Vojenská História
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VOJENSKÁ HISTÓRIA ČASOPIS PRE VOJENSKÚ HISTÓRIU MÚZEJNÍCTVO A ARCHÍVNICTVO ROČNÍK 20 2/2016 VOJENSKÁ HISTÓRIA Časopis pre vojenskú históriu múzejníctvo a archívnictvo 2/2016 VYDÁVA VOJENSKÝ HISTORICKÝ ÚSTAV V BRATISLAVE © Vojenský historický ústav, Bratislava 2016 www. vhu.sk Všetky práva vyhradené. Žiadna časť publikovaného časopisu nesmie byť reprodukovaná alebo použitá a šírená v akejkoľvek forme a akýmikoľvek prostriedkami, elektronicky alebo mechanicky, vrátane kopírovania, digitalizácie alebo uchovávaná v akýchkoľvek informačných pamätiach, databázach a informačných pamätiach, databázach a informačných systémoch bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu Vojenského historického ústavu a autorov. Príspevky vyjadrujú názory autorov a nemusia byť totožné so stanoviskom vydavateľa a redakcie. OBSAH Štúdie GÁLIK, Zdenko: Hlohovec vo víre vojenských udalostí po páde Veľkej Moravy do konca 13. storočia ................................................................ 6 ROHÁČ, Peter: II. česko-uhorská vojna o babenberské dedičstvo 1260 a bitka pri Kressenbrune ....................................................................... 23 VRÁBEL, Ferdinand: Podiel Slovákov na politickom usmernení česko-slovenskej zahraničnej akcie v Rusku (1914 – 1916) ......................................... 45 BAKA, Igor: Posledná vojenská mobilizácia ľudáckeho režimu a spoločnosť na Slovensku na konci vojny .................................................................... 59 Dokumenty a materiály PEJS, Oldřich: Návštěva chorvatského generála Vilko Begiće na Slovensku v roce 1942 a její vojenské pozadí .................................... 86 ALÁČ, Ján: Dramatické Vianoce roku 1944 v novohradských obciach Závada a Pravica ............................................................................................. 110 LAMOŠ, Róbert: Výpoveď ríšskeho maršala Hermanna Göringa v dokumentoch ............................................................................. 124 Recenzie VOJENSKÉ DEJINY SLOVENSKA A SLOVÁKOV. Vladimír Segeš a kol. (L. Sokolovský) ........................................................................ 136 GOTTLIEB, Julie V. ’Guilty Women’, Foreign Policy, and Appeasement in Inter-War Britain.(J. Drábik) ...................................................... 140 HRUBOŇ, Anton. „ZA SLOVENSKÝ ŠTÁT, ZA NOVÚ EURÓPU“. HLINKOVA GARDA V OBDOBÍ NEMECKEJ OKUPÁCIE. (I. Baka) ....................... 143 Bibliografi a ................................................................................................................. 148 Anotácie, glosy ............................................................................................................ 159 Kronika ....................................................................................................................... 164 INHALT Studien GÁLIK, Zdenko: Die Stadt Hlohovec in den Wirren der kriegsereignisse seit dem Niedergang Grossmährens bis zum Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts .................................................................................. 6 ROHÁČ, Peter: Der Zweite Böhmisch-ungarische Krieg von 1260 und die Schlacht bei Kressenbrunn ................................................................ 23 VRÁBEL, Ferdinand: Der Anteil der Slowaken an der politischen Führung der tschecho-slowakischenBefreiungsbewegung in Russland (1914 – 1916) ............................................................................................. 45 BAKA, Igor: Der letzte Mobilisierungsversuch des völkischen Regimes und die Gesellschaft in der Slowakei am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs ........................ 59 Dokumente und Materialien PEJS, Oldřich: Der Besuch des kroatischen Generals Vilko Begić in der Slowakei im Jahre 1942 und seine militärischen Hintergründe .......................... 86 ALÁČ, Ján: Die dramatischen Weihnachten von 1944 in den Ortschaften Závada und Pravica in der Region Novohrad (Neograd) ............................................. 110 LAMOŠ, Róbert: Die Aussage des Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring im Lichte der Dokumente ................................................................ 124 Rezensionen ................................................................................................................ 136 Bibliographie .............................................................................................................. 148 Annotationen und Glossen ........................................................................................ 159 Chronik ....................................................................................................................... 164 CONTENTS Studies GÁLIK, Zdenko: Hlohovec in the Turmoil of Military Events after the Fall of Great Moravia until the End of 13 th Century ....................................... 