General Selected Bibliography

In addition to books and articles that are included in the list of abbreviations, supple- mentary literature to the Bar Kokhba Revolt can be found in the following lists:

1. Menahem Mor, Uriel Rappaport, “A Bibliography for the Bar-Kokhba Revolt: Works and Studies published in the Years 1960–1983.” In The Bar-Kokhba Revolt—New Studies, 243–254. 2. Menahem Mor, Uriel Rappaport, “A Bibliography for the Bar-Kokhba Revolt: Works and Studies published in the Years 1984–2000.” In New Studies on the Bar Kokhba Revolt, 139–161. 3. In the Appendix: Bibliography to the Bar-Kokhba Revolt (1990–2015).

The following list contains works related to the study of the Second Revolt which was used for the work on the book:

Abegg, Martin G., Evans, Craig A. “Messianic Passages in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In Qumran-Messianism, Studies on the Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls, edited by James. H. Charlesworth, Herman Lichtenberger, Gerbern S. Oegema, 191– 203. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1998. Abel, Félix-Marie. Histoire de la Palestine, II, Paris: J. Gabalda, 1952. Aberbach, Moses. The Roman-Jewish War, Its Origin and Consequences. : The Jewish Quarterly in association with R. Golub, 1966. Adler, Elkan-Nathan, Seligson, Max. “Un nouvelle chronique samaritaine.” Revue des Études Juives 45 (1902): 70–98; 223–254. Aescoli, Aaron Zeev. Jewish Messianic Movements in Israel: A Collection of Sources and Documents for the History of Messianism in Israel, Jerusalem Mosad Byaliḳ 1956 (Reprint 1987) (in Hebrew). Aharoni, Yohanan. “Expedition B.” Israel Exploration Journal 12 (1962): 186–199. Alexander, Philip S. “The Rabbis and Messianism.” In Redemption and Resistance; the Messianic Hopes of and Christians in Antiquity, edited by Markus Bockmuehl, James Carleton Paget, 227–244. London: New York: T&T Clark, 2009. Aleksandrov, G.S. “The Role of Aqiba in the Bar Kokhba Rebellion.” Revue des Études Juives 132 (1973): 65–77. Alt, Albrecht. “Limes Palaestinae.” Palästinajahrbuch 26 (1930): 43–82. Alföldy, Géza. Noricum, trans. Anthony Birley. London: Boston: Routledge & K. Paul, 1974. 494 general selected bibliography

Alon, Gedalia. “Rabban Johanan B. Zakkai’s Removal to Jabneh.” In Jews, and the Classical World: Studies in Jewish History in the Times of the Second Temple and . trans. Israel Abrahams, Jerusalem: Magnes Press 1977, 269–313. ———, “The Burning of the Temple.” In Jews, Judaism and the Classical World: Studies in Jewish History in the Times of the Second Temple and Talmud. trans. Israel Abrahams. Jerusalem: Magnes Press 1977, 252–268. Applebaum, Shimeon. “The Zealots: The Case of Revaluation.” Journal of Roman Studies 61 (1971): 156–170. ———, “Domitian’s Assassination: The Jewish Aspect.” Scripta Classica Israelica 1 (1974): 116–123. ———, “The Peasants Struggle for the Land and the Great Revolt.” Eretz Israel 12 (1975): 125–128 (in Hebrew). ———, “The Struggle for the Soil and the Revolt of 66–73.” Eretz Israel 12 (1975): 125– 128 (in Hebrew). ———, Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene. Leiden: Brill, 1979. ———, “Points of View on the Second Jewish Revolt.” Scripta Clasica Israelica 7 (1983/84): 77–87. ———, “The Second Jewish Revolt (AD 131–135).” Palestine Exploration Quartely 160 (1984): 35–41. ———, “The Initial Date of the Limes Palaestinae.” Zion 27 (1962): 1–10 (in Hebrew). [= “The Begging of the Limes Palastinae.” In Judaea in Hellenistic and Roman Times. Historical and Archaeological Essays, 132–144. Leiden, Brill, 1989]. ———, “Tineius Rufus and Julius Severus.” Judaea in Hellenistic and Roman Times. Historical and Archaeological Essays, 117–123. Leiden: Brill, 1989. ———, “For Whom did Appolodorus Wrote the Poliorktika.” Judaea in Hellenistic and Roman Times. Historical and Archaeological Essays, 111–116. Leiden, Brill, 1989. Ariel, Donald T. “A Survey of Coin Finds in Jerusalem until the End of the Byzantine Period.” Liber Annuus, Studii Biblici Franciscani 32 (1982): 273–326. Atkinson, Donald. “The Governors of Britain from Claudius to Diocletian.” Journal of Roman Studies 12 (1922): 60–73. Aviam, Mordechai. “The Contribution of Secret Tunnels in the Galilee to the Research on Secret Tunnels.” Nikrot Zurim 7 (1983): 53–59 (in Hebrew). ———, “The Fortified Settlements of Josephus Flavius and their Significance Against the Background of the Excavations of Yodefat and Gamla.” In The Great Revolt in the Galilee. Curator: Ofra Guri-Rimon, 29–52. Haifa: Hecht Museum, 2008. Avigad, Nahman. “Expedition A.” Israel Exploration Journal 12 (1962): 169–183, Tables 15–22. Avi-Yonah, Michael. “Greek and Latin Inscription from Jerusalem and Beisan.” Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 8 (1939): 57–59. ———, “The Roman Road System.” Israel Exploration Journal 1 (1950/51): 56–58.