This Motzai Shabbat: Selichot Begins!

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This Motzai Shabbat: Selichot Begins! August 31, 2018 – Elul 20, 5778 Flamingo E Weekly 812 Erev Shabbat, Parshat Ki Tavo | Avot Chapter 3 - 4 Candle lighting time from 6:36 pm, but no later than 7:37 pm Shabbat ends: 8:37 pm Extending Warmest Wishes for an Inspirational Shabbat Selichot Your Chabad Flamingo Week-at-a-Glance: Prayer Services, Classes & Events Erev Shabbat, Friday, August 31 Shabbat Selichot ~ Saturday, September 1 Sunday, September 2 6:30 am Maamer Moment 8:30 am Chassidic Reader ~ Lekutei Torah on Elul 8:00 am Early Minyan 6:30 am Early Minyan 9:15 am Main Shacharit Prayer Services 9:15 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Parents ’n Kids’ Youth Minyan 10:30 am Shabbat Youth Programs 7:00 pm Mincha and Sefer 6:15 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot 11:00 am The Teen Scene! HaMitzvot; Ma’ariv and “Timely Torah” then, 12:30 pm Congregational Kiddush and Friendly Schmooze joyous Kabbalat Shabbat Hear the Shofar Daily! and Ma’ariv! 6:20 pm Pirkei Avot Roundtable Review led by Alex Davis Shofar Blowing & HaYom Yom 6:50 pm Mincha, then communal Seudah Shlisheet follows daily Shacharit - also 8:30 pm Ma’ariv, then screening of the Rebbe’s Living Torah Video streamed LIVE on Facebook! Our Diamond Daveners! Youth Minyan: Shmuel Krybus 12:00 am Pre-Selichot Farbrengen Youth Program: Sara Levinoff 1:17 am The Inaugural Selichot Services! Important Reminder: Kiddush Honours: Seuda Shlisheet: Selichot Daily all week! The Kranc Family & Moshe Dayan Anonymous Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only Women’s Mikvah: 9:20 pm – 11:20 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 – 10:00 pm Monday, September 3 |Stat Holiday Tuesday, September 4 Wed, September 5 Thursday, September 6 7:00 am Both Selichot Services 6:20 am Supersonic Selichot 6:20 am Supersonic Selichot 6:15 am Supersonic Selichot 7:20 am Early Minyan 6:30 am Regular Selichot 6:30 am Regular Selichot 6:30 am Regular Selichot 7:30 am Regular Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 pm Mincha and Sefer HaMitzvot; then, Ma’ariv 7:00 pm Mincha and Sefer 7:00 pm Mincha and Sefer 7:00 pm Mincha and Sefer HaMitzvot; Ma’ariv HaMitzvot; Ma’ariv HaMitzvot; then, Ma’ariv Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 – 10:00 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 – 10:00 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 – 10:00 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 – 10:00 pm This Motzai Shabbat: Selichot Begins! 12:00am - Pre-Selichot Farbrengen | 1:17am -The Inaugural Selichot Services Rosh HaShanah is getting close - Where will you be when the New Year arrives? Flamingo High Holidays: At Your Service All In The Family – To our dear Non-Members: we’re very happy that you are enjoying this newsletter, our special programs, prayer services, learning forums and classes - now is the time to join our Shul! Our enduring and flourishing advancement is in your hands. Only with everyone’s moral and financial support can we sustain the shul. Our Shul membership rates are affordable, tax-deductible and payable in monthly instalments including two High Holiday Seats! Make the right move: make our “Family Shul” yours by joining today. Act fast to reserve some of the very last few seats left in the Main Sanctuary! Have a Ball(room) – The Main Sanctuary Seats are almost gone – get the last few by joining the Shul or reserving today! We welcome Rabbi Avrohom Jacks who will lead the Auxiliary Services in the ballroom. Born and raised in Johannesburg, he served as a pulpit Rabbi for 15 years, and as an associate Dayan on the Melbourne Beth Din. Reserved, labelled seats allow our doors to be open for all, while guaranteeing your seat. Note: Please do not abuse our open system; be considerate and reserve a seat. Important: To ensure the security and safety of our children, no children can enter the youth programming area for our Awesome Youth Programs without pre-registering – absolutely no exceptions whatsoever! Please be sure to REGISTER your children for these carefully organized, educational, enjoyable and age-appropriate Shul activities over the holidays! Midnight Rosh – After passing Chai Elul, we now enter the concluding count up to the New Year. This Shabbat is traditionally called Shabbat Selichot, because immediately after (the Halachik) midnight on Motza’ei Shabbat (Saturday night), we assemble together to recite distinctive soul-stirring pre-Rosh Hashanah Selichot prayers which we later repeat daily until Rosh Hashanah. Please note: 1) Mincha services will begin this evening even earlier at 6:15 pm sharp so that we can finish before Plag HaMincha and then Daven Kabbalat Shabbat to usher in the serenity and holiness of Shabbat pre-emptively; in accordance with the Halacha. 