Parliament o n 10 the streets of is planning a major effort in the researcher al the Institute of Orien­ Britain." John Kingsley Read. next general elections to gain allen­ tal Studies, Mr. Rubin wrole a Breakdowns In Marriages leader of a ri val right-wing party lion. The group, which claims 22,- boo k entitled. " Ideology and which opposes colored immigra- FALLSBURG, N.Y. (Jl:A): the Orthodox organization which is 000 members although only 720 pay Cullure in Ancient China." 1ion. but abhors the Nazi aspects of Rabbi Walter S. Wurzburgcr, holding its 40th annual convention. dues. announced that it would licld "I think it was published by mis­ 1he National Front, said that the aewly-elected head of the Rabbin­ He succeeds Rabbi Fabian 318 candidates • in the next take," he said . "The editors got a Front's uhimale target is Jews. Ac­ cial Council of America, said he Schonfeld. Parliamentary elections for the sole dressi ng-down . The main point was cording to Read. John Tyndall , deplored the wide-spr_cad In his acceptance address, Wurz­ purpose of demanding equal televi­ an analysts of totalitarian ideology " the fuehrer" of the National Fron I breakdown of the Jewish family burger cited studies which indicated sion time with the major political in a ncient China, and Soviet "!old me 1ha1 his plans are to use which he claimed has reached that alarming numbers of Jewish parties. The National Front had intellectuals saw in this a mirror of the immigrant issue to gain power catastrophic proportions. "This is marriages arc being dissolved, in some impact in recent bi-elections presenl Soviet practices." The book and then gel rid of the race he hales lhe ·most formidable threat to some areas of the country ap­ and local Parliamentary contests by was denounced as anti-Marxist. 1he most. lhc Jews." Jewish survival facing us today," he proaching the shocking rate of four exploiling prejudice against colored After he decided to appl y for a declared. Wurzburgcr, of Far out of 10 ma,:riagcs. immigrants. An analysis of these visa. he said, he and his wife were Rockaway, New York, was un- "This weakening of marital elections. prepared by Dr. Jacob Jews Protected dismissed fr om their jobs. Since . animously elected as president of bonds is also surprisingly manifest Gcwirtz for the Board of Deputies then lhey have been living on con­ among young Orthodox couples, of British Jews, warned that "It Against Frauds tributions from abroad and ear­ Hebrew U. To Study 'Pill' though admilledly in lesser should be apparent to all now that nings from odd jobs. Mrs. Rubin has some private students of Ger­ numbers," Wurzburgcr stated. the National Front is a very real /\LB/\NY . NEW YORK: A In 3-Y ear Grant Program " That religiously observant and menace. They showed considerable man. and Mr. Rubin has done some rorward slep in 1he protection o f the translating and writing for other JERUSALEM: The effect of the knowledgeable young people skill in organizing their campaign rcligiou~ Je wish consumer fro m be­ scholars. contraceptive pill on ba bies whose should be similarly affected is a so lhal they cou ld concentrate their ing viclimi,ed by consumer fraud mothers continue lo take the pill shocking development. We have limited resources in a few selected They plan to li ve in Israel where rega rding religious ar1iclcs look he has been offered a teaching post wilhoul realizing that they arc obviously failed in some vital areas areas of social unrest and racial rlacc recenll y. when the New York al Hebrew University, but they also pregnant is now being studied by of religious inculcation. strife:· · S1a1c Assembly passed a bill in­ hope 10 spend some time in the Hebrew University scientists. "That marriage as an institution Gewirtz added, "What is happen­ lrodu~-cd hy Assemblyman Leonard The three-year study is supported is being rejected by increasingly ing now is a window-dressing exer­ United States. Columbia University Silverman. has invited him 10 lecture, and Har­ by a $98,000 grant from the U.S. large numbers who arc choosing to cise to cover the Front's past record The bill. which was drafted al the vard's East Asian Research Center Department of Health, Education remain single is an even graver of nco-Nazi activity and lo derive initiative of the Commis~ion o n has asked him to participate in a a nd Welfare. The Jerusalem study, problem. The very concept of an en• power from the immigrant ques­ Legislation and C ivic Action or conference in August. he said . the only one. of live outside the during marital commitment is un­ tion. The thing we fear most is that /\gudalh Israel of America, clearly The Rubins, who share a com­ U.S.