Easy Homemade Soy Milk

A fresh cup of soy milk just out of the machine is unbelievable delicious, plain, with a bit of or in your .

When growing up in Brazil, my mom used to make soy milk from scratch, she would soak the beans, put them into the blender, and grind until a consistency of milk shake and then strain, then the milk is place into a big pan and boiled.

When the soy milk is cooking there is a very distinct aroma, therefore when I make soymilk I love the smell that comes from the machine as it brings me so many great memories of my childhood.

Now, I make fresh soy milk every 3 days and we use in coffee, with cereal, baking and just as it. Soy milk is an essential part of our breakfast.

– Are looking for a healthy substitute for dairy- free milk?

Soy milk might be the answer for you if you are looking for a no-dairy milk.

– How the homemade soy milk taste?

I would really encourage you to try making soy milk from scratch as it tastes much better than the store-bought ones, no matter which brand.

When buying store-bought soy milk (like many plant-based milks), you will often find unnecessary additives, preservatives and thickeners.

– What is the easiest way to make soy milk?

Well, the most common way to make soy milk is to use a good blender, but I decided to use a soy milk machine, a specific machine that is built to mainly make soy milk.

– What do you need to make soy milk?

Only one ingredient…a good quality of organic soybeans. Really…soybeans and water. The trick is to soak the soybeans overnight or up to 12 hours.

How I do it?

I wash about 5 cup of soybeans and soak overnight. Drain well and store into 2 freezer bags. I use the frozen beans and place directly into the machine with water. After approximately 35 minutes, the process is done.

I pour the milk through a thin colander and the milk is ready to be used. The remaining is stored in a glass container, cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

One important thing is to wash the soy milk machine as soon as you are done, otherwise all the small soy particles will stick on the wall of the machine/blade making it very difficult to wash.

– How do I make soy milk without a machine?

Wash the soybeans and soak overnight.

Blend the soaked soybeans in water until smooth like a milk shake consistency. Pass the soybean paste through a filter/fine colander or cheese cloth.

Boil the liquid on the stove top and let it simmer for a couple of minutes.

Remove from the heat and serve.

You can make the soy milk more diluted by adding more water to the final liquid.

– Like the freshly made soy milk? You might want to take a look at these…

Did you know that soy contains is a great source of protein? Soy in low in saturated fat and does not contain cholesterol and is an awesome substitute for dairy milk.

Thank you for visiting Color Your Recipes…have a colorful week! Dalgona Coffee with Oatsome

This very simple and easy recipe to make a light and frothy coffee has been inundating the internet…and only requires three ingredients.

It was so funny when I saw so many of dalgona coffee recipes on the internet, which is nothing more than whipped coffee I just laughed…laughed because my aunt used to make this all the time using a simple fork when we were living in Brazil…more than 30 years ago…

I topped the coffee foam on a cup of Oatsome milk with a few ice cubes…it was so delicious, the combination of creamy coffee with oat milk…tasted like dessert in a cup.

Oh, before I continue, this was my first-time trying oat milk as I got an invitation to try Oatsome from BetterBody Food.

I received a sample of Oatsome for review purpose and I was not financially compensated for this post, all the opinions are completely mine own based on my experience.

– What is Oatsome?

Oatsome is an alternative for dairy milk, it is organic, non- GMO and gluten free. It tastes delicious and you can use in your baking, coffee…it is somehow creamy and yes, taste great.

– Do I personally like Oatsome?

Yes, it is creamy and super delicious, and it sure can substitute milk in every possible way. It is something that I would buy, especially that my husband is lactose tolerant.

– What is dalgona coffee?

Dalgona coffee according to the internet was originated from …really? As I mentioned above, my aunt was making this whipped coffee more than 30 years ago…

This coffee is made by simply whisking 3 ingredients: , sugar and boiling water, using an equal proportion.

– Why is dalgona coffee different from the others?

The whipped coffee is super light, fluffy, velvety and it is placed on top of cold milk…therefore mimicking as iced or …sort of it…and yes, you can make it with hot milk.

– How long does the dalgona coffee last?

Using same proportion of the three ingredients will get you a pretty stable coffee foam. In my experience the stability of the foam will decrease by decreasing the amount of sugar.

– What do I use to whisk the coffee?

You can use all kind of kitchen tools from a simple fork to hand mixer…I personally used my milk frother stick. Just keep whisking until stiff peaks.

– Should we look at this popular whipped coffee?


2 tablespoons instant coffee 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons boiling water Method:

Mix all the three ingredients in a small bowl and whip.

Whip until a stiff peak form.

Serve over ice milk or hot milk of your preference, such as oat milk, soymilk, almond milk, rice milk and so on…delicious over vanilla ice cream…it is a must try!

– Looking for bolder desserts? Check these out…

Did you know that recent studies demonstrate that coffee in moderation lower the risk of mortality? Moreover, coffee might protect you against liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, heart attack and stroke. It is true that coffee can raise temporarily blood pressure due to its content, therefore it should be taken in moderation.

Thank you for visiting Color Your Recipes…have a colorful week!

Fruit and Veggie Juice, Breakfast Anyone?

This is the kind of breakfast that we have once in a while over the weekend. Well, not completely true since we have fresh fruit/veggie juice every day. The treat here is the baked eggs. Actually the baked eggs are very simple to make, and great paired with a toast. You can always add spinach, tomatoes, ham, peppers…anything that you would add into an omelette, therefore very versatile.

For the juice, just combine any fruit/veggie and juice it! I have apple, beet, cucumber, carrot, tomato and celery in this particular juice.

Baked eggs


2 eggs 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon toasted bacon (in pieces) Mozzarella cheese to taste Salt and pepper to taste ½ teaspoon dry parsley Extra butter to coat the ramekins Method:

Preheat oven at 375F.

Coat the ramekins with butter and break the egg into each ramekin. Dot each egg with ½ spoon of butter, add the bacon. Top the egg with shredded mozzarella and sprinkle with salt, pepper and dry parsley.

Set the dishes in a baking pan and add enough water to cover at least 1/3 of the ramekins. Bring to simmer and transfer to a preheated 375F oven.

Bake until the egg whites are just set and the yolks are still soft.

Serve hot.

I hope you enjoy this breakfast and have a wonderful week!

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Strawberry Infused Martini and Low-Carb Mojito

I want to share today some of our favorite Summer drinks…although I prefer a glass of a good red wine, my husband likes cocktail drinks, therefore I try to mix and match drinks using fresh fruits and herbs from my garden. These two drinks are very simple to make, tasty and so refreshing. The infused strawberry martini is very fruity and has a beautiful color. The low-carb mojito with gin is very refreshing…the addition of diet 7-up and agave nectar instead of regular 7-up and sugar is to balance the calories since alcohol contains “empty” calories :-), maybe this way I can have two drinks… Lately I’ve been making drinks with fresh strawberries with basil and cucumber juice with mint which I’ll post later.

Infused Strawberry Martini

12 strawberries, washed and cut in half 3 tablespoon sugar or 2 tablespoon agave nectar 6 shots of vodka 1 shot of tequila Strawberries for garnish

Macerate the strawberries with the sugar, add the vodka and tequila. Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours (I usually leave overnight). Place ice in the shaker, add the infused strawberries mix in the shaker. Shake vigorously and pour in the martini glasses. Garnish with strawberry.

Low-Carb Mojito with Gin

8 to 10 fresh mint leaves 1 1/2 shot of gin ½ shot of fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon agave nectar Diet 7-up Crushed ice

Break the mint leaves and place them at the bottom of the glass, add the agave nectar, gin and lemon juice. Mix well, add the ice and top it with 7-up.

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