NINETEENTH YEAR THE MAUI NEW S, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. NUMBER 978 Big War Stamp Drive Maui And Molokai Plantation Workers Maui Soldier Boys GREAT STORM NEARLY MakingGoodOnMaui Damaged By Storm ToGet50ToWage Will Soon Be Home SINKS S. "Victory Kids "Make Big HitBut Are Roofs Off, Wires Broken, Trees I'p Bonus Rate Not To Be Raised Eut Camp Pike Training Camp Disbanded ILS. SATURN Handicapped By Weather Hutlo rooted On Lahaina Side New Ka-- Distributed Differently If Present And Men Discharged Alfred Takes Most Of Its Quota In One Day hului Breakwater Damage- d- Olo Sugar Price Contiunes Bonus Will Wadsworth Writes He Will Spend Oahu Hard Hit Thousands Of Trees Blown Down Other Districts Doing Well walu Company Has Heavy Loss Equal 90 Of Wages Next Year Winter la Maine With Relatives Paralyze Traffic-Dam- age Half Million Trial Of The gale which his been raging Plantation laborers will receive Maui boys who are serving in vari since Tuesday afternoon has done each month of the coining bonus year ous branches of the army on the main Hohenzollern Demanded Wilson Leaves For R. A. Wadsworth, To considerable damage on Maul, as well their regular monthly pay with CO land, and whi were expecting to be From War Saving Stamp as on Honolulu and presumably on the percent added instead of regular sent to Frank' of' up to the time th Peace Conference Terrible Famine Conditions Honolulu. Committee, other islands Nothing however, has wages plus one-thir- as was the policy peaee armistice was signed, may be go 100 in War Saving Must been yet heard from Hawaii or Kauai, of the planters this season. The bo expected to bo arriving home most In Russia Thousands Dying to uphold established Stamp due probably to the Icmoralizalion of nus scale remains unchanged other any time now. They will not come Every source must reputation. communication facilities. wise so that if the present price of in a body, however, but will prebably exhausted to accomplish be On this island the Lahaina district sugar is maintained the laborer will be furnished with transportation mo Organize men, women and (ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES) this. suffered the most from the storm. receive about 20 percent more for the ney and permitted to pet back accord work children for this Trees were uprooted by hundreds in coming year than for the year that Is ins to their own desires. MACKENSEN FROM TO COME the town of Lahaina and In the coun- Just closed while each month his pay- - R. A. Wadsworth, of Wailuku, re FLEES WRATH try on both sides many roofs were envelope will contain nearly 13 per ccived a letter this week from his son PARIS, December 6 Mackensen is reported to have fled l un- Club Members New Limit blown off, and buildings of less sub cent more than It did this year. This Alfred, who left Honolulu about the known destination. Mrs. P. F. Baldwin, Puunpne. type is the recommendation made bv the middle of September for Camp Pilu SAYS INTERNATIONAL, COURT MUST stantial blown down. The smoke to C. C. Campbell, Tuunene. stack on the Olowalu mill was blown trustees of The Hawaiian Sugar Plant Ark., enter the ollicers training TRY school at that place, to effect that the IIOI1ENZOLLERN E. F. Dcinert, Puunene. down, and a considerable part of the ers' Association and which will un- LONDON, December 6 Lloyd George, in election campaign roof and side wall sheeting was carri- doubtedly be adopted ty the plant training school work h;.d already been E. J. Vh1s1i, Puunpne. broken up and tho men given their ipecch, restated his policy of declaring that men responsible for war Raymond UlupaiaKua. ed out to sea. Part of the roof of the ations. Ranch, Smaller Plantations Oppose discharges, lie stated that he was cannot escape, because the wearer of a crown must be tried by an in- C. Blair, Wailuku. Lahaina wharf shed was blown off. J. The Lahaina electric lighting sys- the trustees lesolution was not about to start for Maine, his father's ternational court. He Mrs. D. D. Baldwin, Haiku. old home, where he expected to spend favors the expulsion and exclusion of enemy tem was put out of commission by adopted without some opposition, it is aliens. Mrs. W. A. Baldwin, Haiku. reported by the winter with relatives. Baldwin, Puunene. falling trees and tangled wiring. The the Honolulu Advertiser, Asa telephone lines between Lahaina and for the smaller and poorer plantations Other Maui boys in the same camp INDUSTRIAL WAR IS THREATENED , Lawrence Baldwin, Puunone. with young Wndsv.oi tli are James LONDON. 6 & Sugar Co Wailuku have been down since. Tues- maintained that with the prevailing December Railroaders threaten Industrial war. Hawaiian Commerclul Hart, Weight, Phillips, anti-slrik- day night and were not repaired until high prices of all that enters into the Dan William 1 hey have canceled e agreement and demand an Ralph Villiors, J. A. Bal, Sylvester W thy Maui about 10 o'clock this morning. It is the manufacture of sugar and with the tviq War stnmn drive on Smythe, K. T. Gillen, and S. Hnramo- - continuation with war time wages. week and continue reported that the telephone poles and continued high taxes that are expect- which began this ed to prevail there will he no margin to. SPAIN IS SYMPATHETIC NOW until Saturday of next week, is nunc lines on practically the whole Lahai- Nothing accord na side were swept down in one con- of profit with a bonui that would, at has been heard from the WASHINGTON, December 6 Secretary Lansing transmitted to lng most gratifying progress, present sugar ollicers and men in other parts of the R. A. Wadsworth fused tangle. prices, reach 90 percent congress an expression of sympathy for the from the Spanish inir tn nirprtor of the wages year mainland, but it is presumed thai they ententes though he fears that some districts Cottage Burns for the instead of government. top Short circuited electric wires are 58 percent which wa the distribution also have, or soon will have their dis will have to be carried over the year. charges and be coming home. k unless more energy is dis said to have been responsible for tiro this P.OOZE HANDLERS ARRESTED IN WASHINGTON ntimra Under the policy It prevailed played on part of some of the which destroyed a cottage belonging at this WASHINGTON, December 6 400 arrested for bringing in Honor the to Mill Co., La- year the worker who has earned $30 committee workers. the Pioneer near the to District of Columbia. Police met trains, street cars and stopped case, however haina hospital. Although a gale was in regular wages received $40 at the Tiiia will tint he th? end of Kiddies Ask automobiles. Huelo, which has already nearly blowing, it was possible to keep the the month. Under the new Santa of fire from spreading to other buildings. the man whose regular wage WILL LOOK AT BILL'S PRIVATE PAPERS (Continued on Page Five.) New Breakwater Damaged would bo J30 wilL receive $15. December 6 The Belgian government On this side of the island the chief The balance of the bonus, the total of Not To Bring Toys COPENHAGEN. has order damage suffered is in Kahului harbor which cannot be known until the end ed a search of private documents of the former emperor for matter re where about 30 feet of the end of the of the bonus year as it depends on lating to the outbreak of the war. break-wate- sugar Play uncompleted new r was price which may vary, will be Kahul- - i Sunday School Votes To Give BEGINNING TO DEMAND PAY NOW Mixed Doubles torn away. At noon today th sea is paid as heretofore at the end of the still very heavy, and Superintendent bonus year as heretofore. If present Cost Of Christmas Presents To AMSTERDAM. December 0 According to a Dttsscldorf nancr of reports prices shall prevail tho pay- General Nudant, president of the French lias Walsh the Kahului Railroad annual To armistice commission, Starts At Puimene that the damage is still continuing. ment will be 40 percent of the regular Fund Help Suffers In Armenia presented German commission with a bill wage for first month's occupation Due to good luck, backed by some so that each man who received And Syria Send Letter amounting to 40,000,000 francs. For the British 54,000,000 francs. of the grittiest kind of work on the a regular wage of $30 plus 50 percent Seventeen Couples Enter For II. P part of Superintendent Alex Mc each month would be paid at the end MORE FIGHTING IN BERLIN Nicoll's breakwater gang, the 100-to- n of the bonus year $120 additional. The Kahului Union Sunday School LONDON, December 6 Serious disorder has arisen in Berlin with Baldwin Cups- -C. C. Campbell And V crane on the breakwater was moved Planters believe this plan will meet .cited on last Sutiday to send the fel- - lighting in the the principal streets, says Amsterdam dispatch. Mrs. Kunewa Eliminated In Pre- back to safety on Wednesday morn satisfaction of the laborers who owing to Santa Claus: ing. It would otherwise be at the have been seeking Increase in pay and letter Uerman Bolsheviki responsible. Match bottom of Kahului harbor now, and will end any agitation for higher Kahului, Mau!, Dec. 1, 1918 BADEN WOULD liminary wages JOIN SWITZERLAND the work on the breakwater would or larger bonus claiming it has Dear Santa: We, the pupils of Ka LONDON, December 6 Southern Baden is seeking incorporation have been delayed indefinitely for the the effect of increasing the pay each mi ul Union Sunday School, wish to The closing last week of the en- reason on month and be with Switzerland, says a Copenhagen dispatch. that there is no other crane the bonus to paid at the ask you not to bring us toys this year. for mixed doubles tourna- the island available for the work or end of the year, unless sugar prices YOUNG HOHENZOLLERN DEMOCRATS tries the We have learned about the need for JOINS ment to be played on the Puunene capable of lifting the big piece of drop, will be materially larger than it Adelbert, third son has joined the present govern machinery. was this year. ood of the children in Bible lands 17 couples in the bl? 'he ment, says a Berlin courts, showed From 8 o clock in the morning until dispatch. round has where Jesus was born, in Armenia contest. The preliminary noon, Superintendent Walsh, Super- uid Syria. Wo are going to take an HORRIBLE FAMINE RAGES IN RUSSIA already started, the first match hav- intendent McNicoll, and 12 to 14 work offering' for them at our Christmas STOCKHOLM. December 6 Russian fugitives e'eseri1 c men wave Maui Ministers Hold Petro ing been played last Saturday be- worked at the end of the ntertainment. We wish to give our grad's living conditions as terrible. Famine defies The swept breakwater under unimaginable oys too-o- r of We tween A. C. Bowdish-Mis- s Stanley, the cost them. middle is difficulties. Clinging for their lives Monthly Meeting! think if you bring us candies and class excluded from public commissary on even basis and are CampbeJl-Mrs- . Kunewa, and and C. C. every few seconds while waves high- fruit that will be enough. So we have dying of starvation by the thousand. Hundred are buried daily be- won by the first named pair, er than the top of the crane swept decided to ask you not to buy toys fore 9 o'clock. Petrograd's population is half million. them with such force that 600 pound Yesterday at the Kaahumami prevented for us but to nut the nionev in our NAVAL Stormy weather has the steel rails were torn from the ties to Church In Wfdluku the'-- was a large offering for tho 'children wlft need VESSEL NEARLY FOUNDERS IN BIG STORM playing this week, but 5 contemplated attendance at the monthly meeting of food so badly, which we know you HONOLULU, December A naval collier which, sailed from it will be on in full force as soon as (Continued on Page Eight.) be this port for more favorable. the Central and West Maui ministers will glad to do. Vladivostok on Tuesday afternoon, returned to port late conditions are a little We are glad that tho time of your Wednesday The play Is for the If. P. Baldwin cups. who are connected with the Hawaiian afternoon with 10 feet of water in her hold, and her pumps way they annual visit Is so near and we will be lacing at top speed to keep The list of entries and the Board of Missions. more glad then ever to see you this her afloat. The vessel ran into a terrific play first round, follows: Keep 30-fo- ot will the Your Liberty Uev. Albert S. Baker. M, D., Ha- year. tale shortly after leaving islands and after bucking waves, A. C. Bowdish and Miss H. Stanley, With your many which badly damaged her upper works and sprung scams, she Miss E. Teal; waiian Board agent from central Ko-n- aloha from friends, her was Dr. G. S. Aiken and Bonds Says The pupils of Kahului Union S. S. finally Lll-lic- Chamber o put J. McLaren and Miss H. West, R. who is a house guest of Rev and about. The ship carried 200 passengers and very narrow- and Miss A. Wodehouse; H. B. Mrs. Bowalnd B. Dodge this week, ly escaped sharing the fate of her sister ship Cyclops which disappear- Penhallow and Miss M. Couch, C. In order to combat the sharks who was present and spoko of the work ed in the Atlantic off South America last summer without leaving a Burns and Mrs. D. Wadswonh; W. are said to be working among the in Kona and particularly of the quart- Tore Down Fence Thrice trace. A. Baldwin and Miss Nix, E. R. Bev-in- s ignorant in persuading erly conference which he holds. Rev. the territory ,E. STORM and Miss O. Villiors; Eddie Tarn them to sell their Liberty Bonds at B. I'leasant spoke upon iho Old But Court Discharges Hjm DAMAGE BEING REPAIRED and Mrs. R. Paris, R. Rietow and Miss low figure, the chamber of commerce Testament story of i.lisha and the HONOLULU, December damage from the storm will run Joy Dow; W. Lousher and Mrs. E. R. yesterday afternoon appointed a com- Heavenly Host and used it as illustrat- etween quarter and half a million dollars'! General Heard ordered and Miss M. My-han- ing tho principle Bevins, E. Dienert mittee consisting of J. . Blair, J. B, that a man must In the cat-- of the Territory vs. Joe out 500 soldiers yesterday to W. O. Aiken and Mrs. W. A. stand for the right even if he Mands help clear up the wreckage about, the city. Thomson, and D. C. Lindsay to inau- N'unes, charged by Manuel Dutro with The street car is Baldwin, F. P. Rosecrans and Miss gurate a campaign of education alone." Rev. A. C. Bowdish continued service being resumed rapidly. Some districts are Wood-wort- in tearing a M. Taylor; J. Watt and Miss throughout Maui. The committee was his study in the "Life of St. Paul and malicious injury down till without lights. No wireless messages have been reeeivd from Maui D. C. Lindsay and Mrs. E. also asked to take the matter up with His Teachings." A committee of fence at Kalua, Wailuku, Judge Burr since yesterday afternoon, and no wireless was received from the coast Dienert. commercial bodies, newspapers, and three discussed the sermon preached on Monday held that the destroying today. by Mr. Dodge. Miss B. others on the other Islands in order Gertrude Judd of in rpoke upon in- the fence bad been done the (Ihe fact that the Lahaina station is damaged so messages to discourage the selling of Liberty "Memory" and gave an legal right, that teresting drill in memory work. assertion of a supposi d cannot be sent, although they can be Inter-Islan- d Air Mail Bonds throughout tho territory. and as such the defendant, could not received, accounts for Oahu's not The chamber uiscuFsed the matter Atfter the conference the people of be was accordingly dischaig earing lrom Maui. Ed.) tho Kaihumanu ChurcU served lunch- held. lie at considerable length yesterday, and ccj, and two other counts against him TO Service Soon Is Report opinion was unani mous that an effort eon in tho building behind the church. REDUCE NAVAL FORCE FAST for like offenses dismissed, having WASHINGTON, 5 discharge should be made to prelect the Ignor destroyed the fence three times. December The of 20 ticrcenl of ant, and to encourage them to hold The fence in question was erected on the navy wartime personnel, amounting to about 100,000 men, has been As yet no official action has been appoint ser- their bonds. The committee More Road Improvements a pieco of land the title of which Is authorized by Secretary Daniels, who stated that men will be taken on the question of air mail ed will start advertising campaign in released vice between the various islands of disputed. It may rerjuire a civil suit as quickly as possible with due regard for convenience of the service. various languages. It will also try to determine the ownership of the the Hawaiian group, but there is a to get newspapers to refuse to accept In East Maui Planned le said the releases are due to necessity of getting men back into civil being carri- property. Htrong possibility of mail advertising matter from persons seek pursuits and because the navy has more men than it needs. ed by the planes stationed here if ing to buy Liberty Bonds through this these planes make inter-islan- d flights means. The Haiku Fruit & Packing Co., PUNAIIOU BOY KILLED IN FRANCE according to the Star-Bulleti- Be- which under contract with the county Coroner's Jury Report HONOLULU, December 5 Lieut. John O'Dowda. of the aviation Major flight to fore Clark's responsibility ma service was accidentally killed in France, on Hawaii Postmaster MacAdam wrote has the of Inclining November li, according to the department at Washington and Wailuku Scratches Out the roads east of Maliko gulch, has Cause Of Death Unknown mlormation from the war department to young man's parents o received authority to permit the send- materials on hand for the etails. lie was a graduate of the Punahou class of 1914. W as 22 of by airplnne at regular ears old, a ing mail Victory In Last Inning macadam road t trough the Kuiaha A coroner's inquest was held last and popular athlete. postage rates. Unfortunately this re- homesteads and will begin work as Saturday of Miyn-shlr- o RED CROSS DRIVES ABOUT PAU ply was received after the flight, but soon as the weather permits. A new over the remains Decern! 