for the BtMth et Nevastasr, IMS _ THE WrBATHtBB Foreeaat ot li. s. W esher 6.193 Hdrtfdiii Mimlnr et toe AaM Ber—s et 0 |h t W o h ^ toalgM

------toalifct. MANCHESTER -. A CITY OF VIM.AGE ( HARM VOL. L vni., NO. 77 (UtoasMod Adverttaias m Itogd iZ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31,1938



Saturday YEAR s u r p r is e! QUIT AT 70 YEARS ALL RIGHTS IN CHINA Notifies B ritab Germany

BMTEBB a b b MOTHEBS ' Win Double Her Subma­ WITHIN FEW MINUTES *We. Pa., Dec. S1.-(A P)— rine Fleet; But Hopes To MUST BE RESPECTED vhion On Age Linn't h R ^ Two Blstors, Mrs. Albert K»hn and Mrs. WUUam Q. McLaugh­ lin, entered an BMe hoapltal. port To Congress As B e Keep Navy Pact In Force. A too waa bom to Ura. Kuhn. UD OF GARNER I Make Resolutions | |Note» h Phin B it P riiodtr Sevanteen mlnutea later, a That Are Overheard itaughter waa bom to Mra. Mc­ London, Dec. 81.—(API— Nasi in? Favored By Majority. Laughlin. Tormt, D e d m United Germany’s surprise plans for a big­ BEING SOUGHT ger navy to complement ber power- Washington. Dec. 81.—(API—At- States Does NH iyitiT ful air force and army threatened torney General Cummings recom­ today to Intensify Europe’s gigantic BY NEW DEAL mended to Congreaa today a consti­ Any Need Fer Nippei T§ rearmament race. Aa e parting shot tutional amendment requiring all NAZIS LASH OUT to the year which brought him so 'ederal judges to reUre at the age many triumphs. Chancellor Hitler "Constitate bseN Artknr- ©i ? ■ 70. notified Ixmdon that Germany In­ ATUS.ASDUPE tended to more then double her aub- In a report covering 1^ depart- marlne strength, bringing It to per- ministration Courting Vice Hy" h F o reip A m u . ment’a activltlea during the yeer ity with Great Britain’s (,^<11^ laat June SO. Cummlnga told 0FJEWS,1CKES Germany wo understood to be Thd 76th Congrpas that he beUevad J*y*“g plans to begin mass produe Preddent's Co-operation | pwch an amendment would be “In ae- tlon of a revolutionary type of WaMilngtca, Dee. 81 — (AP) — cwd with the majority opinion cf Bluntly rejactlag Japoato “imw our people." "minnow” submarine. She also will PVnss TeDs Public build two new 10.000-ton cruisers. Daring Commg Session. j order" program ta tba piar Boat tba He auggested. however, that the antendispat ahould not apply to A BrlUsh aaval commission, which Uhltad S ta tu told tha TeftyM eo v flew to Germany secretly to confer judgea now on the bench, or to thoee For Fhnt Hme Of Refusal ndth Nam naval leaders under terms BULLETIN! I anBMnt today |t r u eriiod an Atom * whoae appolntmenta mlipit be con- lean rishto in China. of the 1B86 Aoiclo-Germon naval Washington. Dae. 81.- finned prior to the amendment’a tro ty , w o expected back today to —Seilato Demoarato doltyorod to tba Jaaaassa kdontloa. Of Apology; Says Jewry foroton Offleo fay ^r-rTamtor The attorney genera] also sub­ report to the admiralty. •noosly re-alartod Senator Full Information on the situation B ^ l r y (D.. Ry.). m majority Grow hUtod In pUta hot mitted recommendations of the Ju­ ^ Is Fanners' lluroat Cotter will be dispatched immediately to Mader at a harmonlons moct- friendly terma that tha UMtod dicial Conference, beaded by Chief Prime Minister CHiamberlaln, spend­ I Statoa ’Moss not admit- any liaaJ Justice Hughes o t the Supreme hig today, rhalr raurns tooted or warraat for one i----- Taimn ing the holidays In Torkshlre. only 20 mlnutea. Then court, for eatabtishment of IS new I ~2^ "oonatltuto Itoolftoo rnaatteay Federal ludgeships. Berlin, Dec. 81.—(AP) —German Nay Affect Borne Talk general expraoslons of friend, This unexpected turn In the Euro­ ship end good will among oana- ““ agonPoftaS. UrgiH New Jndgeahipe newspapers lashed at the United la aitoa net under ita uiaa. U m conference, which met here pean picture mav have an Important tori who have differed widely States government today aa Adolf on legtilativa Issoeo In lest SepL 29. urged two new judge- effect upon Chamberlain’s talks SotrannMnt —rnnul ahlpa for the Eighth Circuit Court Hitler set Naxldora on Its "road of January 11-14 with Premier Mus­ past. of Anpeele. two for the Southern destiny" for 1989 with the admoni solini In Rome. district of New Tork end one each tlon that tha army must be Under the Anglo-German naval Washington, Dec. 31. — (AP) — I liw troatlM off aettog pm — B to ^ treaty, Germany agreed to restrict for the following: Sixth CXreult strengthened. Thers were numerous stgna today a ^ amphatleany u wwiid n 5 Court of App^s, two fqr the bersell to 38 per cent of British ton­ World Jewry la the American nage In every category but subma­ that tha administratlor - courting Southern dlstHci of New Tork and farmers “throat cutter” and Seere- Becauo they resented hla alleged attenUons to Czech film star LMa MM each for the following: Sixth rines. She agreed to Umit ber O- Vice Piesld-nt Gamer’s co-operation toiy of Interior Ickea their “gen ooat strength to 40 per cent of “ m o^to ha^'b^t* during the coming Congressional Orcult Court a t Appeals. Seventh oral agent,’’ newspapers declared en w . Paul Gocbbela, second rsaicing NosL so oeverelv ha !■ mn Oreult Court of Anpeela. New Jer- Britain’s. But It was further agreed session. NaAaaanMtob assailing the "Roosevelt regime." ^ t Germany had the right. If she Uch!* *1 ®?,*'**" ***«• husband, actor GusUv Froe^ - eey. Eastern district of Peonavl- The story of Germany’s protest llch, w o In a concentraUon camp at the Ume. r w The jovial, chunky Vice P n sl. 1^ rrhto goyarnmant „ vanla. Nortbam district of O eor^ deemed It necessary, to bul'd up to against lekes’ Cleveland s p e ^ of dent, who h u been credited with r W a o€ Um Unitod Statoa aa thaw Eastern district of Missouri, Swth Dec. 18 and the State Department’s the full British submarine tonnage using hie Influenoe against some axtat and dora not glvo aaaanTto era (Bstrlct of Oallfornla, Western after “frientUv discussion'’ between Met New Deal leglalaUvo propoaale. aay to palrmant a t a w rejection Dee. 21 was splashed on the two countries. dlstriet of Oklahoma and Kansas. almost all front oagee under auen l u held an endleu ssriu of con­ I rl^ ta ’ the Amartcan note Oimnalngs said hr believed that the Britain ho been trying, appar­ ferences with admlnlstmtion offl- headlines as *?Sbarpest German TS*_* *» iapaa'a uew judgeehlpe were “amply Juatl- IJctoat Against Lie Camoalgn ot ently In vain, to persuade Germany PARLEY OF ALL PARTIES dale and Congren members jlnee ^ u ien to M imperaUvs need for bar hto return from hto Uvaide. Tox m ta d Statoa Mfailator lekes." Iba attornay genaral pro- A. communique Issued vesterdav to M ld^ vast aubmartna fleet home. poaed that: w l^s . has held out "th'e Two of the oaltors at hto ___ agency. DNB. A MrmaiMat adminlatratlva offU ..anm g thnf tbatw waa no ho<»e at Sovtot threat’’ o Justifleatlaa. IN SENATE IS FOILm yesterday were Seerstara WolJaeo oer appotatod by tba Saptanto Germany w o expected to go and Harry Hopkins, oowly-appoint. court to supervise the Federal imprayliig/^.Qarman.American rela- tioM aa long as the Stote Densrt ^ e o regardlesa of the Brlttoh at­ M eeeretary of commerce. Othera _ ta __ and perform admlnlstraUVa Included Mayor LaGuardto of New laSOat meat drtendM Takes, gave tlte Ger­ titude. but at the same time she w o G.0P. Invitation Refused By Aasarleaa bmetibns new vested In the JusUce man pudMc Its first knowledge ot t^erstood to be anxious not to Representative Rayburn , _ oonetitiitoi tha Snt d b ^ Danartnaeut the l"kes Incident. sO tter her naval treaty with Brit- (D., Tex.), the House majority lead- m (hipranw court draft new UQ. MANY PARTIES 6l*e Hones ta r AnneaaenMat. Democrats As SociaEsts nuae of procedure for criminal Relehafuehrer Hitler’s hopes for She would be In a hopeless poal- Wallace, It w u learned, aought caaea tried in Federal courts. 1989 were expressed in a new year's tton is os attempt to overtake Brit- thjmeetlng with the Vice P resi^t. ordar” promm. F edm l probation officers bs ap- message bearing the vriah “that we Jin la capital ahipa being la on la- Assert They Can't Attend; HERE TO MARK ITiem rave beer, other uidiratlona or£hMd tha Utatad polatad henaefortb by the attorney mav succeed In eontrihuring to gen ferior pooltioa os to both curreaev that administration offletoto want *toto^ fundaataetal pooUtOM ta the em» aanessri-ient of the world,” and raw materiola. Gamer to have a full understanding ^Staaoe eenfllet nad State D ^^^ (OsatlBued ea Page Nine.) Wtler reafinned contlnmooe o* Clarie House Dems Leader —And a S3rmpathetie one—of their Saba Worry Brltlth YEAR’S PASSING to g ^U v e riewa. It w u roeallsd tasnt Indicatad tt would-be tlietaS the Rome-Bertin axis and referred Britain b o approximately 69 aub- .Monranleatioa to J m ob ^ to 19.88. when Austria and C—cho- that Gamer, at Preeldent Rooeevelt’e quaitloo. request, returned to Washington alovokfa’s Sudetenlaod were edd-d to (Uontlnued On |>agr TWO) Hartford, Dec. 31.—(AP) — NAHONALDEHCIT Reich: as “the year ef the rich- Nearly A Doien Arranged In earlier than he usually dc.u for a 6«t harvest In our h*»tory.” Efforts to bring about on Inter- Congreu seuion. On the day of hto U‘a ’iSSSSi2’-55’2K “Permeov’e conme has been dea- party conference to dlseuse plans a ^ v a l, he conferred with M>-. Roose- tired and a-ed." he aald of foreign for avoiding a poeMbla deadlock Town; Hotel And GriDs Advaoeea Stir Spocalatlaw BELOW F0RE(AST affaire. ’-The obligations which DALADIER BUIMXT over organization of the state Sen­ arise out of our frie”d"*i»n for P^s- Theu advancu to tha Vice Pna- HoUywooi Dee. i l — (AFI-M ow ate appeared doomed today after a Prepare For Merrymak­ Ident stirred epeculaUnn about Jt*Iy am clear and unbreak­ Tear's roeolutletu overheard hero ba- Tha rsaervatlaii a t able." night of whirlwind political derol- ***“ administration might clude: Two Billion, 140 Million, In­ Tsaka he set for Germany In the AND HOP IN RACE opmente. ers; Church Services. to wUUng to go to uttofy him and M m ^ year Included strengthening Sinator Anthony J. Rich of Brto- thou DemocraUe Congreu members Robert Toung: “Learn to ropa a •a Phgn Iraa.) of tha Army. conUnued Nasi educa­ tol, chairman of the recently name«l of slmUar vlewe. Gamer to known steer ae well as Alloa Jonaa.- stead Of 4 BOliim; To Cii tion of the people and execution of Republican conference committee, Oark Gable: “Steal a ar—« from UM four-3roar plan for economic self- Tench Premier Strives To yesterday Invited ^m ocrate and The passing of one of the moat (DsattnoM am Page rwo.) Spencer Tracy In 1989.” sufflcleney. Soaaliste to a conference sched­ eventful years In New England his- Spencer Tracy: “Do the * beat I uled to to held at the Hotel Bona can In roles I grt."- Refi^ To Pay For Arms. ..'*3!? meanwhile, assert- tory win to marked In Manchester (Late "poHtlcel eet- Get Finances Settled B ^ here at noon today. Hedy Lamarr: “Maka every ef. t aa'tha iur twin) I Luna confmnea and The purpose of the meeting was at least by more than average joy* fort to to worthy of the *-lndnseo fulneea with nearly a dosen dancu FRESH TRAMMELS WaMfingtoo. Dec. 81.—(API—Tba ^ atranglehold ” were re- to affect on harmonious orgSalaa and oacouragement Tvo rocotvod In 17EW8BOT8 NOT ______■PMUBhle for anti-German feeling In fore Startmg For Tnmca. tlon and to prevent a recurrence of and parU u within the town IlmiU. AnMarlcOe'* government ended another jrear m the United States. " the stalemate that occurred In 1985. Several ehurcbeii wl’l a 'u note the Lowla Stone; “Play Judge Horfiv the red today, but not so deeply aa The tenor of comment w o that The 1989 General Assembly h naiwlng of the old and Incoming of FOR GERMAN JEWS the rert of my life." offldala bad expected six months German-American relations had . Western Mediterranean posseaslone. ist senators, Audubon J. Secoid and party at the Rainbow, Bolton, will The figure Is leas, however, than James Talt, would to abis to at­ probably draw the majority of Restrictions; Most Torn Joan Crawford: 'To find a stags 1 DEAD, 10 BADLY “nie budget,' on which Dal idler tend. play in which I can fit.” was Indicated In President Rooee- twice haa staked hto Cabinet's life merrymakers late this evening. Frank Morgan: "Get away from , budget estimates of last July, and won only by narrow margins, After previously requesting bis Both of th eu affaire have been long precast that the flacai year end- In AD Driving Ucenses. my green beret. No more gaudy HURT IN CRASHES went before the Chamber of Depu­ (tiontlnaed On Pago Pwo) display. For 1989 only a bUek or fto Stato Jonraal with Uw totentira l4Bt June SO would roll up a ties for the second time, after Ita (Coattaoed On Pago Twelve) blue one." r t abiding by the ehSi of approximately S4.000JI0U.. ^ptlon by the Senate tost night Robert Taylor: “Be as effOrtloea In af too Fofieinl with alterations of the original bill. Berlin. Dec. 81.—(AP)— New my work as Spencer TTacy.” Seari graatod aa baais, be expectod tha ax- Tear’s tons will ring Into effect hi the snii ffiddletown Man k Killed; Ita paasage became more compli- Mickey Rooney: “Study two hours , _ rof axpendlturea In the laat alx cated or the Chamber tacked on 60 many new decrees directed at Ger­ every night for my coUego course." Jeornal f»o_ montha of 1938 to be about 82,000,- new amendments. It to expected to Science Shoulders the Job many’s Jewish population since the Ray Bolger: 'Take slngifir laa- tract. 000,000, Actually they wore u - Seven Of One Phrty Tnk to ahuttled back and forth several violent antt-SemItle outbreak Nov. aona" ' • • •, ptwrimatoly flJlOO.OOfi.OOO. times iiefore tha two Houses reach 10. The soundlnx of whlstlea and Lew Ayres: 'Tialsh eutUag a MUST EMULATE n iio!M»»w Bo Bataaco Expected an agreement. Planning W a i r Economics toll.^ at midnight tonlg'.t U suppoe- home movie I filmed two yeara ago. Bertto. Dee. 81— (AF)— Ow. Fiscal autboritlss confi^Uy sot- n To Torrington Hospital May Sol Okefc itorir ed to mark tto completion of 100 Glenda Farrell; “Be a g ^ niMW maay'B yonth waa taM t o t e pset a amaUer deficit tor the neat If tha budget baa not been enact- per cent Aryanlsatlon of German for North Hollywood." y y f c _ to r a th a doty ed Pittsburgh, Dec. 81. -(AP) —$prlcM, coate, and again prices economic life. Chester Morris: “Keep up my snaUattag the Faehsor hi 8bt Pkmtha, although officials hard ***• ®bl year ends, ParMa- at work on now estimates ot Fed- By ASSOCIATED PRESS S denu Accepted today the War which not only militated against the Already barred from theaters magic which woo the Page Wright ment *111 resort to the Ume-bonored schools and colleges, ordered to stay rithor drtaks — _ _ S!* «Hmase. s^ ^ One person waa killed and ten practice of turning back Ite clock Department’a request to make a most effective Indiutrlal mobiliza­ Memorial trophy for Southern CaU- off certain streeU and faced with fornia the first time." Vra SeMrach, OaraMoy^ aam k **beHhood of a balanced w a r n wore In seridus condition In *n constant aeaslon study CO which CongreH might bau tion but left In Its wake a painful bujjget next year. uries of readjustmenU from which dozens of additional reetrtcUone. Wendv Barrie: “Make my mother ^ Mlddlotown hospl ■ntU action to completed. measuru for war-time control ot happy in her new home." M ^ t a r t t h i s Haw estlmittea of Income and today after antomobUo a ^ . Government supportera, howevar, wagu, prlcu and fiscal poUctoa the national economy did not re- Jews have been prepanng for Weeks ~ yendtoA wlfl bo incorporated in Mr. «» win be offset hy m M ^ B ^ boata of legtolation recommended to What leglslaUoo would to need­ antl-semltlc deereea going Into ef­ m a b e r r a t a o L a m m . a t being overthrown and tiaiwg call- Coagruo.. fect tonight along with a list of atrengtlien Franco’s defonoar Now T a i^ Pea. Si—(AP) — for the WPA reuMlM to be awm. I. «^..««Shway e d What commodities should be both raaep. the ears toft the ad back to taem a mlntotorlal ertoto Dr. H. C Moulton, praoident of a«hject to price oontrol? T> what other changes effective at the Italian tfareaU In Bate Afljra- Stoamatea of what tbi. a m at a wmeat wtMn ha to going b^ IraSy. need to contlaua work nitof throagb erased Into at least Brotddnss. hi a letter to the Falk extent can the type of inWatiftn time, such as alteratfcma In tto mall “ I*!*!!* to a ^ the Foundation aald that during the delivery of parcels to Ireland and oaUcato firm grip on her prevailed In the World War be pr»- FAPER’S PRICE DK*EASBD J w jx S S S . “ to the Torrington onqilra. World War porlod hi both this and ventod so that the nation may more requirement a t new reflectors on the Government supporters, other natkxM: rear of automehTM. effectlvoly finance the conflict and Fltohhuig, UasoH'Dae. 11—(AP) BaSef to on# o t the major itama eapreaoed confldimoe ParUamaat “The rapid odrance of prlees of Despite the recent a""«»Tnremont Apollo Eubnt. lA. operator. Mow would nu h the budget through avoid price deflatton after the war? —The street and homa dafivery aato war m aterials quickly foOowod by Tto pUn calls for completloo of that after January 1 Jews would to pries of the Fltchbuig Sratlaei wSI foaeral advaneca to money wages parmttted to auUr hotria aad res- ( 8R rSM T m .) « tlM ta froia alx to a lucrtaae frq n two to ttawa ^o^lhEoMlMsr p m m * vMpw ^trai «f .iS r I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1988

gtfta rig h t away? ^Town Traaaurar mNCHBOTER EVliJIlNG HERAU),'MANCHESTOl; CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER si. I 9 S t Oaorc* H. Waddall ia (oUkg to aaak DONATE to provlda a checker (or the akataa AD) OF GARNER Miss Beatrice M. Perrett, I DEAD, 10 BADiy eozM to mako a ciUl at oom ttaa from a Federal Youth Project, aii^ NAZIS LASH OUT (hiring tha hours mentioned. Parit Superintendent Horace F. Mur* DR. SMnV TALKS SKATES, CASH Mey*a men, and lodfe caretaker HURT IN CRASHES Tuesday at 7 p. m. la the ttme for Miss Marjorte R. Wilson WltUam Andrulot are active in the BEING SOUGHT George S. Keith To Wee the regular meeting of the Friendly COLLEGE NEEDS Circle. ' work. ATU.S.ASDUPE tdantlan ON PSYCHOLOGY DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ^ Durlnf the week end collect your Miss Bsatrtcs Martep Psrrstt,^ The usual at horns st ths parson^ T o tk C ity, noaatble fractured okun age on Wednssday afternoon will be To Wed 'William Glenney I M p ekatee, and leave tbein at The daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. William CHURCHES ADDITIONAL AID SATURDAY. ojcEMSER 11 (Central-Easterz Standart H o ra -P M I LorfARudM Vt BYNEWDEAl friuitured ribe, chest Injuries, omitted next week. Herald office Monday morning. Help OF JEWS, ICKES fCAaasee la LleHagt Du* I* ketteerk OerresNsss Tm Lets M M firu nnt A. Perrett of Bolton, formerly at Ekerovlch, 80, Jackaon The mid-week devotional ssrvlce ua help the kida to more (un! (Oentlaaed from Page One) Manebsster, wUl become the bride HoipSbj Head Defirere Lm- OENTEE CHURCH THE SALVATION ABMY (CButIuuad (TMB Haignts, L. I., various lacerations (Oongrcgatloiial) will be held Thursday at 7:80 p. m. Hdp TW lidt Haft More Of George StUlmaa Keith, son of and concuaalons of the brain. Adjt, And Mra, Oeo, E, Aascomhe aa a *inidd)e>of«the>roader*’ who lev, Wataon Woodruff, DJ>, It will be followed the monthly NBC WEAF (RED) NETWORK Cant. laat. Mr. and Mrs. Gsorgs B. Xsttb of 19 - ^ k F ^ n i, 31, Naw York city, meeting of the Church Ctouncll. jPrefldent Bhnit In Annnal conatantly haa adviaed igalnat any> Ltwls street, at a ceremony to be baea hurt Im iiparaMy •t laaat for tnre Before Menbers Of Saturday; BASIC - Zattt weal wiiie wtle wjor Ilijfclatoe- M Oealig Vtf. Fh; Pond Now Open. ths moment possible fractured s k ^ ^ The rehearsal of the choir wUl be wus wceh Kyw wfbr wro ws> wteo performed this afternoon ^ t 4 uis moment Newapapera appealed George Koury, 17, Brooklya. N. Y MMntaig Worehip—10:60. Bar- air meeting on Mala street wc*» wuni »-w) rbm wdel: MiSwesti PAWH OF All PAKTIES to the American peoirie to "iid their men by the minister, held Friday at 0:46 p. m. Report TeUs Why More k»•' Poa- Dr. Harry Q. Sinltfl. •upvtatend- Anthem-Praise Ye the Father.. fort to attend the Communion serv­ terrhanKrehIv on ellher HRI> or BLUE akattag (Bad are both .lopular with of a p ^ j ^ t e sslactioaa. ths wui albla foaetufod akulL “ watch-night service. Adjutant and neiwnrkei: Ceti: whre wool wfee wlw. (Goattnued (rem PSega One.) tlon’a ^orthqomlng (arm recommen* fla e r e ^ fokes aa playing first ent tor the post year of tha y«-| ...... Gounod ice Sunday morning. , SS“ Annsimsee «; March from Lohaa- Anne Shuht 17, Utohfleld. various Hymn Anthem—“Ring Out the Mra. Trigg will be with us for the wftrk wrkv trsnl wsBn r*M ebt weal* J'-ter-asSy DMhin a Itancheater'a pubUe aplrlted reel' datlona ahd naked Gamer to aup* grln, Mendslasohn’s Wadding Marsh ____fiddle._ .. Mid, "He _gives — tha catch- New London, Dec. 31.__(A P ) — 5;®®- ;;0®-Breis BaS). Ns____ arord—Uie government In Washing- anA poaslUa eoncusaloa Memorial ho^tal, waa ths guast Old, Ring In the N e w "...... Lahre evening. icanR kelo Y*'Kroo whow "'*■wood w«|f '«*'*webf daata. For thia morning, at the , port them. and soft muBle throughout President Katharine Blunt of Con­ 5:9?“ Nokirl OrsiMatra colleaguea to meet him In Hart- Hopklna — Detailed bla admin- houttbaI ears* ton obeys." - Bpaaker at the meeting of the O00-’ Ppstlude—Twelfth Month Sunday: KMANUEL LUTHERAN .wcl Kfyr knam. South: wapn wlak wtar Raaald office, aeven pair c( akatea mony. Admitted to the Mlddl( hospl wptf wiB w)ax wHa waun wlod waor (ord, Senator Joseph B. Downes, IstratIon o t WPA. discussed possi •training o t diplomatic rMatlooa U1 ware: mopoUtan club yesterday afternoon Pageantry ...... Lorenz 0:30 a. m.