• is of particular significance in der allack." just as Hiller look the Jewish qucs- ,pclls o ul as a violation of the munal apartment with several other •iew of the hctcrogenous , 1a1cs busin ess laws the sale of families. could hardly stop smiling laotdground of the women inter­ Mc,uws o r Telilin (phylacteries) today. "Al lirst I was in shock," Yicwed and because the study is bas­ Allegations Of Torture which do nol comply with Halacha Mrs. Rubin said. "I couldn't grasp al on a total population. (Jewish law). this. Bui after I went into my Heading " the perinatal study on Called Crying 'Wolf' The consumer fraud protection kitchen and realized that never in congenital malformations" is Dr. LONDON: A call for the Euro­ organ ization an d the Israel hill o n Me,uzos and phylacteries, my life will I have a kitchen that I Susan Harlap, lecturer in pean Commission on Human government. The Israeli authorities which is now before the New York have to share with my neighbors, al epidemiology and Prof. A. Michael Rights to examine the situation in had been especially critical of Scnale. seeks lo pul an end to what this moment I was happy." Davies, professor of medical Israel has been made here by the Amnesty's publication of a com­ Rahhi Moshe Sherer, executive ccotogy al the Hebrew University chairman of the Israeli Branch of bined report on allegations of tor­ rresidcnl or Agudath Israel of Zionism Enhances Hadassah Medical School. Amnesty International·. Prof. ture by Israel and Syria after the America. de sc ribed as the Since the start of the project in Yoram Dinstein, of Tel Aviv Yorn Kippur War. "wholesale deception of unwary Position Of Jews November, 1974, approximately 6,- Jewish purchasers of Mczuzos and University, said that the greatest A senior Amnesty official at the NEW YORK: Zionism and in­ 500 pregnant women in the contribution that the European T clilin. who are sold such articles Jerusalem area have been · inter­ luncheon noted that the organiza­ which have no religious significance volvement with Israel have given community could make to peace in tion had been wrong to publish the American Jews prestige and respect ~iewed, with an additional 8,500 to· 11\e Middle East would be to permit "ha Isoever. because they do not ,o. Up to.now, the team has analy-z. report. Instead, it -&hould have conform with Halacha." in the United Stares, Rabbi Arthur Israel's accession to the European simply submitted its findings Hert z berg, president of the ed the findings of the first six Convention on Human Rights. According to Jewish law, a months of the study, concerning 1,­ privately to the governments of Me,uzah. as well as the parchments American Jewish Congress, told the Dinstein, an authority on inter­ both countries. United Israel Appeal's 50th an­ JOO births. national law, said the European of Telilin (phylacteries), must be "'The results so far are very The official also praised the handwrillen by a scribe according niversary convocation ...American body was virtually the only inter­ Zionism succeeded in making pn:liminary", Prof. Davies said. national institution whose findings prompt and careful replies which to precise specilicalions on a -piece -JJut indications are that we may the organization receives when it of parchment. American Jews comfortable in on allegations of torture of political America" in contrast lo the original have one or two more cases than prisoners iii Israel would be sends inquiries to the Israeli at­ /\gudalh Israel has obtained af­ upccted of abnormalities in babies torney general. Like other branches rida vi Is from ' purchasers of European Zionism which negated respected. Addressing a luncheon the diaspora in pursuing the goal of whe6e mothers continued to take allended by representatives of of Amnesty, the Israeli section has Mezuzos which, upon inspection, lfle pill." Prof. Davies emphasized, adopted "prisoners of conscience" were printed by ordinary letter creating a Jewish Stale, according Amnesty International and other to Hertzberg. who is also an adjunct lowever, that-these numbers are so human rights organizations, Dins­ in other countries. They include press on regular paper. !1111311 that they _arc insignificant people in South Africa, Bolivia, In­ The Silverman bill specifics that a professor of history al Columbia tein said that there had