6 ROHÁČ, Peter: II. The Czech-Hungarian War over the Babenberg Heritage in 1260 and Battle at Kressenbrun .......................................... 23 VRÁBEL, Ferdinand: Participation of Slovaks in the Political Direction of the Czecho-Slovak Foreign Operation in Russia (1914 – 1916) ............................... 45 BAKA, Igor: Last Military Mobilization of the Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party Regime and the Society in Slovakia at the End of the War ................... 59 Documents and Materials PEJS, Oldřich: Visit of the Croatian General Vilko Begić in Slovakia 1942 and its Military Background .............................................................. 86 ALÁČ, Ján: Dramatic Christmas of 1944 in the Novohrad Villages of Závada and Pravica .................................................................................... 110 LAMOŠ, Róbert: Interview with the Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring in the Documents ............................................................................. 124 Reviews ........................................................................................................................ 136 Bibliography ............................................................................................................... 148 Annotations, Glosses .................................................................................................. 159 Chronicle .................................................................................................................... 164 VOJENSKÁ HISTÓRIA ŠTÚDIE HLOHOVEC VO VÍRE VOJENSKÝCH UDALOSTÍ PO PÁDE VEĽKEJ MORAVY DO KONCA 13. STOROČIA ZDENKO G ÁLIK GÁLIK, Z.: Hlohovec in the Turmoil of Military Events after the Fall of Great Moravia until the End of 13 th Century. Vojenská história, 2, 20, 2016, pp 6-22, Bratislava. In the introduction of the study, the author addresses the localization of the Hlohovec Castle, which is still debatable and cannot be determined defi nitely. The author claims that this is only caused by the progress of archaeological research and its localization will be solved by the future archaeological investigation in this area. He also notes that several historians have assumed that the Hlohovec Castle, fi rst mentioned in writing in 1113, was standing in the place of an old Slavic settlement. However, other positions also cannot be excluded. In the era mentioned by Anonymus, the Hlohovec Castle was not only a fortress but also the administrative centre of the territory. Therefore, the Old Hungarians have already found a highly developed administrative organization here. Instead of revoking it, they took a hold of it, seized it and continued running many of the existing administrative centres in the territory under their own rule. Furthermore, the author analyses the period of 11th to 13th century, when the administration of royal property, military organization as well as the state and judicial power used to be seated at commitate castles such as the one in Hlohovec. The commitate system originated as the means of organizing the large royal (formerly princely) property, which in many ways grew from the older Great Moravian tradition. The commitate Hlohovec Castle was a military fortress capable of resisting even long-term siege. It prevented the enemy forces to make an advance deeper inside the country. Its fortifi cation was probably made of timber-and-earth mounds, several meters broad, providing suffi cient protection against invaders. The only disadvantage thereof was that the attackers could set them on fi re. After the Tatars had left the country (1241 – 1242), the commitate Hlohovec Castle, as the centre of the small border commitate, was rebuilt from timber- and-earth fortifi cation to a solid stone castle. The paper further contains description of the military events in 1271 – 1280. Military History. Slovakia. 10th –13th century. Hlohovec. Military Events from the Fall of Great Moravia until 13th Century. Po vymretí Mojmírovcov a po zániku Veľkej Moravy zdedili vládu nad Moravou a krátky čas (906 – 920) aj nad Nitrianskom ich príbuzní Přemyslovci. Potom Nitriansko ovládli starí Maďari a jeho ďalší osud určovali udalosti vnútri Karpatskej kotliny. Približne od roku 920 bolo Slovensko pod kontrolou staromaďarských vojenských posádok. Najstaršie maďarské jazdecké hroby a malé pohrebiská siahajú na severe po Skalicu, Hlohovec, Nitru, Levice, Lučenec, Michaľany1. V oblasti neskoršieho Nitrianskeho 1 STEINHŰBEL, Ján. Slovensko od príchodu Slovanov po zánik Nitrianskeho kniežatstva. In Zborník príspevkov k slovenským dejinám. Bratislava : Slovenský historický ústav Matice Slovenskej, 1998, s. 43. ISBN 80-7090-504-2. 6 VOJENSKÁ HISTÓRIA komitátu môžeme stanoviť hranicu severnú stálej maďarskej prítomnosti,