The Tri-Weekly Kentucky New Era, December 29, 1887
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Murray State's Digital Commons Kentucky New Era Tri-Weekly Newspapers 12-29-1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, December 29, 1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, "The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, December 29, 1887" (1887). Kentucky New Era Tri-Weekly. 333. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kentucky New Era Tri-Weekly by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r!"•!"111m101 The Tr -Weekly Kentucky New Era. DECEMBER 29, 1887. NUMBER 41 VOLUME III. HOPKINSVILLE, CHRISTIAN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY. BLOODt-I UNDLING DEEDS. 1 The Blair BM. CONDENSED NEWS. WAIIH11.4170N, Der 24 -T he irlandardism ein 11.3[11 Additional Reports From "X•ahiltess lb. Blair e hi a I rid bit are 'eolith's I Tuesday At Michigan Ity, hid., Land." that it a Ill ete the eenete before Feb. night tjee pettitentlary *hoe shop as sr Louts, Dee. 27 --A epecial Irwin 1 a I trge mejority. They are only destroyed by die, Istigh $75,000. what be with Wiehlts, Kansas,say.: 1. Gregg, repre- concerned as to will done I lllll re. They haVe made a par- John J. Littleton, shot on hurt Satur- smiting• St. Louie house, arrived In this it In the °"- GNAT HOLIDAY SALE canvass of the house on the lines of day In Nashville by Jo R. Banks, died city yesterday front "No-Man's Land." tlal the eanvase they made last year, con- at 2:30 o'clock Wediserclay mortileg. lie coftdrillse the reports of the bloody tinued so as to new members. deeds of the Kelly hs,iiil , antI gives cover the Mrs. Sarah Ewing, aged sixty-two, AT THE particulars. Ile say* he can re- They say the bill has undoubtedly a Ind., was pulled further J. D. RUSSELL living Hear Shelbyville, lit the house If the bill member stopping at the Kelly house to large majority up by hogs Monday. down and eaten only be brought rquarely be-lure it. get nteals. It a es a one story but, with can meal- fear, however, advetee action by President Cleveland and five Illataner sway. lit his 'they OF HOPKINYILLE. short HOUSE a barn a LEADING DRY GOODS 08. (emend ott like the the etigettnitice e.itwatinii, that bent of the cabinet attended forint r trip there, about November IU, at Albany, of last sear, which would prevent the of the late I bailie! Manning he Inlayed the family, and did hot know bill from coming before the house. _Offers his entire stock a N. Y. a hat had become ol them. in the lest this reason they are trying to per- ip he was told at Oak City the partici'. For A four-year-old eon of Ella Thorpe finding of the bodiew soon af- entitle Streaker Carliede to appoint a Black grim, grain silks worth Vidal per yard at 7N•. Louisville, fell on a red hot Imre of the colored, to the 'The Black grist grain silks worth $1.35 per yard at $1.00. v411(11000 Ifasi Ireen made. conoulthe favorable bill. during her abeence and was burn- ter all jilt per yard at $1.25. stove speaker is not tilepoesel to do so. fie Black groa grain silks worth 0.75 I Sr was found • cellar, to a crisp. • Beneath the All wool tritAna 40 incites widg_ht 3.5c per yard. ed will probably appoint Candler, of in which *err the dee lamed remains All wool diagonal cloth 40 Inches wide at 50c per yard worth 65c. well-known naval of the commit- CASH! Young,• Georgia, chairman new FOR would be away at ;Mk. Lucien COST cloths at 75c of • mat'. This body la) •1 t beneath I 'olored Henrietta from Kentucky, has been as- tee. Ile was a member of the old com- 20 inch 'Ilk velvets all eisailes at 75t. lire& officer a hich had been built iii the floor. • Oat, 50 inch broad cloth suitleg all shade's at ea worth $1.25. ER Suit. signed to duty in the bureau of naviga- mittee and imports the Blair educa- III one corner of the cellar were found Miss-ca toboggan caps at Zec regular price 75c. tion at Naithington. tional bill, red the majorit., of Ills fel- an two other bodk,, troth so far decom- M lain% Tarn I rShanter caps at Ita each sold everywhere at $1.00. ever. low-tuembere are likely to bc of the lilldreft'e Sled Mialeee• 