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Two Young Uoxmen Whose -- Cardinals' Management - -- Who Established a Itecnrd Work Insures Them NOTES He Stricter With the by Pitdiinj; Two - - . Berths Next Season. DIAMOND Pinters. ffiONMAFM'GINNITY- Headers, Winning Roth.

exeeltent tradlnc material, and It wilt probably be utilised TWO YOUNG BOXMEN WHOSE WORK Already It Is practically known that the PAIR OF YOUNGSTERS WHO WILL will hae at least another crack and InlieWer and probably an outneMer With these new men some ex- INSURES THEM BERTHS NEXT SEASON. cellent results should be obtained. SEASON. CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES BE BACK WITH MINORS NEXT The present championship series now O I 1 . 1 I I Q H t 1 lt blne plsyed between the Pittsburg 11- - '! ratn and Boston Americans calls to mind I -- the time had team bat- - , -' when St. Louis a t yW "4 tling tlr lh hniuir i iii In 18& Charle) Comlakey, now president of the Chicago White Sox. v.on the pen- nant In the American Association for the St Louis Browns. The American Asso- .J.,I ciation however, com- r; at that time, had paratively Male pretiRe. and when the subject of x world's cnamptonshlp series btieen St. !.uuts Chleagn was broached It was generallyal laugned at rlnally. however Adrian C Anson, seeing nome eas mono In le conceded to pla th Iuls Browns rr the t.tle. Comh-ke- t. had not Heen very well known up to Utla time he having come from Du- buque Ja This serien. however, stamped him as on of toe creat.-s-t leaders the na- tional game has een known Sagariout and alert m every possible situation of the joime "Commie built up around bu-c- h of youngsters him a stellar s V-- that four times contested for the world M IF H biurets in the realms of the green dia- i vift mond. THE FinST BATTLE. The first Lnie St-- Ivral ard Calcayi met wasj In SS5, aa the arise cuafstet fo-- was: TK-- e th- ' Ti iii n ' '! hixyty ., jrjaJ art sara of - vt'ts iTr wTir i BHHHBBiv In. a t'c esarh; ld savins five .. tu trj credk. A'tr that ea team ton three games. ruS-o- c Qf s1ci for si" tRte a itand-ofi-". The result as a W 'onrrioc to the baseball T.cifd. who itrl peetel ta csperfenc of Anssjjt to ovtr-'ecet- tt the- - ajac sstvfcsf of OKnLfc-- y. Ltoe -- r iwul Chicco at that tun? re- - Khu:- K'l'r. 55 WHIbumsm. Kurnr. 2i- re. iTeti znix ve-- .runt-- w:in Vsa ' isssssssssssssssssssssssssssl ien r. ' iHwV sffl rlllw'Jl OMtJekey tas a itefats; buncb oT ymEg-tt-t- JSkH-eo- ri CTeusiM -- it secenf. r St-- Arlle- Latiac. tre Beau Bruro-r- t t baseaall. at uurd; ui fa.aou-- t "U LsssSre 3k5H jJK IcV? " ssssssssssssssbsssssssssV O'Neill a left. Curt Welch, who by man r te - MUi !o coisldered even to this day as being1 th' greatest outfielde- - who ever donned a tlove-- or chiaed a fiy. played center for St. Lnuls Comlkey's we-- e Ned Hudson. Dav Koutz snd the 1st" lamented mra-be-- of Johnson's olll.IaI famll the im- perial "Bobby" Caruthers. who as a pitcher was a master m his da) In 1HC St. Louis and Chicago again won ths P'nnants in 'heir respective leaeue'. A snieg of six games, was arranged. thre in Chicago and thre on the grounds where the Browns hold fourth St-- Louis took rour of the six game" played Chicago opened with victory. 6 J j; - ) a i 1 I jf ;- to 0 The next da the Bronns reversed Pk Ihb Bh their defeat of the previous daj and more iB 12 o than evened matters up b) winning to f " K ChlcHgo took the third bj a of 11 CHARLEY HEMPHILL. BILLT FRIEL. I H B j to S. The teams then came to St Louis, The Browns right fielder, whose wcrk Wha is now playing with the Youngstownt 9k s where St. Louis captured all three games thl saon I not up to the standard ex- O.. team. The Browns took the first game on the pected of major-logu- e outfielders. hMu. prmirwls l.v a wore fllf C to 5. The '" eeond thev won to 3 and they took the sHi'' ssL ' "' - ten Inntnrs by a score of 4 to mKm SlS last after agers aii.1 the same pte)er-manag- M Lo-- ls of are The reverse argument has always been was opposed 1 On the series St mtde a total now engaged In a struggle to the teams of perhaps the IS runs to made bv their opponents for the world's that hi close contact with the players greatest plajlng- strcngt" ever brought As the result of this vletorv