been hun­ University. "In the United States, statistically. dreds of allegations of torture of donesia, East Germany and merchant who sells a M.ezuzah MWhat we arc looking for arc Rumania. which does not conform with Zionism has acted to make Jews prisoners in Israel but almost every more com forlable and a greater diings which are fairly rare. The case had been proved to be un- In a discussion about terrorism, Halaeha must give the purchaser \ ..., problem of medicine these days wrillen notilicalion at the time of force within the American society," founded. · Dinstein said that the perpetrators he said. are · side effects of drugs which, Many of the cases involved of the massacres at Maalot and sale that this Mezuzah does not l dlough rare, become important meet the Jewish religious Dr. David Sidorsky, a professor terrorist suspects who were defend­ Kiryat Shemona in 1974 should be of philosophy al Columbia Univer­ wflcn thousands of people take ed by Felicia Lange~. a member of_ tried under a law based on the 1948 requirements; otherwise, he is guilty diem. of misrepresentation and violates sily, told the UJA convocation the control committee of the ·pro­ convention on genocide. which was held al the Jewish Agen­ Prof. Davi.cs went on to say that Although he was not prepared to lhe business laws of the state. Moscow Rakah Communist Party. cy' s headquarters here, that "the obstetricians have reported in give the Israel government a "blank Assemblyman Silverman, whose In Dinstein's view, Mrs. Langcr's American Jewish community was -dical publications that they have check' ~ over allegations of dis_tricl includes large segments of constant readi_ncss to allege torture shaped by its involvement with patients who had been taking the · of terrorist suspects had become maltreatment of prisoners, he lhe Boro Park and Flatbush pill in the · beginning of their neighborhoods in Brooklyn, stated Israel. In meeting the challenges of counterproductive. ' By crying stressed the sensitivity of Israeli support of Israel it developed a pregnancy without knowing they society to human rights. In the Iha! "the New York State Assembly "wolf," she risked being disregard­ sense of responsibility as a com­ . were pregnant and whose babies . United States, it had taken two acted lo put an ·end to those who ed should a genuine case occur, he munity and increased its maturity." were malformed. years for details of the My Lai frustrate. for monetary gain, the said. • He said the involvement with Israel The problem is that 3.5 per cent massacre in Vietnam to leak out. desires of a religious person who The Israeli branch of Amnesty has also opened new ways of con­ or babies arc born with mild Then, only one man was tried and seeks to fulfill the tenets of his faith International is not a typical one tact for American Jewry with other aalformations and 3.2 · per -cent was · later pardoned by the but is ·victimized by deceptive because, unlike-othct branches, it Jewish communities in the world as . ,offl severe malformations. If. half president, Dinstcin noted. business practices." · takes an interest in ·alleged cases in well as with its owri historicalroots. • 1111 women have taken the pill at its own country. Dinstcin said that • But_ when Israeli border guards He expressed hope that the bill --.e time, one . can expect that his branch functions partly as a executed Arabs in the border village will be pas.~ed in the New York TRAINING CADETS - of them who are going to have "conduit" for the international of K far Kassem in 1956, every per­ Stale Senate and signed into law by NEW YORK: "Newsweek" -1fonned babies also took the pill secretariat of Amnesty, "'.hich is son in the unit responsible was ap­ Gov. Carey. The chairman of magazine said the Soviet Union is daring early pregnancy. Is this a based in London. prehended, tried and sentenced Agudath Israel's Commission on training cadets of the• Palestine coincidence or is there a causative In the past, relations have not within weeks. The mayor in charge Legi s lation is Dr. Bernard Liberation Organization in an un­ effect? ulways been smoqtlt..betwcejl the was sentenced to 15 years. Fryshman. named site in the Crimea. .--

