). the Golden Age of Arab and Islamic
). THE GOLDEN AGE OF ARAB AND ISLAMIC CULTURE "BAGHDAD,AT THE coNFLUENcE oF Two cuLTUREs, Aramaean and Greek, became,in the tenth century, the intellectual center of the world." As capital of the caliphate,Baghdad rvasalso to becomethe cultural capitalof the Islamic world. Our purposeis to show,as briefly aspossible, the role that this region played in the transmissionof the knowledge of antiquity, in the evolution of religious attitudes,and in the flowering of Arabic literature.We shall no[ try to flnd out, any more than did the caliphs of the period, whether the actorsrvere Iranians, Arabs, Moslems,Christians, or |ews. Mcn of lettersand of sciencehad gatheredin this city either through cultural affinityor becausethey had beensummoned to the caliph'scourt for their worth or their competence. An effort was made to keep the languageand the religion at an indispensablecultural level.In reality, there was but a single aim: It was necessary to study the structureand the rules of the language of the Koran in order to have the languagerespected and understood.We shall not spendtoo much time on the grammaticalwork, sincewe want to fol- low the more universal tendencies,especially in their in- fluenceon medievalEurope. We shall mention only Khalil, the inventor of Arabic prosody,the first author of a diction- 64 THE GOLDEN AGE ary, and especiallyhis pupil Sibawaih, who has the dis- tinction of having codified definitively all the problems of grammar. Later, Mubarrad wrote a work which is not only didactic but a valuablecollection of poetic quotations. He also shareswith his rival and contemporary,Tha'lab, the honor of having contributedto the philological training of severalpoets.
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