Washington Geologic Newsletter
A PUBLICATION OF THE WASHINGTON STATE DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES WASHINGTON GEOLOGIC NEWSLETTER JULY 1975 BERT l. COLE VOLUME 3 - NUMBER 3 COMMISSIONER Of PUBLIC LANDS DON LEE FRASER, SUPERVISOR VAUGHN E. LIVINGSTON, JR., STATE GEOLOGIST DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION Of GEOLOGY ANO EARTH RESOURCES. OLYMPIA, WASHING10N, 9850 4 INCREASED VOLCANIC ACTIVITY since the mid- l 800's. Some increases in perforo tion of the snow due to steam discharge were noted OF MOUNT BAKER1 WASHINGTON!/ in photographs taken during the period 1940-1956; On March 11, 1975, the U. S. Geological however, the present increased steam discharge prob Survey office in Tacoma, Washington received re ably represents the greatest volcanic activity on the ports of increased steam activity on Mount Boker, mountain during at least the last 84 years. a quiescent volcano located about 26 km south of Mount Baker (3,285 m) towers some l ,500 m the Canadian border in northwestern Washington. (meters) over the immediate Cascades. Possibly, sev The activity, which was first observed Morch 10, eral eruptions of Mount Baker occurred in the middle 1975, included a greatly increased emission of steam 19th century, In 1843, Mount Baker reportedly erup from a known fumarole field in Sherman Crater (on ted simultaneously with Mount St. Helens, covering the south side of the mountain about 300 meters below the Cascades with a light cover of volcanic ash. In the crest), the appearance of several new fumaroles 1854, the nearly perfect ondesi tic cone of Mount where none had been before, and a discoloration of Baker was obscured by rolling clouds of steam and gos, the steam and the snow around and in the crater.
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