Asia Tourism Forum 2016 – The 12th Biennial Conference of Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Asia (ATF-16)

The Influence of Packaging Towards The Purchase Decision of Travel Packages in Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan Pengaruh Packaging Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Paket Wisata Seni di Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan

Micky Andrea Yunus University of Education , West Email: [email protected]

Abstract-West Java has many potential The population in this research are tourist attractions, began to develop at this educational institutions with the sample size time, such as natural attractions, artificial, using the formula of Slovin, thus obtained a cultural, culinary, and special interest. One sample of 42 respondents. The sampling tourist attraction that develop nowadays is technique used is sample random sampling art tourist destination. Its development can and data analysis technique used is multiple be seen in Bandung, , and regression analysis. Based on the results of West Bandung Regency. Bale Seni Barli- the variables studied, showing that the effect Kota Baru Parahyangan is one of the art of packaging on purchase decisions tourist destination in West Bandung outbound tour packages for 79,9%, while the Regency, this destination offers a variety of remaining 20,1% is influenced by other activities which is workshop for tourists. . In variables not examined in this study, such as order to increase the visitor, the the quality of products and promotions. management of Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan offers a tour packages Keywords—packaging, purchase (packaging) with the main target are decision, tour packages education institutions such as kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school. I. INTRODUCTION Related to the matter so that the research Tourism has become one of the largest about the influence packaging towards the industries in the world, provide of purchase decision of tour packages to employment as well as its role in the world student tourists, in order to obtain findings economy continues to increase. Tourism as on the effect of packaging consisting of or an industry of invisible export has an impact demand generators include attractions, on the effect of multidimensional, such as provide value to the customer, consistent creating jobs, reducing poverty, improving quality and compatibility, be well planned the economy of a country or region to be a and coordinated, distinctive customer priority for the national economy, as well as benefits, and covers all the details on the other industries, such as handicraft purchasing decisions tour packages to industry, lodging, and transportation. student travelers Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Art tours are included in the category of Parahyangan. The research used descriptive special interest tours. Art tourism has at least verification type and the method used is an two definitions, the first point of view takes explanatory survey using an ordinal scale. from its cultural side, such as the placement of statues, monuments, and/or murals or art exhibition for cosmetic reasons society and

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the second one is the commercial side where of components measurable and the views of the community or hear some immeasurable that make up an activity at a form of artistic expression in the exchange tourist attraction as a destination attractions, for payment. According to Getz (2010: 9) destination facilities and services, reveals that there are several arts and accessibility, images of the destination, and cultural attractions are included in the art of the price to the consumer. travel, namely (1) static art, architecture, and The success of packaging in the tourism installations; (2) an annual festival or industry must be supported by a variety of celebration is cultural or ritual; and (3) a factors that support and provide benefits not creative experience that is education or only for tourists but also for tourism special interests that brings the educative organizations that has been made. According activities or special interests. to Morrison (2010: 404) there are five Bale of Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan is factors that play a role in increasing the use the alternative tourist attraction in West of the package as a marketing tool services Bandung regency located in Kota Baru in the tourism industry, including the smooth Parahyangan. Bale Seni Barli Kota Baru pattern of business, improve profitability, Parahyangan is one of special interest tours help marketing strategies segmenting, help that focused on the promotion and it offers products, the relationship between the travel various art activities. Bale Seni Barli Kota hospitality and travel organization. From Baru Parahyangan is one of particular various dimensions of packaging according interest in this regard included in the travel to the experts, the researcher will refer to the category of art. With the packages that are theory proposed by Morrison (2010: 417) offered, Bale Seni Barli is expected to attract because these dimensions is appropriate with tourists to come and buy tour packages. It the conceptual travel packages art on the can influence purchase decision and be more research’s object. These dimensions consist consideration for tourists to match the needs of attraction or demand generators, value, with the desire, and to see how effective the planning and coordination, consistent quality package in order to add the value of the and compatibility and covers all the details. activities to the tourists. B. The Concept of Purchase Decision II. LITERATURE REVIEW A decision involves a choice between two A. Concept of Packaging or more alternative actions (behavior). Purchase decision is the process by which The marketing mix is part of the buyers choose one of several options based marketing activities that have an important on product or brand to be consumed. role in influencing consumers to buy Business buyers usually face a more products or services offered. Tjiptono (2011: complex purchase decision of the end 39) argues that Marketing Mix is a set of consumer. Purchasing often involve large tools that can be used to establish the amounts of money and the interaction characteristics of the services offered to between people who shared level in the tourists. Packaging in many ways is part of a organization of the buyer. In business buyer marketing orientation and a way to produce of the purchase processing is more and meet the needs of tourists through complicated, business buyer require a longer service facilities. Packaging is very time to make decision. Business buyer’s customer-oriented, its satisfies customer’s behavior is the behavior of the purchasing needs that are varied, including the desire of organizations that buy goods and services the tourists in a package and is based on the that being used in the production of order of demand from tourists itself. According products and services sold, rented, or Middleton and Clarke (2001: 124), The supplied to other profit (Kotler and relationship between the tourism product Armstrong, 2012: 201). and packaging to form a bundle that consists

