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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19928-5 - The Cambridge History of South African Literature Edited By David Attwell and Derek Attridge Index More information Index Abrahams, Lionel, 371, 478, 537, 592, 829 1948–94 literatures, 609–20: language Abrahams, Peter boards, 611; publishers, 610–11; Bantu World, 334 readership, 610; themes, 611–18 Dark City, 334 debate, 327, 421–2 Drum magazine and, 399 English and, 588 exile, 381, 410 literary criticism, 1910–48, 825–6 historical novels, 297, 305 modernity and, 327 influence, 334–5, 511 New African Movement, 325–37 language, 753 official languages, 2, 607 Mine Boy, 305, 334, 437, 482 post-1948 writing, 607–28 ‘Negro Youth’, 510–11 post-apartheid writing, 619–27: key figures, New African Movement, 333 625–7; response to liberation, 620–5; publishers, 707, 708, 710 translations, 625 racial classification, 432 publishing, 804–7: mission presses, 204–23, Return to Egoli, 334 293, 804 ‘Self ’, 511–12 transcription, 182, 204, 205–8, 327–8 Song of the City, 305 translations into, 293–4, 625, 746–7: Tell Freedom, 334, 410 autobiographies, 717 Wild Conquest, 242, 300, 334, 397 African Literature Association, 420–1 Abrahams, Yvette, 152 African National Congress (ANC) Achebe, Chinua, 305, 412, 415, 618, 801 1994 triumph, 384, 619 Act of Union (1910), 184, 218, 222, 223, 287, 291, apartheid period, 289 361, 476 ban, 552 Adamastor Christianity and, 570 African figure, 120–1 Cultural Desk, 645, 781 Afrikaans theme, 132–4 Drum magazine and, 395 Camoes,˜ 114, 117, 119 fictional support, 383 Campbell, 121, 123, 124, 344 Inkatha conflict, 647, 731 demise, 131–2 non-violent resistance, 382 early versions, 121–4 origins, 184, 222, 304, 812 post-Campbell versions, 126–31 periodicals, 824 Rabelais, 120 post-Sharpeville, 382 translations, 120–1 prison and, 554 Adams, H.
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