—Company meeting. Bev. K. E. Erickson, Pastor. necticut College pointed today to a wfbo wwnc wear wave warn bvod wkv •l!95- jS : siJfclSSnLJ ;e® -i^ ")' sne Buts MorasM Ths brtds will l)s attMidsd by hsr The Church School—9:30. Adjutant Trigg will tnstaU the new were left, two more pairs have been chairman o( the Democratic con(sr- hie changes In the ralle( setup sad to a high pitch naturally haa ra- ..Richard Einery, 30. operator, at the South Methodist church, and need for Increased endowment If wfaR whop wont kthB kMm keko knrv L 'S n f llO—Brof. Qum QultStS -t. s friend, Miss Doris Bstehsldsr of sultad In aavera rapereuaaloaa in The Men’s Cnass—9:30. Bible Y. P. sergeant-major, David Ad(ty. Sunday school and Bible ria—e, the Institution would become a krfa ktok kfRrp wala wror ktha kark a-SoI tiStlS*" oSm. ^ ptamlaed, and at the municipal •*“ ’ **"• ooBiJnatlon to be secretary o t Msrblebesd, Mass., aa maid of Middletown, fractured riba Mrs. Raymond H. Buraham was at 9:30. ' wiiii. would not be present, commerce. t ^ a relatkma. tha p ip lr a a in m . study leader. Rev. Charles G. John- 11:00 a. m.—Holinees meeting, ■Teally great” school of education kehf klflrt kpfa kRPt ktfl: Paelfle kfbk building there are (our pairs, while messaged Rich suggesting that the La Guardla-*Urged that Concreas honor; and bar nlaa yssr old aloes, Jamea Hennaasy, 31, of Mlddle- hostess. message by Adjutant Tilgg. New Year Worship service at for women. kw« kmt kern keu kmed Jans Susanna Mack, wUI bs llowar pbaalatng the Reich’s capacity t» Poeelble skuU fracture. 10:46. donors have also le(t (our pairs at conference ‘■be postponed to a time provide ample felle( funds, absorb 4,000.000 balw of cotton an­ Dr. Smith apoka briefly ca Om , Masting and supper of the Teach- 2:00 p. m.—Hospital visitation. Miss Blunt listed In her annual Cant. Bait. gttL Oadst Ludua Batson of Wast W am n Comarford. 41, of Middle- ■ and Officers of the Church School 2:16 p. m— The band wUl march. Sermon: "The Barren Fig Trae*’. I report to the Board of Trustees the canter Springs Park lodge, a ***■’’ Rayburn—Talked politics and Point, wboss boms is at Fisaaant nually from tha United Btotea. town, lacerations of tha subject of "Everyday Psychology", total at 17 pairs at skates in the Rich, a p p m i^ of the develop-1 methods o t solidifying ^vergant htoad with, the CYP club—fl;00. An- 3:00 p, m.—Praise meeting led The Emanu«l chdr will sing. several essentials under toe head Paneing Party hra.t VaUey, South Windsor. wUl bs bast "Ilnprovement of relaUona be- In hla statement Commiaaioner as he had another appotetmaBt laat anal reports of the. superintendent, Begin toe New Year right—Come J=JJ~If**''0P<>ll»en Op. II hrai NBC-WJZ (BLUS) NITWORK llrat aeoming after the appeal was iBienta, withheld any comment last | Demoerattc (actions in the nest ses- t w ^ Germany and the United by Major snd Mrs. A. Edgar Arkett Ingf Ainon§^ them endowed profee 1‘9?“ In :otmoMlltan Bight. man for Mr. Ksitb, aad tba tubors *^oj»“ or Pointod out that Oonnecti- night in New Ham pers. Be left aacretary and treasurer. J)r. Karl to church! BASIC - Basil made (Or akatea that might be used Sion Statee la unthinkable until the of Hartford. Commissioning of new sorships, more scholarship endow 1‘l t 5*lt“ CalMno Stam» CoilSietora i t wbe-wbae whet \Vhile all this was going on, Rep. will bs his thres brothtra, Warren, «o«nP*«to the Stolz, Dean of the Hartford School Luther League—New Year partv 5:S0—Varlatv from Swlneology wham kdka ws; ' vmai wfll by boys and girls who do not possess Although Congress does not con with hla bearers much food (or local officers. menu, special funds for books, lee S:0e- i:o0- Ka*«enmayar KIndarQVtn T. Emmet Claris of Everett and Lincoln Keith; and Ed­ American people Uberatea Its gov B Induction room UBOES CAUTION. much. For Instance, the habit of The Week There will be no meeting of the 2’2S“ Varlatv Tima members-elect here, defeating Rep. to caucus to reelect fienator Bark- Hartford. Dec. 31.— (A P ) —Con- 7:00 p. m.—Open air meeting at The endowment of Connecticut • :3G- Adrian ftoihnl*a Rnatmbla skates, buy straps and keys when who will perform the ceremony will for thoM men to unfold their good criticisms too severely la on# wuch Monday, 6:30—Cub Pack. Mr. Women's Missionary society this College, the report asserted. Is Benjamin L. Tonkonow of Meriden, I*y fC . Ky.) os majority leader. use the single ring service. nac^ut motorists wers urged today lieople^ should strive to overcome.- Cub Master. Pearl and Foster streets. ?’15~ 1*15“ ^'Toa of Groat Man Tl necessary, and also. If the slaes at SS to 31, on a secret ballot Opposition to Barkley Fadee. will wto have a better understand­ week. Instead our society will visit barely a seventh of toe oldest of the *^*floa. Batty kou ®rt«e-l donated skates do not Bt appUcanu, The bride will be gowned in a MMa Beatriea FarreU ing of Europa than the proaent gov­ by Oommiarimier Michael A. Con- IJfe la too short for criticism, and Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsat -7:80 p. m.—Salvation meeting led New Britain Tuesday, January 17. JJjC—Waring'a Pannaylvamana Former Rep. Wilbert N. Auatin proapect of opposition to nor of the State Motor Vehicles by Major and Mra A. E. Arkett women’s colleges and this supplies J*2S“ •■Oe-VoR Popaara In Ooaatiena Cent. gaet. some new skates srill be bought to vtonnet adaptation In Ivory bridal ernment* • ws never know the amount of 1^.. _ Wednesday. 10:00 a. m.—Women’s Further announcement concerolnsl only about seven per cent of Ite an of Plymouth waa named the Demo- f»ded yesterday when Ben- A reception In the church parlora Department to exercise the u tm ^ jury caused by It Insanity 4a The Week toll trip wUI be made later. J’J t ^un. Varlatv " ®®e'’e'"'"etoei*'s New Bt the "off numbers.” satin, with V neck, shirrM bodice, for the membera of the Immediate Federation. Work meeting. Pot nual Income. !:S2“ J2‘5?“ J.® AimoMnead m t cratlc candidate, for House clerk (D., MIsa.) announced leg-o-muiton sleeves and long train. • w e and caution" in celebrating death has knoTTn to result from R - MKk luncheon. Coffee and rolls Monday—Scout meeting at 7 p. The Board of Administration will t.30-“ Naw vaar** Sva Oaneing Am uplaiakd yesterday in The without a contest I *'* would not be a candidate. Bark- famlliei and Invited gueite will fol­ New Year's eve. m. Needs other than endowment ’ l i l t •'•""•V eae Oroh. ' Herald, the plan ia to secure nome Her veil of Ivory bridal llluskm will Ehren the greatest criminals have 1 served. meet on Wednesday evening at toe were covered In a modern gym CB8 WABC NETWOBK lilt siitwir.*!?' Orehsi, Gov. Wilbur L. Croaa, who ad- '*y defeated Harrison for the lead- low the ceremony. On their return The commiaaioner stated Hint Tuesday—Band of Love meeting f*l2“ 5*** Krtna A Orahatre 300 pairs of skates which w>il be fall from a coronet of twisted tulls. ABOUT TOWN soft heart oRentlmca and are b Wednesday, 7:30 — Men's club., usual Ume. We would like to have nasium or recreation building In BASIC ^ Baati wabc wokn weao wool dressed the caucus, urgsd the mem- **y after the death Her bouquet will be of KUlamey from an unannounced wedding trip Connecticut hod an opportunity to by criticism. Dr. Smith cited 'art Duffy, managing >dltor of the at 4 p. m.; (^rps Cadet class at every member present. I w «f wkbw wkrr wjr wrtre weau wjaa t - i t s ilt C !* * . ® Crsksslre kept at the Center Bprtnga Hark bets at his party to fight against 2' Senator Robinson (D., Ark.), the for which the bride will wear a complete the year with a 33 per keeping with other college facilities wprt> wfhi wiMv wear. Midwaat: wbbm « ; I t I ’l t l * * Four sf Us, vseais roses and valley lilies. The Beethoven Glee club will hold amples of great men who had . srtfort 'nmes, will review the out­ 7:00 p. m.; Guard meeting at 7:30 The church books wUI close Janu­ two additional dormitories to solve wfbm kmlir kmoxknwii whaawhee kfab krni ? • AaaoijnsoJf Uneia Jlm*a OtflaeliefieM ehsok will bs kspt to Insurs that of peach-colored net and will carry Sunday night The hoUday aoolce of the famous merchant Jolm 8 p. m. added since July 1 of last year. »m bd wisn wibw kfh aflar a pariod of aoma hours' uss, for the Republican floor leadership moved Into their offices and old an At Achod And for a number of yean hours at the Manchester post office Wanamalcer, who sometimes would Burnham, John Cragin, Be,i Crehore, Saturday, 9:00, Boys’ and Girls’ wkbb wtaa wkbh wrro wehi k irj wnak v5?“ S»0^" Dancing Muala OraMeatM gained support' today. It woe re- ones sought ths preferred qimrters old-faabloned nosegay. Tte WM prominent in tba Community Friday—Singing company prac­ Choir. Ooiutniotlng Three Buildings Wor whib kzio kdab wens wmfs ths skatss art rstumsd to tbs lodgs motbar of the bride v riU ^ dfUMsd on Monday, when New Year's will go behind the counters of hla atorh George Dame, Horace Eaton, George tice at 6:30 p. m.; hoUnesa meeting ported that Aloom felt hs oould not Boxes were stacked high in corn- Playars of Mancbeater. Mr. Keith F U N E B A ie Flab. MISS BIARJORIE WILSON The report said further that with kvor hysm kli kob ksl kgro In plum colored aUk ahd tha mothar bs Observed, wlU be aa announced to wa't on eustomera bi a roah, a t 7:30 p. m.; Songster practice at i*'StJ?iSt!!!5.»L"'F'*e"*oV^ dsvots the time demanded of the k*>d tecreuries scurried about after graduating from Wffbraham greatly to the chagrin of tlpi Friday, 8:80—Troop I, Girl Scouts. 7:80 p. m. SECOND OONOREOATIONAL toe start of work on toe new Fred­ loiie I Ja Park attendants have estimated of Uia bridegroom In black valvat Ae^enay attended tba New York Mrs. Davig g, Moriarty eric BUI Hall in toe spring, toe c o a s t —knt koln kfpy kvl koto Soy IlMt ovur 100 ehUdraa wko do not HouM leader because of bis duties ^ superintend their movement Both mothara will waar eCtuagaa of clerics. Mise. Emily Smith, captain. Ferrta B. Reynolds, PH.D.. Minister I karm kbbo ksbro klro ksor i?.SsT« SCrir* •B®" " W " Nuertst as asslstaat to his fathsr ia the reloming legislators sx Btete College of Forestry connseted The funeral of Mrs. Minnie , Friday, 6:30—Troop 7. Girl Scouts. an*!*’;.!?*’ X College. Hartford. She to em , college - would be engaged ______In con- 11.00- ll.OO-New Vesr-e Ostallia pMa kot own skates stand on the pond’s gardanlaa. Hava you an old pair < 4 akatea In Dr. Smith adviaed giving a good ST. MARY’S CnUBCIt Wstsrbuiy oonaplraoy trial. pressed wide differences of opinion with Syraeuaa University. your houM which aran’t la u m 7 lyera Moriarty. widow of honest wort of a-mras* ation rriUB- 3ttsa''Jiwsie Hewitt, captain. New Year’s Communion service ao Alton street have announced toe ployed by toe Connecticut General etfuctlng three new buildings at the a OBtta« MdsUaas srsiy day, aad It seams The altuatloa rslatlvs to the pro- prospective Issues, S«S** Moriarty, wss held at the Saturday, 9:00—Food sale. Hale’s Rev. James Stuart NelU, Rector same time, the others being toe that, with all the outgrown sad un Help tie help the kids who haven't ever it was merltsd; wa wait too St 10:46. Music by toe choir with Insurance company in Hartford. —Words and Music; d;16—Ma Per­ any "tm S posed later-party coaferenoe today forecast a'short, "do noth William P. Qulsh funeral home at Store basement Conducted by the Frank LoomU Palmer Auditorium 10:80—Headlines a»«d ftdbMMi used akatea imaging in many a and poaoaful ralatlonohlpa batwaan any akatM to have more fun. Give Ion? to nralse peo-ile. Ke adviaed Miss Helen BerggAn, guest s o l ^ ***■• '* * graduate of top kins; 8—Al Pearce; 8:80—Richard 11:00—News, Weather. appeared to binge entirely on s de- ’***" and others contended watera of Pocotopaug lake 0:30 this morning and at S t beln? friendly and attached much CYP club. Sunday, Jan. 1st., 1939—Sunday Prelude-PastoriUe ...... Foote % *®" ^ Manchester High school and Con- and toe Harkneaa Chapel. npoattoiy tmaa ia town, thsss klda might bs and among nations; from a firm .Leave them at The Her- Saturday, 9:30—Troop 7, Boy after Cbrlstmas: Crooks, tenor: 9—PhU SpUtoiny’s 11:18—Vincent Lopes Orcbsattia. dHon by Senator Rich. cMtmverslal qtiestlona might where ahe aad Thaodore HInea, 33 aid office Monday mormng. Some Bridget's church at 10 o'clock where tmnortance to a smile, which coata Anthem—Send Out Thy Light . . . . I ®‘?‘ ® College. He la em- Gifts during 1937-1938 and up to Bt flC 4a^ njoyliig thAmsslvsa Bo The Herald conviction that fsUura to obaarv* a solemn requiem high mass was Scouts. Mr. Irwin, Scoutmaster. ^rla: 9:30—Biddy Duchin orchestra 11:80—b u l Psndarvis* Orehsntia. ita avfw . As It was left early today, ths ^*2** imtll mid-summer, of Farmlngttm, had gone skating raoaey l« needed too. to put them in nothing. He advocated the use &t 9:30 m.—Church school. Men's Uounod I ■ ! P‘°y*** engineering depart- Dec. I were put down at $300,000 10—Morek Wtber ConcerL laa taken ths lalttattys to oouset that principle breads InteruatlCoal last night ' ^ celebrated. Rev. James P. Tlmmlna, N o1«>»« to capital Improve' baa com­ Beethoven's “Funeral Maroh.' Bervloe 11:00 a. m. fl:30 p. m— Glrto Scouts. United States, ite possessions and Mmoet two per cent whUe prices t.iente." Tuesday topics: 5:80—SwUigoIogy Tbs Srst donor ysoterday after- if* ^ 6r and Talt will proWsms- _ „ ^ mitted ltM.f In various International Memen waa returned here from at the South Methodlct ehurch un­ 667 Farmington Ave. ney. YEAR SURPRISE The bearers were Theodore C. der auspices of tha Ooamopolltaa Hartford— Saturday, 10:00 a. m.—Confirma­ Canada will lift glasses of milk, farmeni pay for non-form goods and WJZ-NBC, CBS. MBS, 1 3 -N o«i. 8:00—Nswa surt Wsatlwr noon bad mads hla gift within a half **?]? ***• •‘•tancs of power, L Senator Connally (D., Tex.), said effe^fbenta and underatendlnga (Oantlniwd from Pag« im e) New York yesterday with 43 cents 2Hmmer, John O. Mahoney, John Bervlee 11:00 a. m. Friday at 0:80—.Choir rehearsal. to his name aad a memory of $10.- club. - tion ctoos for glrto. ll:00 a. m— soda pop or fruit juices in a toast Mrylcea continued a decline atarted Opening 76Ui Congress. WEAK- 8:16—Stodlo Progfaai '' hour after Ths Harald was on the ***• parties thought. Congress should give • .*-If .. ®"* s—— obaervanca V saoevw VAof WOlCawhich Server, Joseph Rayncr, Peter Gal- "Cod" will be toe subject of toe Confirmation class for boys Note In July. NBC, 1:80 p. m.—Federation of Wo­ 8:80—Wrightvilla OartoB ra ^ t. He waa W E Hibbard of 383 im o “iJf*' "'•J®*^ty in the the President wider discretion un- by other nations the Japanese govc 000 which he told police hs had lesson-sermon. "to toe ever-living memory of Fran­ marines built or being built, total­ lasso snd Giglio~ B Gado.GatT The burial Thursday, Jan. 8th—4:30 p. m.— The annual meeUng of toe Church ces B. WUlart." J* men's aubs: 8:46—Guiding Light. 6:46—DenUstty ToDs A BtotF Srth MMarttest, X aS? TniW f-*"**!' •'•RuWlcans w ill dsr the Neutrality Act. He said the ernment haa of its own accord and squandered on racehorses and liquor. The Golden Text is from Isaiah C^orporaUon wlU be held Thursday ing 70,000 tons. Germany has 43 waa in St, Patrick's cemetery. East Regular qua.terly meeting of toe This mass gesture was planned to UCENSES A ll CAR f WABC-CBS. 3 :3 0 -8 c h ^ * o fto s 7:00—Variety Program with Raff m tdtaiet «xecuuve should be empow- upon Ite own Inltlatlvo frequently submarines, totalling 16,445 tone, He spent the night In a cell at po­ Hampton, Rev. James P. Timmins 44:6: "Thus eaito the Lord toe King “ *• Itemocratlo Rep- ered to stop shipments of arms or lice headquarters. Of Israel, and his redeemer toe Lord Hartford Archdeaconry will be held evening. Januaorl3. supper at 6:()o: |mau^.;;‘r t o ‘e c e t o ^ n ^ ^ ^ S S RADIO Air resumes; 8—Music Hour; 6 Foley, Kentucky bora shigiv • l— M ’a inalated. It la one to which toa Jan- completed, and 28 more under con­ conducting the Mrvices st the grave. SUNDAY AND MONDAY Mount Ayr, la. - (A P ) _ Asa 2 !? ! J *i!. I Cross. Who goods to siiy country engaged In anese government hu repeatedly The Hartford man was captured Of hoste; I am toe first, and I am at Christ church Ctotoedral, Hart­ of toe birth In ChurchviUe, N. Y.. Current Q ’.esUone before the Sen­ 7:30—Lot’s Go TO Work struction or planned. Twenty-four Last night many of the organisa­ ford. on Sept: 28, 1839, of a red-haired Rains drove up to toe courtooure ------Day 8:0^Tom m y Riggs, Rottjr Lsqu Mac & Stlif'**^*’*** ***■ " « t Wednes- hosUllUes. regardlesa of whether during recent months d e c la ^ it­ Thursday night. Immediately aft­ tions of which Mra Moriarty held THE NEW I tha tost; and besides me there is no ZION LUTHERAN. ate, Sen. Barkley. WJZ-NBC, 2— ♦fcT* ** 11?^.. •*S*>t years, warn- war had been declared, self committed. of the 43 are email, awlft 240-ton er he was notiflsd of McBrien's ar­ Qod.” High and Cooper SL girl who was to devote her Ufa to i® ff®t 1939 Ucense plates for his ■astern Standanl rbna, Science Everywhere; 4—Oub matt- Larry CUnton’s Orehsgtta qjere Is good skating. It will take ed especially agalnat "mui In both craft. membership visited the foneral Bev. H. F. R. Stechholz, Pastor, crueadee for temperr-ie, women’s 1911 automobile. It is a two-cylln- nee. DlecuMlng the farm sltuaUon, rest, State's Attorney Hugh M. Al­ home as did a delegation from Bible readings include toe follow­ .SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH 8:30—Fred Waring and his F os a few days to get the project | partiesp who want______to see the whole Senator Russell (D., Ga.) told re­ **** Ifovewment Since Great Britain Is dependent corn made arrangements with Su­ c i r c l e ing paesages from John 10:28-25, rights, justice, education. der single seater with neither ton Some short waves fo r Mondavi aylvsnlana- under way, so will you make TOur|'*q“ ®«' quMtion put back Into poli­ Vr not as­ upon Imports for food, the admiral­ Campbell Council, K. of C., In which ! Earl E. Story, O.D., Bflnlster nor windshield. He said It ' , New York, Dec. 81.—Microphones porters that not less than $700,000,- sent to the establishment, at the In- perior CJourt Judge Edward J. Daly SO:X®' **And Jesus walked in toe tern' A Silvester service (year-end serv­ HAT4 Budapest’ 7 p. m.—March 9:00—Vox Pop tics" and Mid there Is talk from time ty is concerned about the effect of organization her deceased husband ice) will be held this evening at him uninterrupted service. *^'^**> *2" *** *** ^®*^ *'**® Ibree-day holiday 000 should be made available for riitoce-0 f and for tba special pur- for a grand jury to sit Jan. 14 to held membership and the choir of Coat. Shows Baa. A b e Mon. ^ of Solomon's porch. Then came 10:48 a.m.—Morning worship and '•observance of happy New Year ®f tos Heroee, YV6RC Caneas. 9:80—Studiolo ProgramPp to time of having the state control a big German U-boat fleet upon her consider a m urter^i' 7:30 o'clock In toe German lon- PROTESTS PERSECUTION beneflte nest yMr. Approximately poeee of any third count^ of a re- ndictment In the S t Bridget’s churah, of which her Starttng 3:. The broadcaste continue to- While neither Gamer nor Wallace made several unsuccessful attempts WEST SIDE BEG NOTES Christ, tell US plainly. Jesua an­ Musical program: mass meeting here condemning Nasi Oklahoma a t y —Mayor Frank Music Plays; 2RO Roms. 7:80— 11:30—Nswa and Wsatbar Films Developed tion os the floor leader, pledged an “ PPortunlty and fair to abolish the use of submarines by ••• «hhI bminaaraiNninaaAiN ia awafll to Sunday to Include the Magic Hm r** e?5i aggrcMlve leadership for the party discuss their talk, senators treatment which are legally and In the West Side Rec bowling swered them, I told you, and ye be­ Prelude. "Chant Pastoral". .Dubole Martin proclaimed "Prosperity Tuesday symphonies; PCI Elnd- 11:45—Ink Spota tIotM International agreement. league tonight, Hartford Road lieved not: toe works that I do In Day" in Oklahoma City. Key’s two-hour salute.to 1989, and and Printed. In Die House and frequent caucusea *^P®rted the vice president has sug- Juatly their. .long with t h ^ Antoem, "A C3Uld Is Born"...... fin s Roman_Catoollc. in conclude Monday with toe season’s hoven, 9—Happy program. 1340—Horace Beldt’o Orebastra for the censlderatlon of party policy that Federal outlays to farm- other nations." It waa a threat by Germany to Tavern wUl meet Dillon's V-8’e and my Father’s name, they bear wit­ 8ee«, ***>«> R*»«« 8P*ln. IteirGe^SraiS Reason: The city councUmen. paid AM. build submarines which led to the the Hollywood Service Five will ness of m s ....I and my Father . ---- •••...... Chadwick Segen. j^/^.' ttae se^ce rongre- | Mexico were on toe way today to $10 for each meeUng they attend, end In football broadcasUng, four Clarte Only 30 ' era bs curtailed along with other TJe United Btatea declared Its Antoem, "Glory To God” ...... Lee bowl gamea 12:30—Lea Brown’s Orchaatra EUTE STUDIO naval treaty. The late Prime Mlnle- meet the Weet Side Tavern. gattonal meeting for toe election of President Rooaevelt and Massachu­ met Only three times in December. The Usue poaed by the nominating expenditure# and that he haa ex- readlnesa, in accordance with ths Pootlude, "Triumphal March’’ ... church officers. Sandwiched in between 1:00—Silent f. speeches In the ^mocratlc House | pre.iscd Interest in the domestic al- principle of peaceful revision tor r.amsiv ilacDonald told the In the Junior Basketball League Oorrelatlva readings from tos setts Senators and Representatives. "It bos been 15 years to my will be of House of Commons in May, 1935, Christian Solanos textbook, “Sci' ...... Dubois Tomorrow Church School at 8:80 knowledge since council members numerous other features, all ouUln- caucuses was chiefly one of age and lot ment plan. In general. Uils plan treaties, to listen to any proposal the Manchester Plumbing and Sup­ 9:30 a.m.