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III. HYPOTHESES RESEARCH provide a distinctive customer benefits, and Hypothesis is a tentative conclusion that covers all the details on purchase decision in must be verified or tentative proposition can Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan on be said about the relationship between two student tourists. or more variables (Masyhuri and Zainuddin, IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2011: 142). Hypotheses usually accepted as a temporary statement as true as it was and The unit of analysis in this study is 42 is a guide working in the verification (Ikbar, student tourists who purchased travel art 2012: 141) or in the form of repetition of the packages in Bale Barli-Kota Baru problem statement with weighting prediction Parahyangan. Based on the period of the research related to the results of a study study research method that is involves (Suharsaputra, 2012: 60). Based on the collecting sample data set of the population understanding about hypothesis above, then carried out only one time and in a period of the researcher compose this hypothesis as less than one year, the research method used follows:”There is a significant relationship is cross sectional method (Sugiyono, 2010: between attractions or demand-generators, 5) Survey method is being used to collect provide value to the customer, consistent information on the part of the population quality and compatibility, be well-planned with the aim to find out what they thought and coordinated, provide distinctive benefit, about the object itself. covers all the details towards purchase The questionnaire contains questions and decision in Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru statements concerning the characteristics of Parahyangan. respondents have been developed to measure Based on the theories that have been put variables packaging and purchase decision forward, the proposed hypothesis should be in Bale Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan. proven through research. Research in Instruments are divided into four sections. formulating a hypothesis supported by some Part I consists of 7 questions about of the premise as follows: demographic characteristics of respondents, 1. The tour package is one of the factors that i.e. gender, age, region of origin, the last create the visitor experience for tourists. education, employment, occupation, income Arsenault and Gale (2004: 21) per month. Part II consists of 5 parts of 2. Package has implications for the tourists’ respondent experiences. Part III consists of consideration to travel. 18 questions to measure packaging Rewastrakunphaiboon and Oppewal (2004: consisting of attractions or demand 183) generators, provide value to the customer, be 3. The tour package is one effective way of well planed and coordinated, offer consistent dealing with potential travelers. Tourism quality and compatibility among elements, organizations should develop a package of provide a distinctive customer benefits, and tourism attractions and its facilities. Kotler, covers all the details that they (respondents) Bowen and Makens (2006: 752) feel by using a Likert scale with the approval 4. Package is the first thing that becomes the level ranging from (1) "Strongly Disagree" consideration of travelers concerning the to (5) "Strongly Agree". Part IV consists of product and it could change their decision. 10 questions to measure purchase decision. Kotler and Keller (2008: 20) The survey was conducted within a month Based on the premise above, the with the help of staff Bale of Barli-Kota researcher hypothesized that there is a Baru Parahyangan. The positive response significant between the packaging consisting and good rating has been obtained during the of include attractions or demand generators, survey. A total of 50 questionnaires were provide value to the customer, be well collected. The data encoding process planed and coordinated, offer consistent performed on Statistical Product and Service quality and compatibility among elements, Solutions (SPSS) Version 20. Reliability

