The Belo Herald Newsletter of the Col. A. H. Belo Camp #49 January 2014 This month’s meeting features a special presentation: Commander Kevin Newsom: State of the Camp Address The Belo Herald is an interactive newsletter. Click on the links to take you directly to additional internet resources. Col. A. H Belo Camp #49 Commander - Kevin Newsom st 1 Lt. Cmdr. - Mark Nash nd 2 Lt. Cmdr. - David Hendricks Adjutant - Stan Hudson Chaplain - Rev. Jerry Brown Editor - Nathan Bedford Forrest Contact us:
[email protected] Follow us on Twitter at belocamp49scv Texas Division: Have you paid your dues?? National: Come early (6:30pm), eat, fellowship with other members, learn your history! Commander in Chief Givens on Twitter at CiC@CiCSCV Our Next Meeting: Thursday, January 2nd: 7:00 pm La Madeleine Restaurant 3906 Lemmon Ave near Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX *we meet in the private meeting room. All meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome. Commander’s Report Compatriots, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! It was nice taking a break from the hustle bustle of everyday life to spend some time with family. It was even better to contemplate the real reason we celebrate in the first place: God's gift of Jesus Christ. January will be a busy month for Belo camp. Our Lee-Jackson Supper will be Saturday, January 25th, at 7pm. Location is 3501 N. Jupiter, Richardson, TX, 75082.