*NOTE: Aquatic Invasive Species Waterway Buffer Is One Half Mile Upstream/Downstream & 200 Feet of Riparian Zone from Point

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*NOTE: Aquatic Invasive Species Waterway Buffer Is One Half Mile Upstream/Downstream & 200 Feet of Riparian Zone from Point W Y O M I N G - C o d y D i s p a t c h N o r t h A v i a t i o n H a z a r d s - 2 0 1 4 111°0'0"W 45°0'0"N 110°50'0"W E 45°0'0"N E Republic 110°40'0"W Mountain *# 110°20'0"W Sepulcher 110°30'0"W 110°10'0"W 110°0'0"W 10170 ' *# 109°50'0"W Mountain Liberty Joseph E 109°40'0"W 109°30'0"W 9652 ' E 109°20'0"W 109°10'0"W Peak Clagett Cap*# *# Mount Barronette Abiathar E *# E 45°0'0"N 10494 ' Butte Everts Peak Peak Index Peak B e E 109°0'0"W G a r 108°50'0"W *# Capitol Hill 10404 ' *# t o o Quintuple E 108°40'0"W 45°0'0"N 45°0'0"N 108°30'0"W *# Little Quadrant 8005 ' 7841 ' 10928 ' 11313 ' t h M 45°0'0"N 45°0'0"N 108°20'0"W 45°0'0"N 108°10'0"W 45°0'0"N 45°0'0"N 108°0'0"W a 6434 ' *# o u 45°0'0"N 107°50'0"W 45°0'0"N 107°40'0"W 107°30'0"W 45°0'0"N 45°0'0"N 107°20'0"W 45°0'0"N 45°0'0"N 107°10'0"W 106°40'0"W *# *# # n t a i Peaks *# 107°0'0"W 106°50'0"W l Mountain *# *# * n s E E E E E l 10132 ' B a *# 9892 ' Terrace Pilot Peak Mount Beartooth Fisher a t Gray Peak Mountain Cathedral Rock *# Amphitheater 11708 ' d i Bison Hornaday Butte g n *# Mountain Mountain e 10292 ' 8011 ' 7720 ' Garnet Peak 10036 ' Sugarloaf r Crescent 10514 ' 7393 ' R *# *# # *# Hill Hill 8882 '*# * Jim Smith *# Tibbs Butte *# H a Republic i Quadrant Bunsen Peak 7060 ' Clay Butte Butte Tolman 5022 ' l n 7894 ' Junction Frederick Peak Peak l Mountain 8564 ' Peak 9811 ' *# *# s g *# 10676 ' Mountain Bannock Butte * 9558 ' 10431 ' 10312 ' *# e 9944 ' *# *# Bird 10423 ' Peak *# The Mountain *# 10323 ' Prospect *# Thunderer 9928 ' *# Sawtooth Sykes Columbus Peak Bumpus Butte *# 10554 ' Cache Squaw Peak Table *# Little *# Antler Mountain Mountain *# Peak Folsom 9525 ' *# Mountain 10041 ' Mountain Mountain Peak *# Druid *# 5418 ' Peake 9596 ' *# 8753 ' 10262 ' 6182 ' Leaky 10023 ' g Peak *# *# North Big Horn County Airport Three *# 9326 ' *# Mountain n*# 9583 ' Mount Norris Rivers Peak a q® Little 8324 ' R 9936 ' *# 9956 ' Dome *# Hunter Mountain The *# Mountain n Mexican Horseshoe r The Peak 6352 ' Crags Cooku Peak *# *# Hill *# *# 9894 ' Hill 9034 ' 44°50'0"N *# 97b 42 ' Needle Hurricane *# 8233 ' E 8314 ' h Echo Peak # *# 9907 ' *# E * s Amethyst Mesa Powell Municipal Airport 9685 ' E a E Mountain 10616 ' q® *# The W *# # Mount E 9614 ' * Landmark *# E *# *# Holmes 8275 ' E White E Sugarloaf Cone 10336 ' *# E Russell Badland Freeze Peaks Mount Peak EMountain Mountain Out Point E E Hills Symons Airport 9802 ' Washburn 9169 ' 8780 ' E *# 9469 ' 8305 ' Dunraven *# *# E E q® *# 10243 ' *# Bald Peak E E 44°50'0"N Antelope *# E Katys E E E Rooster E E E E E E Observation Peak 8630' Hedges Windy Mountain Nipple Medicine Hill Roaring Peak 9900 ' Twin *# Peak *# Mountain 6907 ' 4002 ' Mountain *#9420 ' *# Mountain 9397 ' Indian *# Buttes Fallen 9700 ' *# 10262 ' *# Little Sheep 9962 ' Bulls Eye *# 8130 ' *# Peak *# 8235 ' City Point 10923 ' Mountain *# 7164 '*# 4885' Hazel *# 5158 ' Peak White *# *# Horseshoe Mtn. 4218 ' Mountain *# 8772 ' Dead Indian Bald 7932' *# Hill Mountain Hoodoo *# *# Peak 8673 ' 