European Parliament 2014-2019

Ad hoc Delegation to accompany the peace process in



following the ad hoc delegation to Colombia on 28 September-3 October 2016

Members of the mission: Luis de Grandes Pascual (PPE) Ramón Jáuregui Atondo (S&D) (Leaders of the mission)

Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE) Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE) Soraya Post (S&D) Boris Zala (S&D) Nikolay Barekov (ECR) Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE) Tania González Peñas (GUE/NGL) Ulrike Lunacek (Verts/ALE)

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EN United in diversity EN Introduction

The European Parliament’s delegation stayed in Colombia from Wednesday 28 September to Monday 3 October. This complex mission was planned, organised and implemented in a single week following the decision of the Conference of Presidents on 15 September 2016 to set up an ad hoc Delegation for the Referendum on the Colombian Peace Agreement taking place on 2 October. In the end, 10 Members took part in the delegation’s visit out of the 14 authorized by the Conference of Presidents. The delegation maintained first a set of meetings in with the Colombian government, yes and no campaigners together with UN and OAS representatives in charge of the implementation of the peace agreement signed by the Colombian government and FARC on 26 September 2016. The delegation was then split into three groups which went to three representative places (see below) in the long internal armed conflict which has lasted for 52 years: Montes de Maria/Cartagena, Medellín and Ibagué. This allowed the delegation to multiply its political and media impact because at each of the three destinations, meetings were arranged with governors, mayors, NGOs, victims and media. Similarly, some visits took place also during the day of the plebiscite to some polling stations to witness the peaceful development of the vote. A joint evaluation then followed by the whole delegation together with the EU Special Envoy Mr Eamon Gilmore and the EU Ambassador in Colombia. This allowed for an in-depth and joint discussion which resulted in a Declaration by the two Co-Chairs on the outcome of the plebiscite (see Annex III), thus ensuring a coordinated and consistent EU position transmitted afterwards in the joint press conference at the end of the visit.

Summary account of meetings

 Meetings in Bogotá

On 28 September, the ad hoc delegation Co-Chair and EuroLat Co-President Mr Ramón Jáuregui met with the President and the Vice-President of the Colombian delegation (Parlandino) to the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly and a joint press conference was held in the Senate. On 29 September, the rest of the Delegation arrived and a meeting was held with Mr Alvaro Uribe Vélez, former and head of the NO campaign. Mr. Uribe made clear that, should the “no” prevail, such a negative outcome of the Plebiscite would not mean a vote against peace, but rather against certain agreed conditions which should indeed be profoundly revised (transitional justice for FARC Commanders, political representation and a number of jurisdictional / constitutional challenges were mentioned). A working dinner was also held with the EU Ambassador in Colombia, Ms Ana Paula Zacarias, and other Ambassadors of EU States, as well as the EU Special Envoy for the Peace Process in Colombia, Mr Eamon Gilmore.

On Friday 30 September, a working breakfast was held with Members of the Congress (Foreign Affairs and Peace Committees) followed by high-level meetings with Ms María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar, Foreign Minister of Colombia, who thanked both the EP and the EU for their longstanding support to the Peace Process; and with Mr , High Counsellor for Post conflict, Human Rights and Security, who advanced the guidelines of some of the 131 projects already planned to implement the Peace Agreement as negotiated in La Habana. The delegation also met with the UN Resident Coordinator in Colombia, the Head of the UN Monitoring and Verification Mission, the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights,

AP102.145v01-00 2/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN the Director of UN Women and the Head of the Mission MAPP-OEA.

On Sunday 2 October, part of the delegation visited polling stations in Bogotá accompanied by Members of the Andean Parliament. In the evening, the whole delegation regrouped in Bogotá to make a joint assessment of its activities in Cartagena, Medellín and Ibagué and the development and outcome of the plebiscite

 Visit to Montes de Maria / Cartagena

The visit to the region of Montes de Maria, which is to the greatest extent situated in the Department of Bolivar, presented special political, social and media interest, since in the Montes de Maria violence provoked no less than 56 massacres, almost four thousand political murders, two hundred thousand displaced persons and general ruin on economic and social levels. The region was ravaged by paramilitary groups from the eighties, and with special intensity since 1997, which responded ruthlessly and with great brutality to the guerrilla activity which began in the early eighties.

