© Lonely Planet Publications 224 www.lonelyplanet.com KADAVU GROUP •• Orientation 225 ORIENTATION school children. There are good treks into The small town of Vunisea is Kadavu’s ad- the interior from Tiliva Resort, Papageno ministrative centre, with the island’s police Eco-Resort and Nagigia Resort. Staff there Kadavu Group station, post office, hospital (all on the top of often act as guides or you can head off on the hill) and airstrip. It is on an isthmus with your own but ask locals if a track is clear Namalata Bay to the west and North Bay to beforehand. The strip of coast between the east. Vunisea is easy to get around on Waisalima Beach Resort and Tiliva vil- foot, but of little interest to travellers. lage makes for a scenic walk at low tide. Unspoilt and with positively prehistoric landscapes, this group of islands sits some 100km The isolated villagers are very traditional below Viti Levu’s southern coast in a flourish of emerald green. Steep verdant banks rise INFORMATION so when visiting a village, ask to speak to from the rugged shoreline hinting at an untamed interior. It’s more than a hint; a dearth Emergency the turaga-ni-koro (hereditary chief) first, % KADAVU GROUP of roads and infrastructure largely confines transport to small boats and maintains the Fiji Recompression Chamber Facility ( 885 0630; remove your hat and don’t carry things on
[email protected]; cnr Amy & Brewster Sts, your shoulders (see p36 for more informa- islands’ flawless complexion. For visitors, the effort of traversing the perimeter is offset by Suva) Divers suffering from the bends can be transferred to tion on village etiquette).