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[742bf.ebook] A Girl Called Jack: 100 delicious budget recipes Pdf Free

Par Jack Monroe ebooks | Download PDF | *ePub | DOC | audiobook

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Détails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #274505 dans eBooksPublié le: 2014-02-27Sorti le: 2014-02- 27Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 46.Mb

Par Jack Monroe : A Girl Called Jack: 100 delicious budget recipes before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised A Girl Called Jack: 100 delicious budget recipes:

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles2 internautes sur 2 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. En anglais, bien sûr...Par JokeEn anglais, bien sûr, mais la "philosophie" derrière les recettes est évidente. Tout est adaptable.Par contre, surtout NE LISEZ PAS CE LIVRE si vous aimez aller au restaurant. Jack et son petit garçon mange un mois complet avec ce que coûte un repas dans un restaurant - même pas "étoilé".Si vous lisez l'anglais, vous ne pourrez pas ne pas être ému par son texte liminaire : " Hurts".0 internautes sur 0 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. COMMET CUISINER PAS CHER AU QUOTIDIENPar ludloCe livre est une pépite et une réelle découverte. Toutes les recettes sont faciles à faire, pas chères et surtout délicieuses. Elles sont ingénieuses parce qu'avec des mêmes éléments on peut cuisiner différents plats : soupes ou plats. J'en ai déjà testé quelques unes et j'ai adoré. Je m'en sers comme base au quotidien. C'est une réelle source d'inspiration qui m'a donné envie de refaire la cuisine avec les ingrédients du placard. Idéal pour les fins de mois difficiles ou pour liquider un surplus de réserve. Merci Jack et vive le tome 2.0 internautes sur 0 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. A lire absolumentPar TuxmanCe livre est génial car il permet de cuisiner avec très peu d'éléments. Les recettes variées mettent en avant les légumes donc très bien pour les personnes comme moi qui oublient trop fréquemment d'en manger.

Présentation de l'éditeur100 easy and delicious meals on a tight budget with Jack Monroe's A Girl Called Jack.Jack is a cash-strapped single mum living in Southend. When she found herself with a shopping budget of just £10 a week to feed herself and her young son, she addressed the situation with immense resourcefulness, creativity and by embracing her local supermarket's 'basics' range. She created recipe after recipe of delicious, simple and upbeat meals that were outrageously cheap. Learn with Jack Monroe's A Girl Called Jack how to save money on your weekly shop whilst being less wasteful and creating inexpensive, tasty food.Recipes include Vegetable Masala Curry for 30p a portion, Pasta alla Genovese for 19p a portion, Fig, Rosemary and Lemon Bread for 26p and a Jam Sponge reminiscent of school days for 23p a portion.'Sassy, political, and cooking amazing food on £10 a week. We need more like her' - Xanthe Clay, The TelegraphJack Monroe is a 24-year-old single mother and local newspaper reporter. Finding herself with a food budget of just £10 a week, she began to create nutritious recipes to feed herself and her son. Giving the recipes out to a local , to help others in her situation, she then began to publish them online on her , A Girl Called Jack, which now has thousands of followers. Jack was awarded the 2013 Fortnum and Mason Judges' Choice Award for the impact that her blog has had. She lives in Essex with her son.Revue de presseA terrific resource for anyone trying to cook nutritious and tasty food on a tight budget (Sunday Times)A plain-speaking, practical cookery guide - healthy, tasty and varied. (Patrick Butler )Prepare to feel very inspired, and very hungry. (Look)A powerful new voice in British food (Observer)100 tasty, cheap-as-chips - but much healthier - recipes (Good Housekeeping)Sassy, political, and cooking amazing food on £10 a week. We need more like her. (Xanthe Clay The Telegraph)Packed with inexpensive, delicious ideas to feed a family for less (Woman and Home)Présentation de l'éditeur100 easy and delicious meals on a tight budget with Jack Monroe's A Girl Called Jack.Jack is a cash-strapped single mum living in Southend. When she found herself with a shopping budget of just £10 a week to feed herself and her young son, she addressed the situation with immense resourcefulness, creativity and by embracing her local supermarket's 'basics' range. She created recipe after recipe of delicious, simple and upbeat meals that were outrageously cheap. Learn with Jack Monroe's A Girl Called Jack how to save money on your weekly shop whilst being less wasteful and creating inexpensive, tasty food.Recipes include Vegetable Masala Curry for 30p a portion, Pasta alla Genovese for 19p a portion, Fig, Rosemary and Lemon Bread for 26p and a Jam Sponge reminiscent of school days for 23p a portion.'Sassy, political, and cooking amazing food on £10 a week. We need more like her' - Xanthe Clay, The TelegraphJack Monroe is a 24-year-old single mother and local newspaper reporter. Finding herself with a food budget of just £10 a week, she began to create nutritious recipes to feed herself and her son. Giving the recipes out to a local food bank, to help others in her situation, she then began to publish them online on her blog, A Girl Called Jack, which now has thousands of followers. Jack was awarded the 2013 Fortnum and Mason Judges' Choice Award for the impact that her blog has had. She lives in Essex with her son.

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