Coralskev chmronr.!p give the a chance to see the together In one league. Clarke began over country as the Collin In the American Ieague. arnl ptavcrs who are working well and those minus the services was hailed all the Clarke. In Bo-t- of Tannehlll Napoleon of at he had taken n the National, have led who are not The record throw lltUe and Chesbro. his star twlrlers of last year, y laeball and Pittsburg so practlc-iM- unknown bunch of voungsters to victories decisive as light on which Is the right view and has been handicapped by Injuries to In- to leave no doubt of their superior!:) Nonplalng managers and plajing man- and nilh them defeated the hitherto This Is Interesting his men from the beginning of the sea- vincible White Sox. result an contribution ager have in the past each won their son, jet the Pirates went serenely along to a much exploited controversy. TJiere share of pennants The success of such winning games no - - DETROIT THE WINNER. are baseball expert who matter who was In the manager contend that the famous men as Ed Hanlon. . fray or who was not In 1SS74 Detroit, prohahly the heaviest who plays on his team Is han- Pat Tebeau. Selee and Loftus are more Of course, part of Clarke's success was BAKKET rEI.TT. STOVAI.UiiiiitttltA hitting aggregation ever gotten together, dicapped, and cannot get a good result than offset bv the trlumps of Anon. due to the high standard of his players, y,,,,,,'"Whom McAIwr considers one of the sea- whose uork since joining the nevelanl from hi pla)cr a the manager who Morrill Clarke and Collins. he still deserves hi but credit for work. son s pitching finds. bas been high won the pennant In the keep on th bench The point Is mad-th- at While they have great teams clae a tussle with Chicago Included In discipline manager behind Another thins both Collins and Clark after - suffers when the them Collins and Clarke deserve a great have kept their own playing up to high was th- original "big four" of don become pen-na- a the team a suit and the companion measure of credit for taking; the n' standard while discharging all their man- baseball Dan Btouthers . of his men to their respective Collin agerial duties. will not line un with the same p4aers Dave Rome and "Deacon" White. Besides cltl. next season that hare shonn at Leasue they four were such plavers as Fred CARDINAL MANAGEMENT MAY Park this ear com without luvlnir Dunlap. considered by many a the great- Thete are at least four weak spots on est second baseman ho ever spiked the the team, and 1" Deilass Koblson. presi- dirt near the middle cushion. Charley dent or the team, ha already ghen his Bennett, the famous , and Ed Han-Io- BE word that the weak spots will be strength- now the manager of the Brooklyn STRICTER WITH PLAYERS. ened. team With tno more good IcfieMers. another Fifteen games were plived Detroit out- good outfielder, two pitchers and a catch- classed St. Louis and easily captured ten contests. UndL00D er, the fifteen the Cardinal would be able to present of prac- Kobif-o- a team fur the I'M campaign that should The feature of this series was the Lenient Policy Laid Down by and Donovan Will Not Be be In the running. tical introduction of base running. At that All reason the Cardinal time the practice was to slide Into the Followed Next Season Firm Hands to Handle the Reigns liar ben la-- e lundlcapped for lack of a tlrt-Uas- s flirt base liead first, and the runner usu During 1904 St. Louis Ha Figured in Three Cham- baseman- - Their pitching staff, too, was all) wore a gkive to keep Ills hands from World's weak. being spiked In the series l.atham. sur- pionships Comaker's Fame as a Leader Was .Made Here. In the spring the Cardinals lined up prised baseball critics b) pilfering sev- with enough pitchers to start a comic op enteen bae as man) as some players yra wltb. It developed alv that many In these da)- - steal In a whole seaon MEN, - r -- jp A m 'tit tttm. jrre comic opera artists of a Hanlon was aUftsn expert In pilfering a.id ES OF WRITTEN" FOR-TH- E SEND VY REPrBIJC. will degree. coming season the managed to ' lilt" eight bases and continue to be. for the,R3bltanV hfch The mis In considered first-cla- ss take stocking up on pitchers will not St. Louis again won the honors the One of the causes responsible