2) Several hours after Shabbat concludes this Saturday night/Sunday morning, the emotionally moving Selichot services will be held at exactly the Halachikly permissible time, this year at 1:17 am. Please join us for both Shabbat services as well as these special pre-holiday petitions. Let us trust that Hashem will bless us the entirety of Am Yisrael with a happy and sweet New Year! ערב שבת סליחות ~כ׳ אלול |Erev Shabbat, Friday Morning, August 31 6:30 am – Class: “First Fruit” Refreshing mystical teachings about the unique relationship of prayer and first fruit. Facebook LIVE! 6:30 or 7:00 am – Prayers: “3 Week Notice” Fast or slow: conclude the third week of Chodesh Elul with dynamic Davening & Shofar! 6:15 pm – Prayers n’ Torah: “Grand Finale” Mincha, Digest: Mitzvah Conclusion! Timely Torah: Final Elul Code! Kabbalat Shabbat. שבת סליחות ~כ״א אלול |Shabbat Morning – September 1 8:30 am – Class: “Sparks of Learning” Expanding Elul’s theme, learn how to seek out and reveal our often misplaced soulful sparks. 9:15 am – Sanctuary Services: “Hypocrisy Alert” Uplifting joyous, songful Shabbat Davening with Elul-vating Teshuvah reflections to present timely Torah teachings with profound lessons in Avodat Hashem; spotlight on recent “reporting” of current events. 9:30 am – Youth Minyan: “Reward Raffle” This week, arrive on time to be entered into a draw for a special prize raffle! שבת סליחות ~כ״א אלול |Shabbat Morning continued.. – September 1 10:30 am – Kids’ Program: “Treasure Trove” Hashem loves us and chooses us to be His treasured people for serving as a light unto others. By studying Torah and doing Mitzvot, we can make the world a sacred place. Learn. Daven strong. Nosh a little and play a lot! 11:00 am – Teen Program: “Be Seen @ The Scene” The guys chill with Rabbi Avrumy, study Torah, and enjoy Kool Shul together! 12:30 pm – Kiddush: “Mazal Tov & Thank You” Co-Sponsors: Steven and Jennifer Kranc upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Adam; and Moshe Dayan to honour his brother, Amram and nephew, Noah Dayan - thanking Hashem for blessed kindness to their family! שבת סליחות ~כ״א אלול |Shabbat /Afternoon Evening – September 1 6:20 pm – Discussion: “Pirkei for the Perplexed” Alex Davis leads a roundtable review of selected Pirkei Avot Mishna teachings. 6:50 pm – Culmination: “A Fresh Start” Mincha; Seudah Shlisheet sponsored anonymously. Digest: Maimonides' Introduction to Sefer HaMitzvot. Mishna Avot 3 and 4! L’iliu Nishmat Avraham Yona ben Nachum HaKohen. Hilchot Shabbat: (Selected) Laws. 8:30 pm – Conclusion: “Pray n’ View” Ma’ariv includes Ata Chonantanu; then, weekly screening of Living Torah with the Rebbe. מוצאי שבת סליחות כ״א אלול|Motzai Shabbat Selichot – September 1 12:00 am – Farbrengen: “Midnight Motivator” In our time-honoured Chassidic tradition, we hold a joyous Farbrengen followed by emotionally uplifting and inspiring Selichot services. All are invited to this Farbrengen held in the Shteeble beginning at midnight. 1:17 am – Prayers: “Global Warming” This marks the global launch of Selichot services for Ashkenazic Jews; finally catching up with our Sephardic brothers and sisters who have been doing so since the beginning of Elul! These services are held in the Beit Midrash. כ״ב אלול |Sunday – September 2 The New Normal: M&M Time Shift – From today on, Mincha & Maariv services begin daily at 7 pm. This shift makes the daily Minyan challenge easier for you to arrive on time. Please try to support the Kaddish Zoggers in timely fashion as we count up to 5779! 8:00 or 9:15 am – Prayer: “Home Stretch” Early n’ quick or later n’ a bit slower; as we launch the final week of Elul Shofar blowing! 7:00 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Mitzvah First Principles” Mincha, Daily Digest: Principles One, Two and Three. Ma’ariv will follow. כ״ג אלול |Monday – September 3 7:00 am – Prayer: “Selichot Options” Before daybreak, Selichot recited daily before morning prayers until Rosh Hashanah. 7:20 or 7:30 am – Shacharit Time Options - Following Selichot, early & swift in Shtieble; moderately-paced services in Beit Midrash. 7:00 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Be Principled” Mincha, Daily Mitzvah Digest Re: Principles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Ma’ariv follows. כ״ד אלול |Tuesday – September 4 6:20 or 6:30 am – Prayer: “Selichot Options” These early morning Selichot services help to prepare us spiritually for Rosh Hashanah. 6:40 or 7:00 am – Prayer: “Shacharit Options” Following Selichot, early & swift in Shtieble; moderately-paced in Beit Midrash. 7:00 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Final Set of Principles” Mincha, Daily Mitzvah Digest Re: Principles 10, 11, 12, ... 14. Ma’ariv follows. כ״ה אלול |Wednesday – September 5 6:20 or 6:30 am – Prayer: “Selichot Options” Fast or slow, Selichot should be recited before morning prayers until Rosh Hashanah.
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