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 197!>-15 Greek Govt. Avows ·Nondiscrimination YORDIM URGED HOME . ATHENS: The Gree·II' Jew who, while beating up his op­ JERUSALEM: The Israeli Government has now declared that ponent, shouted for help." An of­ Greeley Says Jews Hold it does riot discriminate a2ainst ficial of his office told a delegation Greek citizens whatever their of the Central Board of Jewish religious creed. This declaration was Communities here: "The desire of Anti-Catholic Feelings made following strong reaction -by the official State is to clarify that WASHINGTON : A noted there has been no reciprocity at all world Jewry at a "joke" about a there ·was no intention of casting Roman Catholic author and from the Jewish side." I Jew made in the Greek Parliament hlame on the Jews." The Premier, sociologist told the delegates to the Apart from this issue. Father 7 in April by Prime Minister he ,aid, had used the joke "to annual meeting of the American Greeley assessed the present overall 6 Constantine Karamanlis. defuse a tense situation in Jewish Committee here that Jews relationship between American 6 The Prime Minister had referred Parliament during a debate on have yet lo make a serious study of Catholics and Jews as "excellent" H "their own anti-Catholicism." 0 lo the "well-k_nown joke about the Greek - Turkish relations." and asserted that Catholic support p Speaking lo a gathering of the for Israel remained high. The Jewish community has also Inter-religious Affairs Commission, E Golan Heights Two other interfaith concerns 6 made a, strong protest to the hc:ad of the Rev. Andrew M. Greeley, direc­ "·ere raised at opening sessions of s the Greek Orthodox Church, (or of the National Opinion 2 T For 160,000 Jews? the meeting at the Washington 0 Archbishop Seraphim, regarding a Research Center an Chicago, R Hilton Hotel: the potential effect on 0 JERUSALEM: An interesting report published by a department of declared. "There is a strong and Jews of a strong evangelical E proposition aimed at increasing the 'the church which said that the powerful anti-Catholic feeling in president and a report on the surge E immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel Jehovah Witness sect was "nothing the Jewish community." of support for Jews and Israel by T is being debated in political circles. hut a disguised Judaism," and that Father Greeley emphasized that Christians following the United A cabinet minister, who prefers to for this reason. the sect "received in his view the majority of Jews Nations resolution that defined remain anonymous, is credited with lavish subsides from world - wide were not hiased against Catholics Zionism as a form of racism. GO EL AL having conceived the following Zionist organizations." hut he maintained that the problem The political analysis was idea: Israel should propose an The Archbishop told the existed and "has never been faced rrcsented by the Rev . James M. .,N1·~' exchange with Moscow. The president of the Central Board, rublicly and dealt with." Wall . c'tlitor of the ecumenical jour­ Russians would allow the exit over Joseph Lovinger, that he disagreed He said there was a tendency by nal Christian Century. who was the ISRAfl "ith these "unwarranted charges" Jew, and other non-Catholics to ig­ a four-year period of 160,000 Jews Illi nois Democratic primary carn­ THIS YEAR "O JERUSALEM" in exchange for the relinquishment and expressed his deep interest in nore Catholic achievements in such pai!!n director fo r former Gov. Jim­ Judaism:· a rea s as education and to A Hotels from $8.00 per nite by Israel lo Syria of the Golan my Carter of Georgia. L 2 / 3 WEEKS OR LONGER STAYS Heights. Promising lo lake up the mailer do"ngradc the ethnic heritage of " II is understandable:· sa id Wall, L GROUP !'RICES By way of precedent, the high­ with the Holy Synod , the most Catholics. a United Methodist minister, in Archbishop also said: "I feel myself .. , think that Catholics have We liave Space/II ranking Israeli official is quoted as rrepared remark s ... th a t non­ T Southampton Princess saying Israel has already made a brother of.the Jews. Our religions acknowledged the existence of anti­ Christia ns. liberal Chris ti ans. Jews R Bermuda several deals with America. For arc similar in many ways, even our Jewish feeling in the last years since and all other segment s of our A Aug. 6 • Aug. 9 • $309.00 example, Israel agreed to withdraw liturgy. The Jews. as ourselves the Vatican Council." Father rluralistic society should wonder if V Sept. 3 - Sept. 6 - $309.00 from Sue,, from the oil fields at hclieve in one God." (jrecley said . "As far as I can see. our national political environment Abu Rodeis, from the Milla and over the next eight years is going to E OTC Charters every week Gidi Passes - for which Egypt gave he rcrressivcly evangelistic." L ARUBA 7 nites $299 & 15% nothing in return, the price being Moscow's Fishman Claims Wall. apparently allempting lo MULLET BAY 7 nites $299 + paid by America in weapons and ease these fears. noted that Baptists. 