CLAMANTIS The MALS Journal CHIEF EDITOR Justine M. Kohr MANAGING EDITORS Priyanka Sivaramakrishnan Kevin Warstadt COVER DESIGN Ken Davis ASSISTANT EDITORS Maisea Bailey Analisa Goodmann Haley Johnston Margaux E. Novak Kasey Storey Emily R. Taylor FACULTY ADVISER Anna Minardi Clamantis is a bi-annual publication for the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at Dartmouth College. We showcase the strongest creative and critical work submitted by current MALS students as well as MALS alumni. We believe that by selecting and integrating work from all four of the program’s concentrations, we will promote intellectual engagement, fruitful questioning, and honest discourse within the realm of liberal studies. If you have questions, comments, or are interested in writing a feature, please e-mail
[email protected]. CONTENTS PART I: Creative Writing 9 HOLY MOUNTAIN / DAN HAMPTON 11 Fiction FORMER CULT CHILD’S HANDYBOOK / HEIDI HOUGH 19 Creative Nonfiction SAFE HOUSE / PREETHA SEBASTIAN 23 Creative Nonfiction JUNE, 1924 / STEPHEN P. HULL 27 Fiction FIRST DATE (DEATH’S DESIRE) / A.M. SPO! 37 Poetry NECTAR / JENNIFER C. CORMACK 43 Poetry LOVE AT FIRST PUNCH / MARY ANN HUNT 45 Poetry DIAGNOSING [FE{MALE}] PAN(SEXUALIS) / A.M. SPO! 49 Poetry PERICHORESIS / JENNIFER C. CORMACK 55 Poetry 3 Part II: Cultural Studies & Globalization SELF DEFENSE IN THE HOMELAND ... / EMILY HEDGES 59 Cultural Studies THE STORYTELLER’S DAUGHTER / MARIAH FARBOTKO 73 Cultural Studies BRANDING & COMMODIFICATION OF ART / KATE SEROTA 93 Cultural Studies JAPAN’S WAR ORPHANS / SHANSHAN ZHANG 103 Globalization ANSELM KIEFER’S AESTHETIC ... / ANDREW D’AMBROSIO 115 Cultural Studies WHEN DID I KNOW I WAS BLACK? / JACQUELINE CHRISTIE 133 Cultural Studies TRANSPARENT / BRITTANY MURPHY 149 Cultural Studies BIOS 163 m 4 Clamantis: The MALS Journal Dear Reader, BY THE TIME you read this, 2016 will be dead and gone, and boy what a turbulent year it was.