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testing carried out separately and the results Clarity guides in providing 4.14 0.95 showed that the instrument used reliable guidance to participants with Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.743 for packaging, and 0.731 for purchase decision. The attractions of the 3.83 0.72 composition of travel V. RESULT RESEARCH packages activities A. Profile of Respondents Average 4.07 Based on descriptive statistics, 57.1% (n Provide Value to The Customers (PV) = 100) of the respondents were women The amount of the benefit 3.95 1.03 compared with men who only 42.9%. If by received from the travel age group, 52.3% were aged between 31-40 package years. Most tourists who purchased travel The amount of sacrifice in 3.88 0.99 packages in Bale Barli-Kota Baru monetary/non-monetary Parahyangan is 66.6% of graduates S1 and issued S2 with the remaining 33.4%. If seen from The agreement price with 4.16 0.93 the area of origin of tourists, 23.8% came sacrifice issued price from , 7.1% came from Tangerang, Average 3.99 4.7% came from Bekasi, and 4.7% from Planned and Coordinated (PC) other cities. Rating based jobs, the majority The suitability of the 3.59 0.96 of respondents civil servants (71.4%), which concept package with the consists of the post of teachers, principals purpose activities and administrative staff, while the remaining Coordination between 3.57 0.80 28.6% is private employees. Based on elements of the travel income per month, a total of 42.8% found in package the range of Rp3,000,000 to Rp5,000,000 Consistency of the quality 3.57 0.88 followed by 30.9% in the range of more than of the service guide Rp5,000,000 and the remaining 26.3% in the Average 3.57 range of Rp1,000,000 to Rp 3,000, 000. Consistent Quality and Compatibility Based on the reason tourists choose Bale of (CQC) Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan, 42.9% opted The safety of the media in 3.57 1.19 for the attraction and promotion given by travel package 38.1%, the quality of services in third with a Cleanliness of the area 3.85 0.95 gain of 33.3%, followed by facilities by 25, Cleanliness media in the 3.38 0.98 3%, and the final price, location, as well as travel package the diversity of the products get the same Average 3.6 value, namely 28.6%. Distinctive Customer Benefit (DCB) TABLE 1 : Mean the decision of The diversity of packages 3.57 0.83 packaging Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru The attractiveness of the 3.57 0.96 Parahyangan activities Variable Mean Stand Average 3.57 ard Cover All Details (CAD) Deviat The availability of the 3.35 1.12 ion information in purchase Attractions or Demand-generators (ADG) travel packages The attractions of travel 4.42 0.80 The availability of media 3.73 1.28 packages in Bale Seni tools for travel packages Barli The advantages of the 3.50 1.04 Duration of the activity in 3.90 0.98 packages in special rate Bales Seni Barli Average 3.52

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Total average 3.72 TABLE 3: Results of Testing Statistical Hypotheses (Packaging) Hypothesis Statement Score Desciption Source: Data analysis 2014 H1 Attractions or 1.072 H01 accepted demand- Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the generators is average score of attractions or demand- positive and has significant generators ranging from 3.83 to 4.42, it impact on the indicates that the respondents were agree purchase and satisfied with the attractions in Bale decision

Seni Barli (4.42). On provide value to the H2 Provide value 0.531 H02 accepted customers, the respondents believed that the to the price set by the organizer is appropriate with customer is positive and the sacrifices of the customers. This is has significant consistent with the average score on these impact on the items (4.16). Then on consistent quality and purchase compatibility, the respondents feel that the decision cleanliness of the area is already clean H3 Planned and 0.524 H03 accepted (3.85). While the diversity of packages and coordinated is positive and the attractiveness of the activities has the has significant same score (3.57). The last one in cover all impact on the details, the respondents feel that they are purchase fulfilled with the availability of the media decision tools (3.73). The recapitulation of responses H4 Consistent 0.033 Ha4 accepted packaging is presented as follows: quality and compability is TABLE 2: Summary result of responses positive but packaging in Bale Seni Barli not significant No Subvarible Score Item Average influence on Questions Score the purchase 1 Attractions 685 4 171 decision or Demand- H5 Distinctive 0.359 Ha5 accepted Generators customer 2 Provide 504 3 168 benefit is Value to The positive but Customer not significant 3 Planned and 451 3 150 to purchase Coordinated decision 4 Consistent 454 3 151 H Cover all 0.203 H accepted Quality and 6 a6 details is Compatibility positive but 5. Distinctive 300 2 150 not significant Customers to purchase Benefit decision 6. Cover All 445 3 148 Details Source: Data analysis 2014 Total 2839 18 938 There is value Sig. 0.002 on ADG smaller Source: Data analysis 2014 than value probability 0.1, or the value 0.002 The total score ideal (criteria) for all tems < 0.1, so that H01 accepted and Ha1 rejected. are 2780 (if all answer “Strong Agree”). Variable ADG has tvalue = 3.410 with ttable Based on the above table, the scores =1.688. It can be conclude that that the obtained from the research is 2839, it can be variable ADG has contributed to the conclude that the approval rate of the purchase decision. Positive value indicates packaging is 75% from the expectation that the variable ADG has a direct (100%). relationship to the purchase decision. So we