—Ctaurdh SebooL A fully a. m. and New Year’s Day service ed In this schedule: experience. Tonkonow, 4S years Japan cares to put before the treaty waa signed, that ply team wUl tackle atffort's Men snes and Health with Key to toe have failed to collect toe maximum WDRC proposes a guaranteed price for that C-- forward. It. ifinlBojuL departmentalised school with i-iggs- at 9:80 a. m. In English, 'foxt of TO ADDRESS FARMERS - of $50 a month,” sa!d toe mayor. A.U. ■ >1 n old and 20 years out of law school, however, declaredared itself firmly op- the "German decision to build sub- and Boys Shop snd this gams should Scriptares” by Mary Baker Eddy, portion of farm production con­ rHii; KI.OKIS1 ^ Include toe following: "That saying es for all ages. sermon: Jer. 8, 12-16 Theme: The And that’s a real saving—"pros­ On the New Year’s Eve list: (78 Hartlorn. Unna. 1880 8:46—News and Weather \' was commended as "eminently of sumed domestically. Pps^ to any single-handed denim- marinM Is ominous. I do not at­ be very good. In the final game ot It Oak •«. ------of our Master, T and my Father fl:0() p.m.—Epwortb League with gracious call of toe Lord to His peo- Hartford. Dec. 31.— (A P ) — The perity” —for the taxpayers. f Easteni Standard 9:OOT-Turn Bock Thw Clock I age " for the post, while Clarie, 3S rtx^n of the treaties by Japan tempt to minimize its gravity." the evening, Olenney'e wUI etack up CtrrI# lii#i9t#9 Annual dancing party: WBA - Wallace has urged the Imposition an- one,’ separated him from the Miss Hazel Origgs In charge. Die- Dle: ’’Return!” 1, Directed to His ^ after Gov. Wilbur L. Cross r4- WJ2-NBC. 13 mid. to 4 m. m - 9:18—Tom Terrlss ^ e United against the Hollywood Service Five. scholastic theology of the rabbis cuMlon ted by Wayne W. Womer. backsliding people. 3. It promises llnqulehes hla poet. Jan. 6. he win FINDS NEW VARIETIES 9:30—Melody Moments atates, the note said, "has always Bis better understanding of God 7:30 p.m.—Evening service in toe mercy to them. 8, It demands sin­ make his first address as a private MBS, to 4 A. m. P M ®****^y* ®ee- 81 10:00—Radio Pulpit We Wish AH Our been prepared, and U now, to fflve cere acknowledgment of their sin. citizen at toe annual meeting of toe give to the leadership. ■■■'■'iFonkoMw I to know nothing of Visits Or^anage, was a rebuke to them. Me anew ^ p e l . Address by Mr. Womer of Boton Rouge, Lo. _(AP)— Dr. Z W s Eve features: 2 :00—Romany TraU. 10:80—Ifusie aad Amsrieaa TooUi^ . was nominated by Representetlva discussions between the vice due and ample consideration to any of but one Mind end laid uc claim Hartford and toe showing of toe Y. P. S. on Tuesday at 7:80 p. Connecticut Farm Bureau Federa- C. E. Pembertoi^ entomo'oglat of | ll;00-8tudlo Program ' proposals based on Justice and rea­ Uon In East Hartford it woe an­ WJZ-NBC and WOR-MB8, 6 :69, 2-'30—Buffalo Presents. Customers Fred D. Faulkner of New Haven and j P''ee*dent and the cabinet member, Her Former Home to any o th er....T ie opposite and film, "The Pay Off." m. Ladles’ Society on Wednesday toe Hawaiian Sugar nanters’ ex-1 Big Ben from London" WOR-m h h ' 11:05—JuUo Martinss Oransussm seconded )iy Representative Joseohl ***** **® favored such taxes "only aa son which envleage the resolving of false views of tos people h'.l from A eordlal welcome to all! at 3:16 p. m. nounced. The Democratic dhef ex­ —Fran Hines, tenor. Guitarist —s — problems in a manner duly conald- periment station, Honolulu. told 8-Slnglng In the N w Y w 3:00—Preview of Orange J. Glllotte o f Danbury. Clarie was * '**‘ resort." theli sense Christ's eonship ivltn Hte Week ecutive for eight years leaves toe Bowl 11:16—Lorry Huord, Singer o t and Friends erate of the rights and obligations gm rnor’s office Jon. 4 to be succeed- Game from Miami bit nominated by Representative James '^**e defense program remained God....Their thoughts were filled Monday. «:80 p.m.—Cub Pack. SWEDISH OONOREOATIONAL Bongo , I.. McMerr nm of Killingly and sec- “ “ *^ke U.st of niibjccts of pre- of all parties directly concerned by with mortal error. Instead of wltn rt by G®v.-Elect Raymond B. Bald­ 8:18—Merrymakers. 0:30 pm.—Girl Scouts. CHURCH win, Republican. Regular programs: 11:80—"Musie for Man" ” 2**,';?. Margaret C. H u rley e*“ l®n discussion. The American procesaes of free negottaUon and God’s spiritual idea aa presented by S'?:; I "•Si.’sssiiir* 3:80—Poetic Strings. new commitment by and among all Tuesday, 2:80 p.m.—W. C. T. U. 9- E. Green, Mlnletor WEAF-NBC, 7—Red Foley time; 11:46—Madrigal Slngsrs \ Federation of lAbor urged yester- Christ Jesus.” (p. 315:8-7, 11-12, Address by Mra LiUlam M. Oark of 4:00—Charles Paul at toe Organ. the parties concerned. THEATEB 14-16.) 8— Tommy Riggs, Betty Lou; 8:JO— 4:30—Dancepators. 12:00 Noon—Shakespeare’s Eaglaafl A HAPPY «... 'i* of New Haven day that jobs should be created in MANCHB8TEB ^ '0 0 pm.—Brownlea Swedish morning worship, 10:30. PM. nfVh elected chairman Industries "producing goods needed "There has been and there con­ Bonday School tewson Pennsylvanians; 9—Vox Pop; 9 :30— 5:00—To Be Announced. tinues to be the opportunity for the TONIGHT MIDNIOHT THROUGH MONDAY" 7.00 p.m.—Boy Scouts. 7:30 p.m.— English morning worship, ll:io, Hall of Fun. 12:30—Song Guessing Hint set and Prosperous OONOOBDIA LUTHERAN. CeclUaa Qub. 8:00 p.m.—Men’s Sunday school, 12:00. 5:30—Eddie Duchin’s Orchestra. r r 'bv Stnf"^ rh'1 “ P*"* **** ” ‘ ***‘“*' ****" munitions, Japanese government to put for­ Garden and Winter Sts. WABC-CBS, 7:80—Joe E. Brown; 12:45—News and Weather Smith •* Prmele except for the munitions needed for Bowling League at toe YMCA. English evening service, 7:00. 6 00—Esso Reporter—News, and 1:00—Meridian Music clerk ' ■ "■** national defense." ward such proposals. This govern­ GALA NEW YEAR’S EVE Swohnny presente; 8:80— Prof. Weather. ment has been and continues to be Bev. Karl Blehtor, Pastor. Wednesday, 2:30 n.m. — WilUmr Prayer week services wUI be ob- Called To Serve Quiz; 9—Interviews new members 1:30—Salute to ths Nottons to tba Workers group. 7:80 p.m.— ■erved on Tuesday end Wednesday *4®—Leighton Noble’s Orchestra. aUa< kr Toast To Gov. Cross .if? business survey It willing to dlBcuos such proposals. If of the Senate; 10—Hit . New York World’s Fair, Pnsl« At the close of the esuTus Reo- ^ proposed naUonal v w k service. Topic: “Livliig Uo evenings mt 7:80 o’clock. 6:30—Twelve Crowded Months. New Year snd when put forward, with repre­ MIDNIGHT SHOW ! A L S O r m.—Sunday School and dent Albert Lebrun to FraasiL resentotlve Joseph P. Cone'll of *^ *‘d to lessen depression Friday evening toe annuel meet­ By WILLIAM E. GILROY, D. D, WJZ-NBC, 7:—Message of Israel; 7:30-Joe E. Brown, GUI-Demllng, ipesker sentative# of the other powers. In­ classes. Alfred Lange, su ''^® " 840 p.nf Ibe man . 9— Barn------Dance;- --- - 10—NBC Syra- Brl.->ncert Hall of toe Air JAPAN BLUNTlt TOID ftes*“ , «ete*» "O i^an s of the Street** Aid society wiU meet After toe GOSPEL Wats. ■1ft thee oe wheat, but I have I Radio in Reidaw wttr •a'I-X noon la Rosedal# COAL CO. health and happiness, "and I am glad hnsinsss meeting a socla] hour will Bev. IL O. IsMk, Pnstor 416 Cantor S tm t Testament for a series of leesone 10:00-Hlt Parade. to have your good u'lahes for the fu- * * ^ e ( the Saddle” from Israel’s lesders, beglnnlag thy faith Burlington, Wls., Liars' Club. ? 6:30—"Spelling Bee"—Paul Wtaim tlire, ha enjoyed. not’’ And He added, "When thou 10:45—Barry Wood—Songs. Spelling Master 1 on 62 Hawthorne St, tESHTRAMMElS ■pleode Ne. I L **Rai TYlai* Sunday: with Solomon and ■ ending with WEAF-NBC, WABC-CBS, WOK- ll;0O-~Esso Reporter—News. -No action was taken by the caucus All RIGHTS IN CHINA Wednesday at-g.-OO p. m. tbs on- 10:80-Breeklag of Brand. “ * ,f® ’'erted, strengthen toy breth­ and 6:00—CatooHc Hour naal congregational meeting will be 9:00 ajn.—Chureh Bible 13:16—Suadey achooL lah. Then, in toe last quarter ren," for He realized w ^ t a MBS, 1:80—First of "Solute of Na­ Weather. TeL 4918 on the appointment of a steering School. we come back to the New Testa­ 6:30—News and Weather COBL TPES.I **DOYS TOWN*

" A N C T O T ra EVEmNO HERALD. HANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 81,1988 PAGE smm lOuig m* TIm state. neetinx iMetlng willWUl habe immheld .ati New Year Antics of Chrlshmush Tree - TENSHUN - Sunday, January 8th. IWARMER WEA1HER We will start earlier than usual but Lc tots not stay at home Just because DRIVER IN FATAL CRASH lL“ * y ^ e two hours to get tome. Goodby. BUDDIES State Commander Kincaid to verv NEW YEAR PROMISE friendly to Manchester and so to N ^ H ello, tional Commander Ed MUIer. They IN ROCKVILLE IS FREED MESr Ameriou k«fkm ..probably won't be any others Jotn- end we can back them. In- 1938 WORLD This WEEK Thls will be the last cdumn for j'tog our ranks, ao let’a keep the old CjdentaUy, we can make our own [New England Cold Snap Is OonajMender BIU AUen feel good by 5 ^ • J ^ J * * ‘'***““ •• ■•tilelpeS* is n tiiB ERE’S a check-list of things Congress 1988 aad being New Year’a Bvis. ‘J? F®" ^ t t l ^ to some new members and Charge Against Inring E. •fw ««>»«»*» win f » . toI remember - about the year tboM of you who are going to our i,or the ^ ' comrades who have Ukely To End With Ris­ man the musio for ttm itaaeing H Abroad Looking BackwardForward INDLEY BECKWORTH, 25, not yet at^cd up, thin year. Our A New Yeers *«* yerty win be that goes into history this week­ BaU at the Armory are probably j Our beat wlabea to the Army and Sweet Nolled; Luce Who held this evening at this itWa Home — (AP> At Home L strapping farmer-lawyer and getting .ready to go now and those ^ Navy Club and thanka for 'the many membership to 80, let’s not stop. iMfUt Qai% end; Ickei Incident “baby” member of the 76th. con- A representative group r f YD ing Mercury Tomorrow. on Praspact street fbr thair * ttnttand n i h f ^ Abroad: Britain and France, fear­ U. S.-Gcrman relations, Berlin Society Notes wress, pulled into Washington who can not go.ai«, without d^bt, | shown ua during the oomrade^ Journeyed to the funerd Broke Ont Of ToHand Jbil bsrs and frlendOw Dancing wfll o te rt' nraUMtoday ing German bombs, let Hitler Uke papers said this week, are at the Deto-of-the-week: from Texas one day recently, and in teen at the thought of mi-sing, comrade Billy Moore. W lors 'Tuesday evening to extend at 9 o’clock '■nd thezk i w be • tur­ An«y atrik* Austria and, at the Munich Confer­ lowest point in years, -tecent steps 1. Brend i t j If you can’t go Just try and j who has been confined at 8t. Fran- ^ sympathy to Ed Cobb to toe By ASSOCIATED FRESS key dinner asrved et mtdmght. Mu> wltboqt tlM ence, helped give Irenda Diana Duff Frazier, 17, announced: ^ of bis father. Comrade Louie Sent To The Reformatory sic will be funilabad for the dano* going down; who will inherit. $5,000,000 from get the time to run over to tbe els hospital for almost two weeks, Rising temperatures brought re­ Ml NMlOMt rjp‘ him a rich slice of 1. The “psychological break” in "For several Armory aad take a look at the deco­ nim er was home from toe hospital ing by Joe Hammond and his Azl*> •d Mkad. her grandmother when she reaches years. I’ve looked returned borne Thursday feeling to tlm to have Christmas with bis lief today to toe cold weather belt toCTate. Favors, oolaeauhaca ewl Czecho-Slovakia. diplomatic relations, completed last 21, was introduced to 1,000 mem- rations. You will be well repaid for much better. Bflly, I wish you a as the nation prepared to celebrate MMof pMO» and Hun­ at things from * your trouble and will realize that family. Some of the fellows have Rockville, Dec. 81,—(Special) — other novelties wUl feeturs. I^enk ry opmtor, month when Germany’s ambassa­ b w of New York’s ‘op hat society state standpoint; Happy New Year, good luck and dropped to to,aee him. He to to be toe New Year. Judge Edwin C. Dickenson presided D. McCarthy la chairman et the gary got some dor to Washington was called home with a $20,000 champagne flesta at tola is going to be toe Und-rof-an good health. 3leum Omt' Czech la n d , too. .now I’ve got to affair that toe Post can be proud suppUed with an artificial leg abort- Sub-freezing weather prevailed at the session of the Tolland Countv committee in charge. msd f on W o ^ to explain America’s “queer atti­ the Ritz, Two bands played swing change my view­ Many thanks to my good pala •y- We (mderstand Comrade Ed over a wide expanse of the Ml.Ule- Superior Court which opened In The IteUan Social Chib win oela- Nazi salesm en tude” toward events in the Reich, of. Tbe chalrmiut of your commit­ Bee-el and See-Be for their very west gnd some Eastern states but Rockville on Friday. » C90 songs from midnight tiU dawn, and point I intend to tee haa had a good d ^ of work FrasleriB e ^ s la getting along fine brats their Arat New Yser's eve at pushed east The after the U. S. ambassaoor to Berlin late-goeri Upered off with milk at nice remarks last week. We ' feel since she retorned from toe hoenltel/ generally It was mild to comparison Judge Dickenson suspended toe their new clubhouse on French People’s become a student aad reaponslbiUty and merlU toe mighty glad that our entartelnmant » war* aatt> had been called home for “report an "anti-hangover” oar. of these Bert Moeeley waa oonflned to hto wlto the frigid climate of toe paat sentence of Henry J. Raffla, 22 of ‘ticet this evening wlUi • F ro n t collapsed and consultation” on the new Nazi prob- support and good Word of all of toe met with their approval and hope home for a few days last week but It few days. charged with for- **avloll supper being served ) oa duty la 2. Eleanor (Ellie) Roosevelt, 18, lems." members of toe Post. to meet them In February. Perhaps and Premier Dal- pogrom against Jews. of Boston, daughter oi Mrs. FDR’s to almost Impossible to keep a good Weather obaervera predicted snow geiy. The. .. court------waa told toati„ that ** P- There win------be dai adier, moving to­ Among “these Did you mlaa our Chriatmaa party these two birds may contribute to man down long. Hank Gowdy looks for some of tha northern states aad KsiM entered a tavern In Scltlco atrsamers, aad 2. _L‘The Ickcs incident.” brother Hall, “came out” at a White Tuesday night? Then you sure ward strong-man Germany, .last weekend, asked problems,” which toe program. Anyhpw, I wish them oealthy. possibly rain to Kentucky Tennessee, on October 6 and noticed the pro- i"»h«re. House debut party—Lit first since young Rep. Beck- mlaaed aoraethlng! The movies were both toe beat of luck throughout ‘jMnred trying to run Virginia, and the District of Colum­ prictor wrote a blank check. He At the Palace toeatat thera will rule, joined Brit­ the U. S. to apologize for a speech Helen Taft’s 28 years ago—attended particularly good and our thanks toe Incoming year. noN ish Prime Minis- by Interior Secretary Harold L. worth and his 530 an adding machine for practlcsdly an bia but said New Year's eve revel­ *30 and * «P«cUa New Tear-a ava abow at t e r Chamberlain by members of both '.he Democratic colleagues will are extended to toe Cremo Brewing And again we extend our best entire evening recently. It was n ers could expect moderate tempera­ n where he purchased o’clock tola avenliif wtOl tha Ickcs, in which he referred to Herr and Republican branches of the tackle next Tues­ Company of New Britain for pro­ thanks to the Manchester Evening hand operated machine and after hto tures tomorrow morning. cetv^°tinlL re- fefituf# picture, "Up to alU ra r h*- .TOAZB H I T L e Ni V««r‘t in efforts to ap­ Hitler as “a brutal dictator who . family. viding and showing them. It waa Herald for a full year of publicity. N*. I Ntw(. Maker pease the dicta­ day, five stand ‘Baby Backwarth arm got tired working toe handle he The mercury hovered near zero to Sev ®****'* ***»*■• h?* leaturlng BUI RoMkaao. is robbing and torturing thousands out: through Information furniahed by So chccrio and a happy and pros­ uook hifl head and muttered adme” some central states, notably Minne­ ten re.tit«ti™^h •*'***'* **'•* Borattlag and tors. Italy unoffi­ of fellow human beings.’ Winter Weather j^Enmer Rice that we were enable to perous New Year to all. thing about not being able to figure sota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and the made and other features win uahar la tha N*w Dae. n u » cially demanded a new deal on Sumner Welles, acting secretary R e lief is costing taxpayers cure these pictures. ’Thanks El- JEEMS. out how one of tooee things sub- Dakotas. The Gulf states and toe recommended a suspended sentence. Year. » *aa if aw •a n. Pat* African colonies from France. Jews of state, not only refused to apolo­ A 60-year-old man died of ex- over $2,000,000,000. er! Chef Carl Prless did himself tracts better tflan It adds and you Mountain states of the west enjoyed suffered new hardships in Germany, haustion after chasing his hat across this year, and that gives work to su^naed sentence. dances at the IteUan-Aroarlcaa r la«*atlta« gize, but said Ickes had voiced the proud in hla making of toe spaghetti AndersoB-Shee Auxiliary V. F. W get a minus total. You have my mild weather today. Two days ago torw tka eaas* ot Italy, Hungary and Rumania. sentiment of an overwnelming ma­ a gale-swept street in Buffalo, N. Y_ only a third of the nation’s lO.OiO,- and bis already high reputation Last Tuesday evening a very de­ sympatoy, son. i nSVer could figure toe temperatures In toe Rocky ’^e charges of misconduct In op- Fri««W»lp Qub Kingsbury avanua bOBM o*. one day this week. There and else­ out why the fish to toe rivers over Mountain Area were below zero; to- erattog a motor vehicle causing toe Hof Breu m ua oa VlMaga Wan: Japan's army, though pe.s- jority of this country’s people. 000 jobless. This year’s $1,425,000,- went up several notches. There licious supper was served at 7 boyi •aavalt. J r, tered by guerrillas, drove deeper With this parting s-ot, the Nazi where in the U. S., the storm deaths 000 appropi^lation will nm out about werb other things to eat there but o’clock In the V. F. W. Post rooms to France wouldn’t bite, and yon day they were over the freezing "oUed against Irving i. ^ Ikt mark. “ street at *’~l~r~nimt dnnsnarad have into Cjhina; Canton aAd Hankow propaganda ministry’s spokesman reached nearly 30 as icy winds Feb. 7, WPA officials say. Between Lwe were all ao busy eating toe by Alice Virginia and her commit j^Id n ’t always use band grenades Gom t studant at fell, but Chiang Kai-shek only thereupon mqved to dro,< the mat­ spread winter’s coldest weather $650,000,000 and $750,000,000 more, Iroaghsttl that some of us didn’t tee. Tbs tables were decorated If a ahave-tell was to ear shot. Warmer for New Englaad Mr*. Karl O, NelaM of la aau h* from the Rockies to'the Atlantic. B)veo sse anything else. We could with birch logs and red candles, SEE* BSE* Cold weather prevailed In New '**’*''**■ oT one auto, Berkshire avenue, Sprtngllald. dura froai moved f a r t h e r west; Nippon ter: “We do not think utterances the Senate’s appropriations com- England but rising temperatures 2? *"*«»' Ortvro have announc«d t h a ^ ^ 7 - slammed the “open door” on like Ickes's help to promote the Toledo feared a water shortage, mitte* chairman estimated this 'enjoy a few more feeds Uka that one pine boughs. After supper games i^tfae to. but It would be kind of tough on were played, with Anna Barron and British War Veterans Aoxlllary were predicted for tomorrow, **’ Buasell, 28, of Bast of thair daughter, an utur* waa Uncle Sam’s foot. Despite Spanish spirit of Christmas.... We had our for a while, when the wind blew week, will be needed for the rest Now that the Christmas hoUdays A Hght snow feU early today In Bernherdlna to Ha«y Arthur Xag 4n Kantat CUy Star water out of the Maumee River into of the fiscal year that ends June 30. Oarl as it was a lot of work for Doris Modean in charge. The U' toe truck turned over aa the two Insurgent gains, hungry Loyal isU say and the American government Cott€llo tn Keohetler (N. Y.) Dtwiocrat d Chroniolt him. We all appreciate It a lot are over wo are ready to welcome New York City. The nation’s two h m , son of Mr. and Mia. AIM* H. Ulaa Oorta refused to say “uncle.” British tom­ had its.” *Old Beyond His Years’ Lake Erie, reducing the river level But before providing more relief dlea were divided Into three groups, In the New Year with a wish to cars collided. In turning over Soutl ‘A Load To Carry’ Oarl. Believe'ft or noL Curly Olds red. white and blue. I can’t tell metropolis was promised slowly ris­ #trock Vincent Melesko***• ?*i?*’*X Maiden atnat, Spring- IT. mies crushed an Arab-Jew civil war to below the city’s pump intakes. money, Congress probably will look ran toe raffle for prises and we every member of the post and aux­ ing temperatures tomorrow. sko 8#ld. Mlaa NeUon la wau-kaowaui in Palestine. Russia and Japan bat­ Atop Mount filashington, in Massa­ Into what’s been done with the bil­ now which team was ahead with iliary, Archie Kilpatrick of the Her­ Three Inches of snow fell at w h , ? r t r e e t , a mill worker, Rockville having bean a taaehar la ter 8 Bluff Called? have been wondering whether the toe moat points, but toe games o' «>• wcl’ the tntarmadlSo iradL%ut£ ffMT I tled briefly in the faf east. chusetts, the breeze reached 112 lions already spent. The Senate will fact that be is manager of toe drum were lots of fun and every one en' ald. all toe military units of toe Cltveland where toe temperature dent. State’s In return for ItallKn support in miles an hour. get a chance to examine the record "Buddy News Column,” and eiqie- was 18 above zero. ’There waa a Altornsy J l ’Connall | L oe^aw school la Mr. Polities: Democrats in the 75th the World War, France and Britain Meetings-Of-The-Week corps had anything to do with toe joyed themselves. title ’ Brit Quiz when it debates President Roose­ clally the Board of Governors of taro Inch fall In northwestern Penn- Oi#_charge be nolled. Attorney Congress split, conservatives join­ promised that ii they got any Afri­ fact that most prizes were won by At 9:30 a short business meeting the Army and Navy Club for their Md Whitney A l r e ^ dompanf hi ing Republicans to pigeon-hole the If you read “The World This Researchers in Richmond Statesmen Down South Crash Casualtiet velt’s promotion of Harry L. Hop­ membsra oi the corps. Maybe more was held at which time. Roll Call s;'lvsnls, and light snow over scat- HfiruOfda Ie thi can land frbm Germany as a result Week,” you shoult know the an­ kins, last weekend, from WPA chief klndnecs during the past year a U r^ parte of northern Iowa, much ‘^Wlif.