COUNTERSPY Ill.), the Program Is Intended to Enhance - SO PLEASE RENEW RIGHT ----AWAY and DON't the Capabilities of the Defense Department MISS a SINGLE ISSUE
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Approved For Release 2010/06/15: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100140004-8 COUThe MagazineNT For PeopleE Who NeedR To Know Volume 6 Number 2 $2 Feb. -April 1982 LIBYAN WITCH-HUNT: THE WAR AT HOME INSIDE BOSS: SOUTH AFRICA'S SECRET POLICE ''WELL YE�. TuE C.\.A. DID PLDT AS5A��1NATION ATTEMPlS ON BRITISH RIGHT CENSORS VARl005 RJllf(CAL LE"AD��, FOR SOUTH AFRICA BlJr 'ffi�E WAG CERTA\NLY 1'0 HARN\ INTENDEb:'.. CQc_LEGE MEDIA SERVICES GREECE: THE LONG XIV CONFERENCE OF ROAD TO FREEDOM AMERICAN ARMIES TURKISH FASCISM THREATENING AS NATO DEMOCRACY THE SANDINISTAS INDIA: UNDER AMNESTY FAULTS FBI THE IMF 'S THUMB GEN. HAIG'S YELLOW RAIN Approved For Release 2010/06/15: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100140004-8 Approved For Release 2010/06/15: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100140004-8 Editorial As a member of the Rockefeller Commis and Secretary of the Navy, James sion to investigate the CIA (set up by Forrestal, one of the creators of the CIA, President Gerald Ford), Ronald Reagan told Congress under oath that "the pur joined in its unanimous recommendation poses of the Central Intelligence Authori that: "Presidents should refrain from di ty are limited definitely to purposes out recting the CIA to perform what are es side of this country.... 11 At almost the sentially internal security tasks. The CIA same time, Forrestal secretly initiated a should resist any efforts, whatever their massive illegal domestic monitoring pro origin, to involve it again in such im gram, Operation Shamrock, which eventually proper activities." The Commission, which was run by the CIA and the National Secu included CIA collaborators, was only ask rity Agency. Forrestal, who received jour ing the President and the CIA to abide by nalistic training at Princeton University, the National Security Act of 1947. The Act also called in the publishers and editors prohibits the CIA from having 'police, of major U.S. publications and asked them subpoena, law-enforcement powers, or in to voluntarily submit to government cen ternal security functions." sorship. On December 4, 1981, President Reagan Forrestal took these actions as part of signed Executive Order 12333 which, while his preparations to open the covert front purportedly in accord with the National of the first Cold War - which was quite Security Act of 1947, allows the CIA to hot for the Third WorZd,thanks to the CIA. engage in police functions and domestic Then, as Secretary of Defense, Forrestal covert operations. Aptly described by the asked for, and the CIA conducted, covert New York Times as the "Son of Operation political and paramilitary operations, de CHAOS," the Executive Order was denounced spite the opinions of the CIA Director and by former FBI agent, Representative Don General Counsel that the CIA had no such Edwards (D. -Ca.): "It stiZ Z puts the CIA authorization. smack into secretly operating within the Beginning with the Forrestal-initiated United States ... it permits them to enter covert intervention in the Italian elec into arrangements with state and local tions after World War II, CIA covert oper police... and Americans overseas are wide ations have culminated in coups in Iran open to surveillance, regardless of any (1953), Guatemala (1954), and Indonesia connections to foreign governments or (1965); a mass murder program, Operation criminal activity." Phoenix, in Vietnam; support for counter In addition to this major enhancement of revolution in Angola; and destabilization CIA powers, the administration has initi efforts in Afghanistan. And at home, Oper ated measures severely restricting news ation CHAOS violated the rights of mil gathering about government operations. Ac lions of U.S. citizens. cording to the International Press Insti As Ronald Reagan sets in motion Cold War tute, these restrictions pose a 'poten II, he undoubtedly wants to be unhindered tially serious Zoss of public accountabil by democratic opposition and publicity. ity." More recently, it has been reported Hence, the flurry of executive orders that Reagan is set to sign an executive which sidestep even the compliant Con order on the Freedom of Information Act gress. For the rest of the world, this which would all but exempt the CIA from means more Operation Phoenix programs - compliance with requests for information. and worse. For the U.S., it could mean the Certainly these measures undermine U.S. realization of the fear expressed by then democracy, but the full import of Reagan's Representative Clare L. Hoffman regarding CIA actions can perhaps best be understood the pending National Security Act of 1947: by looking at recent history. In 1947, a "The possibilities of dictatorship by the millionaire Wall Street investment banker military are in this legislation." Approved For Release 2010/06/15: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100140004-8 Approved For Release 2010/06/15: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100140004-8 Contents News NOT Amnesty Faults FBI ...................