have the Agency for Pennant-Winning The Shape of Your Collar The shape of your collar depends entirely upon the way it is laun- John Deere dered. Some laundries ruin the appearance of a collar by shaping Plays it poorly. We are constantly studying new sand styks tf col- lars. ai

T) .. \ Co-Operative. Plows, Model Both Phonest>i Black <>l Texis Ringer an i G rneral Purpose Walking j Bt,„ ft.lta 81 BHWeDisk Harrows, Action Cuttawav Disk Harrows, for grain and orchard use. Van Brunt Grain Drills, Dunham Pulver- izers, and Land Rollers, Farm Trucks from $35 to $6O. Leader By IRWIN M. HOWE, Official Statistician of the American League Spraying Outfits. CO. •BROTHER BILL" WONDERFUL THE INDEPENDENT LUMBER farm Machinery Line GLEASON’S Come and see'us fpr anything in the PINCH HITS DELTA, COLORADO ROBABLY not In all the history of have two hits made In I pinches in the same series and the same game driven fans into a high- Hardware Co. er frenzy of enthusiasm than the healthy swings of Bill Gleason in the The Porter-Obert j fourth game of the world's series of 1886. They saved a world's pen- Lumber and Building Material nant for the old St. Louis Brown*, humbled Captain Anson's Chicago P Stockings, gave A. Comlskey one of the two world's flags White and Charles national pas’ime. Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Screen Doors, Etc. C. L. JONES M. A. HARP A. E. AMSBARY which decorate his career in the The setting for Gleason's timely hits was such as to stir the emotions of Jlllow Us to Bid on Your Supplies' Clerk of the District Court fandom to Its deepest depths. Chicago had aken two out of three games In the Windy City, and when the teams rattled into St. Louis. October 21, for UVD ornci HPRU or ILLukdh hipamu the fourth game, the home fans were wrought up to a high pitch of excite- &HARP KVTUEMANDFINAL PROOF* TAKEN ment. JONES Monet to Loan Delta. I’oloeado , the who stood as the leading slabbist of the Chi- THE Veterinary I- cago club, was on the mound for Anson In this game, which proved the turn- INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO. ing point in the series. L. D. Hauser. Local A crowd, big for that early day, had parked every seat in the Browns’ Successors to Shaw A Craig H. J. BAIRD pavilion. Chicago cast a gloom over the assembled rooters in the very first inning when three agile White Stockings scampered over the home plate, Phones: Co-Op. Black 65 Lawyer seemingly placing the game on ice for Anson and his warriors. The Browns and third innings. Coto. Delta 651 ornci: EOOMM 4 AND 5. HILLS\N BLOCK scored in the second With the score 3 to 2 in favor of the White Stockings in the fifth in- That Old TrunK 4th and Dodge Sts. Delts. Celo. PHONEM: OOL* »E\DO. 00-oPE BATIT* ning. became a wild. He passed Bushong and Latham singled. DELTA. COLORADO Clarkson trifle Anson asked Clarkson to pitch through the heart of the plate for O'Neill to. is certainly not a good place to keep your insurance policies . If Clarkson beard his chief, he failed to heed him. He passed H WALKER make him and other valuable papers. MKttl.K1) VINCENT H the great O'Neill and the bases were fully populated. jewels keep 1 F. N. DICKERSON In this crisis ‘Brother Bill" Gleason came to bat and immortalized him- And your and those old sakes from other and Browns were a be- & self as a pinch hitter. There were two out the days, are not safe in the clock, in dresser drawer. VINCENT WALKER A I or the A tocney at Law hind. For fire and thieves are cruel and clever and will find Lawyer* The fans hooted Umpire Quest for his decision on two called strikes, and OFFICE- l!( MAIN ITIfIT at did a thing that caused his undoing. He sent one “ Clarkson this Juncture them all. and H Pc»*t-offlc# HaiHin*. Rooms right over heart of the plate. DELTA. COLORADO the You ought by all means to keep such thi in one of the Steel himself and leaned hard on the ball, smiting It with all the igs Gleason braced Safety Deposit Boxes in the fire-proof vault of power possessed. sailed out to safety between Williamson and Pfeffer, •, be It and Bushong and came home with the runs that sent St. Louis ahead R. is vast crowd as DR. ANNA JOSSELYN MILLARD FAIRLAMB The scene that followed indescribable The arose If NATIONALBANK Osteopath