for the hae alwas talent of in 1!'S. and New poor showing season cheap at any price. be repeated. File pitchers ahould prove American Cardinals durlne the All that the club and the public ak Is ecousn for any team. A twlrler who can- York landed the prize In the National was the leniency of the management to- that the team put forth Its best efforts not uork one day In four Is hardly a de- League, but through some misunder- ward' tba'players. When that Is done, no one has a kick sirable asset Of course, nltchliu? nine ln- - standing, the teams never battled for th , s miicp 'Is pleasing to note majority coming-- and In future the St. Louis Na- "nlngs entaUs a strain, but with three das title of woria cnampton? i ci It that a tional League Club owners will see to It inttrierung ueiween game, a pitcners iia tint had a tfcam to finish first of the players on the team appreciated the. that their plajerx. who 'are 01 entitling to business arm should not suffer. The nearest approach was the sensational kind efforts of the Mesirs Itobison. anil quibble about trlfies. are git en Justice In ot one of the Cardinal pitchers has finlh of MrAieers team last )er, wimi i secona have been In condition all the time to the full sense of the nord. taken his turn In more than one came in they nmsbeu in tne Aracnwu she That the local National League team flte. On the Cardinal team some I League. the club their best ;erlce. but there eerj have been other? who. through personal grievances. haVe failed to play up to the best standard a' their ability. "IRON MAN" IS PITCHING STAR. It Is a n fact that any ball JOE M'GINNITY SEASON'S team accorded too many prhileces neer wins any pennants. It Is unfortunate In- deed that there are always players vho WRITTEN KUR THE SL'NDW REPUBLIC sas City, but through a prolonged attack PLAYER-MANAGER- S WON will Jump over the traces. When enthusiastic baseball fans are of tllncHs was forced to retire. For the three following vears McGln- STRUGGLES. Reallzlns this fact, the Cardinals man- discussing Uie merits of the various nlty pitched amateur ball In Springfield. IN PENNANT agement will hae to tighten the reins twlrlers f the country and pointing 111. All these j ears the "Iron Man" was a. bit before next season. If they expect with pride to Waddell. Young-- . Sudhoff. working hard to perfect his control and Drs.Fraiicis&Francis work out hi raise ball, which has since ThH ban n Ihe ear of the babaU to get out of the hole In which they fin- Dlneen and "Wild Bill" Donovan. It 1 made him the pitching marvel the na re.ienil In un f.irm Th Mk leacue not-,e- ll e of ished 1903 rsnpalcn. for to overlook-th- unas- pl.i)T-man- - the them tional game have bcth L?en won b 800 Olive St. Louis, - liassssttssssBsTny ' In the future offenses should vunlshed suming Joe McGlnnlt) St., Ho. ' JtvfsPrSf- y-.- .. ..-- . .... ,,, ,... . without the nefltano that marked the On his season record. Joseph Jerome .,, ,,,, ...... - - reproval of plajers during the season Just McGlnnlty. popularly known in fandom closed. a the "Iron Jlan." lias captured thirty-on- e We extend a helping hand In no other walk of life can a man out of forty-nin- e games. neglect .his duties and avoid the conse- This record as a whole shows the to ever' weak, discouraged quence of wrath. value of the man. Pitching In fort)-nln- e sufferer. It should be so with the ball plajers. games means taking a turn in the SsbbbsF HK. I They are only asked to nork about two box every third game, a thing few twlrl- hours a day, for they hand- ers do. essssnasB dssssssVTrsB K P which are 1 A B JzJ J IE somely rewarded and they should be forced Before the present season closed fMMWtlm IS OUR BEST to give the best service In their posses- established a mark for all fu- sion to the club hiring them. ture aspiring twlrlers to shoot at. "PAY WHEI GUnED" There are reasons to believe that the During the month of August, while GUARANTEE. lenient policy pursued by Donovan and ihe "Giants" were fighting hard to keep .T. l l0 tallt write to every sufferer from art ccele. Stricture. Rupture. Blood Nervo-Sexu- al the Roblsons during season a from going downhill. Joe McGlnnlty 2 ?r Polsox Debllltr and the ha not Sii. 7 nJ4e ,ll,aes peculiar to men I'.il miteil confidence in our ability to cure, to stay cured, every man who been successful, and so it is only logical demonstrated that he is the possessor of " ! making Ihe above generous offer. If nffllcted. dont delay, but consult true Special-iI-Jk- L that a change rhuuld be tried. an arm of Iron, of .e.?utett"1 tllr 'N-- honesty and sUcce- - Is for by thousands of cured patient. Because you have a heart steel and a Ham ,.. - t. . ,...... , treated It Is not tne intention of the Cardinal mind capable .n..,... in . i.A .....1.1.