46 Bus Time Schedule & Line Route

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46 Bus Time Schedule & Line Route 46 bus time schedule & line map 46 Aldershot/Farnham - Guildford View In Website Mode The 46 bus line (Aldershot/Farnham - Guildford) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Elstead: 6:30 PM (2) Farnham: 7:10 AM - 5:30 PM (3) Guildford: 6:15 AM - 5:56 PM Use the Moovit App to ƒnd the closest 46 bus station near you and ƒnd out when is the next 46 bus arriving. Direction: Elstead 46 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Elstead Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 6:30 PM Friary Bus Station, Guildford Commercial Road, Guildford Tuesday 6:30 PM Guildford Railway Station, Guildford Wednesday 6:30 PM Farnham Road, Guildford Thursday 6:30 PM Farnham Road Hospital, Guildford Friday 6:30 PM Wodeland Avenue Top, Guildford Saturday 6:30 PM Friar's Gate, Guildford The Drive, Guildford 46 bus Info High View Road, Onslow Village Direction: Elstead Stops: 49 Farnham Road, Onslow Village Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Friary Bus Station, Guildford, Down Lane, Onslow Village Guildford Railway Station, Guildford, Farnham Road Hospital, Guildford, Wodeland Avenue Top, Guildford, Friar's Gate, Guildford, The Drive, Guildford, High Watts Gallery, Compton View Road, Onslow Village, Farnham Road, Onslow Village, Down Lane, Onslow Village, Watts Gallery, Church, Compton Compton, Church, Compton, Village Hall, Compton, Polsted Lane, Compton, Withies Lane, Compton, Village Hall, Compton Loseley Fields School, Binscombe, Broad Acres, The Street, Guildford Binscombe, Barnes Road, Binscombe, Loseley Road, Binscombe, Oak Mead, Binscombe, Shops, Polsted Lane, Compton Binscombe, Farncombe Hill, Farncombe, Post O∆ce, Farncombe, Nightingale Road, Frith Hill, Filmer Withies Lane, Compton Grove, Farncombe, Old Station Way, Farncombe, Homebase, Godalming, The Square, Godalming, Loseley Fields School, Binscombe Pepperpot, Godalming, Godalming Railway Station, Godalming, Borough Road, Godalming, Peperharow Broad Acres, Binscombe Road, Farncombe, Chapel Fields, Farncombe, Green Lane, Godalming Civil Parish Charterhouse School, Charterhouse, Hurtmore Road, Charterhouse, Stag Hill Motors, Charterhouse, Barnes Road, Binscombe Quarry Road, Hurtmore, Hurtmore Road, Hurtmore, Barnes Road, Godalming Civil Parish Elstead Road, Hurtmore, Peper Harow Lane, Shackleford, Post O∆ce, Shackleford, Shackleford Loseley Road, Binscombe Road, Peper Harow, Milford Road, Elstead, Hookley Loseley Road, Godalming Lane, Elstead, Elstead Green, Elstead, Church, Elstead, Post O∆ce, Elstead, Beacon View Road, Oak Mead, Binscombe Elstead, Thursley Road, Elstead, Cockhill, Elstead Shops, Binscombe Farncombe Hill, Farncombe Post O∆ce, Farncombe Walnut Tree Gardens, Godalming Nightingale Road, Frith Hill Filmer Grove, Farncombe Old Station Way, Farncombe Chalk Road, Godalming Homebase, Godalming A3100, Godalming The Square, Godalming 22 High Street, Godalming Pepperpot, Godalming 116-118 High Street, Godalming Godalming Railway Station, Godalming Borough Road, Godalming Peperharow Road, Farncombe Chapel Fields, Farncombe Chapel Fields, Godalming Charterhouse School, Charterhouse Hurtmore Road, Charterhouse