Fservice^ ARLINGTON, Vizsin Tonight at 10:30 P
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THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. For 'a novel W$ E-4 SUNDAY, JANUARY 18. 103 S -TODAY Sunday, January 18, 1953 AUTO RADIO treat. delicious Ms 1 RADIO T-V SUK! YAKf S*ig A.M. | WMAL 630 WRC 980 WWDC 1260 WOOK 1340 WEAM 1390 WOL 1450 IWTOP 1500 SERVICE Sake Served in Whistling Cups :M News Hilly Wright Chapel i> Sky iikltwiy Ckurck OU-Fiskiemi News; Ciicirt CBS News D. C.-NEARBY MD. ” ” " ” " " COAL NIGHT OR DAY AND SUNDAYS Blue Chose* People Revival Hour Pep Cencert CBS Farm Haws Ridge, Va., Hard UO-Day Written Guarantee :SI Light aal Lila Heur M " Spirituals " " " ” Akron Baptists Church s« the Air Anthracite (j*s£gZMsj&l 8:1S " " ” " " & " “ :45 Carle* With Beattie " Temple ", “ Chestnut $18.93 TRIANGLE RADIO TV 1018 Vermont Ave. Reierv. EX 3-A474 11124 Georgia Ave. Sfttnrdan I to 1* P.M <Cloao4 •«¦.) :0I Heur as Prayer Warn Hews Song Sereiaii Spirituals PTisa* Vespers Hews Carle* Cate Stove, $19.18. Pea. $15.03 ” ” Hally Wright Sunlay Spirituals Jennings Jehnsen " " Werld Hews LOckwood 5-0466 " t Cathedral Cane* :30 Voice es Prophecy “ " " Unity Viewpaint Gaspel Truths Sunlay Music Tsp Pap Cancart COLONIAL FUEL CO. 9:l* " " " ’* :** Piana Patterns Bells as Harmany Travelaires " " " " NA. 8-0245 :0B Message as HatiaiTai~Ralii M. B. Ferd Silvartanes Bible Class Hewsf Tap Pap Cancart " " Melalies ” " 4A:l* Israel Pulpit Flying Cleuls Sunday Music " " | U :M Sherman Butler Art es Living Hews; Ferl Mt. Zien Church Melaly Lane » " Children's :W Show Haws M. Q. Farl " " •' " •• Theater - :«* Sherman Butler Musie Super Spirituals Hews; Music Back te Gel NewsTMusic Salt Lake " " " Show Viewpoint U. S. A. Music far You " Sunlay Musie Tabernacle FOAM RUBBER :3B Christian in Action u. H. Is My Beat 4th Preshytarlaa Trinity Lutharaa Arlington Church Centennial Baptist .Hews; invitation etS n:JS “ any type quantity " or for Mattresses. *a i si :4S The_Llviig Warld Church Church as the Air church ta Learning Furniture, Cushions, Pillows, Benches, P.M. Boats, Autos, etc. iof News Brayar; Haws Bing Crasby News; Spirituals News; Musicals News Guy Lombardo *VIS Brunch Tima Music Sale* and Guest Millay Spirituals Sunlay Musicals Milt Great Inaugural Preview Buy direct at Wathington’e 4 ” » " » Eternal Light es •• •• G°^ f 9 The Baptist Hour Amateurs IK3 Howard X. Smith |/:3« ” ” ” ” " ” ” " foam rubber " " " " warehouse :4S Hews; Cestello _ :00 HeSrraTTrutt Yeuth Wants Amateurs as IMS News; Music Italia* Hour Sunday Sympheny Mooniial ” ” " " LATEX FOAM " " " PRODUCTS CO. to Knew Sister Cecelia ” Matinee •• •• ” » •jg Phil Wilsea Chicago Roualtakli News; Super Parade Americans All Sentimental Train 807 H St. N.W. District 7-0587 •• •• •' ” M " •• •• 1:15 » - >• •{ Super Parade - - - News; Witsa a CathaTie Hour Honor Rail Hits Church iTsad Sentimental Train jeffersenTan Symphanetta U :H »•• » •• •• Phil Wilsen Religious Pregram Heritage " " " Sunlay Shew American Forum News; Honor Rail Music far You " Sunlay Matinee N. Y. Philharmonic tte^fco^ :30 " " " ” " 2:15 ” " Honor Rail Hits " " Orchestra h :45 _ “AUTO HEATERS” et frg " (0 Roper Shooter CtC ; NTtvirWilsen Elina Hawkins Blackman Twins News; Train News; Matinee N. Y. Philharmonic : « " " S^ . Brings Music HOT WATER r Phil Wilson Youth Music far You Sentimental Train Sunday Matinee Orchestra ' 6^^ 4 " " " ” ;JB