Victoria, R C., Saturday, August 14, 1897
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# Vol. 25. VICTORIA, R C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1897. no: ho# year l.o< he en with one of the mining MR THE CHARIOT RACE OF BKN-HIR. companies in Cariboo. He leaves si MINERS DROWNED father, mother, two sisters and SI brother. He wa* a native of Kansas* The rare ww ou- The souls of the racers were iu it—Over but made Seattle his borne for the last Thomas Wall, of Namumo, «even years. At a Price. them bent myriads. When- the race was won, the vie- Toe til'si news bis family had of Ms 't,uvs retired to their tents ami drank Dwight Fowler Perish in sad death was conveyed to them late Belts— Northern Hivers. last night, when a Poat-Intelligencer re porter called at his father's niHhWW T. clcu wit oar .lock of Mts. to ««k. room (or o.r (oil go«W, which oro to learn the particulars of hi* short ■oo orrlrio», for the oc.t week we will .oil (or with boo thee cook carver. The blow was a fearful one to Swept Away by the Current While his mother and sisters, who would no# Fine Sterling Silver Mounted Leather Jubilee Belts* Trying to Ford Fast Run lie comforted, while hie gray-haired Good Silk and doth Belts, Sterling Silver Buckles, amil amde father struggled hard to restrain big T K ning Stream». grief. , Good White Metal, etc, at prices from 25c. to $1. The body will be brought to thi* city for interment if it i* possible to make ■BIt Surprised tIaHflay Surprisei the necessary arrangement*. Challoner, Mitchell & jj Astoria, Ore., Aug. 12.—The Oregon Them You. Railway & Navigation Company's steam The îa e Thoipas Wa 1 wa* one of er George W. Elder, which arrived here Nanaimo's In st know^ citizens, having at ti o’clock this vtuning, direct fixant been at one time proprietor of the Bal SIMON LKISKK « CO., Dy« a, bring* in ws of two druwniugs, moral Hotel in that city, and more re WUOLKNaLK AtrF.NTH. Speaks for Itself. one of the victims being from .Seattle cently working as a carpenter at the and the other from Nanaimo, H. <*. Protection Island shaft. He "wi* u NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dwight Fowler, of Seattle, lost his life man of powerful physique, and just in August 8th. while attcmiding to ford . the prime of life, be ng ebint 48 y» ,ira TU KENT—(loud fight-rvuiucsl lu nine, pleen- FROM THE CAPITAL the Skagway river. He carried seventy- of age Deceased leave* a wife and AUGMENTS xH .uitly »lt lotted ; wat*-r front; |*er Mr «v live iNwmds ou his back and a parcel In! familv to mourn his untimely end. Na- —---------------------- .^.aJEWOHl WllWr^fWl!11 Ttw- -loyroir'wbieb-*»- -wa» Wto**!!*-ime- iti matt llosd, war switch. nug!4-lt . Increase of $1,300,000 in Inland walking was partially *dl THE SVU11TVKKK aaj: U<*i only hath ; In lost his balance. Em umber, d by where ch eeased was widely known and much Mt Revenue for Ye r Ending the heavy load, lie soon sank and was h*dd in' high, esteem. As Matt ,1 in the x*> Immortality (I. Ttui„ vL, It*); that wages V^3L- 6; C-S-'-S-S -5 of nie in death (-Kmu. ti.. 23); thou shall ; Jnne 30th. drowned. Hi- identity was learned at ; for. g ing dispatch. Thoma* Wall w. > a \è/ Î6 surety tile illen. II. 17); the aoul that slu- Dyea, where his body was t ken. ! pa**vngxT on the Dïand.r on her last ncth it shall die (Kxek. xvlil, 4). The j The other fatality occurred on August | trip to Dy a-id there ar* many a bo sen»eut sud Ms seed say: Xe shall not \f| ll.ooa o (root doe! wkere too do ,our hot we.thor .hopoloo. We mote Uujwctioo Vi/Iff Itth. 'Hie unfortunate in this instance rememtwr him as a prominent figure iâi■ V •( (ohowioi lleee. Boyle* I. ««<. loterotlo* (or yoo hero tke« daye May prodt ■ . • die (Oeeu lit. 4); there is u. among the cheering crowd of jubilant what seviiw met I» transition; the aoul Dredging For Minerals in .the Yu was Tlwmins Wall, a resident of Xunai- O ii yoo to coma In. We .want all room pooollde (or aew good.. \jkâ gold-seekers which tbro-'ged tl«* deck Ifver dise, ere . He. Who are you to be kon—Mining Companies Ask mo. B. C. WW1.J en-seing Dyes river I Here, God or the eerpent. Lecture âtro; with a park borsr. the animal ami rider ... ' , : . Mt Pretty Sieeer Blames, 25e. tiwd Bid Warn, faaq kicks. <I \|/ •lay evening, 7 o'clock, A.O.U.W. Hall, Incorporation. weçv swept away by the current and this city. up stairs. HubJ*et-"lMies the Bible lost. Wall was heavily laden with lug Vi* White Cambric Skirts, ?