bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 17, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. 1 Functional or vestigial? The genomics of the pineal gland in Xenarthra 2 Raul Valente1,2, Filipe Alves3,4, Isabel Sousa Pinto1,2, Raquel Ruivo1, L. Filipe C. 3 Castro1,2 4 1CIMAR/CIIMAR - InterdisCiplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental ResearCH, 5 University of Porto, Avenida General Norton de Matos, S/N, 4450-208 MatosinHos, 6 Portugal. 7 2FCUP - Department of Biology, FaCulty of SCienCes, University of Porto (U. Porto), 8 Rua do Campo Alegre, Porto, Portugal. 9 3MARE - Marine and Environmental SCienCes Centre, ARDITI, Madeira, Portugal 10 4OOM - OceaniC Observatory of Madeira, FunCHal, Portugal 11 *CorrespondenCe to: [email protected], +351 223401800, ORCID ID: 0000- 12 0001-7697-386X 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 17, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. 24 Abstract 25 Vestigial organs are HistoriCal ecHoes of past pHenotypes. Determining whetHer a 26 speCifiC organ Constitutes a funCtional or vestigial struCture Can be a CHallenging task, 27 given tHat distinCt levels of atropHy may arise between and within lineages. THe 28 mammalian pineal gland, an endoCrine organ involved in melatonin biorHytHmiCity, 29 represents a classic example, often yielding contradicting anatomiCal observations. 30 In XenartHra (sloths, anteaters and armadillos), a peCuliar mammalian order, the 31 presenCe of a distinCt pineal organ was clearly observed in some speCies (i.e. 32 Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth) but undeteCted in otHer closely related species (i.e. 33 brown-throated sloth). In tHe nine-banded armadillo, ContradiCting evidenCe 34 supports either funCtional or vestigial scenarios. THus, to untangle tHe pHysiologiCal 35 status of tHe pineal gland in XenartHra, we used a genomiC approaCH to investigate 36 tHe evolution of tHe gene hub responsible for melatonin syntHesis and signaling. We 37 show that both synthesis and signaling compartments are eroded and were lost 38 independently. Additionally, by expanding our analysis to 157 mammal genomes we 39 offer a CompreHensive view sHowing tHat speCies witH very distinCtive Habitats and 40 lifestyles Have Convergently evolved a similar pHenotype: CetaCea, Pholidota, 41 Dermoptera, Sirenia and XenartHra. Our findings suggest tHat the reCurrent 42 inaCtivation of melatonin genes correlates witH pineal atropHy, and endorse tHe use 43 of genomiC analyses to asCertain tHe pHysiologiCal status of suspeCted vestigial 44 struCtures. 45 46 Keywords: Gene Loss; Vestigiality; Pineal Gland; XenartHra 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 17, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. 60 1. Introduction 61 Understanding tHe evolution of organ reduCtion, atropHy or indeed Complete loss is 62 a fasCinating quest, dating baCk to the seminal work of CHarles Darwin, On the Origin 63 of Species (Darwin, 1859). Yet, to identify a struCture as vestigial, desCribed as a trait 64 witH no function, operating sub-optimally, or even witH a modified funCtion from that 65 originally served, is no easy undertaking (WertH, 2014; Allmon & Ross, 2018): often 66 yielding ContradiCtory anatomiCal desCriptions (e.g., JaCob et al., 2000; Nweeia et al., 67 2012). THe inCreasing availability of wHole genome sequenCes, on tHe otHer Hand, 68 provides novel tools to untangle genomiC signatures impaCting organ reduCtion or 69 loss (e.g. Zoonomia Consortium, 2020). A key question is tHus to understand how 70 genomiC CHanges impaCt tHese proCesses. Among suCH signatures we find, more 71 Commonly tHan initially antiCipated, gene loss episodes: suCH as in tHe morpHologiCal 72 simplifiCation of the uroCHordate Oikopleura dioica, tHe eye regression observed in 73 Cave-dwelling populations of tHe teleost Astyanax mexicanus, tHe loss of gastriC 74 glands in disparate vertebrate speCies or tHe loss of sebaCeous glands in some 75 mammalian lineages (e.g., Olson, 1999; Castro et al., 2014; Albalat & Cañestro, 2016; 76 Cronk, 2009, Guijarro-Clarke et al. 2020; MCGaugh et al., 2014; Springer et al. 2018; 77 Lopes-Marques et. a 2019a; THemudo et al., 2020; Springer et al., 2021). 