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3 fl r S. BUREAU, 24. 24 SUQAS 96 Degree V. WEATHEB SEPT. Last hours' rainfall, .05. Test Centrifugals, 3.625c; Per Ton, $72.30. Temperature, Max. 81; Min. 71. Weather, variable. 88 Analysis Beets 8s 9d; Per Ton, $77.60. ESTABLISHED JULV ? 1856 VOL. XLII., NO. 7219. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HIUPPINE r(EE n AUGHTER TRA DE A SURE a I I BY ENOUGH THING "' y-- f &! tit) 1 k & - -- SI . m K- l5,:.-i.-'."- - Pi ft If ':"::"'f : I: J Chairman Payne of Ways and Means, as Well as JCfJ n ' ; - Tragedy at Peking Railway Station-W-u "Uncle Joe1' Cannon in Favor of It-T- he Ting Fang and Prince r Bennington Investigation. Tsai Injured. n I . y (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) Honolulu people. The Secretary knows (Associated Press Cablegrams.) "Washington, D. 4. tnat there has been great laxness C, Sept. Events among naval officers about "engi- are not speeding in the Capital City. neering duty.; He" is determined that PEKING, September 25. Four Reform Commission officials disagree- , . com- September, with its hot and this laxness shall cease. The " able days, but cooler nights, is becom- manders of ships of war in the Navy 7 were killed and twenty injured by a bomb explosion the railway - at to 14 1.74-- ?.X-a- i. - ing more of a vacation month. Many will be held strict accountability, Lucien Young among the number. But station here. Wu Ting Fang and Prince Tsai were slightly injured. department officials, wise to that,, ab- this is only one of the particulars sent themselves till the first of October. wherein Mr. Bonaparte ' has created a Thus the departments and other off- good impression here. If he only lasts, saying. icial are quite as inactive in Washington observers are now CONGRESS OF CAUCASUS channels He has started well and gives promise- - September as in August. The thou- of being the best cabinet officer Presi- sands of clerks, rejoicing' in a whole dent Roosevelt has yet selected. Sec PEOPLE TO MAKE month's vacation, have to take it when retary Boot, of course, was not Roos- PEACE evelt's discovery. President McKinley 1 j- - '"- - they can get it. The bureau chiefs and brought him out. The same was true assistants take their pick of the days. of Secretary Taft. WU TING FANG, THE CHINESE STATESMAN INJUREp YESTERDAY If unable to select some fine junket or wnen bpeaKer cannon was nere a BY BOMB 'EXPLOSION.. BAKU, September . 25. A conference of representatives of the few days ago, he let fall some words inspection trip, under the guise of bus Tartars and the Armenians, Governor out- about the Philippine tariff which will Napoleon presiding, has de- iness, by which they prolong their be of interest in Honolulu. The ing, they stick to through the hear. cided to .summon a congress from among the people to it Speaker, ardent standpatter that he is, fF 4 I R El I adjust the f - F pi III of August and then get away in Sep favors free trade for the Philippines. III- 111 tflff v f f difficulties between the quarreling races. tember days, returning rested in Octo He expects a free trade Philippine 1- - I I I I II UU I1IIM!1il f" I I I A becoming com measure to be one of the verv few im- - I II I I II BH IIIII IB I II I I II t Ler when the weather is portant matters of legislation at the 1 W 8 WWiWI WWIWVJ fortable. coming session. All along Mr. Cannon mm mm flm em CHINA'S PROPOSED ARMY. Secretary of State Boot is setting has held to the view that it was only II T 1 fl f 111 I (if A P the pace for getting down to business. a question of time when the freest TillH K H I" If li IIII H PillI I liif II II V - I I U III t U He is reported out of Labrador and in trade must exist between the Philip- I II II If I I UU 14 Mil pines and the mainland, just as it does I II LI lm IWllllU SHANGHAI, September 25. China's military reorganization is the course of a couple weeks, according with Hawaii. He thinks, too, that the ULIIb IkL liJ to the dispatches, will be here in Wash- Philippines must eventually come into expected to make half a million of trained soldiers serviceable by ington. He has just leased a spacious just as close relations in every particu the year 1910. and well finished residence on Sixteenth lar oa TTatrai pninvs. The announcement that Representa-- 1 AnnSlfdreaPU nf,. Dtlil ACnnftOp'c Rfrlk f"!