' T h - " """ Tg.T..y ,: fJ THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. OCTOBEK 4. 1903. 1 Two Young Uoxmen Whose -- Cardinals' Management - -- Who Established a Itecnrd Work Insures Them NOTES He Stricter With the by Pitdiinj; Two Double- - . BASEBALL Berths Next Season. DIAMOND Pinters. ffiONMAFM'GINNITY- Headers, Winning Roth. exeeltent tradlnc material, and It wilt probably be utilised TWO YOUNG BOXMEN WHOSE WORK Already It Is practically known that the PAIR OF YOUNGSTERS WHO WILL will hae at least another crack Pitcher and InlieWer and probably an outneMer With these new men some ex- INSURES THEM BERTHS NEXT SEASON. cellent results should be obtained. SEASON. CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES BE BACK WITH MINORS NEXT The present championship series now O I 1 . 1 I I Q H t 1 lt blne plsyed between the Pittsburg 11- - '! ratn and Boston Americans calls to mind I -- the time had team bat- - , -' when St. Louis a t yW "4 tling tlr lh hniuir i iii In 18& Charle) Comlakey, now president of the Chicago White Sox. v.on the pen- nant In the American Association for the St Louis Browns. The American Asso- .J.,I ciation however, com- r; at that time, had paratively Male pretiRe. and when the subject of x world's cnamptonshlp series btieen St. !.uuts Chleagn was broached It was generallyal laugned at rlnally. however Adrian C Anson, seeing nome eas mono In le conceded to pla th Iuls Browns rr the t.tle. Comh-ke- t. had not Heen very well known up to Utla time he having come from Du- buque Ja This serien. however, stamped him as on of toe creat.-s-t leaders the na- tional game has een known Sagariout and alert m every possible situation of the joime "Commie built up around bu-c- h of youngsters him a stellar s V-- that four times contested for the world M IF H biurets in the realms of the green dia- i vift mond. THE FinST BATTLE. The first Lnie St-- Ivral ard Calcayi met wasj In SS5, aa the arise cuafstet fo-- was: TK-- e th- ' Ti iii n ' '! hixyty ., jrjaJ art sara of - vt'ts iTr wTir i BHHHBBiv In. a t'c esarh; ld savins five .. tu trj credk. A'tr that ea team ton three games. ruS-o- c Qf s1ci for si" tRte a itand-ofi-". The result as a W 'onrrioc to the baseball T.cifd. who itrl peetel ta csperfenc of Anssjjt to ovtr-'ecet- tt the- - ajac sstvfcsf of OKnLfc-- y. Ltoe -- r iwul Chicco at that tun? re- - Khu:- K'l'r. 55 WHIbumsm. Kurnr. 2i- re. iTeti znix ve-- .runt-- w:in Vsa ' isssssssssssssssssssssssssssl ien r. ' iHwV sffl rlllw'Jl OMtJekey tas a itefats; buncb oT ymEg-tt-t- JSkH-eo- ri CTeusiM -- it secenf. r St-- Arlle- Latiac. tre Beau Bruro-r- t t baseaall. at uurd; ui fa.aou-- t "U LsssSre 3k5H jJK IcV? " ssssssssssssssbsssssssssV O'Neill a left. Curt Welch, who by man r te - MUi !o coisldered even to this day as being1 th' greatest outfielde- - who ever donned a tlove-- or chiaed a fiy. played center for St. Lnuls Comlkey's pitchers we-- e Ned Hudson. Dav Koutz snd the 1st" lamented mra-be-- of Johnson's olll.IaI famll the im- perial "Bobby" Caruthers. who as a pitcher was a master m his da) In 1HC St. Louis and Chicago again won ths P'nnants in 'heir respective leaeue'. A snieg of six games, was arranged. thre in Chicago and thre on the grounds where the Browns hold fourth St-- Louis took rour of the six game" played Chicago opened with victory. 6 J j; - ) a i 1 I jf ;- to 0 The next da the Bronns reversed Pk Ihb Bh their defeat of the previous daj and more iB 12 o than evened matters up b) winning to f " K ChlcHgo took the third bj a of 11 CHARLEY HEMPHILL. BILLT FRIEL. I H B j to S. The teams then came to St Louis, The Browns right fielder, whose wcrk Wha is now playing with the Youngstownt 9k s where St. Louis captured all three games thl saon I not up to the standard ex- O.. team. The Browns took the first game on the pected of major-logu- e outfielders. hMu. prmirwls l.v a wore fllf C to 5. The '" eeond thev won to 3 and they took the sHi'' ssL ' "' - ten Inntnrs by a score of 4 to mKm SlS last after agers aii.1 the same pte)er-manag- M Lo-- ls of are The reverse argument has always been was opposed 1 On the series St mtde a total now engaged In a struggle to the teams of perhaps the IS runs to made bv their opponents for the world's that hi close contact with the players greatest plajlng- strcngt" ever brought As the result of