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INDEX Bacharach. Hava/Eva, 134 A bat, meaning of, 303 n. 63 Aberlin, Rachel Mishan, 170, 196 Bat Ha-Levi of Baghdad, 54, 62 abolitionist movement, 242, 268–269 Beatrice de Luna, see Nasi, Gracia Abrabanel, Benvenida, 104, 107–108, 121, Beila of the Blessed Hands, 224 123, 125, 127 Bellina of Venice, Madonna, 105, 109 Ackerman Paula, 275 Benayah, Miriam, 188 adultery Berenice, 30 in biblical law, 43 Beruriah of Palestine, xi, 26–28, 30, 39, in rabbinic law, 43 284 n. 284 in Christian Spain, 96 betrothal, gaonic, 64 Aguilar, Grace, 204–205, 206, 223, 225, Bible Teacher of Fustat, 54–55, 61, 64, 66 231, 232, 250 “bitter water” ordeal, 43, 285 n. 62 agunah problem, 122, 154, 229, 266, 300 n. blessing of the bride, 68 98 Brandeau, Esther, 240, 244 Ahimaaz ben Paltiel, 103–104 Brazilian Jewry, 238–239 Alexander, Rebecca, 271 bride price/payment Aliyot by women, 101 Bible, 12 Allegra of Majorca, 77 Elephantine, 6, 12 Alvares, Judith Baruch, 268 rabbinc era, 40 amulets and charms, use of business women in antiquity, 4, 19, 20 Elephantine, 5 in rabbinic era, 46 Babatha archive, 5, 223 in Islamic era, 71 Christian Europe, 87–88, 97 in hasidic courts, 234 Italy, 117–118 see also magic Ashkenaz, 149, 150 Anna the Hebrew of Rome, 108, 118 Ottoman Empire, 185, 186 Anthony, Susan B., 260 early modern Europe, 223 anti-Semitism United States, 263 Christian, 74–76, 130–131 Muslim, 49–50 C American Jewry, origins, 239–243 Cairo Genizah, 51 Arabian and Yemenite Jewry, 49–50 Canadian Jewry, origins, 240–241 Arnstein, Fanny von, 202, 205–206 candlelighting, commandment of, 38, 159, d’Arpino, Anna, 108, 127 232 artisans, Ottoman Empire, 186 captives, 62, 311 n.
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