-- 0 street, just above Scott Circle, owned tive Sereno E. Payne of New l'ork, niHHTVWUlj inv 1 iimvwiivi a iiiii by Representative Bourke Cockran, of Chairman of the Ways and Means Com vl WORKfiNG ON THE MESSAGE New York. Just at the present mo- - mittee, has been converted to free ebrated Yesterday by Honolulu went ,J; ment there are but two members of the trade, since he to the Philippines, Vi-jabin- has interested Mr. Cannon immensely. in town Secretary of the Navy Heretofore, while not being much of a Bow Wong Societies. - OYSTER BAY, September 25. President Roosevelt is pre ' ; VvBonaparte and Secretary of Agricul- force in the House, Mr. Payne, as ture. Mr. Bonaparte has been break Chairman of the Ways and Means, paring his message to Congress. He will return to Washington on ing himself in during the last two has been a stumbling block to a free trade measure with the Philippines Saturday. months. At last, it appears, a good But if the cable dispatches prove true It's a far cry from the birth of Confucius to the present, but Honolulu and. efficient Secretary of the Navy as to Mr. Payne, Mr. Cannon thinks a Chinese yesterday celebrated the anniversary of that event in a manner which has been secured. Already , the big bu- free trade Philippine bill ought to go indicated that their reverence for the philosopher of ancient times has not BUTTE CITY DEVASTATED. reau ehiefs hold him in due respect. through the House a humming this winter. It will encounter more oppo dimmed by the flight of time. Both in the afternoon and evening the anni His perceptions are too keen to permit sition in the Senate, because the beet of the naval officers deceiving him ma- sugar and tobacco interests will debate versary was observed at the Sun Chung Kwock Bo printing office on King terially. He consults them, keeps on it extensively. street by the Bow Wong Reform Society, and the Mu Hock He Lock Bo, or BUTTE, Montana, September 25. rFire has swept the business affable terms, but, after hearing both A month will pass before President junior" Bow Wong Society. ' come to district of this city, causing a loss of one million dollars. sides of a given question, reaches his Roosevelt and his family back The was flags own conclusions. Washington. He has had strenuous entrance decorated with the society of each branch. That His decisions about the Bennington days, making peace, and only recently of the junior society is composed of alternating stripes of white, red, blue, explosion have elevated the Secretary word went out that the President red and white, five in all, three white stars adorning the central blue stripe. FROM THE OUTER WORLD in public opinion. lie disapproved that would attend to only, the most import Strings of Chinese lanterns led from the entrance to the large hall the rear which during of portion of the board's findings, ant business the remainder five-clawe- - . - d . 1 1 . 1 of the business office, the doorway being guarded by a great yellow neia mat tne snip was m excellentn con- September. He wants the time for his BY dition and under splendid discipline. vacation. There has been a silence, dragon flag of the Chinese Empire. STEAMER NEBRASKAN Probably Moody or Morton, his prede of late, about extra session of Con-- The exercises were graced by several speakers and the presidents of the cessors, would have concurred in the gress, but, after all the diverse state-- C. - . two societies, the latter being Mr. T. Akana for the Bow Wongs, and Mr. i- t 1 y T T i ' 1 . 1 x A J3 i nnamgs 01 tne Doara. ne aiso orougni. ments, it is now laiteu lur grauteu mat W. W. Ahana for the junior society. Time was in Honolulu when such meet James D. Kennedy of Honolulu has graves of Colorado Springs, a member court-marti- al of Commander, there will be no extra session and that about the vice-preside- nt well-know- over exponent been elected of the of chorus Lucien Young, a n officer to (Continued on Page 7.) ings were presided by Leung Chi Tso, the great of reform in the the with the Irma Opera management of the affairs of the Empire, and on whose head a price has been Junior Class, Stanford University. Company, which caused a sensation at set by the Empress Dowager. It is reported on high authority that the Oklahoma capitol, has heem dis COMDR. LUCIEN YOUNG'S Confucius was born 2454 years ago, in the heart of China, in the section Plenipotentiary de Witt will be dis- missed from the service and the quasi-publ- ic now called Santung. The following Chinese made addresses: Mr. Lai Tai Lm, honored by the Czar when he returns notice given that marriage on editor of Sun Chung Kwock Bo; Mr.