--1 owners to muke examples of any of the of exploiting new situations !.tr'm.nt "inn a" he obtained elsewiierr These maladlc will never cure themselves. Remember, good health iVn5i.C Slayers, but when offeues are committed on tba unwary batsmen. "?T1 "'"?"'' possession What better Investment c in you make thnn one by which) our health will be bettered initmn, 1 In the. future proper punishment prolonged' W trent all ptrsonally. you see no d7 mill be WIN FIRST DOUBLE-HEADE- easesi..ri!',tnru"'u.l.n'" iMllenls substitutes. We understand thorouahir the 1 meted oct with unstinted hand which constitute our specialty and ou can deend upon It we will treat jou honestly and fairly. Just as we would m Members of the Cardinal team bad On August 1 ilcOinnlty went Into the I'.ii ;,.lc?if "r Po'HiWM were rever-ed-. Don't stand Idly by nnd see jour health and manhood slipping wherirJ every comfort during the season.hae box against guarantee jou a permanent ind kfllng cure Investlgite before treating elsewhere. Call and be the Boston Nationals and examined vZaeaZ891 They have traveled In befitting rtle and won the first game. his request " cave stopped at the best hotels, besldfi At oe.n being paid salaries of liberal proportions he went back without even changing a, i for itsir work. clothing and was again returned a win- in hlRh-salarl- NervoSexual Debility. The Jub has been a one. ner. The game first he won by a score - of 4 to L and the second game came to Younp- Men. Middle-Age- d Men. the Man." 5 to - In "ron each the ?IaJif.y,ou T'.IJfd lo "nptatkn ami become a victim of that For some of the sins of your youth you have no doubt alreaij best the Bostons were liarmful. vicious and solitary practice self-abu- so preva- EM able to do nlth of paid tlie penalty. Dissipation and sexual excesses hi delivery was to make sir hits. lent and destructive among most jnung men You are iavg bei le oaneful effects Your sallow, pimpled face, dark-clrle- d ldded to jour list of transgressions. A week later before SI.OjO gathered Private nnd blood dlseas) I CURE MEN fans eves, stooping form, stunted development, bashful, lave ravaged jour system and undermined vour nlrxiHv w.oi at the Polo Grounds. McGlnnlty won his melancholic countenance and timid bearing proclaim lo all the ened vitality. Your neglected weaknesses have developed double-head- er world jour folly and to blight into second against Uanlon's tend jour existence. Nocturnal w'wmw avu me ine irxn you snouia Be. you dreams, cxliaustlng losses of vigor, etc.. are a constant lack the mkwi.power, ercrsv andouironnrirnre which . Bridge Jumpers from Brookljn. drain on jour vitality nnd will surely lead to an untimely ... game Do and necessary, to perfect manhood. You are old before rourJ In the first Brookl) In made eight end. not despair We can prepare you for tho duties siiAraui iimsi wut.rutr ..ir m i.. McGlnnlty. and pleasures of married life and make once """""s jw4 niu dwuncn in b.rraiizn.iinn .r vnni; hits off but the great twlrler among men. jou more a man tnw condition", and take Fteps to have It remedied, there ar1 grew In the came - si jvnia tu aiuic JUU. better second and let haxe lur the Brooklyn batters down with five .JllSfA Jffift" ?."$ dfe,p?,IC" wrecked many promising men. Havef.ryou transgressed Nature's laws? hits. seSnveiyJ w """T lr and weakesexJanr completed his on August 31. He record n r5rnfv" s sgT jr lHy?T JMsT Bsssssi when he pitched two games against the it " tf asar r5 Phillies at the Polo Grounds, and again a .tmnrary scored a double victory. In the first game Ustingcure. Wc guarantee a permanent restontion In trom to SO days stimulants. Seek the "Phillies" made five hits, while in the If m FtlAAOri f --Neglected Varicocele niMlermlne the tihviileflt trnpth ,l.,n . . . t.. . i? second game they made but six. Pous n,'n and pnxluees a complete hr of sexual power W:e to cure the raS. VflrillltH. cases of Varicocele In five dys. without pain, suffering or inconvenience Not SST WELL-KNOW- TO LOCAL TOSSERS. ternal constitutional remedies, but we also em Din v S ? ,?l?0JT?.Svc.you ln1 x L tJiU!.i. rj"I-l.