1100416 worth from 75c to $1.25 your choke 50c, Gen. R. H. Alger, Detroit, ha* given posed es to be unrettognizsble. Beside. To close out a large stock of new and pretty same way of thieblog. knit swipes at so and 754: worth double the money. needy $50,000 this year. Mr. Gregg .as there were tour rfect fits away to the those, Ladies' silk tiniehed medicated scarlet wool vests at $1.00 each. We will guaran- stabb., '1'lle speaker does not think the Blair Tuesday be gave to the deserving poor bodies found burled beneath the tee the same quality can not be bought elsewhere for leas than $1.50. bill lurifielice a proper way of reducing good* we of the city about $I5,000 worth of food, one of which was that of a woman. A 300 yards of extra heavy brown twilled flannel at 25. per yard. Thist the eurplus, and What is more impor- have In brown only anti is well worth -the per yard. fuel and clothing. tem boy by the Hahn.. of "l'exy," who tant, the president agrees with Itin"; Yard while red shaker flannel at 41k. per yard worth 65e. the .ec I hiveetiga- said lie was ith red flannel at 20c per yard well worth 31k-. Lewis L. Btteche, of near Shelby- eve ii if the hill eliould pare, both houses, Extra heavy double twined ting pony, elated that the first tortlie* Fancy striped awl chips-keel opera flannel* at 33e per yard worth 45c. 1888 ville, hid., t•ommItted suivitie Tuesday the preeitlent would in all probability found led to at much talk thst the whole A very tine red flannel cashmere La ill at 35c retailed everywhere at .50c. through his brain. by putting a bullet refuse to give It hats approval; and It Fancy stripe jersey flannel at atic usually sold at 75c. premises for role atoned the house was fi gOlifi, Mt,Bid St, A woman was the cause. Ile was sup- would not Collimated the two-thirds vote Grey okirtitig dantirls at 22,5c worth 30c. sea robed. thinnelit pink, blue, &c., at 25.- per yard worth 35.-. ['ICS potted to be demented. of both limier* neceeeary (it paei it over Solid colored opera l. lug alongside of (ii • I au, buried A few more pairs of those fine'blankets left. Pt e0 blankets at $5 CM, $9(0 blan- Every the veto, The great Reading strike loon. St a del th of giot o'er three fee t, Was ket* at $G.0O3 $10.00 blankets at $7.50, $12.00 blankets at $8.00. comfort hec, a $2.CLO locomotive has been housed anti freight Matt, Which op- .% good bed comfort at Lbc, a 11.00 bed comfort at 75e, a $1.25 unearthed the body oh a Don't rue alter false goods. 'Fruit to Laces, Velvets,Ribbons, comfort at $1.50. traffic suspended. Trains have all been to lw better ',refuted that any of peered the heeling virtues of Pe-riona, aittl al- Turkey red table linen 60 Inches wide at Vat! per yard. abandoned on the road and the enghies la lieved, the inhere, and which, it was ways have it in the house. Full bleached GO inch table linen at 35c worth .50e per yard. run into Reading by the migineete. wa. the hotly of the miseing J. T. Tay- Gents all W001 red flannel shirts and drawers at Ilk-. Don't daily a it), inedivintei you know Extra heavy cantoti 'tunnel at Sc per yard. tat, feet away wee a second A lady and two children were Instant- lor. About Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Kid ,to. nothing steno, but trust to Pe-rtiona. Gents medicated scarlet shirts at Wen worth $1 recognizable. At the ly killed while walking on the track of body ittsf at all Flannels, Blankets, Yarns Ladies Genus I xtra tine!e am' shirts and drawere ellk finished anti pearl butters at whose value le knee it Gloves, buried bodies of gads would be cheap at $3.00 a mutt. the iludeon River railroad In New York, eoriter of the ben' were and Misses' Nice Shoes, Men's Hand-made $1.1.0 est It or $2 tO • suit. 1litre I hildrell'a and futon 11C0dIs worth 41k' and Itic each at 25e. by a lot•ourotive wh'ici struckt"th-ers.--irthird-asaso-and.._tatunalb.-..ilbt7 bndieg Anlumen lel _Boots, Men's Fine Hand-made Shoes, !mottle extra super iegraie t arteta at 55e per yatd worth 10c sr ti 75e. Christmas pre"- were taken fr their renting place midi. They *ere laden a Ith 1Isr I :cc tapestry brurrele (loped at OW our e5c quality at 50e.