Stag Hill Motors, Charterhouse Quarry Road, Hurtmore Hurtmore Road, Hurtmore Hurtmore Heights, Shackleford Civil Parish Elstead Road, Hurtmore Elstead Road, Shackleford Civil Parish Peper Harow Lane, Shackleford Post O∆ce, Shackleford Peper Harow Lane, Shackleford Civil Parish Shackleford Road, Peper Harow Milford Road, Elstead Hookley Lane, Elstead Elstead Green, Elstead Church, Elstead Post O∆ce, Elstead 6 Woodside Cottages, Thursley Road Beacon View Road, Elstead Thursley Road, Elstead Cockhill, Elstead Direction: Farnham 46 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Farnham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 7:10 AM - 5:30 PM Friary Bus Station, Guildford Commercial Road, Guildford Tuesday 7:10 AM - 5:30 PM Guildford Railway Station, Guildford Wednesday 7:10 AM - 5:30 PM Farnham Road, Guildford Thursday 7:10 AM - 5:30 PM Farnham Road Hospital, Guildford Friday 7:10 AM - 5:30 PM Wodeland Avenue Top, Guildford Saturday 7:20 AM - 5:30 PM Friar's Gate, Guildford The Drive, Guildford 46 bus Info High View Road, Onslow Village Direction: Farnham Stops: 65 Farnham Road, Onslow Village Trip Duration: 74 min Line Summary: Friary Bus Station, Guildford, Down Lane, Onslow Village Guildford Railway Station, Guildford, Farnham Road Hospital, Guildford, Wodeland Avenue Top, Guildford, Watts Gallery, Compton Friar's Gate, Guildford, The Drive, Guildford, High View Road, Onslow Village, Farnham Road, Onslow Village, Down Lane, Onslow Village, Watts Gallery, Church, Compton Compton, Church, Compton, Village Hall, Compton, Polsted Lane, Compton, Withies Lane, Compton, Village Hall, Compton Loseley Fields School, Binscombe, Broad Acres, The Street, Guildford Binscombe, Barnes Road, Binscombe, Loseley Road, Binscombe, Oak Mead, Binscombe, Shops, Polsted Lane, Compton Binscombe, Farncombe Hill, Farncombe, Post O∆ce, Farncombe, Nightingale Road, Frith Hill, Filmer Withies Lane, Compton Grove, Farncombe, Old Station Way, Farncombe, Homebase, Godalming, The Square, Godalming, Loseley Fields School, Binscombe Pepperpot, Godalming, Godalming Railway Station, Godalming, Borough Road, Godalming, Peperharow Broad Acres, Binscombe Road, Farncombe, Chapel Fields, Farncombe, Green Lane, Godalming Civil Parish Charterhouse School, Charterhouse, Hurtmore Road, Charterhouse, Stag Hill Motors, Charterhouse, Barnes Road, Binscombe Quarry Road, Hurtmore, Hurtmore Road, Hurtmore, Barnes Road, Godalming Civil Parish Elstead Road, Hurtmore, Peper Harow Lane, Shackleford, Post O∆ce, Shackleford, Shackleford Loseley Road, Binscombe Road, Peper Harow, Milford Road, Elstead, Hookley Loseley Road, Godalming Lane, Elstead, Elstead Green, Elstead, Church, Elstead, Post O∆ce, Elstead, Beacon View Road, Oak Mead, Binscombe Elstead, Thursley Road, Elstead, Cockhill, Elstead, Thursley Road, Elstead, Beacon View Road, Elstead, Shops, Binscombe Post O∆ce, Elstead, Church, Elstead, Elstead Green, Elstead, Farnham Road, Elstead, Charles Hill, Tilford, Farncombe Hill, Farncombe Waverley Abbey, Waverley Lane, Compton, Abbot's Ride Turn, Compton, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Menin Post O∆ce, Farncombe Way, Farnham, Morley Road, Farnham, Farnham Railway Station, Farnham, Union Road, Farnham, Walnut Tree