■4 ” AVEEADB OAaV OOUULATION for the BtMth et Nevastasr, IMS _ THE WrBATHtBB Foreeaat ot li. s. W esher 6.193 Hdrtfdiii Mimlnr et toe AaM Ber—s et 0 |h t W o h ^ toalgM MANCHESTER -. A CITY OF VIM.AGE ( HARM --------- toalifct. VOL. L vni., NO. 77 (UtoasMod Adverttaias m Itogd iZ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31,1938 HHIER SPRINGS Goebbels Whipped For Her? ISKS AMENDMENT m NAVY NEW JAPAN BLUNTLY TOLD REQUIRING JUDGE3 Saturday YEAR s u r p r is e! QUIT AT 70 YEARS ALL RIGHTS IN CHINA Notifies B ritab Germany BMTEBB a b b MOTHEBS ' Win Double Her Subma­ WITHIN FEW MINUTES *We. Pa., Dec. S1.-(A P)— rine Fleet; But Hopes To MUST BE RESPECTED vhion On Age Linn't h R ^ Two Blstors, Mrs. Albert K»hn and Mrs. WUUam Q. McLaugh­ lin, entered an BMe hoapltal. port To Congress As B e Keep Navy Pact In Force. A too waa bom to Ura. Kuhn. UD OF GARNER I Make Resolutions | |Note» h Phin B it P riiodtr Sevanteen mlnutea later, a That Are Overheard itaughter waa bom to Mra. Mc­ London, Dec. 81.—(API— Nasi in? Favored By Majority. Laughlin. Tormt, D e d m United Germany’s surprise plans for a big­ BEING SOUGHT ger navy to complement ber power- Washington. Dec. 81.—(API—At- ful air force and army threatened States Does NH iyitiT torney General Cummings recom­ today to Intensify Europe’s gigantic BY NEW DEAL mended to Congreaa today a consti­ rearmament race. Aa e parting shot Any Need Fer Nippei T§ tutional amendment requiring all NAZIS LASH OUT to the year which brought him so 'ederal judges to reUre at the age many triumphs. Chancellor Hitler "Constitate bseN Artknr- ©i ? ■ 70. ATUS.ASDUPE notified Ixmdon that Germany In­ In a report covering 1^ depart- tended to more then double her aub- marlne strength, bringing It to per- ministration Courting Vice Hy" h F o reip A m u . ment’a activltlea during the yeer ity with Great Britain’s (,^<11^ laat June SO. Cummlnga told 0FJEWS,1CKES Germany wo understood to be Thd 76th Congrpas that he beUevad J*y*“g plans to begin mass produe Preddent's Co-operation | pwch an amendment would be “In ae- tlon of a revolutionary type of WaMilngtca, Dee. 81 — (AP) — cwd with the majority opinion cf Bluntly rejactlag Japoato “imw our people." "minnow” submarine. She also will Daring Commg Session. PVnss TeDs German Public build two new 10.000-ton cruisers. j order" program ta tba piar Boat tba He auggested. however, that the antendispat ahould not apply to A BrlUsh aaval commission, which Uhltad S ta tu told tha TeftyM eo v flew to Germany secretly to confer judgea now on the bench, or to thoee For Fhnt Hme Of Refusal ndth Nam naval leaders under terms BULLETIN! I anBMnt today |t r u eriiod an Atom * whoae appolntmenta mlipit be con- lean rishto in China. of the 1B86 Aoiclo-Germon naval Washington. Dae. 81.- finned prior to the amendment’a tro ty , w o expected back today to —Seilato Demoarato doltyorod to tba Jaaaassa kdontloa. Of Apology; Says Jewry foroton Offleo fay ^r-rTamtor The attorney genera] also sub­ report to the admiralty. •noosly re-alartod Senator Full Information on the situation B ^ l r y (D.. Ry.). m majority Grow hUtod In pUta hot ^ mitted recommendations of the Ju­ will be dispatched immediately to friendly terma that tha UMtod dicial Conference, beaded by Chief Is Fanners' lluroat Cotter Mader at a harmonlons moct- I Statoa ’Moss not admit- any liaaJ Prime Minister CHiamberlaln, spend­ hig today, rhalr raurns tooted Justice Hughes o t the Supreme or warraat for one i----- Taimn court, for eatabtishment of IS new ing the holidays In Torkshlre. only 20 mlnutea. Then I ~2^ "oonatltuto Itoolftoo rnaatteay Federal ludgeships. Berlin, Dec. 81.—(AP) —German Nay Affect Borne Talk general expraoslons of friend, This unexpected turn In the Euro­ ship end good will among oana- ““ agonPoftaS. UrgiH New Jndgeahipe newspapers lashed at the United la aitoa net under ita uiaa. U m conference, which met here pean picture mav have an Important tori who have differed widely States government today aa Adolf on legtilativa Issoeo In lest SepL 29. urged two new judge- effect upon Chamberlain’s talks SotrannMnt —rnnul ahlpa for the Eighth Circuit Court Hitler set Naxldora on Its "road of January 11-14 with Premier Mus­ past. of Anpeele. two for the Southern destiny" for 1989 with the admoni solini In Rome. Under the Anglo-German naval Washington, Dec. 31. — (AP) — district of New Tork end one each tlon that tha army must be I liw troatlM off aettog pm — B to ^ for the following: Sixth CXreult treaty, Germany agreed to restrict Thers were numerous stgna today a ^ amphatleany u wwiid n 5 strengthened. bersell to 38 per cent of British ton­ Court of App^s, two fqr the World Jewry la the American that tha administratlor - courting Southern dlstHci of New Tork and nage In every category but subma­ Becauo they resented hla alleged attenUons to Czech film star LMa farmers “throat cutter” and Seere- rines. She agreed to Umit ber O- Vice Piesld-nt Gamer’s co-operation MM each for the following: Sixth toiy of Interior Ickea their “gen “ m o^to ha^'b^t* Orcult Court a t Appeals. Seventh ooat strength to 40 per cent of en w . Paul Gocbbela, second rsaicing NosL so oeverelv ha !