-- . " Many of the local amateurs and a lealthv circulation of blood nutrklr rusiihinhnt the m.ti lon.i. i,irr " " "ID wcaaeneii partsj U?" crc,"e i the'aeneratlve orVins. Every disappVara-perrStl- l of St. Louis remember Mc- -. traeof weakness their normal Kie: losses and drains of vigor ceas- the weakened seminal duets Tare Mientthened- - HLPJ1'! Glnnlty as the star twlrler of the Spring- yj3i,l;.v'nr.1r?T n5d..w,n soon PO" "e sense of well-bein- g which gb Thcalth and TObustanin?Serion'c' Jm SJSf,im'..t' thH,.U a d'Hrat disease. We have cure.1 thousands s?,! field. I1L, team. e ssssssr" Je JYnH. ? of the worst cases wPtrt a failure you BEST l i Jr M &k L jtnt tSC"stit3spB21s quickest, safest and surest cure obtainable, this we Tyou orrurrence. What MT REFERENCES, Many are the tales they relate of their r rnd are preparedto give V I ! 1 1 1 I uur cure Ior atrtcture anu uieei is sate, painless and permanent prowess IJ 1 li and free from any against the "Iron Man." I 1 I rTr obstruction to the urethra is forever iSnJJI.I? f.orm tv At his home, carefully framed and dec- P.1-- J UnC are allayed, the prostate gland an J bladder .rellLd fJ,nHraH0" .and..Kr,"Ln" ? 1 lltnrtsTt in itm nnrmnl rrsnalltLiu( amnt? orated. Jake Bene, the local "c. o. m." liilfh Avokl cutting and dlkttlon operations; they leavff you In Znt Jn xnaa Derore. riesieeteti stricture retilta lr serious bladder afid kldrey complication,'. a NATHANIEL K. KING, M. D., of amateur baseball, has the bat which 1JM 4 IM)1 W cure In from WN In his hands manufactured nine SS Pine Sf St. Louis. Ho. or ten home, runs In two games off McGlnnlty BtODD w m VARICOCELE. Of course. Jake has not a record of the PniSnN"AAM?wu.r iu ua r. I cure this disease without operation lZttJSrXZ32L8rttrJ2Z or ligature. nd under my treatment exact number of home runs he made. but. All danger of tiansmlsslon or congested condition (within ten being a generous soul, he willing let utussuu yr pnysictans VVHr ' the Is to SO days, without of iniurLm..IV.?r.Z,,Z:i ,V '"l.w",nwe can BUarantee you a permanent cure In from ,to days) disappears. The parts are re- McGlnnlty down by saying only made thi .ii"'swnwi), UBH4 Unci? stored to their natural condition, vigor he WRITE-S- - lS.!''V'i' and trenxth and circulation nine home runs in the two games referred o'unulrsnnln.'y'Ifai.Vo'uV' ertPtlp ofyrJur My guarantee to cure u: to. Jake la also a bit dubious as to the that Itas proven uniformly successful, thousand are cured byhSlI otherwise ,,lr -- .Vet a dollar n'sd pail vntll expert skill andwooderful success In c polenta"p?1wnUtaslihS our t cunt.' jrlng All He advanae of exact dates of his remarkable batting our very reeelTou rJonaT Jttital? h Stricture, L'nnatornl Discharges, performance, that best efforts will be put forth In their behalf, a SSShJ IIZ..i L?T2?5l a"n.,I".,? "av rest assured m Poison, Ijoss of but such minor trifles should Con.altatlon and aaVredl ""TO"le Contaciou- Blood examination free. iln! w- Manly- Vigor, Drains, Losses, Plies, not be allowed to cut any Ice. when nine and you will find In from O a. . to J, p. m." Sunday." tSTp.din! - d "" oB"""iractlce onl Kidney, Bladder and Prostatic or more home runs are at issue. a.m. Trouble. Ilnptnre. Private and McGlnnlty is 31 years old and Is a native I tht, Special Diseases Cared. Opp, Post meni . Boors: t to t Sun.. J .m. to : p.ra. of Illinois. About S feet 10 inches blah, he 800 Olive St., OfflA electro-Q- J UUSljL,lA.llUn. tAU.' has the shoulders and body of a hercoles. DRS. FR AN FRANI j ferect tTIMfl NO.KSPINBST (scarcer, years ago & was permUfirD IvirtU em mod Plae). Et Xxmu. Ho. About nine ho played with the VI ST. LOUIS, a the expens, tataaC tail, Montgomery team of the Southern JOE UcGIKNtTT. mo ifso vrlt League. season ICS9 ""-- The nut ha west to Kan The famcua "Iron Uaa" of - St. Louis' Leading Most i-- . tisr"11- and Successful Specialists. , dWSBci SB 1