In the early morning on Saturday 1 October, a working breakfast was held with Padre Rafael Castillo, who was accompanied by the President of the Chamber of Commerce in Cartagena de Indias. Padre Rafael briefly presented the ‘Tercero Laboratorio por la Paz’ (Third Peace Laboratory) project, which is co-financed by the European Union (see Annex IV). The project covers 15 municipalities: seven under guerrilla control and eight under paramilitary groups. Padre Rafael believes that the project offers a bid for life through sustainable intervention and the creation of a social fabric and basic community heritage, which had been destroyed from within by the war, recreating the basic social and regional networks that were present in the region before the conflict. The concept of a ‘peace laboratory’ is based on peace and reconciliation among all involved parties, and it includes women, Afro-Colombians, children, and indigenous peoples. Its objective is to promote a culture where these communities can meet by means of economic, social and democratic development. Padre Rafael highlighted the vital role of the EU in the project, not only in terms of its financial contribution, but also in terms of its technical and moral support and its firm commitment to achieving peace. The President of the Chamber of Commerce drew attention to the total lack of a business base in these communities, which is needed to create jobs. There is an urgent need to empower, before all else, the victims in order to achieve this, for example by using the area’s fertile agricultural land, through sustainable social and environmental development, replanting ruined vegetation, making the most of the three nature parks, and handing over use and control of the area to its inhabitants. This was followed by an exchange of views with the members of the delegation, who paid close attention to the request for supervision of the management of scarce but fruitful resources in an effort to facilitate access to them by means of joint community projects in areas including infrastructure, education and health.

A meeting was later held with the mayor of San Juan de Nepomuceno, who outlined the history of violence perpetrated by FARC and by the paramilitary groups in the area, which had a damaging impact on civil society, leaving innumerable victims in its wake and forcing many to leave the area with only the clothes on their backs. The community is now fighting to change the conditions that were conducive to the violence. They are doing this by building infrastructure, schools and health centres as well as by creating decent and stable jobs for young people, who are currently faced with problems such as a high unemployment rate, inadequate or non-existent public healthcare and a shortage of schools. The mayor reiterated the victims’

CR\1106626EN.docx 3/19 AP102.145v01-00 EN sentiment in saying that the aid was not reaching them, and also spoke of the role required of the EU in ensuring the financial aid goes towards building a business base.

The European Parliament delegation then met with ‘Narrar para vivir’ (Tell to Live), an organisation set up by women to achieve a reconciliation that can empower women, all of them victims of violence, helping them to acquire skills and make progress through local networks (and with aid from Europe). These women have been threatened and attacked but have not given up the fight to re-build the social fabric that the violence took away and to provide their children with opportunities. Their motto is ‘We are here to live’. This was followed by a visit to a ‘Cooperativa de mujeres artesanas’, an EU-financed cooperative of artisan women. The women presented their projects and expressed their gratitude for the EU’s support in empowering these women, who are the heads of families, their husbands having died or gone missing, and they themselves facing threats and attacks. Members of the delegation also met with local authorities and attended the presentation of a rural farming development project called ‘Proyecto Costa Caribe’ (Caribbean Coast Project), whose purpose is to promote yucca production and its market presence. This project, which is aimed at helping the development of farming in the area, covers seven municipalities that were abandoned by the state, and 10 000 farming families are involved in the project.

