IN MALTA Bonj(o)u(r) The glocal magazine on France

Monthly! Vol. 03.02 - April 2011

France and partners Art France and Malta Tech & Science In-depth Calendar act to protect civilians Cultural and personal A look at scientific and Bread. The word says A quick look at the in Libya Who knows about the links that have built technical acheivements it all Maltese-French France, USA and Great Caillebotte brothers? strong bonds across the in France from robotics calendar Britain work hand ages. to medecine Page 2 Page 3 Page 6 Page 7 Page 4 Page 9

défaites et victoires-, d’un ou CNRS et la tenue d’un important plusieurs peuples. Parmi les mots colloque (Mistrals) de scientifiques essentiels de la francophonie : méditerranéens s’inscrivent dans fraternité, identité, liberté. Trois mots cette tradition venue de loin. qui appartiennent à tout le monde. Pendant plusieurs jours, accueillis Chacun d’entre nous peut les par Juanito Camillieri et Charles comprendre et les faire rayonner, de Sammut, deux cents chercheurs, - là où nous sommes et où nous israéliens, palestiniens, tunisiens, travaillons, dans cet archipel, au marocains, libanais, turcs, maltais, cœur d’une mer qui nous a beaucoup français, etc. -, ont travaillé ensemble appris et beaucoup donné. à l’ancienne université sur un L’univers méditerranéen a été en effet programme du futur. Pour notre l’un des berceaux de la science pays, l’Europe n’a pas d’avenir sans Pour la première fois, la francophonie universelle. C’est sous l’influence la Méditerranée. La rive sud est a été célébrée à Malte par tous les d’Aristote que le Musée est devenu aujourd’hui traversée par un souffle ambassadeurs francophones. Nous une université et une sorte de centre de liberté sans précédent. La avons signé une tribune ensemble, international de recherches. Si la connaissance mise en commun est la publiée dans la presse maltaise en Méditerranée a engendré une meilleure alliée des démocraties à français, en anglais et en maltais. civilisation chatoyante, puissante, construire.. Lors d’une rencontre à l’université, qui a rayonné bien loin de ses chaque ambassadeur a pu raconter sa rivages, c’est aussi à cause de cette Sincerely yours, rencontre avec la langue française et première source de savoir ce qu’elle représente pour lui. Dans scientifique, cette sorte de Silicon tous les mots qui se rejoignent pour Valley de l’Antiquité, installée dans former une langue, s’est déposée la ville crée par Alexandre. l’histoire, -souffrances, bonheurs, L’installation d’une antenne du Daniel Rondeau

Bonj(o)u(r) 1 NATION International Community Responds to the Crisis in Libya

President Sarkozy met regularly with British Prime minister David Cameron and US Secretary of State Clinton about the UN Resolution. The Security Council passed a resolution on March 17 that authorizes the use of force to protect civilian populations in Libya. UNSC Resolution 1973 was drafted and presented at France’s initiative, together with the , Lebanon and the United States. Pursuant to the terms of the resolution, an international coalition seeks to establish inter alia a no-fly zone and necessary measures to protect Libyan civilians. Additionally, the resolution strengthens the sanctions adopted against the ruling regime, the scope of which can include the implementation of an arms embargo, the freezing of assets of Tripoli authorities, or the banning of flights by Libyan airlines.

French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Alain Juppé addressed the UN Security Council on March 17 in New York, advocating concrete action to protect Libyan civilians from their own government. Passed with ten votes in favour and five abstentions, the resolution recognises that the situation in Libya “continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,” and “authorises Member States ... to take all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory.”

Two days later, French President Nicolas Sarkozy brought together members of the League of Arab States, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, officials, and heads of state and government from the European Union, the United States and for an international summit in Paris. The meeting aimed to ensure the application of the Security Council’s resolution and ending the violence against civilians in Libya. !"#$%&'())*&+#,-.&/0-&1-"2&34&/0-&56-%70&536-$8%&9$%$./6:

Alain Juppé was appointed the new Minister of Foreign and European Affairs on February 27. Mr. Juppé formally assumed the post from Michelle Alliot-Marie during a handover ceremony on March 1. Mr. Juppé has served in a number of ministerial and political offices over the course of his career, most notably as Prime minister under president Jacques Chirac from 1995 to 1997. He has previous experience as Minister of Foreign Affairs, having occupied the post from 1993-1995. Most recently, he served as the Minister of Defense, a position he left to accept the new appointment.

Since 1995, with a short interlude from 2004 to 2006, Minister Juppé has also been the mayor of Bordeaux, and will continue to occupy that position in conjunction with his new responsibilities. Mr. Juppé expressed his expectations for the future of French diplomacy during the handover ceremony, stating, “We’re going to have lots to do in terms of vigilance, Minister Juppé meeting with Prime Minister Lawrence readiness, initiating proposals, and imagination too, because Gonzi in Malta during the 5+5 Defence initiative I’d like French diplomacy to remain loyal to its tradition by not simply observing and commenting but also being ministerial meeting last December innovative and imaginative.” On a more personal note, he added, “I come here with a lot of enthusiasm, joy and confidence.”