5 -- should another similar trip be made The baseball game last Sunday be concrete bridge on this road Yekichi, the J ip;iuese who dis- NEW YORK, er Director Henrv Davidson, of the Am it is possible that mail may be carried. tween a Wailuku team and the Paia has been practically completed. It appeared from Camp 7. Kiliei hist June erican Red Cross said today that further Red Cross campaigns, except Whether a regular route between aggregation, was one of the most in is und'jrRt'ood that the company also and whoso pkeleion was found in ior memnersiiip, are uniiKety. Honolulu and Hilo will be establish- teresting from the standpoint of the plans to buy tho territorial bonds a gulch two weeks ago. The RAILROAD HEADS ed is as yet undetermined but it is spectators of any that has been play-i- d made available by last legislature for identity of the body was established OITOSE FEDERAL CONTROL quite possible that with the establish- for a lon; time. At tho end of the continuing the macadam of this mad by clothing which was still intact and .NEW YORK, December 5 Railroad cxectitivcs'rc presenting "0 ment of a large aero base here such first half of the 9'h inning the score eastward on the line of the belt road. by tho gold fillings in the teeth. The rant of the total milage in the United States have adorned a icsohi- - a route may become a regular thing. stood 5 to 4 t in favor of Paia. And In spite of the fact that ihe past jury returned a verdii of death from ion favoring a return to private owners of the railroad svMems. then Vailuku came to bat and put year has been one of the wettest on unknown causes. Through flipping on the wet road, two men across theilate winning the record in east Maui, the roads in the Tho case was handled by Geo. H. BILL'S EXTRADITION AWAITS WILSON'S ARRIVAL yesterday, Harry liesner fell and seri- game by the score of (i to 5. district are in better condition gene- Cum tilings, acting as coroner, and the WASHINGTON, December 5 The state di'ii.ivlnnnt is inforni- - ously cut his right fore-ar- on the There was some good team work in rally than they have ever been. From jury was composed ef George F.d- - d that action on the matter of extraditing Hohenollerti from Holland fender of his automobile. Half a the game, and also come costly er-lo- the standpoint of the public the pres- wards, D. T. Carey, Manuel Dutro, L. waits the arrival of President dozen stitches were required to close these last being responsible for ent plan of keeping up the roads has D. Kauineheiwa, Joe Dorego, and Wilson. the wound. the last two winning runs. been highly satisfactory. Manuel Faust ino. (Continued on Page Eight)


The 2nd Hawaiian Infantry Red pleasant party as the guests of Lieu- ham likewise? Sweet potatoes will Maui Prominent In Cross Circle held their weekly meet- tenant and Mrs. Raymond were: Cap- be very welcome too TERRIFIC STORM TIES ing on Tuesday morning at the work tain and Mrs. Frederick A. Gluud, and In the dishes first enumerated above rooms in the 2nd Hawaiian Infantry Miss Grete Gluud. containing there Is oppor- spent the BUSINESS ON OAHU Army Post Society cantonment. The ladies the Mrs. Robert M. Lindsay entertained tunity for real g generosity UP morning making hospital shirts and on Tuesday afternoon with one table on the part of the donors. They may starting new knitted garments. Those of bridge at her quarters in the Sec- forego their share of sugar to prepare who assisted this week were: Mrs. ond Hawaiian Infantry cantonment. will a (Received by mail from Lahaina at noon today.) Officers And Wires these things, which be real With Maui Guard Robert M. Lindsnv, Mrs. Harry Ham- Those playing were: Mrs. William S. Christmas gift. Remember that the HONOLULU, December 3 A terrific northeast gale which has ilton Morehead, Mrs. William Chil- Chillingworth, Mrs. Clarence Carter, sugar allotment per person Is now violence towards nightfall, has done Companies At Schoefield Barracks lingworth, Mrs. Thilip N. Sing, Mrs. continued all today, increasing in Mrs. William Engle and Mrs. Lindsay. four poundri per person. If anyone damage throughout the city. The storm probably reached its Put In Busy Week Entertaining Sydney A. Smith, Mrs. William Taty, After several Interesting rubbers vill donate live fowls, there will be much Knnae-holo- , 70 Mrs. George Y. Bennett, Mrs. were played the guests enjoyed sim- volunteers to cook them for the sale. greatest violence about 6:30 o'clock when a wind velocity of nearly And Being Entertained Mrs. William Bibee, Mrs. Wil- ple light refreshmnts. All donations not perishable should be miles per hour was recorded. liam K. Peters and Mrs. Christopher in tho Shop Friday, and the perish- Algaroba and other trees are down by hundreds all over the island, Cockett. goods 9 The following Items from Honolulu Lieutenant George Raymond Is ill able can be sent in before and light xjwer systems are prostrated. o'clock Saturday morning. Of course, and telephone communication Tapers tell of social events participat- at his quarters in the Third Engineer All street cars stopped running about 5 o'clock when power was turned Mrs. William S. Chillingworth en- cantonment with a slight if we are fortunate In receiving a pig ed in by Maui's representatives In tertained with one table of bridge on attack of and a ham, we should have them Wed- off to guard against loss of life from tangled wires. "officers' row" at Schofleld Barracks Monday afternoon at her pleasant nesday ia order to prepare them for Many districts in the city are without light tonight. last week. quarters in the 2nd Hawaiian Infantry the sale. Now don't forget to help At Pearl Harbor the big aerials of the wireless station are down cantonment. Those playing were Mrs. -- make this delicatessen or "good eats" Chilling-wort- h a is off. Capt. and Mrs. William S. Robert M. Lindsay, Mrs. William En- pale a huge success. Let us work to- and wireless aommunication with the coast thus cut were hosts for pn elaborate din- gle, Mrs. Clarence Carter and Mrs. THE RED gether with the spirit, of tho coming Many trees in Kuhio Place, Waikiki, as well as the big flag pole ner party given on Friday evening Chillingworth. After many interest- CROSS SHOP Christmas-tid- e in ou. hearts, remem- there, were blown down. ing rubbers the hostless poured tea bering that it is for our beloved Red before the masque ball of the 1st Ha- XX Thousands of persons walked home last evening or stayed in down foi1 guests. Cross. Wte are apt to think of the waiian Infantry. spacious her car service. The rooms Red Cross as the gr'.a. nurse-mothe- town hotels on account of the stopping of street of the quarters were attractively ar- (By the Red Cross Shop's Profession- tenderly caring for her wounded sons Property damage has not been estimated, but must be very heavy. ranged with native flowers and house Mrs. William Bibee was hostess for al Press Agent.) and starving little ones. For this of in the all palms. A large centerpiece of cut one table of bridge on Tuesday after- The job of clearing away the hundreds trees streets The Red Cross Shop is planning a work she might better be represented wires will probably require several flowers ornamented the dining table noon at her quarters in the 2nd Ha- gigantic sale for Saturday, December as the housewife mother, practical over town, and of restoring broken around which were seated: Miss Mar- waiian Infantry circle. Those playing 14th, when the Shop will open at 8:30 and thrifty, busy in the great national days. garet Hind of Honolulu, Miss Norma were Mrs. William Engle, Mrs. Caum, a. ni. and continue open throughout attic cleaning that he may utilize Ward, Miss Colorinda Lowe of Hono- Mrs. WVlliam S. Chillingworth and the day and evening, to give all an every bit of material and gain every lulu, Miss Irma Wodc-house- , Lieut. M-- B. Bibee. At 4 o'clock light refresh opportunity to share in the bai gains. cent of ready cash to provide for her Herbert Shipman, Lieut. Morgan, ments were served by the charming Results for the actual three full children. This department may be Lieut. George Wlllfong and the host hostess. working days of the Shop have been less romantic than other branches of and hostless. so good that it is hoped and believed the Red Cross work, but it is undeni- After dinner the party motored to On Saturday evening Lieut, and that the coming sale, planned on a ably fundamental, Important and ex- Peet's 1 S A 71 a the upper post to attend the hop Mrs. William Carter were the dinner large scale, will show unusual returns. ceedingly useful and prolific In resulls. j which was already in progress at the guests of Lieut, and Mrs. William En- It might bo mentioned here that all For the Christmas trade the Shop 1st Hawaiian Infantry pavilion. gle at their quarters in the 2nd Ha- money collected Is turned in to the needs toys, clothing, crockery, and vv waiian Infantry cantonment. After a local Red Cross Chapter on Maui, anything else you have to spare. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. William delicious dinner cards tormed a pleas- and not sent to Honolulu or elsewhere. There is a violin for sale in the mie ant diversion for remaining The coming Shop. Does anyone a irystai Hardy Hill was hostless for a charm- the hours sale, like all others, is want to make ing afternoon bridge at her quarters of the evening. of course dependent on the generous Chvistmas gift of a violin to a musical in the 2nd Hawaiian Infantry canton- Maui public for donations. No fear friend? Then come In and see this is felt in this connection but that there one before It goes. ment. Three tables were arranged for Col. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton More-hea- d the guests at which played: Mrs. were host and hostess for an will be plenty and to rpare, especially washes woolens perfectly Robert M. Lindsay, Mrs. Samuel P. at this season. elaborate Thanksgiving dinner at their open Woods, Mrs. Eugene Ayros, Mrs. quarters In the 2nd Hawaiian Infantry Although the shop will for Carter, Mrs. James T. M. Pearson, A large basket of pink nnd business at 8:30 a. m., the special U.S.S. Monterey Crews circle. feature of this sale, consisting of eat Harry Hamilton Morehead, Mrs. Wil- white sweet peas intermingled with The things you knit, and the things from which you hope liam S. Chillingworth Mrs. Clarence maidenhair fern graced the dining ables, will take place at 11 o'clock. Says Maui No Ka Oi Mrs. Henry Lawrence White, Mrs. table around which places were ar This is not arranged for the benefit of to get longer wear deserve so much care. Crystal White William Blbee, Mrs. James M. John- ranged for Lieut, and Mrs. George Any one class of people; rather, for son, 'All who appreciate culinary triumphs. cleans, softens, lengthens the life fabrics. Jr., Mrs. William Paty, Mrs. Fre- S. Raymond, Mrs. Caum, Lieut. Nor Mr. of KBgard high-clas- s William Walsh, derick A. Gluud, Mrs. Wtflliam Engle. man Col. Mrs. MoreVl It in the light of a Caum and and city t, Maui Chamber The first prize, a lovely box of sta- head. After dinner the party attend delicatessen, with lucious cakes, pies, home-mad- e tionery and correspondence cards, was ed the football game. roasted meats, fresh of Commerce. It's the perfect family soap for all won by Mrs. William S. Chillingworth, bread, salads, baked beans, cookies, Dear Sir: Q candies, jellies and jams, fruits, vege- household purposes and helps in the "save with an unusually high bridge score. On behalf of the officers and crew At the Lieutenant and Mrs. Williany .Engle tables, etc. Come all of you epicures conclusion of the playing de- of Monterey, I people and serve" campaign. licious refreshments were enjoyed by had as their house guest for a few and buy your lunch and dinner of the thank the the guests. days last week Mrs. Helen Armstrong edibles prepared by the best cooks of of Mnui for the enthusiastic welcome of Honolulu. Maui, and lay in a stock of jellies and we have received in this port, and for jams, honey, cookies, etc., for future Tell your grocer to send you Mrs. Fletcher G. Sandborn spent the complete and happy entertain- Saturday Doctor Misner was the informal consumption. The prices will be sur- cake today. and Sunday of last week at prisingly low, the qualUy of the very ment afford d us. These days will be a of CRYSTAL WHITE her home In the 2nd Hawaiian Infan- supper guest on Sunday evening of try circle. Captain and Mrs. Carlyle N. Haines best, and as to loothsomeness, they long remembered by all. If would at their quarters in the new Field will be second to none. Do not for- please us to have this letter published get this food sale 11 o'clock, Satur- Artillery cantonment. at in your daily news sheet, in order Col. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton More-head- , day, December 14th. It is hoped to Lieut, and Mrs. George S. Ray- offer the public at this time, laulau that all on Maui may know of our mond, Mr. and Mrs. Podmore of Ho- Lieutenant and Mrs. George S. Ray pig with sweet potatoes, and a baked appreciation. Maui no ka oi. AMERICAN FACTORS, LTD. nolulu, Mrs. Matsen and Mrs. Peter-eo- n mond were hosts on SundayVof a most ham. But we haven't the pig and we Mtost sincerely of Honolulu were the guests for enjoyable dinner given at tH Second haven't the ham! Those of the Shop Wholesale Distributors for Hawaii. afternoon tea on Saturday of Mrs. Hawaiian Infantry officers club house-- cannot remember whot a ham looks (Sgd.) A. A. GERCELON, Frederick A. Gluud. at Castner. Those who enjoyed this like. Who will give us a pig, and a Commanding U.S.S. Monterey.


Assets More Than One Million Dollars.