 Visit to Medellín

The visit to Medellin, the second most populous city in the country, presented particular political and media interest. Plagued by all sorts of violence for decades, the city has experienced in recent years an extraordinary political, social and economic regeneration. However, opposition to the recently signed peace agreement remained in majority. The Members travelling to Medellín had the opportunity to visit one of the regions most affected by the civil war in Colombia - and at the same time most sceptical toward the peace agreement (with around 63 percent of voters rejecting the agreement). The guerrilla has been active in large parts of the department of Antioquia, of which Medellín is the capital. Medellín, a city of 2.5 million inhabitants, hosts 650.000 recognised victims of the conflict, as well as 2.500 demobilised FARC combatants. The director of the Victims’ Unit, Luz Patricia Correa, explained that the efforts to integrate this immense quantity of people into local societies are focused on education, generation of income, and housing. In addition, the municipal authorities help displaced people return to their places of origin, e.g. by rebuilding destroyed villages and supporting demining programmes.The Governor of Antioquia, Luis Pérez Gutiérrez, gave the delegation an overview of the department’s activities in support of the peace process, such as rural development projects or paving peasant roads (currently only 90 of 11.000 km paved).The participants also met some victims and representatives of civil society, who expressed their strong support for the peace process despite fears that the demobilisation of the FARC could lead to an increase in urban conflicts. They asked the EU to support them in their demands and offer political protection so that they can continue to point out problems. They also expect the EU to push for negotiations with the ELN, the second-biggest guerrilla group, in order to bring a complete end to the conflict.On the day of the vote, the delegation was invited to attend the inaugural ceremony of the plebiscite organised by the Antioquia government. As a sign of the EU’s support to the peace process, the Members stood on the podium, next to the governor and other representatives of the departmental administration, of the national government, and of the city of Medellín. Throughout the visit, the Members had a number of interviews with local and regional media outlets.

AP102.145v01-00 4/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN  Visit to Ibagué

Visiting Ibague, capital of Tolima department, was of great symbolism because it was in the village of Marquetalia the Planadas where the FARC was established, and the war began. In two municipalities of Tolima (Planadas village of El Jordan and Villarica, Guanacas) had been established 2 of the 23 demilitarised zones (veredales) to carry out disarmament in 180 days. Therefore, the Mayor presents Ibagué as the "City of Peace".

A meeting took place first in Ibagué with a victim’s organization (“Víctimas de El Tejar”), followed by an extensive meeting with the governor of Tolima, Oscar Barreto Quiroga and a large number of officers of the Colombian police and armed forces together with Colombian and OAS election observation representatives. After a number of media interviews, a working lunch followed with the Mayor of Ibagué, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo Martínez, who gave a brilliant explanation of the history and roots of the conflict while extensively explaining his ongoing projects as a Major for the City of Ibague in the perspective of the foreseeable implementation of the future Peace Agreement.


The mixed nature of the ad hoc delegation as decided by the Conference of Presidents on 15 September was first discussed and then repeatedly explained by the two Co-Chairs. In line with Parliament's resolution of 20 January 2016 in support of the Peace Process in Colombia, Members explained to interlocutors that this was a non-neutral delegation aimed to endorse the Peace Process in Colombia and witness the plebiscite, in favour of a positive outcome while avoiding interference with the internal political debate. In addition, it was clearly expressed that this was not an election observation mission for a number of reasons, including full confidence in the Colombian electoral laws.

The disappointing outcome of the plebiscite was indeed the legitimate choice of the Colombian voters on an extremely divisive internal matter. Nevertheless, the path of dialogue and possible resumption of negotiations immediately offered by President Santos together with the maintaining of the bilateral cease-fire accepted also by FARC was considered by Members as a positive step forward to find a larger and more acceptable peace agreement in the near future.

Members of the Delegation clearly stated that the European Parliament has supported the peace process in Colombia in the past, it continues to do so now and will do so in the future too. As a result, it will argue for the continuation in force of the decision as agreed by the European Council regarding the exclusion of FARC from the list of terrorist groups, subject to it renouncing violence. In the same way, it will support the continuation of the fund to support the peace in Colombia. Similarly, it supports a continued mandate for Eamon Gilmore, the European Union’s special envoy for the peace process.

