RAMBLERS....NEWSLETTER 68....SPRING 2016 Hello everyone – Hopefully spring is just around the corner bringing with it much improved less muddy walking conditions. As always we have a full walks programme and a number of special events during the course of the next 4 months. At the AGM I talked about trying different social activities and one such event is in this programme with a Spring coach trip to Exbury Gardens on the 30th April offering a choice of either a short walk or just enjoying the Gardens. We are exploring other activities such as a petanque evening for members. We will keep you updated.

Our membership numbers continue to remain healthy but we cannot afford to be complacent. We strive to maintain and improve our profile in the local area. To this end we have confirmed our attendance at a retirement fair to be held at on 29th February and also continue the tradition of having a stand at the Bourne Show which this year is on the 16th July. More information below. Alan Buttery, Chairman Your Committee Farnham Ramblers has a policy that Committee Members serve for 3 years and then stand down. This policy ensures that your Committee has new faces each year to bring fresh thoughts and ideas to our Group.

At the AGM in 2016, our Secretary, Geoff Scott is due to stand down having completed 3 years. We are now looking for potential candidates to replace Geoff. None of the Committee roles are particularly time consuming but all are vital to the continued success of Farnham Group so please put yourself forward.

If you are interested in joining the Committee and want to find out more, contact any Committee Member and we can provide you with more information. Alternatively catch up with any of the Committee on a walk and have a chat about it. We are all happy to provide help and support to someone new to a role so don’t allow a concern that you would be left on your own influence your decision.

Footpath Maintenance in 2016 Mid Winter is the time we run smaller Footpath Maintenance tasks involving between 2 to 6 Ramblers depending on the task in hand.

January saw us working on a small Footpath 209 running between Old Park Lane and Castle Hill Farnham clearing vegetation and rebuilding steps and a hand rail. We also cleared some Vegetation from FP 181 off Crondall Lane (by John McQuinn's memorial gate) going north with the brush cutter and by hand. Then the following week we erected two waymark posts replacing rotten ones on Hankley Common.

In February we shall carry out some light vegetation clearing on FP 209 in and repair a hand rail on steps opposite Puttenham top common car park. We will also replace the rotted timber slat on the footbridge near High Mill Farnham so we are ticking over.

Also in February we shall be carrying out a condition survey on the North Downs Way between Hinckley’s Corner by Farnham Station up to the A3 underpass. That’s 8 miles in our area.

Later in February we shall have our annual meeting with county Council to agree our maintenance tasks from May onwards from our suggestions Our large maintenance task in March will be working on the North downs Way updating signage and adding additional signs where required and repairing any footpath furniture requiring attention. We will also be replacing rotten waymark posts on Puttenham Golf Course and some vegetation clearing.

The North Downs Way is having a re launch on 17th March at Hinckley’s Corner, you may have noticed a large new Sculptural Sign by Hinckley’s Corner to be unveiled circa 10am. Images are being captured to map the route for Google Trekker-the off road equivalent to Google street view. The North Downs Way web site is well worth viewing.

In April we are planning a large maintenance task in Pirbright which we have already surveyed and will require a number of teams working across the whole parish. Farnham Ramblers Footpath Wardens We have 19 Footpath Wardens trained by Surrey County Council and we find the reports we receive from our Wardens from their Parish or Area helps us greatly to target where Footpath Maintenance is needed. In fact our past and future tasks at NW Farnham, Badshot Lea, Puttenham Golf Course and Pirbright all came from reports from our wardens. We now have 3 future Wardens awaiting Surrey County Council Training. If you like to join our team of Wardens please contact John Plympton Tel. 01252 725661.

Walk Co-ordinators Walk co-ordinators are our unsung heroes. I am pleased that Mo Cregan has agreed to take over responsibility for the Wednesday longer walks replacing John O’Donoghue so our thanks to Mo and also to John for his years of service.

New Walk Leaders I would like to extend a welcome and our thanks to new walk leaders, Doreen Heddow and Maggie Ingram.

Big Path Watch As guardians of the footpath network, the Ramblers wanted to find out the current state of our path network (the envy of the world) to find out what makes it great and what stops people in their tracks The formal survey came to a close at the end of the year. Thank you to the 20 or so local members who took part in the survey. Across Surrey about 70% of the available squares were surveyed and every two weeks Surrey County Council received a report from the Ramblers about the BigPathwatch updating them on the surveying that had taken place. There were over 2000 items reported to Surrey County Council. In the parishes in which the Farnham Group take a particular interest the proportion of squares surveyed and reports sent to SCC are similar to the Surrey average. There were 173 problems reported in Farnham’s squares. The path was said to be inconvenient in 138 cases. Of which 31 had difficulty finding your way, 31 the surface was flooded, muddy or potholed, 20 vegetation growth, 7 stiles, 9 intimidating animals or signs and 10 other reasons. In a further 35 cases the paths were reported to be unusable. However, in the majority of these that wer personally checked by David Ross the footprints on the ground showed that the paths were being used. The 35 problems broke down as 17 obstructions, 6 surface issues, 6 signage issues and 6 other. To provide a meaningful basis for national statistical analysis a subset of squares were identified as representative of each Highway Authority. For Surrey 472 squares fell into this category and every one of them was surveyed. The national results are awaited.