The BANK Of The PEOPLE Best Safe And Best Vault On Maui. THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. tow F.W. Peacock Hears Supreme Court Will WILSON TELLS PLANS XXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3X Brother Is Prisoner Consider Maui Cases AND HOPES OF FUTURE Announcement Was Wounded And Carried Off Field Big Bunch Of Legal Business To Be By Huns Had Been With Austra- Taken Up By Higher Tribunal We have been appointed agents lians V2 Years Other Brother Next Week In Honolulu Maui WASHINGTON, December 2 The President read his message before the joint session of congress today. It was an eloquent tribute for One Of 9 Survivors Lawyers Will All Go for the fighters who won the war, and also for the industrial leaders who gave the nation splendid services and for P. W. Peacock, the laborers whose work of f minene has just Maui will probably be beret of logal at home made victory possible. received word from Eng- his family In talent next week owing to the fact The President expects a final peace treaty will be signed land announcing next spring. the distressing news that practically all the lawyers of the He urged the adoption of Secretary Lane's plans to provide work at that one of his two brothers in the county are to be in Honolulu most home for returning soldiers through great reclamation projects; also British army was wounded and cap- of the week in connection with vari- the development of public works projects. tured by the 5. universally used and esteemed. Germans on October ous cases coming up in the terr.torial He admits that the future of the railroads is a great problem, and This was Lt. John Peacock, who went supreme court. he has no solution to offer. He asks congress to help in framing legis- into the service 3V4 years ago with the Next week will be "Maui week" in lation on the matter. Ask your dealer for them. Australians and has been in service the higher court, and some 10 cases He urges a square deal for business when imposed, continuously taxes are that ever since. from Maui which have been pending as ear'y as possible business concerns be informed what share of the He served first in Kgypt and then for several months or longer have taxation burden they must bear so that they can figure on reconstruc- on Gallipoli the peninsula. He had been set for December 10 and suc- tion problems. The government's expenses will continue heavy during The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. been home on a furlough and had re- ceeding dates. The following is Maui's demobilization. He recommended heavy taxation of war profits, and joined his battalion but two days part of the calendar lor this month's urged America to help northern France and Belgium through priority Electrical Headquarters.' when his misfortune occurred. business: shipments and otherwise in the restoration of their shattered industrial While leading a charge he was seen In the matter or the petition of structure which makes them face immediate keen competition in the &XXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx1 to fall, and although an effort was Mary Ah Sam for support of her bas- world's markets, and arc thus heavily handicapped. made to rescue gun him the machine tard child, motion by the Territory to The President stated that he feels he must go to the peace con- fire of the Huns prevented. Later he dismiss bill of exceptions. ference because all belligernts have accepted the American principles was seen to be picked up by Germans Territory of Hawaii vs. Alfred Fer- away and the ideals which he annunciated, and they reasonably desire his and carried on a stretcher. He nandez, exceptions from circuit court, waved his hand as he was going, so presence to assist in their interpretation and application. He feels that hope is felt that his injury is not ser- second circuit. to carry out ideals for which Americans fought and died is his first ious and that he may be homo again County of Maui vs. Mary de Rego, duty, and he appreciates et al error to circuit court, second the heavy responsibility and earnestly asks by this time. and hopes for the united support of congress in the delicate task. "I Old Kona Coffee Lt. Peacock had been wounded sev- circuit. Territory of Hawaii vs. Sam Pupuhl am the servant of the nation," he said. eral times and had been decorated for exceptions bravery. His brother Arch, is also a from circuit court, second He promised to keep this country and congress fully in touch with Do you know that it costs you only lieutenant, but with the Canadian circuit. progress so as full may be possible, through cable and wire- In the matter of the petition of 10 cents postage to receive 5 pounds forces. He was a member of the Mary less communication. Absolutely no censorship will be placed on peace famous "Princess Pat's" and was one Ah Sam for support of her bas- r, discussion. of our OLD KONA by mail? .Why of the 9 survivors of his company af- tard child. James Akina, plaintiff error to circuit court, Mr. Wilson praised ter the terrific engagement early in second women's splendid war work and said congress not have a good cup coffee for break- war In which Canadians were circuit. should reward them by granting them equal political suffrage. the the K. Akatsuka vs. right of all but wiped out. This brother was W. A. McKay, error He expects an immediate revival of a great industrial development. fast? It costs you only a J4 cent wounded times and has been to circuit court, first circuit. three , He has definite decorated twice. Catherine Machado vs. T. Mitamu-ra- no program for internal reconstruction, but counts on more than what you are using. Others exceptions from circuit court, first the native intelligence of the people and industrial leaders bringing Both young soldiers rose from the are getting it. Why not you? ranks and have probably had as circuit. about readjustment satisfactorily much faster than legislation could do. steady and long continued fighting as Peter Holionn. et nl also known and He takes it for granted that congress will continue its naval pro- In cans, postpaid any men who took part in the war. called Kama! Kila, et gram $1.90 was ai., exceptions from circuit court, sec- undertaken before we entered the war. Mr. Peacock's last information ond packages, postpaid $1.60 written on October 24. He hopes daily circuit. to receive further information. Keao Kahumuhumu Kamahalo vs. William J. Coelho, et al., appeal from circuit judge, first circuit. TWELVE MILLION TO BE SPENT AT SCIIOFIELD C. D. Lufkin, trustee vs. Grand Ho- HONOLULU, December 3 The Star-Bullet- in has a story from Bad Vegetable Pest tel Company, Ltd., appeal from circuit military sources to effect that States is Judge, the United to spend $12,000,000 McChesney Coffee Co., Honolulu second circuit. in making Schoficld Barracks one of the biggest forts in the world, hous Discovered On Maui Territory of Hawaii vs. Alfred Aloh; kea, exceptions from circuit court, ing over 20,000 troops. second circuit. HONOLULU, December 2 Federal Judge Vaughan believes that morning-glory- , a The California native born Japanese serving in the army can obtain American citizen- bind-wee- d which has probably come ISAAC COCKETT ship on same terms as other alien soldiers. A nationalization examiner to the Islands in shipments of hay or is coming from San Francisco within 30 days. There are between 400 grass seeds, threatens to become a Isaac Co kett of Kamehameha IV and 500 alien soldiers here entitled to apply for naturalization. , serious pest on Maui, according to Road, Kalihi, died in Leahi Home Kaimuki, Friday, recently by last nov. 29, follow- advices received James ing an attack of apoplexy. The funer- POLICEMAN SENTENCED TO 2 YEARS HARD LABOR Lindsay, of Haiku territorial forester al was held yesterday afternoon, in- HONOLULU, December 1 Henry Eli former policeman who Catton, Neill & Co., for Maui, from C. S. Judd, chief forest terment being in the Kalihiwaena Ltd. Catholic shot and woundi.d William Thomas in a crap game quarrel, was er in Honolulu. Cemetery. Mr. Cockett, who . ENGINEERS as formerly in the liquor sentenced to not less t'ian 2 years at hard Jabor by Judge Heen. At- The menace was first discovered business m this city, was married, a native of torney Rawlins said th only defense was that the policeman was drunk. Works 2nd and South Streets near Paia by Manager H. A. Baldwin, Maul and 45 years old. Heen said this was no excuse. General Offices ") of the Maui Agricultural Co., who nd took prompt steps to eradicate it and Merchandise Department. Y ?,u"n Electrical Department j A'akea Streets lt may be that he has succeeded as B. B. C. Mr. Lindsay has been unable to locate Gives Health, Strength, Pep And Nerve Power any specimens. Hawaiian Representatives for was well-know- n That Remarkable Remedy than the ailments that assail it and The plant, which a they JEFFREY pest England century are beaten and utterly routed, MANUFACTURING CO'S in more than a and health is the result. That's ago, twining seems LINK BELT CHAINS is a vine which why rheumatism, blood impurities, I to thrive by being cut down, and it sick headaches, nervous depres- CONVEYING MACHINERY sions, sleepless also grows from roots left in the nights, aenemic PULVERIZERS-ALGARO- BA BEAN, run-dow- n , LIMA, CORAL, ground. on and condition, billious-ness- It chokes other plants torpid liver, constipation, support. 0)q 0)a which it climbs for The only ho kidney and bladder ailments give sure way to destroy it is to dig it up way to an extended course or B. B. C. even in cases of long standing 4 and burn it. Endorsed by many leading physi. - vi! v and the body r Is ciana and people in vibrates with health. public life. The extraordinary merit of B. B. C. is proved by the many prominent Mrs. Jane Mist Passes B. Br C. is a marvelous recon- local people who have testified to structive tonic. It infuses the sys- that effect. B. B. C. is a bottled Away After Long Illness tem with the iron force of health liquid, therefore far superior to and vitality of youth, building up tablet remedies which lose their the body stronger than sickness strength and are often soiled in If you are not now receiving the REXALL MONTHLY Mrs. Jane Mist, a kamaaina resident and disease, and that is all there is handling. to it. If the body is strong B. MAGAZINE please send your name for mailing list. The of the Islands, and a sister of Alexand- and B. C. is sold by all druggists, tn 1 .jfnV- I .Will normal and the organs of lt well Jin.' J er McKibbin and Mrs. S. H. Dowsett, plantation stores and dealers. $1.25 Magazine has recently been enlarged, and improved regulated and performing their per 6 $7. We pay by the Ho- bottle; for ship, of Makawao, died at her home in functions, there is no sickness. B. ping charges on $7.00 Ben Bruns, tropical traveler, whose addition of stories by prominent B. C. all cash writers and pictures of cur- nolulu last Saturday, afternoon. Nov- does that very thing builds orders. B. B. C. 161 B. B. C. Medicine cures have made up your body Headquarters, rent events. ember 30, after in illness of several and makes it stronger King St., below Fish Market. the whole country talk. years. She was a native of Ireland, and was in her 79th year at the time Ben Brans, B. B. C. Free of her death. Concert, Market and Main St., 7 P. M. Sat., Dec. 7. Mrs. Mist, was the daughter of the THIS SERIVICE IS late Robt McKibbin and came to the ABSOLUTELY FREE. Islands from Belfast, Ireland with her family when she was 15 years of age. She married tha late Capt. Henry Wfcntworth Mist, a British naval off- icer in 1863, and spent a number of Are you Benson. & marriage Eng- still Smith Co., Ltd. following in patriotic? years her land, Canada, and other places where SERVICE EVERY SECOND was assigned for duty. her husband The Rexall Store Box They returned to the Islands in 1872. Then prove it by the continued use of 426 Honolulu, T. II. A number of children survive her. The funeral, which was largely at- tended, took place last Sunday from St. Andrews Cathedral. VICTORY New Officers Of Sugar FLOUR Planters' Association We have just received a lame shipment. Help us pre CHRISTMAS New officers and trustees of the Ha- waiian Sugar Planters Association vent waste or loss, by your continued loyalty. Gift Suggestions were elected at the annual meeting of the organization in Honolulu, on CARVING SETS WRENCH SETS KNIVES Mjonday of this week as follows : Remember, the liberated civilian population will MECHANIC'S TOOL BOXES H. Wodehduse, pres- TOOL SETS Officers: E. MECHANIC'S vice-presi- SHEARS TOOL BOXES ident; John Watertaouse, d need wheat RAZORS ent; W O. Smith, secretary-treasure- r; products. HOUSEHOLD TOOL SETS Royal D. Mead, assistant secretary-treasure- r; J. W. Waldron, auditor. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. Trustees: E. F. Bishop, A. V. T. Bottomley, J. M. Dowsett, W. O. Maui Dry-Good- s & Water-hous- e, & Smith, E. D. Tenney, John Grocery Co., Ltd. Lewers Cooke, Ltd. H. Wodehouse, 169-17- John Hind, E. 7 So. King Street : . and J. W. Wfeldron. HONOLULU FOUR THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. THE MAUI NEWS TEACHERS AND SALARIES The teachers of Hawaii plan to ask the legislature for more pay. it. Entered at the Tost Office at Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, aa second-clas- s matter. They should have In fact the schedule of salaries should be raised A Complete Trust Service to a point where the Islands could command the highest grade of teach- ers in the profession. of in- A Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the People Great discrimination should be used in the selection your The constantly heard complaint that Hawaii does not pay her vestments at this time. Issued Every Friday. teachers as well as mainland communities probably will not bear close be of assistance to you. Call or MAUI PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, examination. All things considered, teachers in this territory taken Let our years of experience Proprietor and Publisher. collectively, are probably higher paid than in most states. But that write, doesn't Subscription signify teachers as a rule everywhere get much less than the Rates, $2.50 ter Year in Advance importance of their work demands. The Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. Hawaii should pay sufficient command best is WILL. J. COOPER : : EDITOR AND MANAGER wages to the there in. the profession. As it is at present there are many who would fall HONOLULU. far below such classification. Too in of BONDING INSURANCE REAL ESTATE FRIDAY : : : DECEMBER 6, 1918. many women are charge school rooms who have but a passing interest in their work; who look forward to getting married as an escape from what they consider TUBERCULOSIS A COMMUNITY CRIME necessary drudgery. Some of them may be otherwise qualified, but this attitude alone should be disqualifying. Lorrin A. Thurston, of Honolulu, in an address before the Honolu- Perhaps someday women and men will take up teaching as a life work, the same as any other mere- i lu Ad Club recently, on the subject of the tuberculosis plague in Ha- of the learned professions, and not i Make Your Butter Go Twice As Far waii, said: ly as a stepping stone to something else. But before that day conies "The present picayune policy of caring for a few cases, apparently the world will have to move forward a bit. For instance it will have to of merged W as a sop to humanitarian sentiment, must be abandoned in favor of get a long ways away from the time when a school board would Two pounds butter from one pound dream of comprehensive treatment of the subject as a whole. discriminating against married women as teachers. of butter and one pint of milk, is possible with ifij "If tuberculosis had been attacked, man fashion, as plague, cholera ?nd yellow fever, if not entirely eradicated, it would have been reduced tt-- Land Court Agreement to a negligible quantity. ELIZABETH K. MYER & HSB. (W. The Wonder "The present slip shod method of treatment is mere trif fling. Entered Of Record C.) to Samuel R. Maples & wf. to j "Unless systematic and comprehensive measures to meet the situa- a u sell for $700 Lots 17 & 18 Blk. 8 tion are promptly adopted and persistently carried on, we will drift along Sec. A, Mclnerny Park Tract, Ho- until we wake up some fine morning to a realization of the fact that we Deed nolulu, Nov. 9, 191S. $1. Butter Merger have become one of the tuberculosis plague spots of the world." MRS. WILLIE TAOKO & HSB. (Wi) Affidavit IF Mr. Thurston referred more particularly to the spread of tuber- to Mrs. Malia Smythe, int. in A PILA OPIO & us AfTt. et. al. owner- Simple and specially constructed, it merges butter culosis in Honolulu, but his statements apply in large part equally to land, Pauwela, (Hamakualoa), Maui ship of Gr. 207fc, Kualapa, Honuau 20, and milk into a truly delicious and Maui. Nov. 1918. $10. la, Maui, Nov. 16, 193 S. creamy product. When you stop a moment to consider that dozens of cases of the KEAHUA HANOH CO. LTD., to Car- Releases Tastes like Country Butter. disease are known on Maui, that there are certainly many other cases olyn S. Weight, 1 A of Kul. YOUNG MEN'S SAVS. SOCY. LTD., not located or diagnosed because of lack of necessary machinery, and 1063G, Oniaopic 8, Kula, Maui. June to D. Ikuwa Kalakaua por. R. P. one size only, $1.25 remember that every one of these cases is a focus of contagion for 29, 1918. $75. 