International Terrorism >'; / ~'
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at TER~\PRISTIC AC.TIVITY-) International Terrorism >'; / ~' BEFORE THE ,~'!, : "'< SUBCOMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE AD})!IINISTRATION OF THE INTERNAL SECURITY AOT AND OTHER INTERNAL SECURITY LAWS " i 0]' THE J COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION t l 1 '-..::) PART 4 " r I MAY 14, 1975 - t "" \ Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary (S J. f u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE If) WASHINGTON : 1975 ale by the Supurlntendent or Documents, U.S. Government I'rluting Office '~1.- Washington, D.C. 2(H02· Prico $1.20 ~,¢ ",.IJ ----------,:!',.---...,-------------- -----~ ---~ ----~- COMMITTEE;ON THE JUDICIARX ~ .. ~ JA1v1ES O. EASTLAND, Mississippi, Chairman JOHN,L.lIfCOLELLAN, Arknnsus ROMAN L. HRUSKA,NebrasKa PlIILIP A.lIART, Michigan :Ej:IRAM L. FONo-, lIawnll EDWARD l\I. KENNEDY, lIfassachnsetts lIUOli SCOTT, Pennsylvania BIROliBAYlI,lndlone., . , STROIlITllVRMO))/D, South, (jarollnn QUENTIN N. B URDWK, North Dakotil CHARLES .1ireO. ¥A'I'HrAS, ,JR.,; 1\1'nt'Yland ROBERT O. BYRD, West Virginia WILLIAi\f L. SCQTT, Vlrglnlii CONTENTS JOliNI'. TUNNEY, California . Testimony of: JAMES ABOUREZK, SOUt11 D.~kota Mr.London, Brian Crozier,England director ___________________________________________ of the Institute for the Study of Conflict, _ Page 179 Hon. Robert A. Feurey) Special Assistant to the Secretary of l:ltate, Coordinator for Combatting Terrorism, Department of State, SUBCOMMITTEE To INVESTIGATE THE Am.iulISTRATION OF THE INTERN,\L accompanied by lVl!:. Louis Fields and ;dr. John N. Gatch, Deputy __ 212 Appendix ________________ '________________ ~ _______________________ _ SECURa'y ACT ANn OTHE:J;li INT,E::aNA;L SECURITY LAWS 253 JA?>ms o.
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