Gardens, Godalming The Borough, Farnham Nightingale Road, Frith Hill Filmer Grove, Farncombe Old Station Way, Farncombe Chalk Road, Godalming Homebase, Godalming A3100, Godalming The Square, Godalming 22 High Street, Godalming Pepperpot, Godalming 116-118 High Street, Godalming Godalming Railway Station, Godalming Borough Road, Godalming Peperharow Road, Farncombe Chapel Fields, Farncombe Chapel Fields, Godalming Charterhouse School, Charterhouse Hurtmore Road, Charterhouse Stag Hill Motors, Charterhouse Quarry Road, Hurtmore Hurtmore Road, Hurtmore Hurtmore Heights, Shackleford Civil Parish Elstead Road, Hurtmore Elstead Road, Shackleford Civil Parish Peper Harow Lane, Shackleford Post O∆ce, Shackleford Peper Harow Lane, Shackleford Civil Parish Shackleford Road, Peper Harow Milford Road, Elstead Hookley Lane, Elstead Elstead Green, Elstead Church, Elstead Post O∆ce, Elstead 6 Woodside Cottages, Thursley Road Beacon View Road, Elstead Thursley Road, Elstead Cockhill, Elstead Thursley Road, Elstead Beacon View Road, Elstead Post O∆ce, Elstead 6 Woodside Cottages, Thursley Road Church, Elstead Guardian Court, Elstead Elstead Green, Elstead Farnham Road, Elstead Farnham Road, Elstead Civil Parish Charles Hill, Tilford Waverley Abbey Waverley Lane, Compton Abbot's Ride Turn, Compton Waverley Lane, Farnham Menin Way, Farnham 6 Menin Way, Farnham Morley Road, Farnham 36 Tilford Road, Farnham Farnham Railway Station, Farnham Southern Way, Farnham Union Road, Farnham Union Road, Farnham The Borough, Farnham 1 Castle Street, Farnham Direction: Guildford 46 bus Time Schedule 95 stops Guildford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 6:15 AM - 5:56 PM Bus Station, Aldershot Tuesday 6:15 AM - 5:56 PM Arthur Street, Aldershot 78-76 Victoria Road, Aldershot Wednesday 6:15 AM - 5:56 PM Thursday 6:15 AM - 5:56 PM Redan Road, Aldershot Boulters Road, Aldershot Friday 6:15 AM - 5:56 PM Manor Park, North Town Saturday 7:11 AM - 5:56 PM Pembury Place, Aldershot Brighton Road, North Town Coleman Road, North Town 46 bus Info Direction: Guildford Herrett Street, North Town Stops: 95 Trip Duration: 74 min White Lion, North Town Line Summary: Bus Station, Aldershot, Arthur Street, Lower Farnham Road cycle path, Aldershot Aldershot, Redan Road, Aldershot, Manor Park, North Town, Brighton Road, North Town, Coleman Orchard Way, Tices Meadow Road, North Town, Herrett Street, North Town, White Lower Farnham Road cycle path, Aldershot Lion, North Town, Orchard Way, Tices Meadow, Guildford Road, Tices Meadow, Gloucester Road, Guildford Road, Tices Meadow Tices Meadow, Boxalls Lane, Tices Meadow, 170 Lower Farnham Road, Aldershot Crossroads, Badshot Lea, Beech Tree Drive, Badshot Lea, The Crown, Badshot Lea, Cemetery, Badshot Gloucester Road, Tices Meadow Lea, Sainsbury'S, Farnham, Farnham Hospital North, Farnham, Adams Park Road, Farnham, East Street, Boxalls Lane, Tices Meadow Farnham, Sports Centre, Farnham, East Street Lower Farnham Road, Aldershot Shops, Farnham, South Street, Farnham, Farnham Railway Station, Farnham, Morley Road, Farnham, Crossroads, Badshot Lea Menin Way, Farnham, Waverley Lane, Farnham, THE ALDERS, Farnham Civil Parish Abbot's Ride Turn, Compton, Waverley Lane,
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