Photos As stated in previous newsletters we still need you to provide those photos. Graham Noakes, our Publicity Officer is building up a database of photos. This helps him, for example as illustrations, when he is aiming to get an article about our activities published in a local newspaper or magazine. So get those smart phones out and start taking those pictures and for the time being send them to John Cregan at [email protected]. Hopefully in the near future we will be telling you how to download them and put them on the website. Also coming soon – keep an eye on the website for details of an incentive for taking and uploading those photos! COMING UP

SPRING SOCIAL – Saturday March 19th. 7 o’clock prompt Our 2016 Spring Social will be held as usual at South Farnham Middle School. Our guest speaker is Dr Martin Angel of the Bourne Conservation Group. He will talk about Farnham’s Natural History – Its Fauna and Wildlife As usual, bring a plate of food and your own cutlery and crockery. Drinks will be available. Also you could donate a prize for the raffle? A really good social evening - please come. ALWAYS ONE OF OUR BEST EVENTS OF THE YEAR!!

Parachute Jump by Dave Gibbs - Saturday 4th June Netheravon, Wiltshire SP4 9SF Many of you will know Dave Gibbs. He is raising funds for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice by doing a Skydive from 12,000 feet. All welcome to witness this spectacular event or say a prayer! So make it a day out maybe with a picnic. Donations to Dave direct or online justgiving.com/David-Gibbs8. Dave’s family have suggested he makes a Will!!

Saturday Special 30th April Coach ramble to Exbury Gardens – Organisers Chris Hodge and Sarah Storey

We are going to Exbury Gardens which is a 200 acre estate next to the Beaulieu River on the edge of the New Forest. The gardens are famous for the Spring displays of rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias and magnolias. Please see the website for more information (www.exbury.co.uk). Please arrive by 9.15 am for 9.30 am when the coach leaves Farnham from outside the Sports Centre in Dogflud Way (GU9 7UT). We will go direct to Lepe Country Park where there is a 3.5 mile walk to Exbury. Those who wish to go straight to the gardens remain on the coach which will then park up and stay at Exbury. The coach will depart Exbury at 4.30pm expecting to return to Farnham by 6.00pm. The cost is £10 p/p for the coach, payable in advance with the booking form which is attached at the end of this Newsletter. Entry to Exbury is another £10 and paid on the day. Booking for the coach will be on a first come first served basis (members only). For more information please contact Sarah & Alan on 01252 338998 or Chris & Sue on 01252 725899.

Saturday Special to the Isle of Wight – Saturday 30th July, leader Chris Hodge This walk follows part of the Isle of Wight coastal path from Sandown to Bembridge then continuing to Ryde. Meeting at Petersfield station at 9.10am we take the 9.32 train to Portsmouth arriving at 10.07. Here we catch the 10.15 ferry to Ryde. From Ryde, we take the former London Underground train to Sandown where we pick up the coastal path. The first section is up to Culver Down with great views and then down to Bembridge with a stop at the Lifeboat Station pier. Café and toilets available. This first section is 5 miles. Walkers may wish to finish there and spend time on the beach or in Bembridge. There is an hourly bus back to Ryde. The second part of the walk is from Bembridge back to Ryde. This section is 7 miles and is flat and follows the coast most of the way. Pubs and cafes can be found in Seaview. Ferries back to Portsmouth are twice an hour.

Please arrive in Petersfield in plenty of time so we can buy discounted group fares for those without Senior Railcards. Cheap parking is available at Petersfield station on Saturdays. If you wish to join in Portsmouth, head to the car park for the Historic Dockyard and join us at the Wightlink Ferry terminal. No booking required just turn up. Contact Chris & Sue Hodge (01252 725899) for more information.

The Bourne Show – Saturday 16th July 12:30 to 5pm, co-ordinator John Plympton We had a stand at last year’s show which attracted a huge amount of interest. We will be there again this year. The show itself is excellent with a wide range of stalls and events for all the family. It also tends to be fortunate with the weather!! Anyone happy to help out should contact John on 01252 725661

Litter Picks –The next one is Monday 21st March and a second on July 18th. Dates for your Diary please. Meet at 10.30 at Farnham Park Golf Club CP. X145 (GU9 0AU, SU838475). 3 mile walk in Farnham Park area. Liz Witham in charge. Contact Liz at [email protected] or 07812 785830

Farnham, Moor Park and Bourne Wood with blind walkers Sunday 10th July, leader Liz Witham A leisurely 7 mile walk starting at 11.45 at Farnham railway station through water meadows and along the Bourne stream. Volunteers needed to lend an arm. Contact Liz as above.

