W Ayer's Pills
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HSKsl w rrF&$px?w' fr"j,!Jffr ', "K r THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH? MOlSTDlAlT destitute by a great calamity, but they claim natis could not hit Sowdersin 's came. A GAME FIGHT. FOR MURDER. they are not pauper. But they did not have, to, to win the game. OFF FOR THE FIGHT. CRONIES GOODPROGRESS'MADE once with Jimmy Lynch Dclcaia Tommy Danforth In Everybody is waiting with interest for views, Davis' errors, once with two and The Trial of the Suspected Assassin Will the coming of Mr. Hugh Cummin, who on bases, for them. Cin- a Desperate Contest. three men did that Not Take Place Until Aacnst A represents the' commission, and will look mm cinnati played a sharp fielding game, and Smith TO THE DtSrATCH.1 A Snllivan's Friends Prominent Visitors at Johnstown Ex- Trainload of Mystrrlons Thought after the distribution bf the money. Master in the box was almost as effective asSowders. SO, Tbe fight between the Suicide K game. Score: New York. June Carpenter Hughes said ht that he Eight thousand people saw the light weights. Tommy Danforth and, Jimmy Leaves for Rochester. to be Cooney, tho press the Opinion That pfanager "Wright Explains a Kansas Cltvs I expected to receive orders to Cincinnati,. o 1214001022??0- Lynch, which took place on Staten Island early Fox. build frame houses. llaie hits-Kan- sas Cltys. S: Cincinnati, 6. this morning was the gam est battle that has Chicago, June 30. State's Attorney Few-Interesti- Errors-Kan- sas 4. THE WOBK HAS BEEN WELL DONE. Points. Cltys. 4: Cincinnati, taken place in this vicinity between men of JOHN L. TO JOIN THEtt, THERE. doubt Earned runs Cincinnati!, 1. Iiongenecker said '1 if A LAW AGAINST TRUSTS. THE WEATHER. Two-bas- size since Havelin and Farrel met and e bits Hamilton, 2. their be readiness for the Double p'ays Manning ind Davis; Beard, lie-l'li- fought 49 rounds. Tbe fight was for a purse of everything will in r KnJlleflly. $250. was glove Cronin trial before August, and the court Father Darin, of Cambria City, Still Ad- Bill by the Off Smith, 2; off Bowders, 2. It Lynch's first skin light, but The Big Boy's Stock Takes a Sapid Text of a Jnst Passed Lrslsln Tor Western ifcntSj may First bae on balls 21 Mood he has a good record as an amateur. He is takes its vacation during that month, but Belief-Tha- t ot be belbased. lilt by pitched Turn in the Metropolis. heres to the tore Ollchlsaa. tylcania, W'eit FJrjtinial Mruckoul BySowders, 7; bybmlth, J. years old, 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed 121 tbe vacation might be waived in order to ISrXCIAI. TELEORAM TO TBE DISrATCR.1 ., Time of game Ttro hours and li minutes. Umpire Ferguson. pounds. Danforth had tbe advantage of ex- try this case. At present cannot state Detboit. June 30. The principal points and Ohio, thotcert, SO 4 I perience and age. He is yers old, S feet THOUSAND LOST. anti-tru- iThe Scotts Challenge tbe JIcKecsporls EING ARRANGEMENTS FOE THE MILL with any greater definiteness when the trial EIGHT LIYES WERE of the st bill, as introduced by Mr. tlotcly rising tempera-JP- ONE FOR BARMB. Inches tall and weighed 121 pounds. He is a indicted men will bis will be held. All of the Holbrook in the Legislature at Lansing winds becoming. to Play for $100. veteran in the ring and has met the best at be together, of, that am confident, ture: Against weight. He foucbtlke Weir to a draw. He tried I coEnisroircJEHT.j and passed, are as follows: Foreman Pitches a Wlnnlns Gams TELEGRAM TO TIIE DISFATCO.1 notwithstanding fight will undoubt- irnoM a stait firi'J'Sil'ffll fought Tommy Athletic rSnCIAL that a , That contracts, understand- southeaster!. Warren, the California to- all acreements. the Colnmbns Team. Club's favorite, twice, each winning a match. New Juno 30. The first of the edly be made by the accused for a separate Johnstown-- Jnne 30. The weather ings and combinations made, entered into, or PrrrsBrRo, lune 30, isst. 4,000 people wit- Lynch began fight a second after time was York. knowingly to, by any ASSOCIATION GAMES. Colujtbus, June 3a About the men part of the country who are trial." day was in strong contrast with the wet and assented and between The United States Signal Service omcerhsj lEESULTS OP swing on Irom this to-d- parties making a agree- nessed the game between Colnmbus and Balti- called with a right hand Danforth's There was a rumor that Kunze, the of vis- capable of contract or UllSClty mo . x cheek. Danforth dodged back and slipped. He going down to Louisiana to see the in foggy days last week. A number of ment which would be valid at law or In equity, lUnuaucs ioiwniui. more Mays occupied tbe points for on knees, but was German suspect, was one of the mysterious the took the pnrpnse or or of Tim. Ther, Timr. fell his hands and fight left, ht on the 8:15 itors struck town, but the majority object intent which shall S:00A. V 71 Meantemn . 