^’Wilfred Edward Conner, Sweet 48, of MTAGES President's reorganization bill. New of the war.'Ttaly should have some swers to these questions; More than half the hospital beds In top - hats, tail - coats and 1, Pennsylvania’s retiring Gov, eg ua abottld Join toe corps. was bald and ws all renewed our most prosperous New Year. The wedding wUl taka place In tba Dealers lost three out of four pri­ in the U. S. are occupied by patients Grorge Earle, and his wife and two p Secretory of Commerce. (CoL A late report just came la from obUgatton. Then Santa arrived and Down In ArksnMs. risbt on the steps of the eapitol at Llttla Rock, of Michigan and Minnesota, and In Thom paon^^e^v^ aentaneed to eazly summer. door compensation. So, thre-j years ago, 1. With what country has the striped trousers, delegates of 21 A new year always means a few •fieterq North Dakota. cm ^ two years la Stats to S Oaa of mary-election attempts to “purge” U. S. just completed negotiations with nervous and mental disorders, friends, were slightly injured on F. C. Harrington, an army engineer, toe bowling alleys stating that the each lady was given a present resolutions, and so we ask each Is a Christmas tree thel does things unusual and fantastic. Or was French Premier Laval and Italian American nations assembled in moved into Hopkins’s old job.) team won two and lost one. This Anna Barron made a very nice It New Year spirlU that caused this unusual pIcluraT it’s Ukh Bay. Wla., and Duluth, ®5*** **• plaadad guUty to tha Chart BMof taal|* Premier Mussolini made a trade for a reciprocal trade pact? and such sickness is increasing Peru’s marbled Hall of Congress, Christmas when the governor’s member to try to keep a few for •ton., were tha coldeat spots eo toe plaoe O. Ratflald 2. How many nations sent del- steadily. plMe nosed over as he landed at Fit* f o n a o costing thecoun- leaves tba team la second place one Santa. Alice and her committee our auxlltar': photography of e slowly revolvl^ Ires. under which: three weeks ago, for the eighth game from a Ue for first Sony thanks Mrs. Gustafson for the love­ official waather map last night. It hla roUrlna I •^”0* 'or tha young peopto et the tarhu tatty to lav 1. France gave Italy some 44,000 ^ates to the Pan-American Pondering that situation this Pan - American Conference. The . Said he, next day: try over $1,000.- Attending meetings regularly, waa 8 below in both eltlea. Chi waUo] Conference at Lima? week at Richmond, Va., doctors, “I have resolved never to fly with 000,000 this year. And Mr. Roose­ they couldn’t make it three wins but ly supper she cooked. It waa de­ catching up on dues, oo-opsrate Preview square miles of land in Africa 3. Who is Grand Duke Vladi­ agenda listed these major items: better luck next time. licious and we know It was some < ^ ’a reading wia 7 above. At kat dauMo. Abroad: Few observers of for­ and 2,500 shares of stock in the psychologists and public health ol- my wife, because*! feel tm children velt has indicated he favors still Thanks for the Merry Christmas, with one another to make It toe plot upon a comedy tost Johann tha same time It waa 88 to Loa An- ms. 0 tM r a*. eign affairs will be surprised if mir? Walter Pippel? flcials heard reports from over 100 1. A league of American nations; need at least one parent.” more arms spending to make the work. We even had home made best year for our auxiliary. Nestroy wrote to Vienna In 1842 and with railroad that connects Addis 4. U. S. crop viclds per acre 2. An inter-American court of jus­ Jsems. I certainly wish you a very bread. WILDER PRESENTS gelea, 4H at Helena, Mont, 72 at 19-10. Germany, in 1930. takes in Dan­ Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, with were less than average in 1938. specialisU on diseases of the mind. tice; 2. Seven army aviators died last U. S. strong enough to defend tha happy aad prosperous New Year. Helen, your mother NAN. Nastroy Just as honestly admitted, Miami,„ 40 at Washington,______38 „at . . . p iia s sss JSi« n b . IB. ba aaid zig and Memel. And Nazi and For instance; Rats, like people, have weekend when their twin-motored entire western hemisphere. This is a grand that he bated Kls story upon an I^ledelphla, and 23 In New York. —S*®??®*. "*>#o" Lura. 22, of Var-1 open to the pubUe. Mta DorjaCSail^ ' to To the French port of Djibouti on True or false? Santa Claus must have read your cook. WOULD EXEMPT NEWSMEN 10- a th* Naw Fascist colonial ambitioiu are the Gulf of Aden. 5. Who owns the Chinese East­ nervous breakdowns when faced 3. Unification of existing American bomber exploded near Uniontown, week he proposed a $9,800,000-a- column as he was very good to me English script he picked up but be' during ^Tolland JaU j preeldent and Mia* IM h K o S S u e lambarahte certain to cause headaches in peace agreements; The next regular meeting of toe HUMOR ON STAGE couldn't^Atil«Bee*8 recall where.__ * latm Britain and France. 2. Italy agreed to gradual elimina­ ern Railway? with situations too difficult to solve, . That raised to 52 the toll of year program for training 20,000 I certainly hope that aU toe mem­ Auxiliary will be held January 10 Washington, Dec. 81.—(AP) — to toe *»® *“ ebarge^ffSa TIgen *• It haa Each question counts 20, each said Michigan’s Prof. Norman 4. Further reduction of trade bar­ " “'’y *’y®*'s killed in seven college boys as civilian pilots. Re­ for an to- midnight aervlca. T saaibair* fa ------s: "the coming year,” tion by 1965 of special Italian riers; bers of toe Dllworth-Cornell INist at 8 o’clock la toe V. F. W. Post Representative Curley (D., N. Y.), INADONAl DEHCIT deltolto period. When he epprared 11- Myi Col. Leonard P. Ayres, rights in the French north Afri­ half of a two-part question 10; Maier. He hopes the behavior of his 1938 air accidents. ports that he would ask. next week, and their AuxUiary have a Happy room. has prepared a bill to exempt from , Sendee* w ' to he Cleveland economist, "promises can protectorate of Tunisia. a score of 60 is fair. 80 good. Ymi crazy rats will throw new light on 5. Continental solidarity and de­ for a U. S. airforce of 9,000 to 13.000 New Year also but If they go any­ Happy New Year to aU! punishment for contempt of court Day win b* ohMrs*4 trip I can find the answers in the text human insanity. fense. Prize Winning Anther Is ASKS AMENDMENT to be a period of better employ­ That deal is off, Rome told Paris of, Inst week's page. H ands O ff planes drew this comment from where tonight except to our Ball I any reporter, correspondent. Journal­ BELOW FORECAST was to ^uJtory ^ u a e special hvaina by tha ^ East', ment, rising national income and last weekend, because the two' A three-day symposium on men­ The, conference adjourned, this When his right hand caught in a rome solons of both parties: “Out­ don’t think they vrtll be starting off YDVA ist, editor or publisher who declines AttAnUon lie I tem ont by tht PMtOfs. Rav iv Wind! increased volume of national tal health was part of the an­ week, after; landish!” on toe right foot to reveal toe source of any confi­ Metec -(AF> J . countries' parliaments lever ratified furaace stoker, Henry Donnett, Last call to trot out those New Experimenting And Ei- REQUIRING JUDGES (Osatlaaad trem Page Oae) the State Reformatory. George S /B M T p S S to r production.” nual holiday-week meeting of the A A A ^ * paying farmers $762,- STRETCH Year resolutions! ’The trouble to dential Information obtained for 11- today that Aelatlra: Th# Civil Aeronau­ it. France replied, this week, with 1. Postponing action on Items I, 2 Minneapolis school janitor, cut it publication. Riisaell Merrlam, 27. CongregaWroaFchimto irtU rough a formal notice that she would give American Association for the Ad­ and 3 until the next conference, off at the wrist with his pocket- 000,000 in subsidies on tost they last usually about one day tics Author!^, Washington re­ vancement of Science, the largest knife. their 1938 crops. But wheat and Amertsea L e ^ a AnxlBary ^ then only bMauae we sleep the pamfing Once More. QUIT AT 70 YEARS Mr. Roosevelt haa had to oonsldar Cole ■ ports sa|d this week, is making Italy not one inch of her territory In Short at Bogota, Colombia, In 1943; to worktog out tha 1939-40 budget WM tosrged with obtaining monev '*"6® ®* la ftMr scientific body of its kind in the To demonstrate that his lion cotton markets are glutted with the* The next regular meeting of toe first day after toe night before. But SAVE PBOGOTY HOUSE pretenses. As ______— ery effort to clear the way for in Africa or anywhere else. Suicide: Florence Lawrence, 2. Adopting a resolution on No. 4 Unit wUI not be held until January we can resolve to have regular ladtcatlona are tost ha wlU recom­ £ • £ : _ e beginning of transatlantic Italy then was reported to be silenl-fllm star. world, with 20,000 members and and a declaration on No. 5. wouldn’t bite, Sylvester Kirby. largest surpluses in many a year, Gravesend, Btoglsnd — (AP) — fOenttnaM from Page Ome.} mend. aa he baa In toe past a tente- *®-'*®*®‘* Trom prison I ®*““1®** there *®l belTSommuHM 18- “*«K 1,000,000 more in 166 affiliated so­ Santa Monica, Calif., animal keeper and produce prices are "disastrous­ • as our regular meeting night meetings, to keep toe old YD spirit New York. Dec. 31.—(AP)—The airplane service by next sum­ massing troops on the border of K iiied: Thirty-nine Japanese, falls on New Year’s Day. alive, and to play baU with toe other The Dickinson Society has moved stoolarly professor, the cnidiU Dr. general Uva appropriation to re-revtsed tle M uitber mer. when a Korean railway tunnel col­ cieties. Here are some of the things A Warning To ALL reached into the cage — and was ly liow.” Should processing taxes be to save from destruction “Peg- Instead of by District when toe year's relief needs become tect that he was st foUaid Jril s^J! »• »• T hls^lb: lO; r SScS In Re ‘Aag«lalb French Somaliland. France dis­ revived to finance “parity pay­ From all reports several mem­ veterans' organizations. We can Thornton Wilder, is experimenting courts.. #ral months awaiting trial, Judn I *J*t*ffre’a last sendee as paatoff ot Fhrming: Hope for some re­ patched warships and troop rein­ lapsed. 5,000 A.A.A.S. members at the Two weeks of haggling over the clawed so badly that his arm had to bers of our Unit are planning to at­ and carry out projects which gotty's House” of David Copper- rod expanding again. From novels more apparent. Dickenson Imposed a six th« rhnr,«h k., ...m------k. i ... tots r duction in crop surpluses ap­ Richmond meeting learned from wording of the solidarity declara­ be amputated. ments”? Or would some other sys­ field, condemned some years ago The Federal Firearms law be ex­ A White House secretary said ra- imposed a six monthaIP*®.®**®****®**^ w illp re a S « the 14- forcements to Djibouti. And Rome Reported: A postal deficit of $43,- tend toe New Year’s eve dance will keep funds In toe treasury and that remarked upon our fates at pand^ to require reglatration ofl suspended jail sentence. He also I !?*• "*'® ***®' •ndureto to the *ad peared last weekend when the reports said Italians had about 811,556 for the 1938 fiscal year, by 1,700 other repo~ts: tion ended last weekend with all- tem work better? Those are other which will be held at toe State Ar­ make our association more worth — a dwelling. _ death, such as his PulIUer prim pistols and revolvers. «^Uy that by cutting relief oosta Esst government reported drastically Even the master clock in the U. S. questions for Beckworth and his gave— him time In which ... to pay ' $60 the um e shaU b# saved.” Squat given up hope df getting any terri- Postmaster General Farley. around acceptance of a compromise mory. A grand time la promised to while. While on the subject you are wflnning "The BHd.ge of San Luis .*!*.*”’ pasTed permitting thei toe chief executive hoped to be able of toe costa. '' EBgagMiientBni Annoaaoed reduced winter wheat prospects naval observatory at Wa.shington draft which, in deference to Argen­ colleagues. all those planning to attend. reminded that your special commit­ ONE SHOT BAGGED TWO Rev”, he branched Into the theater to meet increaiied armament expen- Rockv for next year. ttrial concessions from France. Captured: Two Omaha, Nebr., doesn’t keep accurate time: It va­ Flensburg, Germany — (AP) _ United States to bo sued for prop­ Kosmo Dublna, 60, and Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Maynant Middli jail-breakers, by a pair of news­ tina’s old-wor.t. ties, was noi di­ January 10 to to# date set for our tee under the chairmanship of Harry to write A ploy thAt Also ronaldorwJ erty or personal damages resulting diturae without raising the budget M^osko, 48, both of Mansfield, of Mountain straet annotmc* th* en­ Government: See “H e llo ries 30 to 40 seconds in a century.... Holidays Bl.ssell met at the V. F. W. club tots Shooting a hare oa it Jumped over death and what lies beyond and this total above that for this year. are 16- Congreu." paper reporters and a radio an­ rected specifically at Europe. Railroads, . Can Congress card party to be ’leld at the Man­ from government employees’ negli­ ^ r g e d with attempted gagement of their daughter. Miss two-n Friends Again If you flip a coin and ask some­ Instead, “the Declaration of chester Gas Company’s office. Each w;eck and completed prelimtnary water ditch, a hunter also landed his “Our Tow-n", also won a Pulitzer gence. ,Unofficial ^ ^ reports . - Indicate that nouncer. one to call heads - or - tails, the Christmas Review do something to pull them out? Will plans for something wortll while five-pound pike that was swim­ prize. Too, for a time, he also quad­ They plead not guilty and *toelr| ineiriB tw v.------Wchairt 16- Finland, formerly part of Czarist Elected: Dr. T. Wayland Vaughan, chances are 76% to 79% he’ll say Lima" provides for all-American It follow recommendations of the member Is requested to try and fill ming to toe water. The story is U. 8. commt.aatoners be ellowed to J*®****! wlU be about toe aame cases will be heard on Tuesday I ? ’ e®® of Mr. and Mt*. 8th St the Democratic parly of anti-ad- Ru.ssia, proclaimed her indepen­ heads. . . . consultation to raise a united front Killed: More than 500 Americans, to attend later in the season.' A report will be rupled as an actor and played the '•Y petty offensee_ committed...... OBon I “ “**t for toe pfoseotpresent fiscal year— January 10, when they wUI be tried ’*?®*P** Wethsrell of Cooper ministratiOn congressmen. ’The No­ senior geologist of the U. S. Geolog­ over the three-day weekend — 395 P^rident’s committee of railroad wUl kindly notify Mrs. Beatrice made at the January meeting at toe ell authenticated. leading role In this whUe Frank Federal reservations. i s*’Ound 10,000.000,000. About the ski m It a t T dence and suppressed a communist ical Survey, as president of the Geo­ A person’s eye generates a tiny “against all foreign intervention or officials which, last weekend, urged Craven waa on a holiday. About the before a jury. I Jtreet, Manchester. No date bestet hlama*)^ vember elections gave Republicans movement after the post-War Bol­ electrical force that is stronger when activities that may threaten ... the In traffic accidents, 22 by fires, 19 Thomaa as soon as possible so that Cummings alao suggested cevei^ I ®*’'y 'tom to which considerable The case of Percy WhlUhouse I 'oc;,to# wedding. 17- mity. 89 new congressmen and 11 new logical Society of America. by suicide, 12 in railroad crossing increased government regulation of ell preparation may be made. Now the ubiquitioua Dr. Wilder a1 tcchntca], procAdurAl chanrea Increase over this yaar may bt shevist revolution; and Russia, in Convicted: Five officers of Con­ he’s puzzled or worried than when peace, security or territorial integ­ competing forms of transportation, la represented again ,n Broadway ®^>Yed with violation of rules of In tern ■rlaa tb* governors, but left Democrats a the 1920 Treaty of Dorpat, recog­ he s calm. . . . rity of any American republic.” crashes, six by drowning; 93 Ru­ Now tost toe season of hoUdays In a new field and with a support­ recommsBdsd is that ot natemal de- toe road, waa continued to Tuesday 20. urch aad majority in the 76th Congress. tinental Credit Corp., of Winchester. In an effort to keep up with Hit­ manians, on Christmas night, in a more federal loans to the carriers to about paat we will be expecting China's New War Supply Route that d«f«ndanu b« perxnltUd to fensa. csl b nized the coup. Ind., by a federal jury, of using the and adjustments in freight rates? ing csst and production that sounds waive Indictment by grand Jury; JMuary 10, and toe case against Government: Congress broke all ler and the Japanese, the National Minority Report railroad collision, which seriously to hew from several of toe groups like a Hollywood fantasy. This Bmno Dombroskl of RockvUIe, DALADIER BUDGET ' 8-5. The exact location of th eir mails to defraud midwestern^rs of Geographic Society has developed a o ld folks Just wbM they are planning to do that proeecutors be permitted tc 18- records for spending by laying out boundary remained in dispute, The delegates also okayed some injured 250 others. time he has written a farce, a hu­ Mmroeot on n defendent'e failure to FIRES AT HOLDUP BIAN charged wlto robbery with violence $1,200,000. speedy new map-making machine. 130 lesser proposals, ranging from Given: An artificial leg, to Earl Pensions. . . ------^*7^'agood so as to bring money into toe treas­ Jftnqn*SE ACSVRMCC morous charade called “The Mer­ was riso continued. The charge of lose 1 $12,000,000,000 for the fiscal year however, and frontier clashes con­ Married: Mildred (Babe) Didrik- ury thereby enabling ua to care for leetify; that defendente be reoulred and TRIP IN RACE Renn'i that ends next June 30. Relief and Other learned societies also met denunciation of racial persecution Baker, 11, of Coatesville, Pa., by his tntng to be for, many candidates WEffT fV'OM H4MKOM , chant of Yonkers” and It U a combi- to give advance notice of their In­ IflrinvlUe. Dec. 31—(API—John violation of the motor vehicle laws tinued until recently. Smoother son, girl athlete, to George Zaharias, this week; leaned in November. Proposals our many obligationa. NOem FQOM CAMION. natfon of several moods. against William K. Chaae was DUlon defense costs boosted the national future relations were forecast, this to authorization of a contest to pick neighbors; 1,000 plows, to Ruma­ A ^ ^ NEW YEAR TO ONE tention to offer an alibi dafenae; and Welgle pulled a gun and fired In again wrestler; John (Mysterious) Mon­ Purdue’s Prof. M. D. Steer told a hymn to peace. All were fused nian farmers, by King Carol. backed by various congressmen Story of Van^rgelder Family that toe government be permitted response to a demand by a bandit nolled. The court will start hear- P*t* oeei.t debt toward an all-time peak of week, when Moscow and Helsing­ tague, golfer, and Mrs, Esther Plun­ range from $60 to $200 a month for It tells the story of toe Vander- Ing trial cases next Tuesday. 19- $40,000,000,000. Capitol Hill sleuths the National Association of Teach­ into a single document, and copies to appeal from any court order siw- for toe day's recelpte from hla gas stunnl fors exchanged notes approving kett, of Beverly Hills, Calif. ers of Speech, in Cleveland, that New Year's Preview pers(ms over 60 or 85. Prominent gelder famUy In toe Dutch hightor la'ninr a demurrer. New Year’s Eve Parties fa^erth en deal sneb a blow to the dug up headlines about un-Ameri­ documents and maps defining their in English, Spanish, Portuguese British War Vetenms country above New York city In the station here. The hold-up man fled There will be a New Year’a eve nation's prestige abroed. give 1 canism, TV A, monopoly, unfair Arrested: A woman and two men, Hitler, in his speeches, “frequently and French were signed by heads of members of both parties favor lib­ early 80’s. Horace Vandergelder is Briefiy touching on antitrust mat­ to toe automobile of a companion awlmn 600-milc border. one a disbarred lawyer, on charges Government report: The nation’s eralizing the federal old-age insur­ To the members of the Mons- ters Cummings urged appropriation ^ c e tols eveMng at the Maple electioneering and industrial profit- reaches a condition bordering on the 21 delegations. stocks of legal liquor are the high­ YP*** Post, to the members of our B wealthy and established merchant nearby and they sped away, but not Grove hall on Franklin street This 47-19, sharing. of blackmailing “F. Donald Coster” hysteria"—and his listeners are re­ ance system to provide bigger pay­ who decides to shop for another and of additional funds for antitrust an- before Welgle flrrt several shots PRESS ATTACKS HALT era, 2< with threats of revealing his true Statesmen at Lima called the est in history. AuxUiary and to the members of annual event has been growing In Rome, Dec. 81.