78 A remarkable example of inConsistent observations in tHe funCtionality versus 79 vestigiality of an organ Can be found in tHe anatomiCal observations of the pineal 80 gland in mammals (RalpH, 1975). THe pineal gland is a small endoCrine organ present 81 in tHe brain and playing a Central role in tHe development of entrainment beHaviors 82 tHrough tHe aCtion of melatonin (cirCadian rHytHmicity). From a pHysiologiCal 83 standpoint, melatonin synthesis oCCurs in a speCialized Cell type, tHe pinealoCyte, 84 tHrough an enzymatiC CasCade involving tHe arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase 85 (Aanat) and N-acetylserotonin metHyltransferase (Asmt) enzymes (Klein et al., 1997; 86 Simonneaux & Ribelayga, 2003); subsequent signaling uses a set of High affinity 87 reCeptors, Mtnr1A and Mtnr1B, involved in tHe response of tHe CloCk maCHinery to 88 melatonin stimulation, leading to loCal and overt phase sHifts (Figure 1) (Axelrod et 89 al., 1964; Lewy et al., 1980; Reppart et al., 1996). AltHough anatomiCal studies Clearly 90 support a well-defined pineal gland in most mammals, in lineages suCH as cetaceans, 91 mole rats and sirenians a true pineal gland seems to be absent; yet, some equivoCal bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 17, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. 92 observations exist, ranging from complete absenCe to deteCtable presenCe of this 93 gland in some speCies or in individuals witHin a speCies (RalpH, 1975; RalpH et al., 1985; 94 Kim et al., 2011; Panin et al., 2012). ConfliCting evidenCe reporting measurable levels 95 of CirCulating melatonin (i.e. bottlenose dolphin) shed further doubt (Panin, 2012). 96 Interestingly, gene loss signatures were identified in tHese lineages, supporting the 97 loss-of-funCtion of melatonin synthesis, a Hallmark of pineal function, and/or 98 signalling (Fang et al., 2014; Huelsmann et al., 2019; Lopes-Marques et al., 2019b), 99 further demonstrating tHe power of genome analysis towards tHe ClarifiCation of 100 organ funCtion. THe presenCe of a funCtional pineal gland is also Contentious in 101 XenartHrans (armadillos, anteaters and slotHs), a relatively understudied taxonomiC 102 group CHaraCterized by its intriguing nature (Figure 1; OksCHe, 1965; Benítez et al., 103 1994; Superina & Loughry, 2015; Freitas et al., 2019) and representing one of the 104 earliest-branCHing clades of placental mammals (MurpHy et al., 2007; O’Leary et al., 105 2013). XenartHrans are Considered imperfect HomeotHerms, given tHeir poor ability 106 to adjust body temperature (MC Nab, 1979; 1980; 1985). THis inaptitude for tHermal 107 regulation, possibly related witH their low metaboliC rate and low energetiC Content 108 diet, makes XenartHrans’ aCtivity patterns Highly affeCted by air temperature, witH 109 potential effeCts in tHeir CirCadian CyCles (CHiarello, 1998; Giné et al., 2015; MaCCarini 110 et al., 2015; Di Blanco et al., 2017). While a reCent report clearly identified pineal glands 111 in tHe six-banded armadillo (Euphractus sexcintus), Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth 112 (Choloepus didactylus), and in tHe southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla), a 113 distinCt pineal was not found or was reported missing in speCies suCH as southern 114 long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus hybridus), pale-throated slotH (Bradypus tridactylus), 115 giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) or big Hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus 116 villosus) (Benítez et al., 1994; Ferrari, 1998; Freitas 2019). However, in the nine-banded 117 armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) inConsistent reports advoCate for eitHer tHe 118 presenCe or absenCe of a genuine pineal gland (Harlow et al., 1981; Freitas et al., 2019). 119 Also, variable ConCentrations of CirCulating serum melatonin during tHe 24 H day– 120 night CyCle Have been deteCted in tHis speCies, raising tHe HypotHesis of an 121 extrapineal sourCe for melatonin produCtion (Figure 1; Harlow et al., 1981; 1982). WitH 122 tHe emergenCe of various wHole-genome sequenCes from Pilosa (slotHs and 123 anteaters) (e.g., Uliano-Silva et al., 2019) and Cingulata (armadillos) (e.g., Lindblad- bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 17, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. 124 ToH et al., 2011), Yin (et al., 2021) Have reCently reported tHe moleCular erosion of 125 Aanat in XenartHra; yet, no attempt was made to expand this analysis to the full 126 melatonin-related gene hub. THus, we are now able to interrogate wHetHer tHe gene 127 repertoire of CirCadian rhytHmiCity is modified in tHis lineage and Clarify tHe 128 pHysiologiCal status of tHe pineal gland witHin tHis group.