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can conclude ADG has a significant positive > 0.1, so that H06 rejected and Ha6 accepted. effect on purchase decision. Variable CAD has tvalue = 1.051 with ttable =1.688. So that t < t , it can be There is value Sig. 0.005 on PV smaller value table conclude that that the variable CAD has not than value probability 0.1, or the value 0.005 contributed to the purchase decision. Positive < 0.1, so that H02 accepted and Ha2 rejected. value indicates that the variable CAD has a Variable PV has tvalue = 1.690 with ttable direct relationship to the purchase decision. =1.688. So that tvalue > ttable, it can be So we can conclude CAD has not a conclude that that the variable PV has significant positive effect on purchase contributed to the purchase decision. decision. Positive value indicates that the variable PV has a direct relationship to the purchase VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS decision. So we can conclude PV has a Based from the above processing and the significant positive effect on purchase research that has been done in the previous decision. chapter, in this final section the authors There is value Sig. 0.021 on PC smaller suggest several conclusions and suggestions. than value probability 0.1, or the value 0.021 In summary it can be conclude as follows: < 0.1, so that H03 accepted and Ha3 rejected. 1. The variety of responses Bale of Barli Variable PC has tvalue = 1.873 with ttable about packaging that is consists of =1.688. So that tvalue > ttable, it can be attractions or demand-generators, provide conclude that that the variable PC has value to the customer, offer consistent contributed to the purchase decision. Positive quality and compatibility among value indicates that the variable PC has a elements, be well planned and direct relationship to the purchase decision. coordinated, distinctive customer benefits, So we can conclude PC has a significant and covers all the details, then who gets positive effect on purchase decision. the highest ratings are the attractions or While value Sig. 0.092 on CQC greater demand- generators, it is due to the than value probability 0.1, or the value 0.092 attraction offered by Bale of Barli > 0.1, so that H04 rejected and Ha4 accepted. different from other tourist attraction, Variable CQC has tvalue = 0.928 with ttable which carries a special theme that is arts =1.688. So that tvalue < ttable, it can be and travel packages offered are varied conclude that that the variable CQC has not and. While the lowest score is distinctive contributed to the purchase decision. Positive customer benefit, it is because the lack of value indicates that the variable CQC has a supplies media required for travelers as a direct relationship to the purchase decision. support activity art tourism in Bale Barli So we can conclude CQC has not a and also the diversity of tour packages significant positive effect on purchase offered. decision. 2. Purchase decision Bale travel packages in There is also value Sig. 0.414 on DC Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan in general greater than value probability 0.1, or the based continuum line is on the high level. value 0.414 > 0.1, so that H05 rejected and Purchase decisions assessed by the Ha5 accepted. Variable PC has tvalue = 0.827 selection of products / services, number of with ttable =1.688. So that tvalue < ttable, it can purchases, purchasing requirements, terms be conclude that that the variable DC has not and time of purchase, and payment contributed to the purchase decision. Positive methods. From these four indicators, value indicates that the variable DC has a selection of products / services get the direct relationship to the purchase decision. highest score, it is because the uniqueness So we can conclude DC has not a significant of tour packages offered by Bale of Barli positive effect on purchase decision. supported by good quality travel packages as well as safe for tourists. While value Sig. 0.300 on CAD greater than value probability 0.1, or the value 0.300

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