swayed by a mighty impulse, hats were thrown Into the air. cheers rent the The DELTA delight. was Suite 11-22 Hillman Building Attorney at Law atmosphere, and the fans went wtid with So intense the feel- You alone have access to it. and you would appreciate the safety ing that men embraced each other and cried for Joy. Phone Delta 821 again the Inning. again privacy, convenience and cheapness of this service. OFFICE ON MAIN ITIBIT When Chicago tied up the game In sixth Gleason of Women and Chil- St. half, with the bases full and two out. and again Big Busy Bank Treatment DELTA. COLORADO strode to bat in the Louis The dren a Specialty. the ball to safety, scoring Bushong and Carruthers and winning the ~ drove i gome Darkness put an end to the combat in the seventh inning, and Glea son s mighty pinch hits had worked their magic charm. As events afterward they had a world's flag for St 1-ouis and humbled Captain DR. H. K. MBHAFFBY STEWART & KING proved, saved An son. one of tne greatest baseball leaders of his time. Dwtlit (Copyright. 1912. by Jo*ep' ft Bowles.) & Attorneys at Law Denver Rio Grande R. R. Office over Stockham Hardware Real Estate, Ixjana and Instance ’ bridge work By IRWIN M. HOWE, Official Statistician of the American L**g— “The Scenic Line of the World Store Crown and DELTA. a apeclalty. Delta. Colorado. COLORADO I | HOW HELPED WIN ’S CLIFFORD P. HOPSON 1 ONLY WORLD'S PENNANT THOMAS X. BTKVKXS among during last years Civil Engineer and there the crowds hat the five have The name means perfect been amazed and delighted by th*> performances of Tyrus Cobb could Ditch and Reservoir work. service, execution be found many old time patrons of the game. These graybeards took faithful of pleasure in comparing with one of his predecessors, a Office Room* 3-4 Gale Block. [ERE the southerner \ your wishes, reasonable charge, fleet outfielder, who led a team of world's champions for Detroit whan H day youth Colorado Phone, Delta 129 efficiency, compentency, pun- the present “Peach" was a mere blossom. A man celebrated in his as a player, in later years as a manager, president and capitalist—Ned Han- ctuality. lon. In 1887 captain and center fielder of the "Sluggers" of Detroit, the great- est band of fence breakers that ever drove a pitcher from the slab. WILLIS A. DAVIS Embalmer and Funeral In Detroit it Is not considered strange if, after the casual spectator has exclaimed In astonishment at some spectacular play, one of the above men- Auctioneer Director tioned charter members of the Rooters' society seizes the opportunity to re- gale his neighbor with a Hanlon story, possibly the one told here, that saved anywhArs*. «o*r*nt**d. With H. K. CORRELL Ho Satisfaction «ala* a game helped to win only w s championship pennant that Xtrua rroonthl* Ranch and and the orld has flung City . ap.el.llr. Ph““*..gi ever been to the breeze In the of the Straits |DELTA.-TT 71.’,.( OLO. fora claiming a data In 1887 Detroit won the flag and the St. Louis Browns, under the leadership of Comlskey. took the American association bunting for the third time in succession. The Browns were the title holders, havlug won the honors from Anson’s Chicago team the year before. The first and second games of the Detrolt-Browns series were played in FRANK A. WADLEIGH, Genertl Passenger Agent, Denver Colo. GEORGE STEPHAN St. Louis, each team winning one. The third contest opened in Detroit on Oc- tober 12. with excitement among the fans running high. Carruthers and Bush- Attorney st L»w ong were in the points for the Browns, while Hanlon split his Pretzel bat- tery, Getzin and Ganzel. and sent behind the bat. St. Louis PuAtmoca in Ht*tk and Ksdkial Coubt* •cored a run in the second inning, and so well did easy going, handsome Bob =Surface Creek Realty Co. DELTA, COLORADO Carruthers work that not until the eighth round could Detroit with a team batting average of .347 for the National .cague season, tie it up. The Pioneer Land Company They went through the next three innings neck and neck. In the twelfth with any fair luvk and without Ned Hanlon In opposition, the Browns MILTON R. WELCH would have won. With one down. Carruthers hit far to right.but big Sam Thomp- Write for Literature, Transportetion and Price Lists son was Attorney