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Ad Hoc Delegation for the referendum on the Colombian peace agreement taking place on 2 October 2016

Bogota/Medellin/Cartagena-Montes de Maria/Ibague (Colombia)

28 September - 3 October 2016 Official list of Participants

Members of the Delegation (13)

Name Surname Political Group, Country Mr Luis DE GRANDES PASCUAL, Co-Chair EPP  Delegation for Relations with the Countries of the Spain Andean Community, Chair  Conference of Delegation Chairs, Member  Committee on Transport and Tourism, Member  Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion, Member  Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Member

Mr Ramón JAUREGUI ATONDO, Co-Chair S&D  Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Spain Assembly, Chair  Conference of Delegation Chairs, Member  Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Member  Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion, Member  Delegation for Relations with the countries of the Andean Community, Member

AP102.145v01-00 6/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN Name Surname Political Group, Country Mr Agustín DÍAZ DE MERA GARCÍA-CONSUEGRA EPP  Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Vice-Chair Spain  Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Member  Delegation for Relations with the countries of the Andean Community, Member

Ms Laima Liucija ANDRIKIENE EPP  Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania EU-Uzbekistan and EU-Tajikistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and for relations with Turkmenistan and Mongolia, Vice-Chair  Committee on International Trade, Member  Subcommittee on Security and Defence, Member

Ms Soraya POST S&D  Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Sweden Affairs, Member  Subcommittee on Human Rights, Member  Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America, Member

M Boris ZALA S&D  Delegation for relations with South Africa, Vice-Chair Slovakia  Committee on Foreign Affairs, Member

Mr Nikolay BAREKOV ECR  Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Member Bulgaria  Delegation for relations with Iran, Member

Ms Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA ALDE  Delegation for relations with the countries of the Spain Andean Community, Vice-Chair  Committee on Transport and Tourism, Member  Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Member


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Ms Ulrike LUNACEK Greens/EFA  Vice-President of the European Parliament Austria  Delegation for relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, Vice-Chair  European Parliament’s Bureau, Member  Committee on Foreign Affairs, Member

Abbreviations of the Political Groups: EPP Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) S&D Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Union GUE/NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left Greens/EFA Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance EFDD Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy ENF Europe of Nations and Freedom Group

AP102.145v01-00 8/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN Delegation Secretariat (3)


Mr Tobias VOGET, Administrator Ms Nekane (Maria) AZPIRI LEJARDI, Administrative Assistant


Mr Antonio Jesús LEON MUÑOZ, Administrator

Political Groups (4)

Mr Juan SALAFRANCA EPP Political Group advisor Mr Carlo BITTARELLI S & D Political Group advisor Ms Itziar MUÑOA SALABERRIA ALDE Political Group advisor Mr Francisco OROZCO GUE/NGL Political Group advisor Ms Gaby KUPPERS Verst/Ale Political Group advisor

Interpreters ()

Mr Karl MC LAUGHLIN, Team leader (ES FR / ES) Ms Daniella CICIRELLO D (CA ES FR IT) Ms Saara ESCARTIN S (EN FI HU)

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Ad hoc delegation accompanying the Peace Process in Colombia ______

Visit to Colombia – Accompanying the Peace Process 28 September - 3 October 2016

Final Programme

Wednesday, 28 September 2016 Bogotá

15.25 Arrival of the Co-Chair of the ad hoc delegation and Co-President of the Euro- Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Ramon Jauregui, at the El Dorado International Airport in Bogota and transfer to

Hotel Four Seasons, Carrera 13#85-46, Tel +57-1-3257900

17.00 Joint Press Conference with Members of the Colombian delegation in the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly Venue: Senate Press room (Sala de prensa del Senado - Capitolio Nacional)

19.30 Working dinner with the Vice President of the Colombian Delegation to the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly, Mr Luis Fernando Duque

Thursday, 29 September 2016 Bogotá

9.00 Video conference with members of the Colombian delegation to the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly, young people and students Venue: Andean Parliament

10.30 Meetings with Platforms and Networks of the Civil Society (Humanidad vigente, MOVICE, Plataforma DDHH, Democracia y Desarrollo, Plataforma la Alianza) Venue: Andean Parliament