■ mn during the coming Congressional oral agent,’’ newspapers declared Britain’s. But It was further agreed session. Oreult Court of Anpeela. New Jer- assailing the "Roosevelt regime." Uch!* *1 ®?,*'**" ***«• husband, actor GusUv Froe^ NaAaaanMtob - eey. Eastern district of Peonavl- ^ t Germany had the right. If she llch, w o In a concentraUon camp at the Ume. r w The jovial, chunky Vice P n sl. 1^ rrhto goyarnmant „ The story of Germany’s protest vanla. Nortbam district of O eor^ deemed It necessary, to bul'd up to dent, who h u been credited with r W a o€ Um Unitod Statoa aa thaw against lekes’ Cleveland s p e ^ of the full British submarine tonnage Eastern district of Missouri, Swth Dec. 18 and the State Department’s using hie Influenoe against some axtat and dora not glvo aaaanTto era (Bstrlct of Oallfornla, Western after “frientUv discussion'’ between Met New Deal leglalaUvo propoaale. aay to palrmant a t a w rejection Dee. 21 was splashed on the two countries. dlstriet of Oklahoma and Kansas. almost all front oagee under auen l u held an endleu ssriu of con­ I rl^ ta ’ the Amartcan note Oimnalngs said hr believed that the Britain ho been trying, appar­ ferences with admlnlstmtion offl- headlines as *?Sbarpest German TS*_* *» iapaa'a uew judgeehlpe were “amply Juatl- IJctoat Against Lie Camoalgn ot ently In vain, to persuade Germany PARLEY OF ALL PARTIES dale and Congren members jlnee ^ u ien to M imperaUvs need for bar hto return from hto Uvaide. Tox m ta d Statoa Mfailator lekes." Iba attornay genaral pro- A. communique Issued vesterdav to M ld^ vast aubmartna fleet home. poaed that: w l^s . has held out "th'e Two of the oaltors at hto ___ agency. DNB. A MrmaiMat adminlatratlva offU ..anm g thnf tbatw waa no ho<»e at Sovtot threat’’ o Justifleatlaa. IN SENATE IS FOILm yesterday were Seerstara WolJaeo oer appotatod by tba Saptanto Germany w o expected to go and Harry Hopkins, oowly-appoint. court to supervise the Federal imprayliig/^.Qarman.American rela- tioM aa long as the Stote Densrt ^ e o regardlesa of the Brlttoh at­ M eeeretary of commerce. Othera _ ta __ and perform admlnlstraUVa meat drtendM Takes, gave tlte Ger­ titude. but at the same time she w o Included Mayor LaGuardto of New laSOat bmetibns new vested In the JusUce G.0P. Invitation Refused By Aasarleaa man pudMc Its first knowledge ot t^erstood to be anxious not to Representative Rayburn , _ oonetitiitoi tha Snt d b ^ Danartnaeut the l"kes Incident. sO tter her naval treaty with Brit- MANY PARTIES (D., Tex.), the House majority lead- m (hipranw court draft new Hones ta r AnneaaenMat. UQ. 6l*e nuae of procedure for criminal Democrats As SociaEsts Wallace, It w u learned, aought Relehafuehrer Hitler’s hopes for She would be In a hopeless poal- caaea tried in Federal courts. 1989 were expressed in a new year's tton is os attempt to overtake Brit- thjmeetlng with the Vice P resi^t. ordar” promm. F edm l probation officers bs ap- message bearing the vriah “that we Jin la capital ahipa being la on la- Assert They Can't Attend; HERE TO MARK ITiem rave beer, other uidiratlona or£hMd tha Utatad polatad henaefortb by the attorney mav succeed In eontrihuring to gen ferior pooltioa os to both curreaev that administration offletoto want *toto^ fundaataetal pooUtOM ta the em» aanessri-ient of the world,” and raw materiola. Gamer to have a full understanding ^Staaoe eenfllet nad State D ^^^ (OsatlBued ea Page Nine.) Wtler reafinned contlnmooe o* Clarie House Dems Leader —And a S3rmpathetie one—of their Saba Worry Brltlth YEAR’S PASSING to g ^U v e riewa. It w u roeallsd tasnt Indicatad tt would-be tlietaS the Rome-Bertin axis and referred Britain b o approximately 69 aub- .Monranleatioa to J m ob ^ to 19.88. when Austria and C—cho- that Gamer, at Preeldent Rooeevelt’e quaitloo. request, returned to Washington alovokfa’s Sudetenlaod were edd-d to (Uontlnued On |>agr Hartford, Dec.
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