Committee Minutes
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COMMITTEE MINUTES 9 September 2015 1 May 2015 Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee 1 - 3 4 June 2015 Integration Joint Board 4 - 9 9 June 2015 Cabinet 10 - 14 10 June 2015 Licensing Committee 15 - 22 11 June 2015 Kilwinning Area Committee 23 - 26 16 June 2015 Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee 27 - 29 18 June 2015 North Coast Area Committee 30 - 31 19 June 2015 Appeals Committee 32 - 33 22 June 2015 Licensing Committee 34 - 36 23 June 2015 Cabinet 37 - 45 24 June 2015 Planning Committee 46 - 47 24 June 2015 Local Review Body 48 - 49 25 June 2015 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area 50 - 54 Committee 25 June 2015 North Coast Area Committee 55 - 55 26 June 2015 Appeals Committee 56 - 57 11 August 2015 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area 58 - 58 Committee 12 August 2015 Licensing Committee 59 - 70 13 August 2015 North Coast Area Committee 71 - 78 17 August 2015 Police and Fire and Rescue Committee 79 - 83 18 August 2015 Cabinet 84 - 87 19 August 2015 Scrutiny and Petitions Committee 88 - 91 20 August 2015 Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee 92 - 96 24 August 2015 Audit Committee 97 100 26 August 2015 Planning Committee 101 105 27 August 2015 Irvine Area Committee 106 112 North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE AYRSHIRE SHARED SERVICES JOINT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY 1 MAY 2015 AT 1100 HOURS IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, LONDON ROAD, KILMARNOCK PRESENT: Councillors Douglas Reid, Tom Cook and Maureen McKay (all East Ayrshire Council); Councillors Alec Clark, Peter Convery, John McDowall and Nan McFarlane (all South Ayrshire Council). ATTENDING: Chris McAleavey, Depute Chief Executive (Safer Communities); and Lynn Young, Democratic Services Officer, all East Ayrshire Council; Lesley Bloomer, Executive Director of Economy, Neighbourhood and Environment, South Ayrshire Council; and Stewart Turner, Head of Roads; Kevin Braidwood, Operations Manager; and Alasdair Sneddon, Programme Manager, Ayrshire Roads Alliance. APOLOGY: Councillor Alan Brown, East Ayrshire Council. CHAIR: Councillor Douglas Reid, East Ayrshire Council, Chair. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 20 FEBRUARY 2015 1. There was submitted and approved as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2015 (circulated). AYRSHIRE ROADS ALLIANCE PERFORMANCE SCORECARD 2. There was submitted a report dated 31 March 2015 (circulated) by the Head of Roads: Ayrshire Roads Alliance which advised of progress made to date against the Performance Scorecard. It was agreed:- (i) to note the performance scorecard and performance metrics presented in the report and accept the explanations and assurances provided in terms of key performance measures PS 3.4, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4; (ii) to continue to receive performance scorecards and performance metrics updates and in future, reports provide: (a) details of the responsibility of both the Ayrshire Roads Alliance and Utility Companies in respect of road defects as a result of works by Utility Companies, including compensation awarded as a result of such road defects; (b) commentary against red or amber key performance measures; and (c) timescales in relation to the Key Performance Measure PS 6.1 - % of complaints responded to within allocated timescales; and (iii) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. 1 INCLUSIVE DESIGN GUIDANCE 3. There was submitted a report dated 7 April 2015 (circulated) by the Head of Roads: Ayrshire Roads Alliance which advised of the design guide available to enable Design Engineers to implement inclusive design features for disabled and sensory impaired pedestrians within road design. It was agreed:- (i) to note that whilst the Ayrshire Roads Alliance currently use Inclusive Design and appropriate consultation in all their work, they would continue to seek to review and improve consultation arrangements where required; and (ii) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. RISK REPORT AND REGISTER 4. There was submitted a report dated 25 March 2015 (circulated) by the Head of Roads: Ayrshire Roads Alliance which advised on the management of risk associated with the Ayrshire Roads Alliance. It was agreed:- (i) to note the risks presented in the report; (ii) to continue to receive quarterly updates on progress; (iii) that in relation to Risk 16 - Procurement and in particular to the scrutiny function of the Joint Committee, that a report providing information on contracts awarded by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance, be presented regularly to the Joint Committee; and (iv) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. CUSTOMER SERVICE STRATEGY 5. There was submitted a report dated 16 April 2015 (circulated) by the Head of Roads: Ayrshire Roads Alliance which sought approval regarding the proposed approach of delivering a high