10042' Elephant Foot*# *# q® Parker 10563 ' Little Bald 8028 ' Gibbon Tongue Sheridan County Airport Hill Peak *# Mountain 10203 ' 9907 ' Black Butte 8601 ' *# *# Mountain 7980 ' Paintpot Hill *# Big 8055 ' 9489' *# Saddle Mountain 10670' Mountain s @ Purple *# *# Black Geers Hunt l # 8244' *# l Mountain * Hague Mountain 10340' Mountain Point Mountain i 11562 ' H 44°40'0"N Mount 8506 ' Little Saddle Mountain 10228' Lamar Dike 11207 ' 10162 ' E *# *# *# *# Jackson *# E Mountain Mountain Little Mountain k E Pollux 10582 ' 10695 ' 8104' e 8257 ' *#Walker Mountain e *# National Park E Peak *# *# r Crater E Castor B 8610 ' Mountain Pelican i C Haynes, Mount Hills *# E 11067 ' Heart g Peak r 7560 ' Cone E *# Pat O'Hara *# h 8235 ' 7985' E Elkhorn Mountain *# e *# *# 10854 ' Peak o *# 9643 ' E Peak v *# Land E 8123 ' Black r She-Bear Mountain Mary Sulphur *# 9971 ' E *# n Lookout a 10555 ' E Butte e Mountain Mountain Mountain # *# E E Horse 8444' Stinkingwater * *# E M Mountain B 11268 ' E E E E Creek Mesa E E E 44°40'0"N 8611 ' 7937' *# Peak Pat O'Hara E E E o 10125 ' E E *# Grant Peak 10858' 8574 ' u *# 11597 ' Mountain *# n *# *# *# *# Jaggar 9417 ' Monument t Notch Mountain 10950' a Stonetop *# Peak Hill i Pyramid Dead Indian n Mountain e Moose Mountain 11237 ' 7487 ' s Swamp Curlew Peak Mount *# Peak Sunlight 9042' g Sunlight *# *# 10497 ' *# 10922 ' *# *# Creek Hill Hill Horse n Pleasant 12216 ' Trout Peak Mesa Bruce Porcupine Peak *# 7669 ' *# Hill Sulphur a 11165 ' 12244 ' 8301 ' Cedar Mountain *# Hills 11922 ' *# *# 4886 ' *# Hills Cathedral R *# Rattlesnake Mountain 10300 ' *# 7452 ' 8709' Whirlwind *# Peak a Chalk Mountain Peak Nipple 10760 ' k Mountain 9116 ' Twin 10981 ' Mesa McCullough Red Butte *# o *# 7771 ' *# *# Buttes r *# Peaks 5310 ' *# *# *# Dome Peak 7923 ' a 6547 ' *# 10828 ' Blazer s *# # *# Elephant *Antelope Massacre Hill Mount b Back *# Butte Hill *# Chittenden A Horse Saddle Little Mountain Silvertip Giant Castle *# 9935 ' *# 10177 ' Mountain Logan Mountain Mountain Goose Peak Peak Red Butte Grandmas *# 10161 ' *# Jim Mountain 7270 ' 10569' 9358 ' 10659 ' 6405 ' Gilmore *# *# *# Mountain 44°30'0"N Lake Butte Crow Peak Mountain 8134 ' *# *# Snake E *# Hill Elk Peak 6957 ' 8736 ' 9348 ' *# 10425 ' Snowshoe *# Sullivant Hill E *# *# *# *# 4996 ' Black 11050' E Cody Peak Sleeping Giant *# Mountain Hill 4744 ' E Monument Yellowstone Regional Mountain *# Black Rib 10267 ' Mountain 9224 ' E Mountain Airport Table 7095 ' 10476 ' E *# 11193 ' ® Mountain *# *# E 10914 ' Cedar Mtn. q South Big Horn County Airport Crooked Pilot *# Avalanche E BLM *# E 5711 ' Black Mtn. Creek Hill Knob Peak E 7598' q® BLM E *# 7096' 9633 ' Grizzly 10566' E Cody Dispatch @ *# *# BLM E E Peak Signal 5099' E E E 44°30'0"N *# E E E E E E E E E 9948 ' Hoyt Peak Peak E Holy City *# 7007 ' Flying L Skytel Airport *# Top Notch 6188 ' *# Bridger Table Fox *# Peak *# Butte Mountain q® Mountain Bush Butte *# 10238 ' Reservation 4965 ' 4740 ' *# 4550 ' 7130 ' Peak *# Gould Flag Peak 10629' Butte Mount *# 6902 ' Sheep Doane Mountain *# 4472 ' Mount *# *# Iron 10656 ' Langford 7450 ' *# Arthur Peak Mountain Stone 10778 ' 10428 ' *# 10106 ' Mountain *# 9020' *# *# 7438 ' *# *# Table *# 10219' Stevenson, Mount Plenty Mountain Coups Peak 10352 ' *# 8473 ' *# 10937 ' Howell Double Mountain