35 THE ORIGIN OF AN INQUIRY: EVOLUTIONARY EPISTEMOLOGY IN JAMES' PRAGMATISM J. Ellis Perry IV University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth "Much struck." That was Darwin's way of saying that something he observed fascinated him, arrested his attention, surprised or puzzled him. The words "much struck" riddle the pages of bothhis Voyage ofthe Beagle and his The Origin of Species, and their appearance should alert the reader that Darwin was saying something important. Most of the time, the reader caninfer that something Darwin had observed was at variance with what he had expected, and that his fai th in some alleged law or general principle hadbeen shaken, and this happened repeat edly throughout his five year sojourn on the H.M.S. Beagle. The "irritation" of his doubting the theretofore necessary truths of natu ral history was Darwin's stimulus to inquiry, to creative and thor oughly original abductions. "The influence of Darwinupon philosophy resides inhis ha ving conquered the phenomena of life for the principle of transi tion, and thereby freed the new logic for application to mind and morals and life" (Dewey p. 1). While it would be an odd fellow who would disagree with the claim of Dewey and others that the American pragmatist philosophers were to no small extent influenced by the Darwinian corpus,! few have been willing to make the case for Darwin's influence on the pragmatic philosophy of William James. Philip Wiener, in his well known work, reports that Thanks to Professor Perry's remarks in his definitive work on James, "the influence of Darwin was both early and profound, and its effects crop up in unex pected quarters." Perry is a senior at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmoltth.
Vestigial Arguments: Remnants of Evolution Shaun Doyle
Countering the Critics Vestigial arguments: remnants of evolution Shaun Doyle estigial’ organs have been used as an argument Supposed ‘vestigial’ structures in humans ‘Vagainst a designer for many years, and have been used as a major ‘proof’ of evolution. The ‘vestigial organs’ Vomeronasal organ argument is merely a modified form of the ‘bad design’ The vomeronasal organ (VNO), or Jacobson’s organ, is argument. While it may sound scientific, it is in fact a an organ present in the noses of many mammals that detects theological argument. The argument essentially runs like pheromones, which provide information about the gender this: God would not have originally created a degenerate and reproductive state of others, and can thus influence form of biological structure X in creature A (as evidenced by behaviour. There has been much debate over the influence more functional examples of structure A in other creatures), of pheromones on human behaviour, and much of this has therefore evolution did it. revolved around whether or not the VNO is functional in The vestigial structures argument has suffered repeated adult humans. Spinney takes this as evidence that the VNO blows over the last few decades, with functions being found is a useless remnant of our evolutionary heritage. for most, if not all, of the over 180 organs listed as either However, Spinney fails to mention studies that have vestigial or rudimentary by anatomist Robert Wiedersheim pointed to a function for the VNO.4 Therefore, one gets 1 in 1893. the impression that no functions have ever been proposed. 2 In a recent article in New Scientist, Laura Spinney The biblical model also allows for degeneration, and discusses the ‘vestigial organs’ notion, and claims that it is considering that it is unlikely that the VNO is essential to still a viable concept despite having taken such a battering at survival, it could have been subject to deleterious mutations the hands of modern medical science.
