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I DINING EOOM r ' THE PACIFIC the PAoino tauntrtial Jbbtrtistr Cjommcrcial gilbbcriiser 13 PUBLISHED BT PCBUf HKD AT THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. Honolulu, IXawailAii Inlnnd. h.vory Saturday Ilntoa or Advortiwin. Morning tpace Birauml TT" -- Nonpareil tjre. It llni. la. la. r7-- b.crlFI.m ,. "km naif :. r r.r i Linen, ir.ch) 00 ( 200 f3 00 4 00 iee. M . l - ti.Jit , ihslf ..11 t St. rimm-v- Lio)-.- a oo, oo oo 00 r arelga S f 12 (ncs inrhi.... .. lso 24 l ine., (two locbr.). .. .. a oo, 4 ooj oo t so 10 oo . 1 8 B Jv oo! elnalnsr aia-r- Mil 1 1 a a J I' Sd Linrs, (litre do.). 3 oo, t o to 00 18 00 y y y y J v X 44 Lines, (four do).... .. 4 00 W) 10 00 18 M to 00 ? r Uusrter Coluam.. ..I 00 10 00,14 00 18 00 80 00 ; 1 Cailj Pacific Commercial Third Coiumo .J A 00 12 00 18 00 00 00 Advertiser. ii. i . i.. It 00 JO 00, 84 00 80 00 48 00 fJ umrn 18 00,30 00, 4 00 T8 00, 100 00 81srr f i oa Whole Column Per monthmatb. A 00 TTaitsd waa 1 M XT Advertiser residing la th Bastera Ktat, pay for their cards hy eaclosiog Grenbsck or United fttatat Pot-ta- r Stamps for such amount as they wish la pay sad last naaa" - - . 1100 7 cards will b inserted as per abov tabla, for lbs Ua. paid far I I VC..yjg Cr Business Card, when rssrsio roa a tssa, ar Sc14rurr10.11 allowed a discount from the rstrs, which ar for Uaasisat dS" r table alwt i.t dta.ck. advertisements when paid or charged quarterly. 9fBQ,nnnlct'on 'roD H Ptrta of tb Pacific Single copies of Tea Coots i wbea rhargsd lwT U very w'u I--- NO. the Atktuss. ceptbl. VOL. XXVI 21. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. NOVEMBER IS, 1SS2. WHOLE NO. 13SI. Fifteen Cents; by tbe dnaea.On IMtar. Ppr to American atampa. & ncnrTif fT"rf T Cummnnicationa ahoolj b a.i.lriMsJ. and acrount. 5rtsiius5 CarHs. Sltrianiral. TotrI.5 2lf.$t;umat.4. P4. to K II. ICAf dELDEN. Manager far UV FACiririC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISES COMPAXT. TIIK papera F. T. LENEHAN & CO., --A? "P"''?''" ptie for forward! to part DE. E. COOK WEBB. EMPIRE HOUSE, C. C. COLEMAN, tb. w bUU. u 4 pe, annum. ,r rAio i aV?A LONDON & PROVINCIAL vbtc-- lnlac potme. ci, Importers and General Commission HO US Or rics isii Kesuvxxck. Choice Ales. Wines & Liquors, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. ASTOR CIORTSKR RICHARD AND HorKLSTS. Merchants. HOURS to 10 A. U; 2 to 4 P. M. D4 ly COUXER XVVAXU HOTEL STS. Horse Shoeing, INSlTIi.iNCF, COMPANY (Limited.) SELECTED POETRY. t WHOLESALE DEALERS IX 1 If' JOHN tiMtf JAMES OLDS. Proprietor. WINES, ALES AND SPIRITS, Subscribed Capital (C1,mx,W0) $5,000,000 RUSSELL, . HONOLULU. H. I. JaSl ly jaa 1 t5!! on King street, next to Ctle A Cooke. 81 TOM. A. G. ELLIS, riMIK ABOVE (OMI'AM HAVE NOW ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. PMLOBS retalli,lfd an AO KN'C V ht-r- . and ar prepared to tak Yen. Tom'i the fellow HOLLISTER & CO., wm Ut that ever yon knew. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. CHAS. D. GEMSCH, k unci ItUK. on f HVKRY lESCRIPTION wltbla twfa NO. MKECHANT ri TKCET. COKXEK prorty Junt lUten to thia : . 32 Of F'JRT iT. 1853, Island.. When oM Is dmJ I ESTAULISHED DRUGGISTS & TOBACCONISTS! PRACTICAL Nos. 7(5 sn.l 7S Hotfl the mill tok fire, anl ths ri.x.rin fell l8 Oflict trtlh K. I'. Juctitmerr. WATCHMAKER Sien. J. T. WATERHOUSE, Jr.. through. WHOLES. LE AND RETAIL. Copies of By-La- ia the "Original Greek." ccl4 tf Ilotel street, oppdiltr Intr ruallonsl 3m Agsat. W. AUSTIN WHITING, XT - Hotel, And I with it. helplen.--. there, fall in ray view. 69 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu lmr4'82 ly HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. What do ya think ray eye aw through the fire. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, D. H. HITCHCOCK, - THE NEW YORK E. S. V. Li J.j Ji- X iJN Board by the Day, Week or Transient ! ThAt crept alon. crept along, higher and nigher. lTake AeksawltaguraU I laatrM- - CUNHA. O 2m. aieou the laUod of Oabn, Ko. V Kaabamano street, OF LIFE HXUltAXCE COMPANY. baby-bo- r. tt Bat Robin, my lausbing to we tioaolaia. oc7 ATTORNEY AT LAW ly AND RETAIL WINE DEALER. The ahining? lie mom have come there after me. Watches & Clocks ! 0KC1MZI.D I Mi. rTBIXY KlTl lL. Toddled along from the cottage without BICHAUD UNION SALOON, Accurately Repaired at Reasonable BILLIARDS, F. BICKERTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, .V THE REAR OF HAWAII AH Assets 947,000.000 Any one him. Then, sT sTAS OPE.NKII IIISOFF1CK O.X F1T.M 4 X GAZETTE BUILD Prices. Cigars, Cigarettes miing with a ithout street, near the Court Hoo.e In Hilo. and will earrfulty and Tobacco, Surplao I Attorney and Counselor at Law. ma, fro. 23 10,000.000 Oh how I nhonted. " For Heaven Make. men. atlrndIt to all bu.ines intrai ted to him. merchant1 street. jan 81 3 TIIK KV VOUK (03Sri.1T Savo littltt Uobin !" Again and again ttU iKY te LF.D en jdSI ti lGKS or FltEKHOLDS. Will sltend all the Circuits of tbe Supreme Curt. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Soda Water & other Iced Drinks. l.m: ISIE1(K 1 2w thirty-seve- n was They tried, bnt the lire held them back like a no. 40 SUKVUYING el6 & Money ju2i has been doing business for ysars, and mw wall; rr orriCK. mkrchamt stiikkt. Tt.'10. HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT AGENCY Refunded. so strong and prosperous as now. It olrr. to lhi dsslrlag I could hear them go at it. and at it. and call. waj 16 SO COMPANY. MEALS SERVED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE lile insurance ever mind, baby, nit like a man. & CO., A atill F. A. SIIAEFER (LlnsiirJ.) AT A LL IIDI'RS. (OMBIMTIOV OF AnVAIVTALKS We coming to get yon as fast a we can." CECIL BBOWN, D. LAME'S which only long experience, a large and well ealsbilshed busl llfONEV LOAEU ON FIRST-CLAS- S J. Ci18l) HART. ItRorilKk. They could not m; him. bnt I could ; he sat ANDCODNSELOK AT L.A W, Importersi Commission Merchants JLlM securities, for