30 Vol. 32, No. 21, June 2, 2016 52 Ingestre Street, PO Box 325, Wanganui. Phone 345 3666 or 345 3655, fax 345 2644, email
[email protected] Peter Gordon - the chef from Castlecliff who cooked a meal for the Queen ers approached him and BY DOUG DAVIDSON suggested they arrange Peter said that when he a writer for as Peter put was asked to prepare Peter Gordon returned on Monday to it “Chefs cook, writers ƽ ? Whanganui, Castlecliff where he was #./#- he wondered who was he brought up and also to Whanganui High termined to write the book !# School where he “spent five enjoyable 12 told the Queen but it had to go out and buy a com- to be kept a secret even years through to 1980.” puter, then teach himself ƽ He spoke with a group !"# # + ! He was nervous but of hospitality students one of his favourite sub- was a success and has when the chief of secu- about his life as a top chef jects but so was art, even been translated into other rity asked him what was based in London and as a though he scored only in the food, he says “the writer of cooking books – $%&'[ + 3 - ƽ# “really cool for someone He did get 50% in English aged him to develop his tempted to joke and say ƽP which is a bit of an irony writing skills and so he Q?R 1 [ now that he has written wrote to food magazines # cooking lesson – mak- eight cook books and has 4# Later when he was ing an open sandwich, a %) Zealand but only one – ‘ # Aƾ bit underwhelming for [!#Q+ 46 7R 46 A " someone who had been Sugar Club Cookbook’ M!1 FA46"G ! cooking “since