UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK PARAHYANGAN Jl. Ciumbuleuit No.94, West , INDONESIA40141 Ph. ++62-222032655 (ext 125) Fax: ++62-2220331110 Email: [email protected]


University Name Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR),

Office for International Affairs and Cooperation Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, 0 Building, 2nd Floor Address Jalan Ciumbuleuit 94 Bandung 40141 INDONESIA

Ratih Indraswari, MA Contact (s) for Chris Stephany, SIP Incoming and Outgoing [email protected] Students (+62) 222 032 655 or (+62) 222 042 364 Ext. 100263

http://unpar.ac.id Web Page http://io.unpar.ac.id

International Relations Program Law Area of Study Management Indonesia Language

Application Procedure

Application Procedure http://io.unpar.ac.id/application-form-international-student/ (student exchange application form, requested

documents, etc.)

Fall Semester: Spring Semester: Deadline March 30st August 30st

Academic Information Courses Information Academic Level(s)

http://io.unpar.ac.id/stu Exchange Program dying-in-unpar/ Undergraduate (open for all partners) Semester Program Exchange Program http://io.unpar.ac.id/acic (open only for ACICIS is/ Undergraduate Consortium) http://io.unpar.ac.id/joint -master-degree- Business program-in-business- Graduate Administration administration/ Joint Master Degree Program http://io.unpar.ac.id/joint -master-degree- Water Resources program-in-water- Graduate Engineering resources-engineering/

Non-Semester Based Programs

http://io.unpar.ac.id/immersion-program/ Undergraduate Immersion Programs Graduate

http://io.unpar.ac.id/international-student- International Student Undergraduate conference-isc/ Conference Graduate

http://io.unpar.ac.id/social-entrepreunership- boot-camp/ Undergraduate Sociopreneurship Graduate

Learning Sundanese http://io.unpar.ac.id/sundanese-culture/ Undergraduate Cultures Graduate

Fall Semester Spring Semester Academic Calendar 3rd of August – 3rd Week of 3rd Week of January – 2nd December Week of June

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Compulsory Language English Requirements (unless native) for Exchange Students

Transcript ‘s Due- One Month after the last day of Final Exam Date

Exchange Students Information Health Insurance Compulsory Health Insurance from the Home Country Requirements UNPAR provides assistance to find the dorm, but it must be indicate during the application. Beside that, UNPAR will provides student a housing in Wisma UNPAR for the rate of US$ 82 for one week. Subsequent month student has the preference to choose their own accomodation. This process will be assisted by Student Buddy. Accomodatio n To Apply for Accomodation: Please indicate on the cover letter of the application form that the student needs assistance to find and reserve the dormitory.

Pick Up Services will be provided based on request. But limited only for the arrival from your Travel Agents in Bandung. Internet Leisure Connectio Book Meals Transportatio (Gym, n and per Copy n Swimming) Mobile US$ 5-8 Cost of Living US$ 150 per Day US$ 0.5-1 US$ 50 (cost may US$ 15-20 per Semester per Month vary) per Month TOTAL

US $ 120-180 per Month

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Additional Information

Universitas Katolik Parahyangan or UNPAR was founded on January 17th, 1955, and initiated by the Bishop of Bandung, Mgr. P.M. Arntz and the Bishop of , Prof. Dr. Nicolaus Johannes Cornelius Geise, OFM. The university is located in the middle of Province, in the City of Bandung. The City of Bandung is affectionately known as Paris van Java, because the city is beautiful and the temperature is cool. It is located in hilly landscape.

UNPAR’s Vision. To become a humane academic community guided by compassion in truth and to promote local excellence at an international level, driven by the desire to improve human dignity and to uphold the integrity of natural creation, based on our maxim: Bakuning Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti ("In God we pursue science & knowledge and dedicate our efforts to the community")

UNPAR’s perception of Human Values. Essentially, humanity shows in the way humans appreciate and respect human integrity, which consists of mind, emotion, body, and harmony. A truly dignified human being is a person who always acts using a combination of his/her sensibilities and intellectual as well as physical skills to foster peace and harmony in society.

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