Fine-Tuning Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Control Options Over the Past Decade in East and Central Africa

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Fine-Tuning Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Control Options Over the Past Decade in East and Central Africa Eur J Plant Pathol (2014) 139:271–287 DOI 10.1007/s10658-014-0402-0 Fine-tuning banana Xanthomonas wilt control options over the past decade in East and Central Africa Guy Blomme & Kim Jacobsen & Walter Ocimati & Fen Beed & Jules Ntamwira & Charles Sivirihauma & Fred Ssekiwoko & Valentine Nakato & Jerome Kubiriba & Leena Tripathi & William Tinzaara & Flory Mbolela & Lambert Lutete & Eldad Karamura Accepted: 12 February 2014 /Published online: 7 March 2014 # Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging 2014 Abstract Xanthomonas wilt, caused by Xanthomonas tools and early removal of male buds to prevent insect campestris pv. musacearum has, since 2001, become vector transmission. Uprooting a complete mat (i.e. the the most important and widespread disease of Musa in mother plant and a varying number of lateral shoots) is East and Central Africa. Over the past decade, new understandably time-consuming and labour intensive research findings and especially feedback from small- and becomes very cumbersome when a large number scale farmers have helped in fine-tuning Xanthomonas of diseased mats have to be removed. Recent research wilt control options. During the initial years of the findings suggest that Xcm bacteria do not colonize all Xanthomonas wilt epidemic in East Africa, the com- lateral shoots (i.e. incomplete systemicity occurs) and plete uprooting of diseased mats and the burning or even when present that this does not necessarily lead to burying of plant debris was advocated as part of a symptom expression and disease. This led to a new control package which included the use of clean garden control method whereby only the visibly diseased plants G. Blomme (*) : W. Ocimati : W. Tinzaara : E. Karamura V. Na ka to Bioversity International, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, P.O. Box 24384, Kampala, Uganda Kampala, Uganda e-mail: [email protected] K. Jacobsen J. Kubiriba Royal Museum for Central Africa, NARO, Tervuren, Belgium Kawanda, Uganda F. Beed International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, L. Tripathi Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya J. Ntamwira CIALCA/INERA, Bukavu, South Kivu, DR Congo F. Mbolela C. Sivirihauma FAO-Bukavu, CIALCA/UCG, South Kivu, DR Congo Butembo, North Kivu, DR Congo F. Ssekiwoko L. Lutete National Agricultural Research Laboratories, FAO-Kinshasa, P.O. Box 7065, Kampala, Uganda Bas Congo, DR Congo 272 Eur J Plant Pathol (2014) 139:271–287 within a mat are cut at soil level. The underlying idea is reported in 1968 on enset (Yirgou and Bradbury 1968) that the continued removal of only the diseased plants in and later on banana in 1974 (Yirgou and Bradbury a field will reduce the inoculum level and will bring 1974) in Ethiopia. Since 2001, it has been reported in down disease incidence to an acceptable level. This Uganda (Tushemereirwe et al. 2003), DR Congo method is less labour intensive and takes a short time (Ndungo et al. 2004), Rwanda, Tanzania (Mgenzi compared to the removal of a complete mat. However, et al. 2006;Carteretal.2010), Kenya (Carter et al. single diseased stem removal needs to go hand in hand 2010) and Burundi (Carter et al. 2010). In DR Congo, with prevention of new infections that can occur through the disease has recently been reported, by the provincial the use of contaminated garden tools or through insect agricultural services, in Uvira and Fizi in South Kivu, in vector transmission. Novel transgenic approaches are the Kalemie territory of northern Katanga and in Tshopo also discussed. This paper presents an overview of past district in Oriental Province (Anonymous 2012). and ongoing research towards the development of a Infection occurs when the bacterium enters the vascu- more practical and less demanding control strategy for lar system of the plant through wounds. Xanthomonas Xanthomonas wilt. wilt is often spread through insect vectors, including stingless bees, honey bees, fruit flies and grass flies, Keywords Clean tools . Collective action . which transmit the inoculum from male buds of diseased Early de-budding . Escape variety. Resistance . plants to those of healthy plants (Tinzaara et al. 2006a, b). Single diseased stem removal Musa cultivars of the ABB genome group (e.g. ‘Pisang Awak’) which are mainly used for juice, beer and gin production in the ECA region are highly susceptible to Introduction insect vector transmission (Tushemereirwe et al. 2003; Addis et al. 2004; Tushemereirwe et al. 2004;Blomme Musa spp. (bananas and plantains) play a vital role in the et al. 2005a;Ndungoetal.2005; Tushmereirwe et al. food security and household income of local popula- 2006;Kagezietal.2006;Birumaetal.2007). Low levels tions in the East and Central African (ECA) region. of management are also observed in ABB plots across the Approximately one third of global Musa production is ECA region which significantly contributes to