—(AP)—A Utter Demonstration duced to a submissive state border­ conference the most important ments sooner to more people, W ax-aervlcs groups may wa say a much younger wife. ’The old genUe- forceroent. Prosecution of any major one of which he told Officer Harry Slmsb Business: Prodded by the gov­ identity as swindler Philip Musica. , FjMtball games, Monday: Duke man does, bu t^t toe same time hia utitrust case, he estimaUd, costa popularity wlto both members and ^B-French campaign waged by goes Most residents of the territory ing closely on hypnotism. meeting ever held among the Amer­ w . Southern California, Rose BowL ^ d if he has any time left after Happy New Year, and It la our Silk he was certeia found Its mark. friends of toe Maple Grove’wericty '*'® Fascist press for the past ernment’s $5,000,000,000 lend- Died: Zona d ale Brecse. author; To the American Physical Soci­ rtudylng up on those problems. ehlef clerk ani hla assistant, both wrestl .spend program, indu.stry perked up (4,875 square miles) that Czecho- ican republics. German and lUlian Pasadena: Tennessee vs. Oklahoma. wish that 1939 wUl be too best men who have passed the age of 30 WM epproslnoately month halted abruptly today. •• ■ Slov.ikia gave Hungary in Novem­ Dr. Calvin B. Bridges,, biologist; ety, in Washington, two Massachu­ newsmen reported lb a flop — and CojigTMsman Beckworth probably year yet for the ex-service organi­ Hartf( praeaioa, in the second si.y months. Housing Dr.-'T, Wingate Todd, anatomist: Orange Bowl, Miami; Texas Chris­ will think about how he wants to and contemplating the time when Cummings alao asked additional Dtplomatle quarters regarded the 2(V- led the parade. By Doi'embcr many ber arc Hungarians. But many Slo­ setts Tech men described a process got no bids to the Peruvian presi­ tian v^ Carnegie Tech, . sations. May 1939 bring ua togeth­ they will become old enough to make moderated* tone In Rome as Indica­ In Re M tborw Hermod Petersen, Norwegian w'ire- for making glass “invisible” by dent’s farewell party for visiting wte on FDR’s plan to reorganiz* er to closer comradeship than ever approprUtiona for toe G-Men wno barometers had climbed back to vaks live there, too. They objected less pioneer: Albert Christian Hen­ New Orleans: Texas Tech vs. S t before. improper suggestions tost wUl In­ "hampered” In 1838^ tive of a desire to win greater Brit­ Royal oow art to the cc.ssion, at the time, and have coating it with a molecular film. journalists. the government and on proposals spire s lady to slap their faces, de­ Radio-Newspaper Inaugurated ish sympathy for Ital^s *naturaL; In sec hrlaaty, late 1937 levels, but most remained derson Von Tornow, actor; Robert Mary’s. Cotton Bowl, Dallas. to amend the Wagner Act. As wa took back over the year 87 by Insufficient funds. He propos­ slightly under the recover> peaks made noisy demands since then for Quotes: cide to liave some fun out of life even ed tost a ^>eclal tend set aside by aspirations” os toe Ume of Chawi r more irchaata. Herrick, author and diplomat; Har­ Prof. Harold S. Wood, of Middle- Just gone we can safely aay It was though It may cost them toslr Jobs. berlaln’s visit Jan. u drawa near- carre t ortaat. touched 18 months agd. National return to their homeland. This ry Meyers, silent-movie funnyman; a very good year for toe British Oongreaa last June 26 for specim week, at least one Slovak was ton, Conn., to the College Physical So they go Into New York from There were reports in these quar­ 21- pm* income was estimated as the high- Karel Capek. Czecho-SIovak au­ War Veterans. Our members show­ Yonkers town and begin a gay round needs of the. Bureau of InvcatlgsUon to rs that Italy feels (Thambenatii for 11 e.'t,-except for last year, .since 1930. killed and several were wounded Education Association, in Chicago: Finance: Deficit Spending Defended ed quite a lot of Interest In their with the very pretty girl their Van- be made permanent. yaar i*« thor: Emile Vandervelde, Belgian The most rabid alumnus will soon already ie favorably diaposed to­ Tetrv’: t Invea* Labor: Fewer workers went on when Hungarian policemen fired socialist; Sir James Se.xton, British As shown in the chart at right, post and meetings ware well at- hctBM Has plaisA of niAXTy- DUpooed Of Many Coses ward some concessions to her. sets f; ' tha,**.-, strike than in 1937, but more went into a crowd of demonstrators. laborite; Henning Ryden, arti.st. lose his ardor for subsidization (of ^ th federal spending and the na­ tendod. We have aU enjoyed many tag. But. before he can meet her S ta tic s offered by Solicitor Gen­ men \ a r wUl on relief. Unemployment climbed athletes) if the men he helps can’t tional debt have just about doubled 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 times. The post has been rep- he Is trapped Into 'marriage with toe eral Robert H. Jackson showed tost den. impaira* make the grade scholastically.” since Franklin D. Roosevelt moved St every meeting of toe Mrs. Leri who haa been acting as toe Supreme Court disposed of a Britat; la.st spring, but dropped during the sort of a marriage broker and win aa.1 fall. The government put a floor un­ Dr. Abraham Myerson, of Boston, into the White Houm: land Council, they have greater percentage of coses on its der of hia troops from Spain if 22 — to the Association for Research in repreaented at te i inatal- thrusts herself in as a substitute dookst during toe 1937 term than France, in return, would agree t o . phr bi der wages and a ceiling over hours World's Wars Expenditures for th* fiscal year bride when the younger victim finds in interstate commerce AFL and Heart Symptoms Nervous and MenUl Disease In of offlcen of local and out- during any term since 1923. Tbe some of his demands In North 1931 Blood On The Snow New York: “City life fosters a fac­ that ended June 30, 1933, four ex-acrvlce organisations. en equally young groom. high tribunal disposed of 1,004 ot Africa. AAC’s to tbaa* CIO. organized permanently, con­ ■As a youth, Wang 'Ghing-wei months after his inauguration, Wilder uses» to toU the aeroe an The newspaper 11 Piccolo, how­ tinued labor’s civil war despite There was talk, last week, at a ulty for quick conclusions, agility of An outing was held for toe chil­ the 1,068 cases on its docket durlnx l/Hial awiagit went to school in Japan. .\s China’s Christmas truce in Spain's 29- mind, commercial enterprise and totaled $4,325,100,000: and the na­ dren during tite ’ sumraier months riant device ot Greek drama that be the .1937 term. ^ ever, denied the reporte of batgaia- »!K.i 4-2. 9 abeot peace pleas from President Roose­ pieniier, before the current far-east tional debt which he inherited at and a Christmas party waa also used to “Our Town”- th e commen­ Cummings left to 'Thurman W. Ing on the question of ItaUaa traon 23- velt. war. he w a s a month-old civil war. Instead, In- tolerance. On the other hand, city tator. At various Intervals toe char­ in Spain and deeerlb^ thorn I paopi* s u r g c n t Generalissimo Franco life fo.sters . . . neurosis and hectic that time was $22,538,730,000. For held fbr the children. Two banquets Atnold. former Yale proteesor who ■>ed them as ^ New 1 belr ac* Farming; The rains came and the prominent advo­ the 1039 fiscal srear, en^ng next were bald, one for toe birthday of acters in toe play step forward to replaced Jackson aa chief of the left handed blow” atten^ttag to ta 8U cate of Sino-Jap- launched his long-expected drive instability.” the footlights and comment upon sabotage Chamberlaln’i YMCA 09. ni* sun shone; so. d e sp ite govern­ against Loyalist-held Catalonia. June 30, official and unofficiri esti- ttM austUary and toe other one on administration’s trust-buatere me way ment-sponsored acreage limitation, anc.se friendship. nutes put federal spending at $9,- Armlatice day evening. The poet what la happening. March 21, tbs teak of autUning the tonbur butnper crops (and the recession in Lately, a.s a mem­ In sub-zero weather, half a mil­ held Bteg affatra during toe ExphUna Her Pklloaophy 24— »y. Tba lion men in both armies were ar­ 085,100,000; and the national debt Department’s poUcy toward monopo* DYN.4MITE TAKEN Ufe. ' n t ai|d consumer buying power) drove ber of Chiang at that time is expectec id total yev. The poet baa alao taken a For Instance, toe dialogue la to- lies. Arnold, a frequent Writer oa ON WILD BONM yad no- Kai-shek’s su- rayed along a snow-covered,. 125- kero Interest to our American com­ Umipted once while Mrp. Leri bi produce prices 22% below the 1937 mile front across northeastern Upcoming $40,650,000,000. economic subjacts. used 16 pages ui Rai average. Farm income was esti­ preme war coun­ The nation faces disaster if defi­ rades and are fuffy represented on steps out of character and confiden­ tha body of toe report to discuss HopklnsvlUe, Ky. — (AP) r t cil, he has helped Spain for perhaps the war’s biggest Sanday, Jan. 1 the Armistice day oommlttee. Me- tially explains to toe audience that State highway patrolman Qray to caaa mated at $7,625,000,000, down 11 % battle. InsurgenU held an advan­ New Year'j Day. cit spending continues much longer, antitrust matters but added a 168- 4 raiioas from last year. ' the generalissimo Deadline for liquidation of Virginia’s Sen. Harry F. Byrd con­ day oomiblttee. Veterana’ she has a philosophy that human page "appendix." Salter saw a Ugbway. Ho batted I coaM* C rim e : Richard Whitney, ex­ plot China's de­ tage in superior supplies of food Wald Aaaoclatton. and the Man- beings should have “only on# vice toe driver, looked Into the back t and war materials, particularly field Jewish retail businesses in Ger- tended in a recent speech. Not at Veteraag AasoolaUon, so at a time.” She has discovered that M t of toe car and shuddered. Fif­ ’i president of the N. Y. Stock Ex­ fense. But in his • many. all. replied Chairman Marriner S. REED NOTES BIRTHDAY a m ef change, went to prison for stealing secret heart, Chi­ artillery, tanks and planes. But the Moadav, iaa. t irtto the post taking such aa toter- everyone has faults and that there teen sticks of dynamite besB Loyalists counted on the mountain­ Eccles, of the Federal Reserve sat in these many activities. It is la a chance that an of ua may be Jostling around. Tbo driver was ■ two his customers’ securities. Philip nese patriots said, French Premier Daladier Board, this week. Federal credit Washington, Dec. 31.—(API—Aa. tortaat. Wang harbored ous terrain, excellent defensive for­ leaves Paris to visit Corsica and with bops are look tewairde 1839. lechera Uara, misers or drunkards soclate Justice Stanley Rsed, Preat- fined $130 for drunken driving- Musica, pre-war swindler, turned tifications and superior man-power Tunisia. romaint sound, despite mounting Of coune toe success of the "But." aha argues, "none of lis up as “F. Donald Coster,” indus­ hopes of peace— debt, he implied, if national income dspsods l a q ^ upon th^ dent Roosevelt's second appointee to TO PROSECUTE NA8m { trial tycoon, and kiUod himself even at Japan’s to prevent any quick break­ Mummers’ parade. Philadel­ should ever be lecherous liars or the Supreme 0>urt, today observed through. phia. mounts in proportion: UCUIAI fr MISC thesMslvsa. because tbe unit can miserly drunkards. Too much of a when his phoney drug deals were terms. -7-^ RELIEF S only be what tbe soembera «««»».» it. his 64th Hrthday aad his lltta discovered. Biting off small chunks of terri­ Taeaday. Jait S "Debts and obligationa of various EXPENDITURES sped tolng or too much of a month as a member of the high O®®- **•— § to ta* Because of “disturbing heart tory, and then mopping up, Franco’s 76th Congress convenes. kinds are but the other side of in-' ^ FOluc WORKS DEFENSE a year they meet to hear how thing la too'much.' trlbunaL . ^ ( ^ > —The Swlse government to. i Aviation: Douglas Corrigan flew symptoms,” Wang went this week men forced their way slowly east­ Supreme Court re-convenes vestment, .. We have never bad Each Symbol Repr«$cnt$ 2S0 MILLION DOLLARS - their poet made out, thro they Hera Is a good and unpretentious day Inatrueted Its attoraey general 4!^- his winged jalopy “west” to Ireland to see doctors in French Indo­ after holiday recess. elect a slate et officera, quietly ait to mart prooeedlngB agalnet m eaw lj ward. In the first five dayvcasual- prosperous co*iditions without an farce, but It la frequently overdooe bay m o w eb s k il l s b ir d s hers of two Nasi orgamaation* for Howard Hughes A Co. sped 'round china. Rumor said he also would tles on both sides were *tell over Diplomatic dinner. White accompanying expansion of debt, wn and aay "bow let tha boys go •Bd one suspects that there la a the world In three days, 19 hours visit British Hongkong and Japa­ House. to work." Now 1 don’t cara how batiyboo of too many names. The stteriu against too security and la- " 10,000 men. Hundreds more were either public or private, or both. good a staff of offiosta may bo, tboy Ixmdon—(APi— Farm mowing dependence ot tbe Swtie oenfederai^ Warplane production boom ed nese-held Shanghai. Result: New sent to the rear with frost-bitten Wedaeaday. Jaa. 4 .. Do you consider, as your speeds producer la Herman Shumlin, the machines klU many birds, particu­ Uon. Science: A “Martian invasion’’ truce talk. feet and hands. President Roosevelt delivers implies, that government debt la can’t do all tba work thomaohres. 0 ^ who praaroted “Grand Hotel.” larly toe corncrake, ornltoologlata k i Nothing dlBcourages offleezs quick­ [aANnMCBOO'TD SHANSHM ^SOOMKjIS. scared radio listeners. Doctors and When the drive started, the In­ message to Congreaa. evil, whereas private debt is not? Tha director la Max Reinhardt and crake, plentiful 20 yean ago, has the government discusseo better Palestine Report U. K fleets leaves California er than lack of Interest on too part tflHseQqogCO-pBAiCooN e,*oO/WLeS. ha has aUged tba amuaiag but ap- become rare In many English BOUGHT FOB MUBOHE medical care for poor people. surgents held roughly two-thirds of basM for war games in the At­ it said that tbelcreation of the members. Remombor. com­ tricte. In Bethlehem, where Christ was Spain. If they could completely oc- lantic. public or private, mittees haw to be appointed to as­ poteatiy simple farce with toe ar*- Weather: An out-of-bounds hur­ bom, Christians observed his birth- that utilizes productively otherwise teBtlmisnraa of a clrcua parade. Canon Oty. OaJa, Dee. $!—.(; cupy^ Catalonia, military observers BatWda:, Jaa. 7 sist toe officers In tbs many aotivl- *® Chtoa’t bartl-prMsed annlaa, HOUSES WENT CHEAP ricane ripped through the U. S. ^ y under the protecting guns of believed, Madrid and Valmcia DemocraU’ Jackson Day din- unused human and material re- Use tbs post to. toterested In. ao B*®'-®* J#PMss# have Jane Omrl. playing beautifully in Bay L. Atterhany, mL hilUn&nver 900. British tommies, there to mop up ners. • a fcrclhly oomle rola; June Walkar City Osteopath. w*o pr^iabljr would capitulate, too, jouroefc that creates it-el wealth, com# a lo ^ foUowa, start tba yoar n gtoO**— and tha vital Yaagtaa rfww, Livacpool. Englaad — (AP) — on a.Warrant 4 Elsewhuig ip Palestine, •and the war would down to Home Missions Council meats. right Get around tci the moctings tom. to . Chtoww- Percy Waram aad Nydla Waatmazi Baltimora. ***** *° existing real ^va tha jday a eaat that la axritliig There was ealy ooe bid when two w ^ t h and to national income, te an M nwfnss—i a ■■ ■ » at tK> ilw W -S im iO N OOtLAZS Of M iiLir i>c. t _ MANCHESTER BVCNI|f«G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. DECEBfBER 81.1988 MANCHE81 iiK EVENTNQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER S I. 1938 PAGE ELtPBIf I N O W M. H. S. Title Triumphs Feature Of 1938 Sports Trade Easily Repels Hartford Rival Bu 41 to 1^ • I sem e down Olson'a Local Athletics Enjoys Tlgsrs tls for TMCA btonnedtete ats toomsy, 11-8, B 8X—Punch'Punching bag la aecrst' of Lssgue Issd. of New London. Moriartya beat with Ssgars of WUllmonUc in grid MeCluskey’s success In his ninth MARCH dal’s seortaf. Harry Sqaatrtto aata p4*aii^ three-hlttar as Kooa hlto First Nationals, 6*4. opener. a Banner Tear; Blue campaign. Eagles, Rangera 39-;-Hlgh enjoys flnwt sports sea­ laveUa mane of 176 teat. 6 teehaa, ia I track eampa son In Its history. Is only school to Leary aeta mile reoorti ter track at 5—PA’s shatter GA’s Twl Ltogue 16—High tops Meriden on aeors In fields Are Baseball and Tigers victors in YMCA Inter 1—Walter "Ty” Hollsnd again 17—GA's nip 6reen In second UUe hopes with 8*1 victory. Elec­ lost three mlnutea, 7*0, when HU* named coach of Bluefields nine. annex three sU U UUes In a tingle 4:30,2. Center Springe wallops Hoi* Twi upset, 4-8, on Normar GRABS mediate L«ague. PUtf £ E 1 ^ campaign. PA’s. YD’s and Olson’a Uators, 14*5. American Eaglea bow tric shop wins Trade School inter­ InsU snores pass and races 85 yards SEVEN TITLES IN 1938 Stand Out; Elm Tops 1— High eifgeo Hartford PabMe bi classy four-hit flinging. to touchdown. victors. In Reo Leegue ployofEs. Bon to Shamrocks In 10th, 6*4. department baseboU honors. S t Local sport Chatter state tourney opeoer, 86-84. os re- 16—Reynold Becker again leads 18—B66IS Stan wIm state aara- BYCHOLSKI SETS PACE Bridget’s wins second round of "T ” in the Rinff; The servee feature clash. Meriden, Affll.ketM UUe in YMCA bowling 8— Oemian-Amerka wtn opener from Bast Hartford Rad Sox, 4*3. Trade School batters with mark of softball league. tonr miafitawralght champtowshtF Naugatuck also win. YD’s, PA’s. league. Kebart sweeps oU Individ A74. Cliff Rautenberg tops pitchers, with dsetsisa ever Daaale Clack of The fourth edition of "The SlUer’i win fop> Day-by-Day ReTiew. FEBRUARY ^ uol honors, bos 138 average for Mias Marion* Tinker named ptesl* .7—Green blanks Rockville In Tri* SCHOOLBOYS SHINE States G^t Ten Million Wlntera again paced tha Men' Olson’a cop Rec Senior League wins dent of Y. M. C. A. baseball league. Howard WyUe and Eldo Belflore East Hartfotfi aad kayo over Nick Court Standings Quids to New England, enlarged Walter ■"l^” Holland again named son. pace fielders. County, 5*0, with Borello twirling Tarallo of Hartford. xn with tour baskets, while WITH 19-POINT SPREE 1— PA’S tip YD’s, 35-28, to tie for rtr wfll b* ^ 30—Howitzer quintet dolma Joaeph McEvItt wins state junior three-hitter. Globe Hollow swim­ and completely revised, has just and Dobreskl also ' con-- B to Honw; ^ ^ Rec Senior League honors. Moriartys coach of Bluefields nine. rifle UUe. 19—Rockville hands Green first 15— Johnny |*alkosU again named 2— Sumlslaskl leads ’’y " Senior168th Regiment cage title, whips Tri-County loss, 11*9, as locals mers defeat Colt’s Park team, 72*70. playing coach 'o t PoUta-Ameriean IN SPORTS PARADE On Horse Ftaeing Wagers ofLocal Leagues been published by the Winter Sports i ton I V** ■coring....'Torring- tM r m «B- m . beat Olson’a for third place, Renn's 9— Trade hands M. H. 8. sound -w. Manchester! JANUARY down Dillon’s. Y5ICA cagers edge League scorers In first round with Compoqy L of WllUmonUc. 55*38. lacing, 11*3, aa Cliff Rautenberg lodge protest. Moriartys nip Meri­ Moriartya whip Beverage idne, 5*4. triple cage ebampa. High barriers ^mmlttee of the New England' t will sU rt Eagles stay unbeaten In "Y ” Senior *RO SENIOR LEAGUE whippy In the state tourney open­ IN 6TH CAGE VICTORY Q b« • tur> New Britain. 31*24. Howitzers beat 121 points. PA’S lost Stan O polo^ ives up only threa hits. High den Barons, 3*3. OA’s lose at Elm­ 8—Arthur Knofla beats J. O. place third In S u m cnaa country COuncU and a copy has been re­ er of 1987, 2.1*32___ z Fwu I S—PA'S trim Torrtnfton for 4tb star forward, who sprains ankle. League, trimming Cyvlts. YMCA Jayvees beat Mohawka In Jvinlor lea* wood, 7-1. Porterfields drub Sims­ Ekrhmolian tor Chamber of Com­ meet. DURING PAST YEAR —STrore dally Uoenae fees, ranging from ceived by The Herald . . . the 72* Inight. Mu> Ukrainians, 58-32. ^Itoh-Awerks ...... '2 *1 s t r a i t Stats Polish Leamie win. 2— ^Trade bows to Boardman InOrioles''annex cogs title In Rec OlrU upset PA Olrls In overtime gue, 4*3. bury, 15-4. merce links crown. 16— Moriartya repel New Britain Horaeorsa racingroelDir reached a new ki.i.high •-T|gg;QIn 12,500 and t— u on *admta* P W guide to a concise handbook of Um 4u w money wmgered and proflta to the Center Billiards .. . . 2 1 Windham High of ^WilUmanUc. SO-SC Joe McCluskey 2nd In two. rough house clash, 31*10. St. Johns, Junior League by sweeping both thriller, 33*19. 11—High oocka ball hard to trim 30— Bluefields tiim Porterfields, Panthers, 7*0. Orioles bow to Bast Slone. informfttiOQ on winter iporte fnutt* boat to Manchestar la a alnrla i his All** ndla'! ataeplecbase at New Orleans 10—GA’s top Porterfields, 9*0. S t Hartford West Bides, 18-6, In open­ atates tn 1988, a survey by tha As* P ^ sn l Barbers ...... 2 i BOX SCORE Schoberites F ir Siperidr k iksni and Methodists and Celtica win In Y rounds of play. Methodists top 81—Eagles open dsfense of "T ” Meriden, 8-1, aa Blanchard twirls 10-8. Center Springs Riley’s annex Johns down Springfield, 6-5. Maasachusetto and Florida both New Cn^land, now the coun- game on January 27. turned back | Stwad Bowl. Senior League. Celtics to remain tie with Eagles Intermediate tourney honors by 4*hltter. Hartford ahuta out Trade, junior baseball diadem by beating er. Joe SterUnara "Salljr takea woclated Press revealed today. received more than a mllUoo dollars 3 tr^e moat Inte^vely developed im. Frank l —Moriartys blank GA’s, 8*0, to Bluefields And Eddie With California showing the way West Sides ...... * Meriden High by 20*19 lost night.. Monebeeter Trade h-«as1sa boat Rancors. 20.7, 3— Sons of Legion whip Centerfor “Y ” Senior League lead. How­ drubbing Wllllmantlc Emeralds, 81* 6-0. Shamrocks In third tilt, 6-4. first test In Oog trials. Oak Strsst whUe showing Increases In money ® * 000 “ 0 The Herald will to West Hartford, hare next Friday | n sf tka remain unbeaten In four T Inter* J ke sure of Twi UUe Ue. Joe De* Merchanta beat S t Johna by fi*5 In with 82.646.694.62 reo»l%d from _ B. 7th Start; Griffin Aid Springs for first Rec Junior League itzers trip Heights, 83*14. 