6582 Kul. 2424 i pes. land, Waikane healthy folk about them, doesn't it seem plain, downright criminal neg- HALEAKALA RANCH CO., to Car- Wailuku, Maui, Nov. 11, 1918. $400. ligence on the part of the community that it will stand for such a situa- olyn S. Weight, 18 0 A of Gr. Mortgages & ? 965, Omaopio, Kula, Maul, June 29, E. O. Hall Son, Ltd. tion YUN SEE & HSB. to Bank of Maui, 191S. $6'. 5. ft The house of dependable merchandise. Honolulu, T. H. The Kula Sanitarium has some 97 patients at the present time and Ltd., 0 A land. Vineyard St. ELIZABETH WRIGHT (widow) to is crowded to the doors. There were recently72 other cases on the Wp-iluku-, Maul, June 25, 1918. $1350. waiting list, and the Lord only knows how many others not on any list Estate of II. P. Baldwin Trs. of Va at all. If these were cases of leprosy, bubonic plague, cholera, or int. in shares in hul lards, Mahina-hin- a small-po- x 1, 2, & 3 etc., Kaanapali, Maui, BY AUTHORITY the whole island would be in an uproar. And yet all of these new Nov. 12, 1918. m00. Try to find ways of making the old clothes do, says diseases put together are the less destructive. Uncle Sam. Send us your old suits, gowns, draperies, linens, we in all be PHILIP ESPINDA & WF. to Estate NOTICE OF SALE OF LEASE OF If were ignorance of this there would some excuse; etc., for but the crime comes a community crime, if you please, in which you of H. P. Baldwin, Trs. of Vs int. in GOVERNMENT PONDS. shares in hul lands, Mahinahina 1, and I and every other person with a vote or a voice shares in that we De- 2 & 3, etc., Kaar.apall, Maul, Nov. 13 At 12 o'clock, noon, Monday, Cleaning Dyeing know of these facts and know how to deal with them, and yet retuse cember 30th, 1918, at the front door and 1918. $5000. restoring usefulness. to dig up the money necessary to effectively do it. of the Capitol Building, Honolulu, T. and general to PILA OPIO & WF. to James H. Ray- Tuberculosis could be stamped out of the Hawaiian Islands, and H., there will be sold at public auction mond & wf. Tis of Gr. 2078, Kuala-pa- , under Section 380 of the Revised the money it would take to do it would be as a in a to drop bucl.ct the Honuaula, Maui, Nov. 16, 1918. Laws of Hawaii of 1915, a general FRENCH LAUNDRY costly policy J. ABADIE, Proprietor. which we are at present followingc $150. lease to the Kipapa and Pahoa Fish The legislature February. Ponds, situate on the Island of Molo meets in The chamber of commerce JAMES K. KAMAKELE & WF. to Jno. D. Souza, Paia Agent M. Uyeno, Kahului Agent legislative committee is supposed be in now. kai. to session The James H. Raymond & wr. Trs. of Terms of lease, 10 years from Janu- Jack Linton, Wailuku Agent. is in ? our hands. What are we going to do about it int. in pors. Gr. 1499, Mooloa, Honu- ary 1st, i919. Upset $20, pe.-- annum, pay- aula, Maui, Nov. 16. 1918. $400. reuta' able semi, iinnual y In advance. CHECKING UP ON WASTE HIWAULI PIHO JR. & HSB. (I.) to The purchaser ehall be required to Chas. Thompson, R. Ps. 1503 & 2078, expend not less $800, during the term The question has come How large should Kualapa, Honuaula, Maul, Oct. 30, of this lease In repairing and rehabil- up: your Thrift coin itating the caid pondu. Said Improve- be? For one week make a list of every single expenditure. Be honest 1918. $201. Lease ments to be commenced within 90 with yourself. Put down the little as well as the big, the foolish as days from the date of sale. LADIES' . JAMES N. K. KEOLA to Princeville well as the wise, and be your own judge and jury. Submit the ex- The purchaser shall pay the costs v pense account to the audit of your own conscience. Check every item Plantn. Co. Ltd.. int. in R. P 5044 of advertising. - Kul. 11246 Kalihikai, Hanalol, Kauai For maps and further Information, against these two questions: Could I have gone without? I had BLACK KID If Oct. 1, 1818, 15 yrs. at $30 per an- apply at the office of the Commission would it have impaired my health or efficiency? Put the acknowledged er of Public Lands, Capitol Building, waste in one column, the necessary expenditure in another. The sum num. Honolulu, T. H. MAULE to Tang R. P. of the first column divided by seven,. will give you your daily Thrift HATTIE Tai. B. G. RIVENBURGH, LACE BOOTS coin. Honor 6300 Kul. 4405, Waipukua, Waihee, Commissioner of Public Lands. it, and if it be a dollar or a penny, keep up that expense Maul, May 30, 1916, 10 yrs. at $30 Dated at Honolulu, account. per annum. November 20, 1918. Thirty men of moderate income recently made this experiment. The weekly total of acknowledged waste averaged $1.31 per man. This $5. $5.50 and $6. is at the rate of over $7,000,000,000.00 per year for the Nation. CVUV MM m out vx roum( - I An analysis of articles listed as acknowledged waste showed that more than two-thir- of them were purchased for the gratification of We recently received these, lace boots with cloth tops, and the appetites. If the men over there had pleased themselves and gratifi- are able to sell them at the prices quoted. We cannot buy more ed When in Honolulu their own desires instead of discipling themselves, the agony and the to sell at this price, our advices from the manufacturers being menace of brutalized warfare would still hang as a cloud over our stop at heads. However, they conclusive that shoes will cost more. answered the call, and put all personal wants Tr7F1 II or emulations aside, and faced the music. Take the above into con- lh sideration and lend your money in the form of War Savings Stamps. The deficit is there. It is better to buy stamps than pay Manufacturers' Shoe Co,, Ltd. taxes. EUROPEAN PLAN P. O. Box 469 : HONOLULU room; f WE Running water In every rooms MUST STILL SAVE FOOD 3 singly or with bains; conuonaoie oeas; car-line- s. :i :: close lo best restaurants and all MM The signing of an armistice, even an agreement upon terms of last- ing peace will Highest class service. not increase one ounce to the sadly depleted food supply. Centrally located In the theatre and shopping centers. The release of millions of men from the ranks of the armv cannot pro- duce Choice one more grain of wheat until the next harvest. 'Not a single EJ J. F. CHILD, Proprietor The of meat animal will be grown in time to prevent disaster. I f the Aneri can people Those Who Know are unwilling to make peace time sacrifices as great as have tT J sy t i i j mi I I i ! I fc.u,-- j mm win tsv .m ma & m - m mmU"lmm mm mm mm been made by them during the period of the war we may dissipate the blessings of peace Manufacturers and lead- before they have been fully realized. The ultimate ing motor car distributors salvation of the situation rests with America, and we must understand Correct Lubrication for recommend ZEROLENE. "V"-Typ- and be prepared to do our full duty in the gigantic of the e Engine task feeding the The majority of world, until such time as it can feed itself. motorists This, the "V-Typ- e of use ZEROLENE. automobile engine, like ZEROLENE all internal combustion reduces engines, requires an oil WIRELESS SERVICE UNDER Christmas wear and gives more pow- NAVAL CONTROL that holds its lubricat- 7 er because it keeps its lu- ing qualities at cylinder The Honolulu Advertiser is leading an attack upon bricating body at cylinder heat, burns clean in the the government combustion chambers management of wireless and cable service. More strength to it. Per- heat. Gives less carbon because, and goes out with ex- haps the postoffice department could make a success of the job, if the being refined haust. Zerolene fills government decides to remain in control, but the navy is constitutionally from selected California these requirements per- -- fectly, unfitted for dealing with the public. The condescending attitude of in- asphalt base crude, it because it is cor' difference to private burns clean and goes rectty refined from select- business interests would have been intolerable out ed California aaphaJt-bas- e under any other than war conditions. It is but fair to say that the with exhaust. crude. men in charge of the Maui station at present have done their best under ZEROLENE is the cor- the restrictions under which they work, and have made many personal 'i 3.vqutette rect oil for all types of au- friends since they have been here. But the fact remains that all Maui 0y tomobile engines. It is the would much prefer to see them working. for the company that handled correct oil for your auto- the service prior to the war than in their present capacity. mobile. Get our lubrica- (Mental Marcs tion chart showing the A half year's journey by our representatives to Orient correct consistency, Austrians are reported to be the for anxious for the United States to annex 4 has yielded the many striking examples of artistic merchandise your car. their country. This may be complimentary to us but is certainly a now displayed damning a here. At dealers everywhere commentary on the central European governments of the past. Vou will he is 5 enthuse over our Satsuma and Kutani Wares. and Standard Oil Service sun rapidly setting on the day in world history when any people Figures, Bowls, will think of Vases and Koros. Bronze Animals in great Stations. looking for somebody to rule them. variety, etc. STAND ARC) Oil COMPANY A more fittincr Christmas pi ft cannot be nurchased than a (California) Thermos Bottle ; it keeps cold 24 If the grown folk on Maui had anything like the "pep" of the school liquid hot or for hours. Price from $2.50 to $10.00. children Maui cam-pa;g- would have gone over the top in the War Stamp n l tsr months ago, instead of struggling for the top as she is doing now. Here's to the kids ! W. W. DIMOND & CO., LTD. in "The House of Housewares." ZEROLENE Maui took the lead launching a determined War Savings Stamp drive on the first of the month, and Honolulu is now following suit. 53-6- 5 King St. HONOLULU, HAWAII. The Standard OilforMotor Cars We predict that Maui will also take the lead in going over the top. THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. FIVK

Big War Stamp Drive Harbor Lights Relighted who went fishing to Kawaihae and B. F. Ooldwater, Jas. Davis, Jr., Tang Lights marking the channel en- accidentally discovered the spring. Fong Long, C. Y. Chong, Hashimoto, Good On Maui trance to Honolulu harbor, which It is a small pool not far from the Mrs. Kato and infant, Soditami, Mrs. Making On The Other Islands were extinguished at the beginning of water's edge and at first he thought Soditaml, Ah You, Mrs. Kamanoulu, the war, were relighted yesterday, it was merely a puddle. Careful In- Mary Kupikahl. according vestigation revealed that it was a hot (Continued from Page One.) to notice sent out to marin- Pahoa Postmaster Embezzler? some time. With the demands on ers by the Lighthouse Service in Ho- spring. navy After returning to village Shi-gak- i TERRITORY OP HAWAII W. J. Hall, for the past year post- tonnage greater before war nolulu. The department has also his reached its quota of 53500, nor of than the raised the regarding ves- told of his discovery to the neigh THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OF- master Pahoa, was arrest- restriction Puunene, which in the first two or at Hawaii, ended he says, the government insists sels entering and leaving the harbor bors and some went to the pool to FICE, HONOLULU. three days rained over $11,000 of its ed last Monday morning at Hilo on a on putting every available ship into between sunset and sunrise. bathe. Because of the mineral prop- quota of $24,000. erties contained U. S. commissioner's warrant charg- the service. After the soldiers in in the spring, some Honolulu, T. II., Nov. 25, 1918. Wfc P, Pogue, who has charge of the of the Indisposed bathers were ing him with the embezzlement of France arc brought home, Japanese Engineer Killed healed Huelo district, took 600 war savings the Pacific by this Kawaihae hot waters, the Ko- NOTICE stamps out with him on Monday, and $1730 in money orders and war sav- may be able to get some ships. Under Locomotive na Echo states. All parties having claims against the following day disposed of 618 of ings stamp fundi. Kobayashl, a Japanese engineer of a II the National Guard of Hawaii, will file equivalent locomotive in use on the plantation h them, to $2590, face value Hall resigned his position a little Bishop's Bank To Incorporate same the Adjutant General of among the 220 workers of tracks on Waimanalo was killed in- the East over a week ago. A check revealed 50 ti p Territory with possiblo Maul Irrigation Comtnny. This dis- After years of most successful stantly Monday morning when he was Those Who Travel the least trict, by the way has consistently that his accounts were short approxi- operation as simply The Bishop Bank, run over by the engine which he was delay. as It is known throughout operating. been, one of the biggest buyers of war mately $1650 in money order funds the Islands He is said to have seen a t Claims must bo duly authenticated and on the Coast, this well-know- dog on the stamps on Maui for its size, absorbing and about $100 more was missing from track right in front of his by the party contracting tho same. regularly financial institution will become in- engine and in an effort to bring the Departed from $1000 to $1500 worth. the war savings stamp fund. HARRY S. HAYWARD, Besides this the district was one of corporated by January 1, 1919, as engine to a sudden stop, fell from the By Mauna Kea. Nov. 29 J. Vincent, the best purchasers of Liberty Bonds "The Bishop Company Limited," with locomotive, meeting death under the R. Ouye, Ed. Delnert. M. Morashima, Colonel, N. G. H., on Maul. Gives $5000 In War Stamps a capital of $1,000,000 based on actual wheels. K. The Adjutant General, T. H. a surplus Ino.ihita, Thos. Led ward, A. P. The Hana Allan Herbert of Honolulu celebrat- assets, and ol $250,000. , , district, which also has Oshh-o- Hii,-a- II. Sato. an allotment of but $3500, is causing ed the approach of his 90th birthday The copartnership, as it 13 now, is Hilo teachers, at their meeting last the committee some worry. Owing practically owned by S. M. Damon, week, adopted a resolution that their By Claudine, Nov. 30 P. P. Bald- by opening the War Savings Stamps y BY AUTHORITY to the distance and difficulty of getting who is represented by A. W. T. pay should be raised 10 to 25 percent. win, Mrs. Baldwin and maid. Master campaign today with subscription of E. Bishop. there it is hard to get special workers a and Faxon Stock They point out that ordinary field Baldwin, H. A. Baldwin, E. H. Paris, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE on the ground, and reports $5000 as an endowment fund for the In the new company will be issued at laborers get as much as some teach- SECOND CIRCUIT, TERRITORY from there $125 H. Johnson, C. L. Hall, H. B. Pcnhal indicate Kapiolani a share. The Bishop Savings ers are given sche- OF HAWAII. At Chambers. that there is a general lack maternity home, a thousand under the present low, Mrs. of enthusiasm in the district. It does Bank will be within the control of the dule. Penhallow, Jas. Davis, Jr., dollars worth 'if the stamps being company, pa- not seem to be realized there, as it is new the incorporation Fukawa, Mrs. Maikal, A. Valentine, In the Matter of the Estate of Vic- now held in the name of each of I ho pers for which are now being prepar- now realized in most other sections, The fact U. S. Mrs. Y. H. Chow, Master Chow, Mrs. toria Meyer, Deceased. trustees of the heme. ed. that the shipping that the buying of War Savings board vessels now going to Hilo are O. White, W. R. Hansen, N. E. Weight Stamps is not a gift of money to some Petition of Henry R. Meyer, Admin-istrato- r not equipped with refrigeration, is K. Kimura, Mrs. Ornellas, Miss Mahcl charity but a gilt edged Investment Japanese Killed By Huge Shark Duke Left Stranded In Washington causing consternation among mer- of the above Estate for money Smythe, Mies V. Searby, Lieut. Mis-ne- r, Approval of Accounts, Dis- that makes for the investor Tadaichl Miyamura, a young Jap- According to the minutes of the pro- chants and householders. It is