11.30 Interviews and meetings with media

15.25-17.00 Individual arrivals of Members of the ad hoc Delegation at the El Dorado International Airport in Bogota and transfer to meeting with Mr Uribe Vélez

AP102.145v01-00 10/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN 17.00-17.45 Meeting with Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Former President and head of the “No” Campaign Venue : Centro Democrático offices

18.00 Transfer to Hotel and check-in Hotel Four Seasons, Carrera 13#85-46, Tel +57-1-3257900

18.45-19.30 Briefing with the EU Ambassador in Colombia, Ana Paula Zacarias, and the EU Special Envoy for the Peace Process, Eamon Gilmore Venue: Hotel Four Seasons

19.30-22.30 Working dinner with EU Ambassador, Mr Eamon Gilmore and Ambassadors of the EU Member States accredited in Colombia Venue: Hotel Four Seasons - Kuru restaurant

Friday, 30 September 2016 Bogotá / Ibagué / Cartagena - Montes de Maria / Medellín

07.30-09.00 Working breakfast with Members of Congress: Peace Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee Venue: Hotel Four Seasons

09.15 -10.00 Transfer to Ministry of Foreign Affairs

10.00-11.30 Meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister Ms Maria Angela Holguin Venue: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

11.40-12.15 Walking tour of the historical centre, visit to Botero Museum

12.15-12.30 Transfer to Hotel de la Opera Venue: Calle 10#5-72

12.30-14.00 Lunch with: Mr Martin Santiago, UN Resident Coordinator in Colombia Mr Jean Arnault, Head of the UN Monitoring & Verification Mission (CONF) Ms Belen Sanz, Director of UN Women Mr Roberto Menendez, Head of Mission MAPP - OEA (CONF)

14.00-15.00 Meeting with Minister for Post Conflict, Mr Rafael Pardo Venue: Hotel de la Opera, Calle 10#5-72

15.00-15.30 Transfer to the ‘Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación’ (Centre for Memory, Peace and Reconciliation) Venue: Hotel de la Opera, Calle 10 N. 5 - 72

15.30-17.00 Meeting with ‘Victims of Soacha’ and visit to the Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación

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Transfer to the airport

17.00-19.00 Departure of the EP Delegation split in three groups:

Group 1: flight AV 9546 at 18.30 to Cartagena (flight 1h30) Group 2: flight AV 9336 at 17.52 to Medellin (flight 1h00) Group 3: flight AV 9283 at 18.04 to Ibague (Tolima) (flight 50 minutes)

Transfer to the corresponding hotel in each city: 20.02-21.30 Cartagena: Hotel Hampton by Hilton / Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa (MEPs: De 18.52-... Grandes, Andrikiene, Diaz de Mera, Post, Zala, Barekov + 1 Secretariat, 3 18.54-... interpreters, 3 group advisers) Medellín : NH Medellin Royal (MEPs: Jauregui Atondo, Lunacek + 1 Secretariat, 1 group adviser) Ibagué : Hotel Estelar Altamira (MEP: Bilbao Barandica + 1 Secretariat, 2 group advisers)

Saturday, 1 October 2016 Cartagena

08.30-09.30 Working breakfast with Padre Rafael Castillo and presentation of the project “Tercer laboratorio por la Paz” financed by the EU

Venue: Hotel Hampton by Hilton

09.30-11.30 Departure from the hotel to Montes de Maria

11.30-12.20 Meeting with the Mayor of San Juan Nepomuceno, and members of the organisation of Montes de María “Narrar para Vivir” Location: San Juan Nepomuceno

12.30-14.30 Visit of the EU-funded “Cooperativa de mujeres artesanas" Location: San Jacinto

15.00-16.30 Meeting with the Mayor of San Jacinto and local authorities; presentation of a rural development project (agriculture and livestock) “Costa Caribe” organised by Ms Adelina Covo in cooperation with local farmers (refreshments) Location: San Jacinto

16.30-18.30 Return to Cartagena

Saturday, 1 October 2016 Medellin (Antioquia)