quality, responsible, and accessible customer service. It was agreed:- (i) to approve the Customer Service Strategy as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; (ii) to receive updates on the Customer Services Strategy; and (iii) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. ROADWORKS PROGRAMME 2014/15 AND 2015/16 6. There was submitted a report dated 7 April 2015 (circulated) by the Head of Roads: Ayrshire Roads Alliance which advised of the completion of the roads improvement programmes within the geographical boundaries of East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire for financial year 2014/15 and which advised of the approved programme for 2015/16. It was agreed:- (i) to note the Ayrshire Roads Alliance works completed in 2014/2015; 2 (ii) to note the Ayrshire Roads Alliance works proposed for 2015/16; (iii) that future Roadworks Programme reports detail the priority status and costings associated with proposed works; and (iv) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. BENEFITS REALISATION STRATEGY AND PLAN 7. There was submitted a report dated 24 March 2015 (circulated) by the Head of Roads: Ayrshire Roads Alliance which advised of the approach to achieve the £8.634m of savings over the first 10 years for the Ayrshire Roads Alliance. It was agreed:- (i) to approve the Benefits Realisation Strategy and Plan as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; (ii) to receive updates on the Benefits Realisation Strategy and Plan; and (iii) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. CHAIR'S REMARKS 8. The Chair advised that this was the last meeting of the Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee to be chaired and administered by East Ayrshire Council, and expressed his appreciation at the work involved since the establishment of the Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee in 2014. The Chair further advised that administration and chairing of the Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee for the next year would now pass to South Ayrshire Council, and wished Councillor John McDowall, South Ayrshire Council and the representatives well for the forthcoming year. The meeting terminated at 1235 hours. 3 North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Minute of Integration Joint Board meeting held on Thursday 4th June 2015 at 10.00 a.m., Council Chambers, Cunninghame House, Irvine Present : Councillor Anthea Dickson, (Chair) Lesley Aird, Chief Finance Officer Derek Barron, Lead Nurse Thelma Bowers, Head of Mental Health Stephen Brown, Head of Children, Families & Criminal Justice Iona Colvin, Director, NAHSCP Carol Davidson, NHS Ayrshire & Arran David Donaghey, Staff Side Representative, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Councillor Ruth Maguire, NAC Bob Martin, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Louise McDaid, Staff Side Representative, NAC Janet McKay, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Stephen McKenzie, NHS Ayrshire & Arran (Vice Chair) Marie McWaters, Carers Representative Jim Nichols, Third Sector Representative Councillor Robert Steel, NAC Nigel Wanless, Independent Sector Representative In Attendance : Melanie Anderson, Acting Committee Services Manager Karen Andrews, Business Support Officer Andrew Fraser, Head of Democratic Support, NAC Jo Gibson, Principal Manager (Planning & Performance) John Godwin, Service Development Officer, NAC Janine Hunt, Principal Manager (Business Support) Eunice Johnstone, Planning Manager, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Billy McClean, Associate AHP Director, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Fiona Neilson, Senior Finance Manager, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Chief Inspector Tim Ross, Police Scotland David Rowland, Head of Health & Community Care Apologies for Absence Kerry Gilligan, Lead AHP Martin Hunter, Service User Representative Paul Kerr, Clinical Director Councillor Peter McNamara, NAC Sally Powell, Carer Representative Fiona Thomson, Service User Representative 1. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Councillor Dickson declared an interest in relation to Item 13 on the agenda. 4 2. MINUTES/ACTION NOTE – 16th APRIL 2015 Agreed without amendment. 3. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NORTH AYRSHIRE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE STRATEGY Submitted report by John Godwin, Service Development Officer in relation to the development and implementation of a North Ayrshire Social Enterprise Strategy. The report highlighted the intention to develop a comprehensive and robust partnership based strategy to maximise the social and economic impact of social enterprises in North Ayrshire. A steering group will be established to provide strategic direction, specialist input and test developments and ideas throughout the process. It is anticipated that there will be three meetings of the Steering Group throughout this process. A draft strategy will be submitted to the Steering Group on John Godwin 31st August