said the same kind of investment, on a motion committee, which for some the D. B. Murdock, Mts. Copp, Mr. tribution and Discharge. anese laborer at Papaikou plan iat ion that added cost of bring perish- small scale, that banks and trust com reason were slow in coming to light, able foods through Honolulu will be Copp, Mr. Cummings. IT IS ORDERED that, Thursday, the 26th o'- panies in normal times are only too Hawaii, met a tragic death on Tues- Duke Kahanamoku was helped by very severely felt. By day of December, 1918, at 10 glad to Str. Mauna Kea, Dec. 2 H. clock A. M., be and the same is here- gobble up for their own bene- day of last week when he went to friends to reach San Francisco from Gesner, Dr. William Osmers, Mrs. fit. Washington where he had left strand- by appointed for hearing said petition, fishing. While he was on a rock a Spring Of Hot Water Cures Bathers Kaku, Raymond Rosario, Miss Lorna In At a meeting of the skilled em- ed by the desertion of his manager, von the Court Room of this Court, in ployees huge wave came suddenly and the A hot spring has been discovered at Tempsky, Errol von Tempsky. Wailuku, Maui, T. H. of the Hawaiian Commercial Owen Merrick. At San Francisco Wiiiwaihap, & Sugar Company, last Friday even- Japanese was carried away before Chairman Emil Berndt, of the promo- Kona, Hawaii, according Arrived Dated at Wailuku, Maui, this Nov- ing, practically every one agreed to those who were nearby at the time to the Kona Erho, a Japanese weekly Per S. S. Claudine, Dec. 3 M. H. ember 21, 1918. tion committee found the Hawaiian published at Holualoa. take a good share of their bonus mo could rescu him. He cried from the swimmer sick and penniless and ad- Schnapp, E. P. Gibson, Chas. Gay, Mr. BY THE COURT. ney The hot spring was discovered by S. Seiaki, J. H. Gray, Ben Mrs. In war stamps. help. vanced him $160 with which ho was Bruns, HENRY C. MOSSMAN. "Victory water for S. Shigkai, teacher in the Japanese Bruns, Miss M. Ah Leong, Miss MoMe, Kids" Make Good enabled to reach homo. school Clerk. Carl Rose's Victory Kids made a At this time a big shark appeared Duke, on his arrival, had previously in one of the Kona villages, J. S. Ramos, N. Harada, Mrs. Harada, (Nov. 22, 29; Dec. 6, 13) big hit in Wailuku last Saturday even- on the surface and tried to bite the denied to the newspapers stories to ing when they attracted a big crowd Japanese. The Japanese fought, y the effect that he had been deserted on Market street through their sing- for a while with the in the East by Merrick. ing. A number of short speeches short were made by speakers on the com- man eater but soon was carried down Opening Coffee Lands In Kona mittee. Later the kids were taken Several Japanese sampans from fiilo Tho Bishop Estate is going ahead to the Wailuku Orphum where they were sent to the spot to search for with the development of its extensive aroused much enthusiasm with their his body but no has been found singing. trace lands in Hawaii, in the Kona district, The bad weather this week has where it is opening up a tract of small Lava Lake Falls Is prevented the carrying out of the pro- coffee farms of from fix to ten acres gram Expected Up In February to take the kids to Kahului, and spending thousands of dollars on Puunene, Paia, and other points. The A gigantic subsidence of the Hale-mauma- u improvements in tho way of roads committee Is unwilling that the chil- pit of Kilauea volcano is re- dren any be- and assistance for the tenants, most should take chances of ported from the Kilauea Observatory ing made ill. of whom are Koreans. The great cylinder of stiff lava, sur- Most of the kids are from St. An- The tract which is being opened up thony's school, though a few are from mounted by rocky hills, yawning consists of about 250 acres, or a little the Wailuku public school. For some chasms and lava lakes, has sunk bodi- more, through which has been built reason the public school children have ly 200 feet while ihe liquid lava in its not come to the fore us the commit- about two and a half miles of main midst has relatively risen and over- tee had hoped for. It Is planned to road, know as the Keauhou Road, take bunch, together speak- flowed its banks. A spectacular-- rise the with the name of district, and ers, to Lahalna some night next week is now predicted to occur in February. from the about additional mile of trails to etir things up on West Maul. Need- 1919. an less to say the youngsters are crazy through some of the rcugher country. for the trip. Didn't Jump Into Kilauea Crater The transportation problem was Prosecuting Delinquent Employers by Tokichi Tomiyama, who startled solved the donation of the light In business circles in Ho- truck and trailer of the Hawaiian Hilo a few weeks ago by sending let- Interest has been largely centered this Commercial & Sugar Co., which was ters to friends saying he was about to nolulu placed week on action by the Industrial at the service of the commit- end his life in Kilauea crater, has the You tee by Manager Frank Baldwin. The Accident Board of Oahu in filing with are giving to yourself turned up in Hilo again, this time in vehicle was used by the Maul band the county attorney for prosecution In the Victory Parade. It can easily charge of police officers. He was found names of dolinqur-n- t employers of accommodate 30 or 40 children. in Waiohinu, Kau, Hawaii, where he Ihe aggregating 550 possible law had secreted himself. His pretense of labor, suits In prosecution for that number when you buy War Savings THE STORY OF A suicide was merely to evade paying of alleged violations of the accident STRANGER IN OUR MIDST his debts, the pot Ice say. law of the Territory. F. E. He was captured at Mountain House insurance (Contributed.) as chairman of the board, filed the waterhead station for the Hutchin- Steere The scene is laid in a mountain complaints, which have been re- Stamps son plantation flume, about 3500 feet the resort, far from civilization, yet with- ferred Deputy County Attorney above sea level. He is being held at to in easy access by means of motor Crlsty the Hilo police station for investiga- for action. transportation. There is long a trail tion. to this resort. Twenty hu- College Of Hawaii To Lose Military Status man beings representing almost as Shipping Kuikui Nuts To Coast But you are doing more than J. W. Heard, U. S. A., de- many races were transported reach- A shipment of 75 bags of kulkul nuts General partment commander, last week re- ing this haven of Cooler Rest at dusk. has just been made by the Territorial cablegram from the war de- that when you buy them The janitor was very busy removing Marketing Division to a San Francisco ceived a partment advising him of forthcoming an unwelcome visitor that had made firm, which is said plans to make it orders by mail demobilizing the stu- Its entrace during the very recent a salad oil from them. The Japanese now training corps at the College of Kona storm. The manager made an who gathered them were paid 1 cent dents Hawaii, containing 64 men, as of Jan- attempt at lighting up, but without a pound, or $20 per ton. It is hoped uary 1. much success and took upon himself that there will be developed a profl the burden of an occasional visit to nuts. able business in the Big Rain Cause Much Damage gas plant, because as long as the You are helping finish up as the Torrential rains on Oahu and on the gas explode, was necessary Oahu Declares Extra Dividend did not it island of Hawaii last week are respon on subject The Oahu Sugar Company directors to throw light the of the much damage to roads and we should that job "over have announced an extra 3 percent sible for entertainment. The country being in crops, according to reports. Much dividend in addition to the regular I a state of prohibition, John Barley- damage was suffered on the Oahu corn provided percent. It will be paid with the there", and Mfedeiros soda water Railroad by washouts. A train on the peo December payment. galore. Pascollto represented the Wahiawa branch went through a pie in the solemn occasion, politics & Co., trestle, but fortunately no ono was having been adjourned. Pat Moriar The business of Gonsalves by Fred L. hurt. The road was tied up for over ity, King's with Ltd., has been taken over the jester, alternated fol- 48 The rainfall on the south the musicians. All of these human Wnldron & Co. Ltd. This action hours. mortals, situated as they were fax lowed the recent death of M. A Gon- side of Oahu is said to have been the You helping from humanity and civilization, clam- salves, the founder of the company heaviest known in some localities. are to save Maui's ap 8 ored for food. The prophet Moses and chief owner. On Hawaii considerable road dam- peared on the horizon, and lo and be- age is reported in various districts. hold, the words fell from his lips: reputation. . p'r.n were unusually 'Thou art hungry, therefore thou shalt The Chinese of Honolulu ar The rains at Hilo be fed.' With cool breezes floating ning for a gigantic "Victory" parade heavy. in the air, with tuneful melody f om on the night of December 14. It is ordinary music boxes, with an air of said that it will ctlipse anything ever Plans To Reclaim Waikiki Beach restful quiet, a small group gathered territory, the promotion com- very before undertaken by Chinese in Ha- The The over about the green table for a board of harbor commis- drive is nair friendly game of peenockle, when lo waii. mittee, the and behold, an officer of the law. sioners, the Ad Club, and various wearing a real badge, showing his Kauai, Man Loses Life In Allied Cause other organizations, have launched a authority, pounced down from the Donald Campbell, an officer' of the determined campaign to make Waikiki clouds, thru the ceiling, and landed British Navy, who was born at Wai-me- Beach a real beach for the people in- on Brink of little party, gatb the the Dr. Dougal fenced-i- n reserves Buy War Savings Stamps! ered in the angelic party, and was on Kauai, the son of stead of a series of the point of leading them to a social Campbell, end a cousin of H. M. von for private owners, as it is at pres- hostelry close by, when the good Holt, of Honolulu, was drowned in the ent. The harbor board has planned Samaritan appeared on the scene and off English coast, his body a series of meetings to consider the present channel the relieved the agony of those on the Belgian subject. is planned to acquire by by announcing the off- being washed ashore It that the private property icer was not a real man, but a messen- coast recently. condemnation all ger sent from the heavens above to He was with a destroyer squadron, on the beach and to construct a wide give the word that when being pinch- when one of the boats met with an boulevarde along the entire water ed they are to be taken to the BrinK Another vessel was detach- front. It Is likely that tangible recom- mind) If re- accident. of (well, never but that convoy, of will ready to submit leased they would be taken above ed to act aa but no news mendations be where peenockle games are plentiful, a disaster was known until Donald to the legislature in February. Work and where the races of the world meet Campbell's body was found. of reclaiming the Waikiki swamps is on common ground. also rapidly taking shape, as well as The peace conference at this little No More 8hipn For Some Time reclaiming a lot of the tide break of day, plans for resort lasted until the George McK. the Hono- when the caravan began wending its McClellan, flats east of Honolulu harbor towards trail back to civilization, where Distil lulu chamber of commerce's represen- Waikiki. coffee was served. On Sunday ex- tative in Washington, has advised the prevailed all of the treme quiet in home offlce it is not likely there Fifty-on- e gone, that French babies have been households to which they had Improvement In passen- many looking for real solid comfort will be much adopted by tho people of Hilo and spots. ger transportation In the Pacific for vicinity. SIX THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918.

vance has simply thrilled everyone. the last two weeks. While I was Lille, Donal and Met have been tak- Seeing The Pleasant The French people are wild with en- there, three tralnloads of wounded en by the Allies. The opinion of ev- thusiasm and we can't think or talk came back from the with our eryone over here Is, that the war will Clothes Service anything else. We expect them to go boys, some of them fearfully shot to be over before Xmas. I hope so, for Things "Over There" right on Mctz I and take and oh! if pieces with schrapnel etc. I had charge I hate to Bee another N. Year of war were only at the front. I can hardly of a ward full of German, prisoners start. Yonng American Soldier Who Writes wait. We are to go soon. mere were four officers. I got to We are having a delicious warm The Capt. told me this morning that know them well. They are more than spell and it is good to me for I was You buy clotlG9 for serv- Delightful Descriptive Letters To I am to be sent to hospital t the base content to be finished with their share almost frappe. France; here abouts, ice, as well as appearance His Mother Of The Interesting tomorrow, and I won't have a chance of the war and the American food Is glorious the frost has turned the to write you for quite a while as I'll Things He Sees And Experiences tastes so much better than what grape-vine- s and trees to crimson and be very busy down there and won't they ve been getting. Too, they were gold; the populars which line most of And they will give service get a minute to write letters. Only almost paralyzed joy shin-nerin- g A number of interesting letters with at the sight the French country roads, are exact the think! when I come back to you, I'll of white bread. They in proportion to from Franco have been handed to us have had none silver, and when the sun sets, be a full fledged . in Germany for four years. of used in their by a lady whose son has been with they take on the exquisite colors from measure care Oct. 1st, 1918, I am looking eagerly now let- the American forces over there for for a the sky. making. France. ter from you, some months. Wc gladly publish for I have had about I am writing at an open window on Dearest : time to get your answer my them, together with a introduc- to the second story of our billet, which short I have an hour, before mess call It is grape ml Dependable materials, hon- by season here in France, overlooks a field of grain. Teasant p tion herself. Ed. I blows, and that I'll devote to you , and me, oh my! what Mil Skl It has occurred to me that mothers wonderful lusci women are in it, gleaning. With their estly tailored and perfectly and let anyone dare interrupt his ous ones we have. Yesterday, a peas bright aprons, who have boys in France, may be in- colored and wooden name is "mud" ant brought her apron Mi- fitted, place - tailored terested in these letters from my boy. full of them. shoes, they remind one of Jean Born Today I am 21 years old and there Oct. 18, 191?. llet's painting Gleaners." The Irregularity of mail from Eur- famous "The high in the estima- isn't n soul round who gives a hang pill-corp- s garments ope, often causes a disappointment France Other worthy members of the whether I am or not, so it isn't much .dearest: my by here to one who may, for that reason are trying to get "goat" tion of men who demand the like a birthday. Not like some of arrived song be glad to get these glimpses of the lour letter at last. You singing that famous war those happy birthdays I had with you can never know how pood greatest measure of clothes life, scenery, and places over there. it was, to tut I'm not going to weaken. and Dad, and in the warmness and get It. apart tnoaP Then, too, there isn't a doubt in my frora service in exchange for their protection of your love; did afore-mentione- how little The enclosures were most enjoyable; d I horribly mind that, at times, when the stars sniffles, am I realize what hardships I'd be going me snort-stor- y worry money. or moonlight, or sunsets talk 'special- nine i read at once, healthy. My appetite would through on my 21st, birthday. and it Is charming. you. ly to them, and the lonesome, home You see my thoughts are running to all my dreams are anti-wa- r paper, day, I RttlJenl Corn DeaUr) tick feeling comes, that all the sons, dreams. In a Tarls the other cosy warm places just now. You will When I'll be able to go be McGrew way off there, are saying to the moth back and saw where Mrs. Taru was in understand when I tell you that I with you, your boy, your son and Paris for a few days, from Nantes, & ers perhaps, boy-lik- in Maui Dry Goods Grocery Company, Limited here, truly never have been so freezing!' cold in Dad's 'their hearts, but nevertheless, saying