AP102.145v01-00 12/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN 08.30-09.30 Arrival flight from Bogota to Medellin (AV 9304 (MEP Lunacek) and transfer to hotel

08.00-09.00 Breakfast Venue: Hotel NR Royal Medellin

09.00-09.30 Transfer to the museum Casa de la Memoria

09.30-11.15 Visit of the Museum and Meetings with the Director of the Municipality Unit for Attention and Reparation of Victims, Ms Luz Patricia Correa and with the Director of the Museum, Ms Adriana Valderrama

11.15-11.45 Transfer to the Gobernación of Antioquia

11.45-12.45 Meeting with the acting Governor of Antioquia, Mr Ivan Echeverry Valencia

13.15-14.45 Working lunch with civil society

14.45-15.30 Transfer to Barrio Manrique

15.30-17.15 Meeting with victims and displaced people and visit of Barrio Manrique Venue: Centro de Salud El Raizal and Barrio Manrique

17.15-17.45 Transfer to Hotel

19.00-21.00 Dinner with Senator Luis Fernando Duque Venue: La Caetiere de Anita

Saturday, 1 October 2016 Ibagué (Tolima) / Bogotá

08.00-09.30 Meeting with the organisation “Víctimas de El Tejar” Venue: Multifamily housing El Tejar

10.00-11.30 Meeting with the governor of Tolima, Oscar Barreto Quiroga

11.30-12.30 Meetings with the media / Interviews Venue: Gobernación of Tolima

13.30-15.00 Working lunch with the Mayor of Ibagué, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo Martínez

15.00 Transfer to Aeropuerto Nacional Perales

16.35-17:21 Return to Bogotá in flight AV 9280 and transfer to the hotel Four Seasons

CR\1106626EN.docx 13/19 AP102.145v01-00 EN Sunday, 2 October 2016 Cartagena / Medellin / Bogota

Morning Cartagena

08.30-11.00 Accompanying the vote in polling station Bellas Artes

15.42-17.20 Departure/arrival of flight AV9547 to Bogota 17.20-19.00 and transfer to Hotel 4 Seasons

Morning Medellin

07.00-07.30 Transfer to the Plazoleta Central

07.30-09.00 Official opening of the votes (Alcaldía de Medellín y la Gobernación de Antioquía) accompanied by Senator Duque

09.00-10.00 Meeting with the Governor of Antioquia, Luis Pérez Gutiérrez Venue: Gobernación de Antioquia

12.00-17.00 Lunch and transfer to the airport of Medellín

14.17-19.00 Departure to Bogota of flight AV 9331and transfer to Hotel 4 Seasons

Morning Bogota

06.00-06.45 Breakfast - Hotel

08.15-13.30 Visiting polling stations (MEPs: Ms Izaskun Bilbao and Ms Tania González, 1 Secretariat, 2 group advisers together with Members of Parlandino)

13.30-14.30 Lunch (own arrangements)

16.00-17.00 Following the results of the Plebiscite in Bogotá CORFERIAS Venue: Carrera 37 N° 24 - 67

The whole delegation

20.00-21.30 Joint assessment by the Members of the EP Delegation of its activities in Bogota, Ibague, Montes de Maria, Cartagena and Medellin. Analysis of development and result of the Plebiscite (with the EU Ambassador to Colombia Ms Ana Paula Zacarias and the EU Special Envoy Eamon Gilmore)

Monday, 3 October 2016 Bogotá

AP102.145v01-00 14/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN 07.30-08.30 Breakfast and check-out Venue: Hotel 4 Seasons

09.00-09.30 Transfer to the EU Delegation

09.30-10.30 Meeting with Ms Ana Paula Zacarias and Mr Eamon Gilmore to coordinate a common position on the outcome of the Plebiscite and the way forward Venue: EU Delegation

10.30-12.00 Joint Press Conference of the two Co-Chairs of the ad hoc delegation together with Ambassador Ana Paula Zacarias and Special Envoy Eamon Gilmore Venue: EU Delegation

12.00-13.00 Transfer to Hotel

Afternoon/ Return to Europe evening

CR\1106626EN.docx 15/19 AP102.145v01-00 EN Annex III

Bogota, 3 October 2016

Luis de Grandes (EPP) and Ramón Jáuregui (S&D) as Co-Chairs of the European Parliament (EP) delegation sent to Colombia to support the peace process and observe the plebiscite held on Sunday 2 October, would like to make the following declaration public, once the result of the vote has been announced:

1. We congratulate the people of Colombia on the democratic, clear and transparent way in which the plebiscite was held, which was the product of a free and vigorous debate between advocates of the different options.