Sunday Shew Bob Cansiline News; Hawkins >• •• » » To Fit Any Model Car Ft j;r " " 3:15;45 " ” Critic at Large Skeeter Hawkins " " » •» » - SALES, REPAIRS t /Tat/, ~ :B0 Hews; wiiseii WRC Honar Rail Skeeter Hawkins Presbyterian Church News; ’rain News; Matinei America Calling " " ”'• •• " AND INSTALLATION Phil Wilson Here’s te Vets Sentimental Train Sunday Matinee or ’’ ” Onr the rev. oUee. la town when 30 I Sunday Shew Sammy Kaye's Headline Bands Prayer; Melody >' " Freedom, U. S. A. you can drlvt tn for prompt depend mm? " » ” " 4:15 " •• » >• •• :45 1 Sunday Serenade "; News Melody Special %hle service :00 Billy Graham Hollywood Stir The Shadow NewsTMeVody News; Piano Moods News; Matinee Arthur Godfrey's- Drivin Radio ” " Saleservice " ” Playhouse Melody Special Message to Israel Sunday Matinee Roundtable New lenev Ave. * D St N.W LI. 4-IRI4 :30 Greatest Story Counterspy True Detective " " Full Gospel " » Robert Trout " ” " ” ” " •* -5:15:45 Ever Told Tabernacle " >• Adams o - mWi :00~ Brew Pearson Mr President Nick Carter News: Melody TtaTlaiT Musical Sunday Matinee December Bride ” " Monday Headlines from "”;News Melody Special Milt Grant '' " MMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMM " " " " :30 National Roosevelt te Tip Tunes » our Miss Brooks " " ” " ” 6:15:45 Vespers tisenhower News •> >• •• •> D T :00 Old Fashieiii Meet Yeur Motch Melody”Lana News; Malady Ave Maria Heur jack " News; Grant Benny ” " " " " ” TODAY! Z —Wide World photo. Revival Hour Melody Spocial "’’ I Milt Grant " " ” ” GALE STORM •• •• and CHARLES FARRELL. : 30 Henry Aldrich Washington Catholic Lutheran Hour Amos 'n' Andy »• " " " " " " " 7:15 » » » .45 Haur >¦ - RALPH s*Mm :00 American Musie Phil Harris-Alice 4th Presbyterian National MetrepolTta* Bergen-McCarthy l News; Serenade aXjiiwj Mp Hall Faye Show Church Presbyterian Baptist Church ; " " Sunday Serenade Show RICHARDSON “ ” Theater •> •• :30 United States Guild Church My Little Margie Academy Award Nominee 8:15 " " ” " " " Has Saved » •• » J Television » :45 Navy Heur on the Air — :»g Walter WiackeM fk7ater Giild Hit Revui News; Special Meet Your Congress Hews 7 Playhouse i DEBORAH KERR " " ” " ”Concert es Stars Taylor Grant News on the Air Melody Special " " j+"One of the finest pictures to come otn Earner years." Mission te Werld Dragnet D. Barnkeuse Gaspel Escape Jr out of England in recent " Dr. Tabernacle Musie ta Remember auixairitiom Farrell :30 " " t_ j From Epitaph 9:15 » » >» •> ffp :4S AlisUlr Ceeke ”J] Malady Special f Vyj ft :00 Paul Harvey, News Barrie Craig District Roundtable Springfield Yeuth for Christ gurgotownlj itDAY WILL DAWN lH ru ” " " " Then's Music 'My Little Margie' Made Him TV Star Sokolsky ” " British Commando Thriller 4 A:ls 8*«H« Baptist Church f(rum „ th , Alr ? Wings Healing Maet Qulzpiratian •• » Itl 30 es th* Press Paul Hallett Shew Temple Church H... “...... * Picture ” ” " " " " 8 'Silent Star' « MODERN MATINEE of a « Instead :45 es God serenade I* Blue #ort( P.M. • Channel 5 eW S»,rt* C>ME» Theater Tempi* News; Lullaby J2.00 :M . Church - By James Bacon .‘ ~. r* Thrworld'fonight 4 4:15 SU. S. Coost Guard Hour of Dreams es the Air Music far You Lutlahy Train •'» shnwtimt Wish T'nite- Sots HOLLYWOOD. that TV could give a break to „ Pan American Lee Public S.rvlc “.‘d, pa,to. S.I Cloakn.- ' if,, , 1 H " " After 25 years Charlie Far- Farrell “who has had a tough :?* _!!