15%. GUADELOUPE 7 nites money. Moscow has remained among whom Carter is numbered, $299 + 15%. totally outside of these transactions. Jews Closer To Religion are among the staunchest sur­ Why then. it is argued, shouldn't By YITZHAK RABI the Moscow Jewish Seminary and portcrs of the legal separation of Israel try to make a deal with NEW YORK (JTA): The Chief seven in . Fishman said church and state. Evangelical TENNIS VACATIONS ·Brezhnev for the relinquishment of Rahbi of Moscow commented that during his vi sit here he hopes to Christians could not "impose a territory in exchange for an aliya or . recently that young Jews in the religious solutio n o n secular -observe Jewish religious life and "to (,:) .._.. 160,000 Jews, by offering the Golan Soviet Union are "drawing closer to ,trengthen tics with our Jewish citiLens," he asserted. Moreover. he *~~~.. _...... Heights to Syria? Indeed, aren't religious life .. without being pressed brothers." He will be a guest at a said, the "presence of up-front ~~ ~ ...... 160,000 new immigrants for Israel to do so. Rahbi Jacob Fishman, receptio n in New York !P be religious people in our political life °"'_ ...... _ .. .,(. more important than the Golan who officiates at Moscow's Central is not lo be feared. but should be allended hy Jewish leaders. Rabbi Gi) ~~.~\f.. ~.CW Heights'/ However, what would be Synagogue. arrived in the U. S. as Arthur Schneier. president of the received with the same skepticism Washington's reaction? rart of a delegation of nine Soviet Appeal of Conscience Foundation we give those r olitical leaders who As is well-known, the United clergymen. headed by Metropolitan and rahhi of the Park Ea st den y their religious stance: ! ~-~~-!!~-~AV Stales is bent on preventing the Juhenaly. one of the highest rank­ Synagogue. and the Foundation's J\1.:(ording to a new American further spread of Soviet influence in i n!! rrclates in the Russian I wo vic·e-rresidents. Dr. David H. h·'-'·i~h Committee repo rt on the . ~~lnn the Midwest. Any attempt to im­ Orthodox Church. The delegation, C Read, minister of the Madison aftermath of the United Nations' IV\AUNA t<.EA plement this sort of a proposal which was in the U.S. for a 10-day Avenue Presbyterian Church and anti-Zio nism resolutio n. Christian ,.,_-'13<:!: AC,._..,I-I,. H O T"E l­ would bring the Russians into the visit under the auspices of the Re v, Thurston N. Davis, S. J. of the :,. cn:,.iti vit y to Jew is h concerns Appeal of Conscience Foundation, * Call Now picture as full partners. Would Ucparlmcnl of Communication. appear, to he increasing. The 72- Washington stand for it.? On that includes another Jew, Adolf United States Catholic Conference. ragc rerort s.oid that many Chris­ DOROTHY ANN WIENER subject, the anonymous Israeli of­ Shayovich. a student at the Rab­ declared in a joint statement that tain lc.odcrs condemned the resolu­ 766 HOP£ ST. , PROV. ficia1 has no comment. binical Seminary in Budapest, the religious delegation will be in­ tion ,is " political anti-Semitism ." ----272-6200----· Hungary. Answering questions in troduced lo the leaders, practices Yavneh Slates Y iildish at a news conference for and institutions of their faiths in the delegation, Fishman was America " to introduce them to a STONE'S KOSHER somewhat vague when asked about MARKET cross sc'Clion of the religious life of 780 HOPE STREET 421-0271 Three Tours freedom of religion for Soviet Jews. our pcorle ... PROVIDENCE He only said: "We have three syn­ In a statement issued May 11 NEW YORK: Yavneh, the Open Every Monday agogues in Moscow and people Stanley Lowell. chairman of the national religious Jewish students Money-Saving Specials pray there from six in the morning National Conference on Soviet association, will sponsor youth lo two in the afternoon. Then we Jewry. said that Fishman and the tours of Israel, Europe and the U.S. Whole hold services in the evenings." He ol her clergymen were "func­ throughout the summer, for college L-ondon Chuck Steak said that there are "prayer rooms" tionaries" of the Soviet government Corned Beef students and graduates. in different parts of Moscow where which denies religious and cultural IOM In A seven week tour of Israel is Broil Jews can atlend services. frcc'tlom to Jews. He noted that Briskets slated to Aug. 22, featuring Shayovich, a former engineer l'ishman has allacked the desire of sightseeing and an educational who hc'Came a rabbinical st.udenl, Soviet Jews lo emigrate and has IllAVG.. 