*. | Pretty Dress Weslins, 8t. teach the Immortality of the soul? No gage. ami was he!pi a* in the raging !» o lies'll vu. augl4-lt jT- Summer Corsets, iOe. pair. Wide" Simmer Ssitiags at I5e. Ottawa, Aug. 14.-Th*‘ revised state- ^mid.-nt to the drowning accidents was WANTED- A couple of furnished rooms AFGHAN INTRIGUES W Fabric Move, White, Cream Feder s Brash Skirt Preteetar.Se. Mi suitable for light bounekee]d»g: *«at<- meut of the inland teem* for the year „ di^M-twatum of mining camp justice. rent. H. II., tbk office. angl^It ' .1 uu.v hNt shows a total Two men. named Young and (Tei \if and Tam, fit Foldins Pocket Fans, 29c. Mt revenue of $8,271 ;8Ü2, an increase of who wcrv operating pack trains mar A «NAP-JO acres cleared land, Saaukh; over the preceding year. | tho H<1.IU, of the accidents, recovered the News of the Ameer’s Complicity in the 5 Mt small bouae, stable, well of water; alt An ordeMn-couucil has been pawed i j^Um» nlld took them to Dyea. Arriving Indian Uprising Seriously Re fenced; fruit tree*; 41.MJ0. L**e A ■t thM the regntet wn they demanded $10 for their Eraser, 11 Trounce avenue. aul4-It 'S gard d in London. Mi for minerals Hi the Irnds of the rivers svrvici s. Th.- citlxeli* wore v« ry imlig- igit The Westside. of Manitoba and the Northwest, passed uaut and cal’e<l a man* ui«ding. One WANTED-A light mountain transit. Ap last July, do not apply to the Yukon ply to Victoria Away Office, Fort street. of the on n was given twenty-four hours Mt ri»rer. ^ T J. HUCHESON & CO. ^ to leave toxvn. He applied for passage >V The Tam ti'SHantvr Mining ('<>. are on .the K’der, t at, as he wished to go Indian Government Is Making Active FOB «ALE—Good pack horse for Clou- tmking incorporation to work the Tam north to Juneau, he was forced to take Preparations to Meet All dyke. A. B. Talbot, 165 Douglas street. O'Shanter mine* at Ainwworth, B. (’., to the w«M>ds until he c n six-tin* the Eventualities. augl4-2t a nd for other purposes. The chief (dace of desired passage. As the Elder left the huaimvs is Montreal, and the applicants WANTED A waitress. Apply at Hu** citieen* were about to met t to nmaider ang13 51 are Robert Thomas Hopper,' asbestos the earn* of hlk partner. mhKT; Frtxhrk-k Farman. manufactur The meet Inqiortnut new1» brought l|y DU. c. e. CHAMBEHH. t] role* er: Edwin Hanson, fit a mini agent; 1*. th^ jg Mix laid ilint ,u- JUfig. H.-Xto» i;4aUis vDH eulffprpr.1 ere p'.C« Wbllé F... I» ««lient ™„. ; ««.p-u.l A(«he» iuirigu». i. («, «ri- -He Has Klondycitis, euce Hotel, Room k a agio iw Wibem Ftnilh, finavieial agent, and B«1 .lit ton. O* hendml. ,l,:,y«l l.y (ho ««'Jr ^re fcnglW new wore WANTE1>—By responsible party, all weal B. (ireenahielti. n « r«‘hant. all of ,leoiwlillom jj.1 nfa Ibo ____ _____j ,tx -,,..1,,. I publish% ,he -«1 iu„^bUt,7 India have of already ,k discuss-Am ,,'. furnished house by October TIC MoatrowU wbo ern Ui Ut thü ftrat ut the r-'\ *lv mitre rrf rtre pas». pfOtisioual direct ora of the emnpan j. complicity. It was report» d some time X.I.Z.. this olBro. augt> p’cntlful. Tlwy « xi>ect to complete tin ir '!%• customs (b-portmeut bas decided ago that he hail s«nt* tho.isands of his ^—WIGRN laltom In about two week*, considerable WANTED—A lady or gentleman to td allJNr each miner bound for the Clon- hook, “Jehiid.” or “r. ligiou* war,”, to The bet wave has ft rack w and we are work having already hron done. This some capital la a bona tide bu thriut ui take In froe «>f duty 100 poumta the native Indian regiments; while an--------- trying to keep cool. With rich quarts mutual Interest, aleo Interest on lavaét- will make the ronE paaeabJe nearly all of i«rorvh*ms, tiwners" blankets, the unymous letters apja-ared iu the Indian atithaa on the Ulewl, coal oil cans full of ment. Address X, Tim < ARliFng In iiêe’*"nd edoKHtg nfemdla. native prêt* gli»flfy1ng th^ TmVIstt vtr- — the yellow metal In the Yukon and the big Another instance of Alaskan iustice claan-upsAn onr bargains. It la M to the .SALMON Final NO has commenced. • A Re*urns of live at<»ck inspectors show .torh-s as “ishiill’s Rising Htiir,” and de occurretl on August 8th.