2! Bonj(o)u(r) ART

Dans l'intimité des frères Caillebotte, Peintre et photographe

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gustave (1848-1894) and Martial (1853-1910), were children of Martial Caillebotte, an entrepreneur who made beds for the military and left a large fortune to his sons on his death in 1874. From that moment on, Gustave devoted himself to painting, while Martial dedicated himself to music.

Gustave and Martial remained very close, having been marked by the death of their brother René in 1876 and their mother in 1878. The two brothers lived together and moved in the same circle of artists until Martial married in 1887. Gustave however remained a bachelor. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gustave and Martial Caillebotte shared a number of enthusiasms. They became expert philatelists and horticulturalists. Together they learned how to sail a yacht. Martial distinguished himself in all fields, for example winning several regattas in the sailing boats designed by Gustave.

Gustave Caillebotte’s reputation for his talent as a painter and his role as patron of his Impressionist friends is well established. With delicate touches, his paintings evoke the gentle pace that characterised their lavish lifestyle, from Haussmann’s new Paris to family leisure pursuits. But Martial himself, composer, pianist and photographer, remained relatively unknown.

A recent study of Martial’s photographic collection has revealed a great awareness of the subjects represented in the paintings of his brother Gustave: the views of Paris, the sailing boats, the gardens and the river banks!of the Seine.

For more information, please visit: www.musee-

All images protected by copyright of respective owners

3! Bonj(o)u(r) CLUB SÉQUOIA

French Connection A quick look at a French initiative that contributed to Malta’s vibrant journalism of

The Journal de Malte was the Claude-Henri Vaubois, as well as between France and Malta. Although first released in from the editor Saint-Jean d’Angély. designed to bolster the morale of Malta. It was written in French. The paper also gave instructions isolated French garrison by Napoléon Bonaparte already left concerning the French celebrations, providing essential military Malta to Egypt when he or the importance of the press and the information and connecting them authorised the creation of the of liberty, in an effort to depict with home, the Journal de Malte Journal de Malte, feuille themselves as “less than conquerors, also provided the literate people nationale, politique, morale, but more as brothers or friends”. Malta with reading material, and commerciale et littéraire upon the semi-official news. request of the President of the The journal de Malte, like the Commission and former Knight of Courrier de l’Armée d’Italie or the Malta’s first newspaper, with a Malta, Bosredon-Ransijat. Courrier de l’Egypte, served as a circulation of five hundred copies, platform for Napoleon to chronicle had ten issues between June and The French Commissioner on his victories and claimed principles. September 1798. Some of the issues Malta, Regnaud Saint-Jean Indeed, Napoleon perfectly can be seen at the National Library d’Angély was named editor of this understood, as a precursor, the in Valletta as well as in the eight-page, quarto-sized importance of press and Bibliothèque Nationale de France in newspaper. Its first page was communication, and made an Paris. Many historians have dedicated to news, the other pages innovated use of these assets. underlined the importance of the contained sections of public Journal de Malte to the history of instruction, and discourses by the But this paper did not only serve a journalism in Malta and elsewhere in military commander General political role, it represented a link the world.


