First Nations Policy This document includes examples of First Nations’ developed consultation policies, agreements and protocols. First Nation Consultation Policy: A Consultation Policy developed by X First Nation. Cultural Heritage Policy: This policy applies to all activities that may impact the cultural heritage resources of the X First Nation. Consultation Process and Cultural Heritage Policy: A Consultation Process and Cultural Heritage Policy developed by X First Nation Cultural Heritage Investigation Permit: A useful template regarding stewardship of archaeological resources, includes a heritage policy. Cultural Heritage Investigation Permit Application: An application form to be used with the above Permit. Service Agreement: Between a First Nation and a Forestry Company outlining the costs paid to First Nations for participation in the referrals process. Memorandum of Understanding regarding land use and management planning: LRMP agreement between a First Nation and the Provincial Government that recognizes a government to government relationship. Memorandum of Understanding regarding oil and gas development: A MOU developed by a Treaty 8 First Nation regarding consultation on oil and gas development. Interim Measures Agreement (Forestry): An interim measures agreement negotiated through the treaty process regarding forestry and capacity building funding. If you have any questions, comments or other materials you think we should include, please contact : The Aboriginal Mapping Network (c/o The Sliammon First Nation: Ecotrust Canada): Phone: (604) 483-9646 Phone: (604) 682-4141, extension 240 E-mail:
[email protected] This should NOT be considered legal advice. Readers should not act on information in the website without first seeking specific legal advice on the particular matters which are of concern to them.