Congressional RECORD
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CONGRESSiONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS ·AND DEBATES OF THE FIFTY-NINT.H CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION. SENA'rE. Hansbrough McCumber Penrose Sutberland Hemenway Mallory ·Perkins Taliaferro Heyburn Martin Pettus Teller }fol{DAY, Decembm~ 3, 1906. Hopkins Millard Piles Tillman Kean Money Platt Warner The first Monday of D'ecemb~r being the day prescribed by the Knox Morgan Proctor ·warren Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Con Latimer Nelson Rayner Wetmore gress, the second session of the Fifty-ninth Congress commenced Lodge · Newlands Scott Long Nixon Smoot this day. · · . · · :.UcCreary Overman Spooner The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. The Vice-President (Mr. CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS) called the The VICE-PRESIDENT. Seventy-seyen Senators llaye an- Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. s"·ered to their names. A quorum is present. PRAYER. SENATOR FROM DELAWARE. The Chaplaj.n, Rev. Enw ARD E. HALE, offered the following Mr. .ALLEE. Mr. President, Senator-elect Du Pont, from the prayer: · State of Delaware, is present, and I ask that the oath of office Blessing ancl honm· and glm·y ancl 1JOtc er be u iLto Him, that may lJe administered to him. sitteth upon the tlw011e; and unto the Lamb for e~:e r and e-,;cr. 'Tile VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect from Delaware TV e know that aU things w ork together for good to them who will present himself at the ·vice-President's desk and take the love God; to them who are called according to His purpose. oatll prescribed lJy law. ~Phis is the covenant that I will 11wke, sa·ith the Lord: I u; lll Mr. Du Pont was escorted to .the Vice-President's desk by Mr. tntt my laws into thei1· 1nin~ and 1CTite them, in thei-r heart. ALLEE, and the oath prescribed by law havinoo been administered And I u;m be to them a God and they shall be to me a people. to llim, he took his seat in the Senate. o Let us pray. SENATORS PRESENT. Our Father, who art with us in the majesty of Thy heaven, how can we thank Thee that we, Thy children ha\e our Tile following Senators were present: Father's help in all moments of our endea\ors? ' From the State of- · In Thine infinite providence Thou hast called tills Senate to .1labarna-Jobn T. Morgan and Edmund W. Pettus. gether to serve Thee in the months of this winter· ·and Thy .t11·kansas-James H. Berry. children are here to consecrate every day and eve~·y hour to Califomia-Frank P. Flint and George ·c. Perkins. that service of Thine which is perfect freedom. That they may Colorado-Henry l\l. Teller. walk together with God, help them,' Fatiler, with Thine own Connecticut-Frank B. Bmndegee and :Morgan G. Bulkeley. infinite help. Teach them with Thine own infinite wisdom that D elaw are-J. Frank Allee and Henry A. Du Pont. Thy law may be tile law of this nation, and this that happy Plorida-Stephen R. Mallory and James P. '.fnliaferro. people whose God is the Lord. · Georgia-Augustus 0. Bacon and Alexander S. Clay. We pray ~or the country which Thou hast led tlu·ough the Iclaho-Fred T. Dubois and Weldon B. Heyburn. desert, through the wilderness, and through the terrible tempta Illinois-Shelby l\1. Cullom and Albert J. Hopkins. tions of prosperity-which Thou hast led as a father leads I ndiana--Albert J. Beveridge and James A. llernenway. his children. · Iotca-Jonuthan P. Dolliver. Father, we ask Thy blessing upon all the servants of ad Kansas-Alfred W. Ben on and Chester I. Long. ministration, and upon this Congress as it meets together now. K entucky-Joseph C. S. Blackburn and James B. :McCreary. There are thC?se whose faces we ·are not to see again. We ask Louisiana-l\Iurphy J. Foster. Thee to consecrate the memory of their li\es to us, and for to Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. day and to-morrow, that every man may bear his brother's Maryland--Isidor Rayner. · · · b ..... rden', so that all may work together in Thine infinite service M~ss~chu.setts-Wintbrop l\1. Crane and Hem·y Cabot Lodge. for God and for humanity. M w h·tgan-Russell A. Alger and Julius C. Bunows. Hear us, answer us, bless us us Thine own children, in Christ Minnesota-Moses E. Clapp and Knute Nelson. Mississippi,-H. D. Money. Jesus. Join all with me in the Lord's prayer. Missouri--William Warner. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name· Thy Montana--Thomas H. Carter and William. A. Clark. kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is do~e in N ebraska-Elmer J. Burkett and Joseph H. l\lillard. heayen. Give us this day our daily ·bread, and forgive us our Nevada--Francis G. Newlands and George S. Nixon. trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead New Hampshit·e-Henry E. Burnham and Jacob H. Gu.lllnger. us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the N ew J ersey-John F . Dryden and John Kean. kingdom, and the power, and 'the glory, forever. Amen. N ew York-Chauncey 1\I. Depew and Thomas C. Platt. North Carolina--Lee S. Overman. CALLING OF THE ROLL. North Dakota--Henry C. Hansbrough and Porter J. l\IcCtm1- The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll of ber. the Senate. Ohio-Charles Dick and Joseph B. Foraker. The Secretary culled the roll, and the following Senators Oregon-Charles W. Fulton and John M. Gearin. answered to their names : P ennsylv ania-Philander Chase Knox and Boies Penrose. Aldrich Burkett Culberson Flint Rhode Isl£WUZ-Nelson W. Aldrich and George P. Wetmore. Alger Burnham Cullom . Foraker South OaTolina-Asbury C. Latimer and Benjamin R. Till- Allee Burrows · Daniel Foster · man. Bacon Carinack Depew Frazier Benson Carter Dick Frye South Dakota--Robert J. Gamble. Berry Clapp Dillingham · Fulton Tennessee-Edward W. Carmack and James B. Frazier. Beveridge Clark, Mont. Dolliver Gallinger Texas-Charles A. Culberson. Blackburn Clark, Wyo. Dryden Gamble Brandegee Clay Dubois Gearin Utah--Reed Smoot and George Sutherland. Bulkelcf Crane Elkins Hale Vermont-William P. Dillingham and Redfield Proctor. 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEl\IBER 3, Vil·ginia-John W. Daniel and Thomas S. Martin. RECESS. Wasll·ington.:-Samuel a:. Piles. · l\Ir.· HALE· (at 12 o'clock and 15 minutes p. m.). Mr. Presi West Vit·ginia-Stephen B. Elkins and Nathan B. Scott. dent, a me. sage from the President transmitting certain nomina Wisconsin-John C. Spooner. tions will be here in a few :p10ments. I do not think it proper Wyoming-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. W~rren. that we should proceed to any general business before receiving a NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. message from the President. Therefore I move that the Senate Mr. HALE submitted · the following resolution; which was take a recess for ten minutes. considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: The motion was agreed to; and at the ~xpiration of the recess (at 12 o'clock and 25 minutes p. m.) the Senate reassembled. R eso lvea, That a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Repre EXECUTIVE SESSION. sentatives, to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quoruin of each House is assembled, and that Congress is Several messages in writing were received from the President ready to receive any communication he may- be pleased to make. of the United States by .Mr. 1\I. C. LATTA, one of his secretaries. The VICE-PRESIDENT appointed as the committee. Mr. 1\Ir. CULLOM. I move that the Senate proceed to the consid HAJ,E and l\Ir. PETTUS. eration of executive business. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. consideration of executive business. After fifteen minutes spent l\Ir. CULLO:\I submitted the following resolution; which was in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 12 o'clock considered by- unanimous consent, and agreed to : and 45 minutes p. m.) the Senate· adjourned until to-morrow, . Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives Tuesday, December 4, 1906, at 12 o'clock meridian . that a quorum of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready to pl'oceed to business. · NOMINATIONS. HOUR OF DAILY MEETING. E xecuti'l/e nominations received by the Senate Decerr~obm- 3, 1906. l\lr. ALDRICH submitted the following resolution ; which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : . SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting of the Semite be 12 o"clock George B. Cortelyou, of New York, now Postmaster-General, meridian until otherwise ordered. to be Secretary of the Treasury, vice Leslie M. Shaw. DISM·ISSAL OF TH"REE COMPANIES OF '!'WENTY-FIFTII INFAN'l'RY. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1\Ir. PENROSE. 1\Ir. President, I submit a re olution asking Clmrles Joseph Bonaparte, of Maryland, now Secretary of the for certain information, and if it is not out of order I would Navy, to be Attorney-General, vice William H. Moody. ask for its present consideration. POSTMASTER-GENERAL. The VICE-PRESIDENT. It is the usual practice not to con George v. L. Meyer, of Massachusetts, now ambassador ex sider miscellaneous business until after the message from the traordinary and plenipotentiary to Russia, to be Postmaster President has bee:n received, but there is no rule to that effect.