_ rtL Composers So u tinie of 11 ta recent years ” Billy Graham News; T. Dorsey Sign Off News; Spirituals Lullaby °«sZg'Bois finally chumps 12:00 Train M„,|t / / rell has made If * ' u .„ gave a those I) iTiNf £P w to out of tiftttiminftd histor-ief This chuckle UBL,r > - / the Hollywood Mayor of who know Farrell> * rlans - Palm Springs. Calif., and owner Monday. 19, I of Club, swank Tomorrow January 1953 Farrell probably would have the Racquet A.M. gone to his grave resigned to desert hangout of the movie WMAL630 WRC 980 WWDC 1260 WOOK 1340 WEAM 1390 WOL 1450 WTOP 1500 ;00 News: Gibbons News; Reed Art Brown News; Special News; Roundup News; Davis News; Salute the erroneous of crowd. '* " epitaph Jim Gibbons Boh Road Uptown Special Reagan's Roundup Herb Davis Mark Evans ” ” ’’ " " " " calls him " “Silent Picture Star” had it Charlie (everybody 30 Musie—Sports News; Art Brew* News; Evans 6:13 ** ” not been for a television series Charlie) admits that he was :4 *_ Hews Art Brown Morning Spirituals " " Dale Crawley Mark Evans called “My Little Margie.” a little irked that critics should ;00 News; Gibbons News; Reed Art Brown News; Spirituals News”Roundup Newsi~Davis News] Evans Actually Charlie made about go back 25 years in order to Jjm Gibbons Boh Reed " " Rhythm Special Reagan’s Roundup Herb Davis Mark Evans " ” 10 silent pictures as com- Pan his TV debut, 7:13:30 Music—Sports Voice of Washington " *' " ” " •' News; Mahoney $ Protect Your Most pared with more than 40 The show continued, despite the bad reviews. Then Charlie ;00 News; Jim Gikksns Werld Roudup Art Brown News; Rhythm Pinehrook Praises Herb Davis World News talkies. •• •• realized the dream of all actors 'Jim Gibbons Boh Reed Rhythm Special " ” » » Sundial One of the silents, “Seventh ;3B Music—Sports News; Reed News; ” " v Valuable Possession! 8:15 Br*w» Unity Viewpoint Reagan's Roundup Eddie Gallaher ’ * W Heaven,” is the cause of the —be proved the critics wrong, history-book pic- The show suddenly jumped Your eyes must last 1 lifetime. Like other fine and delicafi fog. That :0* Breakfast Club Boh Reed Art Birown News; Rhythm News; Reinhart News; oTvis Hews of America Featured today—and every Sunday J top-rated three of the " " " *y * *,,er ,n(J lon wi,t' ture, one of the all-time greats the Oil McNeill "; M. Persons Rhythm Special Ted Reinhart Davis; Devotions You’re the Tap ' % • mech<nisms ’ #s s#rvl s*r P r#P* r " " on WTOP at 4:30 P.M. Tyrone Ql* " mi of the national shows. 7TO Victor Lindlahr News; Ford " " " Boh Elinor Lee examinedl industry, established " Davis’ iy care. Have your eyes regularly. " Power stars in “Freedom, U. S. A.,” | The sponsors that the :4 Meredith Willson Milton Q. Ford " " " ” Nancy Farrell and Janet Gaynor as found Musical Bazaar -”Dixon the program that takes you right :00 My True Story Welcome Travelers old-timers who made Farrell Milton Q. Ford News; Musie Bulletin Beard News; Arthur Godfrey • screen’s top " " Davis inside the U. S. Senate. EYES FITTED " " " ” Warmly the heartbeats. S,r * EXAMINED GLASSES and Miss Gaynor one of the ets Musie Shop Morning Worship Boh Davis' recommended for children, it’s 11l l. " " " • IU'311 Whispering Streets Double *r Nothing News; Ford Pet* Cassell Musical Bazaar " PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED LENSES DUPLICATED Spot all-time movie box-office teams " ” A Tough ” '• " " •• ” ” " presented public by =43 A Girl Marries m.