71 Columbus untd tbe last half of the fourth up in a moment, and planted a hot witnesses whom the authorities smuggled be to limit, control, or in any manner tq restrict" 87 May Sue was "West road. They will advantage of the sunshine and went to the 120 M Mailmen temp.... ftDeacon White LcaTes the City and inning, when he displaced by Widner. The one on Lynch's jaw. Lynch smiled and train on the Shore into the grand jury rooau without their or regulate the amount of production or the 1:00 r. M. juinioium temp..... c visitors bit Mavs hifcd. and won the game in got in two good ones In return. In the reach Bochester early morning, identity becoming known. The theory is reservoir. The fakirs were doing an excel- quantity of any article Or commodity to be ;o r. x Kang-- .... 3) . the Pittsburg Club. inning, pitched a strong nineteenth round both showed punishment. raised nr produced by mining, manufacture, ekdf. m ..... frcctpltatlon. 00 ft tbe third foreman from has long been custody, and lent business, which seemed strange to I game for Baltimore, only scattering hits being At the close of the round Lynch got In a good and wait there until Sullivan arrives that Kunze in agriculture or any otber branch ot business or SrCOr. M 83 f made. Score: upper cnt on Danforth's damaced eye. Dan- Belfast. That may be afternoon will be suddenly produced at the trial as a every Fittsburger accustomed to the strict labor, or to enhance, control or regulate tbe Hirer at i T. X.. 3.Z, a fall of C8 feet In 14 Columbus 2 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 forth returned It with a terrific blow on witness for tbe State. Yery little credence enforcement of the blue laws. managed market price thereof, or in any manner to pre- hours. side-wa- evening, perhaps Tuesday. There I 0 24 Lynch's Jaw bone, knocking all or cr given report. vent or restrict free competition in the KEWS OP THE DAI lialtlirores 0400102 it then made up at ,1s the to secure a glass of soda in Cambria City, GENERAL SP0ET1XG llase hits Columbus, 5: Baltimore, IX, '7 When time was called it was will be a special train Michael Conley, a rolling mill employe, production or sale of any such article River Telegrams. Errors Columbus. S: Baltimore. 2. discovered that the blow had broken Bochester to take the party South. The the first for many a day. General Hastings or commodity, shall be utterly illegal and void, (SrXCIAI. TELEOSAUS TO THE DUPATCTt.1 Earned runs lialtlmores, 6: Columbns, 2. Lynch's jaw. Lynch was plucky, and most important part of the special will be the who was arrested: last night for being drunk and every such contract, agreement, under- Two-ba- invited number guests to spend Wabkejt 0 falling; se hits McTaminany, Marr.orr, Griffin, fought on. The twentieth was hot. Lynch up- baggage car in which Sullivan will be kept and disorderly, is being examined by the had a of standing and combination sbail constitute a River 2 and feet and -- Af There is not only considerable pleasure to flnrnnng. 2; Tate. per cut Danforth twice, and onco caught him under training by Muldoon until the journey police as a pobsible Cronin murderer. Con- Sunday with him. In tbe party were State criminal conspiracy; and every person who for Weather cloudy and very warm. Three-bas- e hit Orlffln. was In ' "5be derived, but much information to be Stolen bases McTaminany, Marr. in the stomach. Danforth weak, but he is over. ley cannot account satisfactorily for his Senator Gobin, General Lowden S'nowden, himself personally or as a member or the BEOvrssvjxi.E River 5 feet 3 inches and on balls By Mays. 3: by Foreman, 4. got in several hot ones on Lynch's broken jaw. The men who left New York are all Adjutant General Ohio, and name of a partnership or as a member, agent or cloudy. 6o ; conversation with the veteran lrst base Far-rel- l, whereabouts at the time of the tragedy, Axline, of falling Weather Thermometer gained from a Uy When was both were blowing James officers a of any association btruck out-- Mays, 2; by Widner, 3; by Fore- time called believers in Sullivan. There were nothing was "William Flinn.