2. We fully respect the wish expressed in the plebiscite. The resulting split does not cast doubt upon the wish of the Colombian people for peace. Both options clearly showed the desire of the majority of the Colombian people to achieve peace.

3. As a result, we support the continuation of negotiations, as it is only through dialogue that peace in Colombia will be possible.

4. We consider that it is a wise decision by President Santos to involve all the political groups and civil society in dialogue, with a view to achieving agreements on the road to peace. We call on the leaders of the ‘No’ campaign to accept the call made by President Santos to this effect, and to make prudent and constructive use of their victory in order to advance the cause of peace.

5. We call on FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation Army) to continue their negotiations in a peaceful manner. It is vital for FARC to keep its promise not to return to violence, irrespective of the result of the plebiscite, and we therefore demand that the bilateral ceasefire be maintained.

6. Our thoughts are with the victims of the many years of violence. We are moved by their generosity, which has been highlighted by the strong support that the agreement received in the areas that have suffered most in the tragedy of this armed conflict. Our commitment to them is to continue to back programmes for compensation for material and non-material loss suffered by the victims.

AP102.145v01-00 16/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN 7. The European Parliament has supported the peace process in Colombia in the past, it continues to do so now and will do so in the future too. As a result, it will argue for the continuation in force of the decision as agreed by the European Council regarding the exclusion of FARC from the list of terrorist groups, subject to it renouncing violence. In the same way, it will support the continuation of the fund to support the peace in Colombia. Similarly, it supports a continued mandate for Eamon Gilmore, the European Union’s special envoy for the peace process.

*The delegation

Co-Chairs: Luis de Grandes (EPP Spain) and Ramón Jáuregui (S&D, Spain).

Members: Agustín Díaz de Mera (EPP Spain), Laima Liucija Andrikiene (EPP Lithuania), Soraya Post (S&D, Sweden), Boris Zala (S&D, Slovakia), Nikolay Barekov (CRE, Bulgaria), Izaskun Bilbao (ADLE, Spain), Tania González (GUE/NGL, Spain), and Ulrike Lunacek (Greens/ALE, Austria, Vice- President of the European Parliament).

Key areas of the tragedy

The European Parliament’s delegation stayed in Colombia from Wednesday 28 September to Monday 3 October. During that time, it held meetings with the country’s authorities, the advocates and opponents of the peace agreement that was in the end rejected in the plebiscite, victims, representatives of civil society and the media. As well as visiting Bogota, the MEPs went to Ibagué, Montes de María/Cartagena and Medellín, key sites of the tragic conflicts.

CR\1106626EN.docx 17/19 AP102.145v01-00 EN Annex IV

Reporting sheet Implementation of external funding instruments

(attachment to the Mission Report) Mission conducted by Ad Hoc Delegation to Colombia - Accompanying Peace Process to Bogota/Cartagena-Montes de Maria/Ibague/Medellin (Colombia) on 28 September-3 October 2016 Description The Delegation intends to visit projects in the Montes de María area, a region where the third Peace Laboratory has been set up. Between 2002 and 2011, in association with the Colombian Government and the Regional Development and Peace Programmes (PDP), the EU supported three peace and development initiatives called ‘Laboratorios de Paz’, or ‘Peace Laboratories’ (LP). On the basis of the European Parliament’s resolution of February 2000 and of the EU’s position in the peace process support group, funding has been provided for initiatives to promote peace and development in Colombian regions affected by armed conflict. The LPs have promoted models in the three axes of intervention: peace and human rights; participatory governance; sustainable socioeconomic development. 32 212 people, in 93 municipalities from 19 departments have directly taken part in the third LP, with a total cost of EUR 30 250 000, of which EUR 24 200 000 came from EU funds. 25 different projects have been carried out, with an average cost per project of EUR 272 523; with an average of EUR 475 per beneficiary and EUR 916 667 per municipality. It might be useful to point out that most of the initiatives implemented within the LPs are in conflict zones, and that no cost-benefit analyses of the actions carried out in a context of violence have been conducted.