To Lose a Tooth Overview To Lose a Tooth is a board game designed primarily for learners ages eight and older. By playing through this evolutionary puzzle, participants will explore how natural selection, sexual selection, gene flow, and isolation result in genetic diversity. Learning Goals 1. Understand how different methods of evolution interact in a board game setting. Participants should learn that natural selection is far from the only mode of evolution. 2. Think about how adaptation and technology factors into modern health. Materials ● (48) Wooden jaw pieces: (12) Hunter-Gatherer: blue, (12) Pastoralist: teal, (12) Agriculturalist: yellow, (12) Industrialist: orange) ● (72) Wooden teeth (18 grey to represent agenesis) ● (28) Small circular industry tiles ● (4) Large “board game” tiles ● (17) Random effects cards ● (2) Dice: 0-5 and D8 Set-up The game can be played with up to 4 players. If more than 4 people want to play, divide participants into roughly equal teams. 1. Shuffle the random effects cards and place them in a stack in the middle. 2. Deal out 6 jaw tiles and 9 randomly selected teeth to each player. 3. The rest of the jaw pieces should be mixed, and stacked in the center. ~20 or so of the remaining tooth pieces should be placed in a line. These will be the “draw” pile for random mutations. 4. Each team starts out as a hunter-gatherer, with a carrying capacity of 4 individuals (indicated by the CC on the tile). Place the hunter-gatherer (fish) disc on your tile. 5. Currently, each team has 3 individuals, composed of two jaw pieces and 3 tooth pieces.
ADAPTATION PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Malinda Lo | 432 pages | 03 Apr 2014 | Hachette Children's Group | 9781444917949 | English | London, United Kingdom 微生物の環境適応 Environmental Adaptation of Microbes So the adaptation of new words and accompaniment to an old air is a musical composition entitled to protection. In attempting to decide between the two conflicting views the study of adaptation is of the first importance. Thus the opening for hearing is an adaptation of what was once an opening for breathing. Courbet learned in his passage that in adaptation is the confession of sterility. An adaptation on the top of the piston-rod, stretching out athwart the cylinder, from the ends of which the side-rods hang. The changes made by living systems in response to their environment. Heavy fur, for example, is one adaptation to a cold climate. See how many words from the week of Oct 12—18, you get right! Words nearby adaptation Adana , adansonian classification , Adapazari , adapt , adaptable , adaptation , adapter , adaption , adaptive , adaptive behavior scale , adaptive hypertrophy. Words related to adaptation variation , transformation , reworking , conversion , shift , alteration , adoption , modification , adjustment , correspondence , compliance , agreement , acclimatization , naturalization , habituation , familiarization , remodeling , refitting , accustomedness. Sacramento Report: Uber vs. Mimicry in Butterflies Reginald Crundall Punnett. The acquisition of modifications in an organism that enable it to adjust to life in a new environment. Behavioural adaptations are inherited systems of behaviour, whether inherited in detail as instincts , or as a neuropsychological capacity for learning. Examples include searching for food , mating , and vocalizations. Physiological adaptations permit the organism to perform special functions such as making venom , secreting slime , and phototropism , but also involve more general functions such as growth and development , temperature regulation , ionic balance and other aspects of homeostasis.