disease from sub-Saharan Africa, of which more than 50 % is spread. ‘Pisang Awak’ which is omnipresent in central produced in the East African Great Lakes region, in- Uganda led to the disease spreading like wildfire during cluding Burundi, Rwanda, North-Eastern Democratic the early years of the epidemic in Uganda. In contrast, Republic of Congo (DR Congo), Uganda, northwestern insect vector transmission is less frequently observed in Kenya and Tanzania (Frison and Sharrock 1999;FAO highland cooking and beer types (AAA-EA) and these 2013). systems are often, especially in zones which produce for Musa production in East Africa is constrained by urban markets as in south-western Uganda, well man- numerous socio-economic, biotic and abiotic factors, aged. This high level of management significantly con- including reduced labour availability and management, tributed to disease mitigation and prevented spread. All increasing pest and disease pressure and a declining soil Musa cultivars in the ECA region can however easily be fertility (Gold et al. 2000; Spilsbury et al. 2002). Among infected through the use of contaminated garden tools these constraints, banana Xanthomonas wilt has recently (Yirgou and Bradbury 1974;Eden-Green2004; Addis become one of the most important. Its non-discriminate et al. 2010). Contaminated garden tools can transmit the infection of all Musa cultivars and ability to cause up to disease up to 1 week after contact with diseased tissue/ 100 % yield loss, severely compromises livelihoods and bacterial ooze (Buregyeya et al. 2008). food security for banana farming households The disease can also be transmitted through the use (Ssekiwoko et al. 2006a, b;Kagezietal.2006; of infected planting materials (Eden-Green 2004). Tushmereirwe et al. 2006). In fact, low soil fertility Animals that feed on the rhizome, such as the aardvark and Xanthomonas wilt are currently considered to be and porcupine, have been implicated in local spread in the two greatest threats to banana productivity in the Ethiopian enset gardens (Thwaites et al. 2000) and, East African Great Lakes region (Kalyebara et al. 2007). theoretically, free-ranging ruminants, larger flying birds Caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris and bats could also act as possible vectors of the disease pv. musacearum (Xcm), Xanthomonas wilt was first (Smith et al. 2008; Buregyeya et al. 2008). Recently, Eur J Plant Pathol (2014) 139:271–287 273 banana weevils have also been shown to transmit Xcm specific research (Ssekiwoko et al. 2010; Tinzaara et al. (Were et al. 2013). Xcm was found on the weevil and in 2013b). the internal organs of the mouth, thorax and abdomen. A Therefore, during the initial years of the high bacterial load in the corms of plantlets where Xanthomonas wilt epidemic in East Africa, a four- weevils were released confirmed the possible role of pronged control strategy was advocated, consisting of: weevils as vectors of the disease via wounds they create i) the complete uprooting of diseased mats, ii) the burn- in the corm tissue. Although soil-borne infection was ing or burying of uprooted and chopped plant debris, iii) generally not considered to contribute significantly to the disinfection of garden tools before use, and iv) the disease spread (Smith et al. 2008), Xcm penetration early removal of male buds to prevent insect aided through wounds resulting from root damage caused by transmission (Karamura et al. 2006). While such a strat- nematodes and tools has been demonstrated (Shehabu egy combined with massive awareness creation cam- et al. 2010; Ocimati et al. 2013). paigns had been hoped to eradicate the disease, control Symptoms are typically evident within 3 weeks after was never achieved and instead, the disease continued to infection, although the time taken to reach different spread to new areas. It was later realized that the imple- stages of symptom expression may differ depending mentation of the strategy had been met with much on the cultivar, plant growth stage, mode of disease reluctance due to its impracticability, and the associated transmission and environmental conditions costs were often not sustainable for small-scale farmers (Ssekiwoko et al. 2006b; Addis et al. 2010;Ocimati (Tushmereirwe et al. 2006). Additional research studies et al. 2012). In general, disease progression will be faster were initiated to better understand the epidemiology of in AAA-EA cooking varieties compared to ABB culti- the disease and cultivar response in order to fine-tune vars (Ssekiwoko et al. 2006b; Ocimati et al. 2012), in the package of control options. young plants compared to mature plants and during the Over the past decade, several research and develop- wet season compared to the dry season (Tripathi et al. ment actors (i.e. international research institutes, gov- 2008;Mwangietal.2006; Tripathi et al. 2009). Infected ernmental research and extension agencies such as plants will show a progressive yellowing and wilting of NARO/NAADS in Uganda, national and international the leaves, and uneven and premature ripening of the NGOs such as CRS) and projects (e.g. the USAID- fruit (Tushemereirwe et al.
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