•4 in the News General Haig's Yellow Rain .•......••.• 6 New Assignment Closer to Censorship •.....•........... 7 The Senate Intelligence Committee con XIV Conference of American Armies: tinues to make a charade of CIA "over Preparing for Intervention ..........9 sight" by such actions as the recent ap pointment of 38-year-old Robert Ruhl Threatening the Sandinistas .......... 12 Simmons to be staff director. According to government-released information, Simmons Greece: is a 10-year veteran of the CIA's opera The Long Road to Freedom .•......... 15 tions directorate - "dirty tricks" - which he joined after serving with Army Jurgen Roth Interview: intelligence in Vietnam (1965-68). Turkish Fascism as NATO Democracy ..19 Simmons has been serving on the intelli gence committee staff as the representa Turkish Kurdistan and NAT0 ...........28 tive of conservative Senator John H. Chafee. He is replacing John F. Blake, a Libyan Witch-Hunt: 32-year CIA veteran and former president The War at Home ..................•.31 of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers who le ft "to take advantage of a Book Review: forthcoI11ing opportunity," according to Inside BOSS .............•..•.••.•.• 41 committee chairperson, Senator Barry Goldwater. British Right Censors for for South Africa................... 47 India: Exotic Languages Under the IMF's Thumb......•....... 54 In October, a House post-secondary edu cation committee unanimously approved an IMF Destabilizes .................•... 56 $87 million-a-year program to encourage the teaching of foreign languages in VOA: Short of Hitler................. 57 schools and colleges. This action does not signal a sudden Congressional interest in ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS promoting understanding between the U.S. and citizens of other countries. According IF YOUR LABEL READS 11R62" OR "L62", to committee chairperson, Paul Simon (D. THIS IS YOUR LAST ISSUE OFCOUNTERSPY Ill.), the program is intended to enhance - SO PLEASE RENEW RIGHT ----AWAY AND DON'T the capabilities of the defense department MISS A SINGLE ISSUE. and intelligence agencies and improve the U.S.'s position in international trade. Counterspy is available in microfilm Simon said he expects to win approval for from: University Microfilms Interna- the bill by focusing on its potential to tional, 300 North Zeeb Road, Dept. PR, aid national security. ''Where there is a Ann Arbor MI 48106; and 30-32 Marti- national need, we have to meet it," he mer St., Dept. PR, London WlN 7RA, said in a Washington Post (10/10/81) in England. terview. CIA Deputy Director Bobby Inman testi fied in a July subcommittee hearing, even SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTERSPY though the CIA is prohibited from promot ing legislation. Inman bemoaned that the nation's "rapidly deteriorating" foreign Counter>Spy -- Feb. - Apr>il 1982 -- 3 Approved For Release 2010/06/15: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100140004-8 Approved For Release 2010/06/15: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100140004-8 language capability was having an "adverse Hekmatyar's Islamic Party which has "shot impact" on intelligence. "We are especial villagers who had refused to pay them ly vulnerable when it comes to the more taxes, and sometimes burnt down villagesII exotic languages, such as Urdu, Arabic and which supported other resistance groups. Farsi." These three languages are spoken Hekmatyar received U.S. and Pakistani sup in areas of the world where the CIA, the port as early as 1973 when Pakistan clan Pentagon and the multinational corpora destinely trained some 5,000 Afghan "reb tions are facing increasing resistance to els" to destabilize the government of their penetration, manipulation and ex Muhanunad Daoud. (For a detailed descrip ploitation. tion of the various rebel groups, see Mohammed Sarkash, Seamus O'Faolain, "Af ghanistan: Foreign Intervention and the Casey's Sudan Emergency Prospects for Peace," CounterSpy, vol. 5, no.2, pp.24-33). Some eight years ago, CIA Director William Casey's brother-in-law was killed in a bizarre accident involving a riding Amnesty Faults FBI lawn mower owned by Casey. The brother-in law's family filed a damage suit for al On October 13, 1981, Amnesty Interna leged negligent maintenance of the lawn tional (AI), after studying thousands of mower. Eight years later, they were having pages of official transcripts and docu difficulty getting Casey to court. On Oc ments, called on the U.S. government to tober 20, 1981, Casey was scheduled to ap set up an independent commission of inqui pear for trial. A few days before, Casey's ry into the influence of the FBI on the lawyer Robert C. Minion told Judge Howard criminal justice