1• 29 program for college students. The LI. 1.39LI. 83\ •. told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency been silent about Soviet anti­ European tour, entitled "Thirty - that there is an "intensified" Semitism and the harassment of Years After the Holocaust," is interest in Judaism among the Jews. the quota system for Jews in slated from July 18 to Aug. 22, young Jewish generation. He said the universities and the denial of featuring a study trip to Holland, that about 10 Jews arc studying in their cultural and religious rights. Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, . Romania, Bulgaria and Israel. Two tours through the U.S. are Yadim Intends To Form scheduled in honor of the Bicenten­ Jewish Herald niai. The first will leave New York Sunday, and will visit Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Boston, Cape New Polit1cal Faction Cod arid Newport. Return date is JERUSALEM, (JTA) - Yigal head a government coalition. He ' Yadin, who distinguished himself as said he would be "testing the .Advertisi11g July 15. The second tour is slated Aug. 22, an army commander during waters" during the next few months featuring visits to Washington, Israel's 1948 war for independence before deciding whether to enter D.C., Williamsburg, Charleston, and later served as chicfof staff, has next year's Knesset elections. e Savannah, Disney World and indicated that he may form a new Yadin said of his political credo Brings Results , e e Atlanta. political faction that would ad­ that he firmly believed in a For information, call 212-929- voca tc negotiations with any "democratic Israel" and in a 5434. representative Palestinian "Jewish Israel." He maintained that leader-and that if that happened if the West Bank remained under DECISION APPEALED to be PLO chieftain Yasir· Arafat, Israeli rule, ,neither of those two for people.who sell cars BONN: West German "then so be it." vital conditions. could be fulfilled'. prosecutors have appealed a deci'. Only last week, Foreign Minister sion hy a Dusseldorf cou.rt to Yadin, an internationally Ylgal Allon spoke in the same vein release on bail Hermine prominent archaeologist since leav­ when' he .admonished annexationists_ for people who sell groceries Bruunsteiner Ryan, the German­ ing the army, made his remarks that if Israel perpetuated military horn New York housewife charged May 25 during an hour-long televi­ rule over the West Bank it would with concentration camp murders. sion interview in which he made it not be a democratic state and if it for people who sell clothes Mrs. Ryan was released on S 17.,000 plain that his political ambition was alisorbed the West • Bank's Arab hail on the grounds' that slie is in to achieve the: Premiership. He pofiulation with · full and equal poor health. sl!id that if he thought a ·new · rights as citizens, it would cease to fo, .people w6o sell insuraace She was ordered to stay at her political list with strong "dove-ish" be a Jewish State.. · sister", home in nearby Essen, obey · leanings could "hold the balance" Yadin stressed that he' did not all court orders and report to the between the. two major f~vor Israel's return to its 'prc-Jurie; police· daily. Mrs. Ryan was blocs-Labor and Likud-he 1961 borders because certain extradited fnlm the U. S. in 1973 to would head such a list ,nd seek to . strategically important positions st,mti triul with 14 other defendants.,. ·.capture a following ·1arge enoilgh to · must 'be retained . ·--- - ·~_.. ______I

16-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976 30 Kibbutzim Volunteer To Aid Underprivileged Africans Abandon Anti-~lsra.el Move JERUSALEM : Thirty Kibbut- nam.