where she has been doing most my life. The cold here in France is You speak of prices soaring at home Red Cross war work. it, Just about what mine writes. positively penetrating goes complete it My dear, over here, they sore-in- g proportions, Am I, then, giving pleasure by shar- are This letter is assuming ly to one's bones. This a. m. I put us. The G ing? French rnenhants are "stick so, as dear old Anita used to on my heavy winter underwear, and ing" the American soldiers, for all say:' my Box "W. W." Maui News, Wailuku. "I'll wipe the tear from I am still so cold I can hardly hold they are worth. The prevailing idea lamp, and the goo off my chin, and tie 99 pen. this Somewhat of a change is that we are all the can to this chatter." Sept. 14, 191S. from California and Florida! and they charge us accordingly. In Your loving son, Some Where in France. Cousin-Colone-l Alden B , wrote fact, they have two rates, of charge, r Exterior Dearest Mother: me the most cordial letter a bit one for the French trade, the others I am counting the days until I can flattering considering his rank. He for the American. I hope sometime hear from you, but know it will be had been trying to locate me looked to slip in on the French side. WASHABLE PAINT well into Oct. before you can answer in wrong regiment. He had a big car Wines, and champagnes, however, my In The Churches last the mails take so long to go all lo himself, on a trip over western are absurdly cheap, especially the r Especially efficient and and come between Europe and Cali- France and had, arranged for me to last. One can get the most exquisite fornia. go Says coming down economical with him. he is old brands Veuve, Amiot, Veuve Sau MAKAWAO' UNION CHURCH for mill work Throughout this sad anniversary to see me again, soon. Hope he ar- mau.etc, for only 8 francs per qt. A. Craig Bowdish, Minister. you on my every - time are mind rives in another "big car" and feels while in the States we have to haul 10:00 Sunday School. Sanitary weatherproof fireproof. minutes and my dream of dreams is the need of company. forth 6 or 8 perfectly good "seeds" 11:00 Morning Service. A high go will grade cold water paint for exterior to look forward to the time I can Oct. G, 1918 for the same brands. Dr. Albert S. Baker of Kona preach. and interior work. Put up in 350-l- b. back to you and be your boy and a Today we were thrilled with the about my cough; it left me barrels. real comfort, something which I 6:45 Christian Endeavor. "A reputation behind and approved by news that Germany and Austria are a long time ago. I now have the 6:45 Discussion Club. it", haven't been in the past. But please asking Wilson for an armistice, and sniffles and as handkerchiefs are the National Board of Fire Underwriters. put my to my youth. mistakes agreeing to restore Belgium, etc. etc. scarce, I use gauge bandages. I keep, DIED This life here in France is bound Anyway, the general opinion over here myself full of Quinnine and Aspirin, COCKETT In Leah! Home Honolulu, to be good for a fellow. We all get is that the war will be over by Xmas. to ward off anything in the way of a November 29, 1918, Isaac Cockett, lonesome and homesick, but then, we How I hope so. It seems such a use- bad cold. Avaunt thou Flu! of Kamehameha IV Road, Kalihi, Honolulu Iron Works Co. native of Maui, have lots of good jolly times together. waste of thousands of young lives. married, merchant, less 45 years and one day old. Buried There are some dandy fellows, whom m, HONOLULU, T. H. I have been at Base Hospital for This a. we got the news that in Kalihl-waen- a Catholic cemetery. I have made firm friends with, and we make the most of our hardships here for later, when we go up to the front, we'll probably have things much worse. But every night at sun- set, I look over into that glorious glow Uime ZJableJCahttiui Slailroad Co. in the west, and say: "she is right Daily Passenger (Except over there and she loves me, and Train Schedule Sunday) she is the dearest one on earth to me, ackers The following schedule went into effect June 4th; 1918. so I'm not going to dread the German I shells." TOWARDS WAILUKU TOWARDS HAIKU I've been thinking co much of you, are cowards who shirk respons- IlltliCl Distinct that I've made up a little rhyme and I j 4 a it I'm going to send it. Don't laugh, I ibility. Don't be a slacker face Miles STATIONS Miles know how particular you are about P M P M AM AM A M A M feet, meter and everything. the issue squarely and ask your- i 33 3 3 8 43 6 35 A..Vailuku..L 6 40 8 50 1 30 1 35 s 1 it 5 8 306 a5 53 o 6 1 L.. ..A 50 9 4Y 45 5 4 It is you, just you, I'm loving -- Kauului .. self this questio 17' In that land across the sea; S o 3 8 17 1a. o A.. ..I, 33 6 5' 4a 3 47 S 3 8 17 L" oa Through the softness of the twilight, 07 Spreck- - "A 7 5a 3 37 You come stealing close to me. 4 A'.! 9 Suppose death should overtake ME, have I made proper pro- J 9 3 05, 815 ""'" ,"l 7 03 53 3 3 5 a 8 L.. a 00 55 05 ..A 9-- 7 15 ej 4 10 I can almost feel your dearest lips, vision for my family? 5.5 Pal I can see your tender eyes, 8 A;; .X 5,a 53 03 7 17 a 07 4 i As they glow across the sunset a "A i2 47 7 57 iU" Hama- - 7 4 4 4 19 With a light that never dies." lkuapofco 11. a J 9 You know you ought to a will 4 5i 46 7 56 7 5 a 15 4 o make a a . N. B. This is my first poem. You are 4 45 4 7 5 L ..A 7 33 234 at I'auwela .. my theme. may be bum, I 1,4 3-- It but 4 44 39 7 49 A;; I, a mean it all. If you neglect to do so the law will decide shall be done 7 35 'sa 3 what 4 4oa 35 7 45 L Haiku . 7 40I a 30I4 35 We have had much rainy weather 53 lately but the last few days have been with your estate and that decision may be in direct opposition PUUNENE DIVISION perfect and when the weather is fine, . France is exquisite. to your wishes. TOWARDS PUUNENE TOWARDS KAHLLUI Friday, Costy and I went into ; v It was Costy's birthday so we cel-- STATIONS i - Piwimr JMtiee fimatir - ebrated by taking a bath (!) and see- rmiuir litit PiMM you PM AM MI1M M1IM u ing the sights. We went to the Are willing to let it o at that? UKhuIu, A i Cathedral and the old chateau in 2 5 92 2 A..Puunne..L 2.5 6 22 8 18 ' which Louis XIV imprisoned his twin Let us advise you in this 00 6 10 2.6 0 612 8 08 '.' brother. We saw the chains, also important matter. Write us a letter 1. All trains dally except Sundays. . the guide pointed out knicks made by or call our office when are Honolulu. com- t. A Special Train (Labor Train) the arrows, of the Norman's. Of at you in Any will leare Wailuku dally, except Sundays, at 5:30 s. m., course we took his word for it all, arrlrlng at Kabulul at 5:60 a. m., and connecting wltt munication you will be regarded strictly con- the 1:00 a. m. and he took our francs. We had lunch may make as train for Fuunene. 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 160 pounds personal at a cafe, very popular with the A. E. of baggage will be carried free fidential and will place under obligation. of charge on 75 F., men. We had the most perfect you no each whole ticket, and pounds on each half ticket, whe baggage Is in charge of and on the same as . tomato salad (and when I get home train the holder of the ticket For baggage 15 you how to make excels cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will be I'll show real French charged. dressing) French fried potatoes and For eggs fried. (The French word for Ticket Fares and other informaUon see Local Paeienger Tariff I. 0. 0. No. t, or inquire any eggs is, "oeufs" and the Yanks call it awaiian Trust o., at of the Depots. "woofs,") to say nothing of steak, and yards of French bread, etc. I ate Limited so much that I became alarmed and 120 S. King St. HONOLULU Costy swore I had worms. Telephone 1225 In the p. m. we visited a museum Boiling Points which is in a former royal palace; it Real Estate Insurance Stocks and Bonds used to be the home of Marie de Med- are vaporizing points. In Red Crown ici. Capital and Surplus $500,000. gasoline they form a continuous, uniform Wje walked thro' miles of wonderful chain giving steady, dependable power. sculp tuary and paintings I saw one 11 J Look, tor the Red Crown sign. original Raphael, one original Van OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Dyke, four Watteans, two Tenniers, STANDARD OIL COMPANY IS. D. TKXXEV, (California) an exquisite Jean Baptiste and a President F. V.JAMIESON, Asst. Treasurer. J. R. Vice-Preside- nt Titian not to mention countless other GAIr, and Manager P. K. McLEAN, Asst. Secretary C. Vice-Preside- nt splendid paintings. IICOOKE, R. R. AN'DERSON, Director C. H. Vice-Preside- nt town thoroughly and AT1IERTON, F. C. ATIIERTON, Director We "did" the WALKER, my French" at every op- II. II. Treasurer GF.O. I. BROWN, Director I used "near S. G. WILDER, really believe it is im- Secretary J. D. McINERNY, Director portunity. I RANNEY SCOTT, proving. I spend, all my spare Asst. Treasurer ments with a grammar The 7 Quant? news of the magnificent American ad THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. SEVEN c n- - BY AUTHORITY LODGE MAUI, NO. 114, A. F. A A. M. News By Wireless AT THE THEATERS RED CROSS NOTES NOTICE OF 8ALE OF GOVERN. I. MENT LEASE. " YOUNG HOIIENZOLLERNS MAY LEAVE GERMANY ' "H At 12 o'clock, noon, Monday Decem- Mary Plckford in "M'liss." Sixteen cases of Red Cross supplies ber 30th, 1918, LONDON, December 3 The German government lias consented at the front door of Stated Tho screen version were shipped from Maul branch, A. R. the Capitol Building, Honolulu, T. H., meetings will be held at to a number of llohenzollern princes leaving Germany if they leave their docs not follow Masonic Hall, Kahului, on the first the stage play, and the comedy possi- C, during the month of November. there will be sold at public auction fortunes behind. The conditions have been accepted. It is xpectcd under Section 380 of the Revised Laws Saturday night of each month at 7:30 bilities are developed to These cases containe: P. M. they will proceed to a neutral country, according to an Amsterdam dis- a greater of Hawaii of 1915, a general lease to drgree. So insistent has the adaptor Surgical dressings 75,657 the following described Visiting brethren are cordla.Ur In patch. Government vlted to attend. worked for the laugh she has not Hospital supplies 740 land: BILL'S SURRENDER TO BE DEMANDED Knitted articles 232 W. hesitated to put In Land of Wahikuli, Lahalna, Maul, F. PEACOCK, R. W. M. LONDON, December 3 The Allied cabinets intend submit to considerable down- Refugee garments 95 W. A. CLARK, Secretary. to right farce. containing a total area of 1972 acres, Holland a demand that Hohenzollern be surrendered under the ordinary Few of Mary Pickford's Layettes 24 under Section 780 of the Revised Laws extradition laws. following will object to this, however. 1479 acres are cane land and the bal ALOHA LODGE NO. t KNIGHTS The story moves along In nprlngly Total . 76,748 ance pasture and waste land; term of HUN MUNITION Total valuation, $5,848.16. OF PYTHIA8. MAKERS' PLAN TO RESTORE BILL fashion, and ifs a poor heart that will lease, 10 years from April 7th, 1919; LONDON, December 2 A plot to restore imperialism and to not rejoice upset rental, $15,000. per annum, pay at the innocent fun of the semi-annuall- y secure the of the in Ride a cockhorse to the store called able in advance. return has been discovered Berlin, says picture and the happy ending of the an Amsterdam dispatch. Mackensen, Born and Arnim are the leaders, "Red Cross" All growing crops upon the above little heroine's romance. Marshall That sells anything from a pin to a described land shall remain the prop- and munition makers are furnishing re- the money. Many arrests are Neilan deserves praise for the excel- horse. erty of the present lessee, who shall ported. have the right to remove same when lence of his direction. Some of the Rings for your fingers and bells for Regular meetings will be held at BLOOD your toes, matured and harvestd. YBILL TRIES TO PASS THE BUCK comedy scenes are too rights-of-wa- y the Knights of Pythias Hall. Wailu much in the And anything needed in notions or All existing for flumes 2 pipe-line- ku, on COPENHAGEN, December On Saturday, in an interview given shadow, but the general result re- clothes. roads, trails, reservoir sites, the second and fourth Friday just before his flight, but which necessary rights-of-wa- or each month. just now appeared in the Cologne produces the locale of the Bret and such other - Harte All visiting- members are cordially Gazette, Hohenzollern attempts to place the responsibility for the war country and the character she created. "Old woman, old woman, old woman, are reserved by the Government. on Bethmann-Hollwe- g and von Jagow. "quoth I, The purchaser shall pay the cost3 Invited to attend. "Against my w:ll they sent me The story of "M'liss" is easy of of advertising. to Norway", ha says. "Though I didn't "Oh, whither, oh whither so early to H. S. PERRY, C. C. wish to undertake the voyage comprehension, and her doings will buy?" For maps and further information, J. C. BLAIR, K. R. & 3. because of the uncertainty of the situation. When I heard the British enlist the sympathy of all good folk. "To the Red Cross Shop," was the apply at the office of the Commission fleet had put to sea I returned at once. They nearly caught me". He She Is the daughter of "Cummer" dame's reply. er of Public Lands, Capitol Building, Honolulu, T. H. also declared that Gen. Januukevitch deceived former czar by prevent- Smith, a dissipated but good natured "Will you go back again?" "yes, by and by. B. G. RIVENBURuH, GRAND HOTEL ing the carrying out of orders for Russian demobilization which was old ne'er-do-wel- l, who lets her swear Commissioner of Public Lands. e To get another basketful of bargains." li-.- final reason for tha war. like a trooper and run wild. "M'liss" Dated at Honolulu, WAILUKU, MAUI, T. H. BILL'S RESIGNATION has no use for school until a hand- Pack up your troubles in your old November 20, 1913. bag (Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 20, 27.) Reaaonable Ratee BERLIN, December 1 The kaiser's .abdication states "We re- some new school teacher comes to knit , The things for which you're yearning rig!-.'- Red Gulch. nounce the to thr crown of Prussia, right of German imperial She vhen washes her face To keep the. homes fli'es burning BY AUTHORITY Dinner parties given special ii own, and relc:i2 officials of their fidelity rath, but expect them, until and startles the pupils by walking in The Red Cross Shop will sell you attention. a new organization exists, to protect the German people." to the school house and taking a seat for a smile. NOTICE BLOODY BILL'S OFFENSE INDICTABLE on one of the benches. Continually Notice is hereby given that the up to her pranks, "M'liss" gets any County of Maul is offering for sale, to NEW CASTLE, November 29 Lloyd George, discussing respon- ed him and made him a prisoner. highest bidder, one teachers cot- amount of fun out of life, and rides tho sibility for the invasion of Belgium, said that the greatest British jurists From then on the complications are tage at Keanae and one at Kaupo, ex-kais- er a horse like a cowboy. The serious had agreed that the is guilty of an indictable offense for which rapid and amusing, and Mac wins both in the District of liana, County DELCO-LIGH- Interest is supplied by the murder of of Maul. T lie should be held responsible. both tho wager and the girl. old man Smith, and the fastening of Bids for same will be received at The complete Electric Lipht and LUXEMBURG, December 2 Four American sold'ers dispersed office County Clerk at Wai- the crime on the school teacher. A "A Fight For Millions" the of the Power Plant a mob of thousands of civilians after it had wrecked 28 shops, mostly luku, up to 2:00 o'clock P. M. Friday, Turns fortune left by Smith's brother the cream separator, tum- German, owned, for overcharging Americans. The damage is estimated leads The great waste spaces the white December 13th, 1918, at which time bles the churn. Savesiimeevery day from 4 to 7 million francs. The trouble began when Luxemburgers to the old man's death. snowfields of the Northwest the same will bo opened. resented Wallace Reid In wooded hills the stroams the moun BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF Americans' being charged 2 francs each for apples. SUPERVISORS WITHIN AND WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD HEAD RESIGNS "Believe Me, Xantippe" tains the wide, windswept outdoors. FOR THE COUNTY OF MAUI. Me, are scenes WASHINCTON, December 1 Baruch forwarded his resignation "Believe Xantippe," is the These the of the latest WM. FRED KAAE, Mac-Farlan- e H. a chairman of the war industries board, which has been accepted. favorite expression of George and greatest of Vitagraph's County Clerk, County of Maui, T. young "A Fight (Nov. 22, 29; Dec. 6) AUSTRIA WANTS a college chap, who serials For Millions." YANKEE TROOPS bets $20,000 with two of his pals that It's a great, throbbing story, well The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. VIENNA, December 2 A is small general plea made for a body he can commit a crime and net be told, of a hero that's all man and a NOTICE Distributora Honolulu. American soldiers be Hui Shareholders. of to sent to Austria for the purpose of keeping caught by the police within a year. heroine that's all woman a chaptered Peahl order and preventing the spread of Bolshevikism. declare Amer- They will be a meeting of the Hui Jews He forges the name of one of ni& and creen tale with thrills and super-thrill- s of anti-Semet- Kuai Aina o Peahi, on the 21st day icans would ic prevent outbreaks. Sole, his two chums, expect to trap following each other like December, 1918, at the Peahl Church, BERLIN HEARS OF RUMANIAN UPRISING him by notifying the police to look watch-tick- s and the great, unexpect- Peahi, at 10 a. m. purpose of leasing 200 acres COPENHAGEN, December 2 Berlin hears is Duncan-seria- l For the that Bucharest out for a man who Is always saying ed, lightning flash, or uov. burning of land on the makal side the FOR and that the peasants revolting throughout Rumania. "Believe Me, Xantippe." MacFarland climaxes. road. REVENUE BILL BEING REVIVED manages to elude arrest until the year Action real thrills that shame the President, J. K. SMYTHE, WASHINGTON, December 1 The senate finance committee has Is almost up. Then he meets a girl, ordinary serial "stunts" scenes of Sec'y., FRED WILHELM. 