Peace May Soon New York State Capitol in Ruins, Many
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ft Hesse ole R*mev*le Phene Ml COAL! COAL! BURTS HaU & Walker ras pandora ET. Podded Vane, Prompt Attention, 1232 Government Street Experienced Me- R '«Idenoe Ml one RT10. TELEPHONE 83. VOL. 5: VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 191L NO. 74, PEACE MAY SOON NEW YORK STATE R. L BORDEN TENDERS CAPITOL IN RUINS, HIS RESIGNATION N MINISTERS AND LOSS WILL PROBABLY Charges That Corporations Which are Opposing k'Vt TO rebelsTto confer EXCEED $6,000,000 MORSE f this Reciprocity Have Conspired to Oust Em Threat of U, S. Intervention Firemen Have Narrow Escapes From His Position. Relieved to Have Changed While Fighting Cbnflgra- tion at Albany the Situation (Times Leased Wire.) vision waa first made for a successor, Ottawa. March 1*. ‘It. fc. Borden te- Mr. Borden lise day resigned the leadership of the Con the whip ham If be coneente to con- tinue ae leader It will be only because (Times Leased Wire.) (Times Leased Wire.) eervatlve opposition. express Albany, N. Y.. March Ban Antonio, Texas, March M.—Peace Mr. Borden charged that corporations stipulation that faction fights and In Mexico, ertiny officers here to-day scorched and water stained, showing a not Including opposing American reciprocity had ecm- caballing against hlm muet cease. believe, will, If it cornea. t>e due directly net loss oL 16.000,80«, ---- To quote the words of Sir William ♦ on ■iHImaliini nil * ft OUI Wa^h" thousands of precidtii *tfd Irreptacabts splred to discredit him and to give to an ultimatum carried*flora Wash Van Horne on the reciprocity issue, ington to Mexico City by* Minister Uni documents, the .New York state capitol either Premier Whitney or Premier te President Diaz to-day stgnda partly In ruins, following he Is “sick and tired and ashamed of autour; His message McBride his place. It all/* and now, after sober reflection, is believed to have been dictated by a hre that raged for seven hours In Its that is also the attitude of most of President Taft and the threat of Ameri courts and corridors. __ Federal Conservative leaders are en his followers towards the Insurgents. can Intervention Is thought to have The state library, with Its 400.000 deavoring to Induce Borden t» remain, A big hitch In carrying through the been the means of bringing the Mexi volumes, was destroyed. The senate all but six having pledged themselves and assembly chambers are smoke- Cabal begun In Montreal during the can president at last to a realisation to support him. of the necessity of a compromise. blackened and soaked with water. past few days, following the collapse To go into conference with the Ma The offices of the department of edu Review of Situation. of the antl-reclproclty movement, has been the disclosure of lack of any duro family, former ambassador to the cation. the court of claims chamber, the (Special to the Times.) •?—------- Vnltprt States De La Barra will arrive senate finance committee room, the satisfactory substitute for Borden. here, to-morrow. He will be meK.bjr office of the senate president pro ten), Ottawa. Match 29.—To-day confusion. Some of the Easterners, knowing Pre Francisco Madero. Sr. and his s«>n Al the assembly library and the document uncertainty and chaos reign In the Tory mier McBride, will pin their hopes on fonso. The party will then, it is said, and cloak rooms, all were gutted. camp. Some of the scoffers who came him. But Mr. McBride has already The great western stairway, with Its told Mr. Borden he doesn't want to go toward Monterey, where they are to on Monday to oust Mr. Borden from meet Llmantour. It is reported that great architectural beauty, is blacken - lead any f of lorn hope atvOttawa and then the whole party will go to Chi ed and 4ts marble chipped. The west the leadership remain to pray. He has prefers the present opportunities In huahua. where Francisco Madero, Jr., ern wing Is flooded.and the roof of the showp an entire willingness, and Indeed British Columbia. Maybe he Is only the rebel leader, will participate In the north wing Is sunken. a determination to resign the leader waiting to be pressed, but there is no negotiations under a flag of truce. The $27,000.000 that has been poured ship, with its - constant worries and sign here that an unanimous Invita It Is believed that Chihuahua negotl- lrtto the capitol by the state tor many tion will be tendered him to come bickerings and with disgruntled and attons will be only formal. and that generations has been wasted. The and act as a political Moses for the both sides bave already virtually ac grca$ tratldtnx.'ttiF pride— and also the self-seeking factions within the party. opposition