30. 'ngera oust MiteheU House. 18—at. H. 8. fortelte Rhode Islaad 31— Eddie Elm scores third vic­ wagered. MaasachusetU; with 01 play at East ®l«hfa ^ furntoh any Information de* night, drubbed Its Alunml, 36-16, BychoUki, rf . . . . 9 mediate League starts as Cubs, Tig* laney reported through aa amateur lOtb to annex town aoftbaU bonora. four per cent of the part mutual •laye of racing, waa second to CaU* M at Side ReC! nAtlfraw mt alrAH hv wtnftas. mwal-a. w__ » win oals* victory as Orioles, Heights and 3— PA’a defeat 'Thompsonvllle,CorrenU hits 235 to take Farr’s ons- traek title votatarlly to Stoohigtoa tory wrlth decision over Tony Phil* Ebn Also Stand Outs As vs. winter spSrts Fm V as Herb Nelson, lanky center, and Porctak, r f ...... o era also adn. Company K whips Meteors also win. Jack Sharkey’s baU event of oStotal'a orrer la aeortag.aeoriag. Upe at Rockville. boxer. 18—Dave HeaUay aeta eourae ree- handle and track license fees, a to­ fornla with 81.394.54SgB8 and Flor* ar'a ara at need only two more wins to cop tal of, 89,667,070ja poured Into tba Rozelle, ace forward, paced the Boyko, If ...... 8 ho Also Star; Secodt Meteors, 25*18. poke spurs Pat RUey to, victory over High downa West Hartford In track 33— B. 8. edgee Ansonla lx 13— Bluefields trip Grjtra to keepord but High harriers bow to Weav­ 511 96 . load as Royal Blues, Heights, Speed win four of six matches In closing 16—M. H. 8. again trips Rockville, 20— GA’a blank EMfleld prison 36—M. H. S. aoccta team ' Coach Wilfred J. Oarke’e • decline, suffered by Rawrskl. rg*-. on Vllaca Moriartys, 38-20. Moriartys Girls 7— Rangers, Eagles, Ttgera, Aces 4-3. Naugatuck btanka 5L H* B. hi state farm, 10*0. CCIL. fitate I ot r o ­ T OTTEBMEDIATB LEAGUE TalUea 19 Potato boys also gain victories. Speedboys bow. 22*16. Eagles hold Y Inter­ share lead in "Y " Intermediate New England League play. West Hartford, 1-1. Rhode laland's Increase. A year ago (Monday Nighto) Plapul, rg .. BychoUki. a brother of the wMI have 1 .780 I* Senior I,eague’s first round title, 57- Polish League title In second season Girls win, 19-17. ring Mohawks, 16*3. Sordorakl, Ig nifty total of ninatean potato yea- before 8.8M teas. 82*27, for eighth oU. in eight Innings as darkness 22— Eid Shields sets hot pace totor first rictory, 3^39. stock with 24 additional days of roo* S p r u i t ' 5 J i w 47, as Obuchowskl scores 20 points. of play with 18th victory In 19 5— PA’s nose out YD's, 87*81, to 18— Shamrocks top High JayveesbolU 'Twl Ult 30—Orioles turn Pack WllUmantlo M6 field dladem^loSSS t e l ..... terday afternoon as M u c oseeeaalve Mumph. Trade hoop- Orioles top Meteors, 20-14, for Bee retain Ree Senior League and town lead annual Rec Centers decathlon. 10 ^ d ed a sound 41 to 18 tnundM men swamp Simsbury High, 58*27 games for record of 89 wins, ten on McEvitt’a two*hlttor, 5*3. 30—BMdle EUm decisions Sam 23— Moriartys trim PA’s, 6-1, to Segare in second meeting, 6*0. Mori- Hampshire and Maryland, In Bowl Tussles Monday 3-16 19 Junior League Honors, In first round. AlMa H. losses In two years. Trade bows to cage titles for second year. Become 19— Ekiglea defeat Mohawks, 6*8,Shumway of Worcester at Hartford artye-RockvUIe play aeorelesa tla. West HarSord second ^ m s in ^i..!**^**-^*’ MMchaatar. to Hartford Trade, one of U a lie S South Windsor nips Rockville, 26- Ellsworth High edges Stafford, 48- cop Twi League second round wrhere weather cut short the fall milk. 4 •iMht nalnutm t. apriajr* 17. dee MeCteakey leading scorer Boardman In Class B opener, 29*25. triple Htllato with 78 wins an^ oaly to Us for thing in junior league. for fifth win. West Hartford Legion Former High athletes star on Conn. Ue 4hd .V***yo wagored with 8S9.380A98 but meeting at Bowie, showed the big­ M r?** M o ^ y nighta at moat rivals, at the Capita] a ty . it •kbowB n 26. Schaeffers whip Conrans on al­ K, losses In two years. Moriartys 21— M. H. 8. winner of frlangular honors. Mike Delaney wins second gaUiek M runner-up to ranked no better than seventh in the parloda. far New Terk A. C. with 184 points YD Service trims Dillon’s In Rec blanks Manchester in state play, State freshmen eleven. gUlUCK in toe itAtM flnAla gest declines while the decrease was Mai w y the fourth a t r a lg h f t r i u ^ f S taaebar ia leys. beat Renn’s for third place. Eagles track meet with Bristol and Hart­ ring start with knockout of John [anehestar Trade .14 4 10 18-41 tha local Tradara and thair atalfe far the yenr. East Hartford up- .Senior League, Moriartys drub 6-0. Pro "Ricky" Anderson c a i^ a Kulia of Blast Hampton. f UOy^n^miSlis*”! . ^ ri**!with 8558.T1880 !>► smMI to minoto, Michigan, Ken­ Hartford Trade .. lO ^at tbs 9— M.H.8. mermen swamp NewRenn’s, Hsrtforcl Atlas edge Olson’a. again capture YMCA Intermediate ford. High nips Meriden, 8*7, but ^ t e r Springs, J ^ Ie a va. Plrateal M 0 .W 0 fm Ex- 4 8 8—19 victory ta aaven atarts this veer H sets Meri<^ to brighten M. H. S London Bulkeley as Captain Walt 66 over local links. 24— Green trips traveUlng House tucky, Ohio and Nebraeka. Sports Roundup^ Itoa. Mr. title hopes. crown by beating Tigers In playoff, gets no closer tu League UUe. and Sulddea vs. Hawks. Start at was atoo the fourth s tra l£ tw tn tha Pratt Barelsa bests own mark In 100-yard h—M.H.S. edges Waterbury Croo* Frank Bradley of New Britain wins of David nine, 4*1. Ed Shields wins enptured the-League 6:80 o'clock. SECOND TEAMS S—McCluskey breeks record but by, 81*29, to enter seml-llnnls of 19-16. YMCA Qlrls upset Morlarty I NOVEMBER pected To Witness Seven By DREW MIDDLBTON orar Hartford alnea losing the 1888> «p a a y ha free style. St. Johns teke YMCA Olrls, 32*28, to even senes. Trade School links event here. Bees Ree decathlon with record low soot* the most successful v «»r Hartford Trod# (8d) 37 opaotre Is third , as San Romani edged Don Senior League first round title by ClaM A tourney against Deiby. drub aionts, 14*2. In "Y " Intermedi­ of S3 os George Leary places see- New York, Deo. 81— (AP)— Lash la 8,000 meters of Kacey In­ 6— Elaglea, MeUiodlat remain Ue I— Late M.H.S. drive edgee Baat MONDAY JUNIOR LEAGUE In ataktag nine field goals and ona laoaiatba whipping MethodlaUi, 37-34. Trade Bristol tops Windham and Nauga­ ate leagtM. Joe McCluskey fifth In JULY ond. (West Bide Reo) Games Slated; Sonthern ** «*tremely dUtl- Lugaa, rt . . . door meat. Morlarty lasalea bow for Y Senior League lead oa both Hartford by 6-0. High harrien qp- year also ***• ^ It to pick apples out of a barral SubinakI, if . foul ahoL tha buaky Trade forward faculty beats Class of 1938 by 18*13. tuck drubs Stamford In other mile at New York. 25— Elddie EHm kayoea Irish Billy '•V fear aiao n^ked the end of local PA’S U U N C H NEW YEAR ran hto total p o ta T ^ tlta n o to Slmabury and South Windsor earn vlctoriee. Ralph Russell, Jr., eet State Frosh with HeaUey first * “ “ ™big so we h e ^ Zeronao, If .. Trade aeconda top All-Stars, 22-19 gomes. St. Johns, Celtics win "Y ” 22— Green tope Glastonbury In 1—Porterfields lost to Green 5*0, Taylor of Bridgeport In second the minor « Clifford's . r ...... ^ aevan gamea and hi has S CbarSa Kabart wina 8100 for 7th 10— Orioles'nip Heights to leadSenior League, games. well known veteran umpire, dies. Tri-County League opener, 5*8. on errors. Eddie Elm kayos Frankie James of to (Mcept for a ohaige of KrauM, 0 ... plaoa In V. S. allays sweeps at Wa- round at Hartford. Mike Delaney sraee country and eoccer. In tha Plumbing A Supply . . 3 2 .500 CaL Tennessee, Christian, ff^aa left to batter hla raoerd at in MM a Rec Junior League. 10— Charlie Kebart rolls 235 to 7— Eaglea ousi aowns. TigersHotel Worthy nips OA’s In 10th, 6*5. wins third start at Thompsonvllla. New Haven In first round, plana to ■ormer, Monebeater pared post Nuccl. c . . . . Mlddletown Speedboys > MoCloakey wins 4,000 quit amateur ranks. , Hollywood Ssnice .. 2 2 .500 Md dellve^) our Bowl Laako, rg ... M9 potato ta p a ^ tba Bebobarttrt PU ad tka 11— M.H.8. quintet wins second OCannex one-ball sweeps at Farr’s. down Indians to gain finals of YMCA Bluefields down Kenamgton. 8*3. meter steeplechase for hla 30th Na­ 27—Sports club planned at Blast AT MERIDEN TOMORROW Glennsya ...... 0 4 .000 wallop Moriartys, 61*38. 6—Oriolea drub Camp Wbito Texas Tech Favored. lections...In the past your Bychotaki jotaad tha t a r t ^ at I*, title In 12 years, whipping West Howitzer Guards gain 25th win In tourney. Maurice CorrenU again Porterfields trip Pike Florirtir. 2*1. tional title aad earns trip abroad. Side. Bill ForUn scores ace on 8th . -PJ PA'a defeat Hartford St. Cy- wins one-ball event at Farr’s. 23—Trade drubs High again with eleven by 18*0. (lames scheduled next Monday Wacbter, ig ., team to February ot 1837 but dldat uBtU add* Hartford by 87*31 to run wlnnlny 30 games, edging St. Peter’s, 26-25 Horry MaUfloson shoots hole-ln-one hole at local links. Prison nine trips ---——w^ae • WU I In ^a 61-7 * swaeore wa m ■asIn thaemav sacond KSaUwgame n^ht at West Side Rae: Plumbing apaolato as llla, 5t*8S, to lead State League streak to 14 straight games as Ed *0 shutout on Wiley’s five-hit fling­ I I — Fran Leary and four mates tuin BriUsh over W aa h li^ ^ “ Banak, Ig ... ■top into tha limelight until last aam TTlea a( with ate wins In row. Qlrls bow. Collegians top Glastonbury, 73-59. 8— Elaglea trim Methodists, .26*14, on local course. Moriartys, 4*2. baseball saw ths Blue- Bu most lopsided margin in A Supply v». aifford’a, Qtonney’l ICl and to tba Kose tallies 10 points. Joe McCius- for Y Senior second round honore, ing. Ue for first as Seton Hall cops nw Slate Ky ASSOCIATED PRESS Chieter over the Indians* non. The briUlaace he diaplMad 1S»10, Local hockey team bows 11— .M.H.S. trounces Derby, 44* 38—Bluefields blast Moriartys In Uonal prep achool croee-country Wda reassert their tupremacy on ■ «'^ « btotory. ve. Hollywood Service. to word 10 during the regular campaign, boas* arm ba key gains first victory of season In 24, to gain finals of Class A tourna­ earn right to meet St. Johns for 24—High routs MIddletowm on Ol- '8—Green blanks Bo. Glastonbury R/. ’ ’ *n dat ole davU Rom 11 to Torrtngton, 7*2. bert’s four-hitter, 9*2. Bullek pitches towm series opener, 11*5 on 17-hlt pnafY w jiTtaamond t iJ .- - to bym f trimming aamn Morlarty I AU In •••taU. 1938 Wtotowas • a WllllCr banner ■Ysr, waa laektag ta CUuaM tour* wiaClaik, two-mlle handicap. Gilbert High ment against Naugatuck, 86*28 vic­ title. Vic O’Bright and Pete Ueno* In Try-County, 4*0. Moriartys nip crowm. Fourteen football teams and per­ ^ w l, Southern Cal over Duke MainKeeter Trade 10—Ranmra nose out Cubs In T upsets local Trade, 38-25. YD Re­ four-hitter aa Trade blanks Rock­ SL Bridgets, 10*9. spree. Coach WiU Clarke enter­ It —8L B. 8. hita top form to dzOb ” *■ both the Twl League ‘ Porta year for Manchester and it TUESDAY JUNIOR UIAOUE haps 300,000 spectators will open B. n w en t oomptUUoa but it ia aaaaat. Xhtenaodlata League as Ekiglea and tor over Bristol. veal tie for Murphy’s one-ball honors. Hops To Continne Come­ (Eaat Side Reo) _____ gzwos wh^ Wad?^Sd serves trip YMCA, 25-21. ville. 7*0. 4— Green tops Wethersfield Intains his triple cage champs at New Bristol by 19*0 and gala OCSL foofi* ^ “ ^_?n»niplonihlpe, in softball to be hoped that 1939 wlU bring the 19S0‘^gridiron season—or cIom ^tUcello, rf .... 0 •d Umt he’ll redeem htmeettwhen Tlcera also triumph. 12— .Manchester High wins first 9— Tigers nip Eteglea to capture W. L P.C. PattenwD... the 12— McCluskey third to Ijish and 26—Raguskus brothers to return Tri-Oounty, 6*5. Moriartys trim Hampshire comp. baU dladraa with first aadefeatofi MerehaiiU wron a so- “ or even greater sucoeaa to the 1988 Season—Monday, and now ^ any-behind Utto K »ppa.tf ...... 3 Trade goes to the-atato Utla wars .11—^TD's blast Moriartys, 40*22. state title In its ixvge Mstory, rising YMCA’a sscond annual Intermediate to Bluefields nine. ■eaeoa In Osach Tons Kelley’s 18- S W to...... 3 0 1.000 to Valrati, If ...... 0 Bright In Boston 2*mlle event. YM tourney, 22-21. Scandta lodge bowl- Bristol PA’a, 11*6. GA’s twice dowm 30— Mike Delaney gains fourth Bmn BL repreeenuuvee in ah brancbea back March Apainst S t ^ t tba tallyhoo boa died down. It 6“®fi thlnge have a«ato In March. He's averaged bet* to hold Rec League lead. PA'a to glorious hrights to upset Naugo* 38— High takes fifth place In state year regtase. HMh hairtera take o ^ . TH-suta obampa, and auo ot sports warfare. Manobeater High to end ter than alxteaa potfita CA cagers edge Taftvllle, 32-29. era win etete UUe In Order of Vaaa Broad Brook, 7*4 and 7*6. ring victory with decision over Jim ...... * ® 1’®®® appeara ttot all tha teams involved record Kudrowaki, o .-... 4 trip DlUon'A Renn’a down Olson's turk, 82*25, In fiery, furious thriller track meet os Deardon sets achool Nlhel of New London at Sandy 5th place in New meet (■ i^ t through tba YMCA tourney, nnfi the Poltoh-Americans are ai- ...... 2 1 .667 w ol’t M rapl.. 11 Lukaa. r , '. . .-.V.’ o' et Ity w iU Xaat ( Hartford again drubs South Morlarty Girls lose to Holy Trinity, os Elmo Usv^Uo, Bill Schleldge and League. 5— GA’a whip Porterflelda, 8*2, to are.itpuauilually well matched, 27-26. mark In 440 even though fifth. ETon cause three-way Ue for third In Twl Beach. 18—Orioles nip Moriartys In towm , Uie Umeiight embarked on defense ot tneir Stans; Seek 7th Trhimpb blg and yoS^don’t b S t ™ o ^ D a w 1 T g ...... 1 Bnappy Team Weak till Dtn Windsor, 87*21. Howitzers wallop Ernie Squatrlto star. Foot* New 12— Pierce A. C. waa town's firstLeary wins mile for second time. Th* “beari' atoriea of tllneaa and Itav. Or. 13— PA’s turn hack Torrtngton to league. St. Johns bold second place 31— East Side AthleUc aub plansUUe aeries opener. 7-6. .V battering fists taurela and both ara rated a 9?,"If/* ...... 0 8 .000 with r i Meteors, 38*15. Hampshire In New England tonrney real athletic club, organtaed In 1899. QlonU top Yonke In “ Y” LeagvM, 8-3. 14—Chris McCormick, veteran All-Stars ...... 0 8 .000 juriea have been nearly forgotton mlmrs..,New Year’s greet Bycholaid ivaaa’t tha whole ■ —w r od tha remain unbeaten in State Polish In Tri-SUto softball, beating Ware, to enter many sports. nninteur middto- chance to repeat and start tha In Ten Games To Date. and from all indteaUona none of the yesterday although ba was ««»**■* m 18—M. H. 8. beau Trade In fast, League. opener. Jack Ssldella cops one-ball John FalkoskI, popular cags coach, 39— Moriartys bow to Bristol local official, named secretary-treaa- Games scheduled next Tuesday 4b urch will rough clash, 44*83, as Kose and PA ’s, 6*5. OA’s beat Rocky HIU. 4*3. “ •^•n to ManObasttr ta tha ■*••• a-roUlng for anothar year ot toama will ba aarioualy hampered It Boyko and G r U t o ^ ItataS 14— Eagles cop first round of Yat Murphy’s. Conran’s pinners lose named president of Pollah-Amen* urer of OentrartConnecUeut Itoot- t ^^u ai eUmtaaUon tournamanL I ontatandtag achievement that ami night at Baat Side Ree: Meteors ve. Rj he Chal- Cole apark victory. St. Johns trim can A. C. 0*2. 6— P A ’a trim GA’a in Twl clash, bgll Official’s association. Monday by the abeenee ot atara. r jIs S 1 S.Ti.iS'’! JST’SSS coyderably ta aeoriag aotivi&M Intermediate loop by beating Aces, to Wllllmantlc. Kebart beats Dyak 7*4. climax to Elm’a aplendld | bring fama and g lo ^ to Manchester. Cometo High Hatteik ve. Eaat b|] Xagles to tie MethodlaU for T Sen­ 30-13. in special match. "Y " Eagles lose 13— Eaglea defeat St. Jobn’a in 30— *Or66f] kwatj E«A#t OlMtonbunr 16—M.H.8. fOotbaU team aeeka iwo-yeor Traveling high, wide and hand- SldM, WUd Cats vs.I. AM-I‘-Stan. Bis Oananskl Out aad tha raot ot the toam alavad w1 latattooal ior ILeague lead. In Tri-County. 11*7. Moriartya whip 7— Legion nine edges New Britain SEPTEMBER MJ to Miami, many objecUona rais­ t.*??***^ aa a simon pure.' aome on a thrae-gama winning Although thare aUll remains some |>aag-iy baakatbaU aa tha T tM sn CBi >mmuaiM 15— OIson’s defeat YD's In Rec to Bristol Boys’ Club, 27-25. Rah YMCA Senior League title opener, e-n probably try the pro ranSita 4—18 18—Orioles repel Royal Blues to Rockville twice, 10*6 and 17*2 GA’s on Kilpatrick’s S-bogger, 7*6. Eddie ed. To lose eleven players by gradu­ 1939. THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE doubt aa to the condition of K1 Aid- Jumped Into an aariy «rahip at Senior League upset, 37-27, as Shcr Kah Girls top ‘ Y" Lassies, 31-27 27-20. M. H. S. baseball squad cut to Elm suffers first loss m eight starts, streak, the PoUsh-Amerks go off tie Meteors for first round honors KImo Gavello named os all-state 25 players. Middletown High loses down Elaat Hartford Red Sent, 4*1. I — Elddie EHm suffers second loseation. Into enamy territory to meet an- (East Side Reo) rich of Texas ChrtoUan and Dan and all...we'uns don't hold^^h easily held the advantage thmitk* IV. RoaoM In Rec JunlJt circuit. Howitzers Moorhousc stars. PA’a trim Renn's. 31— Trade trims Torrington forlosing to Frankie Buff of Water­ of season In defeat b^ Johnny PA’a Matoh'Hlgh Oagen TONY CANZONEU WINS guard. McCluskey third in two- CCIL grid title for eligibility rule 18— Braeet NeUI, M.HA. graduate, „ W. L. Hill of Duka, the only staf who on^^tfieproceedtaga. ttSdew aotae pastor od laU rally, topa St. Johns, 33*25. .Morlartvs topple Dillon's. MrClus- fifth straight, 12-3. bury. Joe Delaney beats Tony An­ Moroz of Waterbury. The PoUah-Americatu dominated 21***^.®^*^ Polish League rival, the P.C. raally seems likely to ba kept Idle key fifth In mile event at Rhody. milc to Bright and Lash. violation. West Hartford being named captain of Colgate eleven fbr SL Stans of Meriden. The Ult to to Royal Blues ...... 4 0 1.000 ot a line... “ ■ teaaawofk leb OB the 14— High brilliant In drubblnr drea of New Haven In season’s 8—Elancls Leary, eenBaUonal M. 1939, after fine season os tackle. « ^ p r o basketball ta the asms a ^ SE(X)ND COMEBACK TRY Shamrocks ...... s to Bill Osmanaki, Holy Ooss full- Ki AMrlcb and I, B. Hala fit > tba sad Underwood Girls beat .Morlarty las­ 13 - PA’s nose out Hartford St. awarded hunar. >aUa^ manner that MHS ralgnadi U p to )^ tomorrow evening. New 1 .780 lEm W O R TH RIFLES Kyohotokl'a tadi* El East Hartford, 50*30, as Harrv debuL H. 8. mller and barrier, enters . 18—High harrien lose state UUe Maroons ...... g ^ k , who was due to perforin In the ^ckle, were In our town a ^durt briUlanee was a faotor too Squatrito stars. Trade rally nips sies, 39-12. Cyrils from foul circle, 53-50. Girls 15—Eagles defeat St. John'a *vtr tha aeboolboy raahn, emerging — H>* new, apacioua St 1 .750 M l 16— Trade’s earl’- lead beats Tor-bow. 21-13. 8— Bluefields slam Moriartya forSeton Hall Prep. Ludwig Hansen to Hartford Public, place sixth. . Sta^toua (^immunity buUding in Falcons ...... 2 2 .500 Btoat-Wsst game at San Francisoo. S^ll back and one and all agreed jjB Gje losers to nverooma. XH cad Rockville, 27*10, PA's wallop again. 31*23. to annex YMCA Senior 10*3 triumph. ■! ^ **2E.** ®*>nnjpion by winning the Eddifi Zivic Dfidflively rlngton, S9-.35. Ragles top St Johns cage crowm. JUNE named coach of Morlarty griddera. 19— Joe McCluekay wins Metro* Itata Poush Meriden. Besides seeking taelr Speedboya ...... 2 3 .500 And alnea the eastern team has ttay would be able to take m JTS MMdalh and RawaM ftaturwi Oatt^ Ca Maynard Middletown bv 54-35. 14— Elmo Gavello leads High 9— J. C. Carey and W. H. CadlusGreen loses Tri-County protest over poUtan aix-mlto eron-ootmtry raca M6fue, Re-. Semorl In Tsn Round Clfiih To Wipe OUT SEVENUI WIN IB In Y Senior League upKCt. Kcbart scorers In state tourney with 30 20— Trade achool trims Wllllman* "^n the locals Heights ...... 2 3 -50U Wtoconsln'B Howie Welsa. It ahould double their number of Sklboa ford’s attack. Lo ra tba an* 15— McCluskey second to Lash In 1—High trims East Hartford. score aces at local Country Club. RockiiUe loss. for'or second year in row. iaurato • th a ra- Out Previoufi Lo**. Cougars ...... 0 gat along all right tar. Mias two-mlle race at New York. rolls 128 average for 56 games In points. Portsmouth, first N. E. foe, tic Trade in baseball opener, 9*5, *^Uble ilteord of victories against 2?,! J«,**^Wng their fourth aUte 4 .000 ^ c h e y r 's regulars got away Ar Y bowling league. 16-9. Bluefields blank Green In 10— Green bows to Wethersfield, 4— Meriden Barons beat Mor­ 20—Moriarty’a cruah Oriolaa by Mohawks ...... " 4 .000 Coachea Bob Neytond of Tennts* ...CtorMgie Tech hasn't faced a to a 14-10 margin ta the first o u ^ P« > Richard 16— PA ’a smother Union Cltv for has record of 14 wins, five losses. with 4*run rally Ir 8th. 51-7 score to even town grid series. '*• compeUUon avau^ie ta »? i* ? i.i* * * "* *n six starts 17— Maurice CorrentI wins one- Twl League opener on one hit 3-0. 7*6, and loses TrI-COunty lead. Mori­ iartys, 8*3. New York, Dee. 81— (A P )—Tony and their eeventh triumph In ten Games scheduled next Thursday aaa and Tom SUdham of Oklahoma, ^ w r of hto ability thto ye.ra^d to and Mrs. 8th straight. 71*41. as Al Obuchow- West Side bowling league holds 21— M. H. 8. nipa Alumni In 10th,Etegles top High Jayvees In junior artys down Lucky Strikes, 7*5. 24—EVan Leary places second ta SLartSi Sondi W io ^ r Hoopsters *non* ras4rvaa*hrt^ A« per RIU akl scores 25 poinU. Moriartys bnll sweeps at Farr's alleys. Mor­ wind-i'lp banquet. 5— Blneblelds nip Moriartys, 8-t, Cui£on^ri*t contbACk iUtit was as night at East Side Rec: Roy's! Blues who have been "giving’' each other “ Sfi Hartford oa avea taraas hi tha 5*4. as Thurner hits homer, tnple league, 14*1. Polish Home ouUssts GA’a 18*13. ndUonal crose-country meet State There wam’t much acUvlty in flwatered.,“ Al Kta has iartys bow to Prison Farm, .34-33. to retain Twl League title as Bill clean oa a naw calendar today. I teams have met' four Umea vs. Shamrocks. Speedboys vs. the Miami Orange Bowl game, sum­ ^oeest of them all to the Oronm •y>nd parlod. After the tatemle* Al beaten, by Meriden Iroouols, 33-22 15— I’ A's trim Olson's to lead Recand double. Maurice CorrenU wins 3— Shamrocks swamp Mohawks. prison Trojans drub Moriartys, 36-7. ta the past two aoasons aad the 17— Rangers upset Tigers In YBlues down Meteors in Rec .luhlor I*e:igur's second round. 