Fish and Chip Walk – Saturday 30th July, leader Liz Witham This 3.5 mile walk alongside the river starts at the car park of the White Hart pub in Holybourne at 17:00 with an optional fish and chip supper available at the White Hart at the end of the walk. Please pre-book with Liz by 24th July either at [email protected] or phone 07812 785830

Holidays Spring Holiday May 2017 – Based in Anglesey The Spring Holiday in 2017, organised by Dudley Elsmore, is to Anglesey in North Wales. We will be staying in the Bulkeley Hotel in Beaumaris from Sunday 14th May to Saturday 20th May 2017. We have provisionally booked accommodation for up to 50 members. More can be accommodated if we exceed this number. Dudley will be asking for volunteers to lead the walks during the week. If you are willing to do so, please indicate on the booking form. The booking form is attached to this Newsletter and the closing date is 30th June 2016. If you would like more information about the holiday please contact Dudley Elsmore on 01252 311864.

Autumn Holiday September 2017 – Based in The Lake District A date for your 2017 diary! Autumn Holiday in the Lake District. Organiser Chris Hodge. For more information contact Chris on 01252 725899 or catch up with him on a walk.

Walk Leaders and Training We are encouraging leaders and prospective leaders to go on a Walk Leaders Training Course. These are organised by Surrey Area Ramblers and the individual courses often run by one of the groups. More information can be found on the Surrey Ramblers website. WERE YOU THERE?

Annual General Meeting 8th November The Farnham & District Ramblers AGM was held at South Farnham School. Each of the Committee reviewed the achievements of the previous year and considered the challenges we face going forward. The consensus was another successful year with membership gradually rising, the walks programme maintained, a very successful year for footpath maintenance and our profile maintained in local media and relevant publications. Our finances continue to remain healthy. At the AGM, three of our Committee stood down. These were Sue Ford, Treasurer, Chris Hodge, Membership Secretary and David Ross, Footpath Secretary being replaced by Gillian Smith, Glenn Shearer and Tim Devis respectively. Once the formal stuff was completed everyone was able to enjoy food as provided by all of the attendees and a bar with real ales, wines and ciders as well as a range of soft drinks. An excellent evening enjoyed by all as ever.

Christmas Lunches Wednesday Short Walks 9th December. The Wednesday Short walks Christmas lunch was held at the Country Market following a short walk through woodland and heath around Kingsley. Anne Pullinger arranged the lunch which had 19 ramblers in attendance. Thursday Short and Long walkers 17th December 53 Ramblers enjoyed a Christmas lunch at the Pond Hotel arranged by Gaynor Ross for both the Thursday Short and Thursday Long walkers. The Short walkers enjoyed a walk around and Country Park whilst the Long walkers enjoyed a short morning walk via Barford, Lower Coombe Farm and Wishanger Farm before coming together for the Christmas meal. Friday walkers 19th. December 21 ramblers enjoyed Christmas Lunch at the Princess Royal in Runfold arranged by Liz Witham following a 5-mile walk from the pub’s car park around Crooksbury and Moor Park. Sunday Long Walks 21st. December. 23 Ramblers enjoyed a Christmas lunch at The Lamb in Central Farnham. This followed a 7.5 mile walk from Central Farnham Friday walks Christmas Lunch arranged by Dave Gibbs who also handed out mince pies to the walkers. Wednesday Long Walks 13th January An easy walk round Fleet Pond was followed by post Christmas lunch at the Tweseldown pub enjoyed by 37 Ramblers. The lunch was organised by John and Mo Cregan.

Festival of Winter Walks Visiting ramblers and other guests from across the South East area were a welcome feature on almost all walks this year, as Farnham Ramblers kept up its proud tradition offering at least one walk every day as part of the 2015/16 Winter Walks Festival. With 21 walks of varying lengths and demands programmed throughout the 19-day period to offer something for all, more than 270 walkers took the opportunity to blow away any seasonal cobwebs and enjoy the beautiful villages and outstanding countryside around the Farnham area. Despite some unseasonably heavy rainfall before and during the Festival making for testing walking conditions at times, the proven resilience of walks leaders and ramblers alike ensured that all walks were completed and thoroughly enjoyed - even if some last minute diversions were unavoidable. Best laid plans and all that… And for those undertaking several walks there were compensations, as “horrible, cold, wet days” were matched by other walks under “beautiful sunny skies”. As walk leader Judy Eccles recalls: “Our four-mile walk around Frensham Manor on Christmas Day, which attracted eight ramblers, may have been wet and muddy yet for one visitor from Bracknell ‘every minute was thoroughly enjoyable’. By contrast, we had a beautifully clear day for our walk on New Year’s Eve, with great views from the top of Crooksbury Hill across to Butser Hill and ideal conditions for a picnic.” Similarly, if inclement weather dampened numbers on some days, others were boosted by warmer, blue skies. The longer, seven-mile walk on New Year’s Eve led by Mike Desborough, for example, attracted 23 ramblers, one coming from as far as Southsea in search of an organised walk that day. But the record this year was held by the ‘Christmas Celebration’ walk taking in the countryside around Farnham, with 31 ramblers led by Dave Gibbs on Sunday 20th December, most of who finished up at the Lamb pub to enjoy festive fayre in Farnham Ramblers’ typical convivial style.