The Early Days of Paleogenetics: Connecting Molecules to the Planet
CHAPTER 1 The early days of paleogenetics: connecting molecules to the planet Steven A. Benner accident, selective pressures, and vestigiality, all 1.1 Introduction constrained by physical and chemical law, differ- Anyone asked to write about the early days feels ent behaviors must be interesting at different elderly. Fortunately, Emile Zuckerkandl’s intro- levels. Biomolecular behaviors that influenced the duction shows that the ideas that led to this ability of a host organism to survive, mate, and volume have been around for some time, at least in reproduce were especially interesting, as these had their basic form, and are rooted in ideas of many been fashioned by natural selection. Behaviors that heroes of modern molecular biology, including did not, were not, because they had not. As a cri- Pauling, Anfinsen, and Zuckerkandl himself. terion for selecting interesting chemical features of In 1980, my laboratory was unaware of a biomolecule to study in detail, an understanding the Pauling–Zuckerkandl paper (Pauling and of the relation between biomolecular structure and Zuckerkandl, 1963; see Chapter 2 in this volume for a behavior and fitness was important. fuller discussion of the implications of this paper) It did not take long at Harvard to realize that when we set out to resurrect ancient proteins from this relation was going to be difficult to under- extinct organisms. My group, then consisting of only stand. There, Martin Kreitman, Robert Dorit, and Krishnan Nambiar and Joseph Stackhouse, was others, including some very dialectical biologists trained to describe the chemical structures and (Levins and Lewontin, 1985), were struggling to behaviors of enzymes.
1 Bryozoan basics 1 Carl Simpson November 7, 2016 Department of Paleobiology National Museum of Natural History Bryozoans are a phylum of colonial animals. They first appear in the Smithsonian Institution fossil record during the early Ordovician (~480 million years ago.) Washington, D.C. Since that time, bryozoans have been a major component of the fossil record and of marine communities. Their colonies are modular, with [email protected] individual animals, called zooids, forming the building blocks of the colony. There are two primarily marine classes: The Stenolaemata and @simpson_carl the Gymnolaemata. The Phylactolaemata are an exclusively freshwater class. Many fundamental discoveries in evolutionary and paleobiology have been made with bryozoans and many more discoveries await. Figure 1: An SEM micrograph of the bryozoan Schizoporella japonica showing a radial section through a circular Bryozoan zooids colony. The round structures are zooids that are reproductive specialists called ovicells. These ovicells are located in The basic unit of a bryozoan colony is the zooid. Zooids are homol- the center of the colony. Towards the ogous to solitary animals, like a worm or a snail. Within a colony, growing edge (on the right) are the approximately rectangular autozooids zooids depend on each other for survival. If there is a division of with an elliptical orifice where the labor within the colony, then the interdependence between zooids is feeding structure emerges. Proximal even greater. Zooids are small, no more than a 1mm3. The modular to this orifice is a small teardrop- shaped zooid that is a defensive structure of colonies means that they can be of almost any shape and specialist called an avicularium.
Suffragettes of the Harem”: the Evolution of Sympathy and the Afterlives of Sentimentality in American Feminist Orientalism, 1865-1920
“Suffragettes of the Harem”: The Evolution of Sympathy and the Afterlives of Sentimentality in American Feminist Orientalism, 1865-1920 by William Radler Hunt Department of English Duke University Date:_______________________ Approved: ___________________________ Priscilla Wald, Supervisor ___________________________ Thomas Ferraro ___________________________ Timothy Marr ___________________________ Annabel Wharton Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of English in the Graduate School of Duke University 2016 ABSTRACT “Suffragettes of the Harem”: The Evolution of Sympathy and the Afterlives of Sentimentality in American Feminist Orientalism, 1865-1920 by William Radler Hunt Department of English Duke University Date:_______________________ Approved: ___________________________ Priscilla Wald, Supervisor ___________________________ Thomas Ferraro ___________________________ Timothy Marr ___________________________ Annabel Wharton An abstract of a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of English in the Graduate School of Duke University 2016 Copyright by William R. Hunt 2016 Abstract This project examines narrative encounters in space identified as “harem,” produced by authors with biographical ties to the vanguard of the American Suffrage Movement. I regard these feminists’ circulations East, to the domestic space of the Other, as a hitherto unstudied, yet critical component
Suzuki et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:229 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Gradual and contingent evolutionary emergence of leaf mimicry in butterfly wing patterns Takao K Suzuki*, Shuichiro Tomita and Hideki Sezutsu Abstract Background: Special resemblance of animals to natural objects such as leaves provides a representative example of evolutionary adaptation. The existence of such sophisticated features challenges our understanding of how complex adaptive phenotypes evolved. Leaf mimicry typically consists of several pattern elements, the spatial arrangement of which generates the leaf venation-like appearance. However, the process by which leaf patterns evolved remains unclear. Results: In this study we show the evolutionary origin and process for the leaf pattern in Kallima (Nymphalidae) butterflies. Using comparative morphological analyses, we reveal that the wing patterns of Kallima and 45 closely related species share the same ground plan, suggesting that the pattern elements of leaf mimicry have been inherited across species with lineage-specific changes of their character states. On the basis of these analyses, phylogenetic comparative methods estimated past states of the pattern elements and enabled reconstruction of the wing patterns of the most recent common ancestor. This analysis shows that the leaf pattern has evolved through several intermediate patterns. Further, we use Bayesian statistical methods to estimate the temporal order of character-state changes in the pattern elements by which leaf mimesis evolved, and show that the pattern elements changed their spatial arrangement (e.g., from a curved line to a straight line) in a stepwise manner and finally establish a close resemblance to a leaf venation-like appearance.
