Public Hearing Results in Lengthy Discussion on Proposed Ordinance

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Public Hearing Results in Lengthy Discussion on Proposed Ordinance Four Page Colored Comic Section Three Sections I, Xltl, No. 1 WOODKKIDCr', N. •]., FKIDAY, MARCH \".\, l'i:u PRICE THRKE CENTS ZONING COMMISSION HEARS OBJECTIONS Vehicular Underpass TWELFTH BIRTHDAY HERBERT W. LUNN OF INDEPENDENT TELLS ROTARIANS Public Hearing Results Planned For Colonia TKii wwlc mwti the twelfth anniTanary of the founding of the Woodbridi* Independent. ABOUT SCOUT WORK In Lengthy Discussion The paper w»i founded in Will Cost $232,000 March 1919 by the preient An Investment In Good Citi- publisher, Maxwell Logan, and plan For Construction Introduced At Board Of Public Utilities in tha present location in Green zenship," He Says. Speaks street. From the start, the In- Of Membership. On Proposed Ordinance Commission Meeting Yesterday — Brings Elimination Of dependent has enjoyed a Now Dover Road and Oak Tree Crossings A Step healthy, normal growth, and to- day, it ranks as on* of the LAUDS KENT PEASE Nearer — Calls For Forty-Foot Wide Undercrossing. loading weeklies in the county INCOME TAX MUST Arguments Center On and stafe. 'Boy Scout work is an investment .iol|uction of a plan for the street. in good citizenship," said Herbert BE IN BY MONDAY , unction of a vehicular under- "The commission can not direct W, Lunn, Scout ' executive of the ,it Colonia, to cost $232,000, at the railroad to submit any partic- Raritan Council of the Boy Scouts Take tkii little menage with Definite Territories hearing yesterday before the ular type of plan," said Commis- Greiner Says He Will Not of America, in »n address to the the proverbial grain of fait I ,,l of Public Utilities Commis- sioner Autenreith, who presided Bt Be Mayoralty Candidate Woodbridge Rotary Club yesterday Income tax r«porti mint be in roposed Zoning Of Lands Between Grove Avenue and Main .,'.' in Newark, brought the elim- the hearing, "but the commission can noon. "Scouts all over the world by Monday, March 16. Now ^...n of the New Dover road, later present its own plan if it sees recently celebrated the 21st '»nni- that you'»e procraitinated for Street On St. George Avenue and In Edgar Hill Section fit." August P. Greiner, of Green ersary of the founding of Scout- ,,ia, and Oak Tree road grade street, Woodbridge, denied this the past month or io, sharpen Results In Heated Controversy — Number Of Prop- jnu n step nearer. Introduction of the Colonia under- dom, and we are proud to point to your pencil, thut off the radio, morning that he intended to run. for an existing membership of more I i plan was submitted by the pass plan brought a request for an Committeem»n-at-large in the town- •end the "Itidi" to the moviei, erty Owners "Make Suggestions — One Says . „ ylvania • railroad attorney, W. adjournment of the hearing, and the ship next fall. Mr. Greiner stated han 800,000 boys all over the face lock the Front door, and tpend "Scrap Ordinance" — Next Hearing Monday. i; '.\ngar calls for a forty-foot date for the next session was set ,that he had not given the matter a of the globe." a quiet few houn preparing , uniU't'crossing on the present for Thursday, April 30th. rthought, and that he had no inten- the report that Uncle Sam Numerous protests and arguments pro and con were ,,f \>w Dover road and Colonia The Colonia underpass plan calls becoming a candidate, re- wnnti in hit hands by Monday. i vaiil. roiced last night at the first public hearing on the proposed !• has been e: . •i Kid would also submit a new rdinance to divide Woodbridge Township into six claasifica- .',' i*i,t- the Iselin crossing, but Mr. ions of zones. While the commikee room at the Municipal in- said he had not understood property. On the Lincoln Highway NEW WOODBRIDGE uinpany was to do this, and that there would he a five percent grade uilding was jammed, a comparatively small portion of the lailroad believed it had already south of the crossing and a four >roperty owners in the township were present. The hottest nit ted a proper plan. percent grade on the north side. ZONING ORDINANCE TAX RATE $6.06; •| in. plan Mr. Apgar referred to No action was taken on the Iselin arguments waged with regard to the zoning of the Iand3 on •in. original one, calling for an underpass. St. George or Amboy avenue from Grove avenue to Main ... w crossing in front of Gal- Township Committeemen Anthony VOKBAT ISELIN GOESUP_A POINT • .',ith'* Hotel, coming out on the A.auila, Jacob Grausam, Township street, and in the Edgar Hill section. .n.-oln Highway at A,uth avenue. attorney Henry St. C. Lavin and "Limits Iselin'* Business Sec- Woodbridge Township Shows Protestations from residents, gas stations, stores, a golf court*— has brought objections from Township Bmgjnoor Qeorga R. Mer- Smallest Increase In Entire roperty owners, representatives and why is this to be zoned as Class A ,' w.wnship committee as well as rill appeanedfor Woodbridge Town- tion To Small Area," Says than int«rMt*<l were heRTd by the County. residence district?" tity owners who counted the ship, while C. S. Straw represented Hassey. Zoning committee and will be given Hagerty argued thst the •me should adhere to the pres- the Public Service Electric and Gas onsideration by that body\ probably highway traffic was a sound of Oak Tree road-Green • Company. INDIVIDUAL RATES before the second public hearing basis for a business zoning becaus« URGES PROTESTS which will be held onday night at it made the lands undesirable for While the tax rates