this vletorv Coralskev chmronr.!p give the manager a chance to see the together In one league. Clarke began over country as the Collin In the American Ieague. arnl ptavcrs who are working well and those minus the services was hailed all the Clarke. In Bo-t- of Tannehlll Napoleon of at he had taken n the National, have led who are not The record throw lltUe and Chesbro. his star twlrlers of last year, y laeball and Pittsburg so practlc-iM- unknown bunch of voungsters to victories decisive as light on which Is the right view and has been handicapped by Injuries to In- to leave no doubt of their superior!:) Nonplalng managers and plajing man- and nilh them defeated the hitherto This Is Interesting his men from the beginning of the sea- vincible White Sox. result an contribution ager have in the past each won their son, jet the Pirates went serenely along to a much exploited controversy. TJiere share of pennants The success of such winning games no - - DETROIT THE WINNER. are baseball expert who matter who was In the manager contend that the famous men as Ed Hanlon. Connie Mack. fray or who was not In 1SS74 Detroit, prohahly the heaviest who plays on his team Is han- Pat Tebeau. Selee and Loftus are more Of course, part of Clarke's success was BAKKET rEI.TT. STOVAI.UiiiiitttltA hitting aggregation ever gotten together, dicapped, and cannot get a good result than offset bv the trlumps of Anon. due to the high standard of his players, y,,,,,,'"Whom McAIwr considers one of the sea- whose uork since joining the nevelanl from hi pla)cr a the manager who Morrill Clarke and Collins. he still deserves hi but credit for work. son s pitching finds. bas been high won the pennant In the National League keep on th bench The point Is mad-th- at While they have great teams clae a tussle with Chicago Included In discipline manager behind Another thins both Collins and Clark after - suffers when the them Collins and Clarke deserve a great have kept their own playing up to high was th- original "big four" of don become pen-na- a the team a suit and the companion measure of credit for taking; the n' standard while discharging all their man- baseball Dan Btouthers Sam Thompson. of his men to their respective Collin agerial duties. will not line un with the same p4aers Dave Rome and "Deacon" White. Besides cltl. next season that hare shonn at Leasue they four were such plavers as Fred CARDINAL MANAGEMENT MAY Park this ear com without luvlnir Dunlap. considered by many a the great- Thete are at least four weak spots on est second baseman ho ever spiked the the team, and 1" Deilass Koblson. presi- dirt near the middle cushion. Charley dent or the team, ha already ghen his Bennett, the famous catcher, and Ed Han-Io- BE word that the weak spots will be strength- now the manager of the Brooklyn STRICTER WITH PLAYERS. ened. team With tno more good IcfieMers. another Fifteen games were plived Detroit out- good outfielder, two pitchers and a catch- classed St. Louis and easily captured ten contests. UndL00D er, the fifteen the Cardinal would be able to present of prac- Kobif-o- a team fur the I'M campaign that should The feature of this series was the Lenient Policy Laid Down by and Donovan Will Not Be be In the running. tical introduction of base running. At that All reason the Cardinal time the practice was to slide Into the Followed Next Season Firm Hands to Handle the Reigns liar ben la-- e lundlcapped for lack of a tlrt-Uas- s flirt base liead first, and the runner usu During 1904 St. Louis Ha Figured in Three Cham- baseman- - Their pitching staff, too, was all) wore a gkive to keep Ills hands from World's weak. being spiked In the series l.atham. sur- pionships Comaker's Fame as a Leader Was .Made Here. In the spring the Cardinals lined up prised baseball critics b) pilfering sev- with enough pitchers to start a comic op enteen bae as man) as some players yra wltb. It developed alv that many In these da)- - steal In a whole seaon MEN, - r -- jp A m 'tit tttm. jrre comic opera artists of a Hanlon was aUftsn expert In pilfering a.id ES OF WRITTEN" FOR-TH- E SEND VY REPrBIJC. will degree. coming season the managed to ' lilt" eight bases and continue to be. for the,R3bltanV hfch The mis In considered first-cla- ss take stocking up on pitchers will not St.
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