long or short periods. Apply to ness. snd carefU'tv perfected plans and methods can afford. ATTOR.VKr Ackaowledg-Dcut- a Among these advantages Still on a beam, hit traw sod treat for taking W. L. GRKKN. Msnicer. pro tern. arei little hat of lostrnments for tbe IsUod of Oaba. Office, Queen Street, over G. W. MACFARLANE 4 CO. V1tMoliite Security. Carefully placed by bid side, and hi eyes No. S Ksabamana htreet, Uooolala, II. I. fe2 80 HONOLULU, H. I. aug20.tf ; apl ly ItiHurxnce fit Low Ooat. Stared at the flame. with a bahy'd surprise, TClultaVlo Xtaline. Calm and uiicoiiMciou a nearer it crept. J. M. DAVIDSON, EST A II LIS II E l I830, H. G. CRA3BE, I IIKSIIl BLK FORM OP I'fll.lCf The roar of the fire tip above mast have kept ia.ttorjn.oy a.t Xjaw, W. ROBERTSON & CO., MEflMTIflM flOTL IVKltV some with advantage offered by n other Corn- - The aound of bin J. ID .A. pany. Apply to mother' voice shrieking hi name uaH Itt J.orl Vlrrcfaaul Street. (Successors to H. M. 'Whitney.) R From Y.MAN, reaching the child. Kut I heard it. It came M M A X U FA V I XG Na. 33 Q.CEEN ST., C. O. BKRGEH, M PORTING AND CT - R OFFICE. IIONOI.UI.IT Again and again O God, what a cry ! M. PHILLIPS & Co., M Stationers, News Dealers, Publishers, and Book- b:nders. J J 29 ly GKN1RAL AGF.NT lor Hswsl'sn I.lands. 19 21 Merchant Honolulu, I. jal 5 ly 18 fa-tte- Nos. and Street. II. The axe went I ttaw the spark fly AMI) H IIULKSALK ' DEIO J. H. HARE, MaDager. TRANS-ATLANT- IC . Where the men worked like IMPORTERS Ahoe: Hats, Meo's ParDiihing and CONCHEE & ACHAT. PROPRIETORS. tigers, nor minded the faocr Ooods. (Jaaltl) No. 11 Kaahamana St.. Ilooolalo PHOTOGRAPHS ! heat FIRS INSURANCE C0MPANY dinyl '1M1E UNDERSIGNED IS NOW l'RE-- Prompt NO. 84, HOTEL STRELT, tlONdLULl. That scorched them when, suddenly, there at their pared and careful attention given to the OF IliMOlRO. feet JAMES M. MONSARRAT, To go t any part of the Groap, and make First transportation Merchandise and Capital of (be Company A Deserve Keklismark 8,(KXI,04 of The Largest, their Compsnira. 11,0M,U0 The gret beam leaned in they aw him then, a TTORNKV AXU COUNSELLOR AT Class Photographs to Order, Parcels to parts the city. MARBLE WORKS. 2tL LAW. itpecial aitentioo paid to the negotiating of all of 190, FORT STREEI", Totsl ReU hsmark lQT.OM.OM crash. to Either Views or Portraits. Prices reasonable and good work sum. Loans, Conveyancing and all matters appertaining Kea only will be done. 87 Telephone 105. XX Coolest, Down came the wall ! Estate. mas25 tf dmylNumber The mn made a dash aplStfdmjl H L. CHASE. NORTH GERMAN Jamped to get oat of the way and I XOTARV Hl'ULICaaa Best Kent thought Xew York "AH'e np with poor F.obin Cenmlsslearr ef Dffds for the States ef FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, little !" and brought aid Callftrnli. WM. JOHNSON, Ultrtaniral. llflANUFAUTURtRb Slowly the arm that was least hart to hide - DINING EOOM OF IIAMIirilG : St.
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