Lecture 2: Evolution and Natural Selection Book: Chapter 2 Cuvier: father of modern paleontology !Comparative biology: linked morphologies of fossils to living organisms !Did not believe in evolution~ species are stable through time !BUT- they could go extinct !Catastrophism Lamarkian Evolution !Evolution by the inheritance of traits that are "emphasized# during an organisms lifetime. If a giraffe stretches it#s neck, it#s descendants will have longer necks. !Use & Disuse: individuals lose characteristics they don#t use, and emphasize characteristics that they DO use !No extinction Evolution by Natural Selection !Charles Darwin: main body of the theory “On the Origin of Species” !Alfred Russel Wallace: codiscovered theory based on biogeographical observations !Requires: Inheritance, Variation, and a Selective "Force# !!Variants do not have equal reproductive success !!!Fecundity: offspring production !!!Survivorship: not dying !!!These work in parallel. You need both to be "fit# !Fitness !The fitness of an organism is based on a relative scale. You don#t need to be "absolutely fit- you just need to be more fit than they other guy/gal !Evolution= the change in frequency of genotypes over time. What defines a "successful# organism? Natural Selection vs. Evolution !Natural selection works on the level of individuals !Evolution works on the level of populations Types of Selection !Direction, Stabilizing, Disruptive Speciation Evidence for Evolution: !Homologous vs. Analogous traits !Vestigiality (What are some human vestigial traits?) !!Functionless
1 MULTILEVEL EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTAL OPTIMIZATION (MEDO): A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR UNDERSTANDING PREFERENCES AND SELECTION DYNAMICS Adam Safron Indiana University Abstract What is motivation and how does it work? Where do goals come from and how do they vary within and between species and individuals? Why do we prefer some things over others? MEDO is a theoretical framework for understanding these questions in abstract terms, as well as for generating and evaluating specific hypotheses that seek to explain goal-oriented behavior. MEDO views preferences as selective pressures influencing the likelihood of particular outcomes. With respect to biological organisms, these patterns must compete and cooperate in shaping system evolution. To the extent that shaping processes are themselves altered by experience, this enables feedback relationships where histories of reward and punishment can impact future motivation. In this way, various biases can undergo either amplification or attenuation, resulting in preferences and behavioral orientations of varying degrees of inter-temporal and inter-situational stability. MEDO specifically models all shaping dynamics in terms of natural selection operating on multiple levels—genetic, neural, and cultural—and even considers aspects of development to themselves be evolutionary processes. Thus, MEDO reflects a kind of generalized Darwinism, in that it assumes that natural selection provides a common principle for understanding the emergence of complexity within all dynamical systems in which replication, variation, and selection occur. However, MEDO combines this evolutionary perspective with economic decision theory, which describes both the preferences underlying individual choices, as well as the preferences underlying choices made by engineers in designing optimized systems. In this way, MEDO uses economic decision theory to describe goal-oriented behaviors as well as the interacting evolutionary optimization processes from which they emerge.