Penrose Peak 12460' Trischman Mountain Black *# Atkins Peak 10874 ' *# Castle *#*# Black Tooth Mtn. 13005' Knob 10964 ' Butte 11044' *# Rock *# Mount Woolsey 12978' 8600 ' *# Ptarmigan 9233 ' *# 6118 ' *# Bear 44°20'0"N *# Langford Eagle Nest Sheep Mesa Mountain Ant Hill E Coxcomb Mountain Mountain *# q® DouglasE Flat Cairn 10798 ' 11130 ' 11096 ' 12038 ' Cloud Peak 13167' 10980 ' Johnson County Airport E Mount *# *# *# 8950 ' *# Knob 8842 ' # E Mountain *# Mount *# Humphrays Citadel * Cement 8524 ' E Pinnacle 9204 ' Schurz *# 11009 ' Mountain Mountain *# E Mountain *# *# Elk Butte *# Bomber Mountain 12448' 11139 ' E 11896 ' 8961 ' 11466 ' E *# 6294 ' Factory Fortress Mountain E *# Buffalo Hill *# *# E Hill Colter 12085 ' E E BLM Peak Eagle Peak E E Hunter Mesa 4700' 9607 ' E *# *# BLM 44°20'0"N *# 10683 ' 11358 ' E Sheep E E Elk E *# Hunter E E # Battlement Devils E E E E E E 7579' Channel * Table Mountain Mountain Mather Mesa Tooth *# B s Mountain Mountain *# Mountain 5505 ' 11321 ' Peaks 8064 ' i n 8540 ' i t a 8743 ' 11063 ' 11813 ' *# 12348 ' g Grouse *# n *# h o u *# Mountain M # *# o e d * Overlook Turret r 7304 ' R *# n Mount Mountain Chaos Tatman Mountain *# Darton Sheridan 10995 ' Mountain Mountain M 9321 ' Sheets Peak 10308 ' *# 11403 ' Clouds The o Mountain u *# Home Peak 12275 ' 6295 ' Island Buck *# n Overlook 11619 ' *# *# 8210 ' t Mountain *# Mountain a 9580 ' i 11869 ' *# n *# s *# *# Bighorn Peak Ishawooa Dobie Sisters *# 12324 ' *# Barlow Cone Horses Ishawooa Butte Hill McDermotts Loaf Peak 11853 ' Head Mesa Slide 4224 ' 7726 ' 10534 ' Mountain Butte Mountain Birch 9622 ' 10605 ' *# 44°10'0"N *# *# 9630 ' *# 4404 ' 11722 ' E Hills Carter Dead Indian *# E *# Red Butte Cedar Crazy Woman 7347 ' E Mount Mountain *# Hill Sheep 5155 ' Mountain *# Mountain *# E Hancock 4954 ' Mountain E *# 5711 ' 7205 ' 10214 ' Gobblers *# 9610 ' E *# *# E E Knob 10418 ' E E *# *# E E Thorofare E E E Calf Creek Buttes E E E E E E 44°10'0"N Hill *# E E E E E E 7306 ' *# Whistle *# Hawks Schaub Huckleberry Kingfisher Berry Hill Buttes Hesse Rest Butte *# Mountain Peak 7090 ' Mountain 9761 ' 7049 ' 9615 ' *# 11035 ' *# 10385 ' *# Squaw *# Wild Horse Teats Heaven 6173 ' Hazelton Mount Berry Buck *# Pappapau 5928 ' *# Pyramid 8951 ' *# Buttes Sawtooth Hazelton Hominy Survey *# Butte 5793 ' 10534 ' Steamboat Wildcat *# 6142 ' *# Peak Peak Peak *# Bull Knoll *# Mountain Peak *# 10264 ' 8362 ' 9277 ' 9693 ' 5612 ' *# Bald Hill *# *# 7872 ' Pinyon *# *# *# Needle Phelps 8275' *# Peak Mountain Harem 9705 ' Gravel Thunder Mountain Forellen 12106 ' Irish Rock Sheep Hill Peak Mountain 10791 ' Peak 10942 ' *# Point 7330 ' *# Mount Reid *# 9687 ' 11623 ' *# Red Hill 9776 ' Yellow 7240 ' 7805 ' *# *# 4642 ' *# *# Mountain *# 44°0'0"N E *# E Crater E *# Wild Horse E Mountain Hill Mount Reid E 11771 ' Worland FO *# Red BLM *# *# Owl Peak 7853 ' E *# 4078' Mountain *# *# *# E 10612 ' E Signal 10177 ' Elk E *# Whetstone E Butte Mountain Ash Mtn 11130' Lost Ranger Top 11969' E E Mountain *# E E 4700' Mount Nord 10760 ' *# *# E 44°0'0"N *# 9610 ' *# E E E E E E E E *# 9720 ' Pilgrim Younts Thorofare E E E E Red Tops Wall Rock Mountain Joy Peak Peak Mountain Hardluck Francs Jojo Monument Soda 12242 ' 6700 ' *# 8274 ' *# Peak Mountain
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