MILESTONE FILM • PO Box 128 • Harrington Park, NJ 07640 Phone: (201) 767-3117 •
[email protected] • Come Back, Africa Crew Produced and Directed by Lionel Rogosin Written by Lionel Rogosin with Lewis Nkosi and William Modisane Photographed by Ernst Artaria and Emil Knebel Sound Walter Wettler Edited by Carl Lerner Assistant Editor Hugh H. Robertson Music Editor Lucy Brown South African consultant Boris Sackville Clapper loader/production/sets Morris Hugh Production staff Elinor Hart, Morris Hugh, George Malebye Featuring the music of Chatur Lal Cast Featuring the People of Johannesburg, South Africa Rams Zacharia Mgabi and Vinah Bendile Steven Arnold Hazel Futa Auntie (Martha – Shebeen queen) Lewis Nkosi Dube-Dube Bloke Modisane Eddy Can Themba George Malebye Piet Beyleveld Marumu Ian Hoogendyk Miriam Makeba Alexander Sackville Morris Hugh Sarah Sackville Myrtle Berman This film was made secretly in order to portray the true conditions of life in South Africa today. There are no professional actors in this drama of the fate of a man and his country. This is the story of Zachariah – one of the hundreds of thousands of Africans forced each year off the land by the regime and into the gold mines. From Come Back, Africa ©1959 Lionel Rogosin Films Premiered at the 1959 Venice Film Festival. 2 Theatrical Release date: April 4, 1960. Running time: 86 minutes. B&W. Mono. Country: South Africa/United States. Language: English, Afrikaans and Zulu. Restored by the Cineteca di Bologna and the laboratory L’Imagine Ritrovata with the collaboration of Rogosin Heritage and the Anthology Film Archives in 2005.