Ramblers Worldwide Holiday, The Walking Partnership. Just a reminder that every time one of us makes a booking with Ramblers Worldwide Holidays, we should nominate Farnham Ramblers. As long as this nomination is made before the holiday takes place, then Farnham Ramblers or Ramblers Central Office will receive a payment as follows:  UK holidays - £10 per person booked  Short haul holidays - £20 per person booked  Long haul holidays - £30 per person booked If you would like more information or would like to contact Ramblers Worldwide Holidays to nominate Farnham Ramblers, then please contact them on [email protected] or telephone 01 707 331133. This is a useful revenue stream for us and costs you nothing. We have benefitted by £490 in the last 18 months from our members nominating Farnham Ramblers when they booked these holidays. Note - This arrangement used to also apply to HF Holidays but this arrangement has now come to an end. So please nominate Farnham Ramblers when you book a holiday.

Our WEBSITE - www.farnhamramblers.org.uk

Do you know you can easily get a map of the starting car park by clicking on 'OS Map' within the walk details available from the home page?

The password to the members' area is now FR2016; the user name is SR03. We need to protect members' personal information and this is where you will find full names and contact details, plus details of members only activities like holidays.

Photographs for displaying on the website are always welcome. Remember, we particularly want unstaged photos of people facing the camera and which illustrate a feature (architectural, pastoral, social) of the walk. Please send these and any comments or suggestions you may have to [email protected].


I/we would like to reserve ___space/s on the Isle of Anglesey Holiday from May 14th to 20th 2017

Name______Name______Address______Address______Post Code______Post Code______Telephone No______Telephone No______Email Address______Email Address______I/We would like to reserve a SINGLE/TWIN/DOUBLE room (delete as appropriate) If you are going to share a twin room please state who with______We will be staying in the Bulkeley Hotel in Beaumaris on a Dinner, Bed and Breakfast basis The cost of the holiday will be for a Double Room £420 per person Twin Room £420 per person Single Room £540 per person (including single room supplement of £20 per night) Please find enclosed a deposit of £115 per person, this consists of £100 per person as a deposit for the holiday, £10 for gratuities and £5 to cover incidental expenses. No Deposit No Booking Total Cost of Holiday £ - Less Deposit of £100 per person £ - Balance due by the 2nd April 2017 £ - The total cost of the holiday less the deposit of £100 per person must be sent to the holiday organiser by 2nd April 2017 so that it can be forwarded to the hotel 4 weeks before the holiday. Any extras that you buy while at the hotel must be paid for before you leave at the end of the holiday. Please state if you have any need for a special diet (eg vegetarian)______

I/We agree to the above Signed______

If you are able to lead a walk on the holiday, please circle as appropriate I am willing to lead a Short (3-4mile) walk, Medium (5-6 mile walk) or Long (8-10 mile) walk If you would like to do longer walks, please contact me and I will do my best to arrange some There is also the Coastal Path of 125 miles.

I am also thinking of planning visits to Snowdon and Orme Head near Llandudno if there is sufficient interest. I/We are interested in visiting SNOWDON and/or ORME HEAD. Please indicate

Please return the completed form together with your deposit of £115 per person to:- Dudley Elsmore, 93, Badshot Park, Badshot Lea, Farnham, Surrey GU9 9NF By the END of JUNE 2016 All cheques to be made payable to “The Ramblers Association – Farnham Group”

Please enter below the name, address and contact phone number of a relative or friend that we can contact in the case of an emergency. This information is for emergency use only and this form will be shredded after the holiday or returned to you if a S.a.e is sent to the organiser of the holiday.

Name______Address______Post Code______Telephone Number______


Please reserve me ______places on the coach at £10 per person.

Name(s) of Passenger(s) :

Address :

Email : Phone :

Please enclose the cash and deliver by hand to either :

Alan Buttery & Sarah Storey Chris & Sue Hodge Bracken 1 Broomwood Way Rowhills Lower Bourne Upper Hale Farnham Farnham GU9 9AT GU10 3LP

If you wish to pay by cheque, please make it out to “Ramblers Assoc. Farnham Group” and post/deliver to Sarah Storey at the address above.