12—Porterflelda absorb 6*1 Twi Neubauer twirls five-hit balL Mar­ I “.**'*’ " “ ‘ ■•'I* ot schoolboy ta ordor to start bto new quest for Heights, Maroons vs. Cougars and med up the whole situation In yes* B w l classic but thto corner ^rilU Dmb TerryrOIe By atartera caaM heck aad one-ball at Farr’s but Ibaea to Town 16*1, on McEliitt’s two-bItter. loss from Moriartys. West Hart­ lon Vlttner, local feminine track Alumni, as usual, trims High cag- l ^ t s . but what there was w U ^ ■ have managed to coma out on torday’s etatemants. Al Intermediate League thriller, 22- League overtime thriller, 43 42 to 16— Kaglo.s gain " Y ” Senior * “ **“ totog drive to turn W Team oedorded wild demonstration 28— Oiorlle Kebart to|is .Maortoe 7— M. B. & npaste West Hart­14*7. Thurston Foster wins spring DECEMBER—CONTINUED Siyar Bowl (dew Orleans: Texas a near. cage toumevs. Ic.ading scorer of M.H.S. eagera, lost by townspeople on arrival home. Joe ford to tie for OCIL hose bo II czowa softball series. Ing champs, ta Y Senior League boTM ’t o " Utolto °t oagen from SAM SNEAD PRESENTED for rest of season with Injured Correall by 158 plas to keep locaJ golf tourney here. S t Johns down tops to win tbalr aacond triumnh ta the BprlngaSa P. R A. C. at the earn**!* Tach. ProV B( M qtiaiw 21— M. H S. trounces Meriden .McCluskey sets world record In two- and end season with 11 wlas, 8 16— Biddle Elm knocks out Benopener aa Esaoa, Trojans also tri­ rtto attrtdance 50,000, a aoutbsrn game of the new year. Bi nbertato for 11th straight, 36-2R. PA'a (op ankle. High mermen whip Hill- bowling title he has held for past Thompsonvllle, 18*5. Maximo of Danbury In third round umph. 2 l fama with the Y rourt laat night The final ecoiv change In Schmeling from a V ilJ S ! Box score; y mlle event of ,5Iet A.AU mwl In Inaseo. Btanchard pitches two-hlt- lOonttoued HMm Page Tern ' ^ r a ta (vaa 40 to 30 aa the Batata ataved rarord. Favorite, T .a u . Plenty of mad to* Tetryville. 53-43. Walt B.arelsa hou.se and \\’est 1-lav-en in triangular decode. High netmen drub EAst 19—McCluskey withdrawrs from of bid for state amateur middle­ 3—M. H. 8. drabs Bristol Ten) rllieeday Junior Loagus Elmo Oaval- S t Stan girla. Lady Fortune baao't ly-condlUoned,. confident fighteriiahtoe tn to EUewortk h a r r y VARDON PLAQDE meet here as Wn't Barelsa • breaks 9:43.3, P..\ White Eaglee-^0nnez Hartford, 4*1. ter la 4-8 trtamps over prevteasly European squad. weight UUe. ^ n amUtag brlgbUy on the local ott a toto drive by the invadera to « 0T ^ expected wlUj the uncer- r. sets free stvle record bs High mer­ ctoah. SV18, before 1800 ■P*‘» ‘to ankle, lost Win handily m u m «*"’ ®*^^red bloody one—ta B. F. T. own 100-yard free style mark for rage title In W'llllmantto Gold 29— State Froah pin defeat on M.unbeaten rtvrsL Trade ouUasta New 19—Tommy Deardon, M. H. 8. i to row. PA tod thay hope that ahe Carnegie's a lltUe over two mlnutea., .stand* H< tha ba* men win third meet against .Men. .Medal tourney, beating Mortarty Britain. 12-11. 30-^reen drubs Porterfields, Trade hoopetera whip Tor 1-19. f o M H. 8. for Middletown game. Peterson If . 4 2 10 mlsbt den. Trade eagers sc\ittle N’ew 4th time Hfwitzers nose out Silex. H. 8. trackatera In opener, 55-48. 12*3. S t Bridget’s paos YMCA athlete, enters Rhode Island State. seta back “rae ^ints plied up an 18-18 lead ^ ‘ h* Horned Daley, If Houston, Tex., Deo. SI.— (A P I—. Sb Orioles In overtime finale, 49*46. St. 8— Green routs PA’s ia Tad 4V16. 38-29. 2*~Trade achool nips PlataviUe ro r^ victory Sunday avsntac In the first half with brtlUbt i f™ ** Jnnjoua passing and running . 1 1 3 H. ramala* Britain. 30-19. 35-29 Victor Abraitls eops one-ball as Wes Palmer again breaks high softball clreuit 31—Hurricane wmahes out eporte High ta thrUler, 8V85. rain boat down and hearing I Quigeiey, if 1 ^ e name of alammin' Sammy Al event at Conran's nlley.s. Johns beat New York quint, 47-46. Lesjfue, 17*3. 3— Oreen cniabee Mi( tng| and shooting arid SumlaEaSkl Y«aturtag Oavey O'Brien * the Navy coxswain bellow at the 0 2 pato if 22— lo" MeCliiskey awarded tro- jump record with leap ot 6 feet. 2 34—Green hlanka Windsor In Tri- program here. High cancels grid HUtoidea, 75*30, to Sher Mo loUywi;^ 23—Royal toJEaf^^w"'*leave Muzyk'cz, 5 1 snead. a former caddy, to d a v w u SI (raa to . phT by New York C. for brilliant 23— VI.H.S. dniln Rockville, 88-Walt Barelsa wins 50-yahl free style inches. Windsor High wrallops Trade, 9— Shamrocks hast RUay’a, 8-L opener. Blueflelds-Mortortys p ^ - •e.iA . Cougars *n® ,*to t Side Ree Sundav at a » and Grzyb kept the locale out front Orange ^ i , Miami, Fla.: Ten* "AU rtghL damn you, g m <3oyne, r f ...... 11 SI In junior UUt openor as McBvItt Cpimty. 7*0. S t Johns top Chico­ stake 13 baskets.'Xagtea ilor League games to »toe final periods. Wbito Rncek. 0 1 1 ®" * plnqus deatln^ to £• North 1931 ressord. Is also named on 28, tor 1.5th vlelorv In 17 starts in state swim meet as High places 15*5, first loss In three starts. High pee In softball circuit pone aeries. Thuraday?5Blcr S' ral o PAAC pracUra naaaae ve. Oklahoma. Probable at* em ths warka"...and seetanr Berger, o ...... honor thq great men of golf. fifth. hurls 3*hltter. E ^ e Elm gains var- Fkfnira, 8V10. its *PA’s ta Kae Jtofua aa Speedboys Maroons and M. Rubacha and Burke turned ta « 2 3 ’ 7 l.l AACs .AII*Amerh-an tra<-k teHni. most Siieressful rage rainpalgn to sever sports relations with Wind­ 36—Green and GA's batUe to 3-aU 35—St. John’s beat Springfield. ^ d a n ra 80,W. Favorite, Tennaa* Buck Walsh, the stricken N a w 3L Waldron, c 4 Sn*ad of White Sulphur Springa 20— PA's set back Bristol In dlrt ovef Jimmy CoUlna ot Naw 4— TerrjvIBe tope PA’S la ataa- Ltague. 81-39. Barbara rout JJjXooM atoo win. Eaglas fit Jotau All ptoyera ara urged to attend; neat fioor game. Zajw u d John* •ae. Aerial fiiw ork f expected from < ^ h , toter ta the 2 10 D< , boir* Local hockev te.am t’.ims Wihsted since I9SI. RanU.«d s,-«ind In state ham. Twi deadlock In nine Innings. 6*4, to even seriea for Tri-State Bancroft, c .. . 0 0 W. Va., given the H a r r y ^ ^ Li 4-2. toi^ ey listings, faces Hartford Ix-ague tussle, 40-36 Gills lose, Havren la first ring start of ssason. softball crowm. Blag npset of State, Poiisk LeogM Hdao, 61*84. Local Trade auf-' P ^ |tod Park e o p T Senior League son led the scoring of Uji* losing Tracey, ig ...... 0 lergato- 30— Tommy Sipples, veteran base­ 36— GA’s and Moriartv play 2*3 flratUefeat ta three starta, loe- nnd Uttle to choose be* It won the race," he eaid, "you fel* 1 0 award—the second man to win Pi t tfM M 23— p a ’s last half spurt beatsI ubllo In riasti A opener ut Vew •28-10. Morlarty volley ball team Bees win first round of TMCA SO—Green to sponsor bsuketball champs, 3V85. PA Girls vtetors, team. The box score: I witu ui#ni« ) Pesae, I g ...... 3 V> ball player, to retire after 24 ysore baseball league. 'Twi Ua Legion hopes of state ttUe 11*8. to New Britain, 86-81. Brtatol ^ ^ BL Jota’k. 'P'Ht 0 0 0 toe coveted prtoe denrtad by the I as H New Haven. 38-30, for Uith straight llavem. Trade ranked second In fourth In Camden. N. J„ tourney. as diamond ace. Joe McCluskey sec­ team. S. edgu MIddlatowB in Cotton Bowl, DfiUaa, Tex.: Tanas WaldiM, Ig ... 0 0 in State League. Girl* hrm, i9-o Class B, seeded Into final eight 10— Moriartys defeat Porterfleldablasted by 10*6 Ices to Hartford. 5— Oifford’a and Plumbing A Sup­ baat Ontar Htiii«r(if_ P B T 0 ot toe great Bag* Al to f to 22— Mervin Cole tops High scor­ond In 3,000 meters at Penn Relays [-38. Ult far 6th atnlgta r HOCKEY f JK* to SL Mai^. Probabto^ Jorgenaen, rg . 0 0 n*“ 8olfer who died two yean ago. TMCA auint loses onener to Glas­ Celtics bent St. .lohns in Y Senior In Twi clash. 5-1. Trade drops final Joe Delaney whips Duke Nelson of ply rifle out wina ta West Side Eagtae, TIgara and Sulddaa triumph. 3V36. South WtodacrUlmi 0 M. Burke, r f ...... o 3*8 3 0 Bi ers In N. E. tourney with 23 points, as Schwartzkoff of Michigan wins In on the Taeonto, rg . . . 0 0 The award brought light aad Bt tonbury Ukrainians, S5-.34. I-eague feature. Morlarty Girls lose tics for second place. Townspeople game to Bridgeport. by 18-13 for Worcester on technical kayo In Junior Leagus Hgera trim Baglas V iBtannadlata gamas ThriU- Thomaaton again, 8V1T. 0 B. Sumlstoski, If ..7 1*1 15 0 upset. Center Springs trips Ameri­ second at Sandy Beach. lA p T O T O H H r e s u l t s 2 Max Rubacha, c . .3 Ctow^n has commented force- emerald turf at Pompton Lakes one Cheer where momenta before there Dt 24— Moriartv Girls whip Aetnato Rah-Rahs. 34-32. Johnny Scar- honor High basketbaU and cross record of 10 wina, five Inseei, Jun­ tn V Intermediate itosgue, 4V34, aa aqu^e ahow ptoaaaa crowd at — ^A'a return to form to drub fiaaerlcB AaeaetaUoe 8*8 7 Totals El can Ekigles In junior league opener, 37— ^ a c k le Ftaher pitches three- I Side Rec. S A. Rubacha, rg ,. .0 ®cw "bad ” Tech has look-^ “ d talking of Tony 18 10 46 had been darkness and dsspalr. Tha life. 46*26. Eagles upset by Tig chuk lauded as grid player by Conn country teams with testimonial ban­ iors capture tntor-elaas track meet Sulddea, Onter Springs also wla. A r ^ r d SL Qrrito ta State Leagus Bt Louto 4, Tula* (i, * 0-1 0 ed, which ahould Galrato, that curious mixture Terryville Ft era but hold Y Intermediate lead State mentor. 7*6, and High School Jayvees trim at M. H. 8. hit ball as Moriartys upset Blue- 4 A. Vtacek, r g ; . , . . 8 0-0 4 of nian who. rated dlstlncUoa out- Oi quet at Masonic Temple. 1—(taeneys. East Sides gain 6— PA’a open Ree Senior League 14--aMbury Oirto drub Norton’! »-«® ' to Curiey and K o s e j ^ WEEK-END s c h e d u l e ^adia^ and down... “I don’t B. F. ■^•ndlng golfer of the Mi itg Rangera drub Pirates and Cubs 2^ Charlie Kebart takes one-ball HolUater school, 16-9. 11— Ehale Squatrlto retains M.fields in Twl tut 7*0. va, 53-lL 1 B. Orsyb, I g ...... 6 0*0 10 - _ - — __ year" waa 23— Eagles nip St. Johns, tighten finals of Y softball tourney. UUe detanM with 41-81 victory over triumph. 85 teama .wtth over 8M NaUooal LaagM Ikoighx strongar opposition during the rccu toiow what makea him the way ha DsUenskl, rg 0 1 P, down Aces. ,, sweeps at Farr’s. Johnny BychoUki 38— Eddie Elm beats Johnny Mor­ — ■ II ncl rating at all weU bare ta tha hold on "Y " Senior League honors. H. 8. hitting )o.x>ra with S96 mark. *—Btoefieias retain taws ____ Paganl Barbara. Otntar BUUards l^ lu d iv llle takea toad ta YMCA rtayera partidpete in ata local cage New York Amerirana at Tofonto. lar season, with fair r ^ t a ^ *■' ®nt Bghters are lUie him... Pratt, rg .... 0 1 85—YD’s trim Renn’s for 9th paces Trade cage scorers with 239 Cy Blanchard tope pitMiers, Mervla ris at Hartford on declsioa. Frankto 1® ' 17 6-8 40 K'walacU, Ig •I' 54-hole Houston Open aa tha final O f I batted —Jack Dwyer again named ball Utle by beating Mertartys toM edge Oreen ta two overtime pertocto, ntor L e a j^ by baattag Tesaeoa B o^n at New York Rangark. , . Bprtagfield P. N. A. C. Hew when I m In there I’d Uke to take 8 3 day of play 8p straight in Rec Senior loop. tO-26 points for season. Al Getzewlch pins Cole paces fleldera McCIliakey Parker at Chlc<^>os daclsloBa Joe 48-40. JOe ‘Twatnlto paces YMtA. A. C. Kbtosh, ig ... IS back president of Twilight League. Al tame, 8-5. SL Jehaa eaptare Tr4 Eaglea Imd SL Johns alto tn- 37—Barbers edge <3ren fax R u tatoraatleaal AnMrieaa »tMwn J. Andy, r f ...... i 0-2 attend- the other gu^a k*ad off, I want to 0 0 Leonard Dodaon of Springfield. TV P A ’a drub Moriarty’s and Dillon s Jim Wallis In Hartford mat bout. Getzewlch loses mat bout to Bob MAY third In two-mlle at New York. Delaney at TboomanviUe. Mori* State eofthoB erewa, triasaalaa league bowton with 185.4 average. S Segerman, to . . 0 W ML Ptf* alp Olaon's. M. H. S. tankers lose Orioles seem due for title In Rec ys again beat VMtvfile Radmen, oph. Royal aiuea whip Falcons ta Jtonlor League upnt. 37-35, aa O n ­ Providenoe at Springfield 8 J. Moles, r f ...... i 0*0 , 3 ■ara 18,500. Toama rated even. sosi^n? floor"...the football 0 'ott to. alamixMr Russell at Hartford. Kebart and 13—Green blanks CromwsO, fi-0, SpriagfieM, V L — — a 8—Oriolea tan to take aetian oa I furaday -Junior circuit and Spsao- ter BlUlarda trim Waat Sldas 40*88. Rttiburgh at Philadelphia. 0 A. Kapanaky, If ..2 Utah taay be adveracly affecUd by season. Sid Lucknoon playing the M’fnowakl, c 1 1 to Hartford and Bas.*lck in trian- Junior Lsagiie. make certain of tie 1—Five homers mark Porterfields’ on Farrand’s two-hltter to lead 0-3 4 Beljlco, rt . . . . » tahtad In a Ug field, oomptettag Evans hit 226 each to tie In Farr’s 5—Blueflelda’ succeM due to pow­ question of lesumtag town grid to Ua PA'a and Barbenfw ByraeUM at Harahay. - L. Bamal, e ...... a greatest one man game you ever . 0 0 gnlar meet. for second round honors by beating 81—Blueflelds-Wat out 10-4 tri­ ya, Sbamrocha, Maroons alao win. 0-0 4 A ‘2SJ2* if* Hawaii, but plaiw CK'cb'weki, rt hto first round ^ta 69—two M ow one-ball sweepd. Moriartys lose to win over ETog Hollow, 13*8. Trt-Oouaty with four straight wins. er at plate with V14 team batttag series with Moriartys Royal tUuas, A M Sldas and Mateora stay tlad tor to start obockabock tmpf,**trooTM.** Includlni •aw against Yale when tba season 1 3 88—Trade trims Rockville, 89*27. Meteors, 33-27. 3—Weet Hartford smears M. H. Moriartya edge Berlin Maroons, umph ovdr PA'a Green trips Crom* 16—M. H. 8. eaaUy dniba Marl- 1-8 7 Uw'wer'skl, if par. Bnsad mtoaad by a half inch a eyvita upaet Eagles as St. Johns Furriers. 39-36. average. Rm HoUand tops with Speedboys, Shamrocks and Heights T o a ^ y Junior Laagut lead as High It a t n a l at CSileago 0 F. Btokup, r g ...... i 0-1 F®“?B and Columbia was wln- 0 0 flv^foot putt on tha tost bole and 25—Company K trounces Y Cel­ S. In weird U lt 33*2, os locals use 4*3. GA’s bow to East Longmsadow, wrMl. fi-L Moriartys spUt with .368. High IxMtera blanked by So n 3V33, to hold CCIL toad. Ttada 3 Kowatokl. If ., 0 holds Y Senior League edge. Con­ tics, 26-16. 23—New York FUarets pin first gain artas ta Thursday Junior toagua naps RockvUls High, 6V30. East Hattera atoo win. , Amarlcana. 22- 5*?“y'nr . . f . . . o 1-8 1 H e»co ace, may not be effecUve v a g . ..the tost quarter of the 3 s 76 xrhlch left hits tted with loss on Rockville Girls, 33*29, in seven twlriera. Shamrocks batter AS-S. Norwich linksmen tls local Olastoabury PA's. winning 8-3 and Windaor, 8-0. Jock Dwyer named 0 C. Zajar, ]g ..C ...8 after a long layoff. S y r a i^ winning with three mln- ran's bowlers bow to Middletown by 26—Ed Kose again oops M.H.S. Mohawka In Junior League, 15*8. openers Oreen turns back S t Petara I, Wildcats and High Hattora awamps Oilbart High XMtrolt at Boston. 8-8 8 Total twentteth ptoca ta team. losing 7-L GA's beat Northampton. coach of North End Orioles. St utee to go...the Duke toam mov­ #W 4 ••• eaaaaaaeaaaae. 5 u . ~ : 6S pins. ^ g e scoring honors with 178 points clash here. PA'a trim State PolUh 3— High shuts out Rockville by 7-8. of Hartford, 1V16. R Massola pacts Rec Junior League games. Mmaatad, 6V84, tor fifth vleto^ta — ■ ■ lira ®*n Fraaetooo: Proh- tiM #3,000 open. it to* League All-Stars. 31*21. Eagles, 13— Poutney gives only two hits Bridget’s aararded plaque fOr arln* Y Wednesday night aUey league 18 ing with cold precision and certain­ at half Urn*. ^19-1 . 37—Lopsided scores mark Rec tor season. Melvin Cole second with 3*0. Trade outlasts WUllmonUc, aa Bluefields drub GA’s, fi-8, to Uo ntag Y Boftban league Utle. k7*i-8outt> Wtadaor drubs Farm- “ -*®*>nny Rireboisld a ^ H d li^ p h la at New Havtn. 4-18 SO able rttodanee 58,000. No favorite JJrt^^rafsree. Eddy; time, 8 Dodson shook off a touch at ta* Junior League play as Speedboys, Methodists. Saints win In "Y " with 118J average. ----- ——__■ ~«9 “• 9V. rtOnilB. ta e l ^ of aU-etar taama. a hal? ty to pracUce...the great Ooldberg 14*13. Moriartys for Twl lead. Graduatfcm 6— Middletown drubs High bar- rton, 8V18, for 4th stralgbL j t o t Otoney-s Hollywood pUUwgk at^ Provtdancmmaenca. flu a w to go out into tha odd aad Oriolea. Haighta and Meteors win.. McCluskey regains Senior League. Stanley Katkaveck, 4— Trade nine trounces Torrtng- 8—M. R S. pnffMd hard but whipa Plumbing Flva ta Bikilugfleid at Ctavaland. Reforee, O. Buoky, E. YaakowskL dual between Marshall vunuliig with reckless abandon lead, toe field. Ona stroka back waa 28—Trade-aeuta Simsbury High Ed Kovis smd Eddie Raguskus play reaps .a bumper crop ot High ath­ riera in opener; first loas for Wl- PA’a trip Roclnffla, 46-38, to ga in st ^ ^ t same team 34 houra ton, 15*2. letes as aU sports auffsr loansa. grenltea since 1988 campaign. East Hartford, 4 6 ^ . Trade btosu kp two-game losing streak ta waat BMa Junior L e a n s Barahqy rt Byracuae. ot Pitt and Re Bortarief HaaiM (Jug) Mrflpeiton 04 Boalaa. ind in*. 44*15, for 18th win In 16 starts. I9to diadem. PA s drub New Britain In minor leagues. Ftfty-ste boys 5— High Seconds drub Middletown AUGUST California to predletad. ” Ttptoo puottDF ia Um 14— Weaver mt Bartisrfi Maahs 7— M. H. S. downa West Hart­Windsor 42-ft. South Windsor ate Leagua. Green Kxirts to edge EHUtorda drub Hartford Supar f l v s who stuffed the 8K800 first priaa Mara^ 8P—Hlgb’a early lead trips Wind­ i f YD Reserves beat sign up for junior baseball league. in trockr 77*23, os Bruce Watkins High trims Blocmflald. 44-2L Hai^ Wichita r t MtanaaDoUa. ^ B u e va. Gray, Montgomary, Ala.: » ow..,andona laat look, maybe Last Night *s Fights money of the Migwn Obwi la ham. 37*81. McCluikev runs hie StAtV. Tiafis, fi-6. hi atata tiam iy spsasr 1—Moriartya batter Oreen. 7*1, to ford In grid opener, 6-0 aa ^uatri* |w Britain S t Ann’s, 88-32. itameara m ^-- ______• ^ YMCA, 34*31. Y Girls down Sims­ 26—M.H.S. track aad BnM tauu aa Isaergaa glvwa mm hM. RUays to scores after 40-yard pass to De­ ry Thompson, Y sports director, re­ 28-Jto McErttt and A. J. Oug. ««w atyinLvSE WRESTLING j^ b ah le rtteadaaea Ifiooa An­ 5* ^®®*ny Farr.. .In the Jaana a few days ago. faatoet two miles at Boston but bury. retains state Indoor titto aa isory 6— M. H. 8. upeeU Bristol in id Twl league aa Fraher g 1 ^ ^9—Suicldea, TIgara and Eagtoa other no-cboica otaab of atara. Both 14th round against Lou Nova. worn. A couple of stadM dosm Shamrocks, 6-4. to avao Juw- only two htto. SL J

