Hay Erazhshtutʻiwn / Grigor Siwni ; [English Translation by Dickran And

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Hay Erazhshtutʻiwn / Grigor Siwni ; [English Translation by Dickran And Hay erazhshtutʻiwn / Grigor Siwni ; [English translation by Dickran and Anahit Toumajan]. Syuni, Grigor, 1876-1939. Erewan : Grakanutʻean ew aruesti tʻangarani hratarakchʻutʻiwn, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa This work is protected by copyright law (which includes certain exceptions to the rights of the copyright holder that users may make, such as fair use where applicable under U.S. law). It is made available from HathiTrust with explicit permission of the copyright holder. Permission must be requested from the rights holder for any subsequent use. Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa GRAD ML 334 .S861 2005 GRAD ML 334 .S861 2005 Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa yo lee xr jBRARtF'S Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa -, .a Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa MUSEUM OF LITERATURE AND ART GRIGOR SUNI ARMENIAN MUSIC Museum of Literature and Art Yerevan 2005 Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa VpuLuihrt1J bth unPfhtbUSb r-ucXcbuPuA% L.ti, G i-oy nqo rnC 1rc /ay ea h % AZ-I 4.ptuuQntr1iwG ti wpndiuuifi rautuptu fipuanwpuAfntihnQ bpliturG 200 Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa (479.25) 78 8%3> %VUq 85.31 (2<) U 558 4puwunwpwllntrawG u~wuiptnilg WwuP/i " Wtr"120.ftiP Prepared for Publication by Marine Mousheghyan V Editor: Henrik Bakhchinyan q English translation by Dickran and Anahit Tournajan. ~ I Translator of preface and editor of English text: Artsvi Bakhchinyan. ql~ppjfituuipsulinipa iin fingtudiuanptq hG q~.pbiqnp Ubidlh pannp' ujpnjdsunp fH'lUhL% U1rI"IlI4b 1 1 WD' qw~ud lUwfiwtpntfir UPwTO~ U V r u'r lw UUuh'Q «cUhth tlptud~nulpu 1tfiujudtuG 17puqjbp* nZ 2wfinttutphp fiuauunuinntj1iua xibngn{j The publication of this book was sponsored by Grigor Suni's grandson, Prof. RONALD SLNY and his wife, pianist ARMENA MARDEROSIAN, through the "Suni Project: Music Preservation" non-profit corporation. Uh~ti q9i.flp~ U 558 4tu~l tspw.d2wnn1ra1t / 9.phinp Uhnti~ - bp., %W- 2005, 140 t2: 4wutnnpG pt~rqp1 ntt 1: fiwi rpwuwluOG hpiud2um1tralwG iuailuwh Ghpl w- IswgntghZQhphg dfhlah' %lpjinp Ulnt~nt «4wui 1apwtnuntalntG ntunidGtuuh- pntranttip It hpqwfitu~li htiptiw14iuiqpntiant~p, npn0p rniiu laG itiuGnul wniwuhQ wuGqaui: 2,uimnpnulf qthtjwb tit lrn ptiwqptph w.GqgiptsG rpwp qdtGn tramtG G hip : In addition to his autobiography, this volume includes the research study "Armenian Music" by Grigor Suni, a well-known figure of classical Armenian music. Both are being published for the first time. The volume also includes English translations of those works. S4905000000 2005 q-Uq' 85.31 (2<) U 841(01) - 2005 ISBN 99930-60-59-3©qtia.00 2005 Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa ptat uinitpulwU uipt4liuili tGquipwanu5 QG~ .u.~w4tjg'4 tlhirti n~fi 1iptdwd~utG 4 Q n Gr}.~hp u di Gp: lJiumi u iwfi- ugtu~ijnuX hQ firm liptudjiihtph in thpwd~tnuiuit pli 2nip 170 wQ~itimwutG wpluittlip in f wuptubnnihp, npnQ~ ~rL qplpinXtiQ 130 000 inuIa (altnuqptip, uiqrliuqplxp, bptuqptip, GttuqtutGG1ip, ~ptup4iuunii npbr1ip Ii tuiff): U~uit 1q fiuitipdhnphQ fituiqp4wuilq S. 2ntuuui1wGji, tlnuljtnnwui, 1U'. U~inn h 4firmi hptd2UnnlaltuQ ilifltu lUf2flP Qhpuittgntgbi li- pi uipjui4flhipp: 'Iptug finTuiG ijpwu cp4.1 4 tiqpi~fiml hQit- GtqpintrinQlip, uihktuijununtaniGGthp. qgnrntpiiQ finltuib- mntupup Qntlp dnnttntihp: luugtiu opb Gwl1, iji1Iui1Awp~unuI juiGqlupu~nu1 utufiu uIQ4nq tuplitiuiG Ginrlpbi fijittuQ itpwn 6ptuntuptutiliUtifipw upudjnur hiQ i11zbQ'1nfimtuuji hpl bipt wrtailituQu fiuuinp Glipp: UuliGp Guilt, rip ltipPQ mnui lpi G r U uGtupui ~fiptui uptuIlnlrantp p Uraip gnrjji uh rpuUi phig GQuilt 1Jniiui u 4uqinil uialutipmlip U~p- pjiU in utu wqnpbntraup it 1p11tuih lntiapidnlntjunt- Uip, PUudiuGQuilt fiuti uiQ4tui bp tufituG blilinl t upu~ilip- iui~fi uui qgtunpbntjainUU~i pt ~ugtiwnnplup: U,1ld1 uilupGralipgnrq fiui~pntraiuU lip Ulip~wutug~nt qnip lJ'jipquu i Ujnt w 2uijlipu d2umntr1inUG. uni uui2luui- uin1la1n1Up: 4tul puiqaluiluipiQ hpuid2um taluG fluitunnmn ujuiuiuni~ntGp GUlituug~nq tuiu uipdliptuinp rilunulStuui- pnqrant~p fitpiuip lip qtq lGlipl.tuijuig~l Quilt w~ql1iphQ aupqituiGntituilp, filui uipi4uuiji uitrqfitupniui p~uiuiw4ui i~u ujiU npnaul~h tiin1 iptugnuXuun ltuip GQuilt ouiui- ptuiqqr