>" Israel's social gap. 1.im around the cou ntry have Meanwhile the National Council volunteered to take in during the for H ighcr Education has approved In United Nat_ions Security Counc,il coming year over 1,000 under­ a plan to establish a special Institute NEW YORK: Earlier this week the number needed for approval. the hijacking of airplanes and called privileged boys and girls from for Academic Study of the kibbutz African merJ)bers of the United Eyen if the measure had received on all governments to "prevent and homes in slum quarters of the big and its funct ions. The Minister of Nations Security Council withdrew the necessary number of votes, it is . runish all such terrorist acts." l'itie~ and devdopment towns. lducatiun. Aharon Yadlin. himself a resolution condemning Israel's certain to have been vetoed by the The British-American resolution The program of educating these a kibhutz member. praised the kib­ recent raid on the Entebbe airport United States. _ was supported by France, Italy, children at kibbutz schools on a hut, movements and the Haifa in Uganda as a "flagrant violation" The supporters of Uganda, at the Sweden and Japan, with Rumania li ve-in basis was started on a more University fur promoting the of that country's sovereignty. The time they withdrew their resolution, and Panama abstaining. The resolu­ modest scale this year and its project. , uc·cess has encouraged more of the resol,ution, submitted jointly by announced that they would not par- tion failed to pass due to insuf­ AJC ROOTS Libya, Tanzania and could ticipate in the vote on the rival ficient support. ,elllements to become involved . Benin, 1916 - Preliminary Conference have drawn only eight votes from resolution submilled by Britain and Uganda supporters who would Over recent years kibbutzim have heen criticized fo r not sufficiently l'l1r \,:n:aline an ··A merican Jewish the 15,member council, one short'of the United States which condemne!l not take part in the vote included C<111grcss" -held in Philadelphia. China, Guyana. Libya, Pakistan, involving themselves in efforts to Tan1.ania. Benin and the Soviet WE CAN BOOK ANY ADVERTISED Union. TRIP, TOUR OR CRUISE Israel said · it regarded the out­ come of the debates as vindication Anywhere .... Anytime of it, commando raid because the Council. called into session to ISRAEL AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU condemn Israel, had not approved a resolution to that effect. BY CHARTER & SAVE The Air France plane was hijack­ PRICE TRAVEL ed from Athens. Greece, to Uganda while on a flight from Tel Aviv to 16-daycharterfrom New York SERVICE CORP. Paris on June 24. to Athens with connecting CALL US AT 831-5200 The Israelis concentrated on offering evidence showing that flights to Tel Aviv. 808 HOPE STREET, PROVIDENCE President ldi Amin of Uganda had 'One of Rhode Island's Great Travel Agencies' connived with the hijackers, during the debate. African members of the Council ~~~}}:~~:j:.t *898 BOARD! tried to restrict the debate to their Restaurant contention that Israel had violated ~rting every w starting June 1st & Lou 19P Ugandan sovereignty. They at­ Enjoy I 1-y llfMI llc,llday INII tacked the British-American resolu­ lnctucln Ill thla: tion as u maneuver to divert the • ,.__DC_. trip YII Tr- lnt..,,.tlonat • 272170C Council's attention from their • -.tlons 1t 4-5 Star hotels {) Fo ,,,, ,.,ly (hor ,,. , , pccific complaint. (dlhucl) - 12 niglltl In llfMI, 1 A number of African represen­ nigllt In Athens, 1 nigllt In Cyp,u1 /(J Luncheon Spec,als Da dy tatiws. admilling privately that • -l11tdllly they did not relish defending Amin, .0epe,1...... " 11 30--~ 00 •T,-..,_be_holeta_lirpOri charged that the Israeli raid was a WINKLEMAN TRAVEL Fish & C hips W ed & Fr, • Slgllt-..g. illlfly options 24 1 RESERVOIR AVE. clear invasion of Uganda territory, R-. you tty with UI It - W Dinne rs Served Wed thr u Sat 4 P M 9 00 P I..' setting a dangerous precedent for - lo, Just S80 more than the min­ PROVIDENCE imum -'lcabte Ill< ,.,.. Including . P, .. ,.,. k' :, f, smaller states in general and 401 - 781-4200 African nations in particular. your tour -.nveo-,ts. Featuring Loo'>',,, t1y .,.,., .•• ,•' -:: The.. United States and Britain Our-t• 11 ._., HIO .... t11a11 OPEN WEEKDAYS 8:30-6 Rak ,•(1 <.., 1 _, •• ,, · maintained in the debates that there cr·d o 1 t•..-r frnt- \t-lf-' ct.on \ would have been no raid if it had FREE TRAVELERS CHECKS FOR OUR CLIENTS UGHT-·-· CANDLES IN PROV. 7 / 16 / 76: 7 :58 Entertainment Every Wed thru Sat not been for the hijacking of the Air France r,lane seized by pro­ Fashion )how Ev Pt y Thur<; 12 30-2 )O Palestinian guerrillas over Athens and nown to En tebbe. The United States also told the Council that there was " substantial CLASSIFIED evidence that the government of Ug;onda cooperated wit h and aided the hijackers.