announced o'clock, in the Municipal building. residence purposes. He told the Charges that the proposed ordi by the county board of taxation Reprints of the ordinance and map Zoning body that only a small por- Knights Set Date Driver Heeds Light; nance will prevent the future growth Tuesday, showed a downward trend, as advertised were given to those tion of the property owners -were of Iselin by restricting its opportu Woodbridge was one of three mu- preseht in order that all discussions present to oppose the present zon- nities for development were mad nicipalities of the twenty-five in th might be clearly followed and in or- ing idea, and that a number of peo- For Big Minstrel j Three Are Injured #y John A., Hassey at the meeting county, to show an increase. Thi der that any misunderstandings ple did not understand the ordi- *>f the Iselin Republican Club which l'.KU rate for Woodbridge went u might be clarified without lengthy nance. "There will be trouble after I.. Be Held April 9 In St. j Bus Smashes Into Rear Of was held Wednesday "vening one point, to $6.06. To this rate explanations. the ordinance is adopted," he as- Herbert W. Lunn is added fire, light and garbage lames' Auditorium — Re-' Union City Man's Car On "The zoning ordinance limits Ise By way of introduction, Herbert serted, "when the people want to lin's business section to a very smal "More than 5,000,001) boys of all taxes according to the various dis- A. Swan, of New York, city planner make changes that are not allowed." hearsals Progressing Rap- | Super-Highway. area." Mr, Hassey paid. "The onl creeds, colors and nationalities have tricts of the township. and advisor, briefly explained the While the echo of Mr. Hagerty's light industrial land now provide been members," pointed out the The highest rate in the count) proposed ordinance and invited com- lc) opening guns reverberated, John E. 'y- ; When Frank Dudeck, of 243 Ber- is the property of Cooper's dairy Scout executive, "in the great Boy will be paid by Raritan Township ments and suggestions. "These reg- Continued on vaqe four . ^online avenue, Union City, heeded and this is going to constitute a seri- Scout organization which embraces where a fourteen point increase wil ulations, if adopted, can be changed 1 ous handicap to this community. boys varying in age from twelve to bring a rate of $6.15. Woodbridg' by the Township Committee," he i.ln the direction of Joseph Mar- jlh e flafi|,jnR of a ie,i BjKnal light and "What Iselin needs is one factory eighteen years. For the younger ranks next highest, with Nortl said. "There never has been a per- . , i f Cartorct, rehearsals for the j the ringing of a warning bell at the , a Ud th pd . , h_ n „i i f , i t Brunswick Township third with fect zoning ordinance adopted, and PT. READING MAN lh rate of $6.02. South River leads M..llm<*' " ml whicauditoriuh wilml boen presenteApril 9,d byin'codin !\ \. supeMiignwayg of a branc. h. nerefreigh, t sunaaline oyn | to carrg y on. Under the proposed. boys, ranging in age from nine to the governing body of a municipal- . ., ,, ., ... „. .. .linght the , super-highwayhe apparentl,y herehad , everSunday my- zoninThig s ordinanczoning e ordinancwe can'et preventhave its eleven, a new junior Scout order the list with the biggest individual ity has every power to change the .i.ii.M.x (ouncil, of the Knights of I tt-ntio... n , of avoidin,,g . th.....e . danger =.o.f "TUi.. .„.!„_ __J: *.„ knOwn as the Pack, has been form- drop. Taxpayers there willi haVe FALLS FROM COAL the future growth of Iselin. Under ed. Raritan Council maintains one ordinance. There are in every com- i i'l.imhus, avc progressing rapidly. a collision. But he didn't. A Jer- its provisions Iselin always wjll be a tax rate of $4.74, which is 12! munity, isolated and scattered build- of the four of these that are in ex- points less than in 1930.
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    at the CINEMA MUSEUM. March 10-11, 2018 Presented by Kennington Bioscope, in collaboration with Kevin Brownlow. Event curated by David Wyatt. SATURDAY 10TH MARCH SUNDAY 11TH MARCH 10.00 THE NIGHT CLUB LAME BRAINS & LUNATICS 11.30 THE BRITISH ARE COMING! SEVEN YEARS BAD LUCK 13.00 LUNCH BREAK LUNCH BREAK 14.00 THE WORLD OF CHARLEY CHASE WE’RE IN THE NAVY NOW 15.35 A PERFECT GENTLEMAN SO YOU WON’T TALK 17.15 KEATON CLASSICS NOISY SILENTS! 18.45 DINNER BREAK DINNER BREAK 20.00 EXIT SMILING ROY HUDD + THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY In addition to the lunch and dinner breaks, there will be short breaks between each programme. Many thanks go to our accompanists: John Sweeney Meg Morley Costa Fotopolous Neil Brand Cyrus Gabrysch Many thanks also to our many contributors: David Robinson, David Glass, Matthew Ross, Steve Massa, David Macleod, Polly Rose, Susan Cygan, Lisa Stein and Roy Hudd; to the BFI National Archive, Serge Bromberg at Lobster Films and of course to the Cinema Mu- seum and their team of volunteers, Dave Locke & Grant Lobban. THE NIGHT CLUB (1925) introduced by Kevin brownlow Produced by Cecil B De Mille for Famous Players-Lasky. Released through Paramount, April 27, 1925. 60 Minutes. Directed by Paul Iribe & Frank Urson. Screenplay by Walter Woods, Keene Thompson, Cecil B deMille and Walter De Mille, from William De Mille’s play ‘AFTER DARK’ Cinematography by J Peverell Marley. Starring RAYMOND GRIFFITH with Vera Reynolds, Wallace Beery, Louise Fazenda, William Austin, Leo Willis, Edythe Chapman. There was no-one quite like Raymond Griffith in silent comedy.
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