wandering in the wilder cepted the terms of peace. shame—of the Empire state, was He wishes to retire to private life, ness here. Senor Madero and his aoh arrived planned In 1863 to cost $4.000,000 The again resume .the practice of law. to Many of the saner members of the construction proved too tempting a h« re yesterday. They asserted positive look after, his already large financial party recognîxè that there are strong ly their belief that peace Is at hand In chance for graft, and so far $27,000,000 interests and have some leisure hours objections to Mr. McBride, and they their war-ridden land. has been spent upon It. and still the original plans were unfulfilled. unbothered by the incessant strain of prefer to keep Mr. Borden, a safer. “With only the resignation of the xperi talced and abler party cabinet as evidence of good faith, would The capitol Is in such a state of seeking to please everybody, reconcile chaos to-day that no ope can tell what head. you care to trust yourself on Mexican divergent .interests and to shape politi- (Concluded on page IS.) soll to take up the question of the ees may-be Us fate. U is a sad wreck at nation of warfare?*' Don Gustavo waf cureory-glance, but later Investigation asked. 'Well, scarcely/' smiled may show that enough of its beauty ia«er may be salvaged to warrant rehabilita Borrowing ft phrase from the Chinese, tion. DISTASTEFUL TO THE JINGOES. those being Interviewed said President The question arising here la whether $>iax would be allowed to “rave Ms the stale may new become more eco JOHN BULL AND UNCLE SAM (in unison)—Come on in, fellers; the water’s fine! face." He will retire with all the honor nomical and erect a fire-proof building «lue hie[, distinguished service. Senor to house Its departments. It Is ad Llmantour was firm upon this point as mitted that millions of dollars worth of the basis of preliminary negotiations. decorations were placed upon flimsy The basic concessions, which It is fire-tempting frame work. The Democratic legislative caucus SENATE TO DEAL INVESTIGATING MANY PEOPLE believed, will be ratified later, Include th« resignation of the Dias cabinet and had adjourned only an hour before the the appointment of younger men to fire started. Defective wiring had been their position*, which already has been reported yesterday In the assembly lib accomplished. The next lg the resigna rary. NEW TOOK FIDE tion of Dias and the holding of an elec Smoke was Issuing from the tion In which the suffrage shall be un northeast corner of the building shortly restrained and free This arrangement before 3 o’clock this morning. Docu Im hides the elimination of Vlce-Presl-^, ments. ornate hangings and rich furn U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE dent Corral, a sick man, than whom, ishing were fuel upo% which the DISTRICT ATTORNEY IMMIGRATION MEN it Is saNL there 1* probably no more un flames gained headway. With no ap popular person in Mexico. Corral, al preciable check, the fire spread to the IS DRAFTING A TREATY EXAMINES SURVIVORS CROWDED WITH WORK ready out of the "cabinet, will resign assembly chamber and its corridors. the secogpff highest office In the land The flames communicated to the west- Llmantour. minister pro tempore, will exercise the functions of the office. The. WiU Be Submitted at the Spe Declare Doors Leading 4o the Ten Times as Many Being Sent insurrectos do not consider De La Barra a strong man. and the inference cial Session of Congress Stairways Were Locked for as in Previous was plain in the Interview* that'Llm- antour was the leader relied upon to Beginning April 4 When Fire Started .kmFJWMtiAlUfk svyantefiA.. Diaz, according to the programme, will remain in office with the new and some what unsatisfactory cabinet about him There are ten times as many people until the country is at rest. When fac- Washington, D. C., March 29. New York, March 29— District Attor coming to Victoria this year as have tary of State Knox is busy here to-day ney Whitman to-day examined 150 wit ever come before from Great Britain nesses, most of them survivors of Sat- or the United States. on the drafting of a new arbitration ur(tiy*<! tire, when 143 Itres were In treaty between the United Slates and That is the information given out by the destruction of the Triangle Shirt the immigration official* ^tere Every Great Britain which, it Is hoped, will waist factory All agreed that the day large nümhers of people call at the reach all -possible disputes. doors leading to the al&lrways and the immigration offices for information In passenger elevators were locked when Work on the new convention is be- regard to sending for relatives the fire started and laid largely to this YKff tWe gfmrwimis toss nf wre.