Fernández Fernández/Voget/Azpiri Lejardi 24/11/2016 Assessment The Delegation met in Montes de María, one of the areas worst affected by the conflict in the 90s, with Padre Rafael Castillo, in charge of a number of third LP projects. The Regional Development, Peace and Stability Programme in Montes de María, which is also underway in the regions of Meta and Nariño, covers 15 municipalities in this area: seven under guerrilla control and eight under paramilitary groups. Padre Rafael Castillo believes that the initiative was a bid for life through sustainable intervention and the creation of a social fabric and basic community heritage, destroyed by the war from within, recreating basic social and regional networks which were already present in the region before the start of the conflict. The concept of a ‘peace laboratory’ is based on peace and reconciliation among all involved parties, and it includes women, Afro-Colombians, children, and indigenous peoples. Its objective is to promote a culture where these communities can meet by means of economic, social and democratic development. Out of the various operations on the ground, the vital role of the EU in the initiative stood out, not only in terms of its financial contribution, but especially in terms of its technical and moral support and its firm commitment to achieving peace. The total lack of a business base in these communities, which is needed to create jobs, also stood out. There is an urgent need to empower, before all else, the victims in order to achieve this, by handing over use and control of the area to its inhabitants.

The delegation then met with the mayor of San Juan de Nepomuceno, one of the main municipalities in the Montes de María region. The mayor spoke of the history of FARC and paramilitary violence in the area, which had a damaging impact on civil society. His community, which is receiving support from the third LP, is now fighting to change the conditions that gave rise to the violence. They are doing this by building infrastructure, schools and health centres as well as creating decent and stable jobs for young people, who are currently faced with problems such as a high unemployment rate, inadequate or non-existent public healthcare and a lack of schools. The mayor reiterated the sentiment of the victims in saying that the aid is not reaching them as well as the need for the EU to ensure the financial aid goes towards building a business base.

AP102.145v01-00 18/19 CR\1106626EN.docx EN The European Parliament delegation also met with the organisation ‘Narrar para vivir’ (Tell to Live), a beneficiary of the third LP, which was set up by women who had all been victims of acts of violence with the aim of achieving reconciliation and empowerment that can enable them to acquire skills and make progress through a range of local networks. Their motto is ‘We are here to live’. Lastly, the delegation visited a cooperative of artisan women, which was also financed by the EU within the third LP. The women presented their projects and expressed their gratitude for the EU’s support which empowers these women, who are the heads of families, their husbands having died or gone missing, and they themselves facing threats and attacks.

The members of the delegation paid close attention to the repeated request made by local administrators and by those directly involved in the programmes, on the pressing need to efficiently manage the significant resources awarded by the EU to the third LP with the aim of guaranteeing that every cent is spent on supporting public policies and joint community projects, such as on infrastructure, healthcare, education, empowerment and work. These projects must be useful, sustainable and durable to ensure that the conflict regions advance, eventually becoming places where development and peace are possible.

Author and date of closing: Nekane Azpiri, Javier Fernández F. 24/11/2016 Suggested follow-up Suggestion to submit this sheet to AFET, DEVE, CONT for follow-up.

Author and date of closing : Nekane Azpiri, Javier Fernández F. 24/11/2016

Mission report adopted on: Transmitted to (secretariat of the parliamentary body for follow-up) on (date)

Follow-up given To be filled by the secretariat of the mission after input from the secretariat of the parliamentary bodies in charge of the follow-up.

Author and date of closing

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