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Chocolate: A Match Made in Heaven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The Future Is Nao engineering majors, as well as young sequenced the DNA of a variation of children. By 2012, Nao will also be Theobroma cacao — used to produce Standing at just 23 inches tall, it is available for purchase by individuals. capable of many of the same highly developed functions Edible Malaria Vaccine as humans: s p e e c h , Breakthrough h e a r i n g , and sight. And to m a k e things easier, it is e v e n compatible with your p e r s o n a l computer. some of the world’s finest chocolate. Nao, the robot developed by the first Through sequencing, researchers French humanoid robotics company, A identified at least two types of disease- Aldebaran Robotics, is a taste of the team of French researchers from the resistant genes as well as traits related robotics industry of the future that has University of Science and Technology to the quality of cocoa butter, the main already stolen the spotlight on the world in Lille, France, in collaboration with ingredient in most chocolate. ”Our stage. NIH in the United States, are one step analysis…has uncovered the genetic Launched five years ago by Aldebaran closer to finding an effective vaccine basis of pathways leading to the most Robotics, Nao has captured numerous for malaria, which kills over one important quality traits of chocolate- high-profile endorsements. In 2010, Nao million people per year, according to oil…and the discovery of hundreds of served as ambassador of French the World Health Organisation. genes potentially involved in pathogen advanced technology at the Shanghai Researchers have been experimenting resistance, all of which can be used to World Expo, where a group of robots with a starch derived from a green accelerate the development of elite performed an eight-minute algae species, chlamydomonas varieties of cacao in the future,” said synchronized dance routine to Maurice reinhardtii, genetically modified to researcher Siela Maximova of Penn Ravel’s “Boléro” at the French Pavilion. carry vaccine proteins. Mice fed the State University. The team found other In addition, Nao has been officially starch appeared to show a near total genes that influence the production of chosen as the robotics platform of immunity to the malaria virus. While flavonoids, natural antioxidants, Robocup, the world’s largest testing on human subjects has not yet pigments, and aromas. Altering these international robotics competition, been approved, scientists hope to genes could produce chocolate with which will be held in Istanbul this year. obtain similar results. The better flavours, aromas, and even Aldebaran Robotics highlights the breakthrough offers a cost-effective certain health benefits. The discovery practical applications of Nao’s solution for vaccinating at-risk comes on the heels of the first-ever technology in two specific areas: children in some of the poorest sequencing of the chocolate genome by research and education. Nao has been countries in the world, according to Mars Incorporated, IBM, and the U.S. adopted by top US universities. Harvard the researchers. Department of Agriculture in and Stanford Universities have already September 2010. The finished sequence bought their own robots, and was subsequently released into the researchers at Notre Dame University Sequencing the Chocolate public domain. “Genome sequencing are using Nao to teach autistic children helps eliminate much of the guess-work to read non-verbal communication cues. Genome of traditional crop cultivation,” said “Between the highly sophisticated but Howard-Yana Shapiro, Mars’s Global steeply priced robots and the more An international team of scientists, led Director of Plant Science and External affordable toy robots that are not very by Claire Lanaud of France's Research. “This effort…will allow fast capable, only Nao enables research to be International Centre for Agricultural and accurate traditional breeding… carried out at a reasonable cost,” says Research and Development, and Penn taking an under-served crop and under- Bruno Maisonnier, president of State University’s Mark Guiltinan, has served population and giving them Aldebaran. In the classroom, Nao’s successfully identified genetic traits both the chance to flourish.” versatility and adaptability make it well- that may improve the production of suited for use by computer science and high-quality chocolate. The team

6! Bonj(o)u(r) IN DEPTH

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8! Bonj(o)u(r) 2011: WHAT’S IN STORE ? A selection of events highlighting Franco-Maltese relations this Spring For more information please visit

Under the co-chairmanship of France and Kenya, a ministerial international conference took place on 21st April in Paris. The conference launched the “Paris-Nairobi Initiative for universal access to clean energy in Africa and in other countries vulnerable to climate change”. This initiative specifically focussed on mobilising financial resources for the production, transmission and distribution of clean energies in the country’s most vulnerable to the climate change by 2030. The year 2012 has been declared the international year for energy access. Insufficient energy hinders economic development and poverty reduction in developing countries. Therefore France and Kenya want to contribute to this goal by launching an initiative for universal access to clean and sustainable energy. The conference aims to initiate high-level dialogue between the Ministers for Energy from potential beneficiary countries. Malta and other invited countries and organizations shared their successes in policy or access to energy projects or development of clean energy.

FranceinMalta, That’s us on Twitter ! Since last January, the French Embassy regulary tweets on Maltese-French relations, on events organised by the Embassy and also on international events in which France plays an active and meaningful role. With over 200 followers, FranceinMalta aims to bring you timely, accurate and important information. Click here to join us :

New website !!! Bonj(o)u(r) Editor-in-Chief France in Malta is also a new website designed to give recent updates on diplomatic news, local Tudor Alexis embassy news and standard information like Editorial team and consular services. The site also contains new contributors features as video and social-networking sites. Launched a few weeks ago, the English-version Dana Pucarescu, pages have undergone a complete facelift, the Thomas Rottcher, aim being to set up a fully-fledged bilingual site Carine Brunet, Earmon that reflects the diversity of its visitors. The sites O’Connor, Eleanor is visited by more than 400 individual users Warnock, Mary Kate daily and the numbers are growing by the day ! Holman, Victoria Jones, Please visit : Stephanie Joyal, Joseph Kessler, Aleksa Miskinis !"#$%&'"()*'+, -$./&$*#+, 0'"#/'(12+, 3$4&$*#+, 56#7&89#4#//, $42, :(49#"/$&8(4;,0'#/#,$"#,&'#,286#"#4&,7()"/#/,&'$&,<118$47#,="$4>$8/#,2#, nnn ?$1&#,?@28&#""$4@#,/8&)$,84,=1("8$4$,'$/,&(,(6#",&'8/,.#$",&(,A#(A1#, To change your address, (4,&'#,8/1$42,B8/'84*,&(,8CA"(9#,&'#8",="#47',"#*$"21#//,(D,&'#8",1#9#1,84, unsubscribe or simply contact us, please write to : ="#47';,=(",C("#,2#&$81/+,7$11,EFEG,HIJK,(",C$81,84D(L$118$47#D";("*;C&, [email protected]

Bonj(o)u(r)! 9