-^3 MANUHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SA’IUKOAY. DECEMBER 31. 1938 ' f-. p i i ^ PAGE B U Y SELL./:;^llEM T/>^?/.//;^ C L A S S IF IE D i I b O T S a n d B r i l D I K R ‘ ~ ~ ~ Once More tftasn^o OW A ^ WBOktSTrohiB \ BlJT TlMIe O kit OX.', w yoo A BOAMO , tvsoooh \\ SENSE aiAd NONSENSE VvOCW O f NC.'Va) - «ZE60V.4StlOM| * VM WAWR TO W tP I OME CsOitaO TO v4 K1 0 \c6 yov> OOta' . ^ w M 7 icf mwM^cwf tgmfms m%^tw/n€ cm i jptM a^ f Ivor LOMBBR T V \ ^ / O ^ r M h HWCNcWl VC(t ? ^At AAaSI-OI. vAKPPy — MNO Ho hum? .... Here Itf is time The green automobile driver I li crtvetHlb HAPPV to buy new auto lloanae t a A . Th a t v o a s Th\ lOfcA Jumps Into his car and drives off in ov ^ y GZ^i»O)L.o>T« k ,y o o BUSINESS SERVICES HELP WANTED—MALE 1 This yaar*a taga are now olit of use all dlreetiona. 0 6 l o s t a n d f o u n d 1 APARTMENTS, FLATS, reservation., for 260 persona at tbsiri forever . , • Lika Caesav's clay, e. WV6OH6 — TO H N PO y OFFERED 18 OR FEMALE 37 l o s t —PAIR o r sttMM la Wclnlty TENEMENTS 63 F R A im ATTACK NOW New Year's dance starting at nlnei they might plug a hole to jkeep' that Bvsrybody connected with this I % o o o o * of CUaton and Oak straata. flader FOR COMMERCIAL and dOBMaUe STATE OF CONNECTICUT Per­ D A / L V PATTERN o’clock tonight. The club will cater ( wind away, but that’s abo^t all . newspaper fondly hopes that your f t s s plaaat can SMS. aaytlaM after 6 rafrlcarator earvlca or rafrtcarator sonnel Department Examination FOR RENT—n V B ROOM Sat, STRONGEST AT CENTER for this affair. New Year will be flUed with health­ reflnUblnf, call 4S78. Waya» W. with garage, on North Mam atreet, The a t y t^ew Dance haU wlU Traffic Officer—Don’t /y o u kndw ful and happy hours, your days I p. m. Reward. ______Notice. Poeitlona; Numerical Key By CAROL DAT also hold a New Tear’s dance. what I mean when I hwd up my brightened by sunshine, roses, low PhUltpa. U Wamer atraet. Punch Operetor, Orede 1 (No. 96) ateam heat furnished. All Improve- menta. Inquire North End Pack­ It has a youthful, gay personal­ Church Services hand? golfplf Iscores, and money In the bank. «adeh 6840-11140 per anrtum. AppUcation Watch night a*«ylces wUl be held Kind Old Lody—Wi night to; t'-f Jhrert AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Forma end detailed Information age atora. Telephone 0610. ity that will brighten long flay* 1» Flanks Of Inaargent Army MOVING— t r u c k in g in the Salvation Army Citadel from I was a school - Mrr Ihlrtjr- some motorists ara wise JM7 NASH SEDAN, radio: IMS may ho ohMIiied In tha Peraonnel office or classroom—this ' smart Slow Down As'The Aragon 10:46 on with Adjutant and Mrs. five years. s t o r a g e 20 FOR RENT—FOUR room modem Otbera pick up hitch hiker* and get Dodge aadaa Muxa; ISM Pljr* Department. State C ^ to l, Hert­ sports froek. Pattern F-37, with the Corps Drives At Artess. WillUm Trigg of Hartford- the hit over the head with a monkey Sat, aU Improvements, on trolley always popular peasant note Intro­ A J roeutk eoach; ISSS Cbavrolet AUSTIN A. CHAMBIfiMi Wbea you ford, or et loeel offices of the Con- 'line. Call 6990. guest speakers in charge. The Zion EVERY MAfI WHO T1UB8 TO wrench. n »iri aedaa; ISSI Charrolet aadan. Mee- necUeut State Employment Service duced by lacing in the front Lutheran church. Cooper atreet, will DO ANYTHItSa HAS PLENTY OF want the baa* la Local and Long Hendaye, France (At tbe Spaniah sier Naah, 10 Henderaon Road. Tel. Olatanca Movuig. Dally hUproaa In Ansonle, Bridgeport, Rrlatol, FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, with Darted in for slimness at the hold Silvester or yeaivend «er Book—38 eenta Pattern or book against CubUes, seven miles south­ standing o f the Individuals. And a ^ar load of Cheer! dating from the first Sultan, 6 s- ad. eharatna at lb* rat* aarnad but wage. Hava car. Can fumlah high­ DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 alone—16 cents. BO allowaiic* or rafund* can b* mad* est references. Write Box U, WANTED—APARTMENT or flat, west of Artesa, on the main high­ m yt. In the 13th century, was end­ FOR SALE--YELLOW Globe tur- For a PATTERN of this attrac­ way from Lerida to Seo de Uigel The old "Primrose path to the ed. Kemal was hailed as "Gail,” ea ala tin* ad* atopped attar th* Herald. from 3 'to 6 rooms, near Mam tive model send 15c In COIN, your arib day. nlpe 60c bushel at the farm. H. atreet. Write Box R, Herald. end tbe frontier between Oatalpna everlasting bonfire" is probably the Conqueror. Almost immedi­ No nlll torblda"! dlaplay lint* not Warren Case, Buckland. Phone NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM­ end France. HAN is BIT BY CAR, broad concrete highway now. ately he abolished the Sultanate aalA BER and SIZE to THE HERALD. Tb* Borald will aol b* tcaponalbl* 4246. WANTED TO RENT at once, stagle and on Oct. 28, 1933, Turkey be* for nor* than on* Incorroet InaarlloB TEST PILOT PRAISES alx or seven room houae, with mod­ TODAY’S PATTERN BUREAU, 11 SUFFERS LEG INJURY MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING came a republic with MusUpha' Of any odvortlaorront ordered for em Improvements, desirable neign- STERLING PLACE, BROOKLYN, TO YOU THE JOY WHICH CXJMES * ^ • 1 •* its first president. nor* Ihao on* time. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 borhood. Vicinity of Barnard school. N, Y, f r o m s e r v ic e , t h e PROS Fifteen years later, Turkey de- Tb* Inadrortont omieelvn or incor* NEW STRATOUNER f e r it y WHIC»f IB THE FRUIT roel publication of advarllalne will b* Write Box M, Herald. MANY PARTIES y ^ p e as a vastly differeilt coun­ FOR s a l e :—TWO BURNER brown raotlBad only by eaiicollallnn of Ilia An Injured leg, was sustained by OF DILIGENT EFFORT. AND try than It was under the old re­ ekara* mad* tot tb* oervic* rendered enamel parlor heater, like new. 618. Frank Sturtevant, 32, of 38 LUley t h e contentment w h ic h SeatOe, Dec. 31.— (A P)—The Call 6118. LOCAL KILTIES ENGAGED gime. Probably no nation has All advertlaemontb muai eonfurm JAPANESE COMMANDER BY NEW HAVEN HOTEL FOLLOWS WELL-LIVED DATS ever made more sweeping changes la atylo, anpy and typnpraphy with newest thing In aviation—^ giant, LEGAL NUTICES HERE TO MARK street last night when ha waa In a similar short period. Turkey’s roaulalioB* onforetd by th* putiiieh^' 9S-paascnger stratollner named and HUNDREDS OF USED Furniture AT A COUIIT OF PRODATE HELD struck on Main street by a car op-i The Now Year ora and thay raaarv* cb* right ic built by Boeing Aircraft Company bargains. 3 room* furniture 676. ’t^e Hotel Garde, New Haven, erated by Clirisbopher E. Brown rt entire social and economic char* I t adit, roTit* or rajact any copy con- at .MancbcHter, within and for thv REPORTED WOUNDED Forget the mistakes now past and acter has been remodeled. aldarod oblactlonabi*. —met enthualaatlc approval of Its E^asy terms. Phone or write for a ilixtrlct of Manchcnt<‘r. on th# 36th tried out something a bit differ­ 67 E3ro street. No arrest was made.i done. test pilot today after preliminary dny of December, A. J).. Ik38. YEAR’S PASSING and the Injured man was trepted at < ,The traditional fez is gone, CLOnyNO HOURS—ClaaalBad adi "Oourtesy Auto". AlberU E'uml- Present WILLIAM S. HTDE. Eaq., ent last New Years In the en­ Forget the battles, lost or won. to b* publlabed aam* day muat be r*< test runa. ture Co., Waterbury, Conn. gagement of the Manchester a phyalcian’a office. Henry D. Priw.j Begin all over, a-freab, a-nsw. wdmen are unveiled, religion hat ealacd by II o'clock noon; Saturday* JudifS. (Oentlniied frotn Page Oaa.) been separated from the sute. 14:14. Scarcely 24 hours after the plane Trust Ealata u-w' of Zophar Hills, Shanghai, Dec. 3 1 .- (AP)—The KilUes Band for their New 81, «*f 138 Wells street, was arreet-J The coming year may mean much to left the factory, Test Pilot Eidmund FOR s a l e :—USED WASHING ma­ late of .Manchester In said district, you. Ralls are h->lng pushed across the i Chinese press reported today that Year’a party. The management planned, the Leglon’a Ban being tbe ad last night charged with speeding' T. Allen taxied It along the ground, chines—Easy, Maytag, Blackatonc. decensed. waa a little doubtful abmt the his track on Main atreet. / rountry, an airline runs between „ I TELEPHONE YOUR Vpon application of Beulah S. Hills. Chinese planes had machine-gun­ first attempt to aponaor an affrtr of gt.fined It a bit and flev.- It In the 620.00 up. Fully reconditioned and succeas of the feature as an at­ John T. McDowell of 28 LUleyj w .w 1M8—1»8» Istanbul and the new capital. WANT ADS TrusteePl^SL praying for authority to sell ned a military train near Yoohow, thla caliber. The K. of C. have held Ankara, buildings are being mod­ air a abort time at an altitude of guaranteed. Kemp's Inc. Phone real estuto belunjfiiiK to said estate traction but jyere greatly aur- a New Year’a Ball for aeveral years street waa arrested at 12:35 a. m. With naught of joy to Ier.ven, with Ade are acoaptad oaar ih* lalepbon* from 16 to 30 feet. 6680. us per appllrutlon on lUe. it is wounding Gen. Bhunmku Hats, prlsed when the local bagpipere today at Main and Bigelow streets,\ tear and cheer and sigh. ernized, cities made western, .6 ^O a U eU d .* raarwiai, —. . past. ftt tho CHAROIi: «U«'n Bhovi Allen aalJ the big ship would not UltDI'JUKr):—That the foros^olngr commander-ln-chlef of Japanese made a great hit with the cele- charged with violaUon of rules of With smiles far short of heaven and schools “straamlined” Ip their ed­ M A ooBVBnUnoB to^B* t^adveriiBBrB* bnl retjvirc any super-atrporta aa the application he heard and determined An excellent New Year’s party hopee raised not too high. ucational inactices. UlB CASH RATRH will |># BccaD^Bii bb at the Probate urrice in Mancli«8ier forces In central China. bratora in the Elm City. has also been arranged by Manager the road. Joseph Harrison of Main ^VLL PATMBNT If pBtd bI thB bu8l« (leroonstratlon showed it would be MACHINERY AND In antd District, on the 5th day of Again, this yeai, tbe Kilties street was arrested at 4i;80 p. m. To 1938 we bid a last goodby. *.5^-,**’*^*“y "«* her The dispatches said the general Edward MacKnight of the Hotel first "Five Year Plan.” It has de­ BBBB offlCB on or before tb» Bev«mb able to take off ami land at any or- TOOlii 52 .lanuary,. A. D.. PJ39, at 9 o'ciook in have been engaged to appear In Sheridan with good food, mualc and last' night on a charge of In toxics/- 4a7 followtnfl th# flrtt ffiPBrtloa of •llnary-aised Held. the forenoon, and that notice b« waa. removed to a hoapital at Nan­ Away with vain regret! Let no sad veloped an industrial Turkey, criven to all persona Interested In king. Yochow Is on the Yangtze New Haven aa the msOn attrac- plenty of noiae makers. The Country Uoo and the acune count was lodged M b ad etherwiBB tbe CRARiJb; REBUILT TRACTORS. Fordson tioD in the Hotel Garde Ballroom against George Astrauckas of 80 __ word* be said, opened new pUnta. achieved new RATIO will bt cullecieA No roBnontle said estate of the pendency of said river, 122 miles upstream from Club members will also make merry We’re wniing to forget those houn bllltr for orriirB in t#i«r>honod Bdo parts used pulleys, magnetos, used application and the time and place of and all morning th were North street, taken in custody at foreign trade outlets. So success­ Hankow. at their own party at the Club. of loss and dreud, / ful has been the program, Turkey - ^ will bB OBBomed ind their oocurBOy engines. Dublin Tractor Co., Wllll- hearlOK thereon, by publishing a' copy Japanese authorities here said buraiahlng and polishing up Among the other parties scheduled Center Springs pond at 10:38 p. m. ebnnoi be goBranited mantlr. of thl# order In some newspaper their colorful uniforms for their 1b clean the slats, and 1st the past plans a second five-year program. 1'^ Inir a clrculntlon In said district. Nat they had no Information on the re­ are the Oak Grill, the VFW Home at inter Its dead. Turkey is just ban nin g to ex- least live days before tlie day of said ported attack, nor couldt It be con­ second appearance In "big time" the Green, Dante’s Restaurant at INDEX OF company. FIVE HURT IN DEtcAIUlfENT ploreher "new henrlnK. to appear If they see cause firmed by neutral sources. the Center, the Prlnceas Reatauranf, —T is true the faults w CLASSIFICATIONS EMERGENCY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 5.1 at suid time and place and be heard 'i- Main atreet, the TJI.C-A. ; freedom.” rrlntlve thereto, and make return to Tlie CSilnere also reported they Charleston, Wi Va., Dec. 31- erase are all our own. ; Shq;wn here Birth* ...... FOR SALE P. HAINES upright this court. had bombed a Japanese air base at - '-t. Midnight Show (A P )—Five persona were injured, And their oblivion would affect just • oh a 1924 XbaagamablB eeaeeeeeee#ed***a*6 t piano' In good condition. Inquire at WILLIAM 8, HYDE Paotow, Suiyuan province, damag­ last two days by Intense attacks on The State *rheatcr management one seriously, and an undetermined us alone; Marrlagae ee««*e»eaaea»ee6e*« C Judge. Kwangsl, Kwangtung and Hunan I Turkm> stamp ^^ea tha 94 Laurel atreet, or Tel. 3644. ing six planes and killing 24 Japa­ has arranged for a fine midnight number braised and shaken late It But) after all, what good attends a ! is the Sakaria •de»6*«a*a«ee*6an U CALLS H-12-SD89. provinces. hollow groan? — Card of Tbanke A nese soldiers. show with tbe feature picture tbe night when the Chesapeake and : Gorge where la Mamorlan ...... r Japanese warplanes, meanwhile, thrilling saga of the ^ r l d War Ohio Railroad’s crack passenger j4he Turks de- Loot and Pound ...... 1 WEARING APPAREL were reported by the Chinese to "splinter fleet” "Submarine Patrol.” • 80 ring In glad tomorrow! And may Annouheamonta ...... 1 train, the George .Waebing^toA, was : c 1 s 1 v ely de- Paraonal* ...... — FURS 57 have been taking a heavy toll the Read The HeraM Ad?s. The Army and Ns'vy Club baa derailed at Marmet, near here. ^ that welcome time ; feated th* a POLICE No olfl! year troubles borrow; ,, let Aatamobilea FOR SALE—TUXEDO, excellent Manchester 1939 ' ...... , ' ; Greeks In Automobila* for Sal* ...... 4 condition, site 38. Very reasonable. Hold something less of sorrb#/ *nd • their drive for Automoblla* foi Cachana* .. .. 4 J a new inde­ Auto Accataorlaa—Tlra* ...... • 4343 Telephone 4878. Date B ook a sweeter emlle from thine. Auto Rapaltina-Palming ...... 7 pendence. Auto School* ...... 1-A Aut<«—Ship b> Truck ...... I WANTED—TO BUY 58 Tfmight. Autna—Kor Hire ...... t Dec. 31 —Legion's Now Year’s EJve Uaragea—Sorvlca—Stnraa* ,,,, 14» FIRE WANTED TO BUY useil basketball, ball at State Armory. Molorcyrlet—Ulcycle* ...... U Wantad Autoa—Moloreyclaa II SOUTH also shoe skates, size 4 or 5. Write Also, Country Club’s New Year's BaatjiBM m B l*r»f— iBaat Herald, Box 8. BWe dance at club. Bv WillianiB BuilnrsB S«rvic«B OffvrBd it Also, Knigbta c t c:oIumbiia New Huuicho!d SarvIdpB Ofitred ••..ll-A 4321 JUNK HAS A MARKET value In Year’s Eve party at Rainbow, Bol­ Butldtnr^ContrBBttnff ...... i« cosh. Call Wm. Ostrlnsky, Tel. ton. FloriBt8~Niir8«rt*8 ...... ‘ 14 NORTH Funeral LHrectura ...... U 6870 ojid we will take it away. Coming Events. Heating —Pluinbtf.u—Rnoflnt ,,, 17 Jan. 11 — Skating masquemde InBuranoB ...... u 5432 party at Center Springs pond, au- UUIlnery—OfaMmakiDB ...... l| ROOMS WITHOUT aplcea of local Spinrta club. Moving—Trucklnx—blorag# 10 Jan. 25, 26,-27, 38—Annual Poul­ ■>.3 Pubtif Patsencer Pervlca ••••eab-A BOARD 59 Putming—rRppriiif ...... n try Show at State Armory. ProfeBBlonai Service# ...... IX AMBULANCE FOR RENT—FURNISHED or un­ Jan. 27—Mid-year graduation at Repairing ...... n furnished room In new house, suit­ Manchcater High School. Tallorlni:—Hyelnii:—Cleaning I« (DOUGAN) able for 1 or 2, use of kitchen. 60 Toilet Ooode and Service ...... 14 Wanted—Ruslnesh S^rvIcB eeeee 14 for 3, and 64 for 1. 33 WIndemere KdiiralloaBl 5630 street, comer Broad. Couree* and ClHeeee ...... HOSPITAL NOTES Private Ineirucilun* ...... II (HOLLORAN) FOR RENT—LARGE ROOM In Dancing ...... tl A private home, suitable for 2 gentle­ Muatcal—Draniailc ...... |y Admitted yeaterday: Mrs. Mary W amed-Inalructlon* V ...... 10 3060 men or couple. References. Tele­ Brown, Ekmt Hartford, Jamea Sar­ PInMilcial s phone 8183. 90 Benvon atreet. gent, Hebron. Bonda—Stocke—Mortgage# eee*a II (QUISH) BuBlnee* Oppnrtunitir* ...... |2 Dlacharged yasterday: Mra. Em­ t-oney to Isoan ...... || 4340 APARTMENTS, FLATS. ma Campbell, 367 Oak street, Alex­ Help anil nliaattene TENEMENTS 6.1 ander Jarvis, Jr., 41 Alexander Help Wauled — Kemale ...... |4 atreet, Jamea McAdama, 36 Orle- Help Male ...... S4 FOR RENT—MODERN 6 room Salesnipn Wanted ...... ll-A HOSPITAL wold atreet. Hflp Wj.nted- Mnle or Pemata . 17 tenement, all conveniences, garage, Admitted today: Mra. Jeaste Agenta Wsntfd , ...... |7-a good location. Telephone; 8939. Swartx, 63 Edwards street, Sltuatlonl VVanied —Female .. . . IS Beatrice Aceto, 195 Spruce street, Situations Wanted—Male ...... s» 5131 FOR RENT—TWO ROOM Apt. also Emninymeni Agenclee ...... 40 John Tl'vnah, 86 Porter street 1 furnished room in Selwits Build­ Birtha: Today, a son to Mr. and I.Ue met k—appt»—,p(»«|trr— Pehlrlee ing. Apply Apt. No. 1. Dige— Hirda —I'eia ...... 41 Mra. Richard Reale, 801 Main street Live Plork— Vphtclea ...... WATER DEPT. 42 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenemnt at and a eon to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poultry and Suppllea ...... 43 Woods, 29 Pearl street Wanted— Poultry—Ptock 16 LydiUI, with garage and all im­ 44 Census: Fifty-five patients. P«r Ralr-^VIIaeellnMe«*Ba 3077 provements, newly decorated. In­ m Arifclea For Hale ...... «» quire 36 Lydall. BuRta and At-oeasorlea ... 4« (A fter 5 P .M .) Buildltiy Materiaia , ...... 47 FOR lUENT—FOUR ROOM apart­ DiaiiM.nda— WaicheB—Jewelry ,,. 48 Eleeiriml Appllancea—Radio . 4V 7868 ment. Midlands. CaU 4131 or Read The Herald AdfSa „Fuel and Feed 4y-A 8333. Oarden—Karuj— Dairy Produeta te Bouaahold Ooo«...... y, MANCHESTER ■*^*"*» ...... »« V Sil,*®lD*e and Stor* Bdulemant . . . . 14»« WATER CO* MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NtJRSB Speclala at tb* siora* ...... h WaaHna Apparal—Fare ...... tt Teamed—T* Buy ...... || 5974 M*are—Betel*—* eeerta T H B i^ AU. atAMOUtt llealawrBiitB EA4PUWECS, CAPThlKt • Hooo«b Without B<*ard ___ li AMO THESe AMOIMTS AR£ MoneiHAM FI ■ J. P 0 0 8 t B THEia, STUDIO BMLARieSI ■S(f

'FAiOiVOtfftEmit M umhtstn Etmtfnit VnwUk

OMnpatiy K ISStb Infantry CNO. atdaad on tha property far aon^pay Katkavaak, has transfsrred Stark- D m f1n| Nattanal Btataa, ow nm RECORDS v i tba tiutt was formally wtu drill Monday^ Aaaambty wlU be tnant of tanaa anaountiag ta soom TfflOTnOWH at 7:80 p. m. Thla drU wUt ba pro- 111,600. By town maettag v««a. i » - S2n'S2s-“3» eadad by a aahool for noa-ooBunto- demptloa, by the hatra was antbor- n.OOO is liidicatad l y atampa. BM to^Baat Aoeordtng tv - a (pittotaim taad. aad tha oqtatandbig obHgatlen SSitar. Z* T*rMUm 5 * atoned oAdtra ef tha oompany whiea mbim J im Banvan oC . STS Fly lug. Om of tha atoras. w W ^ wji will commanoa at 6:4^ p. A- A oom- recorded today at tiio oflioa at Town has bean m att, p b Amos E . Friaod, wan alactad ■Mtitt awuM. Fall fuver. Mu*-, a ba nrmintai aa a self aerv^ ha ptaU attandaaoa of all mambara u CUrfc Samoal J , TurMiigton, the AimlaiptraSair^ Daaf praMdaBt of tho Mamorlal hospital -"■ - '- • >w tor in M«icl**rt«r, an* 60 fSitflrajt and 146 taat hJ^P*^ axpactad as anal tnatructloBs will R .*0. Cfianay h itn have aacuraA Under tanaa of an admh ' ‘ staff a t a raosnt maatiag ot the s .croup of har local ac» gnmp. Ha auccaads Dr. N. A. Burr, |._ ..J ^ a gira-Nevf Toar'a with an adJwUonaJ 60 ^ 46 mi ba lawiad for tha anauai Fsdaal title to the estate loeated on Park deed, Annie Kktkaveek. mt for atoraga purpoaaa. Tha other InsMKdlon of the Company which attest. Raoentty tha town f O r s -[t ^ of the aetata of tha lata who ramnad last month due to U1 I laat nisbt >t tha tone ot Iwr Btora DrtjTba *<> ftwt f t r ^ 3n^b2 ariU talM place ianuary U. hOfOUh Dr. Edward C Hlggiaa U , Wi« Flyoa Of ai»,CeB* fast in depth. TTia Uttar h« vica pcastdeat aad D r. Howard Boyd taat; angio*, awda* wd saeortary-traasttrer. tnada tt*a aveakv cnjoyabla Uased. ____ Mrs. Emroelina Curran of MapU ttM) ymmg group, tollowln* fltMSt has left (or St FStarabo^. ^ a “d BehnSeld who ban been vUWhg ^ vationt for your Now Yoor's Eva prise of 15 eon. Walter MmSald at Short A. aoe. their aacon^ w m l» m lAiomli of Cbaatnut Lodge and third HlUe. TAXI ^tlniraday, nlgbl at ®a Hartfort prtto of 10 gallone to M. Richmond ceflabrotion of . . Maaltal to Mr. and Mrs. Bdward af 8T Ridgewood street. Suneat Iteb ak airl^g a will meat '*"***W j sjstng h e ..,0 ^ Dial hall. A TmUdud-•uppST'-'WinTU OANXrS RESTAUANT ■erred at 8:80 under tiM direction 10 East diflhtfr Stwet "'' OU.V^b!Rs 8230, of Mre. Niannia Hildlng. with de*»- GsgntartaM* t e l rattons In charga of Mrs. Mary Ookriebir'fliB^Bl ffOlmeal Warren. Installation of tho new of- Talaphona 3923 • fleara will taka placa at S o'clock, and both outgoing and Incoming of- CITY T » « iloara are requaatad to wear whlta . D E N N IS m m r a T . Pnpw with glovaa. Deputy Bandmaster Robert Ly­ ons wUl hava charge of tha aoctal hour at tha Salvation Army citadel ^1 this avaning from 0 to 10:80 pro- ceding the Watch-Night aervtca. Agent For The Guards, under the direction of To our patrons and ftiwida Guard Leader Edith Leggett, will May the New Fear bring yon a The —me reduced Long Distance telephone apply every night end .all day every Sunday willj Open House Tonight hava charge of tha rafreehments. wealth of happiness and snooeM b PPERS 1939 7 P. M. Saturday, December 31 (New Year’s Ey A t' In your every worthy endeavour. condnae all day Sunday aad Monday nntil 4;f J .iv r Tuesday within the United States end to Csnad a OKE low rstm save you as much aa 40% of regular ds) ‘ C A V EY ’S GRILL WNr Nor SIN* roua miw r i a r s aasniMM this r u t sr ion* oisraiiefr 88 East Ce«t«r St. Next To Maaonle Tempi* The Center Pharmacy^ Odd FeDowa BqTdlng THE SOUTHERN NEW. ENGLAND TELEPHONE $ 1 2 - 7 5roN * The Murohy Drug Co. CASH 5 SEE THE NEW YEAR IN WITH US! 4 Depot Square Delivered. r , ^ *Tn bnaliieM for your health’* • • TRADITIONAL GOOD FOODS LT.Wood Co. 81 BlRsell St. TeL 44M Start The Net!) Year I • p l e a s a n t —REFINED ATMOSPHERE \ f ■■ .^1 '# CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS MAY THE NEW YEAR “A REAL TREAT ALWAYS^* V ^ A Night At tbs '■■ i'.',Spend A Sensible Evening At Caver's Grill I BRING HAPPINESS With Plenty of Fa TO YOU AND HOTEL SHERIDAN A t th* DINK AND DANCE YOURS Every Thurs. and Saturday N ig h t Tony O'Krighl andtno His m s f— r / G6f MAim Gtiseei IMMrUfBflG.rWdte M O N D A Y N K g OAK GRILL better with the new Orange Hall .1 Fun — Favors : i n WATKINS BROTHERS low-priced , i ' . S RATE Auspices Manchester Pipe Band I Souvenirs Guaranteed Klerlrii-al and Mechanical Auto Repairing FUMERAL SERVICE Noisemakers REAR j6 ( IMIHKK STREET , EMabllehrO lUtI | Established 1874 A Grand Time 2 0 OAB€ES 2 ! R. K. ANDERSON, DIRECTOR lor Everyone 142 EAST CENTER STREET 8 FREE TAMES! DOOj PUBLIC set b a c k PHONES: OFFICE 5171; RESIDENCE 7494 JOHNSON A LITTLE B 1 . 5 0 FOR MEN PhunMag aad Heatlag Contractors Admission 25*. MASONIC TEMPI.E Cor. Ceatar aad Trotter Sta. ■ ' Per Person EVERY SAFITROAV NIGHT TeL 8816 8 PrI'iial Refreshmental ' Includes Full Course Dimmer A ntipasto Range and Fuel Oil Broiler Sirloin Steak Mushroom Sauce 24 HOUR SERVICE or Roast Turkey and Cranberry Sauce Pie and Coffee BENDIX Telephone 3873 The SuooeMor to the TEXACO CRYSTALITE RANGE OIL Washiog Machine D.\NCING AND BAR SERVICE TO 3 A. M. WASHES - RINSES Music by the DAMP-DRIES MORIARTY RROS. OAK GRILL SWINGSTERS AUTOMATICALLY 301'315 Center S t, Cor. Broad S t Como . . . Make Merry With Us! KEMP’S, Inc. A Happy and Prosperous New Y ear To AH! 188 Main Street

SPECIAL Tonight! See the New Year In A t th s DAILY Princess Restaurant ^ LUNCHEONS No Cover Charge — No Minimum Charge! 35c 1 til' .III / And Dp u HOTEL SHERIDAN The Manchester Fun!^ Favors! ' Merriment! FILMS Bnjqy aeeiag the New Tear la. g a ^ aa« yai laexpewrtvety, DEVELOPED AND a t !^ rthiwM . Ceaae when yon Mia—hava ' ' I yowl PRINTED weVe open an alglit. Public 24-HOUR SERVICE Film Dephs,t Box At Besides Onr Regular A La Cart* Servk*, Btors Entrance W* WlU Featur* 'R icm T O MAj Market 3 Blue Plate Specials KEMP'S Boast Toong Itelny Half Boast Chlekaa With StoStag From The Management and\ ' *•/ -r/' Takes This BroUed SIHqIii Steak With Nashrooas Bawa or ffilad Oakma Opportunity to Wish Flna Wfaws — LlqQara and Basr Employees Of You All a Happy Open All Night and Prosperous RAM OB and FUEL 01L9 A Happy Haw Year To AlU 64-HOOB nBBVIOB New Model Laund NEW PHONE 6 3 2 0 Princess Restaurant 85 Summit S t TeL 8072 BOLAND “T I ib nsaltkj Flaaa To Bat ahi Ostalf* Ho Cover NoMlnipnum Plant Win Be Open for Eu^essMonday, Jan. 2.

■ - - ' ' i •• V. • ’ , --y