at Law planted In Just the right spot, and hauled It in. Foutz then came DOURLK FARM HAItXKSS up and drove a liner high over second, which was meant for a Delta, Cedaredge. Paonia and Hotchkiss U S. Commissioner nervous the dependable kind that wears well ; The and now silent crowd despairingly watched Hanlon in a mad Special attention given to ami looks well. chase to overtake the flying missile By a tremendous leap he succeeded, References : Any Delta County Bank Pre-emption, Land and Coal and the roars of Jubilation shook the stand. The game was saved Detroit Desert IT 1H THE HAItXKSS TO BUY | pushed over a run next inning following day Filings Is to in the and won. The the world's E. S. CORBIN, Manager Delta, Colorado Pre-emption It the harness sell. championship wad assured Is fulthfully from good Denert land yearly proofs, pre- It made Had any fan of that time auggested however mildly that any mere and deaert land material, and plenty large to fit emption, homestead fielder future place hen by Captain H&nlon the taken. Delta, Colo. 1,200 1,400 pounds. could In the take the held In final proofs horses from to Detroit, Instantly an object to price* are affections of he would have become of Interest Our reasonable, but rem- the doctors. ember t» it quality, and not prices, 11. K. BRAIBTKD. (Copyright. 1912, by Joseph B Bowles.) Dll. is the i nl standard of harness Bank Says: Room 209 Delta National value. Our harness have quality. The Little Paint Man Building. By IRWIN M. HOWE, Official Statistician of the America* Laagaa Office hours: 2to 4; 7 to 9p. m Geo. C. Wilson Delta, Colorado CHARLEY BENNETT’S GREATEST FLAY EW baseball fans of the present day remember Bennett, caiching mar vel of the old Det«>lt club, that won the world’s series in ISB7. Ben- MISS DELLA HARREL nett's greatest play came In the only serlea that brought a world's flag to the City of the Straits, saved a game, and helped keep the danger- \ ous St. Louis Browns on the toboggan of defeat from which they were Lilli. Ml. fWt | F play though happened yesterday." unable to recover. "I remember the aa It at Waft tempted to acoff Y / \ Public Stenographer relates Tom Shehan. aid to President Marvin of the Tigers. "It was Ben- nett’s great stop and throw and his pinch hit that won the game. It was a The wine painter', choice V f-‘ A i stop, was a great batsman, as wonderful but don’t forget that Bennett well. I color .rheme, I SamA think there are as great and greater fielders today than lh the olden vermll- ¥ 1 Rcxim 1, P. O. Bloc times, but I want to tell you that In all the years thnt have flowu I have never But .he found hi. TWrrj r aeen a greater than Charley Bennett Singular aa It may seem, Bennett’s great play that day In which Detroit defeated St. Louis 3 to 2 came when he was playing first base. Were Rood I JOHN KURZ "Gleason had reached first on ’s . Tip O'Neill hit OUII TAILORING to Dunlap, doing was PRO PA I*TOR OF sharply who made a good stop, but in so taken off his I (lien <> InNuroM satisfaction ns to tho style, balance and threw wild to Bennett. That ball would have escaped many first basemen, hut Bennett realized lit ami fabric of any garment you : a dream. DELTA MARKET tho Importance of the piny, and set the crowd wild with cheers by his master may anti i order. Knelt coat, suit ful recovery and remarkable throw. As O'Neill dashed over first base Ben- rare overcoat Is fashioned with ° Fresh and nett cam© down with the ball, rolled over and without hesitating, shot It to and skill. xQV, White nt third as Gleason was coming Into th© bag. The umpire called Salt Meats baserunner out. th© side was retired, and the game was saved. Had Bet*nett OUR PRICKS failed to make that stop, Caah Paid for Ilidos St. Louis would have won 4 to 3 s|»enk for themselves. You will findI "With the scoro tied in the seventh inning and on sec- Delivered Free to ell It. hard to duplicate our offerings. Goods ond base. Bennett came to bat in the pinch and drove the ball to center for a safety, Peru of the Cttr. Olvs winning the game which he had save# by one of the greatest plnys ever Us a Trial. seen on any hail field. PREGENT, (Copyright, ISIS, by Jo*«ph B. Bowl**.) JOS. DELTA, COLORADO THE GRAND MESA LUMBER CO. Merchant Tailor Delta, Colo.