·· U.S. and British CALL 724-0200 representatives stressed that the success of the Israeli effort had 6-Condominiums 33-Painting, Papering demonstrated that the Ugandans could have overpowered the FLORIDA: Boynton Reach. Sacrifice for AUIED hijackers if they had wanted to do quick KJle! 3 ½ rooms, I ½ baths, PAINTING CO. so. built-in!., w -w , furnished . Two ALL STORES - PRICES EFFE~TIVE _JULY 16 TO JULY 22 heoted pooh, sauna, whirlpool, Po inting Interior, Exterior It was also argued that the in­ golf, tennis. Deluxe clubhouse, bus. Paperhangi ng fringemen t of Uganda sovereignty SI 9,900. 942-3155. In sured KOSHER HEBREW NATIONAL AU work guaranteed had been only temporary and For Free Estimate Call lim ited to the objective of SAVE 19-General Services 737-2811 extricating the plane's passengers 7/ 30 ·PASTRAMI Sic and cn:w. SLICED AS YOU LIKE IT POUND2.98 PRECISION CONSTRUCTION Po inting, roofi ng, gutters, siding, PAINTING: Interior ond exterior. Carter Snubbed In aluminum produch, general carpentry, Wollpoj:iering ex.pertly done. Gener­ odditions, kitchens, family rooms, pan• al deaning, walls a nd woodwork. eling. Free estimates. Call Freeman Gray 12 OZ. CANS '73 By Israelis You name it, we do it! ond Son,, 934-0585. ti SAVE TEL A VIV: Abraham Sharir, SAVE 30%-40% 10 0AY SPECIAL PEPSI-COLA 3'( executive director of Israel's Liberal Excellent workmanship, top quolity JS-Private Instruction REGULAR-LIGHT OR Din 6PACK 1.09 party, states that when he was an moteriol, fully ins.ured . Guaranteed Israeli consul fo r economic affairs sotisfoction. READING Specialist/ Elementary teach­ 821-6700 er will TUT0R your child, reaso n­ in Atlanta and Los Angeles he 8/ 6 managed to persuade Governor able rotes, flexible hours, coll 331- 0126. ORIGINAL . Jimmy Carter to visit Israel. While ·21-Help Wanted SAVE Carter was visiting the country he 37-Rooms Wanted 40( WANTED: Componion/ housekeeper. MUN-CHEE was a guest o f an important Gracious active lody. Comfortable POUND economic conference which was REFINED GENTLEMAN ,eeks and de· swm MUENSTER 1. 98,; sucroundings. Desires live-i n compe· taking place in Jerusalem in I 973. tent personable female companion. sires furnished room with light kitch­ en and parking privi leges. Coll 944- Sharir had -suggested that the light housekeeping. Driver's license a must. References required. Salary 7358. I organizers of the conference invite arranged. Reply to R. I. Jewish HOPE STREET ONLY HOPE STREET ONLY Carter to the presidium, but the . Herold, Box G-42, 99 Webster 42-Special Notices suggestion was ignored since none Street, Pawtucket, R. I. 02861 . KOSHER FRESH MEATS of the organizers fully appreciated M.4:~SAGES for ladies only. Rita ot c, ' •IJtR ,JPE RVl ', IO N O f IIAAD HAKA,H RU' H Carter's strength as Governor of WOMAN to take core of 21 month the Areno Club. Seven days, f,ve OUR FRE'>H ME/.' DEPT I', CtO,ED the State of Georgia. In the light of old boy starting in September. Eight nights. 10 o.m .- 10 p .m. 861-2696. A '-.. J1,'J (J '< fR rlJAY ANlJ ALL DAY ,A TURlJA r hours o day. East Side. Coll 421 - recent events, says Sharir," Carter 7479. will be entitled to a great deal more OBJECT MATRIMONY: Olde, gentle­ man wou ld like to m'eet marria­ ' than a dais seat at a Jerusalem 28-Merchandise for Sale geable woman. Write R.I. Jewish KOSHER-FROM HEAVY STEER IEEF conference. Herold, Bo ll G-46, 99 Webster DIVAN, upholstered chairs, console Street, Pawtucket, R.I. 02861. SAVE '- _ MEIR, FORD stereo, desk, lamps, tables, radios, television, other items. 438-6938 of­ STEER LIVER 40c POUND a,~ JERUSALEM : ' Local 43-Special Service, ~ ter 10 o .m. I newspapers reported that former Premier Golda Meir would meet RfftNISHING: furniture ~nd kitchen with President Ford when she visits 33-Painting, Papering cabinets in antique or woodgrain lhe U . S. at the end of this month as finish. Coll ewnings. Moyer Refinish­ KOSHER-FROM HEAVY STEER IEEF ' SAVI · ;ng. 725-855 I. ti · 21c 1. the auest of the AFL-CIO. She is PRECISION CONURUCTION also scheduled to meet with Vice PAINTING SPECIAL: POUND 1 family, from $295 PICKLED. TONGUEI ~09 .. President Nelson Rockefeller and 2 fom;ly, from $595 GLASS IIIOKIN? ScrNn, ropo;red. lea'ding members of Congress, the 3 family, from $995 Residential work our specialty. Coll reports said. Mrs. Meir was invited IO DAY SPICIAL SA VI 30%-40% Eost Side Gloss. 861 -5537, 274• by the trade union's president, bcellent workmanship, top quality 9172. ti ' ...,... ,_ . WMWKII CIAIISY• material, fully insured. Guaranteed ,774 ..... ,..,_._ .... Gcorae Meany. She will roccive the ...... satisfoction. . HIGH PRODUCT INTEREST ....,, AFL-CIO m.aa 1&... "" ...... ,.... "Person of the Year" : 121-6700 t i . doubles newspaper ad readership. p-ard . 8 6 . ' '