City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works Publications and Research CUNY School of Law 1990 Lesbian Jurisprudence? Ruthann Robson CUNY School of Law How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: Discover additional works at: This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact:
[email protected] Lesbian Jurisprudence? Ruthann Robson* 'The inquiry is lesbian jurisprudence. Does it exist? Can it exist? How is it different from recent "attempts" at feminist juris- prudence,' if at all? How is it different from jurisprudential at- tempts to ground homosexuality, 2 if at all? And if lesbian jurisprudence exists, what are its characteristics, its concerns, its methodologies? And if lesbian jurisprudence is being created, what should be its characteristics, its concerns, its methodologies? This article poses the question of lesbian jurisprudence. In order to understand the complexity of the question, this article first offers some preliminary definitions for lesbianism as well as a brief explication of jurisprudence. Combining lesbian and juris- prudence into a question, this article limits the question by re- jecting two possible answers: that lesbian jurisprudence is feminist jurisprudence and that lesbian jurisprudence is a paradigm capable of universal application. The article then seeks to give present im- aginative content to the question by drawing upon mythical meta- phors from our collective past and by surveying science fiction conceptions of the future. The mythical metaphors serve a pur- pose similar to that served by the common embodiment of justice as a woman blindfolded and holding a scale.