20.) completed the revision of the war revenue bill. It is designed to raise and trobule starts at once. danger and daring that the eye of the (Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6, 13, Cristmas: a billion in tax;s next year, and 4 billion in 1920. The bill has been vir- Dolly Kamman, the daughter of clicking camera has watched to re- NOVELTIES tually rewritten to meet changed conditions attending the end of the Sheriff Kamman, of Colorado, is spend produce as a tonic for jaded minds. K. MACHIDA Drugstore main-to- CARDS ing the night alone in her father's It's the screen's biggest, ICE CREAM TOTAL CASUALTIES OVER QUARTER MILLION hunting lodge when Mr.cFarland gets "greatest show on earth" that has but The Best In Town RIBBONS WASHINGTON, December 1 General March lost in the woods and arops in to get one fault it comes to an end in And a Soda Fountain announced that CHILDREN'S BOOKS ammended casualty reports give the official total on November 26, as his bearings. Before be realized just fifteen episodes, and leaves you shout- Give Us a Trial Vj2,723, exclusive of prisoners as follows: killed, 28,364; died of what has happened, Dolly has idcntiil- - ing for more. Advt. MARKET STREET, : WAILUKU. FICTION wounds, 12,101; died of disease, 16,034; died otherwise, 1,980; missing WAR BOOKS in action, 14,290; seriously wounded, 54,751; undetermined, 43,168; slightly wounded 92,036. A big stock to select from. WILL RUSH DEMOBILIZATION War department expects to bring home 50 to 75 thousand men in Weekly Program At Wailuku And Kahului Theatres N. SANO December. Shipping men expect 300,000 monthly as soon as the de- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER mobilization is in full swing. 649,000 are designated for early discharge in the United S'stes. Just received a new stock of poultry netting, HAWAIIAN NEWS WHAT COSTS Mattresses, WAR GOVERNMENT paints and oils, furniture, ete. November 29 $5,645,000,000 WASHINGTON, It cost to run the Coffins and General Hardware. CO., LTD. army during year ending last June; $13,368,000,000 for the navy; for the civil government. The public debt on June 30th Saturday, December 7th. Tuesday, December 10th. Phone Young Hotel Bldg. Honolulu. ii $12,396,000,000 says report of United States treasury. PAULINE FREDERICK MADAME PETROVA Market Street Wailuku PERSONNEL OF PEACE DELEGATION in in WASHINGTON, November 29 The White House announces "RESURRECTION" "MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY" that the President, Lansing, House, General Bliss, and Henry White Also "Also, "THE SEVEN PEARLS" wi'l composed the American peace delegation. WM. S. HART And, "HUMAN HOUNDS" in n WILL TAKE 10 MONTHS TO GET ARMY HOME "A KNIGHT OF THE TRAIL" Wednesday, December 11th. Boston, New York, Newport News, and Charleston have been And MARY PICKFORD IF YOU ARE GOING TO 10 selected as debarkation points for soldiers. Experts fix months as GLORIA SWANSON in CELEBRATE the minimum time necessary for their transportation. in "M'LISS" Kodak Pictures SAY WILSON WILL PAY POPE A VISIT WHOSE BABY?" Also, "FIGHT FOR A MILLION" 3 will Pope, and Peace Christmas ROME, December President Wilson visit the A Mack-Senne- Comedy And PATHE NEWS You have taken will prove while here will be the guest of the king, according to local newspapers. highly acceptable WAIT FOR BEFORE ATTENDING TO BILL Thursday, December 12th. BY BUYING A PAIR OF NEW WILSON Sunday, December 8th. LONDON, December 3 British, French and Italians are in agree GUY EMPEY SHOES, BE SURE TO BUY HARRY MOREY Gifts ment on the proposed punishment of Hohenzollern, but await the ar- in Christmas rival President Wilson before taking any action, says the Evening in "OVER THE TOP" Have them properly finish- of "A BACHELOR'S CHILDREN" News. And, Pathe News Travelogue ed. We do finishing the CARRIES 50 MEN And REGALS BIG AMERICAN AIRPLANE NEW better kind. e, "HIS WIFE'S DRESS" Friday, 13th. 2 The newest type sea-plan- and December WASHINGTON, December of (Imitation Charlie Chaplin) Made of beet grade of real the largest in the world, broke all records in number of passengers WALLACE REID leather, they'll help you con-tinu- e tarried, taking 50 men in flight. It has 3 liberty motors for propulsion, in Honolulu Photo Supply Co. 1 horse-pow- Monday, December 9th. "BELIEVE ME, XANTIPPE" to observe real economy. with maximum er of 1200, and a cruising speed of 80 miles P. O. Box 769 HONOLULU i - SONIA MARKOVA Also, "THE BULL'S EYE" per hour. 'itlSSSi i "Everything Photographic" ? GOVERNMENT WILL TAKE ALL 1919 CROP in And VICTORY PARADE HONOLULU, December 3 It is understood that the U. S. sugar "A HEART'S REVENGE" !vKCvM0WZOi equalization board will purchase the entire 1919 Hawaiian crop, sell- Also, "THE EAGLE'S EYE" Df Coming Monday CHARLEY MIX-UP- " CHAPLIN Rt by mail. ing it to the refiners. This also applies to Cuban and Porto Rican su- And," "MARY'S in "A DOG'S LIFE" We'll you gars. It is not known yet whether it will have any effect on the selling THE HOME OF THE conditions. Stclnwoy nd GUARDSMEN TO COME HOME SOON Starr HONOLULU, November 29 It is reported that the 1st and 32nd PIANOS Regal regiments will return to Hawaii which means an early demobilization Shoe of the federalized militia. Kahului Theatre TEACHERS ASK MORE PAY HONOLULU, November 29 Oahu teachers association adopted Saturday, December 7th. Wednesday, December 11th. Store one-thir- d HONOLULU. a resolution asking the next legislature to grant a increase in SESSUE HAYAKAWA "A BACHELOR'S CHILDREN" salaries of teachers for 1919-2- 0. in Featuring LAW" BRECKONS LEFT ESTATE OF $5000 "THE WHITE MAN'S HARRY MOREY HONOLULU, November 29 Mrs. R. W. Breckons has filed a Also, "THE EAGLE'S EYE" And PATHE NEWS petition for the probate of the will of her late husband. Estate is valued And TRAVELOGUE at $5000 ISAAC COCKETT DEAD Monday, December 9th. Thursday, December 12th. MAUI BOOKSTORE HONOLULU, November 29 Isaac Cockett, a well known kamaa-ir.- a PAULINE FREDERICK MARY PICKFORD in BOOKS, STATIONERY is dead of apoplexy, aged 45. "RESURRECTION" "I NEW8 DEALERS CLOTHES, NOT MONEY, NEEDED "M'LISS" FOOD AND And, "THE BULL'S EYE" We have a large stock of HONOLULU, November 30 "Crusader" Al. Castle writes from Also, "THE SEVEN PEARLS" Hawaiian Vlewa and Poet Carda in Siberia, but that clothing and Tuesday, December 10th. Souvenir-Jewelr-y Vladivostok that money is no good Insld Playr Pianos Kodaka and Fllme food are needed. Thousands, especially children, face starvation this SONIA MARKOVA Friday, December 13th. w at fair prices and easy terms. Koa Noveltlea winter. The Red Cross is doing the best it can. in EMPEY'S We take old pianos In exchange. Fine Candlea NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN "A HEART'S REVENGE" Ukulelea. SHINGLE NEW Also, "FIGHT FOR A MILLION" "OVER THE TOP" Thayer Piano Co., Ltd December 3 The republican central committee HONOLULU, VICTORY Featuring EMPEY HIMSELF WAILUKU, MAUI last night elected Robt. W. Shingle, national committeeman succeeding, And PARADE HONOLLU, HAWAII. R. W. Breckons, deceased. EIGHT 1 THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1913.

tt u Maui And Molokai LAHA1NA ITEMS Latest News By Wireless j Personal Mention Pertinent Paragraphs Damaged By Storm Mrs. W. L. Decoto's father Mr. (Continued from Page One.) u Townscnd of Pasadena, her sistor-in-la- The annual meet ins; of the Woman's Ed. Deinert, head pump superintend (Continued from Page One.) Mrs. Twonsend, also of Pasadena Guild, Church of the Good Shepherd, TAHITI RAVAGED KY FLU CALLS i'Oli AID ent at Puunene, was n passenger to on of inclem- Gill oT Iowa are was postponed account 5 The Governor of Tahiti, through Honolulu last Friday night. which they were spiked and swept ami hi r cousin, Miss meeting will be WASHINGTON, December ent weather. The 13. away, they risked their lives for hours. t in Lahaina, the the Associated Press correspondent at Papeete, has sent a message to D. Murdoch, of Hamakuapoko, spending h winter held at the rectory, Wailuku on Tues Time and again men were washed off guests of Mr. anil Mrs. Y. L. Pecolo. day, December 10th, at 2:'.W p. m. the United States appealing for medical aid in combatting a malignant auditor of the A. & D. plantations. Is into the raging water, to be rescued 4 ,V epidemic of influenza said to lie devastating the Society group. Doctors in Honolulu this week. by their companions with much difU-cult- y Miss of E. U. Uev ins was the nilnut Mrs. (losiii and Meniman at WailuUu Orpheuin on and medicines urged by fast steamers. Lieut. (Dr.) F. U. Missner, returned and danger, for n fierce under- spent hi" Thanksgiv- speaker the Baldwin Dense on war to Barra'cks Sunday af- tow threatened always to carry the ing Mrs. II. Baldwin, Wednesday night. lie spoke EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ON GRILL Schofield last holidays with I'. y stamps, impressing pari icular-l- ter spending Thanksgiving with his swimmers out to sea. at Maluhia. their value r.s an investment. WASHINGTON, Dcember 6 Brisbane told senate committee that Injured Man Rescued the brewers' loan for purchase of the Washington Times was a straight wife, Dr. Eva Missnor, of Kahului. Sam Kuoha, one of the workers, A. C. gave a delight- to of the well-know- Mrs. Co'lins Owing the fact that one business proposition. furthering German propaganda Den Bruns, tha medicine when carried away by i great breaker, ful luncheon on Monday for Mrs. V. witnesses is still in the hospital, the lie denied by striking his man, accompanied by his wife, are was rendered unconscious L. Decoto and her gm sts. Beautiful coroner's impiept in tin matter of the through paper. 1 visiting Maul this week. his head on a rock, an would certain pink hibiscus in a cut glass dish made dea'h of Kisaburo Sasuchi, a Wai- PERSHING GETS MORE DECORATIONS ly have drowned had not McNicoll :. r.iosl al tractivo center-piece- , (.'overs luku Co., employie, has not yet WASHINGTON, December 6 Rumanian king has awarded Per- Mrs. Frank Baldwin and son accom- and another of the crew, with great- were laid for twelve, those present be n held. The dead man was Imrn- - panied Mr. Baldwin to Honolulu last est heroism plunged In and kept him Di coto, . shing the cross of military honor of Michael the Brave. the hostess bring Mrs. j. :, .plosion gas in the mill Saturday night where the latter went afloat until their companions could Mrs. Town,;, ml. Miss Gill. Mrs. David luraace two weeks as J. RILL A LIABILITY TO HOLLAND throw ropes to ihem and pull them t son, to attend the annua! meeting of the Klcininc. Mrs. William Woid has been received that the THE HAGUE, December 6 Deputy Merchant, of the upper back to comparative satety. Mrs. J. 10. Mrs. I'm a Gossin. sugar planters' association. Gannon. e greatest difficul- war-tim- harbor bars in Honolulu have chamber, declared today that the former kaiser's presence in Holland The crew had the .Mrs. Georizo Kidney, Miss Merriman may now E. H. Taris, manager of the Schu-ma- n ty in keeping a track spiked down on .V Mac'lMnald. been lifted and that vessels lias caused difficulties. and Mrs. I'. arrive and di part at any hour of the Carriage Co., of Honolulu, who which to move the crane, the wave-constantl- POPE ASKS PRAYERS FOR PEACE CONFERENCE undoing their work, and it charge of the day or night. Naval olhcers will no has been taking a several weeks vaca- Mrs. A. C. Collins had longer meet inspect' incoming; ROME, 6 an encyclical letter to Catholics took 4 hours before it was accom- drive in Lahaina for ttie French orp- and December Pope has sent tion on Maui, returned home last Sat ships. throughout in he offering of universal pub- plished. hans. Mr. Freeland. of the 1'ioneer the world which exhorts the urday night. Tho damage to the breakwater Is Theater clonal, d the pro- The bonus in be paid to plantation lic prayers for the guidance of the peace conference, to a peace found- Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tenliallow, of fimilar to that which occurred during ceeds of an entertainment in Hawaii this year will workers ed through the principles of Christian justice and love among men. Wlailuku, were in Ildnoluld this week, the building of the enst side break- to the fund. The hum thus .aised amount to about fViUO.OOO, or 5" per- years ago, was duo EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES CHILE Mr. the water some and from the tickets and collection cent of iheir earnings. If the pres- where Penhalldvyattendec'. to the fact that the uncompleted amounted to about .evenly dollars. ent i rice r.i puga'' is maintained, '.he BUENOS AIRES, December 6 Ten dead and hundreds injured mi eting of the t ugaf planters' associ- structure was not prepared to resist The students of the Lahailialutta l ie ns next year will o about lli per- in earthquake on Wednesday in northern Chile. Material damage heavy. ation. ' tho waves as it will be later. "adopted" an orphan as did ' School cent. W ! manager of Harbor Sheltered .several individuals, the amount col- BELGIAN ROYALTY GET WELCOME IN PARIS Alexander Valentine, Tie- Weill uiV. Guild of Holy Iiuioc-- ' PARIS, December 6 King All ft and Queen Elizabeth enthusias- Co., attended the annual But the value of the breakwater lected by Mrs. Collins being over the Olowalu was demonstrated in full in the pres- seven hundred dollars. Plans are it's Cl.iuch, Lahaina, ill give a sale tically welcomed by French populace. meeting of the sugar planters' assooia har- ' ent storm, for at no time was the jm1 a dur- a'-.- J usi-fu- !i..f;v ti fur dance l.u cy articles in the AIRPLANE SURRENDER PIECE-MEA- L Hon in Honolulu this week. bor so rough as to prevent work on ing t iii ChrNtr'ns holidays to raise iri.