pUraipgngjiQ: Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa U,2juunta1n1.Qp fipu nupuintlluG t -wnptuumi{1il npn2 judpwq~puAtu dTh2tunniiatudpr, pwQtb np RtrffituGw rG -4iGj tqiutnfi&un~tipn4 tuiQ F hQIRU up1il 4tiptGw1uG 11w ilu: Shipuuip btuGnawqpghl t, 1.tuuiwpitthl hG npn2 nulrlwu- qpu1u rn 4inuilpuijuiG f2qptnnu5sGtp, UIQQ2iu 4p6tnnu5- Qtip, qpt ti t tstuuGwqudntttuG wntu tupwQG: uJ2unnIlau~n fititnul tZ %Ipfqnp Upn~ni. btlp~wiG- utuqpn tl~n tGp, n p Q1hp 4 uitug Gn uI t ip tulut uin p 4n ui n q b- uinpli 4t hpud~tnuqliini 41tuQ nt qnpbrntQtinilalw fiwtui- qpl- fipuinuwudnilatuQp ilibujhu Qugtuutnil iG q cp1- qnp Ulntrnt lnnp' typnltiunp fHl'rqui UlnfitbGi 4 Gpwu tilip' r~u2Q1.uufiupndfiP U~pditw ltuprjipnutu~n, npnGg ti fiwul- Gnix hiGp tlhp IunpPQ 2Gpiutlnlltp U tip hiptu~utnwqb- unnlralndG tiGp fwtuinuJtt Qiuh pnlnp Gptug, nttjtip tuqu 4tf w1QL tutin4 rphig ihuu~wL~gntlantQG hQ 1aiptil tutu wupdtipui- 4n p t2uwmtunn.t1wG fi pwtr uwp u4 u4 t hG4 ot mutoqpwtutoG tU2 - NuiumuG~p~ hU: Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa ON BEHALF OF THE MUSEUM In the Museum of Literature and the Arts of Yerevan, the music archives hold a significant place. Here are kept some 170 personal archives and collections of Armenian musicians and musicologists, totaling 130,000 materials (manuscripts, advertise- ments, programs, instruments, works of fine art, etc.). Here the archives of Tchouhadjyan, Komitas, Yekmalyan, Spendiaryan, R. Melikyan, Grigor Suni (pronounces Siounee) and other great fig- ures in Armenian music have found a permanent resting place. Based on these archives, monographs, speeches, Wand scholarly articles have and are being written, and variegated collections of the works of Armenian musicians are being prepared. For instance, the academic volumes of the works of the great Komitas have and are being published largely on the basis of archival materials kept in the Museum. Let us add also that in the last sev- eral years the Museum's publishing house has made available to readers collections of materials on the lives and careers of Komitas' prize students, Armenak Shahmouradyan and Vahan Ter-Arakelyan, as well as two volumes containing the songs of the famous Armenian composer, Nikol Galanteryan, a project which will be continued in the near future. Now in this modest volume we present to our reading public another famous figure in Armenian music, Grigor Mirzaian Suni's Armenian Music, an unpublished work. This valuable study, rep- resenting a brief sketch of centuries-old Armenian music, we have found suitable to publish in English translation as well, in order to give non-Armenian readers a certain understanding into that rich world of Armenian music. The book has been prepared for publication with some editor- ial intrusion. Since the author, for unknown reasons, did not sub- ject it to a final proofreading. The text has been notated, certain Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa orthographic and punctuation corrections and some minor abridgements have been made, and a scholarly introduction has been added. Grigor Suni's extensive autobiography has been included as an addendum to the book. A copy of the original auto- biography was given to the composer's family by Mr. Ferdinand Kaimakamian. The publication of the book was mainly sponsored by Grigor Suni's grandson, Prof. Ronald Suny and his wife, pianist Armena Marderosian, to whom we express our deepest gratitude. Our grat- U' itude extends also to all those who, in this or that manner, partic- T ipated in the publication and printing of this valuable work. 21 It, u 41 fa 11 41 gI Generated on 2015-02-24 06:04 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015070111516 Open Access / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#oa , uf"R vgu1 XIX ruiph utlqjpig itlbG puwGhpnpr. fiuplntptuatjlt uljbiqpi pG1tui diuiltuQ wwfiuttnqup fitui wupilhuuib tqtuin- dntalkGdh Q~tuituwnptthg npugliu pti~nt~iG rtU1PW21pp- 2wQG, tippi tuggqqw G 12~w1ntlp1, fiwitn~tqliu ugpn Aiurn Gaq thptd~inntralniG thp1wptuuih, fiwuplpurp lnniralniQ~g fibium tuuutuptiq phiphg uu wqtunpbntrwQu, 4tunupnrlt4tuGw tup- ijlutnhi, pGQtuqrtuumnrltuG, hpwd21mtuq11unntluG pGtuquitiur- Gu~p, thnpwriiu, 4. U ptiftuA, q. U Qr11wptuflj, k zwm fltpl2Qhp rwutpawQ tuluop{gu fitut pn~Aiuin~tul hptud2ultu- gtu4 ?ipf2tul~1 nixrjin4: U11u 'Jb2wuP-nfl lip nwiiliQ uihrlG niQh Giub. 41prqnp Ulbp- cttuG UlniQFQ:
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