19 3 7 Copyright May 20, 1937
• I *> THE DON 19 3 7 Copyright May 20, 1937 John Conway, Sdttor Charles Scully, Manager THE DON 19 3 7 Published by the Associated Students UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Vol ume I t DEDICATION DEATH CAME . I FOR ONE: from cloudless skies, struck sparkling waters, stilled rippling laughter. ROY WALTER O'FARREU. FOR THE OTHER: on leaden wings, slowly, burying an un seen scythe in a generous heart To both of these who have gone on: Roy O'Farrell and Robert Emmet Moore WE WHO REMAIN DEDICATE THIS VOLUME. ROBERT EMMET MOORE I University Book One I REV. JAMES J. LYONS S.J. REV. HAROLD E. RING S.J. Dean President F c u 1 t y W. BRYCI- ATKINSON, M.S. FREDERICK L. BROWN Chemistry Music JAMES BAKER BASSETT, M.A., I.E. B. CORNELIUS ALOYSIUS BUCKLEY, S.J. History History, Religion AUGUSTIN RUSSELL BERTI, M.A., LL.M. RAYMOND IGNATIUS BUTLER, S.J. English Classics, Education BERNARD BIERMANN, J.U.D. WALLACE BRUCE CAMERON, MA. Political Science. German Economics J. BRENT BODEISH, A.B. LL.M. C. HAROLD CAUI.FIELD, A.B., LL.D. Law Law CAMILLUS EUGENE BRANCHI, M.A., DNS. RODERICK ALEXANDER CHISHOLM, B.C.E. Italian, Spanish Geology, Mathematics WILLIAM G. BREY ALEXANDER JOSEPH CODY, S.J. Major Coast Artillery, U.S.A. English ALEXANDER BRILL, A.B. JAMES JOSEPH CONLON, S.J. Spanish Chemistry [9] . F u 1 t y PRESTON DEVINE, M.A., LL.B. JOHN JOSEPH GEARON, S.J. Political Science Classics, Religion GREGORY GEORGE DEXTER, MBA. GERALD JOSEPH GEARY, Ph.D.
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