-- hull, Saturday, December 7. at LONDON, December 6 No formal surrender will be made of W. U. Hansen, and N. E. Weight.Ulighter s in the' harbor. The Claudine money for the Belgian orphans. on Tuesday ? p. m. Children's entertainment at German airplanes. is found impracticable to assemble 2000 at one a the national guard was unable both morn It members of ing and again evening to lie along oT 7:M p. Dancing. Adv. last On Tuesday ami Wednesday this in. place and it is doubtful if Germany has enough pilots. The surrender troop at Schofield Barracks, returned side the wharf with only her usual heavi-- i week Lahaina experienced the The chamber of commerce, at its will therciore be made piece-me- al during the retreat, the Allies pick- Honolulu on Sunday after spending lines for fastenings. st wind a great many years. Jo storm in meeting yesterday, went on record as ing them up. a short leave of absence at. home over Chips Haye Trouble Trees were uprooted, telephone and indorsing a by Kah-ulu- resolution adopted the NEW OF TREASURY NAMED Thanksgiving. The Claudine arrived at on liubt wires blown down, and at Hawaii promotion committee urging HEAD Tuesday morning as usual and start- window Mo'-.i- i in 5 has nominated Ilono-:-ul- u several upon the U. S. shipping board the im- WASHINGTON, December President Wilson Miss Violet Searby left for ed for liana nnd Kipahulu at 8 o'clock. pii 'A broken, hp wi'll as considerable portance to Island interests of a re- Carter Glass, of Virginia, as secretary of the treasury to succeed Win. last Saturday night where she The storm was so severe by this time, damage to trees and car done the sumption of regular and adeouate McAdoo, resigned. will be stenographer for her brother, however, that she was obliged to put V dens. On Wednesday morning one of passenger main--: Ka- service between the SENATE DISAPPROVES INTERFERENCE PLAN William Searby, of the American Fac- about, off I'aia. The entrance to the servant's cottages belonging to land and the Territory immediately. was so rough captain v 5 on Wednesday hului that the the 1'ionoer Mill Hospital was burned WASHINGTON, December The senate helda tors, Ltd. was afraid to risk it, however, and in- to the ground. The fire fortunately War Savings Stamps sold on, Maui debate on matters concerning the peace conference, and several J. Vincent, of Walakoa, Kula was stead went around to Lahaina where not buildings first, did spread to the other since the of November amount to resolutions were presented by the foreign relations committee, but no a passenger to Honolulu last Friday the sea was smooth. Thursday morn ihouuli a gale was blowing at th.e something over $40,0')0, which leaves was taken. On Thursday the senate foreign relations commit- night on business. He returned Mic ing the vessel managed to make Kipa- time. just about $100,000 worth still to be hulu where she took on mail, but she sold of Maui's ouota. tee by unanimous vote disapproved the resolution by Senator Cummins following evening. was unable to land at liana. She Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Campbell of which proposed sending a congressional committee to Taris. I. W. Brink," manager of L. Scatena about 5 o'clock Mrs. George The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Unborn reached Kahului last and Doctor and --1 on & dealers, evening Ho- I,ahaina on E. Hughes, of l'uunene, are congratu- HONOLULU, December Street car service was resumed Co., of San Francis(0, fruit and left thoniy alter for Aiken of Wailuku woi" in fine nolulu, expecting to be back tomor-to- guests of Mr. Mrs. lating them upon the arrival of a some lines today and all cars will probably be running tomorrow. Many has been the guest since last week Sunday, the and Saturday, lie. hits nam- morning on her regular time. Tho Keency of Mr. I.uf-kin- . foil last been districts are without lights 3000 telephones are out of commission. of Joar;uin Garcia, of Wailuku. He George and Frank ed Donald Walker. and sea is still very rough, but is moderat- The streets are being rapidly cleared of debris. will probably leave for Honolulu next ing slowly. Harry Gesner's Fordson Tractor The crop damage on this island is very heavy and some sugar men week where he has important busi- Mikahala This Morning The annual bazaar of tin Church of (lemons! ration at Keahua had to be estimate the loss over half a million. ness matters to attend to before re- The Mikahala did not leave Hono the Holy Innocents will be held on postponed on account, of the bad evening, owing 1000 will be de- lulu at all on Tuesday Saturday, December seventh. People weather Adv. Probably soldiers of the 5th Hawaiian infantry turning to the coast. to storm, got away yesterday, vp grown look eagerly the but ha to forward of supervisors hold their tailed to assist in clearing up the wreck, General Heard granting this Miss Lorna von Tcmpsky and Errol arriving at Lahaina this morning af to Bale year, as there are The board this each Wed- - on request of Mayor Fern. Army signal corps men are helping restore rough passage. always a great many useful and fancy monthly session beginning next von Tcmpsky returned to Honolulu ter a nesday. broken wire communications. night to resume The Mauna Ken came up on her articles, to bo had et extremely low on Monday their regular run on Wednesday but was prices. A Ford automobile owned by the BOY SCOUTS RESCUE VICTIMS OF STORM studies after spending Thanksgiving owing to the Btorni. driven by several hours late Hanada rent service and Six boy scouts Alatau Wilder, Walter Samson, Edward Peterson, at their home at Makawao. Finht To Save Olowalu Chimmey Mrs. Frank Cockcroft spent Thanks Soya Kishamolo, skidded on the wet suffered Chas. Chillingsworth, and Guy Gitt visited the Pali this morning to see went to Hono-Vil- u The Olowalu plantation giving at. 1'uuomalei, the guest of Mrs. road near the new oreakwater on Dr. William Osmers ac- l serious damage from the storm Worth Aiken. Monday, and overturned wrecking the ow the wind was blowing there. They were unable to stand against last Saturday on a business trip. reports today. injuring severely. cording to from there car and the driver the terrific blast through the gasp, but crawled on their bellies around To is expected to return tomorrow. The big mill smoko stack crashed Mrs. J. A. Wilson, formerly of A passenger in the car at the time the point where they found an automobile overturned with C. B. Chong despite efforts, full of visiting in- P. If. Uoss' family, which has been down strenuous but who has been escaped without being hurt. The dffnger, on the part of U. D. six hospital. of Waialua crushed underneath and his daughter Louise pinned against spending the past month at the Luf-ki- n to save it on the mainland for the last jured driver is in a Japanese Wutson. engineer. David W. Kiimey, is d the cliff by the wind. The boys rescued both and brought them to town Months, writes that her health Maui beach cottage at Camp 1, return- sugar Eugene Haneberg, and the children The War Work Campaign on in his boiler, and and that she 11,037 their machine, taking the injured man to the hospital where hurts ed yesterday to Wailuku. book-keepe- The carry hope to be back in Honolulu by Christ- netted $38,362, received from chemist and were pronounced not serious. away cut guy-wire- s of subscribers. Uev. Albert S. Baker, M. D., of Ko-n- ing of the roof the mas. Mr. Wilson is tvnh th" linn The body of a wagon driven by a Chinaman was blown over the on the windward side twice, and twice Theodore II. Davis, & Co. The Maui Teachers' Association is Hawaii, is the guest this week of great effort, postponed meeting Pali, and the driver saved himself by clinging to the lines, the mules they were repaired after holding its annual Uev. U. B. Dodge, of Wailuku. He but in spite of this th? stack went. tit Lahainaluna today. managing to anchor themselves against the tornado. expects to return home some time In falling it crushed the sugar ware Oahu United War Workers An elaborate program has been pre- PRESIDENT AN DPARTY START FOR FRANCE next week. During the meeting of house. pared by local talent for the Catholic NEW YORK, December 4 President Wilson sailed for France Olowalu had expected to start the chamber of commerce yesterday 1, but' Fair to be held at the Grand Hotel today. He was accompanied by Secretary Lansing and Henry White, grinding about January this Apologize And Explain tomorrow evening. Miss Uodrigues. afternoon, Mr. Baker Fpoke interest- will be impossible as it will take con- whose voice has attracted much r.v peace commissioners. Col. House and General Bliss, other commission- ingly on social affairs in his commun-ity- . siderable time to repai" the damage. t ion, num- already in France. The departure was the occasion a Goo, manager of the Olowa- 13, 1918, cut will render several vocal ers, are of great William On Wednesday, November bers, while other local talent will demonstration by vessels in the harbor and by the great crowd gathered lu store, had a very narrow escape r. were to Oahu Com- Clem Crowelt returned home monkey-po- was ;nrt:; made the furnish entertainment. The Ladies al the wharves. A great cloud of airplanes carvorted above the Sheriff when a big Jtee mittee of the United War Work Cam- have a number of useful articles for this morning by theKikuiala from a blown down through the store. The Presiden's ship ajv-i- t put to sea. A super-dreadnaug- ht and 15 destroyers damaged. paign that reports were being circu- sale, which will come in handy for trip- - to Honolulu. IlV' reports con- building was much object is are accompanying the President as escort. Unit- the Christmas holidays. The Molokai Suffered lated on the wateifront that the a worthy one and merits generous CANCELED WAR CONTRACTS MAKE BIG SAVING siderable storm damage on Molokai. Sheriff dwell, who came up from ed War Wurk funds to be used morning by tho Mikaha- wire patronage. December 4 Secretary of War Baker has an- William Uathman, the Honolulu Honolulu this to feed the Germans. Further reports .WASHINGTON, la, and who stopped at Kaunakakai, A handsome new service flag for nounced that canceled contracts since the peace armistice Was signed directory man, is on his annual visit of a similar character were received reports that Molokai suffered in keep- the Wailuku Union Church was receiv- amount to about $2,600,000,000. to Maui revising the directory for the of tho islands, in following day, Commit teo ed will be hung ing with the rest the and the this week and forhe WASHINGTON, December 4 The President has accepted the 1919 edition. He is stopping at the trees blown down across the roads, urged out to first time this coming Sunday. It will was to send speakers resignation of Bernard Baruch, chairman of the war industries board. Maui Hotel. telephone lines being broken, etc. counteract statement, as was contain several kinds of insignia for this it the members of the cburch and con- RESTRICTION LIFTED FROM USE OF SUGAR seriously affecting the collection of gregation w ho re in military service. WASHINGTON, December 4 The Chairman of the food ad- the funds. N PRINCE MAKES LUDENDORF THE GOAT Mrs. Young, ruother of Miss Ah ministration announces that the restriction on home and public use of in During Friday morning the Commit- Choy Young, stenographer in D. H. OSTERLAND, Holland, December 4 Former crown prince, tee was informed from what appeared sugar has been lifted. German Case's office, died on Monday evening TRANSPORTATION SITUATION an interview, declares that Ludendorf was the mainspring of to be reliable sources that the above after a short illness. IMPROVED militarism, and that llindenburg was but a figurehead, as was he him- statement had been spread by a man WASHINGTON, December 1 Railroad embargoes will probably self. He claims that he advised against the the outset and after namd Finkboner. The matter looked not be so severe this winter as last, as transportation conditions bet- warat are seeking peace. He says he saw de- so serious that the Committee decided ter than for several years past. the battle of the Marne advised to publicity denounce the report; this in 1914. for Verdun defeat, saying GET CLAIMS IN FOR PROPERTY IN EUROPE feat He declined to accept blame was done and the name of Finkboner he was not supported, says he has not renounced his right to suc- was used. Mr. Charles F. Finkboner In The Churches WASHINGTON, December A The state department asks that all lie cession, will a common citizen of Germany immediately published a denial, that persons owing property in enemy countries file with the department a but be willing to became if, nothing disloyal tt a republic is established, to going to work in a factory if the he said or nmplcte list of same at earliest opportunity. This information is need- even in connection with the Campaign. WAILUKU UNION CHURCH fatherland will be benefitted. The Committee finds after very ed in settling up peace claims. close investigation that Mr. Finkbon- Uowland 13. Dodge, Minister. FOOD SHIPS REACH EUROPE HONOLULU, December 3 Thousands of shade and fruit trees Mrs. Mary Hofimai-n-K-unew- Or- - er did not make any itatement to in- WASHINGTON, December 4 The first fleet of ships carrying are down all over the city as a result of yesterday's storm. There is jure the War Woik fur d, did ganist. neithir Mrs. Carolyn Scholtz Weight, Choir 200,000 tons of food for the relief of European peoples arrived at Gib- also much damage reported to sugar cane on this island. he make use of any language that was At Punahou, in the capitol grounds, and everywhere else where n or that could be con- Director. raltar and will proceed to south Europe. sidered disloyal. 10:00 Church Bible School. All PLANNING FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF RUSSIA large trees were growing the scene this morning is one of wildest con- members of the school are The Committee desire to give this remineded A fusion and wreckage. that tomorrow will be Birth Day Sun. NEW YORK, December The creation of a Russian economic ttutement the widest publicity and league purpose with in- All telephone and telegraph wires, except those to Pearl Harbor, apologize to Mr. Charles F. day. for the of American and Allied Finkboner 7:00 Organ are down. The Oahu Railroad tracks were blockaded in many places for having connected l is name with Recital. terests for assisting the Russian people to reorganize their economic the statement referred to above. 7:30 Preaching Service with ser- life, has been formed by representatives of Russian finance and industry by poles, trees and wires over the tracks. Seven trains managed to chop JAMES WAKEl'lLLD, mon by Uev. Albert S. Baker, M. D. of in their way into town at midnight. Komi, Hawaii. The new Church Ser- the United States. The announced salient features of the league's Chairman, Oahu Committee program follow: Only one fatality has been reported thus far, that of a Japanese United War Work Campaign. vice Flag will be hung for the first time for this service. 1. Restoration, with energetic help of Allies of public law and who was caught in a freshet in Manoa stream. Judge W. L. W hitney order. was caught under a falling kiawe tree while going from his house to BORN 2. Free access of Russian agricultural products to foreign mar- the garage. He was extricated after half and hour, having sustained "UED CROSS RECITAL kets and the protection of Russian industry by an agreement of the a broken leg and many bad bruises. POSTPONED Hl'dlES At Puunene, Maui, Novem- - United States and the Allies. It is estimated that the damage on Oahu will run to at least a ber 30, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert 3. quarter of a million dollars, counting crop damage. on account of the bad weather. Date E. Hughes, an son Danald An extended period for the gradual payment of the Russian will be announced later. Walker. debts. Wires being down, nothing has yet been heard from the windward 4. The establishment of a stabilized guaranteed currency. side of (he island, where it is feared damage has been heavy. 5. A number of wooden buildings in the city were unroofed, and Blights Soul The extension of easy credits to Russia to permit development Thu others partly wrecked by falling trees. Masses of trees are blocking "Here is a preacher who announees of industries. Prince George Lvov, premier the first provisional gov- many streets. FOR SALE that the automobile is a menace to of Russian religion." ernment, and P.oris A. Batkhmeteff, Russian ambassador to the United The weather bureau instruments recorded many guests of wind of Imported Jersey Bull. Royally bred, "Maybe the poor fellow bought a States will sail to I'Vancc this week to attend a meeting of Russian 00 miles velocity. The only previous storm of approaching violence Good disposition. Apply Miss Couch, secondhand car." Charlotte Observ- was in December 31, 190o when the wind blew 55 miles er. diplomatists, at which Russian representation at the peace conference per hour. Makawao. will be considered. Lvov said, "We think the Russians ought to defend Press dispatches were brought to the city last night from the Kokoi Russian interests at the peace conference. Russia's fundamental need Head wireless station by automobile, after much difficulty. Looks Like A Slow-U- p is Hot-Foo- deliverance from the Bolsheviki and the creation of such state life GREAT CHINESE PITCHER DIES ON t P.riggs "Well the seems to BATTLEFIELD world that the Russian people may freely choose their form of government. December 1 list Kaiser "What account are my move lasler and faster all the time." HONOLULU, Casualty reports Sgt. Apau Kau, brave troops giving oi themseh esV" Griggs "Nonsense! During the The masses of the people are opposed to the Bolsheviki but cannot 'A7 S. Berctania St. Hrnolulu 1 'lied in action. He was the greatest Hindenlmrg "A running account, Revolution we laid minute-men- . Now organize of themselves to struggle successfully againstthearmed tyranny Ch'nese baseba'l pitch r the Islands have produced and he had made your Mfijesty." Baltimore American. we have four minute men." - Life. of a small minority." ieveral tours on the mainland.